ALL New Lore in the Fallout TV Series! | Fallout Lore

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in what will probably go down as one of the biggest monster Fallout in years The Fallout TV series successfully captured the essence of the games with a perfect blend of engaging narratives complete with humor Gore and staggering attention to detail seen throughout each episode but it also introduced plenty of new additions to the established Cannon and made some pretty significant changes too confirming the cannon endings of previous games unraveling old Mysteries and expanding what we thought we knew about the series as a whole and some of these changes will create some very interesting and intense debates in today's video we're running through all of the new law introduced in the Fallout TV series naturally this video is spoiler ridden so if you haven't had a chance to watch it just yet I would definitely give it a watch first you can find Chapters for each section in the video's description but up first let's talk a bit about the backdrop for the events which take place on screen described as the next installment for Fallout with its canonicity confirmed by Todd Howard prior to the series release the main events take place in 2296 in New California around the LA Boneyard but the political landscape in the factions which now V for control of the region are drastically different to those seen previously despite the master once searching for other vaults in New California and the cathedral now a distant memory four new vaults have been introduced to the series in the same region the interconnected vaults 31 32 and 33 are Central to the overall Narrative of the series 33 being home to title of character Lucy mlan brother norm and her father overseer Hank and there's also Vault 4 located beneath horor Labs her subsidiary of voltech and once run by the horor family of scientists a new chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel including aspirant Maximus operate freely in the region as well led by clerics a new title not seen before in the series they will later be reinforced by a very familiar Airship and a contingent of the East Coast chapter and there's a new town built in a land full of scrap aply named Philly which governs itself encapsulating the lawlessness that now inhabits what was once a state of the new California Republic as the once great Republic in this region at least has been Reed us to a small hold out based in the Griff ofth Observatory led by the mysterious flame mother mava last but not least a legendary Bounty Hunter the ghoul is bounded buried in the cemetery awoken by desperate bounty hunters who need his help with a very special bounty in New California a bounty which is the Catalyst that sees all the characters and factions converge an escape scientists carrying an item that could change the Wasteland from a facility controlled by The Enclave teas in episode one we get to see The Enclave remnants and Dr sigy Wiig for the first time in episode 2 and this facility isn't entirely what we used to seeing decrepid guarded by pre-war looking security guards and heavy machine gun turrets with no power armored soldiers in sight the main experiments that we see taking place here are behavioral engineering using dogs and a very brief teaser but looks like a super mutant on a gurnie and I think that these two actually may be connected as we see the dogs injected and been trained to follow instructions with wisy turning from the mutant to look at them before panning back creating Super Mutant is one thing but controlling them is another thing entirely and testing potential methods of control on man's best friend would be a lot safer the cous nature of the experimentation taking place here is also plain to see something that Dr Wiig is in opposition to choosing to save cx404 Sheltering them in his own office but the final experiment which is more pertinent to the season 1 plot is cold fusion and it's something that we may have actually seen before in the Fallout Series in the real world cold fusion is a type of nuclear reaction that hypothetically could work at room temperature a STK contrast to hot Fusion that's been achieved artificially in hydrogen bombs and fusion reactors although there is currently no accepted theoretical model that could achieve cold fusion in forup things are very different and if VA take is actually to be believed it's actually something we've seen before more than once in a Garden of Eden creation kit a staple in the series The Geek was designed by Dr Stanis Al bra head of future Tech and director of the societal preservation program advertised as a miracle solution for a land ravished by nuclear warfare this terraforming device could create an Earthly paradise and has actually been used for a variety of purposes which rather ironically included jump starting the postwar city of shady Sands in the state of shady but also bring project Purity online in Fallout 3 using Vault 87's rather unique geek and more recently accidentally creating the meire in Fallout 76 after Vault Intruders caused it to explode in the terminal entory in Vault 94 we read with this geek was powered using a cold fusion power generator and this term was also mentioned previously in the vault D survival guide and we can actually see the same poster in the TV series itself the smaller cold fusion device created by Wiig is later revealed to also be a voltech device with their name written on the side and combined with the fact that Wiig knows everything about Lucy and her father I think strongly suggests that this Enclave rants group are actually working closely with voltech in the series but where does that leave us I think a key difference is the cold fusion utilized in a geek is perhaps tied to the terraforming device itself whereas in the series we see Wiig inject himself with it before making his Escape allowing this cold fusion device to be more usable with different technology given how easily he creates it too suggests that voltech and The Enclave could readily make more for the wide away sandbow such technology is understandably a revelation and a secret it cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands C different characters and factions chasing after the same thing the Brotherhood of Steel understandably want to get their hands on it sending an East Coast contingent across the country to ensure they find it the ghoul wants it to collect a bounty Lucy is roped into a scorting Wiig to malava in exchange for her father Hank before eventually just carrying his head after Wy took a cyanide pill to give her a better chance of bringing cold fusion to his intended destination and spoilers abound but mava wasn't so bad after all as she simply wanted to light up the Boneyard allowing civilization to potentially return one day so while cold fusion might not be a totally New Concept in fallouts its much smaller size in usage make it a very interesting addition but we do get to see some pretty significant changes to establish law in other areas our understanding of golfication and the process of becoming feral was significantly changed at the TV series GS have always been extremely resistant to the effects of taking chems look no further than John hanock who is a veritable chem fiend what's really interesting though his hancok actually became a G by taking an experimental radioactive drug he described as producing a remarkable High knowing full well it would result in his qualification The Squire Fus in the TV series might have also taken this same drug in an attempt to stay off the pain from his foot injury but the importance of chim's to saave off going feral was new and it actually seems to be tied to Kim's sharpening the mind making it easier to remember who they are in the series two less fortunate ghouls spend their last moments trying to desperately remember their names and identities for Roger used up vs of various chem weren't enough but Cooper Howard recovers drastically after his binge in the super duper Mar gradually becoming feral has also been explored before in the N World DLC in Fallout 4 the galifi survivors living Kitty Kingdom would eventually deteriorate and only oswal the outrageous and Rachel Watkins were left the latter leaving to find a cure before feeling the change coming herself choosing to end things on her own terms something else but is the same is the pre-existing inconsistencies around GS needing food water or air to survive Billy the child Gore trapped in a fridge for 210 years didn't need any of those things in Fallout 4 and bullet the slaver who wishes to buy him mentions that GS don't need to eat and are immune to Aging in the same game hanok mentions that some of his girlriend star fo so already there's some confusion there in the series we see that the goul Cooper Howard has been kept below ground in a coffin hooked up to some chems for extended periods of time suggesting that he didn't need those things to survive but he did need the chems to stop him from turning feral below ground but by far the biggest changes seen in the series are massively increased durability and even physical regeneration severe injuries knitting back together foots reforming and tanking multiple bullets like they're nothing FAL will still go down just as easily in the super duper Mar perhaps this is meant to be a physical representation of how radiation is shown to regenerate Health in the games but what did you think of these changes though something that hasn't changed since Fallout 4 is the Brotherhood of ste's belief that all ghouls should be exterminated ghouls one day the Brotherhood is going to eradicate every last one of those freaks which makes sense seeing as many of the brotherhoods seen in the series are in fact the exact same East Coast chapter of all of the names the choose for this identical Airship the Cason always stuck out to be as an interesting choice as a historical misnomer for prw it just seemed a bit too convenient but this is what they would go for and it turned out to be a misdirect after all this is the pwin and the propensity of t60 knights in the series makes perfect sense as they have a d derived from the Commonwealth as a suit never seen before on the west coast in previous games the icing on the cape would have been a t-51 or T45 used in this flashback sequence but that's just a tiny continuity nitpick but using the pridwin did do two things it meant they didn't need to explain how two identical vessels existed which I really liked as the pin Construction was very unique using the mobile base caller and potentially even Rivet City to build it over a couple of years and more significantly narrow down the possible Cannon endings of Fallout 4 to 2 The Institute is definitely gone the first possible ending is the Brotherhood with Victorious wiping out the railroad and possibly acquiring Pam the predictive analytic machine finishing the game with Liberty Prime back up and running or the minuten ending where the Institute is destroyed but no other major faction Quest completed leaving the other factions alive I'll be it surprised it's quite possible after the event of the game though with this ending but the Brotherhood could have still got Liberty Prime back up online and wiped out the railroad afterwards I was really pleased with this decision as sending a force across the country to acquire technology considered dangerous in the wrong hands is totally in keeping with the Elder Maxim we know despite their familiarity the TV series Brotherhood is also unfamiliar the group Maximus is a member of used different titles to the ones we're familiar with knights now use Squires to carry their gear and wear new uniforms for the first time in the setting we see clerics who seem to fill the role of scribes from previous titles which include the non nonsense cleric Felix and Elder cleric quintus quintus mentions the Commonwealth 2 stating that the orders to track down wissig come from the highest clerics in the East Coast chapter it's quite possible then that Maxon might have instituted this change himself his chapter did use new titles in 4.4 after all with Lancer Captain Proctor and arabist or new ones clearly the Quasi religious aspect of the Brotherhood is also definitely back metallic monks indeed moving on let's talk about the new 260s the VIS has open up now now and they have all mounted jetpacks reminisent characters like Iron Man a big shift from how jetpacks have been depicted so far in the series it's a pretty big change that needs some getting used to and I would have liked to see more superhero Landings like we saw in Fallout 4 jumping directly out of a verti bird gave the suits of real presence which is lost a bit in some scenes we'll talk more about the Brotherhood in the final chapter in today's video as the series ending definitely leaves them in an interesting position when we talk about major changes to existing factions one stands Above the Rest and what will no doubt be the most contentious narrative decision for many in the series is the apparent sunsetting of one of fallot's Resident superpowers once comprised of five contagious States spanning much of the West Coast the NCR appears to be no more now it should be said for breadcrumbs portending the eventual collapse of the NCR were sprinkled throughout Fallout New Vegas overextended during their conflict with the legion a bitter war with the Brotherhood of Steel internal corruption political and economic pressure from the Brahman Barons and perhaps most severely impend crippling food shortages as a result of population growth something that might have been warded off with the expansion and acquisition of new territory but the biggest change which is definitely a reccon from previous games is the decision to move through the capital Shady Sands from the northernmost edge of the state of shady a very great distance to the LA Boneyard geographically this is significant for many reasons the NC's founder aradesh originated from Vault 15 and used a GE to help jumpstart the community from nothing practically in the middle of nothing completely self-sufficient it grew GRE immensely over time with its old buildings replaced but its greatest resources remained its vast herds of Brahman and its agricultural potential in for out the greatest threat is the mutant Army of the master with in-game conditions seeing locations raised by that Army after a certain number of days have passed Shady Sands is one of the last to be destroyed after 230 days have gone by with the text the mutant Army marches as far north as Shady Sands by moving Shady Sands to the Boneyard means the distance from Vault 15 for arodes to have traveled would be much greater and the proximity to to the cathedral making it much easier to attack but this change isn't what's causing a furious debate as in 2296 it is actually revealed that shady Sands was destroyed by an atomic bomb and is now just a crater Hank who started the series seeming like our vault dad ended it as something else entirely the big reveal being put on his order vortek destroyed Shady Sands more than him and the huge law developments regarding them later on unfortunately the date that this actually took place is Up For Debate in episode 6 the Trap Lucy discovers a room dedicated to remembering Shady Sands inv Vault 4 inhabited by survivors which include birdie a chalkboard list the important dates in the ncr's history at the end the fall of shady Sands is dated to 2277 with an arrow extending to a mushroom cloud if the City was destroyed in 2277 then this would be a continuity ERA with evidence in for Vegas taking place in 2281 Shady sounds being referenced multiple times as still existing it's politicians still based there but if this image is suggesting that the fall actually began in 2277 which could perhaps be a reference to the first battle of huam which is also the same year and it's possible that the event took place later perhaps even in 2281 similar to what could have happened in some of the Lonesome Road endings I Haven been able to find definitive evidence for either date but there are two details I found which I think actually do suggest but sadly this is a pretty big continuity error after all VA 33 suffered from a Great Plague that caused everyone to quarantine in 2277 and one of the Dwellers affected by this was Rose mlan who at the time Luc a norm believe died as a result quarantining The Vault would have been the perfect cover for Hank and Betty who actually says that she helped Hank Barry his wife and act their plan to wipe out Shady Sands the second detail which is definitely still speculative is characters ages at the time only one character in the series has a confirmed age at the time of the explosion and that is actually birdie Vault 4 I was 11 and traveled with her to Philly who says she was 11 at the time with her mother in Philly where they could still feel the heat from the blast so assuming the date was 2277 that would make her 30 years old in Vault 4 2281 making her character 26 and any further forward she gets even younger both could be feasible but I do think this character being 30 years old seems more realistic it's a shame that this debate seems like it's going to overshadow how good this series really is but if it is a continuity era it is a very big one hopefully this did take place later though in 2281 or later irrespective of the exact timeline though is that really it for the NCR after all their territory covered so much ground over the five states but even if the legion house saw Yes Man one out in New Vegas in addition to Shady Sand's destruction NCR was still comprised of 700,000 citizens as early as Fallout to and the population absolutely boomed after that I think what we could see established are the states breaking down into their own republics or factions with a new narrative leading towards a reforming of the Republic one day or perhaps we could see something similar to The Lonesome Road endings B Han can bolte in fact tugs in multiple cities and towns which just included Shady Sands that would really have cause a rapid decline in NCR fortunes with that though it's time to move on to vault tech and some of the biggest lore updates of any group in the TV series The Classic bolttech color scheme and signature Vault boy thumbs up both received origin stories from the same Source Cooper Howard starring in voltech ads modeling their new jumpsuits losing actor friends along the way before realizing how bad they really are by the end Cooper's Arc in the pre- war setting was an amazing addition and one heavily entrenched in a commentary on capitalism and as Matt Barry's barfolomew CW so aply put it you're a product I'm a product the end of the world is a product something he himself also did signing the rights to his voice away to give the Mr handy robots life and in one ad we were introduced to Vault 4 starring Cooper and the horor family who had run the Vault Lloyd and Cassandra horor were two prominent researchers on the effects of radiation on human DNA and alongside 8 volunteers signed up to live in Vault 4 for a 5-year trial period as this is vault tech this led to unrestricted research human testing and the hybridization of humans and radiation resistant species leading to the creation process of a new variant of gula which we also learn was created in one of the most horrible processes I think we've seen so far literally being born from those unfortunate human subjects which does explain the many fingers found inside their mouths using refugees from the surface this eventually led to Rebellion killing the scientific staff the hor forms themselves torn apart by their own grotesque Creations because of the experiments though many varying degrees of mutations can still be seen on the descendants of the original test subjects Vault for didn't turn out all bad V taking many survivors from the outside world and allowing the protagonist to leave with our further Bloodshed and that leaves us with a trio of interconnected vaults vaults 31 32 and 33 which on the surface seem like they could be a control Vault with the interconnectivity simply a means to prevent interbreeding by arranging marriages between members from each swapping Personnel supplies and Machinery along the way but as the story progresses in the Revelation but only dwellers from 31 ever become overseers we learned that this wasn't really a control Vault or an experimental Vault either instead it was something entirely new and this Story begins with chairman Bud asins first seene in episode 6 bud is introduced as a former West Tech employee once in control of the roll out of T45 suits to the Alaskan front during their initial exchange it's revealed that Cooper actually fought in Anchorage with Bud making light of the t-45 floors angering him greatly something we actually discovered later included a weak point beneath the chest plate which the gou exploits against the Brotherhood clearly the t60 didn't fix this problem either now at voltech and specializing in human resource research and development he believed he knew the way to win against the competition in the great game of capitalism about a month ago I posted a video on the channel discussing the great game we knew a bit of rivalry between Desmond lockart a pre-war British G and Professor Calbert a former government scientist preserved as a brain in the jar in the video we theorize over who the other players may be including characters like the think tank Brawn and possibly even other high ranking members of volte the only problem is the actual identities of the people running the show pre-war have always remained a bit of a mystery until now with the introduction of buds buds VTE have gone from having one named high ranking member cheating death to well pretty much all of them Bud Askins akin to the think tank and Calbert is now the brain on arba and his buds a wellt trained staff of Highly supervised Junior Executives from his assistant training program cryogenically frozen in Vault 31 to be released at different intervals to become overseers of Vault 32 and 33 using an intermarriage and Inter Vault trade rules to ensure Vault 31 received any items it needed and to enable the defrosted buds to join the others and accomplish buds directive which is most importantly breeding to create a selection of super managers which of course includes Hank and Betty who we see pre-war and post-war and even Steph too we do get a look at a partial manifest of activated and dant Personnel George yaffi is mentioned as being the overseer from 2121 to 2125 W and is someone we actually saw much earlier in the initial meeting with Cooper in Hollywood but the others nothing jumps out to be currently hopefully there are some nice Easter eggs buried Within These names though but the biggest reveal is still yet to come in one of my favorite scenes in the finale we get to see the culmination of Bud askin's story arc time management in a boardroom headed by voltech we see the beginning of their collaboration with representatives of fallot's other worst companies and organizations Leon W Feldon of westtech who would later meet his end in the Mariposa Rebellion Julia masters of Repcon whose Sticky Fingers was still trade secrets from the company she represented Mr House of rockco who of course we all know too well and Frederick Sinclair of the Big MT which is actually a second reccon as Sinclair was originally depicted looking like this dead money but now looks like this not only that but he's gone from being a client of big mountain to officially representing them there was a very nice tie Ino with house equipping Freddy boy only you could lose money on a casino the big takeaways from this discussion mostly come from Bob Co ex-wife shattering Cooper's belief in her as he listens in May the best idea when with the other vaults offered up to the corporations to do with them as they will we got a quick look at a map of the vaults in this scene but I will be fully analyzing at a later date some small takeaways seem to be a currently undiscovered vault in Appalachia which is perhaps in the cranberry bog and off the coast of Boston but is most likely the unfinished underwater Vault we never got to see in keeping with his character house doesn't offer up any evil ideas for an experiment focusing more on their prospective investment asking how VTE can guarantee their investment pays off with peace talks already in progress and the answer we will drop the bomb ourselves confirming one of the longest running theories over who started the war that it was actually voltech the entire time wiping the Slate clean to one day rule in a world without war and without anyone left on the surface something overseer Hank mlan ended up doing again many years later after discovering water was being siphoned Away From the Vault Rose mlan wife of Hank and mother of Luci and Norm left Vault 33 after confirming that life had indeed returned to the surface and husband had lied moving to Shady sounds but pursued by Hank he decided to take his children back and consign the city to its fate Rose becoming a feral goal as a result what Vex willingness to wipe the Slate clean more than once could be easily rationalized too with with cold fusion technology if it was indeed also used in a gek when the landscape could be transformed at will and in a more readily available format like we see in the series could be used to power whatever they like I do think The Mention Of Eden during this exchange between Bobb and Cooper was also no coincidence perhaps waltech never intended to wait out the radiation rather wait for the radiation to kill off everyone above ground before transforming the Wasteland into a Garden of Eden for themselves dropping more nukes to move that process along when needed final scene in the series with all characters finally converging at once ends with the ghoul asking Hank this question where is my family something he refuses to answer before escaping left open-ended with more than enough unanswered questions and unfinished story lines it's time to talk a bit about all the potential teasers for a season two despite mava succeeding to bring the entire City's power back on line at the end of the series she ultimately dies from their injuries challenging Maximus to think about what the Brotherhood could do with such power something we already have a steer on as they use the BR agitator to power up Liberty Prime an explanation for how Bava survived of the wall was never really shown and is certainly something i' would love to see explained Maximus is fely praised for killing her with the Victorious Brotherhood of Steel now in possession of cold fusion and this NCR hold out defeated the biggest narrative to continue in a season 2 was certainly the search for Hank after escaping the Gil needs answers about where his family is located and Lucy is convinced to join him with come CH makers hanit transpires as traveled to the mve the season ending with a shot of the Lucky 38 Rising into the sky any events which take place here were presumably confirm which New Vegas ending was Cannon and if I had to speculate given his appearance in the same episode Mr House might be that choice which other vtic characters or Enclave characters might we see though wiig's escape from the facility was the only definable moment in their appearance the location ultimate goals and relative strength for that Enclave hold out remain a bit of a mystery for now although of course they did tease that super iment for VA X characters Hank is the obvious choice but surely meeting his pre-war boss and Cooper's x-wave Barb could also be on the cards and we also don't really know what happened to his daughter either interestingly there is a moment during the boardroom exchange where we see Barb stop glance at her pit boy before looking up at the gallery where we can see silhouetted figures watching and behind them a figure barely illuminators it's only after this where her impact full monologue begins and the inference for me at least is whoever this figure is is perhaps the most important Cog of all definitely get your theories about who that could be in the comments time to collect my thoughts for as we wrap this video up overall this series did blow me away as expecting it to be decent particularly after the glowing reviews but I was surprised by how engaging each storyline ended up being even Norm's side quest of discovering the truth alongside unwilling accomplished chat managed to keep up with the other main narratives the attention to detail humor and Gore were all very familiar from playing the games and the big twists and turns didn't disappoint the series also simultaneously seemed like it could still be an enjoyable watch for someone who hasn't played them either all of that being said some of these colossal law decisions were definitely surprising particularly in the case of the NCR Vex starting the Great War and The Enclave still knocking about in this region none of that attracts of My overall enjoyment of the series V but i' would love to know what you think so definitely let me know in the comments and let's get a discussion going if you enjoyed this particular video please consider subscribing to help the channel grow we'll have plenty more Fallout videos releasing very soon so turning on the Bell icon is definitely the best way to stay up to date with that said though I'm off thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Uranium Fever
Views: 534,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s0rQBxG3Odo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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