ALL of Fallout's Creepy Cryptids Explained! | Fallout Lore

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creatures found in stories that some believe exist but have never been proven to exist cryptons have been present in fornot since the very beginning one of the series most recognizable creatures the death glaw was once among their number view as this are more than a rumor by the various inhabitants of Southern California before spreading throughout the Wasteland and making their existence abundantly clear to all but for many others un reving the Myster is more surprising as forart Crypts range from interdimensional Invaders and scientific Abominations to Paranormal Phantoms and even the spawn of Satan himself also characters like the wondering Storyteller would have you believe as the truth is often far less mystical in today's video we're running through the known law of every crypted to appear so far in the Fallout series covering their Origins inspiration and the impact they've had on the setting for moving on to mentioned only Cryptids and a series of in-game hints dialogue and illustrations in Fallout 76 that strongly suggest which creatures will be next to arrive with chapters in the video description for each section beginning today with the only crypted to appear in every title so far in one form or another aliens first appearing in Fallout as a special encounter the existence of aliens was mostly alluded to in the beginning thanks to Advanced Technology like the psychic nullifier biomed gel and Skynet the latter extremely powerful AI from Fallout 2 that outright stated it was created through the use of alien technology in 2050 B in Fallout 3 with the introduction of the zetans in the mothership ATA DLC aliens were officially canonized In the Flesh where their impact on fallout's history was fully revealed with the Revelation that they've been visiting Earth for centuries visually very similar to the stories of Little Green Men from our world the zans are a technologically advanced species of small green skinned humanoid beings with disproportionately large heads with a pensioned for crash landing and abducting humans their technology and apparently just about anything they could get their hands on and alongside them two other alien species as well as they unappetizing alien squid food and alien worm food clearly do not originate from Earth despite these frequent trips to the surface aliens qualify as crypted thanks in no small part to the US government and the Enclave it could also be surmised with to some extent pre-war Society was at least aware of the possibility of such creatures existing uncannily accurate depictions of the zans appeared in comics animatronics and creator of the pre- religion hubology dick Hubble was apparently in possession of an Alien Blaster 2 their existence was confirmed internally by the government in 2062 courtesy of the paland UFO report found on the Pentagon Library terminal further supported by recovered Zan corpses in onlay facilities in Appalachia but widespread knowledge of the Zan's existence was kept a closely guarded secret a secret that was closest to being revealed to the general public in 2063 the crackpot conspiracy group quer of arum discovered a secret government installation in the desert possibly meant to be Fallout version of era 51 and successfully managed to steal evidence they believe proved that alien technology was being used by the government for their own nefarious ends this Smoking Gun was in fact the MP Alex NOA surge an early prototype for the Plasma Pistol and inadvertently they stumbled on two closely guarded Secrets the existence of aliens and the pre-war Enclave hell bend on going to the Press with their findings they were undone by a double agent Dr oldwin moley with the group quickly hunted down their discoveries dying with them as although the final Living member Reed Underwood succeeded in securing the weapon in a safe it ended up being recovered by the zetans anyway postwar things are very different though and for the inhabitants of Appalachia and the capital Wasteland the zans existence isn't much of a secret anymore invading the surface on mass in West Virginia and a mly crew of abducted humans by the L wandro successfully commandeering a mother ship destroying another one in the process but the satans aren't the only Crypts to reginate from the stars and one is arguably one of the most powerful creatures ever introduced in Fallout law the flat was Monster a staple of West Virginia folklore the first sighting of the Flatwood monster happened on September 12th 1952 after a bright light tore across the sky before landing on the property of a local farmer and on the crest of a hill the party of that investigators claimed to have seen a tall manlike figure with a round red face shrouded in a pointed Hood accompanied by a pulsing red light capturing the imagination of many his legacy would see the sighting commemorated in an annual Festival immortalized in music documentaries and other media conventional explanations rationalize the sighting as nothing more than the combination of a meteor Hazard Beacon and a very disgruntled bar now but Fallout flat monster is something else entirely in the Fallout Universe this crypto's origin story isn't too dissimilar many claim to have seen this creature pre-war with West Virginia like Colton Pickins propriety of Hill Fork hot dogs claiming to have been abducted well the light started turned in different colors first it was blue and then green then red and then back to Blue all right I've heard enough colon Pickins I'm arresting you for drunk and disorderly conduct and indecent exposure indecent what what are you talking about I didn't do anything wrong discovered naked and shouting on a roof police officers didn't buy his story but thanks to uncannily Accurate depictions of this creature found on the cover of who goes there we can surmise that more than one person did come face to face with this creature the wondering Storyteller is more than happy to talk about this creature with you with my own two eyes I saw the creature zap him with a a purple laser and then the two of them vanished into the night but to truly get to the bottom of this mystery you will need to defeat one yourself and here under its metallic Hood which will actually reveal a face looking back at you and it's a Zan but not just any Zan as Tiny malformed legs are found inside this battles suit and facing one in Daily Ops reveals its true name the alien Inquisitor The Enclave are also privy to this information as we find a depiction of one in their bunker and the enlightened Cult of the buff man we're also aware of it too as we find warnings of its true nature written in their sacred TOS in combat it utilizes powerful purple Rays teleports around the player at will and will regenerate Health near death but what makes it so powerful in the law is its controlling ability its mere presence can warp the mind of all but the most iron will as the alien Inquisitor can and will control almost every single entity in its facility to assist it against the player everything present at Major boss fights other Cryptids and even Camp turrets and robots the wondering Storyteller wasn't embellishing his story about this one which based the question how far could this power extend its ability to control Scorch the effect creatures including the queen are particularly impressive given the fact they're already possessed by a hive mind but could it even control entities like Liberty Prime do its powers come from the suit or is this Satan an exceptionally powerful mutant we're unlikely to ever find out for sure but it's safe to say that the tales about the flatless monster in Fallout only tell half the story but sometimes crypted Legends and Fallout are just stories after all entering the world of appalaches crypted enthusiasts means picking up The Troll of Unsolved Mysteries one is unsolved death in Taxidermy a quest started at pio's curios once home to Janelle and Raymond prau before the war their shop specialized in selling crypted merchandise pedling a variety of interesting Creations ranging from the doget to the bucka this pair would seemingly come face to face with a real thing the Beast of Beckley picking up their Trail through a series of notes and holotapes we learned that both Raymond and Janelle would meet their end hunting this creature for fellow emphasi as Calvin vanl someone we'll be talking a lot more about later on but following in their footsteps for the moment the true nature of this Beast is both surprisingly believable and a bit disappointing the Beast of Beckley was nothing more than a large albino wolf which along with her pups Savaged the pair and putting all of them down completes the quest line although fall C6 depicts as a canine creature it's described as being an incredibly tall black shadowy humanoid creature in crypto stories in our world the consistency between the two designs however is the four bright yellow eyes which can be seen on crypted artwork found in game if not on the creature itself another crypted Legend can be found at PR courriers as well it terrifying form depicted on the sign a mythical animal of North American folklore the Jackalope is described as a jack rabbit sporting a pair of antelope horns famous for its many Taxidermy mounts many including the original are actually made with deer antlers class as Gaff Taxidermy and a Fier some Critter type of Cryptid stories of horned rabbits could be traced as far back as 13th century Persian artwork being popularized in America in the 1930s in Universe we actually find the first mention of the Jackalope in Fallout 2 downloaded from a terminal on control station Enclave we learned that vice president Daniel Bird intended on this creature becoming the new National mascot it's ventured a second time in the same game as well chosen one might spot a mole rats named Jackal loupe if they decide to participate in mole rat Mambo in reading and in Fallout 66 aside from the curio sign a jackalo plushy and wo weapon rack could be set down in the safety of your Camp as of yet though this crypted has yet to appear in the flesh moving on it's time to discuss a pair of Cryptids whose Origins differ greatly from traditional Source material but are no less horrifying the fev mutants the Grafton monster and the salig gaster a gigantic hairless greay mutant with disproportionately large Limbs and a foul manye eyed quadrupedal creature both have West Tech to F for their existence and most shockingly of all were once both human before discussing the unique biology of these two mutants we start at the beginning are their shared origin story at the westtech research center founded in August 2075 to house the greenhouse initiative the Project's original goal was to apply mutations to edible plants which would greatly increase food production thus solving crippling food shortages throughout the country but in February 2076 the project goals changed the greenhouse initiative was replaced by the forced evolutionary virus initiative which meant human experimentation an intemp to isolate a viable feev strain with the town of Huntersville providing a perfect testing round that same month what seemed like a rare strain of flu broke out eventually escalating into a full quarantine military intervention and house arrest for the town's residents a stream of unsuccessful strains produced numerous failed mutations until October 14th 2077 when a new feev strain took to test subject am52 the very first sagasa this subject combined traits that resembled a number of different species sporting an increased number of ocular organs an enlarged torso and two sets of arms with clawed digits the scientist described it as as a pile of quivering genetic biowaste still it was considered a success as it was a living stable functioning subject capable of sustaining itself left in containment to incubate the sast had other ideas though as we learn in the Special Report Containment Breach but it managed to escape on January 3rd 2078 where it proceeded to procreate with a mutant spreading across Appalachia although based on a local Legend forance sanasa is arguably the most drastically different appearance-wise shelist which means quick Spirits early accounts come from German settlers in the 1730s describing it as a half reptile half bird Chimera which was swooped down in the middle of the night to snatch its victims before draining them of blood but could be warded off by seven-pointed stars which can still be seen painted on local barns this crypted Legend is more accurately depicted on the artwork from the season 12 scoreboard heading back to westtech the scientists were very pleased with the success of am52 so they decided to tweak some genomes for the next Feb strain infecting test subject am53 the first grafted monster was born despite a lack of a discernable head the subject survived its metamorphosis far exceeding expectations but growing too large for containment on site so on October 23rd 2077 a truck carrying the mutant set off on a fateful Journey distracted by the nuclear bombs falling from the sky the truck's driver John Bunton crashed near the town of Grafton and the Grafton monster was free and presumably like the saster before it this thing can actually procreate as these Titanic powerhouses can be found throughout Appalachia post-war launching tar-like projectiles and slamming the ground of its fists different variations can be found one even being infected by Strangler Vines suffering from Deep SE ping lesions un night the sagasta fallout's grafted monster is visually quite similar to its supposed real world sighting in 1964 Robert cochrell a reporter for the gron Sentinel claimed to have seen a large humanoid creature with no visible head and Slick seal-like skin stalking the forest outside of the Town his account was quickly dismissed by his editor but news of the monster spread leading to its growing popularity in the region perhaps the closest representation of a real world crypted in the Fallout Universe V is actually the ravenous wendo a crypted that quite interestingly is most often portrayed incorrectly in most other media originating from Native American folklore Endo was described as an everyday human being who in times of famine had resorted to cannibalism possessed by evil spirits to Crave human flesh they would become emaciated but possessed prenatural speed and strength no antlers in sight in Fall 76 wendigos have all of those qualities with the addition of a piercing scream capable of stunning their prey despite there being a wendo sighting recorded by crypted Enthusiast Beverly Solomon dated 2077 and who goes there yet again depicting an accurate image of the creature there are two candidates for the first actual wendigo in Appalachia Morris Stevens leader of the cannibalistic Gorman's Raider gang was driven out out after breaking their one rule don't eat your own due to his increasingly depraved fixation with cannibalism and a shortage of their normal food supply Morris and his wife Edie killed a fellow gang member the half-eaten corpse discovered by the rest of the gang their banishment in the cave didn't stop the Hunger boat Edy darling Edy oh how delicious you were the sweet taste of your fleshes as it passed down my throat dur so ravenous but Morris ate his wife Edie mutating into the creature We Now find in the cave devouring anything stupid enough to come inside but Morris might not have actually been the first as in January 2076 before the bombs had dropped LL Williams and a party of drunken and disgruntled towns F from manonga was sealed inside the Mine by supervisor de Sykes trapped inside and growing desperate the body of James A minor who had actually died from injuries caused a division amongst the survivors several including Williams agreed to cannibalize the corpse though other state they would rather die than feed on their fellow man and that was just the start as more died from starvation the more they fed documenting his mental collapse in a journal you can find Williams hunger got the best of him and the living were next on the menu by 2103 L Williams has mutated into a wendo Colossus a larger and more powerful variant with two additional heads increasingly long disproportionate limbs towering over their smaller kin whether this is due to increased feeding or radiation is unclear but all variants do share a unique in equality they can often be found amongst feral ghouls working in Tander with them and not hostile to one another perhaps suggesting that they are actually a sub type of ferals after all not all crypted are the stuff of nightmares though and one is actually pretty docile with conflicting information in game as to whether even is a crypted at all the megas sloth prior to the Great War Isaac Gahan son of the CEO of the Gahan Mining Company in Appalachia had a very interesting Pastime disinterested in his family's company Isaac preferred to spend time with his peculiar PS The Majestic sloth so misunderstood so intelligent yes they move cautiously with great Precision but it is not mere laziness oh no my friend it is evolution Captain cage is at the Gan State they made their escape following the Great War mutated by the Abundant radiation into colossal lumbering Futures filthy and shagy fur covered in clusters of mushrooms they release clouds of spores at potential attackers before hurling rocks and using their large claws to scratch they could often be found dangling from large trees in the mire and are unique in that they ignore almost anything unless attacked first the confusion over their status as a crypted stems from the fact that these do not count as cryptids in the queen of the hunt daily Quest but do count towards various daily in event challenges whatever the case these Mega sloths were no doubt inspired by the pre historic megal monics fossils of this enormous ground sloth were originally discovered in organ cave in greenby County West Virginia a location you can actually now visit in game although if you do keep your wits about to as cultist worshippers of the red-eyed Moth Man have since made it their gruesome Abode and these cultists aren't only interested in that crypted either as we discover a Hunting Party based in sacramental Glade tracking the ogwa oh my shepherd such blessings you have cast Upon Us grant us your strength once more for we have found a beast worthy of being sacrificed in your Holy Name sacrifice is a big deal in the cult of The Moth Man and the sect based in sacramental Glade had found something very special indeed a great creature had traveled south and trudging through the night in Pursuits they have as of yet been unsuccessful in bringing it down strong and Savage snapping into any who would dare step near its Mighty Jaws the Cults Target is the AWA a crypted in Fall Arts we actually know very little about except what the cultist believe they claim its blood is ancient holding secrets of long ago Unfortunately they aren't always the most believable source for a creatur's Origins but if they are correct the AWA could potentially be a pre-war crypted or perhaps more rationally this could be a reference to the fact that the snapping turtle family have remained almost unchanged for nearly 90 million years the AWA also known as the rville monster or halt monster is a freshwater cryp of native to West Virginia and the Pennsylvania area it is said to dwell in the Ohio aleni and mongella rivers repeated 20 ft long and weighing in at 500 lb its visual representations all seem to depict the creature as an enormous snapping turtle common snapping turtles are native to those regions and the Ohio River is is of course present on the ingame map facing this Behemoth in combat means avoiding its snapping Jaws lunging attack and a unique ability in which it will hide in its shell temporarily protecting it from all damage although its exact Origins remain a mystery in Fallout 76 it pales in comparison to The Entity that the cult hoped to sacrifice it to as The Moth Man is up next red eyes to witness the future purple to see the lies but orange green that remains to be seen stalking the Dark Forest of Appalachia the mo man remains one of Fallout 66's greatest Mysteries a crypted creature in actuality it is not a single entity with numerous moth men having a variety of different eye colors and temperaments some will stalk you others will hunt you some are woried and others impart wisdom made all the more confusing by close ties to another one of Fallout 76' greatest Mysteries what we are left with is more questions why is the red-eyed Moth Man considered Divine how did the wise moth man become wise and what is the significance of all Mothman hatchlings having orange eyes all questions I've attempted to answer in a full length Floor video about the Cryptid you can check out on the channel but in today's video I'll try and keep this section much shorter The Moth Man of Fallout 76 is known to have existed before the Great Great War featured in the tales from the West Virginia Hills as a hostile red-eyed Beast praying on those in the Point Pleasant area and despite his vicious reputation he garnered quite the following and it's a pretty similar origin story to the real world sightings of this legendary crypted we find the mff man statue in Point Pleasant and multiple shrines spread throughout the town but it is in fact the concealed church but we learn of the first actual sighting after a successful summoning and the Schism of the Cs who woried it brother Charles was visited by the creature on October 22nd 2077 who warned him of impending floods the next day and the only way to survive it would be to find Higher Ground those that took this very literally stood on the roofs of the town and the others including Charles found sanctuary in Lucky Hall mine and on October 23rd those but hidden the Mind survived what comes next is where the mystery deepens and the second Schism of the remaining cult members with the introduction of two beings so mysterious and unknowable legends about them don't even exist the interloper and the visitor which I believe were actually in opposition to one another my theory is that fallot moth men were once wild creatures perhaps originating from the stars but their natural eye color being orange hatchlings share this eye color but depending on outside influence from these two interdimensional entities and environmental factors their eyes change green being the simplest to rationalize is just irradiated which leaves red versus purple on one side we have the interopa the red-eyed holy moth men and the followers of the winged one the Hostile cult we find throughout the region the intop currently inhabits lucky Hall mine where it craves blood and the cult which worship it often unknowingly provide just that pouring the blood of the sacrifice offerings onto its roots and even using their own in some instances the red-eyed bu men act as Shepherds drawing more people to the cult to keep the offerings flowing he is our Shepherd guiding us through the darkness to his Divine Light where his wings flutter I will follow and I will not fear the darkness of night within this sect knowledge of the interopa appears to be a rank one can actually obtain called a brother of the wood the only non-hostile member we can actually speak to Steven scarbury has this to say on the subject maybe one day I will become a child of the wood I just need to oh hello don't mind me just ruminating but in opposition to them we have the visitor the singular wise Moth Man and the court of the enlightened and I I think there's actually a very good reason why only one wise Moth Man exists now because the visitor is dead as a side note prior to the introduction of the visitor's body in the Deep D the wastelanders update you could actually find multiple wise moth men in Appalachia once you could actually kill in a random encounter but the moment the visitor's deceased body was added that number reduced to one which can only be met in public events Mo man Equinox and path to Enlightenment the former a seasonal Festival held by the enlightened so they can absorb neurotoxic dust from the wise Moth Man interpreter Clarence has more to say about that let the dust and flames and [Music] fumes feel you let it soak into your throats let it show you the truth and the biggest difference between these two Cults is the apparent acceptance that this moth man is not a deity but it does have Cosmic wisdom the wise Moth Man is a singer entity though immeasurable in power with knowledge beyond the age of man he is but mortal nonetheless The redyed Pretenders are wild animals and more than that speaking to another member Observer Johanna she has quite an interesting story to tell my brother y he tried to clone him you know so foolish his wisdom was not his at Birth the little ones they eat for yella her brother yella tried to clone the wise Moth Man but he was fully she says as his wisdom was not at his birth and the hatchlings ate him confirming then that like the hatchlings we find something must have made this Moth Man wise and I think the most likely candidate would have been the visitor which now dead can no longer influence any existing moof men pissing this single entity against a veritable Army belong belonging to the interloper of course this is just my take so let me know your thoughts about this one in the comments in combats the M man will utilize Sonic attacks powerful shock waves and will disintegrate into a pile of neurotoxic Ash upon death death something they will try to avoid often bolting into the sky disappearing in a whsp of black smoke but the MTH men aren't the only crypted to utilize this getaway technique another crypted inherently linked to the real world Moth Man sightings a man with the biggest smile in the Wasteland on your travels you may now encounter injured cold or as he is also known The Smiling man a cartoonishly wide grin and unmistakable in his Black Jack Gordon outfit he actually would't speak to until you initiate conversation creepily staring at you as you circle around him perhaps even creepy of it is small though is what he has to say so let's take a listen salutations do not be afraid I do hope I have found you well inred a pleasure to make your acquaintance what are you called we have haven't we not from you for you I want only happiness for you I have been away a long time it appears that much has changed during my absence I have such sights to see perhaps you can recommend a local [Music] peculiarity am I I am in no way special or spectacular you have my thanks for your time and Company before I forget I must go I do hope to see you again he introduces himself as injured Cold and The Smiling man is in fact a reference to a real crypto sighting of the same name native to West Virginia it's hard to believe he means well with that grin but interesting that he mentions he's been away a while and this original sighting actually came very close to the time that a supposed Mo Man sighting took place as well where this conversation is fascinating it's actually his other dialogue that's more interesting if he interacts with him repeatedly he will say this better the devil you know than the devil you don't at least not yet I've heard the moon can be beloo and I trust that to be true ever Dance with the Devil under a blue moon acting as a kind of Herald for another C the Blue Devil I really must be on my way as must you injured will disappear in a flash of black smoke extremely similar to The Moth Man if attacked and since he arrived he's actually been more active in Appalachia but is immediately obvious too as heading to the ridge Caravan pit stop and reading the mute proprietor Clyde's terminal we can read about what he's been up to in the entry bad juju a strange visitor arrived at the pit stop gritting from ear to ear wider than should be possible they placed 10 caps on the counter one at a time as this was actually the cost of a drink Clyde obliged taking his beer as he sat by the fire and said nothing for hours and the only sound Clyde heard was a Fed chuckle and not long afterwards the pit stop came under attack from a very large bipedal Cryptid the very same inted was searching for appearing like a werewolf of Legends the Blue Devil in Fallout 76 is an aggressive Powerhouse utilizing a unique howl attack which will actually send you running for the hills unless you've topped up on liquid courage but what is this creature and what inspired it the Blue Devil scare of 1939 to 1940 documents the sighting in Webster County during the winter a large bluish dog like creature with a ghastly howl apparently was little more than a large gray wolf in Fallout it's clearly much more than that and the little be can clean about its Origins is thanks to a pair of in-game investigators who may or may not be onto something pre-war crypted Enthusiast Calvin van low now known as Aries and the unfortunate bar mount Clyde asting as Calvin's eyes and ears on the ground through a series of coded messages and reports between the pair we eventually learned that from a coded Cipher Aries hoped to find one will white on it as he needed a hunting companion to find the mother reading the investigation report notes it reads color variations are limited especially local specimen dark black hair is most common appearing almost blue insert night none were white like you suggested although Clyde's investigation does not name a specific species the Blue Devil originated from he says that they used to be bred for racing and then fighting before the Great War this continued after the bombs dropped But Clyde has not fully determined a reason for the blue Devil's immense size compared to other canine like creatures going on to say that the size could have something to do with that place and what's nearby although the note do not clarify what that place actually is so not really anything final from this but notably you can find EMT mountain disposal SES pretty close by perhaps the Blue Devil is little bo and a giant mutated breed of dog which I currently believe might be a German Shepherd my rationale being but German Shepherds were originally bred as sheep herders racing sheep back to the pen but are now often used for a variety of uses including search and rescue police work and even Warfare get your theories down in the comments below as this mystery is still unsolved speaking of sheep and Calin vanlo leads us nicely to our next crypted a woly head crypted reported across numerous counties in West Virginia in our world sheep Squatch of full 76 is one of the most fascinating Crypton we will cover in today's video as this A Tale of falsehoods myths and the Revelation that this thing might have actually been knocking around long before the Great War Began Calvin van low although fascinated by Cryptids of every kind was obsessed with this one above all so when the B company commissioned him to create an imposter sheep Squatch in an ambitious attempt to seize land he jumped at the chance the company intended to use the increased ship Squatch sightings to throw property values in Lewisburg into free fall so they could buy the town sending two operatives to assist Calvin Bo Peep and Big Bad wolf Calvin hoped to use it to draw out the real thing and after initiating a mating protocol by accident it maimed Calvin beyond recognition and escaped into the Wast his injuries so severe he became Aries after the ordeal B peep was slaughtered by the Rogue assaultron and big bad wolf failed in an attempt to decommission it but did manage to lay the groundwork for us to finish the job at the pylon Ambush site Case Closed except not quite because the real thing was actually out there the whole time before the war actually started crypted Hunter Ray Gary was left crippled after encountering one choosing to keep the experience a secret two graduate students Michael Turner and Cindy Holloway met their end on our date night suspicious quills found at the site and the creatur's presence drew the attention of toxic Larry the half C animal likee mountain man strong muscles uh a stench like it's been around for centuries hiding in my lands feeding on my prey well not anymore it don't we don't find his body anywhere so perhaps the creature ended up eating him for lunch but if his nose is to be believed this creature might be far older than we realized the wondering Storyteller of course has his theories his most far-fetched Theory being this one how could such a vile creation exist the product of fornication carried out far from The Eyes Of God truly an Unholy creation but if this creature is rumored to be the result of an Unholy matrimony then the next one must be the spawn of Satan himself if a crackpot conspiracy theorist is to believed at the very least not all crypto stories originate from West Virginia and actually one of the most famous of all is the Jersey Devil which has multiple legendary Back stories which all begin in the pine Barons of New Jersey the lead's devil was described as having b-like wings a horse's head Claws and the general heir of a dragon the LARP people who originally populated the baronss believed in a Winged Deer spirit and sing a deer-like creature with ly wings and in fall at 76 this unnamed conspiracy theorist will offer a very different explanation loud tourists low tier entertainers showgoers on their way home from the pier the devil swop down from the sky and swallows them whole interrupting you on your quest to save abig Gro from a debilitating but very topical drug addiction viewed as little BB in a story by most inhabitants of postwar Atlantic City the truth was inadvertently sitting under their noses the entire time Central to The Narrative of the Atlantic City Expedition the unique designer drug the devil's blood is a highly addictive incredibly rare and prohibitively expensive narcotic for AC high rollers what we didn't count on was the devil's blood one hit is all it took to realize we'd made a terrible mistake but the source not revealed until the end of the story line was in fact an organic one the Jersey devil was real heading into the pine Barons to make a deal with the devil in exchange for power Antonio rousa had no choice but to kill the creature he found as this was little more than a highly aggressive Beast describing it as having no discernable intelligence but inadvertently discovered that its blood was both potent and addictive with the help of the chemist Gene the pair analyzed the body before beginning production of the narcotic dooming many a high roller and his own daughter Abby to a feature of crippling addiction as the creature Antonio slooh was in fact just a juvenile these lesser devils are smaller in stature than a death claw although no less fierce but in order to create a potent enough antidote full grown adult would need to be lured out at the Barons and the actual Jersey Devil is a far more dangerous opponent speed agility and a surprisingly diverse range of attacks that include a kind of laser shooting from its eyes it even has the ability to almost fly launching itself into the air at break next speed currently how such a creature came to be is a complete mystery but my guess given its similarity to the death claw itself a pre-war genetic construct designed to assist an open Warfare this creature could be a variation of that born in a secret lab somewhere with lots of new abilities to utilize we will have to wait and see how this crypted is explained in universe but finding answers to everything isn't always possible when it comes to all of Fallout Cryptids ghosts are cannon in fallouts with two confirmed paranormal beings appearing in the series so far and a third poti potentially on the way and a rational explanation for their presence whether it be science radiation or the Stars cannot be found ghosts simply exist although there have been multiple characters called ghost a ghost farm and even ghost people the first actual ghost appeared in Fallout 2 The Ghost of Anna Winslow stalks the den doomed to Eternal suffering in this plane unless the chosen one recovers her locket more recently though it's the ghost of Lucy grandchester that players will encounter in fall. 4's ner World DLC haunting the grandchester Mystery Mansion after an apparent suicide Lucy will disappear the moment the Soul Survivor gets close during a creepy guided tour with this scene in particular standing out as the ghost could be seen watching through a window on approach but a third ghost has also been teasing Fallout 76 and with that we move on to the final section of today's video mention only cryptons who might be next to arrive for this section we're going to be using two main pieces of source material season 12 for Fallout 76 introduced more than just a variety of different Crypt fiend rewards because the scoreboard itself tells a story taking a closer look at the illustrations cars and figurines a variety of different Crypts can be seen traditional representations of existing creatures we can find in game but some completely new ones as well and several of these served as the first clues that those Crypts would be the next to appear in the case of the AWA the Blue Devil the Jersey Devil and injured cold but several still remain the Second Source material is having a little chat with Steven scarbury the non-hostile member of the followers of the winged one who he mentioned earlier this Mothman cultist has encountered many creatures on his travels and we'll describe some Random Encounters but actually line up nicely with these new teased Cryptids I'll be play each relevant exert alongside the breakdown of each creature and not first is the green Bri ghost a name popular attributed to the alleged ghost of el owna Hester Shu a young woman who was murdered in 1897 initially judged a death by natural causes the court later declared that she'd been murdered by her husband following testimony by the victim's mother who claimed her daughter's Spirit revealed the true cause of her death Steven references this towards the white Springs I could faintly see a woman in need of help she ran unobstructed through the trees before I lost sight of her near an old cemetery and it's also referenced by some Idol dialogue in the white Springs next is this illustration the beggie man found in the top right corner of the scoreboard Steven describes his creature bear a description that almost perfectly matches the reputed real life sighting in the thick of a forest I heard a high pitched jabberin close by as I approached some tall foliage appeared to reach out and grab a settler be wary of strange trees friend the veggie band does actually have some similarities to the interloper both are closely associated with wood and entering the Chamber of the insul OPA you'll hear a low hum although not an exact match for the jabbering associated with the vegim man I'm another element from its sighting is it reportedly spoke telepathically with the victim the interloper called out to The Moth Man cultist telepathically bringing many of them to Lucky hold mine the veggie man was said to be very tall AR be over 7 ft with with a thin semi-human likee shape partially plant-based it possessed large ears with striking eyes that oscillated in colors returning to the board and heading down to the middle we can see a sad piglike creature and this is the squonk described as a w covered creature a sham of dis appearance the legends of the squonks originated in the late 19th century its skin was reportedly ill-fitting and spent most of its time weeping a PO of Tears can be seen in the illustration in reality it seems that this creature was likely inspired by a type of pig described as having tusks it also doesn't sound too threatening compared to some of the other creatures on the list today with this fearsome aspect being contagious misery incidentally something we have seen appear on some new camp items is the mounted red hog and butchered ball meat so perhaps we could see some kind of pig like creature as a new enemy type outside of all of these Cryptids which have been teased Forte has also seen a few others referenced the chupacabra Spanish for goat sucker is a legendary creature of Puerto Rican origin in for New Vegas no Nunan calls an invisible nightkin a chupacabra after it had killed several Brahman around the town of Novak the lock monster is a legendary creature of Scottish origin said to dwell in Lo Ness again in Fallout New Vegas Jenny tooto an employee at the ancient tools company couldn't attend a weekend event because she was operating a Loch Ness monster puppet in a play after raising the crash b29 out of the water for the Boomers Mr New Vegas will actually air a segment referencing locals seeing a large object or creature rising from Lake me dubbing it the lake me monster and lastly for today a small bottle of what looks like a Yeti or Sasquatch is seen in model form on the season 12 artwork the latter is also mentioned again on the cover of one edition of the magazine backwoodsman but with that we really have reached the end of today's crypted law video Cryptids have captured the imaginations of people the world over and in Full Art it is no different championed in fullart 76 we've seen many appear in the flesh with interesting variations origin stories and open Mysteries to mover but which Crypts would you like to see appear in the series next with some very famous ones still missing I'd love to read your thoughts on this down in the comments if you enjoyed this particular video please consider subscribing to help the Channel grow we have plenty more Fallout videos releasing soon so turning on the Bell icon is definitely the best way to stay up to date with that said V I'm off thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Uranium Fever
Views: 953,839
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Keywords: Fallout, Fallout Lore, Fallout Facts, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout Secrets, Fallout Tips, Fallout DLC, Point Lookout, Lore, Fallout 76
Id: sMbz9LNVu28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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