ALL the PHRASAL VERBS with SET for B2 First (FCE) - B2 Phrasal Verbs

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And this video is about my favorite word! Do I  have a favorite word? Yes I do! And my favorite   word is SET! So you're telling me that your  favorite word is SET!? No, no it's not. But   I have to seem enthusiastic for a youtube  video! But I do love SET. I really love SET!   My name is Toby, this is SMASH English and here  is every phrasal verb you need to know with SET   for the B2 First Cambridge exam. Set about.  To start doing something. Inseparable and   transitive. This phrasal verb refers to...  Toby has set about explaining the phrasal verb   set about!Ccan you not do that please! I  need to explain with my face. The people   at home want to see this face! This face is money!  No, mate. No, no, no. You have set about this in   the wrong way! Uh? Why? I don't know it was an  example, for the audience yeah! Oh, okay, uh,   yeah, that was really helpful. Thanks now  let's set about the other phrasal verbs! Breathe... just breathe. Set aside. To save something to use later. Separable and  transitive. I try to set aside as much money as   possible every month. Jesus, that is such a boring  example! Why don't you set it aside for a moment   and think of a better one? Yes you're right,  it is a terrible example because SMASH English   makes no money! Ah I've got a better example!  Do you love SMASH English!? Yes we do! Do you   want to watch more SMASH English!? Yes I  do but there are only 24 hours in a day   I must go to school, I must go to work, I must go  to the toilet, I must have a shower, I must brush   my teeth. Oh it's such a problem! Wow! Yes that  is a problem! But you can add SMASH English videos   to your WATCH LATER playlist on youtube! Don't  watch them all now! Set some aside for later!   And subscribe! Now! Please please! Set  back. To delay the progress of something.   Separable and transitive. I was recovering from  my depression well but when SMASH English did   not upload a video last week it really set me  back. Toby keeps cancelling my lessons with him   it is setting back my learning. And I will always  put my SMASH English videos before my lessons   because my lessons, they make me  money! SMASH English makes me... yeah I've got to go... I've  got to go... Set forth. To start a journey. Inseparable and intransitive The brave explorer set forth on his journey.  Wow that's a great voice, isn't it!? Yes,   Toby it's great! You are so talented! I  know, I know. But I did it for a reason!   You do things with reasons!? Yes! Yes, I do!  Remember if you set forth on something it's   formal, it's literary, it's exciting.  You set forth on a quest or an adventure   or a life-changing journey like your journey right  now with SMASH English to pass the B2 First exam!   Yeah... just don't use this for something normal.  You don't set forth on your journey to school   every day. No. It's literary, it's exciting so use  it for literary and exciting things! Which means   that I can never use this phrasal verb because my  life is boring and not exciting and I hate it. Now   let us set forth together and confront our next  phrasal verb with SET! My favorite word! Set off.   Definition one: to start a journey.  Inseparable and intransitive.   Yeah this is the same as set forth but it is not  literary, it is not formal, it is very boring.   I set off to school = I went to school.  I love school. Yay learning is fun...   I hated school mate! It was terrible!  Bruce, you didn't go to school!   Yeah exactly, you idiot. It's logic! I didn't go  because I hated it! But you did go to university   and I know that Bruce because you mentioned it  in part three of the B2 First Speaking exam! Do   you want to watch that video? Yes! Yes you do!  Because if you are taking the B2 First speaking   exam it is very important that you understand  what to do or you could fail! So watch that video   after this one! Though watch all of this  one! This one's really important as well! Uh,   Toby I'm gonna set off home now all right?  So uh I'll see you in a bit yeah? Cool.   Don't worry guys! Bruce is not going anywhere!  That was just an example. Hey! Bruce!? Oh...   Definition two. To explode a bomb or ring an  alarm. Separable and transitive. This is the   same as the phrasal verb GO OFF... kind of. A fire  alarm goes off: it makes a noise. Or it is SET OFF   by something like a fire for example. A  burglar alarm GOESS OFF or it can be SET OFF by   a burglar or something, yeah. An alarm that wakes  you up in the morning GOES OFF it is not SET OFF   however you do SET the alarm before you go to bed.  This means to choose the time that the alarm makes   its noise or the times that the alarm GOESS OFF.  But you already knew that didn't you!? No you   didn't? Well then! You need to watch this video  all about phrasal verbs with GO! Go! You get it?   Go? Go! I make the same joke in that video and in  that video it is equally as funny as this video. Set out. Definition one: to start a journey.  Inseparable and intransitive. Seriously another   journey? But again it's slightly different. We can  say I set out last night. That just means I left   my house last night. Usually to start an important  journey something with a goal or a target. We can   also say: I set out ON something. For example: I  set out ON my journey to discover the meaning of   life. But we do not need to set out on journeys  like these because we know the meaning of life!   It's SMASH English videos! That's why we  live! For this.... Or we can set out FOR a   destination. I set out for England, for Japan,  for Mozambique, for Lebanon, for Australia, for   anywhere in the world actually....  Definition two: to aim or intend   to do something. Inseparable and intransitive. The  young entrepreneur set out to make his millions.   SMASH English sets out to teach you the  English you need to know to pass the b2   First exam! So SMASH subscribe! Yes! Here  the phrasal verb SET OUT is followed by   TO plus the INFINITIVE. It is very similar to  the verb to AIM. The meaning of set out here is   very similar to our first meaning except  the journey isn't towards a destination   but instead towards an achievement and isn't that  exciting? Yes it is very very exciting. Set up.   Definition one: prepare equipment for use later.  Separable and transitive. My grandpa is terrible   with mobile phones. I had to set his up for him.  Before the concert the road crew set up the stage.   Definition 2: to start an organization. Separable  and transitive. The business was set up with the   intention of providing cheap and affordable  internet to the masses. And I set up SMASH   English to help you pass your B2 First Cambridge  exam! You what? SMASH English an organization?   It's just you, mate! Yeah and you. Me? You. But  I am you! Yes, and I am you too, Bruce. And you!   Yes, you, watching now. We are all one at SMASH  English. Seriously, I don't even understand what   you're saying now... I come back here and  you're just talking rubbish! Why!? Why do   I do this every week!? Yes maybe SMASH English  should become a cult and I could be the king   and you would follow me and do everything I  said... Anyway and with that we are finished! Now   you know every single phrasal verb with SET that  you need to know for the B2 First Cambridge exam!   If you liked the video don't forget to SMASH that  like button, subscribe if you haven't already,   leave a comment down below! My name  is Toby and this was SMASH English...
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 3,861
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Keywords: phrasal verbs set, phrasal verbs with set, every phrasal verb with set, phrasal verbs set off, phrasal verbs set out, phrasal verbs practice set, b2 first phrasal verbs, fce phrasal verbs, first certificate phrasal verbs, b2 phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs for first certificate, set phrasal verb, phrasal verbs list, phrasal verb b2, fce phrasal verb, b2 first phrasal verb, b2 exam, fce exam, b2 first exam, first certificate exam, Smash english
Id: RlqyJD4WdP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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