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Hello! Here is an essay question. And here is a model answer. But all of  the linking expressions have been removed! Oh no! That is terrible! My name is Toby, this is  SMASH English and here is everything you need to   know about linking words and expressions to write  the perfect essay for the B2 First Cambridge exam. The introduction. Here is our fabulous introduction and in our  introduction we have contrast. Wow contrast!   We have our opening statement which is a  general sentence about the topic but then we   introduce a question that seems to contradict  it. How exciting. What words can we use here?   Remember we are starting a sentence and this  clause contains some very important information:   our question! Well if we are starting a sentence  and the content of this sentence contradicts or   contrasts with what we said before, we can say  NONETHELESS or NEVERTHELESS. Wow brilliant!   Toby is a fantastic man and incredibly intelligent  and attractive, nevertheless he is single,   sad and lonely. So subscribe and make me feel  valued! We can also use HOWEVER here. Some people   say that we cannot use HOWEVER to start a sentence  and if you hear somebody say this then slap them,   with your hand, like this. No please don't do  that. That is a terrible idea. No don't do that.   Okay? No! But using HOWEVER to start a sentence is  fine. Seriously, it's fine. Do it! Paragraph two. Now we have our first body paragraph so we  need to introduce our first idea. To do this   we could say FIRSTLY, FIRST OF ALL, TO START WITH,  IN THE FIRST PLACE or FIRST AND FOREMOST. However,   no slaps for me! FIRST AND FOREMOST suggests that  your first idea is your most important idea, so   if your first idea is not your most important idea  don't say FIRST AND FOREMOST, instead say FIRSTLY,   FIRST OF ALL, TO START WITH, or IN THE FIRST  PLACE. So we have introduced the idea that life is   not gender segregated and then we have discussed  the consequence that gender segregated schooling   may not prepare children for later life so how  can we introduce this consequence? We can say   BECAUSE OF THIS. Some people say that  you cannot start a sentence with BECAUSE   and I say: slap these people! With your words!  Not with your hands! God! You are so violent! Calm   down! Jesus! We can also say OWING TO THIS, AS A  RESULT OF THIS, AS A CONSEQUENCE, CONSEQUENTLY,   THEREFORE or SO. Remember we are starting a  sentence so after you use these you must use   a comma. Please remember your commas because we  love commas. Comma comma comma comma chameleon.   Ah, I also say DUE TO THIS to talk  about consequences but some people say   that you cannot start a  sentence with DUE TO THIS... Now we have a zero conditional, something that  is always true and I know, you think you know   the zero conditional but you don't! I keep telling  people that they don't know it and then they tell   me they do know it, I test them and they fail  because I make it really hard to prove a point!   So watch this video all about it, it's great! Bye!  No don't go, I'm still talking. Now of course we   can be very boring and say IF but there are other  possibilities that sometimes change the meaning   but if you can use them and use them correctly,  wow! Someone is going to get very high marks! And   that's not a terrible thing. We can say PROVIDED  THAT and this is a more formal way of saying IF:   it means on the condition that which is the  definition of IF... Or and, this is very special,   we can say INSOFAR AS and this means "to the  extent that" or "to the degree that". Honestly,   if the examiners see you doing this then they  will slap themselves! Like I just did now So for CONTRAST we have nonetheless, nevertheless  and however. For SEQUENCE we have firstly,   first of all, to start with, in the  first place, and first and foremost.   For CONSEQUENCE we have owing to this, as a  result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore,   so and due to this. And for CONDITIONS we have if,  provided that, and insofar as. Paragraph three. Now we are introducing our third paragraph and our  second main idea so we could say SECONDLY but the   examiners know that we can count so let's not do  that. Instead we could say MOREOVER, FURTHERMORE,   ON TOP OF THAT, WHAT IS MORE and IN ADDITION.  Great! Remember, after each one we need a comma.   We're starting a sentence comma, comma, comma,  comma chameleon. And now we want to add emphasis! Oh jesus... Um our next sentence is expanding  on the point of the previous sentence and we   want to emphasize this. And to do this we  can say CERTAINLY, INDEED, WITHOUT A DOUBT,   AS A MATTER OF FACT, and IN FACT. And again  remember we need commas after these. We can   also say UNDOUBTEDLY and I love this word. We put  this word after the subject so here that would be   "Most children UNDOUBTEDLY make  the majority of their friends   at school". Brilliant! Doesn't that look  great? I think it looks great! Try using it.   Good luck. And now we have another consequence  so we can say OWING TO THIS, DUE TO THIS,   BECAUSE OF THIS, CONSEQUENTLY, AS A CONSEQUENCE,  THEREFORE, and SO. But I have a bonus consequence   for you... Are you ready? Are you ready? I'm  ready! I'm so ready! We can say IN LIGHT OF THIS. Wow. Beautiful. Poetry. Wow, in  light of what I have just told you,   you are going to use IN LIGHT OF in every  essay you ever write from now on. Yes? Yes!   So for ADDITIONS we have added secondly,  moreover, furthermore, in addition, what is more,   and on top of that. For EMPHASIS we have  indeed, certainly, in fact, without a doubt,   as a matter of fact and undoubtedly. And for  CONSEQUENCE we have added in light of this. Paragraph four. To start this next paragraph  we are going to contrast it with paragraphs two   and three, the two paragraphs that preceded  it. This is because it is presenting a prompt   and an idea that disagrees with the viewpoints  of those previous two paragraphs. Last time we   contrasted we used NONETHELESS or NEVERTHELESS  or HOWEVER but we cannot do that here. Why not?   Because we have an object: the above. And because  we have an object we only have two options:   DESPITE and IN SPITE OF. After DESPITE and IN  SPITE OF we need either an object or a gerund,   an -ing form. Despite being incredibly  attractive, Toby is a sad lonely man.   So here we can say DESPITE the above or IN  SPITE OF the above. But we cannot say despite of   the above. Seriously do not do that! IN SPITE OF  or DESPITE. Not despite of! Do not say DESPITE   OF! Students all the time say DESPITE OF! And when  they do that do you know what i want to do? I want   to SLAP... No, I don't want to slap them. I want  to say "hi let's do some more studying together!   This is so much fun! I love teaching you".  Next we need to express purpose. We have   said that mixed sex interactions may be better  outside of the classroom and the first clause   of this sentence expresses the purpose  of this. What is the point? What is the   purpose? To express purpose we can be really  boring and just say TO. Infinitives of purpose.   Yeah. Or we can make things a little bit more  formal and say IN ORDER TO which is just a more   formal way of saying TO. Oh hello, Toby. Why do  you shower? In order to be clean. Great example.   What am I doing? We can also say AS A MEANS TO and  this is also exactly the same. And lastly why not   try saying WITH THE AIM OF. Remember that OF is a  preposition so we must follow it with the GERUND.   So here we should say WITH THE AIM OF better  FOCUSING students on their formal education. But   that's not difficult is it? You can do that! If  I can do it, you can do it... probably.... Now we   are giving an example. We are giving an example of  how schools could organize mixed sex interactions   outside of the classroom. To introduce  examples we can say FOR EXAMPLE, FOR INSTANCE,   TO PROVIDE AN ILLUSTRATION, or TO ILLUSTRATE.  So now for CONTRAST we also have despite   and in spite of. For PURPOSE we have to, in order  to, as a means to and with the aim of. And for   EXAMPLES we have for example, to illustrate,  for instance and to provide an example. The conclusion. And we are sequencing again. But  we are sequencing for the last time because this   is our conclusion. So how can we conclude an  essay? We can say SUMMING UP, TO CONCLUDE,   IN CONCLUSION, ON BALANCE and  ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I mean   that's five. That's five possibilities here but  you can only write one conclusion. Seriously, if   in your essay you write more than one conclusion  then I don't think I can help you. Well,   joking! I can! Watch this video here about how to  structure every essay you ever write for the B2   First exam! Seriously it's brilliant! Why are  you watching this video now when you could be   watching this one? Go! No! Don't go! Watch all  of this one till the end, then watch it again   and then watch that one. That's the order.  The order of life. Natural selection. Science.   Evolution. And now we have another contrast.  Another contrast!? Another contrast! But we   have a problem! Here we cannot say NONETHELESS,  NEVERTHELESS, HOWEVER, IN SPITE OF or DESPITE. No   and there are two reasons for this! Number one:  the important information is not contained in   the clause with the contrast: without mixed  gender classes students are less prepared for   the future. Number two: we cannot say DESPITE or  IN SPITE OF because IT is a SUBJECT not an OBJECT   and after using DESPITE or IN SPITE OF we  need an object or a gerund, not a subject!   No! But don't worry guys because we have lots  of options! We could say ALTHOUGH, EVEN THOUGH,   THOUGH or WHILE. Brilliant! And finally we  need one more consequence. So we could say   OWING TO THIS, DUE TO THIS, AS A RESULT OF  THIS, CONSEQUENTLY, AS A CONSEQUENCE, SO,   THEREFORE or IN LIGHT OF THIS. Wow! That is a  lot of consequences! So finally here are all   of our linking words and expressions... Look at  them! Just look at them! They look great! Yeah...   I am exhausted! Now you know every single  linking words and expression that you need   to know to write the perfect essay for  the B2 First Cambridge exam! If you liked   the video don't forget to SMASH that like  button, subscribe if you haven't already,   leave a comment down below! My name  is Toby and this was SMASH English....
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
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Keywords: linking expressions fce, linking expressions b2, linking expressions b2 first, linking words fce, linking words b2, linking words b2 first, b2 first essay writing, fce essay writing, b2 essay writing, b2 essay, fce essay, b2 first essay, b2 first writing exam, fce writing exam, b2 writing exam, b2 linking words essay, b2 first linking words essay, fce linking words essay, b2 first exam, fce exam, b2 exam, first certificate english, Smash english
Id: l1Z7XiMeWiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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