Ranking Every Trait in the Sims 4: A Tier List

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so I have made Sims 4 careless before but it's been a while and I thought it would be fun to rank all of the traits in The Sims 4. there wasn't a pre-existing tier list so I had to make this one myself I will link it down below but this website kind of has a lot of sketchy ads so I wouldn't visit it without an ad blocker honestly I tried to use another site but you have to have a Twitter to log in which I don't know if that's a good idea uh anyways so here's my hair list that I made I uploaded all of these little icons although I didn't take these myself I got them from The Sims wiki this page is very helpful all of the traits I can also link that as well but here are my tiers we have great this one is going to be good for storytelling but it didn't fit so good for story good for storytelling okay boring and annoying because some of them are indeed annoying yeah they're mostly like pretty neutral but I did think good for storytelling would be a good specific one to have because there are some traits that like are good to tell a specific story so with that said let's get started first up we have the art lover treat I've definitely given this to my Sims before it's not annoying but it's like it doesn't really accomplish anything so according to the Sims wiki these Sims gain powerful moodlets from viewing works of art and can admire art and discuss art in unique ways if you need a trait to fill out you know all three for your Sims and they're artistic I guess this one is fine but I don't know I think I'm gonna put it in boring it just doesn't really add anything Bookworm is kind of similar it's basically the same thing but for books I don't know that I've ever like made good use of this I feel like overall reading books doesn't have much of a point in The Sims like I love reading but there's almost no point to read a book unless like your aspiration asks you to do it or it's a skill book it's just yeah I'm gonna say it's also boring now the Animal Enthusiast trait this one came with cottage living and this one is actually very great and I'll tell you why so when I first started playing with college living I of course gave my Sims the animal Enthusiast right why not and you know it was pretty easy to befriend the animals I got to know lots of bunnies and the cows and the llamas and the chickens all of that and then I tried doing that without the animal Enthusiast trait and it was really hard so I don't know if that's necessarily A positive for the trait or if it means that the mechanism without the treat is just too hard if you're trying to like befriend the bunnies without animal enthusiasts good luck because it like really and I think it just extends to the farm animals as well so that's why I'd say it's great it's very very useful if you're gonna be playing with those animals I suggest getting this trait because it will be very annoying otherwise active I'm my first instinct is to put it in Annoying I'll be honest because either they're like energized all the time or like they're annoyed because they haven't been active and I don't find energized like a particularly useful emotion for them to be in this one can be useful it can be good for storytelling but it's not like it doesn't do that much it's pretty similar to both of these I might just put it in okay adventurous I like does this trait do anything according to the wiki these Sims seek out new and unique experiences and it comes with snowy Escape which with snowy Escape there are Lifestyles and there's literally one that's basically adventurous so I don't really know if that's like particularly useful let's see let's read a little bit more about the trait adventurous Sims do not panic when there's a fire and immediately try to put it out okay that's useful they get bored when eating quick meals they browse blogs for new adventures okay oh and they also have a tolerance for all food in The Sims 4 jungle Adventure I guess that works I'm gonna probably say okay for this one it's not like groundbreaking but it can be useful I would like add it to fill out your Sims traits but it's not going to be my first choice probably the problem with this is there's kind of a lot of traits that are just like meh and like I know a lot of people want more than three traits and that would be great but we need to have better traits first because right now there's so many traits that just feel like filler and they don't do anything I don't know I mean maybe if there were enough of them if you could have like five traits and it was like one is that they like dogs one is that they like books one is that they don't like cleaning I don't know I guess that could add up to be interesting but as it is like they just don't carry that much weight uh so the next one is ambitious I've definitely had this one before I mean they're more likely to get to do well in the job and get promoted faster which can be useful wait what ambitious Sims Will autonomously Mock goofball Sims for goofball actions that's just mean wait I was gonna put this one in like okay because like I've used it and it's fine but this is kind of boring there's like not it really doesn't do anything I think I'm gonna put it in boring it could be useful if you want your sim to like get promoted more easily I guess so this is just boring and also mean apparently because like mock goofball Sims for no reason that's weird good I this is when I end up using a lot I don't know I mean the interesting thing about the good trait is like they automatically don't get along with like evil or bad Sims but it's always hard to like tell who that is sometimes they'll get a moodlet like like they're feeling bad because they interacted with an evil Sim it's like you don't even know who that is let me look at the wiki I'm actually you know I feel like I'm actually learning some stuff I didn't know about these traits like I have a pretty good uh amount of experience with them but there's always things I didn't realize was happening you know it is weird it conflicts with the kleptomaniac trait so apparently you can't be good in the kleptomaniac that doesn't make sense to me what if you're like Robin Hood and you're like stealing stuff for good you know they feel good if nearby Sims are happy they will refuse to woohoo in a car this is so Random what they'll refuse to woohoo in a coffin okay they have a lower chance of doing mean or mischief actions autonomously I wonder if that extends to like now when a lot of Sims are doing way more mean and Mischief interactions I don't know like it's kind of boring it's fine I give a lot of Sims to straight because it's just like yeah I guess they're good why not why wouldn't they be good I think I might just put this one in okay loves cats one or cat is it called cat lover this one might be one of those that's like good for storytelling because like if you have a SIM and you want to have them like have lots of cats and you know go go ahead give them the cat lover treat why not right they sometimes get a giddy interaction when they're near cats okay they yeah they can enthuse about cats with other Sims which will always succeed with another cat lover I do like that I like how Sims can like Bond I've had Sims like Bond over their love of dogs before I do like that friendly introductions are more likely to succeed and gain extra relationship that's just not a lot of things though it doesn't seem to do much although it does say you can help by expanding this section so maybe there's more that I don't know of but yeah I do feel like man there's a lot of these that are more mid-tier than I realized it might be this one might just be an okay I I promise there are some that are good for storytelling I think they're just mostly not the first ones cheerful I recently played with cheerful like a cheerful Sim and I will say it is useful for them to autonomously be kind of happy but it can be annoying if you're trying to get to a specific emotion they can also if they're feeling upset like you can have them look on the bright side which will like make them happier which is interesting oh that's cool when they're happy all other negative emotions and moodlets to K faster I don't know I think it's fine it's like it's not groundbreaking I think it's also just okay I don't know I'm feeling this is very middle heavy we'll see childish okay I actually will say this one is good for storytelling it like opens up a bunch of new interactions for adults that you wouldn't normally have and I like that I think I think there should be more traits like this that actually if you new interactions that aren't just like talking you know because it doesn't really make a difference usually the talking but with a childish trait adults can like play with toys and like it allows adult Sims to play with toys teddy bears doll houses as if they're children they also enjoy playing with children and watching the kids network and get positive midlets from that this is funny this is they cannot go to grade school I mean yeah okay they get happy for four hours from hugging a stuffed animal oh that's cute they can have a relationship level with stuffed animals oh that's good that's nice to have for an adult yeah I think I would say definitely good for storytelling it's nice to have childish Sims every now and then I wonder how useful that would be for like if you're doing the 100 baby challenge or something but yeah I would say childish good for storytelling so child of the island this one came with Island living I tried this out because I hadn't really done it much and it doesn't seem to do much you can like call on the island spirits and like talk to them which is cool but I don't really understand how to like how you're supposed to impress them or what it does if you do impress them the wiki unfortunately says it needs to be expanded but I don't know that there is very much maybe I'm just missing something but it says these Sims experience a spiritual connection to the islands of sulani honor the islands by partaking in their culture some in powerful Elementals and reap the rewards of Their Blessings or the consequences of their disfavor but like I've done that and they were they had like disfavor or whatever and like I was just like had a negative moodlet like nothing really happened so I don't know I I think I'm just gonna put this one in okay if there's like more that you can do with it let me know but I don't know I would be nice if it added more gameplay like I feel like it definitely should but I didn't see very much many unique interactions from this one child of the ocean is a similar one it's Sims with this trait will prefer water related activities and feel closer to the denizens of the sea I feel like this one actually adds more gameplay type stuff I feel like they'll prefer water related activities such as swimming scuba diving snorkeling and boating they're also unable to drown that's pretty cool and they become sad when fishing and uncomfortable when eating fish I imagine they'll also like be close with like dolphins and mermaids based on saying they feel closer to denizens of the sea I feel like this one could be good for storytelling like especially if you have a mermaid or Sim that's going to become a mermaid that they want to live in like sulani I feel like this one could be useful clumsy I actually really like this one I think it's cool how like these Sims they laugh at their mistakes instead of getting upset they do tend to trip and stuff which is more like a little animation but I just I don't know I really like that they laugh at failure instead of getting upset let's see let's look at the attributes they're less likely to trigger Saturn angry emotions they have a special playful moodlet which actually that can be kind of dangerous autonomous playful moodlets are not like super great because you can become hysterical and die pretty easily they're more likely to get electrocuted when repairing Electronics okay it can be annoying but I think it is good for storytelling so I'm gonna put this one in good for storytelling I think it can be fun to have a clumsy Sim creative okay I give a lot of Sims a straight because like you'd think it'd be useful if you're doing any of the creative aspirations right the thing about all of these emotional traits is like the it means a Sim tends to get a certain moodlet to be in like a certain emotion which can be really useful but it can also be really annoying because that moodlet can override every other feeling so for example if you're trying to have your sim be a painter and they have the creative trait if they're feeling inspired all the time they can't make the like other emotional paintings so if you want them to be sad or angry or focused or whatever to make that type of painting is really hard to get them out of the inspired moodlet again it can be it can be very useful to have them in the inspired moodlet I just wish it wasn't like all of the time I'm not sure I don't think this is at the level of like fully being in the annoying section it can be really useful and it can also be annoying so we'll just split the difference go in the middle okay the next one this is the dance machine trait and this is great A lot of people don't realize that but the dance machine trait it came with get together I believe and it allows you to take disco naps which will fill your sim up more than like a normal sleep and it only takes the amount of time as a nap so if you're doing like a racks to riches or you just don't want to waste a ton of time sleeping if you give your sim this trait just have them disco nap and it'll like it'll fill up their sleep need completely with a fraction of the time they don't even have to have a good bed for it it's really great it does of course give some other things as well they gain happiness when entering a club and grow bored when they haven't danced for a long time they also level up in the dancing skill faster if you already have a SIM that's into like part partying or dancing or if you just want to take advantage of the Disco naps I would say it's a pretty great treat dog lover I think it's pretty much the same as cat lover honestly I mean they can be fun they can be useful if you want to have a SIM that like loves animals but it's not groundbreaking or anything this one erratic I I made a short video about like the history of this trait so I will link it but originally this trait was called insane and the icon was of a straight jacket that trait was very very bad not good uh very ableist very like normalizing institutionalization which is very harmful as it is the erratic treat it's kind of cool to have like some ways to be neurodivergent in the game I don't think this necessarily does it well again it was originally an insane treat with a straight jacket it's not gonna just get rid of that baggage by renaming the trait and changing the icon I mean I'm glad they did that but you know there's still some ableism there I don't know I let me let's look what it says what what happens if you have an erratic Sim they make it random emotions they'll randomly hiss and do random movements when idle they can talk to themselves which raises their social need the thing like all of these things right are things that represent various neurodivergences and like that real people actually do but they are also all lumped together in this trait it's clear that this did used to be the insane trait they tend to be mean which is just like what yeah okay this part is very not good at all erratic Sims from non-active households will commonly appear in Parks dressed in predefined clothing paint spotted white tank top gray pants and black sneakers and usually sleep on benches I guess they thought the prevalence of mentally ill people being homeless was funny and chose to put that in the game uh there's a lot of ableist assumptions here but at the same time if you're like neurodivergent like if you do if your emotions do fluctuate if you stem and do random movements you know like if you like like if you talk to yourself like that is cool to be able to play that in the game but you're good there's a lot of ableist assumptions in there so I would say this is one where I'm like I If other like neurodivergent people want to use this to represent themselves go for it like I think that's great this is a tool we can use I guess but it's I there's a reason I don't usually give this trait to Sims because I feel very iffy about it there's a lot of ableist assumptions here good for storytelling I mean not really because it's going to be an ableist story that the game tries to tell right I might just put it in annoying because the whole assumptions behind it is annoying I might I honestly I might put evil and annoying too I get that the point of it is for your sim to be evil but I've been playing with an evil Sim and it's so annoying like he's like constantly destroying his kids doll houses he's just like being mean to people like I I don't know maybe that's just maybe it's just annoying for me like obviously that's useful if you want to have a SIM who's literally just evil to everyone but it annoys me personally let's look at the wiki they can laugh maniacally discuss evil plans yeah they don't get along with good Sims uh they get happy when they're near people who aren't having a good time the Smashing doll houses I that is so annoying like my sim would like constantly smash his kid's dollhouse like can you not obviously it could be good for storytelling it's just annoying to me personally so I think I'm gonna put an annoying you know your experience may vary but for me next one is the family-oriented trait I don't really like that this is like a baby bassinet because like it's not just about children these Sims become happier on family members become sad if they don't interact with family for a period of time oh when toddlers are in a bad mood they can soothe and express love which is more effective than comfort and calm down that's cool I guess I'm gonna say family oriented is probably just okay I don't feel like it gives you enough tools to really tell a story so I think it's just okay let's move on to foodie so foodie Sims they get Happy moodlets from high quality food and drinks but they get uncomfortable from less qual from like lower quality stuff they're more likely to spontaneously watch the Cooking Channel I don't know I found it kind of useful like I do think you know if your sim is going to be a chef or whatever it could be useful I kind of want to make a new tier now but I don't know if I even can no I'm not gonna make a new tier it's okay it makes sense like this this distribution makes actually it's like an even distribution right now it's fine um I think foodie will say it's okay but maybe like towards the top of okay all right freaking I do think freaking honestly is like very good for storytelling I it's it's great for storytelling these Sims reject consumerism and prefer to reduce wasteful spending by any means they enjoy finding reused or throwing away goods and foods and they have better luck at finding the highest quality treasures and dumpster dumpsters they may become tense or uncomfortable if they spend too much time earning or spending simoleons so I don't know if I even need to explain why that's good for storytelling but like there's a lot there they prefer to Rummage in dumpsters if you try to give them like a traditional job they're gonna be upset they'd rather reuse and remake stuff they can like Rummage in dumb posters for food they can also get other NPC Sims to lower their prices with bartering this one's also fun actually this moodlet they get embarrassed from cooking a meal without ingredients so it like incentivizes you to actually use ingredients yeah I don't know I think this one is just it's very good for storytelling I personally have used it a lot and I do I definitely like it all right up next is the geek treat um I think I'm gonna say great honestly not everyone might think this but I just I love having geek Sims I think it's really fun I guess it doesn't give as much of a like gameplay buff as these other two do but I've just been enjoying giving it to my Sims a lot they tend to enjoy collecting stuff they also like video games they can talk about geeky stuff with other Sims they can discuss Geek Things They have a more likelihood to find rare Collectibles and they become happy when reading sci-fi and yeah I don't know it's a hobby trait it's I like it I think it's pretty good genius again it's like it's one of those emotion ones your sim is more likely to be focused if they have the genius trait they have a chance of a Eureka moment which gives them a small amount of skill for random skill they already have I do like that that's kind of fun they can solve hard problems which helps them build the logic skill I feel like it's a little bit better than some of the other emotional traits I might put this one also in good for storytelling I think it can be fun to have a SIM just like randomly have a Eureka moment or like I don't know I think it can work for characterizing a Sim all right gloomy so this is another emotion trait it will make your Sim more likely to be sad let's see what else it comes with okay they're more upset from breaking up uh they're upset from paying bills fair they're like more creative when they're sad which is I guess whatever that's kind of a Trope they get a skill boost when they're sad they cannot be teared up by the try to cheer up Social that's interesting they get inspired from being your ghosts I feel like that's also good for storytelling more so than like creative or cheerful I feel like those are more surface level and the gloomy one like actually adds more characterization Lut and Sim so they tend to just eat more than other Sims I can definitely see how that could be good for storytelling Glutton Sims can eat out of the trash can honestly I'd go for the freaking Sim like the freaking trait over Glutton they have like a greater negative reaction to hunger they eat almost anything they have a different eating animation that looks more sloppy oh yeah and they tend to autonomously eat even when like they don't necessarily need food I don't know it's fine I think I'll just put in okay wait oh I mixed up the good and the Bro tray I I totally did that I'm like wait this is the good trait I put the Bro oh no okay hold on so the thumbs up is the good trait this one with the two fingers that's the Bro trait right listen can you blame me there's way too many treats that are just like fingers right just like hands okay I actually do really like the Bro trait I think it's really fun I love to like give two queer Sims the Bro trait and they can have like special interactions together it's kind of fun they gain confidence around other Bros and become energized from watching sports they receive the happy moodlet of hanging with Bros they can also bro hug and bro bump I don't know I just think it's fun it's probably not good enough to go up to great but I'll say good for storytelling I like using that one okay up next I think this is goofball this is an emotional trait where these Sims tend to be playful I'm probably gonna put this one in annoying because so I mentioned earlier if you if your sim is more likely to get the playful mood lit that's dangerous because if you get too playful they can die from being hysterical and the thing about this is a lot of the other moods that you can die from are negative so you'd need to have a lot of negative moodlets to stack to make you die from anger or to die from embarrassment or whatever with playfulness it Stacks with happy moodlets so like if you've just finished a successful holiday and your Sims feeling happy and then they get the random playful buff like they could just die and become hysterical and die like it's not worth it and the the goofball Sims are more likely to autonomously like prank toilets or oh yeah what the other one is like replacing gifts with a prank gift and those are so annoying they do it way too often this one is perfect for the annoying Pier I do not like this one green fiend this one like doesn't do much and on the Sims wiki there's not much here and it could be that there's more attributes that like you know need to be added but I don't remember any these Sims are happiest when living on a Green Street and will continuously work towards making their environment more eco-friendly like I literally I don't think it does anything if you want to use one of the traits from Eco lifestyle like a thousand times go for freaking over this this one is oh this one's boring I don't know if you know of any other things it does let me know but like I think that that that article is a stub for a reason I don't think it really does anything hates children I've never done done this trait like I've never given this trait to a Sim because I just feel bad about it like what the kids ever do to you you know I don't know let's let's see what what does this trait come with they become angry around children they get 10 seconds after trying for a baby they are tense when pregnant they become tense around toddlers they can crush the dreams of toddlers smash dollhouses happy when they fail a pregnancy test okay this I think they removed this this is bad this is asking a hate children Sim to try for baby has no chance of success unless the Sim is days I think they change that but that's like that's really bad that's like assault levels of bad like that's because you get the day's moodlet from like drinking alcohol and stuff I just feel like this trait is bad news like they get angry and they can like be mean to children and then also you can like trick them into having like what the heck what no sorry I just I can see I mean maybe it could be good for some storytelling I'm putting it annoying but it's not even annoying it's just like this is a bad trait I I don't know that this needs to be a trait but if it does they have not implemented this well this one I think this one's high maintenance this is like a new one that came with the spa day refresh it lives up to the name The Sims really are high maintenance honestly they seem kind of annoying to play with I like I could see how it could be fun to like you know it actually makes it a challenge to take care of your sim but genuinely I I think it is really annoying they get just like random tints and uncomfortable and angry moodless they get a plus five angry moodlet for worst day ever a rational hatred for the sun butt hurt uncomfortable with lit from sitting somewhere they get uncomfortable after using a face mask I guess it adds more gameplay to like try to meet their needs but that's all you're going to be doing I don't know I I feel like this one's definitely in the annoying category I don't have that many in great do I I've I almost like you've heard me talk about the freaking trait I really like it it's definitely good for storytelling but I might move it up to great because I just I do really like it hot-headed I feel like this is another annoying one honestly they just like randomly get angry it can work for storytelling it's just it's mostly annoying they randomly get feeling angry moodlet they can use the rile up action They smash doll why does everyone smash dollhouses that is so annoying they tend to get an angry moodlet when they pay the bill feels fair I kind of just put in boring honestly it's like it's annoying but it's not that annoying Insider okay this is one that is annoying it doesn't like add anything and your sim just like constantly is bored from not being in a club meeting and it's like you're in a club meeting like two days ago yeah they just don't have that you get a plus one happy moodlet from being in a group of three or more wow it would just be boring except for constantly getting a like sad moodlet or tints or whatever from not being from not being in the club meeting jealous ooh that's a hard one it it is it's definitely annoying it could be good for storytelling I guess they get jealous easily they get tense when they're not when they haven't seen their loved one recently they can get uncomfortable jealous pings moodlet when their loved one is chatting with someone other than a relative these Sims are toxic man at least they can talk it out and share insecurities and stuff but I just put this in boring I like I personally find it kind of annoying I am personally not a fan but I could see why someone might get something out of it kleptomaniac I like the idea the amount of time you have to wait between sealing stuff and then like you have to level up in the midst of skill you have to not have anyone around to see you and you have to wait like multiple hours between each time you seal stuff it's just really annoying like it is I like the idea it could be good for storytelling it's just kind of not because it takes so long and there's so much you have to do I end up not using it I'm gonna just say it's like okay lactose intolerant I feel like this one is just this one is a prime candidate for boring it could be fun I mean I'm lactose intolerant but like also the main things are like your sim farting and like wondering if it's worth it about eating stuff with dairy like I mean it's realistic I guess but there's probably better uses for your traits than lactose intolerant lazy there's actually quite a few interactions for this let's go look at them they gain powerful moodlets from watching TV or napping they become more fatigued more quickly from exercise and grow tents when performing household chores they can also nap in like chairs they can nap lazily instead of nap on couches I don't know if that actually does anything when a vampire tries to command a lazy Sim to clean up that will always fail that's fun oh and they also leave clothes piles on the ground even if there's a hamper that's also I like when they add new aspects for like new packs I think it's fine it's like you know it's not groundbreaking but it works I think it's just okay The Loner trait personally okay this is totally a personal thing I love The Loner trait because you don't have to worry about your Sims Social needs that much and a lot of times I like to just have them like be alone they become happy when alone do not receive negative moodlets on their social lead is low they become tense around strangers and become embarrassed More Often by social rejection yeah I feel like this one should be in good for storytelling even though personally like for me it's probably in great because I just like like it's annoying to me having to keep up with my Sims Social need probably because I'm a Loner but yeah it's good for storytelling at least loves the outdoors this is another one I like to use a lot I'm tempted to put it in great even though like there's literally like not a good reason to but I like it it can't even do that much but they just like like being outdoors they get happy when they're Outdoors they get sad when they're in course they can talk about outdoor stuff like it's not it's not that good of a treat I'll fit at the top of okay I personally like it and give it to a lot of Sims especially like if you're gonna be doing a Rags to Riches type thing where they don't have a house or if you're gonna be outside a lot it's nice because they're just like happy all the time but yeah it's okay it's not that great of a trait admittedly loyal is a new one they just introduced this one I was like playing around with it you can after like you cheat on your on a Sim like you can like admit to them or whatever and then like that you feel bad and like I don't know it's it's okay it's it's interesting I like that they're adding new traits um I can see it being good for storytelling honestly like if you want Sims to actually have big reactions to something like cheating this one might be a good one honestly I might recommend it over jealousy because the jealousy one just gets annoying because they're like jealous all the time at least with a loyal trait it's like there's usually a reason for it they're also it seems like they're also loyal for like work and they're loyal to like their friendships I haven't really seen how that works with the work relationships or like I guess it's maybe if they quit a job they feel bad I don't know I think it's I think it's useful I'm gonna call this one good for storytelling the maker trait I don't I don't know that this one does a lot like I think I've played with it before but I can't recall like I don't know let's look yeah it does say that this attributes does need to be expanded because they're happy when making things sad when it's too long since cleaning a project on the fabricator candle making station juice fissure juice fizzer or woodworking's table they don't receive negative effects from crafting or repair failures that actually seems useful I feel like that's the most useful part of this trait I was gonna put it in boring but I think with the fact you don't receive negative effects for crafting or from crafting or repair failures that's hard to say but I think that puts it up into okay materialistic it's kind of annoying because they keep like yelling at you like they get upset when they haven't bought a new thing and admired it recently but it is good for storytelling they can admire new stuff they complain about their belongings they admire and buy brag about possessions it's gonna say it's okay it doesn't have enough stuff to be good for storytelling I think the mean trait I feel like this one is also annoying like I just I just don't like it when the Sims are autonomously mean I mean it makes sense for a lot of story lines I just don't like it personally I don't know let's see also the dollhouse thing they do the dollhouse thing again which is annoying they're happy when being mean or mischievous to other Sims they'll be disgusted at pets when they nuzzle that is me I just don't like being mean honestly they autonomously laugh at other Sims Misfortune they're more likely to kick over trash cans autonomously that is also annoying you know what I might also put this one into annoying for the dollhouse and kicking over trash can things that stuff I just I hate I wish like I get that they're trying to make them do stuff autonomously but those are so annoying how often they happen some people I'm sure like having these mean traits in their game for me not really all right music lover is another hobby trait it's like fine I feel like I like this one better than like the book or the art one so they gain powerful move let's and booster fun need when listening to music become happy when playing instruments they can listen deeply within stereos I think it can be useful like if you want to have a musician Sim I do like it I'm tempted to put it out good for storytelling but I think maybe it's just okay maybe it's top of okay need is the use I'm wishing I had a useful a useful category it is nice having other Sims who are neat around because they'll just like autonomously clean stuff I do like that they do have fun when cleaning which is it's useful to have um they can go into a cleaning frenzy I don't know I it can be useful I'm gonna say it's it's okay I'm less likely to give the clean moodlet to like one of my Sims I'm actively playing with but more likely to like enjoy having clean neat Sims around because they just autonomously clean stuff and that's nice so I think it's it's like top of okay non-committal I feel like this one is good for storytelling I've used it for storytelling before and like just having Sims like they can talk about their fear of commitment they can like I don't know I I found it kind of like good for storytelling I would probably be more like likely to use this for storytelling than like the jealous trait they yeah they become a little bit happy when they break off a relationship they become tense in the same job a relationship after a while they become happy when they quit a job take longer to propose and can discuss their fear of commitment I don't really know what that means take longer to propose like maybe do they have to have a higher relationship before they can have the option to propose I don't know they also might reject Sims who proposed to them which again could be fun for storytelling yeah I think this one's good for storytelling all right next these are from the high school pack so I haven't had much time to try them out this first one is overachiever they have forearms for lots of different stuff let's see what can they do they tend to raise skills faster or happy when they finish work tasks but are a little harder to get along with as friends they build their skills twice as fast whoa wait a minute all right that's if again if I had a useful tier that would be going up there but they do have difficulty with building relationships they can get a rival moodlet when socializing with other overachieving Sims that's fun they can humble brag okay I feel like this one is is good for storytelling I'm I'm actually interested to try that out party animal what does that one do there's not a lot here they tend to enjoy parties and letting every other SIM know by hyping up a crown performing party tricks okay I don't know a lot about this you'll have to let me know in the comments like what can you do with the party animal trait because there is not much here and I don't have personal experience I'm just gonna put in okay for now because I have no idea outgoing it's okay I don't I mean you know it's always nice to be able to build like relationships with people easier because then you know you can just do it more quickly they gain powerful moodlets from friendly socialization their social need decays quickly it doesn't even say anything about them like building friendly relationships more quickly I thought they did but maybe they don't in that case it might just be kind of annoying I didn't know there was a Sims 3 for Nintendo DS okay I don't know I feel like I'm gonna say boring honestly it doesn't even do very much it just makes them get lonely more quickly like okay paranoid I don't I haven't played with this one that much I did test it out though so in the like description of the paranoid trait it says is that paranoid Sims feel a sense of security while hanging out in basement and I did test this and it's true like if you take your sim down to an underground area they feel like happier and I just think that's kind of fun that's kind of relatable to just like Hide Away in a basement they feel that dangerous around every corner and that people are always talking about them it comes with strangerville they can change passwords on computers I didn't know that was a thing okay they gain a scared moodlet around Sims Whispering windy Sims whisper they can accuse others of spying I think this one is I would say this is good for storytelling it's kind of fun it doesn't add a ton but it can be good perfectionist I might put this in Annoying also because they take a lot longer to finish creative stuff and also they'll like scrap it like if they don't like it they'll just like get rid of it and then have to start over and it's kind of annoying stuff they finish can be higher quality but yeah they may choose to autonomously repeat some crafting actions numerous times that's really annoying it could be useful but it mostly is annoying for me proper I don't know I don't does that have a lot with it let me look they tend to disprove other are sims improper Behavior such as mean or mischievous socials find themselves happier in formal outfits and have an easier time with friendly and romantic socials they'll bow and they greet other Sims and they'll do respectful introduction oh yeah and they have more respectful romantic interactions like attempt to Swoon court for post scandalous question I feel like you're doing like an old-timey thing like that could be fun they refuse to use a hot spring until they've bathed or showered first that's very respectful they aren't able to fight interesting and they get angry when witnessing an appropriate behavior it doesn't add a ton but I I could see it I think it could be good for storytelling recycled disciple that is another annoying one oh my gosh so like I can see how it'd be fun but these Sims will autonomously recycle stuff from around your house if you don't like have them recycle often enough it can be a fun challenge but like it can also be very annoying and like sometimes you don't even know a Sim has that trait and all of a sudden a beloved family heirloom is gone and you cannot get it back so you can take like one-of-a-kind things that you can't get again and just like recycle it and it just goes disappears so no that's definitely annoying romantic I think it's just okay uh it could be useful like if you want your Sims to be able to do a lot of romance for them to like autonomously be flirty that's nice but it doesn't add like a ton all right this is another High School Year's one this is social anxiety based on the videos I've seen I'm also gonna put this one in Annoying it seems to make tasks like way harder than they should be like I could see how it could be useful but it just seems like frustrating oh it's not it's not social anxiety it's socially awkward sorry it's it's socially awkward actually they tend to struggle in social situations but they do gain powerful moodlets and sentiments when they're able to overcome their awkwardness but I don't know I it just seems annoying honestly self-absorbed I have used that for storytelling I might say it's good for storytelling this one is from get famous they're all about themselves they can fish for compliments are more excited when receiving a present may become tense when they haven't gotten enough attention they like getting gifts they'll become very angry if other Sims forget celebrate their birthday okay I don't know I'll say good for storytelling I I think you can definitely get some storytelling out of that this one the self-assured trait it just like makes you more confident which is useful uh I'll put it like at the top of okay it can be nice to have like there's not usually a downside to hear some being confident so and then we have slob slobs aren't negatively affected by Dirty Surroundings I think they tend to make their surroundings dirty quicker they aren't affected by dirty house they'll never flush the toilet after you use ew they'll pee in the shower which that's useful actually to raise both hygiene and bladder needs they can Mock and eat Sims for cleaning things um I think this one's just okay it's fine it could be useful for storytelling but it's just kind of like whatever snob went from slob to snob let's see this is one where like some so some of the lifestyle traits are more fun when you're when your sim is around other Sims that share the trait so this is one of those they'll get the snobbly surrounded moodlet when they're in Social with other Sims with the slob the snob trait they don't like low quality things they can critique work they only like the new News Channel okay yeah it's fine it like it could be good for storytelling I feel like I don't know is it boring I might put cheerful down to boring actually and do snob and okay squeamish that one is also annoying because the like Sims won't clean or like if you try to get them to Garden they feel upset they don't like using the dumpsters they don't like being around wet things I mean it could be useful for storytelling but it mostly is just annoying for me yeah they don't like cleaning or mopping they don't like picking up insects fishing I'm pretty sure they don't like gardening either which seems weird unflirty I like that this exists because I use it as like an aromantic trait but it's not a very good a romantic treat it seems more like it's making fun of the Sims who are unflirty because they're like bad at flirting with people less than that like they don't like romance you know they have renamed romantic actions that are less effective than the normal counterparts feudal flirt crudely compliment appearance ask completely inappropriate question over and over again yeah it just feels like it's making fun of the Sims okay so there's like reluctantly hold hands so it's like do they not like it or are they bad at it why is the game conflating not liking romance with like being bad at romance you know maybe I'll put it in boring even though it's not like boring it's just I don't like the conflating of not liking romance with being like inept At Romance or whatever I like to use it to make my Sims like aromantic but it's not very effective for that so vegetarian I think I'm just gonna put that in okay it's cool that your Sims can be vegetarian but they will autonomously eat meat even though they're not supposed to it's like you know it can be a fun little challenge to like try to get them to be vegetarian so in my recent video I I examined if you can be vegan in The Sims 4. so if you want to hear more of my thoughts on the vegetarian trait go check out that video uh because there is not a vegan treat but I did combine the lactose intolerant and vegetarian trait to try to like be vegan um but yeah it's I think it's just okay honestly this is a bit unbalanced but I think it's true for the most part there aren't that many traits that are great most of them are just kind of okay these are good for storytelling there's a lot of treats that are annoying unfortunately yeah I think I pretty much stand by this like I said I will link this to your list if you want to go rank the traits yourself let me know in the comments what you think which traits are the best ones for you which ones are good for storytelling which ones are annoying in your gameplay and yeah I hope you enjoyed this video if you did you can let me know by leaving a like you can subscribe for more videos thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Simber
Views: 100,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sims 4 news, ts4, Sims kit, Sim kits, Ranking all the Sims 4, Ranking sims packs, Ranking Sims 4 packs, Sims 4 tier list, Sims 4 pack tier, sims 4 kit ranking, Ranking every sims 4 pack, sims ranking, sims 4 townies, ranking sims 4, sims 4 ranking, sims 4 rank, sims tier list, sims 4 traits, all sims traits, best sims trait, new sims traits, new sims 4 trait, best sims 4 traits, Sims 4 ranking, sims tier ranking, sims trait update, sims news, sims update
Id: sPwPneBgRb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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