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Meeting! Come on! Staff meeting! Now! Yes,  Mr Toby what is it? We are getting big right?   SMASH English! This is a Youtube revolution!  Yeah obviously. We're totally famous.   So I think we need to expand! Uh, expand? Yeah! We  need another member of staff. Oh my god what? So   you're like replacing us? No... not yet... but but  no no of course not! But more subscribers, more   views, more videos, more work! We need another  member of the team to help us and it's your job   to help me find someone so go! Goodbye! Okay then  Mr Toby. Okay then Toby I will check the pub!   See you later. For part two of the B2 First  writing exam you might choose to write a formal   letter or email of application. But how do you do  this? Is it difficult? Are we going to die? Well   one day yes! But before then we are  going to write the perfect letter   or email of application! My name is Toby, this  is SMASH English and here is everything you need   to know about writing a formal letter or email  of application for the B2 First Cambridge exam. As always this piece of writing is between 140 and  190 words. If you write less than 140 words you   will not include all of the information necessary  to complete the task. If you write more than 190   words you are probably including irrelevant  information and you will lose marks for this.   Remember this is a formal piece of writing so no  contractions, no phrasal verbs and no idiomatic   expressions. No. no. Oh and remember! A letter and  an email have exactly the same style and structure   so do not worry about that. Hi! I'm Duke! I'm here  for the job? Bloody hell! Who is this? All right,   Toby... Jesus! He is the best that we could  find! Um yeah. Toby hello! Nobody wants to work   here. Right okay well has he written his letter of  application? Um my letter of what? Right okay well   read this and then write your formal letter  of application please. I cannot give you a job   without one. It's this the rule. Right, yeah sure  sure my letter of application. Perfect. Thank you. What? Don't look at me! I think he'll be perfect!  The first thing we need to do is plan and we   cannot plan without seeing our questions so let's  have a look at it! The CEO of SMASH English passes   you a very important document. SMASH English is a  Youtube channel aimed at helping English learners   pass their B2 First Cambridge exam. We are  looking for a new member of the team to help us.   To apply write a letter of application explaining  why you would like the position and what you think   you could contribute to SMASH English. I've never  had a job before and I'm really desperate! Please!   Please give me a job! Oh jesus.... Let's start by  underlining our tasks. These are the things that   we need to do that are written in the question.  For a letter of application there are usually two   or three of these. Okay so hereI need to explain  why I want the position and say what I can   contribute yes? Yes exactly so let's plan! Every  letter of application usually follows the same   basic structure and we need five paragraphs to  do this. First we must say hello in a formal way   and this is not counted as a paragraph. Sorry. In  paragraph 1 we should state why we are writing and   where we learned about the position we are  applying for. Did we find it in a magazine?   Was it an advert at a bus stop? Or did the CEO of  SMASH English give you a very important document?   Well write that here. In paragraph two we  should introduce ourselves. Who are we?   What are our qualifications? How interesting!  In paragraph three you should complete the first   task and in this question that is why we  want the job. That's an easy question!   Everyone wants a job at SMASH English  because they want me to be their boss.   In paragraph four we should complete the  next task. In this case that is what we could   contribute to SMASH English. And in paragraph five  we should state when we are available to work.   That's very important! And also ask some questions  about the job because remember this is a letter or   an email! We want someone to read it and then  reply to it so let's ask some questions! Great   idea! Oh and lastly we say goodbye this also  does not count as a paragraph sorry. So five   paragraphs and that does not include hello and  goodbye. Okay so let's begin! We must say HELLO.   Okay so HELLO TOBY! No because "Hello Toby!"  is informal especially with an exclamation   mark. Instead we can say "Dear Toby" but this is  really simple and everyone will say "Dear Toby"   so let's say "For the attention of Toby". Great!  Okay then great! For the attention of Toby.   Sometimes you might not know the name of the  person you are writing to but you might know the   position they have. If that is the case you could  say "For the attention of the hiring manager" or   "For the attention of the CEO of SMASH English" or  "For the attention of the Restaurant ma..." You,   you get the idea. But here we know that we are  writing to Toby so "For the attention of Toby",   easy! In paragraph one we need to state why we are  writing the letter. Often students will use the   present continuous to do this: "I am writing this  letter in response to the very important document   that was given to me by Toby" but NO. Instead  we can make things more complicated by using   the present simple! But Toby! The present simple  is too simple. I am very intelligent! It is simple   but by using the present simple in this context  you are demonstrating to the examiner that you   know that you can use the present simple to  introduce formal emails and that knowledge   is not simple! So: "I write this email in response  to the very important document given to me   by Toby". And we've used the passive here  brilliant! Next we need to say why we are writing.   Well, we are writing because we want to apply for  the position at SMASH English but we cannot say   "I want" because that's rude. Instead keep  this simple: I would like to apply for the   vacant position at SMASH English. VACANT is a  great word. Here it means "available or free".   Not in the sense of you don't have to pay for  it but free in the sense of it isn't being used.   For the attention of Toby, I write this letter in  response to the important documents given to me   by Toby. I would like to apply for the  vacant position at SMASH English. Now   we need to introduce ourselves so Duke um, who  are you exactly? Oh yes, I'm Duke! Yeah okay....   But how old are you? What do you do?  Where do you live? Tell me something. Um,   I'm 25. I live with my mum and uh I speak English!  Jesus Christ, Duke is that all you can do? Toby,   you teach your own language! You're not  exactly Einstein! Okay okay shut up! Duke,   this is a job application this means that we must  lie! Obviously... You want me to lie? Yes! Lie!   I always lie when I apply for jobs. And don't  tell me you live with your mum why do I need   to know that? Okay so my name is Duke.  I am 25 and currently living in London.   I have a PhD in media production and I'm fluent in  English with a C5 certification. C5? Yeah C5. It's   the best one. Yeah sure, sure, C5. This is good!  Notice how Duke did not say "I live in London".   Instead he said "I am currently living in London".  This shows that this is a temporary situation.   It could change in the future demonstrating that  Duke could potentially move location for the job.   Duke has also stated he has a PhD in media and  is fluent in English. He is giving qualifications   that are relevant to the position. Make sure you  do this and yes you can lie. A PhD though? Duke,   maybe that's a bit much? But you said I could  lie! I have a PhD from the university of my mum! Now for paragraph three we must complete our first  task and that is explain why we would like the   position. So Duke, why do you want to work with us  at SMASH English? Because Monica works there yes?   She is so beautiful! I want to  be near her! I want to smell her! Okay... oh my god Toby! Did he just  say he wanted to smell me? Oh god,   Duke! You can't say that! That's weird and  probably illegal. Um no, it is definitely   illegal! And Toby! No I am not working with  him! All right, all right. Duke! Just lie!   Say you are passionate about certain aspects of  the job right? You have a PhD in media production.   It's a youtube channel. The job is related to  media! So use the present perfect: "Ever since I   was a child I have always been passionate about...  Monica! Oh my god Toby he is gross! No let's say   "video production" right? Ever since I was a child  I have been passionate about video production!   Okay... And let's say that you like helping  people! Yeah. So SMASH English combines your   two passions: video production and helping  people pass their B2 First Cambridge exam.   Ever since I was a child I have been passionate  about video production. I have worked on numerous   projects in the past and feel SMASH English would  enable me to broaden my knowledge of the field.   Furthermore I love smelling Monica! No! Sorry,  sorry, I love helping people and would therefore   be eager to apply these skills in order to  support students with their B2 exam preparation.   Notice here how Duke has often used the word  WOULD. This is because we are talking about   an imaginary situation. Duke is talking about  an imaginary future in which he has the job.   Duke has discussed his motivations for  applying related to the two aspects of the job:   media production and B2 exam preparation. Make  sure you do this too. Also notice the formal   linking expressions FURTHERMORE and IN ORDER TO.  So that's paragraphs one, two, and three finished.   We have stated why we are writing and where we saw  the job advertised. We have introduced ourselves   and included relevant qualifications. We have  explained why we want the job with reference to   our passions and goals for the future. And now  for paragraph four which means that we need to   complete task two. In this case task two is asking  us to explain what we could contribute to SMASH   English. So then Duke, what do you think you could  contribute to us? Im I will be Monica's slave!   Oh my god! Hey that actually sounds like a  good idea! Um no! Um I will make sure that the   Monica smells right? No! Well I have no more  ideas! Lie again then, Duke! You have a PhD   in media production so you could help us with  editing videos! Also you have a C5 certification   in English so you could help with writing scripts  to help students study for the B2 First exam!   Okay yeah sure! If I were given this opportunity  I am sure my expertise in video production would   improve the quality of SMASH English videos.  In addition to this, thanks to my knowledge of   the English language I could assist with script  writing to aid students with exam preparation.   Here Duke has used the second conditional  to talk about what he could do if he were   given the job. This is imaginary remember, he  has not been given the job yet. Duke has also   linked his two possible contributions to his  skills: media production and english fluency.   Make sure your possible contributions are linked  with your skills. This ensures that there is a   logical progression to your letter or email. Make  sure your paragraphs are connected. And now we are   on to our final paragraph: paragraph five, where  we need to one give our availability to work. When   are we free? When can we start working? And number  two: ask some questions. So Duke when are you   available to work for us? Right now, Toby! Give me  the job now! Please! Oh welcome to the team, Duke!   My name is Bruce! Nice to meet you... again.  Oh my god no! Toby, we're not actually gonna   give this idiot a job are we!? No, no, no, no,  Duke! You are a very busy man! You have a PhD in   media production! You have a C5 certification in  English remember? Yes yes! I am a professional!   Exactly! We don't want to seem too keen. So  we are going to say "I am available to work   from July onwards". This means right  now we are very very busy but in July   we will be free and we will be available to work  for SMASH English. Now remember after this we need   to ask some questions about the position so have  you got any questions for me, Duke? Do you want   to know any more information about the position?  Yes uhhh can iI share my office with Monica? Oh   my god! Do you you think that we have an office?  You have absolutely no idea! Oh shut up, Monica!   You will get an office when you deserve one  yeah? And Duke no! We should ask two questions.   Number one: what are the working hours? When will  we need to work if we are given a job? And number   two: what is the salary? How much money will we  get? Money! Very very important... Obviously.   I am available to work from July onwards.  Lastly might I ask what the salary would be?   Also could you provide me with details regarding  the working hours? Here Duke has asked questions   using the modal verbs MIGHT and COULD. This is  extremely polite so good job, Duke. Thanks Toby!   Yeah, make sure you attempt to extend  the interaction in your last paragraph   with some questions. Remember a letter or  email is written in order to get a response so   give the reader something to respond to! This  is not an essay. Right then, Duke. We are done!   We just need to add one more thing and this  will depend on whether you are writing a letter   or an email so listen closely! If you are writing  a letter of application then please finish your   letter with "Please see my CV enclosed. Thank you  for your time and I eagerly await your response".   This means my CV is in the envelope with  this letter so read the CV, give me a job,   goodbye, thanks! But if you are writing an  email then there is no envelope obviously so   "Please see my CV attached. Thank you for  your time and I eagerly await your response".   Simple. This is the only thing that should change  between a letter and an email and it's a really   easy thing to change because it's one word!  Simple! But changing this one word at the end   lets the examiner know that you read the  question and many students will think letter,   email they're exactly the same! But if you just  change one word you're saying to the examiner   "I'm prepared! I know how to apply for a job! If  I'm applying for a job by email I will attach my   CV. If I'm applying for a job via letter I will  enclose it in the envelope with the letter. That's   so obvious! But people forget so do this! Yes?  Yes! Oh and after that just write your name.   You can write YOURS SINCERELY, DUKE. YOURS  FAITHFULLY, DUKE. BEST REGARDS, DUKE. REGARDS,   DUKE. But seriously it doesn't matter! Just write  your name And that's also fine. DUKE. Brilliant!   Finished! So here is our  completed letter of application!   We address the recipient. We explain why we are  writing and how we heard about the position.   We introduce ourselves and give our  qualifications. We explain why we want the job.   We explain what contributions  we could make to the company.   We give our availability and ask some  questions. And then we say goodbye. Fantastic!   So.... Yes, what? Have I got the job? No! Of  course not! Duke, you lied in your application!   C5 level of english!? PhD in media production!?  What are you talking about? Get out of my sight!   Pathetic! But you said.... And you wanted to  smell me! Oh my God! You're so gross! Go away!   Yeah, oh sorry mate. I did my best for you. I  still think you'd be great here to be honest. And with that we are finished. Now  you know everything you need to know   about writing a formal letter or email of  application for the B2 First Cambridge exam!   If you liked the video don't forget to SMASH that  like button, subscribe if you haven't already,   leave a comment down below! My name  is Toby and this was SMASH English!
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 9,431
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Keywords: b2 letter of application, fce letter of application, b2 first letter of application, b2 first formal email, b2 first formal letter, fce formal email, fce formal letter, b2 formal email, b2 formal letter, fce formal writing, b2 formal writing, b2 first formal writing, b2 first writing part 2, fce writing part 2, b2 writing part 2, fce writing exam, b2 writing exam, b2 first writing exam, fce exam, b2 exam, b2 first exam, Smash english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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