Hidden Career Rewards [Early Expansions] You Need To Know About | The Sims 4 Guide

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get ready to work friends but don't worry we'll make it fun we're going to take a look at some of the Lesser known perks that can be unlocked by partaking in careers with a focus on those that come with early expansion packs up to and including Island living and will also add in and look at the military career from the strangerville game pack too now I'm using a little bit of my judgment to determine what to highlight but in general I won't be looking at money or outfits a career brings and I'll only Spotlight objects that I believe at gameplay for the most part I'll be shining a spotlight on unique interactions abilities and traits that have significance outside of the career itself if I miss a career related unlock that you yourself think is important then please feel free to give it a shout out in the comments down below now grab your thermometers as we're going to start out with the doctor career from get to work notably when you reach level 6 in this career you'll gain the ability ability to determine a baby's gender and this interaction can be used on Sims who are pregnant and at least in their second trimester using this on a pregnant Sim will simply let you know if that Sim is currently set to give birth to a boy or a girl then at level 8 in the career your sim will be awarded with the sickness resistance trait this trait will simply make it so that your Sims have a lower chance of getting sick and it will also make it so that when they do get sick they recover faster love that for us we're moving on now to the scientist's career from get to work and there's a ridiculous amount of unique object unlocks that really add to gameplay and while I'm going to try glide through them rather quickly do know that I'll have a link to some more in-depth guides on these objects in the description as you progress as a scientist you'll unlock and be able to make and upgrade inventions and perhaps most notably is the Sim Ray this can be invented at level 2 of the sign his career and it can be used to freeze other Sims which is great for role play at level 3 in the career you can upgrade the Sim Ray to transform objects and this will turn an object into another one at random that's often somewhat related to the first but know that sometimes things can go horribly wrong and that it can lead to a fire transforming cheap objects like inexpensive showers can also see you become rich in seconds as you'll likely transform them into more expensive objects while in my opinion they are the best Sim Ray interactions at level 4 through 9 of the scientist career you'll also unlock the ability to upgrade the Sim Ray to be able to perform a range of Mind Control interactions and at level 10 it can also be upgraded to Transformer Sim which can change a Target skin tone now at level 4 of the scientist's career you'll unlock the Satellite Dish invention and once made you can use this object to prevent abduction or alternatively to contact aliens which increases the chance of a Sim being abducted and if male seems are abducted then they might get pregnant with an alien baby contacting aliens could also see them show up at your house and in addition the Satellite Dish can be used to start neighborhood Hive mines which instills an effect on everyone in the neighborhood letting you knock them out make them pee their pants break out in dance and more the Satellite Dish can also be upgraded at level 8 of the scientist's career to detect aliens putting a glow around them and effectively busting any of their disguises and in addition if the Satellite Dish is on your lot then you'll gain a new alien TV channel which is very strange at level 5 of the career you'll unlock the ability to make the cloning machine which can be used to clone a range of small objects including many Collectibles while it will fail on occasion there is no cooldown so who really cares at level 9 in this scientist career you can also upgrade this machine allowing you to clone Sims and subsequently make things very very extremely awkwardly weird but you know sometimes we want that finally at level 6 in the career you'll unlock and be able to build the electroflux Wormhole generator most notably this machine can be used to contact aliens which can see one emerge from the portal additionally once upgraded at level 10 of the scientist's career it can be used to travel to the alien Homeworld of 6am progressing through the scientist career we'll also see you unlock a huge array of serums which are created on a chemistry lab with 15 in total to unlock in the career various serums have all sorts of powers and some of my favorites include the ones that instantly slim your sim make your Sim larger and even make yours in massively muscular in seconds more standouts include a serum that temporarily turns your sim into a ghost a serum that temporarily gives you alien powers and the serum that reset to your Sim's age to the beginning of their current life stage that's right you can now stay young forever I think we're all ready to move on from the scientist career now and we're doing just that as we take a look at the critic career from the city living expansion pack we're going to start out by looking at the food critic branch and at level 8 in this career pathway your sim will unlock the ability to improve a dish this can be used on poor or normal Quality Group dishes to increase their quality that's right live a snobby life and say no to normal quality food if you alternatively go into the art critic Branch then at level 7 in the career your steam will gain the ability to snub art when they are angry and doing this will help your sim to clear their angry moodler in addition at level 8 of the art critic Branch your theme will be awarded with the critically connected trait this will see your sim received 20 back on all art purchases that they make but note that this isn't instant and that it comes in the form of a weekly rebate pick up your phone now as we turn to the social media career from the city living expansion pack now firstly note that in both branches of this career you'll unlock a wide array of ways to gain followers easily but it's in the internet personality Branch at level 8 of the career that you'll be able to stream Let's Plays using a computer or a video gaming device and each stream will net you around 700 000 plus followers these can be lined up on a computer started and then canceled repeatedly for many millions of followers in no time at all but what will you do with all these followers well at level 7 in the internet personality brand you'll gain the ability to use a computer to advertise a major product and at level 10 the ability to advertise a massive sponsorship this lets you use your followers to make money through advertising if successful then advertising a major product will not you 1500 familians and advertising a massive sponsorship 3 000 simoleons note that you will lose followers from running these advertising campaigns and that they can also fail which leads to you losing your payout too note that as you gain more followers you can eventually earn more than 3 000 simoleons from a massive sponsorship now let's turn our attention to the public relations branch of the social media career at level 5 in this Branch you'll be able to represent a friend and at level 10 you can represent anyone what is this representation stuff you ask well performed using a computer this interaction starts a campaign to improve the target Sims career performance note that you can periodically use a computer to continue your current representation of that Sim now from my experience the performance boost should become apparent to the next time your sim goes into work and you might notice the performance bars jump a little bit when they do in all honesty though some sometimes it's a bit temperamental and I didn't notice all that much now at level 7 in the public relations Branch you'll also unlock new interactions that allow your sim to persuade others to do a range of things including to smile which gives the Targets in a happy moodlet to goof off which gives the target sim a playful moodlet to rant which gives the target theme an angry moodlet and to flirt which gives the target theme a flirty moodlet in addition you can persuade Sims to wear a raccoon outfit while asking Sims to do this can fail it can also see you live your best life causing absolute chaos and we all love taking Towny fashion to the next level then at level 9 in the pr Branch you'll unlock even more ways to persuade Sims including making them sing play music making them play games perform comedy getting them to cook and even sweat it out and work out the target theme will get a happy moodlet while they then participate in the activity that you got them to to do it's now time for the rather sketchy politician career which is also from the city living expansion pack notably at level 5 in the politician branch of the politician career you'll be able to ask Sims for a small or a large bribe and these interactions also require level 7 and level 9 of the charisma skill respectively to perform if successful then a small bribe will net you 500 Simoleons and a large bright 2 000 simoleons this will also give your sim an embarrassed moodlet for 8 hours and you can't ask for another bribe until this moodlet clears I must say points to the Sims team for realism with the corrupt politicians now let's shine a spotlight on the actor career from get famous and it's a bit of an odd career for this list as there isn't necessarily hidden rewards I just wanted to say that the career can lead to a Sim becoming highly famous and this can influence your Sims life through the fame perks and quirks that they acquire and I'll have links to videos on Fame perks and quirks in the description now for the military career that comes with the strangerville game pack at level 7 in the career while in the officer Branch you'll gain the ability to order Sims around military style that's right it's time to remind people that you're the one in charge you can order Sims to stand to attention and salute you and to clean because what good is being the boss if you can't make people clean up for you and very weirdly ordering Sims to clean up gives them a Happy New Look for a few hours not gonna lie I cannot relate in addition you can order Sims to work out in a few different ways firstly to drop and give you 20 essentially making a Sim do push-ups to run a lap which makes a Sim go jogging for a little while and finally to spar with another Sim and it's amazing how a Sim with no training can go straight into being a combat expert I know I too wish I could perform moves like that but if I tried I'd probably end up in hospital now pop on that sunscreen as we soak up the sun and crystal clear waters as a conservationist and this career will require the island living expansion pack firstly at rank six in the career you can activate the flower sale on canoes which provides quite a stunning visual effect in addition at rank 9 in both the marine biologist and the environmental manager branches of this career your sim will unlock the ability to shoot a nature documentary this costs 500 Simoleons and will see your sim disappear into a rabbit hole for a short while before then returning having filmed and popping a video into your inventory this video can then be licensed to see your sim receive ongoing royalties note that if you have the get famous expansion pass then you can pop the video into the more viewed video stations inventory and then use the media production skill to edit and ideally improve its quality before you license it now if you go into the environmental manager your branch then at rank 7 in their career you'll also unlock the ability to change Global policies in sulani this is done through the consult on global policy interaction that can be actioned from the business section of your Sims phone by repeatedly Consulting on policies you'll enact them and different policies have various effects such as potentially restricting phishing causing electricity bills to cut out at certain times but lowering electricity bills in response and even giving a coconut rebate among other things then at level 10 in the environmental manager Branch you'll also gain the natural speaker trades this will provide a small boost to your Sims Charisma for example even at level 1 Charisma I could perform the level 2 Brighton day interaction on other Sims your sim will also be more successful when enthusing about conservation and spreading conservation awareness with other Sims which is great for if you're looking to restore my Pelham fast on top of this if you you prepare a Grant application which is tied to the conservationist career then it's more likely to be accepted and lead to a decent payout if you alternatively specialize as a marine biologist then at level 10 in the career you'll gain the master of the sea reward trait this trait lets you become friends with both mermaids and dolphins much easier which is great for if you're living in tsulani and love aquatic friends in addition the traits suggests that you can move around the ocean much more freely and anecdotally this did appear to greatly improve the success rate of diving interactions making it very useful for if you're Sim free Dives or scuba Dives in thulani and with that we're at the end that's a look at some of the more hidden career rewards from the earlier Sim score pack and if you want to know more about hidden career rewards then there should be a video to watch on hidden base game career rewards on screen now as always if you enjoyed or found this helpful then please subscribe and leave a like I would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 52,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hidden Career Rewards [Early Expansions] You Need To Know About | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, How to, guide, tutorial, tips and tricks, Sims 4 bribes, Sims 4 scientist inventions, Sims 4 hidden career rewards, Sims 4 determine baby's gender, sims 4 career traits, sims 4 stream let's plays, Sims 4 persuade sims, sims 4 order sims, sims 4 career perks, Sims 4 job perks, sims 4 job rewards, jobs, sims jobs, sims 4 best career rewards, career, Sims 4 Shoot Documentary
Id: 39iyU0wdogU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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