All Fame Quirks Explained And Rated | The Sims 4 Guide

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hope you've got some quirky celebrities and that's right i'm starting off this video with a horrifyingly bad pun we're going to look at every fame quirk including both how to get it and what it does and i'll give a quick rating out of 5 revealing roughly how annoying i deem that quirk to be 5 out of 5 being the most annoying or the worst another thing to note is that quirks can add to a sims personality in fun or bizarre ways so it's good to think of which quirks could it be considered character building two star celebrities can have one quirk three star celebrities can have two quirks and then five star celebrities can have up to four quirks let's get started first up is vain street this one is very easy to trigger and all you have to do is run over to a mirror and perform a couple of back-to-back interactions before long they'll realize that they are absolutely loving their reflection and this quirk will pop up character-wise this quirk is great for a narcissistic celebrity on one hand bang streak can be really annoying as without using a mirror frequently your sims will constantly get a tense plus two moodlet that can only be fixed by interacting with a mirror the flip side of this is that if you have 3 000 reward points you can purchase the carefree trait and you'll never be tense again meaning that this quirk isn't too impactful in a negative sense at all your sim also gains the ability to admire their fine self on a mirror which will give a plus two confident moodlet for three hours overall i'm giving this quirk a four out of five in terms of how annoying it is but if you have the carefree trait then i'm giving it a zero as it won't really impact you at all moving on now and it's time to talk about refined palette this is the quirk that every celeb in my game naturally ends up with i need to tell my sims to calm down with their refined palettes this is triggered by eating excellent quality meals and is really quite a good quirk to have with this active eating poor or average quality meals will leave your sim with an uncomfortable moodlet for a few hours but the flip side is that eating excellent dishes will leave sims with a happy plus three moodlet for six hours overall i'm giving this a zero as i think the positive roulette outweighs the bad it's definitely one of the better ones to end up with just make sure your sim doesn't suck at cooking first now keeping with the food and drink theme it's time for my favorite quirk which is juice enthusiast you might have guessed and yes raise your glasses because this is triggered by frequently drinking juice don't look in your bar though you're going to want literal orange juice from the quick meal section on the fridge to activate this easily without a regular orange juice fix seems to get a sad plus one moodlet for three hours after which it'll transform into a permanent angry plus two moodlet until they've had some juice what i love about this is that it'll be like 3am and your celebrity will be raging and then you'll be like oh yeah she hasn't had her orange juice i just find it really funny from a gameplay perspective and i really love the idea of having a sim who can't go without his or her regular fix of orange juice like for juice enthusiasts in the real world it's like you do you i'm not really here to judge but juice enthusiasts in the sims it's like whoa this sim is an icon now on the plus side drinking juice gives a plus two energized moodlet for three hours overall i'm giving this a three because although it can be a rather annoying quirk it's also funny which in my mind makes it more okay next up is phone fanatic this one is really easy to trigger simply use entertainment options on your phone repeatedly and before long it'll come into effect this will see your sims constantly whipping out their phones for a browse and if they haven't used their phone for a while they'll get a 10 plus one moodlet to clear the moodlet they'll need to use an entertainment action on their phone once again the carefree trait will make this quirk almost a non-issue so in terms of how annoying it is i'd give this a three for if you don't have the carefree trait and a one if you do have the trait because even with the trait your sim will still whip out their phone for a browse whenever they have a spare hot minute and this can be a little annoying moving on and closely related to phone fanatic is public number using lots of frequent social interactions on your phone such as adding to your instagram story will trigger this and it'll mean that a range of random sims will have gotten a hold of your precious number you'll start receiving a range of text from randos some positive others negative overall this one can be a lot of fun with all the messages and depending on the tone of the message you'll get a small moodlet such as flirty inspired sad angry pretty much any mood really it's only plus one and will only last for two hours the annoying thing is that fans will even text you when you're sleeping which breaks the super speed like girl this can wait till 8am because i want that super speed sleep i'm giving this a 3 out of 5. the next quirk we're going to talk about is stan and realistically a stan is kind of like a euphemism for stalker signing repeated autographs is a quick way to activate this quirk which you'll be doing a lot of if you host a meet and greet event so that's one way to trigger this once you have a stand they will literally start showing up at your home like a mad stalker and for some reason they're often living their absolute best life near the trash can like there are better locations but you do you if you don't like your stands showing up then you can chase them away i gave my stand my resonance key and we watched the penguin tv together but in all seriousness while these stands are pretty harmless they can steal from you and it can be annoying to have a random sims showing up at your home all the time so i'm giving this a 4 out of 5. it's time to talk about fan mail you know from fans that might not like you that much this quirk is caused by socializing with fans and will see mysterious packages regularly drop into your mailbox while most of the time this is off fish or food it can also be quirky objects like future cubes this is one of the least intrusive quirks and i actually enjoyed seeing the junk i was delivered so i'm giving it a zero out of five moving on now to the next quirk which is paparazzi darling if you regularly click on paparazzi and choose to pose for pictures then it won't take long before this quirk pops up similar to vain street this quirk is great for a celebrity who is really feeling themselves this one is interesting as it'll mean that when you're out and about more paparazzi will be chasing you and you'll have a chance of getting a small boost to your reputation when they snap up those pictures posing for pictures also gives a confident plus one moodlet for three hours but while the paparazzi have a positive effect the increased attention from them also makes it difficult to go anywhere without being swarmed and they're just a little bit annoying in general i'll give this a 3 out of 5. the next quirk we're going to look at is no touching and i'm not going to lie even though i'm more of a peasant than anyone famous this would be my quirk this one is triggered by being touched by strangers with less fame than your sim think having seems hug you this will leave your sim with a tense moodlet that activates whenever your sim interacts with a stranger on the flip side if you haven't touched anyone in a while then your sim will gain a confident plus two moodlet that will last indefinitely until they come into contact with a rando once again overall i'm giving this a two without the carefree trait and a zero with it as if you have the carefree trait then this quirk means that your sim just becomes confident from time to time which ain't too bad at all it's time to rub shoulders with your sim stars with brushes with fame this activates from touching celebs more famous than your own sim ask to hug a couple of four or five star celebs and you should be good this will make encounters where you touch or hug celebrities that are at least the same fame level as you give a plus two energized moodlet for two hours on the flip side if you go too long without associating with a celebrity of at least your celebrity rank then you'll get an indefinite sad plus one moodlet until you do personally i found this to be rather frustrating to deal with so i'm giving this a 4 out of 5 for how annoying it is next up is a motion bomb this can be triggered by having your celebrity drop into a very sad or very angry state and in my opinion it's one that you want to avoid with this active whenever your sim becomes sad or angry they'll be hit with an emotion bomb moodlet which causes their sadness or anger to intensify in the case of anger it's a very strong moolet which will put your sims straight into an enraged state and while enraged there's a small chance that your sims can actually die from cardiac explosion so avoid this quirk and keep your celebrities alive finally we have the last quirk being a serious actor this is triggered by completing dramatic gigs in the acting career meaning it's one of the hardest and most specific or niche quirks to obtain if you want it then know that my sim got it after completing a few back-to-back gigs of of tea and treachery this quirk makes it so that any comedy or mischief interaction will leave your sim in a fit of rage with an angry plus two moodlet that lasts for two hours seriously victoria was not having it you can rant about professionalism to other sims basically your sim becomes a bit of a douchebag who hates anything fun the flip side is that your sims will get an inspired plus two moodlet when they are on set acting in a drama gig and they haven't been bothered by any comedy or mischief interactions overall while this quirk is great for character building and really bringing a more uptight sim to life it's rather annoying to have to deal with on the regular and i'm giving it a 4 out of 5. alas that's a guide to all of the fame quirks in the sims 4 if you enjoyed or found that helpful then please subscribe and leave a like i would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 62,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Fame Quirks Explained And Rated | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Fame Quirks Explained, sims 4 fame quirks, sims 4 best fame quirks, sims 4 fame, sims 4 fame guide, sims 4 vain street, sims 4 juice enthusiast, sims 4 phone fanatic quirk, sims 4 no touching quirk, sims 4 emotion bomb quirk, sims 4 refined palate quirk, sims 4 celebrity quirks, sims 4 celebrities, Sims 4 all fame quirks, fame, famous, Sims 4 Get Famous, Fan Mail, Quirk
Id: NQmJw-PIm6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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