Every Vampire Power Explained | The Sims 4 Guide

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looking to make a master vampire and you want to know what powers you should invest in there are five vampire ranks and five powers and look at every rank yes 25 total we're gonna go through all them note that somehow is complete with weaknesses meaning that if you choose them then you can't take certain weaknesses and you'll have to choose others instead let's kick things off starting with the first five powers available from the fledgling level the first one is detect personality begone with get to know now it's all about detect personality yes you upgraded this skill that you learn all the traits of another sim at once it's quite handy to have that form your sim will gain the ability to travel as a bat which will see them transform and fly away before reappearing at the spot of choice it helps to get from A to B much quicker than choosing to walk and you can also make this such a fault method of transportation so they use it to go everywhere next up is cast hallucination a very cheap and devious little power that will cause us him to talk to themselves and be dazed for a little while it's just picking it up because it costs literally one point and we all want our vampire to have some sort of little sneaky power well I do anyway eternally welcome no more begging seams to open up so you can suck their blood eternally welcome let's your vampire forced their way into a Sims house and even fiddle with their locks they can lock doors they can unlock doors and you know you're an especially evil vampire when you look or the bathroom doors only and then leaves next up is a cult student this one has three ranks but they also have the exact same purpose it's a common theme with these powers they lower the amount of vampiric energy your vampire abilities use having this will help you level up higher as you'll be able to gain more vampire experience for performing more interactions without having to recharge it's also generally means you can cause more drama when you're feeling devilish I suggest getting all of these there the fledging level powers are moving on to the five minor level powers first up is vampiric charm this one is perfect for the romantic taking this power enables your sim to activate if empiric or that lasts for four hours it gives your team a happy ruler and boost all of their romantic interactions by making other Sims captivated by your hottie vampire there are three ranks here as well for this power with each rank making both of romantic interactions working successfully and the happy mood lot stronger from a +1 happy mood at Rank 1 to a plus 3 at ranked 3 do note that it will completely under or a witness which gives a negative hit to your starting relationships next up is vampiric strength and there are 3 ranks here you can also think of this kind of like the fitness skill you'll win fights or vampiric sparse more often and working out will be much easier even if your fitness goal level is quite low at the top rank you can also crush metals into elements that yes you are that strong which is handy if you're vampires a cute little collector who for some reason what's elements bit of a nice use for a vampire but we're gonna take it command this is perfect for vampires who want others to do their bidding you can make them be mean to others just make them repair objects clean and even sit my favourite thing about making them sit is that they just sit on the floor sit there kneeling to your almighty power great for a bit of roleplay and who doesn't love roleplay next we have garlic immunity maybe your vampires intrigued by the taste but worried about the side effects well side effects no more eat that garlic use it to brew that drink the options are endless because you're immune to garlic's effects you don't have to worry about it anymore this one is handy if you're looking to create a drought of reconfiguration to reset all your skill points because that does involve garlic next up is vampire creation so if you're looking to make more of your own vampire creation gives you the option to turn other Sims into vampires themselves so you can make that sweet sweet army of underlings alas they or the minor powers are now moving on to the prime vampire powers first up is mesmerize and this one is like a very similar but slightly stronger version of hallucination stun sims leave them days for a while you look at let me stare at them they stand still you move on next up we have child of the moon yes we're still talking about vampires not werewolves but this is a really really strong power and it has three ranks and activates between 6:00 to 7:00 a.m. every rank does more or less the same thing with increasing power firstly you'll get a permanent happy berlet during these times from +1 at Rank 1 to plus the rear rank 3 your sim will also gain skills faster their needs will deplete slower and they'll use less vampiric energy overall I mean your vampire can absolutely slay come night time not like Sims but more like slay at getting skills next up is irresistible slumber this one is relatively straightforward it's essentially a vampiric power that will put another sim to sleep on the spot you want to take over our community line and put everyone to sleep this is what you need to do it next up is manipulate life spirit now okay this one is interesting it's under feeding options and you'll be able to drain a Sims life spirit it works like feeding but is stronger and that you also wipe their memory and relationships completely clean like literally goodbye all relationships so you know maybe if your sim regrets getting married and they want a fresh new beginning it's the perfect thing for them now I need to pound the alarm at Nicki Minaj here like really really big warning you can restore a Sims life spirit just had a drange and this will give them a confident mood look for a few days however this will not restore their relationships will not restore their relationships so make sure you keep that front of mind because this can cause a lot of damage if you're not aware next up we have vampiric slumber and it's a bit of a yawn of a power if I'm honest this one is three ranks and each rank means your vampire will gain their vampiric energy faster while sleeping it does conflict with the fitful sleep weakness which in my mind is one of the best weaknesses to take so I do not like this power that much alright moving on from prime powers onto Master powers with potentially my least favorite power there is don't we love starting off on a high first up we have champ and emotions this Power has three ranks and it works by giving your vampire seem a permanent fine mulet rank one is plus three rank two is plus five and rank 3 is plus ten basically dulling all other emotions because they'll be overridden by this permanent fine mood look in my opinion it's a bit boring like I kind of like Who am I seems experience the emotions and get excited about things it does also conflict with the eternal Stannis weakness which sees your vampire having random bouts of being extremely sad and crying and you know running to their bed to sleep under the covers so all in all not my favorite but if you want the whole idea of a vampire who's really dead inside this is the one for them next up is supernatural speed and it's the second transportation thing power and my favorite it makes Sims normal running look like a snail's pace he goes it will gesture everything and you everywhere in record time and it can be permanently toggled on even though it's a bit slower over long distances than bat or miss travel it is certainly my favorite now we're gonna talk about depriving needs say goodbye to the healthy green needs bar not you of course we're talking about your victim as you may have guessed deprived knees let you target a sim and choose between hunger energy hygiene and flutter and it will deplete that nice bar almost fully 484 when it caused a little bit of drama next up we have Sun resistance and this is one of the best strengths if you want your vampire seem to live a relatively normal life there are three ranks and each one make the sun's rays less harmful to your precious vampire at the top rank the Sun won't affect you at all meaning you can enjoy je time activities like it's nobody's business note that he does conflict with the thinned skin witness which makes your vampire burn faster in daylight and finally for master skills we have odorless a really simple one here that does exactly what it says your hygiene bar will be permanently full so you can work up the filthiest sweat you want while still being extremely fresh finally moving on to the Grandmaster powers the first one is influence emotion and this is a very strong power that has three ranks it essentially lets your vampire give out a pulse which will give everyone in their general area a mysterious mulet that puts them in a certain mood you can choose what this is making everyone angry or flirty bored and Barriss energized if it's a mood it's an option the ranked affects the strength of the moonlit rank 1 it's +2 at rank 2 it's a +3 mother and for summer logical reason this jumps up to a +8 at rank 3 now warning for most but also an idea for some by giving people a really strong embarassed playful or angered mullet you do risk making people mortified hysteric or enraged if that strengthen much further and this can lead to killing us him just so you know next up we have mist form this is the final transportation method it's similar to traveling by back but the animations are a little bit faster you'll turn to a puff of smoke and then reappear at the location you need to go to once again it can be permanently toggled on next up is beyond the herd another very easy to describe power it simply keeps your social need masked and stops it from ever decaying so you never need to talk to another sim again tamed thirst now this nifty power is for the more refined of vampires and I'll stop them from losing control when their thirst runs low and biting a random sim because you know nobody's got time for biting a random sim this will conflict with insatiable thirst which sees your vampire need to drink more often and finally the last power is immortal pleasures we all love having a bit of fun unless you click this power in which case your phone age will be absolutely maxed and will never decay alas that is all 25 vampiric powers thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed I found that helpful if you did please subscribe and leave a like I would really appreciate that and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 142,749
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Keywords: Sims 4, Sims 4 Vampire Guide, Every Vampire Power Explained | The Sims 4 Guide, Guide, How To, Tips and Tricks, Tutorial, Vampire Strengths, The Sims, Vampire Sims, The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack, Vampires, Best Vampire Powers, Bat Form, Mist Form, Influence Emotion, Sun Resistance, How To Get Vampire Powers, Supernatural Speed, Garlic Immunity, Turn Sims Into Vampires, Vampire Creation, Vampiric Charm, Vampiric Strength, Child Of The Moon, Mesmerise, Vampire Abilities
Id: _41SbdYwXhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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