All Fame Perks Explained And Rated | The Sims 4 Guide

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your sim liberties simply aren't living their best life if they're not making use of fame perks but which should you choose that's the question we're going to look at all 21 fame perks and what they do and give them a very subjective rating out of 5 with 5 being the best now there are 3 main fame perk trees which i've broken down into the themes of video and brand popularity and career within each of these trees is a perk at each celebrity star rank from one to five and to get the higher tyre ranked perks you need all previous perks in that tree there are two more branches which are based off of your sims reputation they require a celebrity rank but also either a negative or positive reputation in order to purchase we'll look at these two let's kick things off with the video and brand branch as a one star celebrity you can pick up the corporate partnership perk this has an overarching effect of gaining you more fame from videos uploaded at the video station it also means brands will reach out to you offering money for an upload and a bigger payout if you film a video in line with their brand's theme now it's a bit of a cash boost but realistically this is more just something different to engage in and it adds a bit of variety to gameplay overall this is about a three out of five if you're looking to make video creating a focus for your celebrity but if it isn't a focus then this perk is largely redundant and is more a one out of five being a two-star celebrity means the influence of perk becomes available this means fan mail these can be letters collectibles objects and even food the perk is so cute and quirky and i actually love the realism it brings to being famous so while it really is quite useless i'm still giving this three out of five for the fun factor as a three star celebrity you can purchase the all nighter perk this allows you to use the streaming drone to run a 24 hour charity stream these can be tricky and require your sim to stay awake and only take short breaks to use the bathroom but it will be rewarded with a large amount of fame and positive reputation if completed note you can take breaks from the stream but if you go longer than two hours you'll fail to complete it you'll also gain the option for your sim to pull an all-nighter when tired which will give them a strong energy boost which makes doing the charity stream achievable i really like the storytelling behind this perk and the energy boost option is quite handy as well overall i'm giving this a 4 but keep in mind that if you want your sim library to have a bad reputation then you'll want to avoid charity streams as a 4 star celebrity you can grab the trailblazer perk this will mean that the video station uploads are always trendy and that you'll receive greater payouts from them the second part of this perk is that sims and townie sims will start imitating your celebrities clothes and essentially copying their outfits now i have to be honest i don't like this simply because it causes sims in the same household to constantly change into their outfits it works much better and this is a lot more practical if your similarity lives alone overall i'm giving this two out of five next up as a five star celebrity you can create a lifestyle brand you can run and manage your brand from a computer and it'll give regular payouts you'll need to maintain and update your brand from time to time this can be cool to customize and it really adds to the storytelling behind your celebrity which makes me love it you can even chat to others about your brand this being said while it's pretty cool the payouts are a bit lower than i expected actually a lot lower than i expected and updating costs 300 simoleons so if you want riches it can't quite function as your celebrity's entire income overall though i'm giving it four out of five because it's a bit different and a bit fun alrighty it's time to move on to the popularity perks at a one star celebrity we have networking this will make interacting with high profile celebrities easier and doing so will earn you fame it's a bit meh but helpful for a socialite zoom i'm giving it two out of five next up as a two-star celebrity is the pr agency perk you can now use your phone to contact a pr agency whereby you can request a good or bad story which will see a small boost to fame and either positively or negatively impact on your reputation too depending on what you choose the third option being to get on a celebrity guest list will see your sim disappear into a rabbit hole celebrity party for a few hours where they'll meet and be acquainted with you guessed it other celebrities often earning a new connection with a bit of a friendship boost now there's about an 18-hour cooldown in using this feature but as a whole the perk allows more fame control over your reputation and easier celebrity friendships so i'm giving it four out of five being a three star celebrity you can pick up the fan favorite perk this lets you use fans to boost the fame of household members as well as raise or lower their reputation note that your household members will need to be on the same lot to make this happen it sounds cool but it rarely comes into play it also grants your sim the make fan swoon option which will see surrounding sims faint from excitement this is a lot of fun to use but overall the perk is still a bit useless so i'm giving it a two maybe a 2.5 as a four star celebrity we have instant besties this unlocks the besties friendly and besties romantic introduction when chatting to new sims besties friendly will see your sims friendship bar with the target sim shoot up to around 40 percent while besties romantic will see the friendship bar hit around 10 percent and the romantic bar shoot up to around 40 percent when it comes to socializing and making a widespread popular celebrity or a flirtatious celebrity player this is super useful to have like if you want a celebrity with seven different romantic partners then this perk will make it happen it's both wholesome and a very messy non-wholesome perk combined and i'm giving it a 4 out of 5. finally as a 5 star celebrity you can pick up the squad perk which enables you to invite sims into your squad and essentially create your own entourage when summoned they'll shop wearing your clothes and functions similarly to a group only they'll hype you up and cheer you on the perk lends itself more to storytelling and it can be rather fun and a bit cool and quirky and weird so i'll give it a 3 out of 5. we're moving on now to what i've called the career perk tree starting with noticeable as a one-star celebrity this essentially just makes gaining fame a little bit easier while it's rather helpful it doesn't add much to gameplay so i'm giving it a 2. next up at rank 2 is celibusarum this will see helpful potions drop into your mailbox and they'll increase the rate of skill gain by around 60 for a few hours while often boosting a random need or providing a strong moodlet when you drink them too i find these to be rather useful and there's a wide range of celebrity serums that drop into your mail and keep things fresh so i'm giving this a 3. note that when they wear off you'll often get a d-buff for a few hours which lowers your skill gains at rank 3 we have the established name perk and this one is incredible particularly if you're in the acting career this will allow you to skip the tedious and time-consuming auditions and go straight to the acting gig itself and when working on set you can skip hair and makeup too without a penalty it makes the acting career much much easier it also increases royalties when you sell publish or license anything that correlates to a skill in many cases meaning more money across the board if you're in the acting career this is a five out of five must have and if you're not in the acting career i would still give this a three as a four star celebrity we unlock career hopper this is very useful and has a range of perks firstly you'll start off any new career at level 3. secondly you'll gain job performance faster than usual meaning you'll often get promoted in a single day finally the hopping part if you quit a career then you can always be rehired from wherever you last exited this provides so much flexibility in your gameplay want to take a break from acting to become an astronaut now you can i'm giving this four out of five finally at the top of the tree as a five-star celebrity you can pick up easy street the perk firstly doubles your pay from all careers making regular careers a really viable option to reach celebrity riches the second part of this perk means that on return from a work day your teams will get a plus two moodlet of a positive emotion for example inspired focused or flirty this will last a few hours now this is a handy perk but it's far from revolutionary so i'm giving it three out of five it really depends on how important the money is to you now we're turning to reputation-based perks starting with the positive reputation ones first up requiring you to be a three-star celebrity and have a good reputation is giving back this allows you to donate objects from buy mode for fame and reputation with you getting more fame from more expensive objects using this you can literally buy your way to be a five-star celebrity in seconds it'll just cost you a bit it's a handy perk that does make you feel like you're cheating the system but if you want to become a five-star celebrity fast then this is for you i'm giving this three out of five requiring you to be a four-star celebrity and have a great reputation is rally this allows your sim to hold an inspirational rally sims will gather around to hear them and once they're done you as the rally giver will get a confident moodlet for a few hours and your success rate for social interactions will be increased if you're on the receiving side of the speech you'll gain an inspired plus two moodlet for four hours and during this time you'll train skills faster this perk is okay but a little underwhelming especially as there are heaps of ways to train skills faster already i'm giving it two out of five and as a five-star celebrity and with a pristine reputation you unlock the star treatment perk this means you'll get everything for free from restaurant meals to free massages the second benefit is that sims will shower you with confetti when you arrive on a community lot overall by the time you're a five-star celebrity things being free now likely means very little to you the confetti is a cute touch but i'm still giving this one out of five okay moving on now to the negative reputation perks first up at a three star celebrity rank and a bad reputation you unlock the who's bad perk that's right you are this just means mischievous interactions will now grant you fame and negative interactions will see you lose reputation faster overall it's a bit vanilla it's a one out of five from me at a four star celebrity and an awful reputation you can now pick up play the villain this perk means that main interactions now grant you fame and that when you perform them surrounding sims and often the target too will applaud and cheer you on yes it's a little bit bizarre but we'll go with it overall though i'm giving this a two out of five finally as a five star celebrity with an atrocious reputation guess you bad girl or boy you you can pick up the feudbringer perk this is great from a storytelling aspect as it allows you to strike up celebrity feuds with any sim not in your household sims can then perform main interactions with the celebrity they're feuding with to keep it going and use their phone to continually stir up drama or a computer to badmouth the celebrity you're feuding with when a feud is happening your team will constantly experience different emotions based on how they perceive the feud to be going so expect your sim to be a bit of a mess this is very much a storytelling focus perk and i think it does a decent job at it so i'm giving it four out of five alas that's all the fame perks in the sims 4 what they do and a very subjective rating for them as well thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed or found that helpful then please subscribe and leave a like i would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 84,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Fame Perks Explained And Rated | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, The Sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, sims 4 fame perks, Sims 4 fame points, sims 4 fame perks guide, Sims 4 best fame perks, sims 4 fame perk tree, Sims 4 Get Famous, Sims 4 fame, Sims 4 Celebrities, sims 4 reputation, sims 4 all fame perks, Fame perks, sims 4 squad, sims 4 easy street perk, sims 4 career hopper, sims 4 Lifestyle brand, Celebrity Feud, Influcener, Sims 4 star, Celebrity Treatment
Id: tyZP__kNrqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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