I Built The Most Over The Top Nether Portal In Minecraft Hardcore (E4)

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i transformed this boring nether portal into a mega portal in minecraft because this thing this is old news look at the disapproval on my face i am not happy so if you want to see how i did it stick around into the end of the video so i think it's going to be right there which means oh yeah i'm gonna have to move all of this this land i'm gonna have to move you you can't be here no bro okay let's set up this beacon and uh and start moving a lot of ground that is step one step one of of many many steps okay so i feel like this is like a good center of the island let's dig down here and let's clear an area for the beacon so this is one end here you see and that's the that's the other end all the way down there that's oh this is gonna be big okay so that's how big the portal is gonna be but in a big old circle so now we gotta flatten all this out easy [Music] [Applause] okay my shovel is already completely dead now let's do the same thing to my pickaxe [Music] hey look i can see the other quarter of the circle things were going great but i was breaking tools at a rapid rate even ones with mending on so i went in enchanted some more okay nice now we got all of these tools maxed out let's get back to it [Music] okay last bit and there we are okay now we've got to put a giant obsidian circle there and if my calculations are correct which they always aren't it should be about five stacks of obsidian and that's just for the portals outline and to make things faster i'm gonna i'm gonna take this i'm taking it [Music] hang on hang on a second oh okay few okay we've got everything we need but i think i'm gonna do it with grass blocks first just in case i mess things up and then have to spend another half an hour mining obsidian so let's see how this goes and that's why we didn't do it with obsidian it's supposed to be there there it is okay now we just have to replace all of that with obsidian hopefully we've got enough yeah i already know this isn't going to be enough hey that was actually enough all right okay so obviously this is just a rough cut out uh so i don't know whether to just take the entire island down to this level or just grade all this back so it looks natural i don't know we'll have to see after the portal was built so now i had to take it down by eight levels because nether portals they don't look like this they look like this they can only go upwards you can make it like this or like this or even like this but you can't make it like this you've never seen a flat nether portal and that's because they don't exist so to get another portal effect we gotta play seven layers of glass the first layer purple stained glass the second magenta stained glass and repeat this until you have this cool effect but i didn't come up with this glass idea so go subscribe to sandiction link in the description that rhymed but kalani you said eight layers that's right see another portal glow so to get that glow effect the entire bottom layer of the portal is gonna be covered in lava which will give off a faint glow through the glass as demonstrated by myself here easy right no no no it takes so long to do this i do not recommend oh look a giant circle okey dokey that is eight levels now let's just fill in all of these holes quickly actually before i cover this one up i uh i got an idea one two three four oh five bye bye now yeah yeah okay there we are now i don't know what to do with these edges i don't know whether to just cut it off straight down or to sort of grade it out because if i grade it out it means i don't have to use so much glass because i'm already gonna have to use like a lot of glass so i'm thinking i'm gonna grade it out and see how that looks and if it looks bad i guess we'll just take it straight down [Music] but we don't need to worry about all of these imperfections here because we're going to be covering this entire bottom floor in lava and i was thinking glowstone that's going to give off an uneven light unless you evenly cover the entire bottom layer in glowstone which i don't want to do i don't so my plan is to cover it in lava and just let the lava spread out and hopefully that's going to give a completely even light to show through the glass but we'll see we'll see about that anyway we need a lot of lava ah that's not good yeah no we're dying we're really dying okay so basically we should see how far lava flows so that is one two three so if i put it if i put it there that then connects okay and then if i put one there see it's just like a puzzle it fits together okay now we just gotta do that everywhere everywhere [Music] um there's a hole in the ground full of lava those with ocd look away now because everything is completely straight apart from this this one line here i don't really have ocd and that's triggering me okay we got to make a giant smelting farm so i'm going to need a lot of iron [Music] oh no oh no my inventory is full nah that's sad then i made the giant smelting system and to demonstrate you put the items in the top here and then the thing goes zoom and then a few seconds later you got your smelted items in the chest below so now we just need a desert okay this isn't a desert but it is a quite a substantial beach so let's get some sand because we're gonna need some sand and when i say some sand i mean okay we've got all this glass but we need to stain it purple so we need some flowers hang on a second i wonder if these give off red dye yes so i can yes okay so i just wasted all that time then yep i sure did okay so we put the red dye with the blue dye purple guy okay so i'm going to start doing the first layer of the purple stained glass we have 13 stacks and i think you're going to be surprised at how little that does that is 13 stacks of purple stained glass and we're not even halfway through the first layer which is by the way the smallest no what have i done we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents okay halfway through the first layer so then i carried on collecting glass i became a man obsessed with collecting glass dyeing it and then placing it but after a while the first layer was done and it cost 6454 blocks of glass or 101 stacks of glass if you were to hold that in your inventory this is what it would look like bruh i got six more to do okay now we just need to find a magenta flower i think it's called is this that no is that them no that's the same thing i'm colorblind okay aha this is them right no oh my days look at this place though so yeah but no sign of magenta anywhere aha i swear down this isn't it [Music] yes that's the one okay and then plant this one and just doing a bit of this because that makes sense okay now we just gotta do a layer of this okay i'm just gonna go into full gamer mode i'll see you when the second layer's done i guess i just did not think it would take this long that's two okay so nine 9 392 of the purple stained glass and we've placed 6 659 of the magenta stained glass so for a rough guess i'm going to add another 100 and say that we need 350 stacks of glass so that's going to be six and a half double chests of glass six and a half double chest of glass that's that much glass uh no kalani from the future here just for the record that i don't know how i got that calculation so wrong but it's wrong i needed i needed so much more glass than that like so i'm thinking right the fastest way to get coal now is probably charcoal since i got this massive furnace thing i can just i can chop down a load of wood get charcoal yeah this is already so much better than mining yeah ah what's that tickling me oh there's something tickling me they knock it off it tickles yeah all right we got two of these they're both full and we also in our inventory i reckon that's gonna be enough for now yeah that's gonna be enough for now okay so now i just need to fill these chests up with sand and when i do i know i'll have enough so let's go fill them up [Music] all right we are six and a half chests full of sand let's get it all in okay yeah that's the most effective way of doing it right right probably not and now i afk in my little afk uh hole alrighty let's get it [Music] and we're out well at least we know for sure that this is this is a great level okay because you look down and you can't really see the lava it gives off a glow but you can't really see it you have to look really hard that's good that's exactly what we want okay last stretch we're on the last stretch now he's like hang on a second why aren't i going home because it's fake look at all that fakery isn't it marvellous isn't it beautiful [Music] okay if i make this you have to subscribe that's just how it works oh my days i actually made that you just have to you have to now you have to last one i think i might cry um okay well that was a lot of glass i'm not gonna lie i completely underestimated how much glass this needed yeah yeah i'm happy with that that glow looks good but we ain't done now we ain't done oh look it's every mob that's ever existed okay so obviously we still have to make the island in the middle it's gonna look like it's coming out of the portal but i kind of want to get rid of all of this land here first but i think we can all agree that i've shown enough placing and destroying blocks now we're going to flatten out all of this land just like this you see it's all gone that transition is not going to look very good because the sun's at a different it doesn't matter it doesn't matter yep i did a little bit of off-camera work if you know what i mean now i'm kidding i spent hours and hours moving all of this it really took a long time wait wait longer than i thought it would to be up to uh to be fair okay next up we're gonna build the island in the middle so we're gonna need a lot of this okay there's the center now from this we're gonna build a symmetrical circle and then afterwards we'll make it look a little bit more natural okey-dokey okay now i'm gonna build this up into a sort of mound okay we've got a basic shape there but it's not very good shape so let's make it more natural [Music] nice that's looking yeah yeah natural nice i don't really know what to do on the top but i'm thinking like i'm thinking like a a great big warped tree you know what i'm saying maybe that would be cool and if it's not cool we'll just burn it down can you burn down these trees that that's a no okay if it looks bad then we're gonna have to live with that because i will not be chopping it down because i think what we're gonna do first is get a basic shape of the tree and then just thicken it out from there what even is that what okay we're just gonna take this down just try again gonna try it again okay well i mean it's an improvement on the last one so there's that okay so i'm gonna try and incorporate the portal into the tree because somehow i actually have to get to the nether yeah that just doesn't even look good ow okay no i think i got this i think i got this let's redesign redesign here right no okay out okay getting somewhere getting somewhere okay and then do a bit of this put it put one there yeah right okay i'm gonna carry on with the tree and uh return to this okay that is actually starting to look like a tree and let's put some leaves down [Music] just like that yep yep okay it's starting to look a little bit weird i'm not gonna lie so then i continued placing leaves until i created what can only be described as a five-year-old's drawing of a tree so i took it all down i couldn't find the footage of me taking it down but during that time i redesigned the leaves into more of a branch form which i think we can all agree looks a million times better and it sure is a big old tree for reference there's a tiny little villager i feel like i should go back the way i came aim it steady and okay at the top of the tree now just this last cluster that looks so much better clusters of leaves was definitely the way to go i don't know why i put a bush on top of a tree the only thing is now is that all the clusters are completely flat underneath so we're gonna have to fix that because it looks weird [Music] okay so now i think it needs some shroom lights i'm not sure exactly how or where i'm gonna put them maybe just sort of maybe underneath yeah that's cool i may have overdone it a little bit but that looks good that looks good for now so i'm just wondering if there are any sort of like nether vines that hang down because that looks pretty cool on my tree hey look another vines okay let's try these out okay let those grow out and see what it looks like see that's not giving me the emerging from a portal effect that i want so i think if we go like two blocks down it will kind of make it look like it's coming out more which is going to cost a lot more glass oh okay i had no idea silk touch breaks the glass block so you can pick it up that's amazing there we are yeah yeah no that was definitely a good move man that actually kind of looks like it's coming out of the portal this is turning out so much better than i ever could have imagined okay so now we're gonna do is take down this portal because we need to flatten out all of this land here everything else has like a nice level to it and this is just a great big no for me oh okay that looks kind of cool okay so now i want to get some of this nether grass and just start placing it around the outside of the portal and then have it blend into the real grass you see where i'm going with this we're sort of blending it in okay and then we can do a bit of this and then on the grass do a bit of this hang on a second red looks way cooler yeah i'm actually going to change this to red okay and then maybe it should blend into the nylon i mean we can we can try it what's the worst that could happen take it down i've done that five times already okay cool yeah i think that looks good i would extend it even further but i want to be done with this video at some point this year so so just looking at it from the top my plan was to take all of this stone out and replace it with grass but i'm kind of thinking this really i'm kind of thinking the stone looks cooler it kind of looks like the portals killed off the land all right let's do it oh there's just like it's just so many blocks in this game just placing and destroying and placing and destroying [Music] fun fact my my arm physically hurts from placing blocks i don't know much about stuff but i'm pretty sure that if you if your entire arm hurts from playing a game you've probably been playing it too long all right let's smooth this area out let's make it part of the land you know i'm saying we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna naturalize it oh my arm hey that looks pretty natural not bad not bad all right now we're gonna need a boatload of bones because we've got a lot of ground to bone meal [Music] okay now he's got bone meal all of this all of this land [Music] what huh wait so if you bone meal if you bone meal the mushrooms i don't know that wow minecraft never see sister bought um amaze me oh yeah that looks cool nice okay nice we've got some uh we've got some vegetation going on here there's some vegetation up in here okay this is looking great but it's also looking kind of boring so let's plant some happy little trees gotta be a faster way of getting saplings than this but if but if there is a fast way of getting saplings i don't know it [Music] okay now we're going to highlight the edges with some bone meal [Music] looking good looking nice okay now i'm gonna collect some oak and we're gonna make some fake dead trees looking nice okay finally i'm gonna make a little nether base down here because i feel like it's a waste of an opportunity right down here and this can be our way in and out because i won't regret that [Music] [Music] okay got ourselves a little nether base so yeah you come down here and then all right yeah we'll work on that but yeah look at all this space for nether activities so much so much storage space we got we also got a second floor look at this second floor more storage we'll work on that we're gonna work on that listen rome wasn't built in a day and neither was this nether portal i i wish it took a day but it did not so yeah there we are all done what is [Music] that there we are we are done haters are gonna say sure kalani it looks cool but it's a bit over the top for a portal wouldn't you say i mean after all it does exact same thing as a normal one and sure there's a case there but to those people i say uh what do i say i say like like you know um [Music]
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 6,377,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kolanii, minecraft, hardcore, i transformed, i transformed the nether portal in minecraft hardcore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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