Let’s play with the new Werewolf pack! // Sims 4 Werewolves

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oh hi thanks for watching my video so the new werewolf game pack came out today so you'll never guess what we're doing Welcome to The Sims 4 werewolves so yeah I thought today we would just take a look at it an initial look have a play through I haven't um watched any of the promo videos or anything usually when a new pack comes out I don't really watch like the live stream or anything like that so that I don't have any expectations I'm thinking I might do it a bit different this time I'm thinking today um I'm just gonna play with the pack and then maybe next week I'll actually write a proper review so I'm intrigued to see what we have this might be the very first time I've ever played with a new pack and uh I'm pessimistic I think probably because the last time I reviewed a pack it was my wedding stories and it's kind of soured my expectations so hopefully it's not glitchy and it works life on the Wild Side what big teeth you'll have transform into a werewolf and embrace or fight your animalistic nature werewolf Sims will have unique temperaments and abilities as they experience wolf specific life events alpha or Lone Wolf craft your werewolf identity where you bitten or were you born into it decide what kind of wolf you want to be find a pack to prowl the night with or shun all that they try to make it as a lone wolf you have a lot to learn about werewolves unravel werewolf vampire and spellcaster lore as you read books discover tunnels and interact with denizens of moonwood Mill okay well let's see what this is all about then I'm interested with the reference to vampire and spellcaster lore looking forward to that oh here it is moonwood Mill I mean at a first glance this is a very Percy world this is very much up my alley in terms of aesthetic very very small though you have a a bar a library it looks like a little house there so there's only one household that lives in this entire this entire neighborhood is that right okay well I guess I better make myself a werewolf oh I like the little the little person looks like a big teddy bear lots of looks like a um where's my werewolf then so this is my normal Sim I'm gonna turn him into a girl because I like to play with female Sims makes me feel more a part of it okay so this is her Sim self and where's her Beast form then uh what well she's clearly howling because I can hear her howling okay what about if I try this again there's no [ __ ] werewolf I don't know if it's just my game but then every time a glitch happens I always say oh maybe it's just my game and then a load if you tell me in the comments no that you all have the same problem as well so uh you Just Gotta Laugh of you just gotta laugh off okay well let's take a look at some of these outfits anyway so we have this outfit this is actually adorable I love this this is really really cute I'd wear this [ __ ] yep that is very pretty I approve of that this outfit I quite like as well I think the trouble with the Sims 4 is that it's so oversaturated with content even if you don't have custom content that a lot of the items kind of look the same you know like I do like this outfit a lot but I feel like I could have easily achieved this look like I'm sure we have trousers that look similar to this and a jumper that looks similar to this so I guess it's hard to have so much content and have it not look kind of samey that being said I do think a lot of these pieces have um avoided that like this item I really like this I [ __ ] love I absolutely love this we don't have anything like this already in the game big fan I was wearing an outfit like this just the other day so yeah happy with that I think this might just be my outfit but we'll take a look around this is kind of giving me scruffy like art teacher Vibes not sure I would use it but I mean I get it I get what you're going for there and then we have this outfit okay calm down with the with the howling I get it I get it you're a werewolf okay so these are our full outfits for females okay all right that's we got some neighbors so maybe calm it down a little bit oh it looks like we've got a lot of TOPS oh gosh so much to get through so much to get through let's take a look at the bottoms first so we have this rip short combo I love this I absolutely love this not because um I would use it a lot but because I just really like the aesthetic of it it kind of feels like you could use it for a few different um purposes you know it could pass as something that a homeless Sim if you're doing a Rags to Riches challenge you could pass to something they found in the trash it could pass as an outfit Sims would wear if they were Cast Away on an island somewhere and it also works if you're assuming that frequently turns into a werewolf so I I like that this I don't care for we already have quite a few trousers that look a bit like this in my opinion this is all right sure this again I mean I kind of like that it's all ripped but I feel like we've got similar looking things with Eco lifestyle if you have that pack and this one oh yeah that's okay let's take a look at the tops okay so we have this jacket loving this this is very much giving me like stranger things Vibes like it not really too keen on this I quite like that it's I mean it fits in sure it's like ripped and stuff I probably wouldn't use it much but it's okay and then you have this jumper which is just like I guess graphic a lot of werewolf themed stuff you wouldn't expect it would do in a werewolf pack and then you've got this jacket and t-shirt combo which I quite like this jumper which is you know fine it's fairly inoffensive how many jumpers do we already have like that this piece here quite like this this is like a it's giving me like 60 70s Vibes and then this jacket you you do get a lot of clothes for girls anyway from what I can see with this pack oh this is lovely oh yeah I like this a lot love the little French tuck oh yes and then you have this jacket which I love because again same reason it goes with homeless Sims it goes with Castaway Sims yeah I really like the ripped clothes and then you've got this jacket and t-shirt looks like a park ranger jacket doesn't it this top which is pretty cool big fan of this top same reason as why I'm a fan of all the other ones I like that they're ripped and then this top here which I'll probably never use I don't really like the way it sits but you know it's all right it's fine but for my werewolf I am going to wear this outfit just try and pick what color I should go with let's see kind of like the plain black and white one uh black and red one well I might just go with that you know all right let's take a look at the shoes do we have any new shoes oh yeah we do we do we have some some ripped trainers they're pretty cool oh look they've got Little Moons all over them and then you have these like Doc Martin looking things we're gonna wear those I think we're gonna wear some doggies there we go any new accessories oh little like it looks like little friendship bracelets like little wolf pack bracelets that's actually pretty cute now I might go with my spellcaster pack here and just stick some ripped tights on her okay now on to the hair there is this Mallet looking thing which very much fits in with the werewolf aesthetic this hairdo this one's quite pretty does feel a bit samey if it didn't have the braids but this is quite pretty this hairdo colorful mullet colorful updo regular updo wait what's the difference between this one and this one is there a difference I'm confused what's the difference oh okay stop howling so this one she has a moon in the back of her head and this one she doesn't I see I see okay okay and then this one we just have middle parting here okay I'm gonna go for the colorful one kind of colors do we get let's see I like the color of the hair they had for the girl that was like the promo stop howling shut up it's actually kind of annoying how often she's howling the only trouble with these colored hairs is that you don't um you don't really get a say in what colors they are I mean you wouldn't have thought that going for blonde would give you black and red hair would you it's the only thing that's a bit annoying here okay that hair will do any new accessories we have a nose ring either side pets inspired earrings oh I quite like that pendant necklace and a moon necklace as well it is kind of annoying the constant howling it does get a bit it does get a bit annoying after a while that's one thing I'll say okay which we'll just dip some lashes on her okay well I have my sim ready are you gonna let me see my werewolf form now what the [ __ ] so I mean what do I even do with this I could just kind of see her eyelashes which is kind of funny but not the werewolf huh coat color and patterns what's that about I don't know it won't let me click on it paint mode okay so it's copy and pasted the design tool from pets I believe I even think these are the same markings that we had in pets if only I could see my werewolf to um to paint her okay I think I'm gonna have to restart my game and create this Sim all over again because I think there's a glitch going on where this box here that has my outfit categories is covering up my ability to exit out of paint mode okay I have fully disabled my mods so I'm not gonna spend too much time working on werewolves okay okay so my werewolf is showing up now so maybe it was my mods what if I go into paint though will I be able to exit out yes okay okay so paint is normal I can exit out okay in that case I'm gonna make the same sim and then customize my werewolf so I guess that's one thing to bear in mind if you have mods just disable them and then figure out which one it is that's causing the problems I had good to know okay so I think should I give my werewolf clothes I don't know I kind of oh my werewolf already has long nails they've already got their nails done how pretty they're not exactly scary looking but I wasn't expecting them to be because most of the creatures in The Sims 4 aren't so you have these different faces to choose from what kind of face should we go for this one's a little bit more scary I guess let's go for this one and then you can choose there is we'll have one ear flipped down they are very um customizable they're little noses I mean to be honest they kind of have to be don't they yeah they very much remind me of the um the Creator Sim in cats and dogs werewolf accessories okay she can wear her little necklace and you can have a nose ring maybe maybe earrings stop howling all the time I still think it's kind of funny that there's more customization for creatures than there is for actual Sims and yet the game is called The Sims but I get that's a that's a topic for another day I guess I can't give them shoes though I would have liked to have had my werewolf rock some Louis batons maybe all right that will do wait what happened to you oh I forgot to unlink them so now I completely changed the way my sim looks now God damn it I always do this okay we'll just call her Jenna Wolfe new aspiration werewolf werewolf initiate these Sims want to unleash their inner beasts and become a werewolf yes we do doesn't look like there are any new traits okay so no new traits okay let's go so at the beginning when I was in Creative Sim I was about to say don't buy this pack but now I'm thinking it probably was just my mods so it is weird though how they just completely disappear like that okay so this is my house this is one of the pre-made Lots it looks like a lot of this furniture is base game the rug looks like it's um new I guess this chair I don't recognize this chair so maybe that came with the pack yeah I don't know this house is not decorated how I was expecting it to be I thought it would look a little bit more grubby than than how it does look I'm not gonna take a look at all of the Creator Sim items here because as I mentioned before I'll do like a proper review of this pack over the next few days so we can take a look at Creator we can take a look at build and buy then so I think for now Jenna let's um let's go on a little trip and take a look around the neighborhood all right so what do we got we've got this Library this empty lot here I wonder what that is there let's go to the bar and bunker that looks like that's where most of the action is taking place I'm just going to end Harvest vest I know she's going to be sad but this is cute I like this this is like a truck yard place I really like this this is very nice order myself a favorite drink find out what uh what my favorite drink is big fan of that sign no peeing this Sim looks pretty cool I like her look oh there's a spell Caster here do we not like spell casters I don't think we do do we okay I have a new social Pie menu werewolf disable fairy effect howl oh that's all I can do I can just howl I thought I could like pee on the ground go for feral run oh that spellcaster did not like it when I howled interesting maybe I can't be here because there's a sign that says no peeing and then in here it looks like we have like a stage for people to gather around and watch very nice and then a little toilet over there not really too much going on on this lot but it looks like we have a tunnel so I think I'm supposed to do something with this here sewer gate explore the underground tunnels yeah let's go let's explore the underground tunnels it is evident this sewer crate this sewer grate has been opened recently there are multiple sets of money Footprints leaving Jenna onward though they've become harder to see as the tunnel gets darker the pathway leads downward deep below moonwood Mill and it doesn't seem to stop okay you haven't even gone in yet first quarter moon tonight increased relationship gain and loss okay Gemma encounters a tiny Chasm and hops across it on the other side the tunnel splits in three a fake Melody strange yet almost magical seems to emanate from One path the next is listed with old rusted debris and the final path carries the scent of fresh air if I follow the magical Melody it's just gonna I think that's gonna end it but we'll we'll see what happens there she's gonna be like you found a singing frog go back or something like that probably as Jenna is making her way through the tunnel she starts making up a song in her head secret tunnel secret tunnel it's a catchy song she'll have to remember it okay what a catchy song an enchanted room the Enchanted music Fades as Gemma as Jenna comes to a large round room with an expansive relief carved into the wall embedded glowing Cerulean crystals give off enough light to make out the story within the artwork depicts a magical conflict between two sides with some favoring plasma and others who drew power from the Moon oh they're talking about vampires okay so there's a conflict between werewolves and vampires makes sense a wet dog the tunnels are damp and Jenna can't seem to escape the smell of wet dog that's everywhere well that's probably you Jenna this does go on quite a bit diverging Parts as Jenna crawls under a particularly low stretch she notices that the tunnel splits into three paths up ahead from one pass comes a faint but magical sounding Melody down another the lingering scent of garlic and down the third a welcoming bit of fresh air oh okay so basically I can't follow the melody now because I've already done that so I guess I find the fresh air which I'm guessing might take me somewhere else maybe I hope so Janet eventually reaches what seems to be the end of the tunnel there she finds a ladder leading upward with light spilling into the tunnel from above as she climbs the echo of her feet on the ladder gets louder and louder until Jenna emerges in a blue plastic box oh wait it's a portal potty oh so you teleported okay so what the so the porta potty is a teleportation way okay and then it looks like this here it says Spa with transformation Mastery is required to do this well she oh look at these needs ability points werewolf abilities okay so it's kind of like the vampires and the spellcasters I'm gonna go for this one territory marking that's what I want to do I would like to mark my territory this piece of land here this is mine okay this is my piece of land cute little fishing spot quite a pretty World kind of reminds me of Granite Falls to be honest is there anywhere else I can travel to because I didn't follow the scent of garlic oh there's her little puddle there what happens if I follow the garlic go towards the garlic is it just one teleportation portal or is it the scent of garlic leads down a twisted tunnel eventually Jenna runs into a large metal box of some sort but it's too dark to figure out what purpose it might have or if there's a way to get inside yummy scents Gemma is traversing the tunnels when something stops her it starts out faint but soon there is an undeniably delicious scent wafting through the air is it worth checking out sure follow the scent oh teleported somewhere else is this somewhere on the map or is it not somewhere on the map I'm back at the um I'm back at the park but I discovered that there's like an underground bit oh that's cool that's cool sure okay let's go back to the tunnel because I'm pretty sure there is one journey I haven't taken yet I just want to find all of the teleportation areas oh okay so the other one just takes me back to where I started okay okay well we've had a little look in the tunnels wait what's this going on over here is this someone's house focus camera on pack leader there's another werewolf over here well let's go introduce ourselves I need to level up to runt to complete this aspiration experience a full moon and read werewolf books okay I'm sure I can do that hey handsome huh you can do a Beastie Boogie I'm gonna do a little Beastie Boogie I think I wonder how I turned her into a werewolf I'm guessing I have to wait for the full moon right I'm guessing that's how she moon base werewolf pack asked to be friend of the wild fangs yeah I would love that I'd love to be friends with the wild fangs I'm all alone in this werewolf world I could really do with a friend Lou could really do with a friend can I tell a joke about werewolves no but I can tell a dirty joke okay so the Beastie Boogie is um just a normal dance it's not a special interaction I wasn't expecting it to be anyway so that's fine this is her moon base which is I guess just a kind of like a cloud gaze okay you know what I'm gonna take some photos with Lou oh what I can't heroic gentle persons gather round don't your armor for night night and get a sweet discount oh it's annoying that I couldn't take a selfie with Lou come back Lou I want to join your gang hello come on now okay Lou you're gonna be like that I'm just gonna follow you this world is pretty interesting isn't it quite a lot going on not really a lot to explore what's this visit the library yeah and I'm gonna take Lou with me it looks like there's another tunnel in there as well for real though when I went to Austin to go and see some South by Southwest action there was a band called faux real they're actually pretty good they're a nice relaxed synth pop Vibe so there you go oh Lou hey ask to be friends of the wolf thanks Lou don't walk away from me don't walk away from me Lou you're still walking away from me [ __ ] sake why why are you letting that wolf walk away first quarter moon oh is this like um interesting interesting and there's a sign over here what's this all about then view Moon wood mill information yes View wild fangs information yes they would and a wereabies advisory I've heard about where bees that's like the illness that turned you into a werewolf I think do not trespass in areas marked by signs got bit suspect you might be infected stop by the local bar moonwood Mill bartenders carry a remedy on hand don't forget to get extra rest wash the infected area in a shower and cleanse your bowel system taking a run on the treadmill has also been known to help sweat it out okay so then we have the wildfangs they're a scrappy free-spirited group of werewolves they believe the werewolf lifestyle is The Ultimate Gift and they're going to make the most of it the world is the wildfang's playground while exploring the vast world to expand the Pack's influence members are also expected to commit to ongoing self-improvement aiming to become the best werewolf possible okay Rory various old flies indicate moonwood Mill was a bustling logging Town back in its Heyday today it's home to a much smaller Community made up of two close-knit groups the moonwood collective and the wild fangs even without the industry there's plenty to do especially during a full moon can actually elusive lunar fish or harvest the rare Moon petal flower explore the secret underground hangout with the locals or have a howling good time up the mountain overlooking Lake lovic Just Don't Go Near Greg oh I want to see Greg I want to see old gray okay so this is the library um oh I can scratch how funny so this is a good look at some of the furniture quite like these couches here very in all right all right simmer down um do we have werewolf books here because I need to read three of them for that to count towards my aspiration is that a werewolf book you're reading or is that just a book book I can't tell real her in no we need to read uh Beyond big and bad rethinking the harmful werewolf stereotypes okay yeah we'll read that how many werewolf books are there Peter Parker's full moon that's going to be a werewolf book isn't it and the Werewolf who came in front from the coal who came in from the cold and the wolf next door okay and I'm hoping that reading these books will help me level up to runt which is the next rank read the books what are you doing every time the hunt grew difficult doll's dark pass prompted propelled him forward it was a past he didn't like to mention a pass that reached forward to cast its shadow on his present and future do I really need to know this I don't know okay there's a whole passage written in a secret language and there are some symbols that look like the moon okay so I'm guessing there's some kind of weird werewolf language that I have to learn I guess maybe I don't know I'm just free balling here there might be more to discover if Jenna gives this book another read really you want me to read the same book again okay here's the thing though Sims team Jenna may like reading but Carla doesn't Okay well giving that book another read didn't actually do me any any good at all so that's the last time I listen to you notification wall there seems to be entire passages a lot written in an indecipherable language the only thing Jenna can make out are some symbols that look like the Moon well I'm not really sure how I uh how I learned this language I'm going to mark my territory in the library can I do it inside can I just piss on the floor yes I can oh you filthy [ __ ] don't stand it it was wrong with you gosh an animal oh we've even got a little gym over here and an observatory all right I am going to hmm hmm I'm gonna travel to the other household and go and introduce myself as the new neighbor in town I've posted on a pen pal forums oh you're too cute Jenna trying to find a little pen pal right now this is where I live this is the volkov household do they have a bio Christopher volkov has been around longer than most can remember he founded that and leads the moonwood collective and is eager to take in any werewolf feeling displaced or lost oh Lily joined the household a long time ago a Lonely Wanderer who had lost her closest friend to the vampires those [ __ ] vampires after her came Rory then Jacob they Rory's relationship with her adoptive father has soured Jacob and Christopher's connections has flourished both bear the same claim yet intense soul and everyone in moonwood Mill knows Christopher intense for Jacob to be the heir to his pack oh wait wait wait there's Christopher Jacob Lily after Hurricane Rory wasn't Rory the name of the other pack leader right we're gonna visit this household so the leader of the of this pack that this guy leads one of the wolves that he took in Rory I guess then went and started her own pack which are like the rebellious pack I see I see I see I see okay hey Christopher how's it going friendly introduction can I be a part of two wolf packs by any chance asked to be friend of the Moon word Collective I tried to join the other pack but they scoffed at me so I guess you're my next hope there buddy sorry Jenna I don't know you well enough yet let's get a chance to get to know each other a bit better can I just take a selfie with you huh and then I'm sure you'll let me join your little your little gang there we go this should do the trick unless a patch update has cleared up this this bug then uh we should be pretty good friends now yeah look at that look at that we took some photos together look how close we are now we are pretty much best friends okay now let me be part of the moonwood collective I think he said yes yeah he's shaking my hand I'm basically allowing me to extend a hearty welcome to you our new friend of the moonwood collective yeah that's right yeah that's right so I have all these trial stuff with Christopher give excellent quality food I'm not really sure what that's for because I'm already a part of this pack and also I have these interactions that I can't do because I'm not clever enough yet Spa transformation mystery is required to do this transformation mystery is required to do this she must experience a transformation first well how can I transform though without a full moon huh so all I can do to level up is howl basically that's all I can do everyone's yelling at me for uh peeing on the floor sorry guys probably our relationship went up faster as well because the first quarter moon is increased relationship gains so makes sense makes sense what have we got around here in the surrounding World it looks like there's a bit more going on than there is in some of the other worlds what's this Harvest that plan I haven't seen a plant like this before I reckon that might be the one Valerian plant a magical butter could that be the thing that was referenced in the um the thing I read I read something about a plant that can only be harvested here is that my house yeah that's my house so I live like in Forest basically oh what's this use this hangout use facilities like rest oh so I can um is this a bathroom I can contribute a valerian root so this is our wolf packs local toilet I guess we could just hang out here angry overwhelming aggression from werewolf temperaments Jenna has a sudden urge wait wait Jenna has a sudden urge to pick a fight with someone that is a negative stereotype okay so it's not like a teleportation tunnel or anything it's just a fancy toilet I guess I mean I am glad to see that there's a bit going on in terms of like Collectibles and stuff like that we've got a little fishing spot over here oh we can swim around in this Lake okay cool cool what's coming up waxing Gibbons moon tonight heightened fighting prowess oh that's why she's feeling so aggressive okay good to know good to know oh what's this there are some warning signs here investigate warning signs can I just teleport her here yeah let's just teleport because this is a long way out okay investigate these warning signs well I wasn't expecting to come across um Greg but I reckon oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] boys I think that's my man Greg attempt to communicate with Greg [Music] are we all like a bad boy sometimes didn't we hey Greg let's attempt to communicate this is a real nice trailer you've got here Greg he doesn't look too impressed with what I have to say he told me I'm boring is that a wedding ring Greg's marries don't mind me I'm friendly I'm friendly what are you doing what are you doing what's going on now oh [ __ ] are they having a fight well at least I got to experience my werewolf form so you know there's there's that is this really necessary Greg I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot you know what Greg I can see why people warned me against you oh I wonder if I go on to um Christopher's profile the moon word Collective werewolf packs oh and I can see his rank as well he's an apex watch out Jenna is transforming oh werewolf Sims who react who reach Max Fury will erupt with rage and start rampaging during this time werewolves have very little control of themselves and will give in to their beastly instincts and we now despise Greg she's enraged all right let's just let's howl somewhere else Rampage from an excessive amount of Fury Jenner's Fury's Unleashed okay okay Greg's gift from fighting Greg oh Greg bit us [ __ ] perhaps it wasn't such a great idea to see Greg after all huh yeah she's like completely in Fury now but look how much we've leveled up so you know that was worth it wouldn't it um let's howl oh someone's howling back if I get her to howl go here savagely because she is rampaging oh do I have some more ability points so I have all these dormant abilities unlocked by reading werewolf related literature I might also get my personal grooming sorted as well and also the uh ferocity there we go so um why can't I groom myself though oh and also I can't seem to do anything else with her because she's rampaging big bad wolf the inner demon within his Unleashed not only will this Sim gain additional Fury while angry but will also need to fight other Sims in order to keep aggression down if this wolf asks to come inside best say not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin I wonder if that's just her or if that's like all werewolves oh look she's got a load of scars from that fight that she was in okay I'm just gonna cheat your needs so I can do more with you now how do I transform back into a human though I wonder so I can't do the normal things I could do as a human sin when I'm in werewolf form but do I get any new unlockable interactions werewolf brawl snarl at ferocious intimidation well I don't want to do that because I like that guy where did you go why did you just disappear transformation Mastery unlocked oh Jen's naked Jenna come back here come back here I want to see this this is this must be the um the howling Point Place look at that view gorgeous gorgeous oh is that a rare plant over there Moon pessel the Moon pistol doesn't seem to be blooming right now oh Jenna get back here and then maybe um maybe get dressed she's a bit dazed after that fight she's got some scars how interesting I thought they had to be like added in in creating but huh sweet sweet okay let's go for a feral run and then maybe we'll read some more books I just I want to level up but I just don't have that many abilities okay can I invite Christopher over oh where is he where's Christopher oh he's all the way over here wow this place really is pretty open huh you can like travel around the entire world pretty much except for some Lots um share werewolf experiences why are you scared what happened where am I from the first time transformation what just happened to me where did I run off to I have so many questions is this what being a werewolf is like werewolf spa at the sparring grounds okay sure that'll probably help me to level up I reckon so I think we're gonna go spa at the sparring grounds what does that mean though does it mean he's gonna like teach me how to fight oh this is the sparring ground oh I peed on this earlier okay this is my second time being a werewolf hopefully this doesn't um reduce our friendship and hopefully this is just a friendly little Rumble Jenna is now a werewolf runt she's starting to get the hang of this werewolf thing this Sim has a new temperament that affects how she navigates the world and what causes Fury to Bubble over be sure to check out the abilities too oh okay okay so no I'm not just a big bad wolf now hates being wet shower just don't rain just don't what the [ __ ] was that over there was that a rat oh yeah that's a rattle right this Sim loads water and will gain extra Fury When Wet oh okay right so I've unlocked this second here now what we got what we got somber howl learn a howl that reduces Fury enhanced smell the will to resist regain control while rampaging learn to hunt for food devour objects to satisfy hunger okay I'm gonna go for a will to resist so that we can try and regain control if we start rampaging I've unlocked my transformation mastery okay great great so maybe if I just keep like challenging Sims to well challenging werewolf Sims to spar with me maybe I'll level up a bit quicker but where can I see the information about the moon though because I want to have a full moon oh okay my calendar shows me when there's going to be a full moon it doesn't look like there's going to be oh wait full moon tomorrow okay so from now until tomorrow I'm just gonna challenge some werewolves to like Spa with me can we Spar again werewolf spa at the sparring grounds can we can we do that again I want to level up you know what let's just teleport here that actually I have found something annoying about it being an open world is that it will tell you Sims are here when they're like miles away and then you'll have to try and find them let's do a tug of war that'll probably help with my are you guys going to aspiring grounds again really okay yeah we'll do a tug of war oh my scars have healed nice nice can I transfer okay so when I click on her as a werewolf I actually have options now oh look at the tug of war in with their teeth yeah I actually have um the ability to do more with her now when I click on her probably because she's leveled up so so we're gonna do another Spa see if that can help us level up well I'm glad they're just keeping it friendly you know I want to make myself big and strong so that I can go back to Greg's house and kick the [ __ ] out of him that's what I want okay I might see if I can go and see the other pack I'm guessing I can't be a part of two packs at the same time but I can at least go show my face you know introduce myself oh I can groom myself thought so tense full moon imminent from impending full moon the full moon is quickly approaching and Jenna knows what that means doesn't it just mean that you'll turn into a werewolf which you already are here is Rory oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let's get to know Rory hey Rory how's it going should we challenge Rory to a tug of war see if she fancies it and then maybe we'll challenge her to a werewolf Spa I love the animation for the tug of war I love it so much the way they hold the Rope like it's a toy ask about werewolf packs yeah we'll ask her why did you leave your dad's werewolf pack huh what did he do I mean it looks like she's putting up a fairly good fight okay I'm gonna ask to be a friend of the wild fangs I don't know if that means that I'll get kicked out of my current pack oh I think she said no sorry Jenna I don't know you well enough okay well I guess it's probably time to take a selfie well I've met quite a few wolves four of them at least oh is that me doing that fire dance why'd you even try it Jenna you [ __ ] idiot come and groom yourself and then pee outside their house can I even go in inside no ah never mind maybe I should go back to the library read some more werewolf books maybe I can understand that language now okay let's read some werewolf books um let's rethink some harmful werewolf stereotypes I've posted on the pen pal forums always looking for a pen pal Jenna why can't you make use of the the pack friends you have oh I can do tug of war again now that my fangs have rested all right Jenna that's enough reading let's do some werewolf stuff oh I can study I can study that book okay we'll do some werewolf stuff then we'll do some werewolf studying and then hopefully we'll get to the full moon fairly quickly tomorrow you know what I would like to know I would like to know what would happen if I go visit some vampires because there seems to be a lot of reference to some kind of beef we've got with the vampires let's go to the virtual house and I noticed that that spellcaster like when I first started playing at the beginning got pretty pissed off when I howled how's it going oh there's a dog called Ziggy can I interact with the dog let's do a friendly introduction to Ziggy oh she's noticed I'm here she ran away as soon as she saw a werewolf was here hey Ziggy you look beautiful in that dress we're already friends Bark at the Moon also I have some interactions that I can do with the dog not many where you going Ziggy we can both Bark at the Moon I wonder if I get her to howl will it get the dog to howl loving this loving that she can do that with Ziggy oh [ __ ] look at that Lily came over and now we're like despised do a ferocious intimidation ferociously intimidate Lily and then yeah we haven't even spoken we've not even introduce ourselves wow Jenna was a real bully she has learned she's learned to Revel in scaring other Sims and no longer feels guilty about it Jenna scared Lilith so bad she dropped her wallet nice I wonder if Caleb is home I like their dog though me and Ziggy are going to be best buds uncomfortable skunky scent from being near a pet sprayed by a skunk oh okay let's go and introduce ourselves to Caleb so do we just hate each other then is that how it's gonna be yeah it seems like oh look at him moving even after I've paused it's so creepy so creepy so I think ask for werewolf sympathy implying mother is a bat Supernatural Smackdown oh yeah Supernatural Smackdown yes I think we should have a supernatural Smackdown why couldn't spell casters and vampires do this oh [ __ ] look at him go a little bit of first person oh take it Caleb take it just like your bat mum did a whole sick bird that's flying all over the place why couldn't spell casters and vampires have a supernatural SmackDown did I win I won look at him on the floor okay now let's ask for sympathy for werewolves after I beat the [ __ ] out of you can we get some sympathy for werewolves please Caleb's got some scars now he's even got a few plasters on him no he's not interested in being sympathetic so we'll just go and praise the dog confident win a wolf and fighting take that plasma Drinker the Night Belongs to us sympathy denied oh oh look how close we are though to the next level of prime all right I'm gonna go home you should just give that dog to me Caleb dogs and wolves We Belong Together let's see if I can maybe um because I'm pretty close to leveling up I might just invite some friends over and see if I can do a couple of little scraps see if I can maybe level up oh Christopher's sleeping oh man yeah I'm like what halfway through well maybe I can like unlock this by reading werewolf related literacy do I have a bookcase in here no don't even oh well I've got this so I can purchase some books or maybe I already have vampire books in uh werewolf books in here a good night's moon that's going to be a werewolf book isn't it okay I have a couple werewolf like Fang friends forever I think all of the books that have been written by Wolfgang Mulder might be werewolf books I think the group of four had always been Inseparable even if minigun was a vampire they'd sworn that together they would find a cure for her no matter the cost she would one day be part of the pack Luna Epiphany unlocks Jenna can now start to decipher the strange markings found in the margins of werewolf books what new knowledge is out there that can be discovered a lunar Epiphany comes over Jenna as she stares at the Moon scribbles at the bottom of the page these books were written in an attempt to undo the damage caused by operation Hai Fang a vampire-led propaganda initiative well that means I should now be able to read Beyond big and bad because I can decipher the little oh look at the little moons around my um my Plum Bob I still need to experience a full moon but you know what it's going to be a full moon tonight so I'll experience that fairly soon so how's about where's my little Pack Leaders house over here so how about we have a little spa or maybe a tug of war and then a spa he's very angry I think because of the um full moon probs yeah I think he's angry because of the full moon let's do a tug of war that'll make you feel better why aren't you following him why are you just standing there when I ask you to do something are you just gonna do nothing fine maybe we'll see if we can do like a werewolf spell with this person no don't don't walk away now okay she's going to the sparring area is there a particular reason why do you have someone lined up to do a spa with you no okay finally finally we're having a little Spa nearly there nearly a prime no thank you Welcome Wagon she's scratching have you got a disease or something oh we gained a fitness skill when we're sparring well that's good to know yes tier three prime being a werewolf Gets Easier by The Day The Sim has a new temperament that affects how she negatively know how she navigates the world and what causes the fury to Bubble over be sure to check out the new abilities too territorial these Sims have an unusually high desire to claim what's theirs so to speak this Sim will gain Fury if around other werewolves boundaries you see where this is going right right okay sweet here we are level three we're now Prime curse Bearer turns other Sims into werewolves via a cursed bite cow use this new Pacquiao to communicate can I be can I get curse Bearer and also I would like night vision as well yeah and I've unlocked half of these I still need to ask a werewol ask for werewolf sympathy successfully practice howling share werewolf experiences okay reaching Delta rank in a wolf pack oh oh the wolf packs have ranks oh you know what I don't think I've actually joined this pack I think I just became friends with them well as soon as I haven't joined a gang yet I think I'd kind of prefer to be part of the scrappy gang because I'm already quite a scrappy wolf not really that good at being friendly so maybe I'll see if I can get Rory to let me in to her little gang because I have that like pretty rare flower don't I so maybe I could offer Rory the um the flower I have hey Rory how's it going we will ask her about her day and then oh we're not even friends of the wild fangs yet maybe I can take a selfie with her if I like talk to her a little bit oh great I can take a photo with Rory perfect come on in Rory we're taking a selfie oh okay I guess we're not taking a selfie okay we should be friends now we're pretty good friends asked to be friends of the wild fangs and then Rory you can let me join your gang sweet okay we are friends look at you brand spanking new friends of the wild fangs feel free to hang out with us whenever or pop in and use our trailer okay so the trailer is like the equivalent of the tree right give Rory a packmate gift join pack trial discuss lunar Epiphany and then also we will um werewolf Spa with her hopefully that helps me join their little their little wolf pack and it'll give me some experience to level up as well okay okay can I join your little pack now I'll give pop Rory a packmate gift let me in your wolf pack I don't have the werewolf ability to demonstrate a pack howl have no acceptable items in my inventory no acceptable excellent quality food Jenna still needs to complete one more trial okay okay where's the little howling point because there's like a plant there although it did say it wasn't ready to be harvestable what if I just go home and I make some excellent quality food pretty sure that was an option let me just make sure before I do anything hasty give excellent quality food okay right I'm gonna go home I'm gonna cheat my cooking skill and I'm gonna produce some excellent quality food and then you won't be able to turn me away right let's just give ourselves oh [ __ ] I uninstalled my mods you know what I could do though I could just go into build and buy go into debug get myself a rare plant or something okay I just need a rare collectible oh that's cute that bed I might towards the end of the video when I'm bored of like the gameplay stuff I might build a little house just so we can take a look at some of the build and buy stuff right collectible just need like maybe a crystal or something I have like a rare Crystal so I can just give that to her and hopefully that will count and that will get me in this pack okay here is my pack leader join pack give uncon uncommon or rare collectible okay that should hopefully get me in this pack those dogs in the background and then I might finally be able to start progressing my way through this wolf pack can become an alpha well asked to join the wolf fangs let me join the wall things before you join remember that the wild fangs stand for embracing all aspects of werewolf life we value three things the most first no lazy pack mates you'll actually have to contribute to the pack and help out second stay on that grind you've got to work to improve yourself as a werewolf and third we don't keep our talents limited to moonwood Mill you'll need to go out there expand your horizons and maximize our impacts everywhere sounds great I'm in I've got one bag of jerky bites delivered weekly one issue of bark magazine one pack exclusive interaction I'll shut up what's my um interaction then ask about being an Omega rank I don't think I've done enough because I'm still like oh look at this this is telling me exactly okay so I am an Omega rank the lowest pack rank they need to prove themselves before enjoying additional packed benefits in addition to getting to know the pack mates more Jenna should pay close attention to her Pack's values up upholding them do I have like a new uh secret handshake or something I could ask for pack mentorship what if I just challenge leader for Alpha rank like an epic tug of war I don't think I'll win but oh she won the tug of war oh I guess that's my little bar there to show how long it's going to take me to get to the next rank so I have to do like two ranking systems right now yeah if I had done this earlier then um maybe I would have made a bit more progress because I'm progressing pretty well on the werewolf rank side of things model pack mate from up holding pack values I would you look at that Jenna's howling with delight knowing she's upholding the pack values okay well I guess I should probably go and hang out with my other pack mates I mean that's probably gonna be a part of trying to level up my rank isn't it and I'm guessing this chick is a pack mate right Lou Howell yeah I've seen her in wolf form let's go get to know her yeah let's just play around with her a little bit and then maybe we'll take a photo with them just to try and give ourselves the best relationship possible call of the Moon from being a werewolf during a full moon Jenna can feel the pull of the full moon tell joke about werewolves wait but didn't I learn the Beast beckons from dangerous amount of Fury wait but didn't I unlock something that like allows me to try and calm down what if you just Moon bathe huh will that help you maybe if you do a little howl oh dear try to regain control try and regain control overwhelming aggression gotta Mark something call of the Moon oh dear she's enraged she's lost control come on Jenna let's just that was mentally taxing Jenna needs a break before trying that again why don't you mark your territory you love doing that I guess we just got to get through this Jenna don't worry it'll be okay I'm with you just keep marking your territory you'll be fine I know you're angry if I was standing in a puddle of Peace I'd probably be angry too just keep marking your territory you'll feel better trust me and now it's starting to snow where did you go oh she's going to go scratch some furniture why don't you oh she can't even dance she can only smash things oh well I guess we'll just ride this out huh this is I guess a werewolf's version of a bad trip so let's just let's ride it out I'm sure it'll pass in no time three hours she's only gonna be on this Rampage for another three hours that's nothing that's fine you just gotta run it out okay let off some steam you'll be fine it's almost over you've got like 20 minutes left and then it'll be all done where did you go oh there we go you're back see and now you're playful Why didn't it tick off this though because I did experience a full moon oh no why didn't you tick it off I should have completed this aspiration why are you not oh how annoying let's do a little tug of war try and get some experience oh do I have an ability point that I can spend we'll do pack Howell Jenna has completed okay finally yes I did complete my aspiration Jenna has completed her werewolf initiation it's time for her to embark on the next chapter of her werewolf Journey what possibilities does her future hold join the meanwood collectives dignified neighborly ranks join the wolf fangs to show the world whose boss become the strongest scariest werewolf on your own seek the cure to continue Life as a normal Sim wildfang Renegade please so these are all these side um aspirations you can get then so you can cure yourself then you have the one that I'm doing where you can turn Sims into werewolves werewolf domination become Alpha of the Wild Things be a good werewolf Ambassador become Alpha of that Collective socialize with werewolf friends and then what if I was a lone wolf what would happen then level up to Apex Unleash the Beast Spa with werewolves defeat Greg in a werewolf brawl she don't give a Fang about her reputation Jen has chosen to pursue membership with the wild fangs well I mean that's pretty good for replayability I think that you don't have to um do the same thing you can do different aspirations can I turn her into a werewolf discuss being a werewolf oh she's a spellcaster oh I see I see what if I took a photo of her though what if I take a photo of her and ask her for sympathy I mean it's not the best photo but you know what it will do okay now we're kind of friends ask for werewolf sympathy sympathize with me pania sympathize oh no okay I'll take another photo of you I might just travel to another world see if I can get some sympathy from a normal Sim maybe trying it with a spellcaster was just too much to ask I'm sure the goth family will give me some sympathy okay let's go introduce ourselves to Bella who looks like she's pregnant okay let's take some photos of Bella goth why won't you take a photo of Bella can you just do what I tell you for once please okay there we go Tanya is very hungry Elias is very hungry so wait what you're saying is you already have two newborn babies and you're pregnant with a third yeah that makes sense thanks a lot story progression okay let's ask for werewolf sympathy [ __ ] off Jacob whatever your name is ask for werewolf sympathy stop Crossing off social interactions every time I ask you to do it oh [ __ ] she said no still no sympathy okay how about some more photos Bella how about some more photos stop running off and doing other [ __ ] oh my God this game feels like every time there's like uh some kind of update I have real trouble getting my Sims to do anything I ask them to do they just cross [ __ ] off all the time okay take a photo of belagoth I think we just need to become like best friends okay we're now good friends can we um ask if Bella wants to become a werewolf yeah ask her see what she thinks about it wait what was that you said there Bella I would love to be a werewolf thanks for asking can you please turn me well let's go home because it's obviously too soon to ask for sympathy but at least I have a good friendship with Bella now so I can just invite her over and get that sympathy somehow oh wait did I already level up oh you already leveled up I'm now a veteran oh sweet so I just have one more to go before I become an apex okay well let's just do some more werewolf [ __ ] then just to try and build up I feel like at some some points it gets a bit repetitive because I need to like rank up to unlock some new abilities what if I try and turn someone into a werewolf stop queuing things up of your own accord you're making this very difficult just do what I ask you to do please okay so we're now friends with this guy maybe we'll just do some wolfy social interactions oh what if I ask him for werewolf sympathy tell about underground tunnels werewolf diplomacy unlocks okay and manage to get some sympathy finally werewolf diplomacy can I turn him into a werewolf oh I can go and give that sim a cursed bite so I'm gonna go do that and hopefully that will turn her into a werewolf oh look at that bite vicious absolutely vicious oh that poor old lady's a bit scared is there anyone else I can turn into a werewolf while I'm here a couple people right here where's my little gang here they are okay let's do a few werewolf stuff okay yeah let's just try and get some more werewolf practicing try and level up a little bit maybe once I level up to Apex I might go and visit Greg again oh why'd you keep Crossing off actions I'm giving you to do oh I think they're having an honorable Brawl for the alpha rank I don't think it's gonna work I don't think I'm quite ready for the alpha rank yet but you know what we'll take any opportunity we can we're not even like Delta yet but dream big huh looks like they both got pretty badly scratched after that we're all there one good thing is that her energy isn't used up too much from like sparring and things I remember with spellcasters it felt like their charge would build up quite quickly okay so I think the world domination is mainly just referring to sparring like she has to Spa 25 times I think okay you know what I'm gonna do now that I've leveled up a little bit since the last time I saw him I'm gonna look for Greg I can't actually remember where the hell he was first time I ran into him oh is this his house let's go here yeah I'm pretty sure this is Greg's house right here there should be the warning signs yeah so I'm wondering if investigating the warning signs will bring Greg out of his house there he is yeah ferocious intimidation that's right I'm gonna kick your ass Greg cry Greg let's do a werewolf brawl I'm probably gonna get hurt from that but you know what it will probably give me some experience so let's just go for it I'm sure it'll be worth it hopefully I don't die I'm already pretty scratched up I'm pretty sure he's gonna kick my ass but you know I'm giving him a little bit more of a run for his money this time okay attempt to communicate okay well that didn't go down well come on Greg can I take a photo of Greg no oh damn okay fine fine you know what I can do though I can piss outside your house Greg so enjoy that let's just go back to the The Hangout shall we and in the meantime I'll keep an eye out there's a lot of spell casters that hang around here but I would quite like to try and turn some people into werewolves for some reason this place seems to attract spellcasters and vampires rather than regular Sims but that's fine because I'll just go here I'll bite this chick then I'll invite Bella over I know she's pregnant but she did say that she wanted to turn into a werewolf so you know what if we try werewolf sparring when she's angry I wonder if that makes a difference she doesn't want to spark and I like calm myself down okay where's bellagoth Focus the camera on belagoth there she is okay our pregnant Sims can't be bitten okay well how about we just do a few more Spas then because that all counts towards my world domination and then maybe I'll travel a bit further out maybe Oasis Springs try and turn some Sims into werewolves oh I have a perk to unlock oh sweet lunar resistance protect against the moon's harmful effects tap into your instincts for a quick confidence boost or let loose a terrifying howl um I'm gonna go for the moon effects one while fangs notice the Packers noticed that Jenna hasn't been wait wait what's this the Packers noticed that Jenna hasn't been adequately demonstrating pack participation if this Behavior continues or she receives additional warnings for other Pax values Jenna will be put on pack probation what do you mean pack participation okay maybe I need to help out with like the resources and [ __ ] or something okay how about we just hang out at the pack place and maybe that will count towards me doing my my pack stuff huh oh that's what Rory looks like in human form hey Rory how's it going oh werewolf mentorship unlocked okay so I should be able to Mentor other werewolves now I'm guessing teach other werewolves with skill and Grace okay perfect so the only thing I need to unlock now is reaching Delta rank in a wolf pack which I might be able to get there fairly soon I know I'm still the lowest rank but I am quite an experienced werewolf so I might be able to challenge the pack leader fairly soon let me just check her level she's Apex okay so if I get to that level then I'll Stand a pretty good chance at beating her oh is that Bella goth oh no Greta Loren can I bite her yeah I can bite Greta okay good good okay let's see if I can bite these two oh Veer is a spellcast okay but this girl isn't hey where are you going no stay there I need to bite you okay perfect so let's practice a little bit more werewolf sparring that's two sims I've turned into werewolves this is her just hanging out I guess that's what hanging out looks like well done at least werewolves don't feel the cold because they're covered in fur oh [ __ ] you started beef with the vators don't worry I got your back I'll kick this bitch's ass hey I've been promoted to Delta and I've also unlocked how to calm other werewolves okay that's good great success so now I'm a delta in the wild fangs pack I reckon though I could probably challenge Rory to become an alpha eventually oh Luna confident oh I've got all these additional um traits yeah I reckon when I rank up to Apex I might just be able to challenge my way to being an alpha all right let's um call pack mates to the hangout and then hopefully we can get some more spas in so we can complete this aspiration come on gang Assemble Rory's already here Lou is already here okay great so I've unlocked all of the dormant abilities and I'm almost at Apex okay okay okay sweet success so now I'm gonna travel to some unsuspecting SIMS house and I'm gonna turn them into a werewolf let's just go to the Caliente house I think Don would make a great werewolf hello let me in maybe Dina Caliente cursed by go for it girl give her the cursed bite bite that chick and [ __ ] off flee the scene okay there we go now the only thing left to do for this aspiration is become Alpha of our wolf pack which I hope we can do once we level up to Apex or you know what as I'm still here and I do still have some growing to do be ashamed to leave Dina as the only wolf of the house maybe I'll just bite both of these two and then I'll [ __ ] off yes Jenna is now the Apex werewolf she's the best of the best the cream of the crop top of the food chain the final tier of abilities are now unlocked for purchase all right let's take a look Legacy turn ability points into satisfaction points howl under the Moonlight to transform temperaments win most fights and challenges against other werewolves run at super speed okay that's what I want alpha wolf that is what I would like so now I am gonna travel and I am going to challenge Rory to become Alpha of this pack okay I did just get a notice which has me a bit concerned the Packers noticed that Jenna hasn't been adequately fulfilling the expand and explore value if this Behavior continues oh [ __ ] off what are you talking about blow the moonwood mill underground travel to remote hard to reach locals Mark your territory and meet non-werewolf Sims that have something different about them I did explore the underground this is the only underground bit isn't it unless there's like oh here we go explore underground tunnels okay okay I hear you I will go and explore those tunnels Jenna takes a deep breath and makes her way into the underground these tunnels seem to go on forever and Jenna gets lost in her thoughts how long did it take to dig all of this and who covers the maintenance cost they do maintenance down here right diverging paths okay so this is the same same thing that I did before so let's navigate the debris smell of wet dog everywhere through hunks of rotted beams and broken metal Parts lined the tunnel Jenna is able to move around them with her ability to see in the dark eventually she comes across a mountain of old logging tools and Sawmill blades this looks like the most of the Old moonwood Mill how did it get down here Jenna spies a lock box trapped underneath part of an old water wheel seems like it takes super Sim strength to get to that thing well let's attempt to lift it Jenna manages to lift the heavy water wheel slowly enough the surrounding junk settles rather than falling into the opening then just as carefully she manages to secure the lock box before giving into the mounting weight the lock box is already open and it isn't empty what did I have a moon petal punch in a wolf Spain Jenna can make out some lighter head it must be an exit okay there we go I've explored and now I will challenge the alpha cool pack mates to hang out let's go come on you okay there Lou just turn him back into SIM form I haven't been in my sim form for quite a while now okay challenge leader to Alpha rank with an epic tug of war actually no maybe not an epic tug of war maybe maybe a fight because I do have more chance of winning an honorable brawl don't I possibly okay can we become an alpha Rank and we are both at the Apex level but I do have more chance of winning fights so it just depends on whether she already has that perk as well oh God this is so tense it does look like she's winning though I don't know oh she won maybe I will try and beat Greg maybe if I beat Greg first maybe I'll Stand a better chance at beating Rory I just want to become Alpha of the pack it's a dog eat dog world out there and I want to be top dog that's so much to ask all right where is this [ __ ] there he is who the [ __ ] is that hey Greggy boy how's it going you fancy a scrap oh I've just learned how to make moon petal punch great werewolf brawl let's go you and me let's [ __ ] go Greg you piece of [ __ ] come on take I'm ready I'm ready for you sure I look scratched and bruised but don't be fooled by my beaten up appearance who will win I think I just beat him yes that's right Greg yes beat him at his own game why is it that I can beat Greg but I can't beat Rory oh Greta there's that team that I transformed oh yeah I remember I think maybe a couple more spas and I'll be able to level up but I don't think Alpha comes after Delta I think the next one would be beta radical Jenna has been promoted to the rank of baser okay great but beta is not quite Alpha is it that's what I want I want to be Alpha that's like the only thing I have left to do on this aspiration okay challenge leader for Alpha rank Let's do an epic tug of war and then maybe while I'm here I can bite some of these Sims okay epic tug of war can we get an alpha rank out of this no oh man I just don't know why I can't seem to beat Rory or anything when I'm already like the highest rank I mean I'm almost like at the very top I mean maybe if I just try and level myself up to over Max then maybe I'll be able to beat Rory okay well I've reached over Max so I can just keep unlocking ability points I guess so I could just keep unlocking everything but all I really want to do is become Alpha let's try challenging for another let's try challenging again we'll just keep challenging every chance we get to try and become Alpha all right [ __ ] let's go she's probably gonna beat me again oh I don't know though I don't know I might just have it this time looks like I've got a little bit more control oh wait so hard to tell but it does feel like I've been dominating this no stop replacing all of the things I just queued up with just chatting you're starting to piss me off now by Crossing off all of my interactions because I think the only way I'm going to be able to do this is to just keep finding ways to level up I can go hunt for food I guess I don't really understand why this is a rabbit hole they could have I mean it's a tiny room they could have put something in it I guess I could maybe Mentor Lou that might help a little bit okay let's try for another honorable brawl see if we can become Alpha if we lose I might have to take some photos of her just to try and real rebuild that relationship because she does get quite upset after I try and challenge her position ah what will it take though what will it take to overthrow this leader okay we're kind of losing our friendship with Rory let's apologize I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to try and overthrow you maybe because she's very confident maybe she will be able to beat Rory I doubt it I doubt it but you know we can keep trying Rory just seems pretty indestructible feels like every time I try and beat Rory I just I fail okay is it too soon to try and challenge her for Alpha status yet okay uh uh epic tug of war let's try that as you know let's try The Honorable brawl again and then if we fail which we probably will we can just take some photos and then we'll just things will be back to normal we'll still be friends I just really want that outward position Rory you have to understand it's nothing personal it's just that I think I'm better than you in every way that's all [ __ ] sake what would it take man what would it take to beat her okay I'm pretty close pretty close to completing the baser rank I haven't challenged Rory again but I'm thinking maybe once I complete the beta either I'll just become an alpha or maybe I'll challenge her like after I've got a little bit more experience Maybe unlocked another ability points oh I just thought what if actually it doesn't have anything to do with werewolf ability and it's actually all about Fitness maybe I should just work on my fitness skill because that's how it works with normal fighting isn't it I think I made a fatal mistake in thinking it all had to do with um werewolf ability when actually kind of realizing now it might just all be Fitness related and increased skill gain from Fitness activities okay sweet perfect okay so I think I can't really progress from beta until I beat Rory out of fight but that's okay because I've been working on my fitness skill and I may have even used a little cheat all right Rory it's time for a new Alpha and that Alpha is gonna be me right let's go for an honorable and honorable brawl and then we will take the position of pack leader thanks very much and then we will complete our aspiration and it only took five five hours real life hours all right let's go if I still don't win then I really don't know what my next move would be I don't know though I'm fairly confident I still [ __ ] lost ah let's apologize how did I still lose I don't get it all right let's just go home so I um had a quick look to see if I was doing something wrong because I've got a really high Fitness skill so I should have won the fight however it looks like to become the alpha of the pack it's not easy you have to basically Master every single werewolf ability so if we look at my current abilities I've unlocked about half so it's a long and treacherous Journey my friends you have to level up as many times to unlock all of these abilities that's what it looks like anyway to be able to actually beat the alpha pack leader so I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it not in this video anyway so what I'm instead going to do is I'm going to call it a day in terms of gameplay and then I might um rustle up something with the build and buy objects just to show you what we get and then I'll probably end this video here so I'm gonna go off camera and just get all of the build and buy stuff out so you can see it let's take a quick look at some of the build and buy objects I'm not going to go too much into these because I'm going to cover this when I do like a proper review so we're just going to take a quick look this is probably my favorite piece of build and buy it's actually two separate pieces you have the bar and then the little van looking thing and they go together I just think it's so cool you know it makes me want to build like a truck yard or something and then you have the rest of the stuff I feel like this is one of the few times we actually have build and buy objects that are kind of of a different theme to what we usually get it's nice to have items look a little bit more withered a little bit more Haggard you know we have a few wolf themed things as well like you have these double doors and then doors with a wolf on them lots of wolf artwork this might be one of my favorite pieces too this clock reminds me of something from The Nightmare Before Christmas and you also get these like um scratch marks that you can put around the place if you want to subtly hint that a werewolf lives there some on the floor as well but I think what I like about this stuff is that it's not just stuff you would see in like a werewolf home you know even like a beaten up kind of home you have two versions of the same rug one of them looking a little bit more withered the sofa looks like it seen some better days we actually have a small telescope you have a desk here that has a book under it to support it little baby crib very cute crib actually we do have this planter um which is a bit pointless because I'm pretty sure we already have one that looks exactly the same the new mailbox new fire pit because we could really do with one of those some new fitness equipment this beautiful mirror and some like barbed wire fencing it just comes together really well I think really fits a nice theme I'm looking forward to building something with this but on that note I think this video is probably long enough now and I reckon it's going to be a late night for me editing this tonight to put up tomorrow so I'm gonna end it here I know that we didn't get to touch on any on everything for example the Creator Sim we did only look at female creative Sim items but I'll cover the creatism items in my review I'm not sure when I'm gonna put it out though probably at some point next week but yeah that's it from me I would love to know in the comments what you think of this pack do you own this pack how was your first day playing with it if you don't own it then what do you think of the first impression based on this video thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did please like And subscribe you know I love it when you do that and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Whiny Brit
Views: 401,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 werewolves, sims 4 werewolves pack, sims 4 werewolf, sims 4 werewolf pack, sims 4 werewolf game pack, sims 4 werewolf playthrough, sims 4 werewolf lets play, sims 4 werewolves lets play
Id: Zp8jFEu6klk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 32sec (5132 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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