Things That Feel Illegal

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some things that feel illegal but in fact aren't just and check it out I thought she was giving him a kiss that wasn't a kiss she sucked the snot out of her baby help that is actually so gross I kind of wish that somebody would love me enough to do that for me like I can't get it out but if somebody just like sealed their lips to my nostrils and just like sucked it up like a vacuum that would be very nice I would appreciate it I ain't doing that for no baby though ah maybe she liked the taste of boogies he said his pizza is too hot let me run it over some water cool down a bit when is pizza ever too hot unless you eaten it straight off the oven like you reach in and it's still in the oven and put it in your mouth is the only time it's ever too hot I have never gotten pizza delivered to me and it was too hot it's kind of weird almost as weird as running water over it also do you ever eat something that's like really cold and like before you put it in your mouth you like blow on it or am I just dumb my husband says he eats corn the right way and I eat it like a Savage I hate just peeling it off I didn't know you could even do that like peel off the corn in sections I'll be munching on that thing like a monster it usually looks like this but this guy he worked at Chipotle I didn't know they could be removed so easily I gotta try this out how I cut my kids pizza with scissors why you cutting it with scissors those are like hair cutting scissors don't you have like food scissors or am I just fancy I got a scissors for like food and then like everything else that is not food also why are you cutting up the pizza like that are you feeding it to a toddler just using a fork knife scissors anything besides grabbing a slice and putting it directly into your mouth and eating it seems illegal to me the way Pizza is meant to be eaten with your grimy Paws it's like eating potato chips with a fork you just don't POV the crops crash the party but it's okay because he's hot wait they're getting arrested and then they're just sitting here Snapchatting the whole experience you can even call it that like he arrested her putting handcuffs and they took a photo with him blend handcuffs I'm getting arrested but it's okay I get to go on a little date with this guy right in the back of his car maybe stop at the in and out I just can't believe this I never seen somebody so excited to go to jail so did he change his mind or did she go to jail like I need to update when the customer orders a medium pizza and I make it a large by mistake so they made a large took out a section where he put back the pizza Together made it into a medium no and now you get a free slice of pizza it's genius but who's gonna know how would they know you know instead of making the customer's day like whoa I ordered a medium got a large no no no made me a little snack for later I'm patiently waiting for Daddy to finish pooping as so the kid just sat in his pants he's swinging his legs like it's a fun little ride he's having such a good time vibing to the smell of poop I mean I guess babies are used to the smell of Poupon I don't know Daddy's on the toilet he's sitting in there thinking it's his own little toilet yeah good thing he's wearing a diaper though okay it's by far one of the worst bed bug infestations I've ever seen this dude this is what this dude's sleeping with this is his bed right here see somebody is actually sleeping on that this isn't some abandoned murder house there isn't a dead body here somebody is living here and sleeping on this bed every single night when do you think they woke up and we're like wait these aren't Oreo crumbs they're bed bugs no wonder I've been so itchy maybe I should call someone I'm gonna be sick this is beyond disgusting somebody actually sleeps in this bed like every night I'd rather fall asleep with my house on fire this should be like a Fear Factor challenge sleep in a Bed full of bed bugs burn the whole room it's everywhere no burn the whole house down we starting over eat or pass wait was that a cucumber or a pickle oh that's thick oh they making like those Korean corn dogs but like American version because it's a pickle oh there's a Glizzy inside okay you're not gonna lie that looks delicious I'm embarrassed to say but I've been on a Glizzy kick lately the moment I wake up I crave a hot dog dinner hot dog snack hot dog what's wrong with me and I do love pickles deep fried them if it was gluten free I would try it it just looks a little sus as a waiter [Music] hey hey you can't do that I mean if they're done with the food and they ask you to take it is it a free game can't you just like take a bite I would be surprised but like they're hungry I didn't finish my food girl get your chip I'm okay with this you know actually normalize this Hey sir your bag your bag is literally dripping now your drink is dripping is he like falling asleep now it's everywhere nobody's gonna say anything start your drink it's all over the floor now what is going on it's like he's doing it on purpose he just don't care but like what was the reason hope somebody slips and falls on the Dunkin Donuts snail Trail and who will they sue me I have no money well I love those you put the coin in it foreign on its side and then it just like spirals down into the hole he just slid it that's illegal straight to jail Tire to you you go to a gelato place oh what flavors do you have Heinz the ketchup as an ice cream I have heard of mac and cheese ice cream pizza flavored ice cream well it's ketchup flavored ice cream only if you slip on it in a fry cone I just can't imagine a universe where this tastes good absolutely no one me I boil my eggs in my tea kettle you can do that I didn't know you could do that I think she might actually be onto something that's not a bad idea anything besides water in a kettle to me is weird and perhaps illegal but people be making noodles in there people be making hard-boiled eggs I mean I guess it just feels illegal as a child I was always scared of this you know sometimes you flush and then the water level goes up and then you flush again and then it overflows do you guys have Trauma from a toilet overflowing because in my childhood that has happened several times and it like flooded the entire bathroom and I had to go tell my parents about it and of course it was my fault that the toilet flooded you know being ankle deep in your own peepee isn't a very fond memory my roommate just told me you're apparently not supposed to eat the skin hello yes officer this one right here I have never seen somebody eat an avocado like this she said she ate this skin eating it like a dang Peach wait you're not supposed to eat the skin what do you mean it's like hard is it crunchy does it taste good no maybe we're doing it wrong I can't believe there are people out here eating an avocado like this this is the view that I saw outside of the window when I toured the apartment back in August I started on a Monday night uh Monday is the day that they take the trash out here apparently this is what I was greeted with when I moved in in September uh yeah like at no point in the entire process did they mention that this is where they store the garbage it wasn't in the least I didn't mention it when I toured never I was emailing with them multiple times before I signed the lease do they like get rid of the trash do they like keep it there do they get rid of the trash you could probably like open your window and toss your trash out into the dump that is your backyard cons of living in this place you open up your window for some fresh air and all you smell is garbage this is how I'd Escape in a fire I have no means of egress or a grass or however you pronounce that word and also look at this this there's a fire all these people are literally just going up in Flames with all the cardboard and trash in here so I don't think it's legal you would have to walk through a dump of flaming hot garbage to escape this place yeah I think it's time to move things in Belgium that feel illegal but aren't you can just open the pack of water bottles and just take one do you still have to pay for it or it's like against the law to not have water if you're thirsty like I am legally allowed to take this water because I am thirsty I mean that's pretty cool I mean if you want one from a pack of six I'm sure there are other people that want only one bottle and not a pack of six so it kind of makes sense just cut one of these hey hey hey you can't just do that I hear a thick boy he got a real chunky feasting on the fertilizer I mean you could just take it right nobody's stopping you from taking a wild animal if you can he was in your trash can everything in your trash can is yours this is the laws of the land I'm sure he also excited to be off the streets ouch he just walked up to her how did she not notice she was trying so hard to ignore him he just yanked her eyelashes off I'm surprised she didn't scream that hurt I would have screameda started crying right then and there have you ever like plucked an eyelash like from the root that freaking hurts pain you know instead of putting all the seasoning onto the noodles directly no I want to choose how much I want I want to individually dip every butt of noodles into each of the seasonings poured out onto a plate I mean this is a very specific way to do it by I mean I understand wanting to choose the amount but isn't it just easier to just take that whole bowl and just like mix it all up together two bites I would be fed up this is a lot of work at this rate we will never make it to flavor Town something that feels illegal but isn't walk into Sephora and then take the little brushes I don't know why I don't do this I use them to brush my lashes I mean they just be sitting there you can as long as you're not like taking all of them you can take a few who's gonna stop you free lash wand or you could use them for your brows or fellas brushing your little butt hairs but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button enough and comment below the weirdest one and make sure you turn click pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,635,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, illegal, things that feel illegal
Id: g5eTeJ4BYcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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