Complete Guide To Every Uni Organization | The Sims 4 Discover University

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sign up for those scholarships and join a college because we're going to talk about all seven of the University Societies or student organizations as they are formally called for Foxberry this includes their Spirit Squad as well as the Bots events and the brainiacs yes much Logic for bright Chester they have their own Spirit corpse and art society and a debate Guild yes much creativity and of course we'll look at the secret society too which is just great weird Vibes now before we look at specific societies a general but important overview of them first joining them to do this head to the social groups panel and then select organizations from here you can click on a little checklist looking icon which will reveal a list of every club's next event find the club you want to join and note when the next event is and when this time rolls around then re-open the panel and select go to event and your scene will immediately be there like magic but with a loading screen then all you need to do is find a club member introduce yourself and ask to join the society thankfully they're always super desperate for members so you'll get a yes heck Quentin hadn't showered in like two days and smelled really bad and they were still ecstatic to take him on board so you know the standards are low now once you're in you'll notice a few things and the first is likely a gray bar at the top of the funnel that will slowly turn green as you engage with the organization maxing this will see you progress in the society you start as a new member and after maxing it once you'll become a seasoned member and after maxing it twice a senior member every rank brings with it a few more rewards which we love but just how do you feel that green bar and rank up one way is by come inflating tasks these vary between different societies but they are usually quite easy to do every task you complete will give a decent boost to the green progress bar and the task list will reset three times a week on Sunday Tuesday and Thursday morning another arguably easier way to fill the progress bar is to go to club events here during event hours there will be special interactions that have the society symbol next to them successfully performing these interactions during the event hours will give you progress points and the best thing about it is that many of these can be spammed over and over you might think they're getting tired of you asking about art 300 times but nope they are loving it keep going the final thing to note is that of course events change from society to society and that they can be a lot of fun to get involved in and with that it's time to start talking about the organizations themselves starting with the brainiacs from the Foxberry University this riveting Club meets five times a week four of those times from Monday to Thursday being for study sessions at the library where you can get ahead on your schoolwork they also meet once per week for a bar night at the study sessions you can earn progress by doing your homework by studying using a research machine or through event specific social interactions meanwhile at the bar night you can drink and unwind and also talk about your studies that's right here just like during your study sessions at the library you can discuss project ideas and upcoming tests with your fellow brainiacs to earn progress tasks that can help you earn progress outside of hours include attending your class while in a focused mood doing your homework studying or going to office hours for this last one simply select a building where you go to class and select visit office hours between 11AM and 3 P.M when it comes rewards you'll get a poster and t-shirt for joining then when you're a seasoned member you'll be able to earn extra credit for all classes when participating in brainiacs events which can be quite handy for getting good grades finally upon reaching a senior member you'll unlock a brainiac clock and be granted the mental Magister reward trade which lets you train all mental skills such as logic research and debate robotics rocket science programming and more just that little bit faster from my testing I'd estimate this to be quite minimal at around 10 percent faster but it's still a nice bonus now we're moving on to foxbury's bot savants Society if your sim thinks artificial intelligence is the future and doesn't mind getting electrocuted then this is the one for you these Geniuses with an affinity for metal things meet four times a week Monday is bar night you know start the week wasted and then Tuesday and Thursday the club holds robot building meetups at the foxbury commons and note that the robotic station can be found on level 2 of this building for both of these types of events the best way to earn progress in the organization is through event-specific social interactions on other Sims but you can also earn progress at the robot building meetups by crafting utility bugs a side note here is that if you get electrocuted once stop using the robotic station until the dazed mood look clears otherwise if you're electrocuted again before it clears your sim will die also don't get too attached to any of the club members it's a very high risk club and you'd hate for a good friendship to crumble because they electrocuted themselves to death at an event finally on Sunday there's the utility bot contest held outside on the uni grounds this can be a great opportunity for your sim to interact with other robot Fanatics and other robots and you can also submit a utility bot for judging again the robotically themed social event interactions are the best way to earn progress here now many of the tasks that help you earn progress outside of events are really just tied back to building robots and it can be nice to knock some of these off during the robot building meetups for example tasks can include crafting a chatterbot a RC copter a utility bot or even enhancing a robot yes you'll very much be living the robotics life as far as rewards go you'll get a poster and t-shirt for joining and once you become a seasoned member you'll gain the ability to earn extra credit for computer science physics and villainy classes while participating in botsavant events you'll get even more rewards when you become a senior Member First you'll be given a party book Gold Edition and you'll now be able to craft them too on robotic stations admittedly from sussing this out I believe it's pretty much like a regular party bot but gold and shiny and exclusive you'll also gain the robotic skill faster but from testing this I believe it's only about 10 faster on top of this upgrading robots will cost a few less paths for context enhancing the party bot Gold Edition with this meant it costed one less mechanism one less kitchen upgrade part and five less robot salvage parts this being said it still costed a computer chip mechanism kitchen electronic and common upgrade part as well as five robot salvage parts in short the bonuses are very handy but they're not life-changing now it's time to look at the Foxberry Spirit Squad and the bright Chester Spirit corpse they're kind of like General College Pride University organizations and as you might have guessed you have to be a Foxborough student to join the Foxberry Spirit Squad and a bright Chester student to join the spirit corpse the Foxberry Spirit Squad has two bar nights on Sunday and Wednesday Wednesday a game day party on Friday and a school spirit day on Saturday meanwhile the bright Chester Spirit corpse has two game day parties on Friday and Saturday afternoon followed by a bar night on Saturday night and your creativity celebration on Sunday while they are two separate societies from each respective University the events and what they entail are very similar to each other all of the events really come back to two things being socialization and school pride and I will say that these are my two favorite societies the bar nights for both organizations are great for getting to know your fellow uni students and starting cheers for your respective University is a great way to progress in the society meanwhile for the foxbury school spirit day you can gather on the University grounds for some ping pong or juice pong and we do appreciate a Judith Ward appearance of course interacting with the ping pong table will help you progress in the organization as will starting cheers and taking selfies with and high-fiving the mascot Lobster Larry finally the foxbury game day party which is held near the sports center again this is about foxbury cheers interacting with your mascot and playing juice pong which will all provide progress if you feel like it then by all means you are also encouraged to go streaking at this event and we love the added chaos that this brings the bright Chester game day party is very similar and it allows you to gather on the grounds and start bright Chester School cheers Play Juice pong and interact with your school's mascot Darby the dragon by grabbing selfies or telling jokes about Fox Brewery to them all of which will help you progress in the society also know that your Rivals from Foxborough might just show up to cause some chaos then we have the bright Chester creativity day here instead of playing ping pong you'll be painting murals and yes painting murals and being annoying by encouraging others to paint murals will earn you progress in the society as will starting cheers and taking selfies with Derby in terms of tasks you may receive to help you make progress outside of the society activities putting up banners on your own or the opposing College of sports arena is one as is starting school cheers multiple times which can be actioned by clicking on your own Sim ranking the Rival School statue located around the middle of the school grounds is another potential task as is taking a selfie with the school mascot and taunting a rival student to taunt a rival student head to the opposing universities campus and find a student that goes there then in the main interactions you can taunt them about your University's superiority do note that they won't like it when you do this rewards include your usual t-shirt and poster for joining and once you become a c seasoned member you'll be able to perform a special greeting to students of the uni you're in be it the Foxberry or bright Chester greeting while it's not available for everyone when you can perform it on another student it lets you start off the new relationship with a pretty decent friendship boost upon reaching a senior member your Sims will unlock their University's relevant mascot outfit and honestly my Sims weren't truly living when they couldn't dress up as a giant Lobster or Dragon such a big life Improvement you'll also unlock your University's themed ping pong table now grab your paint brushes as we're about to look at bright Chester's art Society these fabulous creatives meet four times a week on Sunday Monday and Thursday they figure paint and on Tuesday night they head to the bar figure painting takes place near the stream behind the University of branchchester common area here you can earn progress by complete creating any type of painting viewing it and by initiating art focused interactions with your fellow members it can be quite fun and it's worth noting that you can of course keep or sell the paintings you create just don't get caught out with a half finished painting that disappears when the event finishes up Tuesday's bar night is just a nice way to break up all the painting and the main way of progressing in the society here is through the art interactions available with fellow members looking at tasks that you can complete outside of event hours to help you reach the top you might need to take five photos practice an instrument for two hours or gain a skill in any art skill being painting photography or music related skills you can also be tasked with completing a classic painting or viewing three pieces of art at a museum in terms of rewards you'll get the usual poster and t-shirt for joining and upon becoming a seasoned member you'll gain the ability to earn X extra credit for Fine Art and art history classes while participating in art Society events finally when you reach a senior member you'll unlock the Rob Ross happy little easel and you'll recognize this from your figure painting events you'll also gain creative skills at a faster rate but know that the increase is quite minimal and I would estimate it to be around 10 faster now get ready to argue because we're moving on to the debating Guild this consists of three types of events including debating practice on Tuesday and Wednesday a bar night on Thursday and a debate Showdown on Saturday debating practice occurs at the University of brightchester common area and you can earn progress in the society by watching debates practicing debating yourself and engaging in Debate Club specific social interactions with your fellow lovers of you guessed it debate the bar night allows you to have a drink and here you can progress through the debate yield by the society-specific social interactions finally and most importantly the debate Showdown which is the most fun this is a pop-up debating setup around your main University statue and you can earn progress here by discussing debate and inquiring about debate strategy with your fellow members on this day you can also earn progress by joining the debate Showdown where you compete against another Sim and judges are present this can lead to a small payout as well and we do love that little bit of cash money you can also watch other debates to earn progress and if you have yet famous then you can also wonder why on Earth Judith Ward is part of the University debate team tasks you can complete outside of event hours to earn progress include researching a topic by using the research machines note that regular computers will not work you can also be tasked with debating a topic watching the news channel and using a debater Podium to practice debating for two hours and what about the Rewards well you get your usual t-shirt and poster for joining and when you become a seasoned member you'll be able to earn extra credit for communications history language psychology and economics classes when participating in debate Guild events once you reach the top as a senior member you'll get a stylish debate jacket you'll unlock the gold plus research archive machine and you'll also have some interesting new interactions with college professors including the ability to convince professors to increase your grade give you study tips and give you help with your homework now we just have one more Society to look into being the secret society this is available to both boxberry and brightchester members and joining is a little more tricky to join you'll need to track down an excellent quality offering such as a rare metal or Crystal or a perfectly baked cake mmm cake then you'll want to head to your Uni's main statue on the ground and make an offering for academic success if your offering goes well enough then you'll get a focused moodlet and you're going to want to make sure you receive a surreal focused plus 3 moodlet then just hang around and within the next few nights you'll be visited around midnight from two of the Secret Society members and they'll invite you to join bam you're in and you'll be given some awesome robes and masks after you join from the moment you're in you'll then notice Sprites which hover around the university statues and around you too sometimes now there's only one type of event in the secret society being Sprite celebration ritual events these occur on Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays from 10 pm to 2 A.M the following morning at the ritual altar the ritual altar is located in the Gibbs Hill area to the west of the pub across the stream you'll notice a fairy ring of mushrooms with a flat stone in the middle this stone is the ritual altar where you can make offerings to Sprites and check in with Sprites for potential boosting effects and making offerings is largely what you'll be doing at these events to progress through the secret society ranks engaging with Society members during event times and choosing the interactions with the society Mark next to them will also help you progress in the secret society when it comes to tasks that you can be given to complete out of event hours these usually involve offering various objects to the ritual altar such as Metals crystals and harvestables now upon becoming a seasoned member you'll get Rank 2 robes which have a silver trim and access to the Sprite attack power this summons orange Sprites to pester the target Sim giving them a tense plus three moodlet for 4 hours as the Sprites followed them around note that there's a small cooldown on this when you then become a senior member you'll get the gold trimmed Rank 3 robes and you'll unlock the ability to summon powerful Sprites on yourself there are three types you can choose from being focused love and inspiration Sprites purple Focus Sprites are my favorite and they'll give your sim a focused plus 3 moodlet for 12 hours increasing career and grades performance during this time while also filling your Sims hunger and energy needs and keeping it full for the duration of the moodlet pink love Sprites provide a flirty plus 3 moodlet for 12 hours while boosting romantic interactions for the duration and finally light blue inspiration Sprites provide an inspired plus 3 moodlet for 12 hours and see your sim make higher quality art and music as well as train their creative skills faster while the moodlet is active there is a lengthy cooldown on this but the good news is that you don't need to become a senior member of the secret society to gain access to these Powers if you regularly interact with and give offerings to Sprites then you can check in with them at the ritual altar doing so gives you a random buff from the Sprites including the three we just mentioned you can also get green Sprites which give an energized plus 3 moodlet for 12 hours while filling and keeping filled your hygiene need for the duration of the moodlet note that if you check in too often or if you don't make offerings to satisfy Sprites before checking in then you can get a tense plus three moodlet for 4 hours the good news though is that you can clear this early by performing funny romantic or mischievous interactions with other Sims during this time and with that we're at the end that's a look at all of the societies from The Sims 4 or discover University if you enjoyed or found this helpful then please subscribe and leave a like I would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 47,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Complete Guide To Every Uni Organization | The Sims 4 Discover University, Guide, Tutorial, How To, Tips and Tricks, The Sims, Sims, Sims 4, Sims 4 Secret Society, Sims 4 Discovery University, Sims 4 Secret Society Guide, Sims 4 All University Organizations, Sims 4 University Societies, Sims 4 Brainiacs, Sims 4 Art Society, Sims 4 Bot Savants, Sims 4 Foxbury Spirit Squad, Sims 4 Britechester Spirit Corps, Sims 4 Debate Guild, Sims 4 organization rewards, Sims 4 Organisations
Id: 75re_p338Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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