What If Sasuke Gave Naruto The Sharingan? (Full Movie)

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[Music] foreign the Sharingan is a unique dojutsu within the series it's always been tied to the concept of Love does that surprise you well it shouldn't Sharingan are awakened by emotion and the emotions that bring about its Awakening are love and hate they represent within their user their emotional growth physical representations of emotional scars if someone possesses a mangekyo Sharingan you can be sure that they've seen some things with it they have at times been called Heavenly eyes that see the truth of all creation without obstruction and what is it that they see the truth about love that if you choose to open your heart and love someone your heart will always be hurt because the love between two people can never last as like us it is a finite concept with a birth and an end these Concepts surround the Sharingan and mark the reason why the Uchiha have always been so interesting and in a world where magical eyes pervade the existence of almost every major Clan you can bet that there are times when these eyes get thrown around from person to person in a way the Sharingan shows all aspects of Love its Awakening its death those who have it and those who covet it whatever the case I'm going to explore a world in which Naruto and Sasuke decide to go the way of Kakashi and Obito let's see what happens if Sasuke gave Naruto one of his Sharingan welcome to the umagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year the story starts in the same place that it always starts the academy now Naruto wasn't the sharpest crayon in the bow and he always had a hard time keeping up with anything he had nothing and nobody and perhaps that's what Drew Sasuke towards him now Sasuke also had nobody in nothing but he did have one thing his skills natural produce disabilities these he inherited from his Uchiha jeans and due to some past trauma involving his brother Sasuke could see the world for what it was however Sasuke was not changed by this quite as much as you would think this Sasuke and this far-flung world where we find ourselves chose not to indulge in hatred he chose not to base his entire life around finding and killing his brother his dreams were far simpler he just wanted to bring his clan back he wanted a future he wanted to have a family and this didn't seem out of the question for him by any means he had suitors left and right he was far too young to be playing that game though and he knew that he couldn't just Coast up the Fame that the Uchiha Clan had built up in the past instead he needed to build off his own Merit perhaps become the Hokage grow closer with members of other clans this led him to beating Hinata and introducing himself formally as the head of the Uchiha Clan a clan that currently consisted of one person to most they thought this was adorable even the other Clan heads but for Sasuke it wasn't a game this was serious he was setting himself up for the future he wanted his clan to become the most prestigious clan in all of konoha that was the focus and that laser focus was what Drew so many girls to him he knew what he wanted and he was working tirelessly for it Naruto on the other hand he barely knew what he wanted to be Hokage maybe this Naruto was a little different too this Naruto was one who had let his loneliness eat at him one that had given up on ever being cared for by the village and its people he had Parents once but he couldn't remember them and that was a scar that was rent open for him every night as he laid in bed in a quiet empty apartment building as he traveled to school the adults spat upon him as he played at the park the other kids bullied him why did they hate him was it because he was an orphan maybe it was because he had yellow hair no that couldn't be it Ino yamanaka had yellow hair Sakura had pink hair and there were other orphans too like Sasuke so why was it that they hated him maybe they hated him because of his sometimes tattoo he had noticed it every time he would get upset and he'd get a tattoo on his stomach that would show up only sometimes so he called it his sometimes tattoo and it always caused his eyes to turn red maybe he was cursed perhaps he'd killed his parents could be that he was a demon that's what everyone else said it was for these reasons that Naruto was a bit of a recluse well he was a lot of a recluse he only ever left his home on certain occasions whenever he needed something to eat and whenever he went to school he always stopped by ichiraku Ramen to eat the man there was nice he always had a smile and a special bowl of ramen waiting for him so that was really the only time Naruto could get any real human contact any that was meaningful at least whenever he came to the academy he always stayed in the back towards the corner he studied hard and listened well but the teacher rarely called on him and when he did Naruto tended not to say anything mostly because anything he did would get him laughed at if he was wrong they would laugh if he was right the other kids would get angry so Naruto stopped trying because of that Naruto got a reputation as being dumb are stupid on days where he would need to perform in front of the class he would always come up with an excuse he had expired milk at the ready for days like that so he could be legitimately sick and worm his way out this dog was beaten into a corner but instead of biting back at the feet they kicked it the dog just stopped trying it stayed in the corner it remained curled up no longer Searching For Love or attention it just didn't want to be kicked again so it avoided confrontation this led to Naruto seeming really shy many girls would see him and laugh as he went down the halls but there was always one that never did Sakura Haruno Naruto never noticed her and if he ever did he didn't show it she couldn't help but watch him being tormented and made fun of by the other kids and she hated it this Sakura was a little different as well less laser focused only on Sasuke and her love life this Sakura saw the world as it was without the need of the sharingan's blessing she saw how love was a commodity to be Bartered but most tragic of all she knew that there were some who just couldn't afford it some who didn't have a way to get it she knew people who were just plain out of luck and Naruto was one of these people she suspected that love was partly to blame for what he was suffering through not because everyone gave it to him but because everyone was too afraid to lose their own one person made fun and then another just to look cool then a whole Squad did it out of fear of being rejected and everyone was desensitized by the constant abuse that they were dishing out to realize how they were pushing the fear of not being loved off on a child that wasn't actually loved that moment made her want to cry as Naruto passed up to his Corner in the room she viewed his face a face that showed nervousness a face that said I don't know if I can keep doing this as he passed by her gaze met Sasuke's he was the only boy in class that shared that same look on his face as her a face that didn't laugh a face that didn't antagonize or torment she and he watched Naruto sit down away from the class and sort of hide his face trying to pretend that he wasn't there as everyone around him happily obliged The Emptiness of his presence without sparing all once his Face's second thought Sasuke looked to Sakura and he stood up she watched him him Sasuke stepped up the stairs towards the corner he took a seat at the desk beside Naruto the boy in Orient raised his head for a moment and looked over at the last survivor of a dead Clan his eyes were a mix of confusion and fear a cocktail of negative anticipation a puppy in the corner waiting to be kicked again Sasuke sat there for a moment hi I'm Sasuke those three words changed Naruto's life forever as simple as they were those three words did save his life he sat there his face of confusion and fear masking skepticism as Sasuke smiled at him what is this he asked within himself is this a trick what's the punch line when do I become the butt of this joke suddenly Sakura made her way up and just stood there in front of Naruto's desk she smiled in a light fashion as Naruto gently recoiled hi she said can we sit with you Naruto in his head his mind was set of flame if there had been smoke detectors in the classroom that actually worked they would have gone off from all the smoke leaving Naruto's ears still Naruto had said nothing he had not told his name yet she knew it she knew his name and asked if she could sit with him he was never used to being addressed like this he hated to hear his own name spoken because generally when someone said Naruto it was either to make fun of him or to call him up or to scold him for something he did or didn't do to a point he cringed when she asked but he was also too timid to tell her no so he nodded with a voice so light that it seemed afraid to be heard he spoke yes she smiled and came up and sat beside Sasuke who was already pulling things out of his backpack Naruto's face was a little red and he leaned up against the wall closer to the window as if he were securing an Escape Route the moment this turned sour he was still distrustful time passed and class would begin Sasuke would just sit back in his chair tapping a pencil like a drummer on the long shared desk that he Naruto and Sakura shared Sakura was leaned forward both elbows on the desk listening to the teacher Naruto kept looking to them wondering when this was going to go bad it always did nobody ever wanted to be near him so why would they start now it was suddenly in that moment when Erica called out to Naruto you spacing out up there Naruto shook his head irika nodded Okay then if that's the case what's the answer huh Naruto was confused Erica cleared his throat as the rest of the class giggled at Naruto's cluelessness this caused Naruto to once again Retreat within himself Erica repeated if you were paying attention what's the answer Naruto was frozen for a moment Sasuke looked over to him and whispered conopy Bridge Naruto heard it and then looked to iruka konavy bridge irika's head turned a bit as he heard it in a smile formed indeed that is correct seems you were paying attention good job Naruto Naruto's face lit up he didn't smile but his face showed a look as if he were experiencing something for the first time positive affirmation for the second time today someone had said his name and it wasn't in a negative way he looked to Sasuke and Sakura Sasuke's head on the table he was hiding his smile with his arms well but his eyes told all Sakura on the other side of him gave a slight fist pump and a smile Naruto almost smiled there but still a part of his heart remained guarded this is another elaborate trick as class came to a close it was time for lunch Erica looked up to the clock as his time teaching came closer to an end alright break time it's time for lunch as you said those words everyone began to pull out their food including Sakura and Sasuke Naruto pulled out his too Sakura looked over what are you eating today Naruto he looked at her he showed her it was a small sandwich a couple cookies and potato chips she smiled looks yummy he began pushing it to her she shook her head huh no you eat it I just think it looks good I got something similar peanut butter and jelly with extra jelly Jelly's the best part all the while Sasuke was pulling something else out he had a fat stack of crackers some meat and cheese a big dill pickle and a bag of chips of his own he made a cracker by putting some meat and cheese on it he put one into soccer as bento box and wanted to Naruto's you should try it it tastes pretty good just about then one of the other students a boy of larger proportions likely held back a little too long walked over to them with his posse of hype men what do we have here he said looking into Naruto's Bento ew what is that smells like eggs the bully scoffed but hey I'll try anything once he picked up Naruto's sandwich and took a bite out of it before dropping it back in his box yuck not for me garbage seems perfect for you though eat up Naruto looked at his sandwich with a bit of disgust the bully grabbed Naruto by the hair and pushed his face into the box I said eat up letting go Naruto pulled his head back his face covered an egg his eyes starting to well up as his face turned red the bully leaned forward huh little fish cake gonna cry gonna run home crying to Mommy oh yeah I forgot you don't have one the look on Naruto's face hit like a dump truck and with that Sasuke was out of his seat crawling over the desk with a Sharingan active he pushed off the table right into the bully and his posse knocking them down a few levels they hit the tables and went in all directions trying to get away all except the head bully who was caught in Sasuke's grasp holding it by the collar he mercilessly wailed on him his fist in constant movement his knuckles starting to get a little bloody whether it was the bully his blood or Sasuke's was unknown but he continued to beat into him until Erica came over and pulled them off the bully of course the hypeman and Bully all blame Sasuke saying that he started it he and Naruto both irika would look to Naruto well then if that's the case then you two can finish your lunch in the hokage's office Sakura's hand shot up Erica looked to her yes Miss Haruno then she spoke I called the boy a slime ball I still think he's a slime ball that I hope Sasuke beats his butt again Eric aside then you can also go to the office until the end of the day they were sent to the office here is and was not there of course he was off watching the building of some of the structure that would bring more Revenue to the Village but here they sat at the okage desk in their own chairs and ready to eat again hirika's lectures are snooze Fest anyway Sasuke said Naruto looked down at his box of ruined samich he still had a bit of egg on his face and in his hair Sakura wiped it off with a napkin she and Sasuke looked to his sandwich you don't have to eat that if you don't want to Naruto Sasuke said Naruto obviously didn't want to but what other choice did he have his stomach audibly rumbled he pushed the Box away Sasuke stood took the box and dumped the sandwich he brought the box back and began to put some of his crackers and lunch meat into Naruto's box Sakura saw this and how much food Sasuke was giving over so she cut her own PB and J into thirds and gave one to Naruto and the other to Sasuke who in turn gave her some crackers and sandwich meat Sasuke and Sakura then ready to eat when they heard something a snuffle they each sat up and looked over to each other and then looked at Naruto who was leaning forward a bit over his box crying Sakura was aghast Sasuke put his hand on Naruto's back I if you don't like it you don't have to eat it Naruto quickly pulled out the cookies he brought with him and gave one to Sasuke and Sakura each through his tears he was smiling Sakura was fighting it she was trying to hold it together but upon taking the cookies her eyes ran over too she couldn't believe how bad the condition of this boy's heart was it made her want to cry so many times she had thought that her parents were annoying but they embarrassed her were overly demanding now she didn't think that she was just happy to have them seeing Naruto she knew that there were some out there who had nothing she felt truly blessed to have her family and now all she wanted was to be this boy's friend and bring so much of that excess of love that she lived in to Naruto so he might be happy Sasuke rubbed his back and pulled him into a hug I know what it's like to have nobody Sasuke said I don't want you feeling like that anymore you have us we'll be your family friends to the end family by oath not blood Sakura leaned over and joined the hug as well and please excuse me while I paused the story for a quick sec I just gotta say something really quick I know many of our viewers are still in school so many kids are going to school talking about a shared interest in our favorite anime about ninjas it's important for all of us to remember what Naruto is about it's about learning to love others that is the ninja way bullying is a real problem in our academic system many people don't even notice the signs of it but it really can't hurt people that's why I just want to say if you see someone being bullied tell an adult or tell someone you can trust and if you see anyone who doesn't have a friend be that friend everyone needs a friend and the best thing about that is that we never run out of slots for it you never know how you could change a life for the better just by saying hi and if you're upset maybe you're the one being bullied maybe you are the bully it's not too late there's always time to change things and be better and if you're upset don't be silent reach out there's no shame in it we here at the amagi care for our viewers each and every one of you you're like family to us and that's why we enjoy entertaining you so much we love you and we want you to love others too after all that's my personal nindo my ninja way to love others as I would love myself and to treat them the same anyway thanks for listening to this short Spiel let's get back to the story as the day came to a close and they were finally allowed to leave here isn't appeared in the office where Naruto Sasuke and Sakura were waiting what happened this time Sakura would explain it to him some boy in class was bullying Naruto and Sasuke stood up for him but was punished because of it he was in look to them well to let you know that boy has a broken arm Sasuke that was not the way to deal with it but still you did good sticking up for Naruto one of the others in class mentioned that you were just defending him so I'm going to let you off this time next time it happens tell Erica about it Sasuke nodded they were then dismissed and allowed to leave Naruto walked his own way back towards his apartment that he had he lived a little further off from Sasuke and Sakura but Sasuke decided to go the extra mile with him Sakura had to turn towards her house as she didn't want her family missing her but she wished them both a good day and laughed Sasuke followed Naruto home to his apartment and walked in with him this is where you live it's not too much different from where I live Naruto dropped his backpack by the door and slipped out of his open-toed boots and onto the tatami carpet Sasuke followed suit he walked in too so what do you do for fun Naruto turned on the stove and began to heat up water Sasuke would come to a table where he'd see sheets of paper on that paper were drawings of foxes fully colored in and actually well shadowed wow these are awesome did you draw them Naruto looked back with a little bit of a smile and nodded grabbing a step stool he stepped up to the cabinet and pulled the door open show a hilarious number of ramen cups bowls and packets he pulled down two instant noodle cups he walked over and presented what a Sasuke Sasuke smiled and took it thank you he sat down by the table and waited Naruto would open the fridge and pull out two soft drinks he would put one on the table for Sasuke and one on the other side for himself all the while Sasuke began to stack up the drawings and move him to another table putting the colored pencils back in the box and placing them nearby after some time passed Naruto returned with a kettle of boiling water he began to pour that steaming water into the cups he then closed the lid again on both of them and sat some chopsticks on top and got a timer ready and twisted it about having done this nearly every day he no longer needed to look at the packaging to see how long to cook it he just Twisted the dial they waited there Sasuke looked around the apartment Naruto sat with his chin on his arms and stared at the ramen cup with gleeful anticipation Sasuke looked back at him how long have you lived on your own he asked trying to gently dance around the question Naruto looked over all my life Sasuke was struck by that you mean you've always lived like this this Naruto nodded sometimes Mr Harrison comes over to pay me a visit he brings me money he checks up on me and every October he stops by with some cake and takes me to ichiraku Sasuke would his head what's so important about October Naruto Shrugged he told me that it was the month I was born Sasuke smiled ah mine's July July 23rd Naruto smiled about that not soon Sasuke nodded and so he and Naruto just hung out for a little while after all Sasuke had nowhere to go and there wasn't really anyone at home to miss him so honestly this was as good for Sasuke as it was for Naruto after supper they watched TV and played a few video games Sasuke of course could absolutely smash Naruto in any game they played as he had use of his Sharingan Naruto would smile and make a bit of a habit of covering Sasuke's eyes as they rounded a corner in hashirama Kart 46 the boys just had a lot of fun but as Knight rolled in Sasuke knew he had to leave and go home after all it was bedtime and he hadn't even had a shower yet so he stood and turned well I'll see you later Naruto Naruto would look over you're leaving Sasuke nodded yeah but just until tomorrow I'll come pick you up we can go to school together Naruto smiled okay and maybe tomorrow Naruto trailed off Sasuke looked back at him Naruto looked back up at him from the ground maybe we can ask Sakura to come and play with us Sasuke smiled you can bet on it maybe we'll have a sleepover wouldn't that be fun Naruto seemed excited as Sasuke left into the night he traveled down the road he turned back to see Naruto smiling in the window waving at him he waved back this was a far cry from what Naruto had been previously he was more open and happy it made Sasuke happy and honestly Sasuke hadn't been this happy in a long time he hadn't looked forward to going to school like this even once in his life he made his way home to shower and rest and all the while he didn't notice that in the window of the hokage's residence here isn't stood he looked out over this and smiled as he took a puff from his pipe this is what he was hoping for for Naruto he was hoping that he would make a true friend when he forbade all in the village from ever speaking of Naruto in the nine tails again he was hoping that eventually it would lead to the Next Generation developing less to fear the monster he had and to love the boy that he was here is and could admit that there were a few stumbling blocks along the way but by the end Naruto had found two true friends he kept that in mind for the future if these three ever became fully fled Shinobi he wanted them to be on the same team he knew the perfect candidate for jonian someone who understood what it was to cherish friends and the meeting behind teamwork he returned to his desk dimly lit by a single Lantern and continued his work as the night came though Sasuke laid in bed his sheets were up to his chin but slowly his head turned and his fingers made an appearance with another quick turn of his head his feet straightened and he pulled the sheets down a bit as his arms raised above his head his face was twisted as he grunted within his Mind's Eye he witnessed it a dark knight the street stained black with Darkness spilling out of every home in the Uchiha compound the skies were red and hovering just above the clouds was the red moon its surface changed to look like a Sharingan staring down at him he was scared alone he ran ran for home stepping in he saw many of the belongings of his family smashed and Scattered picture frames broken and shredded he saw from the steps a steady stream of blood like a river is slowly making its way down each individual step congealed just enough that gravity seemed to take three seconds to pull it down from stair to stare in his mind he knew that something had happened but his weak heart and scared demeanor begged him to find Mom and Dad he ran up the stairs despite death's Omen warning him to turn back for the better he rushed up and found the river of blood traveling down the hallway and turning abruptly into his parents room from which it seemed to flow the wood creaked below him like an angry lion each step of his tiny feet growling giving away his position to all the monsters in the shadows as he stepped forward dread like impending doom weighed on him like a coat of lead rounding the corner he saw a single man standing there in the dark room a demon or shadow figure within a haunted house from the window poured more Crimson light as the moon now changed to that of yamangakyo Sharingan poured in from outside the man stood there his legs in a strong and sure stance between the figure's feet Sasuke caught glimpse of his parents their cold and lifeless eyes glazed over their faces eternally caught in the terror of their Slaughter Sasuke wanted to move but no sound came out of his mouth he wanted to run but his legs wouldn't work it was as if he were frozen in ice slowly the figure turned around the face shriveled up and no longer human the eyes glowing red from Center to edges the being turned around and a smile pulled up its cheeks teeth like a thousand razor blades tongue like a snake Sasuke a voice whispered as the being turned to face him Sasuke recognized it as the face of his brother Itachi but something was wrong something had changed he had become possessed Sasuke run came a whisper the pale face of his dead mother her eyes bearing no spark her lips curled up and spoke Sasuke run suddenly he was free he turned to Ron and Hitachi was behind him in a flash from his parents room red light and a dozen crows Spilled Out as the deep voice of his brother spoke Sasuke it taunted him as he walked down the hall come and give your brother a hug the man barely recognizable is Hitachi anymore walked nonchalantly down the hall twirling his blade in his hand Sasuke ran as hard and as far as he could breaking through the wall he landed outside in front of a set of graves the moon overhead still red and glowing like genjutsu the tiny child Eyes Full of Tears looked upon the gravestones fugaku Uchiha mokoto Uchiha they said but the one in front of him bore another name Sasuke Uchiha his eye is full of Terror as he looked upon his own name the Epitaph reading as Cain killed Abel so too shall Itachi be cursed suddenly from the grave below burst the arms and face of the demon Itachi wrapping his arms around the boy intent to drag him to hell with him Sasuke screamed and woke up screaming his Sharingan were active and his mind was racing his brain telling him that he was still in danger his quick and heavy breathing began to relax a bit as his mind worked all the logic out and put the pieces together he had been sleeping he'd been sleeping it was a nightmare he attempted to sleep but his paranoia was still screaming in his ear reminding him that Itachi was out there and that he was waiting for Sasuke to awaken his monkeykyo Sasuke tried with all of his might to sleep but alas it did not come the next day was not so easy he was up with the sun already dressed and fed by the time he normally got up grabbing his things he decided to go on his way for the first time in a long time Naruto is smiling and finding himself excited to go to the academy after spending the day with Sasuke he's up bright and early waiting for his friends sitting in Naruto's kitchen we see the young man having eaten his breakfast and working on a sketch he diligently drags the lead across the paper in quick yet calculated motions you could see it in his face that something didn't strike him right in the image he would take his thumb and pull down on it just a little keeping it in tight circles his face shows satisfaction he then grabbed a new pencil Pink as he finished he looked down on it with the widest grin it was a drawing showing himself Sasuke and Sakura standing together in his heart something tugged at him don't trust them this is a ploy they just want to hurt you they will hurt you but Naruto ignored it he was scared yes but nobody had ever shown this much interest in him before as a person and he didn't want to pass up the chance that maybe somebody might care for him out of more than just obligation like here is insama did he would step up to the sink and turn on the water using it to rub the remnants of his pencil smudges from his fingertips as he did so he heard a knock at the door and his heart left in his chest grabbing a towel and rushing to the door afraid that somehow they might leave thinking he wasn't home he opened the door and sure enough there's Sakura and Sasuke stood Naruto's face lit up Sakura smiled and waved hello to him Sasuke smiled too Naruto couldn't help but grin sakura-chan Sasuke Kun hi Sasuke smirked and turned around we'd best be after the academy or irika Sensei will blow another gasket the three fell in line and made their way under the street where they then walked three wide as if this were some action movie to Naruto it could have been because never in his Wildest Dreams did he ever think something like this was going to come to his life Naruto and his group finally made it to school where they took their customary seats three sharing a long desk in the back row closest to the window Sasuke slowly laid his head down on his folded Ironman LED it aside Sakura peaked throughout Naruto wow Sasuke you look beat what happened Sasuke opened one eye to look at her ah nothing I just didn't sleep well last night Naruto looked at him why Sakura cut him off from pushing it some things are best just kept a secret Naruto Kun Sasuke waved it off Naf he's our friend then he should know about five years ago my entire Clan was murdered I was the only Survivor my brother did it and I barely escaped him with my life sometimes when I'm alone I feel his presence and when I sleep sometimes I relive that moment last night was just one of those nights soccer looked down and forward Naruto looked forward too don't worry Sasuke we won't let him hurt you again Sasuke shook his head if he ever does come back I want you two to promise me that you'll stay away from him he killed an entire clan of what was once the most reputable clan of warriors in the leaf even if we all fought him at once he would kill us he wants my eyes and he'll kill anyone to have them Naruto looked down on him with curiosity Sasuke knew what that meant he Dove a little deeper my eyes possess a special technique it's called the Sharingan it's a technique that gives me increased processing power the ability to cast ganjutsu and photographic memory allowing me to learn any Jutsu I see on the spot he has a pair that have evolved and become stronger but he's going blind he needs my eyes to keep seeing and using his abilities so when he's almost blind he'll come back and take them from me Sakura was gripping the front of her shorts Naruto shook his head I won't let him take them Sasuke smiled maybe if we're lucky it'll never come to that it was then that Erica came into the class I have good news the end of your time in the academy is closely coming we'll be holding a test tomorrow to see if you're all ready to become genin basically we'll be testing to see if you have the bare minimum to join a ninja Squad if you fail we'll hold you back and make you take the test again until we're certain that you have what it takes so for today your work will be late but you must study hard I'll go over the upcoming test with you and explain what you'll need to be able to display for tomorrow the class letter to cheer for the rest of that day they focused on studying for the written exam on their way to Naruto's place where they plan their sleepover they notice Naruto seemed a little down Sakura looked over what's wrong he looked to them what if I don't pass what if I get held back and you guys pass will we be separated Sasuke thought about it it is possible that we would then again even if we do pass there's no guarantee we'll end up on the same team so Sakura hush Sasuke it's okay Naruto we'll make sure you pass Naruto smiled but I can't do the thing what thing soccer asked Naruto tried to make a gesture with his hands he would make a puff of smoke and suddenly another Naruto is there this time just a pale or Ragdoll of himself Sakura choked a laugh Sasuke looked at it yeah you could use a little work on that Naruto Let It Go if I don't perfect it I won't pass it will get separated I don't want to lose my new friends Sakura seemed concerned for him now her hand on his shoulder Sasuke Shrugged well I guess that means we better train all night we're already going to stay over might as well make it a training party Naruto seemed a little comforted by that together with Sakura and Sasuke Naruto spent all day working on his technique only stopping to eat or for a break Sasuke wanted to drill it into his head so that Naruto would know this technique better than he knew the freaking alphabet Naruto would work from the afternoon till night time by then he was laying on the ground tired from the amount of chakra he had spent Sasuke was standing over him come on don't tell me that's everything you've got Naruto just lay there maybe we should call it a night Sasuke Naruto has had enough if you push him too hard he won't have the chakra to make a clone tomorrow Sasuke looked down at him Naruto wasn't smiling this wasn't sleepover he had anticipated Sasuke nodded you're right sometimes sleep actually helps what you learn to set in let's call it a night and just go have some fun he helped Naruto up together they walked to his home where they all proceeded to one by one change into their pajamas Naruto was pleased with this they stayed up late watching television but not too late Naruto had been working hard all day and Sasuke was running on three hours of sleep as it was Sakura was the only one capable of staying up through the movie she took some time but staring at the crescent moon for a moment filled here with peace and soon she too drifted off their Les Naruto in between the two he looked up at the ceiling turning to the left he saw Sasuke into the right Sakura returning his gaze to the ceiling tears began to form in his eyes as he smiled this is what it's like to have a family that night Naruto slept better than he had that entire year the day after they all awakened and changed back into their school clothes as they made it to school they waited for their return Sakura was the first of their group to go up as her clan name started with an 8 it was a good thing too because she was looking a little green after her demonstration Sasuke went up in front of the class and was asked to make his transformation clone he made it quickly and adequately before letting it disperse it was plenty enough to pass Naruto stood there he looked at the rest of the class he heard their Whispers dude's a loser I'll never pull it off with any luck he'll be held back I don't want that clown on my team he looked at Sasuke who nodded Erica sat there you may now begin Naruto took a calming breath taking it in deeply holding it for a moment and letting it out slowly he then opened his eyes and put his hands together suddenly another Naruto appeared beside him yeah Sasuke cried out his hands in the air all the while Sakura was kicking the air dangling by her hair Naruto smiled I did it I passed iruka gave a smile and lowered his glasses congratulations Naruto Erika would then step out and roll a table back in on it sat headbands each one possessing the plate of konoha on it Eureka handed them out eventually Naruto came up Erica took a headband up he put his hand end on Naruto's shoulder here you are Naruto congratulations you're a real ninja now Naruto fought tears and hugged Erica tightly Erica came down on one knee and returned the hug I always knew you were hiding a genius deep inside now go make your mark on the world he Pat Naruto's head and moved him along Naruto stepped out into the hallway wearing his headband he saw Sakura and Sasuke there too they came in for a group hug Sakura then spoke now let's go see heroes in Sama together the three of them walked into hirosan's office they knocked on the door the gruff voice of the third Hokage called out to them I see the three of you made getting I would like to offer my most sincere congratulations this is the beginning to a new chapter in your life one in which I'm sure you'll make the world a better place thank you Lord third Sasuke said here is in then saddest papers to the side now what can I do for you three is there a special reason you needed to see me or were you just going to pop in and say hello Sakura would speak we did have a small request we wanted to ask of you Lord here is in the Hokage sat forward well what is it Sakura continued we three passed the test and became genning tomorrow will be assigned to teams and meet our joanine for the first time we were wondering if you could possibly pull a string or two and keep us together we'd like to be on the same team together here is a nodded it seems you have good teamwork and on the battlefield knowing your teammates could be the difference between life or death I'll see what I can do Sasuke bowed thank you Lord third they began to walk home together they then parted ways and went home for the night the three slept the sleep of the just and awakened the next day bright and early feeling refreshed and excited to face the day they met at the crossroads where they walked to school together honestly there was some nervousness in them as they made their way especially in Naruto who worried that they would not be put on the same team Sakura reassured him though that hirazen was a powerful man and he could easily keep them together if he so decided stepping into the academy classroom for what would possibly be their last time they took their seats and awaited their names to be called they watched six teams get created the anticipation was killing them Eureka would then continue team 7 will consist of Uzumaki Naruto Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura their jonin will be Hatake their number is team seven the three of them were already celebrating the remaining students thought they were nuts after all who would want to be on the same team as fish cake but Sasuke Sakura and Naruto were celebrating to their heart's content Eureka waited for them to calm a bit team 7 is to go to classroom B4 and await their jonian to be aware though I've known Kakashi for many years he's tough on his students not a single team that has been sent to him has remained he has a cruel test that none so far have passed that statement stopped their celebrations flat their excitement was replaced with anxiety as they quietly stood and made their way to the room that they were bitten to as they entered they sat down and waited and waited and waited during this time they weighted their minds ran away with them they wondered what this brutal Taskmaster might look like Naruto imagined that he bald possessing a square jaw and having a face riddled with scars Sakura imagined him to have long black hair that was stringy almost like snakes hanging from his head Sasuke believed he'd have a pointed face an eye patch and a crew cut much to their surprise though they were met with a tall lanky man whose hair was white and set at an offensively jaunty angle it was as if he was trying too hard to look unkempt Sasuke was right though he was wearing an eye covering but it wasn't a patch it looked like this jonian was trying to become some hip and whiffet male model his whole thing screamed out I'm trying to look cool and I'll be danged if it wasn't working he spoke with a calm voice that almost seemed mock intimidating hello my name is Kakashi harake I'll be your jonin this man was slightly frightening due to what they'd said about him but at the same time Naruto couldn't help but like him he seemed so LAX how could this guy be as brutal as they said the man LED them out introductions will be better in the sunlight let's enjoy this beautiful day so they followed him out onto the stand apps they sat down and he leaned against the railing so tell me what this thing called team seven is tell me who you are sakura spoke my name is Sakura Haruno I'm an only daughter and I enjoy reading I tend to sneak off with my mother's romantic novels and read them on a tree limb where she won't find me it's dangerous but fun Kakashi raised his brow internally he noted to keep his ichaicha on lockdown whenever she was around he looked to Sasuke what about you Sasuke started I'm Sasuke Uchiha the last surviving member of the Uchiha Clan to live in the village my dream is to join the konoha police force and reform my clan to that point I'm making friends with The Heirs of each of konoha's Clans from the hyuga to the Nara I want my clan in this Village to be the best it can be Kakashi nodded what about you orange Naruto cleared his throat my name is Naruto Uzumaki I'm the only member of my own Clan I think and I want to make a lot of friends far and wide Kakashi looked to him this may not be the job for you then you'll be forced into confrontation with Shinobi of other villages any Ally you make today could be an enemy tomorrow Naruto nodded perhaps The Village will go to war and maybe I will have to fight the people I need but I don't see how that means we can't still be friends after all we're both just taking orders Kakashi nodded then make as many as you can because they won't be around forever he stood and began to leave Sasuke called out to him hey wait what about you Kakashi looked back all you need to know is my name and rank everything else is none of your business he led them out to a field Kakashi looked around this looks like a fine spot there are trees nearby plenty of flat ground the terrain is varied so you have plenty of opportunities opportunities for what Sakura asked Kakashi pulled a set of Bells from his pocket opportunities to get these he tied them to his waist we are going to take a test you're going to take these bells for me before noon if you fail to do that I'm sending you back to the academy and stripping you of the rank of ganin however for those that managed to get these bells they'll become members of my team and I will be there joanine the entirety of Team 7 gulped this was the test the infamous test they heard so much about Kakashi pulled out his book take as much time to strategize as you need just be sure to get the Bells by noon Sasuke decided to be the first one up releasing a fireball Jutsu which Kakashi seamlessly dodged and when Naruto came in ham fisted Kakashi merely dodged with a substitution and then hit him with a special technique right where the sun don't shine Sakura he cast under genjutsu honestly he was toying with them playing attempting to see what they could do when noontime had come around they failed to get the bells so Kakashi took them to the side and offered them lunch he told them that he'd make a special exception because of their Drive he'd let them try again with a new time limit Dusk and so when the second round began he allowed them to start he continued reading through the latest installment of icha icha picking up over the pages he saw all three huddled at Whispering what are they up to he asked in his head suddenly in a Flash they were gone on making use of the transformation Jutsu clone Jutsu and even Sasuke's Sharingan they threw everything they had at Kakashi of course it still wasn't enough but he was impressed by how hard they were working with each other but now it was time for the ultimate part of the test the one that every team he attempted to train failed he loosened the bells and jumped just a bit too late allowing team 7 to claim them team 7 celebrated as they managed to get the bells just as the sun was starting to set Kakashi returned to the group and put his book Away Naruto showed him the bells ha we got him now you gotta trade us Kakashi scoffed somebody didn't read the fine print I told you that whoever got the bells would pass there were only two bells that means that you three will need to talk amongst yourselves on who to leave behind they were appalled what cruelty Sasuke and Sakura attacked amongst themselves this is where they betray you a voice in Naruto's head spoke this is where they choose their careers over you and leave you behind it was fun while it lasted Naruto slowly felt tears well up in his eyes ready being for the impending betrayal it was then that Sakura took the bells and walked to Kakashi we're sorry Kakashi Sensei but we're a team team seven if we can't all become you're getting then we wish to be sent back to the academy and receive a new Mentor we're sorry for wasting your time Naruto was struck they they chose me over the bells he said tears began to stream down his cheeks no he said don't do this Sakura you and Sasuke take the bells become great Shinobi Sakura walked back to him and saw his tears she wiped them from his cheeks and leave behind their best friend never Sasuke had him on the back what we do we can do together Sasuke looked at Kakashi I second Sakura's sentiments if we can't all join your team Kakashi Sensei then we will all choose to return to the academy Naruto was openly crying now touched by their Devotion to him they were real friends that voice in his head was lying these were true friends all the while Kakashi clapped his hands they looked over at him even he was tearing up a bit this this was the true test Sakura was confused huh Kakashi continued the test was never about the bells it was about teamwork devotion a team is only a team when the members form a single unit when three become one and today I witnessed a team so unified that they chose to reject me just to stay together that is the kind of team that I'm looking for you three all passed I would be honored if you would allow me to be your Sensei the three of them nodded bowing with respect the honor is ours Sensei they all shouted at once Kakashi smiled now how about I take you three out for dinner to celebrate the creation of a team which shall surely go down in Legends as the new sunning Kakashi would lead them to a restaurant where he'd let them choose any dish they desired the four of them ordered their plates and began to eat they laughed told stories and jokes spoke of times past and times that would one day come this was a dream come true for Naruto after this Kakashi would walk his students to the cross section where they often parted ways they would wave to each other and their sense say and he'd wave back they'd return home Naruto upon coming home would kick off his shoes and clean himself up he would spend the rest of the day relaxing coming back to the kitchen to get himself some juice he saw the drawing he made days earlier he took it from the fridge and smiled he sat down with his colored pencils and went back to work for about 30 minutes he worked he would stop and smile having added the kind white-haired Ninja Name Kakashi to it he would then set up the picture frame that Kakashi had given them earlier after having their picture taken the entire group posing for a Memento of the Grand Occasion he sat that by his bed and stared at it all night as he went to sleep from that point on they began to work as Shinobi the work wasn't much just a few cats and trees basic stuff they were more like Community servants Boy Scouts rather than Shinobi but that didn't really matter to Naruto just so long as he was with his friends his efforts didn't really sway the people's opinion to favor him any but they did slowly at least stop picking on him individually and they were willing to talk to him if he entered their place of business but only if he bought something otherwise they demanded he leave a it wasn't great but it was better than it was and Naruto began to wonder if it might actually be possible to win over the village to his favor one day came however that the Hokage had a special Mission it wasn't set high enough for a tuning to take it but it also was no easy feat for genian either however he chose to let Kakashi decide after all Kakashi was a trusted and competent Shinobi and was proving himself worthy of his team so here is an asked him flatly do you think your team can handle this mission to the Land of Waves Kakashi looked over the form tazuna had submitted it is at the tail end of what we'd normally allow for genning normally we'd send experience Kenny to do this the kind that are ready for the tuning exams he thought back on his team and their devotion towards each other I think they can handle it though their close-knit and display signs that they'll grow with adversity I say yes here is in with nod and then stamped the sheet of paper approving it for Kakashi's team that night he took them out to eat again not quite as extravagant as the first time but he did treat them to a quality meal there he explained to them that their hard work and diligence had paid off and now they're being sent out a village to accomplish a special Mission they'd be escorting a VIP from konoha to the Land of Waves to help with the building of some infrastructure that could prove valuable to both settlements the mission sounded really important and so team seven were glad that they had a chance to do it the day after they met in front of the gates as Kakashi had bitten them they began to make their way to their objective location along the way things seemed off in particular Kakashi noticed a rain puddle in the middle of the road when there wasn't a single cloud in the sky Kakashi would travel a little further with his team until they'd be attacked his suspicions realized a set of ninja jumped from the puddle they both wore a gauntlet that possessed a chain linking the two of them they ran toward Naruto as he was the one currently standing between them and tazuna in a moment Naruto witnessed all the good times he had with Sakura and Sasuke and realized he may never be able to experience that again it was as if time slowed down I don't want to go away he said to himself as the Shinobi came in suddenly the Sasuke stepped in and knocked them away protecting Naruto Naruto looked up with Wonder as the sunlight gleamed off Sasuke's kunai Kakashi would eventually finish off the demon Brothers personally tying them to a tree by their own chain Naruto was in awe Sasuke came to him hey are you okay Naruto was surprised hey you're bleeding huh Naruto looked down to see that his hand had been cut you might need to flush that for poison Kakashi said Sakura took Naruto's hand let me see she looked it over it's not so bad but we do need to get the poison out she sat down to the side with him as Sasuke stood by Kakashi and tazuna on the other side of the road Kakashi seemed to be more than a little furious at the old man something about being a liar Sakura held Naruto's hand Naruto seemed upset she looked to him what's wrong Naruto he looked down I froze I was gonna let them kill us she shook her head it's okay it was your first time she took a kunai and scored his wound with it Naruto grimaced and looked away as she did so she began to press her mouth through his wound pulling the poison out with it begin spits she spoke it's a natural response he responded I never want to freeze again if I get you or Sasuke kill though I'll never forgive myself she smiled We're not gonna get killed we're a team remember she finished cleaning his wound and wrapped up his hand together they continued it wouldn't be much longer until they encountered zabas of emoji a rogue Shinobi from the Hidden Mist Village he was there to kill tazuna under the orders of a local crime Lord who wanted to keep the bridge from being built so he could continue to make his millions and monopolize the people who lived there Kakashi went to fight him and in doing so revealed his Sharingan which caught Sasuke's attention Kakashi for a Time taunted zabaza with his ocular Jutsu perhaps he taunted him a little too much as zabaza would eventually gain the edge in battle trapping Kakashi in a water prison Naruto and Sasuke knew that they had to move fast Naruto was scared terrified but he looked down at Sakura's ribbon around his wounded hand and remembered his promise to protect them together he and Sasuke rushed in kunai at the ready they attempted to attack the demon swordsman but his movements were too quick and his ability to swing that massive blade in a single hand with ease kept them on edge literally Sasuke stated that they needed to attack him twice once high and another low that way he'd be unable to defend and would be forced to step away from the bubble Naruto nodded and attempted to jump into the air and come down on him during his attack Sasuke attempted to slice the Achilles tendon of zaba's ankle however zabaza saw this coming and jumped into the air over Sasuke's attack and kicked Naruto away zambaza came down landing on Sasuke's kunai he kicked Sasuke in the face fool zabaza said as he raised his blade and begins to drop it he didn't think he didn't feel he just moved in a second Naruto was standing between them the blade came down dragging itself across Naruto's body sending him flying with a spurt of blood Sakura screamed in Terror in Anger Sasuke's Sharingan immediately matured into a three tomoi Sharingan like Kakashi's he rolled back and began to throw kunai and shuriken pushing himself to his limit Sasuke formed not just clones but true tangible Shadow clones each one striking from a different direction this was enough to force zabasa back this freed Kakashi who would drive him back as well it was then that Haku would appear and save his master by faking his death taking his body away Sasuke would run to Naruto's side as would Kakashi to check Naruto's wounds he had a deep gash across his body his forehead protector had a chip and a lion carved into it one could follow that gash down from his forehead across his left eye and down his chest and across his stomach terminating just below his navel it was bleeding profusely Sasuke was in shock from the ordeal and Sakura couldn't stop crying just gripping his hand Naruto was far from Silent he was crying out in pain his left eye having been completely destroyed by the blade Kakashi knew that pain he had felt it too but this this was worse he lifted Naruto up and Naruto cried as he did so we need to find a place to treat him konoha is too far away tizuna put his hand in Kakashi's shoulder my home isn't that far away come on they ran with tizuna they made it to his home Naruto had already stopped crying by this point not a good sign Kakashi stumbled through the door somebody take him to Zuna grabbed Naruto as Kakashi fell to the ground utterly spent he would move Kakashi to a place where he could rest tazuna looked a tsunami get Dr kuzan here now he took Naruto to another room where he laid him down on a roll all while Inari watched from the corner tsunami eventually returned with the doctor show me to the patients he stopped by Kakashi for just a moment to check on him severe chakra exertion he went to pull down Kakashi's mask and check his breathing Kakashi's hand shot up and gripped the doctor's hand no my student comes first the doctor nodded he pulled out a bottle these are military ration pills give one to the ninja he then rushed into the room with Naruto Sasuke and Sakura were still pressing the towels against the wounds the doctor bid them to move to the side as he checked Naruto he still had a weak pulse and his breathing was there if a little shaky while the doctor was working on Naruto tazuna made his way to the bathroom he turned on the faucet and began to wash his hands they were covered in blood Naruto's blood he remembered how he had lied on the form I I couldn't afford it I couldn't afford the Junie in an accusatory voice in the back of his head spoke that's your problem not theirs if you'd been honest maybe the Hokage would have cut you some slack but now that genin that child is dying and it's your fault tazuna shook his head no The Voice continued don't deny it you know this is truth tazuna fell to his knees I'm sorry I'm so sorry outside the doctor was finishing up he stepped out of the room where Sakura and Sasuke were waiting how is he Sasuke asked thankfully there doesn't seem to be any real internal damage his rib cage caught most of the blade it miraculously didn't break his ribs but instead bounced which only cut through his abdomen it didn't damage any of the organs underneath it's a miracle Beyond Miracles your friend will survive however his left eye is totaled it's gone don't even hold that hope for it I have wrapped him up and stabilized him but but he'll need to have his wrappings changed often and his wounds cleaned be sure to let me know should he show any signs of infection Sasuke and Sakura are bad with respect thank you doctor from that point on rest was all they could do Kakashi was making a full recovery as well during that time Sasuke sat there feeling guilty Sakura came to his side what's wrong he shook his head he got hurt defending me that was my plan we executed and he was the one that got hurt I'm the one responsible no a voice came from behind tizuna came out with a bottle of alcohol in his hand that's me I'm the one who lied on the form this Mission qualified for a tuning but I lied because I couldn't afford it Sasuke stood from his perch and pushed tizuna back you son of a he knocked kazuna into the wall my friend and Mentor are dying because you withheld information tizuna didn't attempt to defend himself Sasuke continued if either of them die I'm holding you personally responsible I'll see to it that Justice is served and if nobody else will I'll be the next Shinobi coming for your worthless all the while Naruto was resting Inari would be sitting by his bedside this is what happens to Heroes he would say softly to his surprise Naruto responded I'm not a hero I just love my friends I didn't do it because I wanted people to be proud I did it because I love them and love is worthy of fighting and dying for Inari heard those words and thought back on Kaiser love tears welled up in inari's eyes I love the village where my little boy lives he heard echoing through his mind he began to cry why do people you love always get hurt why do they have to die Naruto was already unconscious again but slowly beneath his bandages he was healing gurama was making sure of that days would pass and Kakashi would already be up and at it again during that time the mission still needed to be completed so they left to the bridge to protect Ozuna all while Inari and tsunami watched over Naruto however unbeknownst to anyone Gatto's men were on their way to take the two but to their surprise Naruto had gotten up and managed to defeat the thugs tsunami was surprised she was grateful but terrified for Naruto you've got to get back into bed now you'll open your wounds Naruto shook his head as he threw his jacket over his shoulder no I gotta protect my friends tsunami got a little more forceful you can't if you go you could die Inari looked to him Naruto spoke I have to go even if I die I love my friends and I was always told that if you love something you fight to protect it he then rushed off tsunami was left mouth a gape Inari felt Naruto's conviction and heard his words deep in his heart he knew returning inside he grabbed a helmet in a crossbow tsunami was further confused what are you doing Inari Inari looked to his mother I'm fighting for what I love and what I love is the village where my daddy lived he marched off to battle Naruto would find his squad on the bridge he'd see Sasuke in the Demonic neighboring ice crystals technique he was holding his own but making no progress and things were getting more and more dire as Haku increased his speed Naruto ran past Sakura she she reached out to stop him but missed Naruto he jumped in and tackled Sasuke out of the way of an incoming flurry of senbon Sasuke looked up Naruto Naruto smiled I'll never abandon my friends just like they never abandoned me he then stood back to back with Sasuke in this way they managed to avoid more senbon than either could alone having eyes in the back of their head essentially but But as time went along Haku was increasing his speed yet further Haku was getting serious and now Sasuke could see but no longer react in time and the same was doubly true for Naruto especially since Naruto was just recovering from a mortal injury they steadily began to take more senbon eventually Naruto went down his strength failing him he was struck in the knee with a set of senbon and he hit the ground Haku saw his shot to take Naruto out and threw his senbon again but Sasuke jumped in the way taking the shot for Naruto the senbon instead striking Sasuke in the chest three of them passing through skewering his heart Sasuke hit the ground as blood poured from his wounds Naruto held him in his arms no why did you do that Sasuke smiled and looked up the Naruto some things are worth dying for Naruto's lit began to quiver Sasuke continued I'm sorry I got you hurt I didn't mean to Naruto shook his head it wasn't your fault I chose to jump between you and zabaza Sasuke wheezed his eyes closed I'm still at fault if we tried your idea with the demon wind shuriken neither of us would have been hurt Naruto held him closer he pressed Sasuke's ear to his chest please just count my heartbeats focus on them will your heart to keep beating please Sasuke listen to it Naruto take my Sharingan Naruto opened his eyes no I was supposed to protect your eyes from Itachi not take them for myself Sasuke laughed a bit you're not taking them I'm giving them to you Naruto continued to cry please don't die you were my first friend I just learned what friendship was I just learned what it felt like to be loved please don't take that away from me so lay there his head against Naruto's chest in his bloody hand was a single orb take it show me the world that you're gonna create Sasuke breathed out Naruto held him it was a dream it had to be there was no other explanation he was still in bed right now being tended to by his friends this was a fever dream a nightmare Haku watched on your friend he was a true Shinobi he deserves respect suddenly there was pressure in the air Haku was startled as Naruto's chakra swirled around him in a tangible manner like fire what is this he looked on in the center of a hurricane of chakra and emotion Naruto knelt holding the now deceased Sasuke crying tears of blood Naruto opened his eyes to show that he now possessed a single three tomoi Sharingan his other eye possessed a fox's pupil as the lines on his cheeks grew I will kill you and with pure energy he burst from the Dome of ice mirrors sending Haku flying true to his word he killed Haku right then and there as he stood over the body he looked up to the sky and cried know like a Kit Fox having found its mother shot by a hunter howling like a wolf his energy dissipated zabaza would be killed by Kakashi and Inari who had gathered an army of villagers would fend off Gatto's men but Naruto didn't hear it he didn't see it all he saw were the moments he and Sasuke had spent together the day he introduced himself to Naruto defended him from the bully and gave him a portion of his food the moment he declared he wouldn't train under Kakashi if Naruto couldn't and now now he was dead was this what it was like to be a Shinobi was this what it was to make a friend and no love to inevitably lose it to sorrow and sadness love was a pendulum of happiness and sorrow of winning and losing of living and dying the return home was not anything special it was merely that a return home he didn't even go for debriefing he just went home he sat by his table with a cup of ramen it was the same flavor that he and Sasuke shared on their first day of friendship Naruto did not eat any of it he just sat there crying looking up he saw that picture he drew he took it off the fridge and looked more closely at it he roared and treaded it to Pieces moving to his room he fell to his bed to hide his tears he looked over at the bedside table and saw the picture of Team seven in his rage he picked it up and threw it at the wall shattering the glass and smashing the frame realizing what he had done he ran over and picked up the picture dusting the glass off of it he looked down at the picture of his tears dripped upon it he took a deep breath in Sasuke I'm sorry Sakura stood outside the door she raised her hand but it stopped her courage was waning she didn't want to knock because she didn't know how to respond to this what to say she had loved Sasuke she never truly admitted that to everyone and now that he was gone she was still in shock failure to believe this circumstance pervaded her soul but she also knew that Naruto must be feeling the same thing in the short time they had all known each other Naruto had expressed his feeling that they were all a family that she and he were more than friends that they were his sister and his brother a boy who had never known family gains it only to lose it oh cruel world how unjust of a hand have you dealt us she wasn't sure how to deal with his loss in her own heart how could she help Naruto sorted out how could she answer when he asked questions how could she face him she knocked she didn't even know that she did seemed at this moment inner Sakura was making her presence known on the outside smacking real Sakura in the back of the head it doesn't matter what you say cha just be there for him don't suffer alone don't let him suffer alone she knocked again this time a little harder nobody came to the door surely someone was home she hadn't seen him out anywhere suddenly a flash of Terror rushed through her heart she fumbled around and found his spare key she put it into the lock and twisted it she opened the door Naruto she stepped in and was appalled by what she saw the entire apartment was a mess it looked like a tornado had blown right through Naruto she walked in deeper there was a cup of ramen sitting there cold and congealed it had been made but never eaten please don't she thought is her heart raced she felt as if it was going to explode out of her chest Naruto she stepped over the mess to his bedroom the door was locked she tried to open it but it wouldn't budge Naruto opened the door there was no response she felt tears of panic forming in her eyes she stepped back where she got the strength from the chakra she wasn't sure maybe she subconsciously opened the first gate the Gate of opening whatever the case was she put her foot to the door and it went through this wasn't what she wanted to happen she wanted it to come off the hinges but this was the best she could do she reached her hand in and flipped the lock allowing her to open the door she stepped in Naruto she looked in and saw the mass it was even worse than outside she looked over to the side and saw Naruto sitting there he looked back at her his fists clenched why didn't you answer me I thought you could be hurt or worse he just looked at her tears rolled down his cheek as he turned and looked back out the window Sakura felt her shoulders drop she walked over carefully and sat down beside him are you okay he didn't speak he just looked down I didn't see you at the funeral why didn't you come he just shook his head she sat silently for a moment just couldn't do it huh I understand I'm sure Sasuke would too Naruto's face slowly began to contort like he was trying to hide his emotions but like an overflowing Dam the barriers were failing about to break down the twitching of his nose was the warning he looked at her once more his sharingan's still glowing like the eye of a cat against the darkness of the night it was a permanent Sharingan Kakashi had explained that when somebody possessing a Sharingan gives it away that Sharingan can never shut off it can enter and exit other stages but it'll never be totally off Kakashi told her that it was strenuous for a nanu chiha to have it active all the time which is why it was always supposed to be covered not Naruto though he wasn't covering it he had never covered it Kakashi also linked it as a possible cause to the dyslexia he had noticed in the years after his transplant she wondered if Naruto was dyslexic Kakashi told her when the Sharingan and a normal eye are not covered this can cause strange reaction timing as one eye sees things at normal speeds while the other eye sees things faster than the normal one could ever dream of seeing was Naruto also experiencing this was he just adapting she had many questions that inquisitive part of her was dying to ask but the look in his eyes told her that now is not the time she raised her hands and held his cheeks like a loving mother would she used her thumbs to wipe away his tears all the while she herself was beginning to cry not just because Sasuke was dead that was a big part of it but the reason why was because now she saw how much pain Naruto was in it's okay she said Naruto is breaking down he mumbled something under his breath she came closer huh he said it again a little louder but the meaning was still lost under the squeaks of emotion he was not able to control what is it she asked finally he spoke his words understandable it's my fault her eyes widened she offered a false smile and shook her head no no it's not you it's not your fault he grabbed her hands and began to slide them down his cheek Sasuke could have survived he had his Sharingan I didn't have those I jumped in and he had to protect me and himself too he died because I jumped in I got Sasuke killed I'll never forgive myself I swore when my hand got hurt and you were fixing it that I wouldn't get either of you killed and I lied I got him killed and I'm afraid that I'll get you killed too Sakura's teeth clenched as she fought to keep from crying as bad as he was she failed no no no you didn't it's not you you didn't do it it's not your fault he would have been killed sooner if you hadn't shown up this guilt she saw line tracing down from his forehead down his cheek Sasuke had done the same when Naruto was hurt because of his plan he blamed himself and vowed not to get Naruto killed in the future this was the effect of such a promise Naruto couldn't see it through his own guilt but Sasuke's actions were a direct result of his own guilt she looked into his eyes you know you didn't kill Sasuke you didn't get him killed he chose to die he chose to die for you did you know that he stayed with you the entire time you were hurt Naruto looked up at her with confusion she smiled it's true while you were healing he stayed by your bedside he held your hand the whole time I asked if he was okay and he blamed himself for you getting hurt he knew you jumped into haku's attack to protect him just like you jumped in front of zabaza's Blade he thought it was time to protect you instead he knew that dying was a possibility just like you did when you jumped in front of that sword he protected you because you protected him Naruto sniffled his shaky breath audible as he attempted to speak why did he have to die he was my brother I loved him she nodded he loved you too that's why he died he died so you could live because he wants you to be happy how can I be happy when I've lost my best friend she didn't know how to answer this I I don't know I know it hurts but you've got to keep moving forward you got to keep trying Sasuke would want you to be happy to find your dreams to show them the future that he gave his life to create that's why you have that eye show him the future he would fall into her arms and she would hold him in her Embrace what more could she do tai moved along and eventually the tuning exams came around Kakashi despite knowing the skill of his team as well as their Medal did not volunteer them this was for a number of reasons the obvious reason was that because the tuning exams required a three-man team to even participate it's not to say that one couldn't find a capable guinean to join their team for a short time but the further reason was that he didn't believe them to be willing or ready the death of Sasuke hit the team hard Kakashi was moving through it pretty well it's not like he hadn't suffered the death of a teammate before and considering how the Shinobi world functioned he had become desensitized partially to it well as desensitized as one could become one never truly got overkilling and dying easily but sadly these were counted in the list of things that grew easier the more you did it he had served during the third Shinobi World War you don't just serve in the war and not come back change for the worse as strong and efficient as he had become on the battlefield and in service of his village he still had to sacrifice his soul for it and he thought on the consequences of these things every day and now he was witnessing his students grapple with the cruelty of the world as well perhaps that hurt worse than Sasuke's actual death Kakashi was the one who realized that death never affected only a single person whether it be natural through murder or suicide the death of someone always echoed out Rippling like an underwater earthquake that would send a tidal wave of Sorrow out to those nearby that tidal wave of emotion had devastated Naruto and Sakura and he just didn't feel like they had the power to do this not now so what would have become the rookie 9 became the rookie 6. instead he merely tended to his team there was a time to kill and a time to heal right now they were in recovery mode the mind was as fragile as the body perhaps more so when the body was wounded it could heal though the mind never healed only merely found ways to cope and right now this was what Kakashi was doing he was staying involved with his team taking them out to eat giving them small missions in the village that they could all share he hoped that in some way not as a mentor but as a father figure or cool Uncle more like that he could somehow undo the effects of this on the minds of those nearby this job that so many children had to take it was robbing them of their childhoods so many generations becoming adults before their time Kakashi for one moment wanted to Foster that child in honesty the heart of a child was both useless and dangerous on the battlefield but perhaps it was better to say that he wanted to help them retain their heart the heart so easily shattered and destroyed Kakashi's friend Obito had shown him that heart was what made a Shinobi good perhaps it made them less efficient but it also made them good it made the world a better place and the world was now dimmer without Obito's shine he didn't want Naruto and Sakura to lose theirs the shine he was so dazzled by the first time they met he didn't want to see that go away and so he did not enter them into the exams instead it was time to rest time to grow stronger and closer the spot that had been Sasuke's was remaining left open Kakashi would not replace him not until the team could find a suitable replacement someone both could agree was good the three of them walked down the street and as they did so they spotted a cardboard box they paid it no mind but as they passed it by they noticed that there was no distance forming between them and it team 7 was definitely moving but they weren't getting any further away from it the box was moving Naruto stepped over to it and looked at it he kicked the Box ouch a voice whispered from underneath Naruto and his curiosity lifted the box to see a small boy the Boy looked up at them with surprise and then a smile no a beaming grin Naruto looked at him curiously before putting the box back on him and turning away as they continued down the road they heard rustling branches they looked back to see a bush in the middle of the road they kept walking while watching the bush suddenly the bush fell on its face and let out an expletive a single blue scarf was caught in its branches team seven once more ignored it Kakashi looked at them don't you guys think you should check it out Naruto waved it off and they kept moving eventually they stopped there was a brick wall there something was wrong about this brick wall first of all none of the bricks were sized and lined upright that and it was sitting in front of a wooden fence Kakashi stopped in front of the wall and pounded it once with his fist causing it to fall over revealing the same small boy again Kakashi leaned against the fence so wanna tell us why you're following us the boy would then look left and right before speaking my grandpa sent me on a secret mission he said he wanted me to follow your team and help find someone to replace the dead guy he whispered grandpa said that I should learn what you guys like so I can help him decide what kind of friend they need on their team Kakashi nodded that's an interesting Mission why don't I help you out with it why not just join us for a little while nothing beats inside info right go undercover and discover what my team likes and I'll never expect it the boy's eyes lit up and he nodded yeah that's a great idea Kakashi Sensei he stepped forward Kakashi would introduce him Naruto Sakura this is konohumaru the third Hokage sent him to study under us he wants Konohamaru to learn more about the world and about what it means to be a Shinobi so as it stands entertaining him is our next mission soccer erased her hand what all does entertaining him entail Kakashi would continue basically just showing him the ropes what we normally do what it is to be again in just the the basics this is a part of konohomaru's special studies as the hokage's grandson he gets special treatment as both the Hokage and the boy wish for him to become Hokage one day you guys okay with that both Sakura and Naruto nodded the three of them proceeded to move as a party this included picking up trash and helping carry banks for elderly folks on their way back from the store Kakashi was taken aback by some of these missions as they happened to be what Obito is best at Obito was naturally kind and caring so even when he was off the clock he was still doing this work why was Kakashi remembering Obito so much right now maybe it was because the situation Naruto had found himself in was so similar it was then at ichiraku Ramen that the question popped up how come your eyes so weird konhamaru as Naruto Naruto just looked over Konohamaru awaited an answer that wasn't coming your eye looks different from your other one did you heard it Sakura chimed in it's a Sharingan a gift from a friend konamaru stood in his seat and looked closer at it was a shatting Gong Sharingan corrected him it's a special eye that only the Uchiha possess oh a gift from the dead guy Naruto knocked konamaru off his chair the boy crashed to the ground pretty hard he gripped his arm as Sakura slapped Naruto in the back of the head Naruto What's your deal that's the hokage's grandson Naruto just looked down at Konohamaru as Kakashi walked over with a sigh he sat konhamaru up who was fighting every urge to cry let me take a look he took kurohamaru's arm and gently looked it over running his finger along the bone he detected no brakes just gonna have a nasty bruise you're good he helped Konohamaru up and brought him to the other side and sat him on the chair next to his own as a way to separate Naruto and konhamaru Konohamaru looked up a Kakashi why'd he knock me over Kakashi somehow eating Ramen without removing his mask looked at him from the corner of his eye because Sasuke was Naruto's best friend he's having a hard time coping and what you said came across insensitive Konohamaru examined his own arm as a purple coloration came up on it I didn't mean to be like that I just wanted to know about it Kakashi's side there's nothing wrong with that honorable grandson it was just the delivery sometimes you need to be careful with the way you talk about someone who's past especially in front of their friends after lunch they continued during their thing during a lull in work konhomaru approached Naruto who looked down on him with a slight bit of contempt I'm sorry konamaru said simply he kicked his foot across the ground knocking up a little bit of grass I didn't mean to make you sad I wanted to understand and I said something that you didn't like I understand why you pushed me off now I'm not mad I'm I'm sorry Naruto's shoulders lowered Sasuke was my best friend konamaru looked up can I ask about the eye Kakashi saw this and smiled calling for another break konohomaru sat down Boutique Sakura and Naruto what does the eye do Naruto covered his normal eye it lets me see very good I can see things far away and I can understand them quickly since gaining the Sharingan I found it easier to learn new Jutsu and now that I've been learning to use it properly I can even cast genjutsu with it Konohamaru was in awe he looks back at Sakura before looking to Naruto again what was Sasuke like can I ask that I want to know what he was like Kakashi Sensei said he was a true Shinobi Sakura thought about it Sasuke was ambitious he was kind and sweet and he stood up for what was right he didn't like bullies and he didn't like it when people hurt others for no reason or dumb reasons Naruto smiled he was like an older brother he was always trying to protect us from something either from Itachi saying you would rather die than drag us into it he even protected me against some bullies fighting three head on and even took the punishment to protect us Naruto almost started to cry while thinking about it konamaru stood and hugged Naruto I'm sorry I wish I could bring him back to life Naruto is shocked by the affectionate hung he patted konohamaru's back it's okay Sasuke gave me the Sharingan he wanted me to show him the world a little piece of his soul lives inside me now and I'm going to use it to do good Kakashi watched this from afar and smiled together they watch The Tuning exams however when shukaku was released in the middle of the Arena Naruto attempted to stop it even going so far as to utilize his tailed beast cloak but Gara was so strong he didn't even have a chance as the battle raged on Naruto found himself struck and cornered Sakura threw herself in front of Naruto to protect him but before she was attacked another man appeared he was an older man whose hair was white he wore a red halery and a headband bearing the kanji for oil on it you could stay back I'll handle this and there was no lie in that statement because that's exactly what he did you see Jiraiya is a master of Jutsu he knows summoning he knows Sage Mode he knows ceiling techniques these things can be used in conjunction with the others to bring down even a tailed beast so Jiraiya had no issue facing down the one tail what really gave him pause was noticing Naruto's use of tailed beast chakra that's what caused him to recognize the boy as this battle raged on though Orochimaru and hirizen were facing off against each other and this would result in in the death of here is in as well as the sealing away of orochimaru's arms as per the usual line of events but during this time Jiraiya instead was checking up on Naruto seeing if he was alright of course Naruto was it wasn't something that would really keep a good Shinobi down he just got throttled a little no biggie walk it off he would then offer him a chance he told him that he would train Naruto help him to master his power and grow even more capable as a Shinobi Naruto however did something unprecedented he denied jariah plain and simple he didn't want to this sort of startles and then confuses Jiraiya but he respects the decision time passes and the death of Heroes and was discovered he was buried and Naruto attended the funeral alongside the others after the funeral he Sakura and Konohamaru decided to stop by ichiraku Ramen for something to eat it was silent for the most part even taiuchi who would not attended the funeral wasn't speaking and was giving them plenty of privacy Sakura looked over at Konohamaru are you okay he nodded yeah not like the first time I lost someone she cocked her head it's not he looked over for just a second before returning his gaze to the ramen in front of him my mom and dad worked for the anbu they were on a special Mission and they that's why I live with Grandpa Sakura looked down oh Kono I'm so sorry she returned her gaze to him are you gonna be okay where will you live he Shrugged I don't know you'll live with me Naruto said simply konamara looked up huh you'll live with me he repeated I don't have anyone either since neither of us have anyone why don't we just have each other Konohamaru began to break down in tears this mixture of emotions his grandfather's death along with Naruto's kindness struck him all at once Naruto hugged the boy onichon konomaru asked is this what it felt like to lose your friend Naruto embraced the boy tightly this is why Sasuke saved his life so he could save the life of others so that he could pay it forward Sasuke had protected him from the emotional Whirlwind that was the cold and empty life Naruto had been lived living now Naruto saw another in emotional upheaval and he knew that he needed to be a rock and so he promised to protect him he would go back to the okage office where he would help konhamaru gather up his things his clothes his favorite toys anything he might like to have with him he would then lead him back to his apartment of course this action wasn't truly needed as konhamaru was the hokage's son there were plenty who would be willing to take him in as he spoke asima and Kuran I watched are you sure you wouldn't rather just take him in coronai asked awesome watched I would be willing to take in my nephew but it looks like he's got a friend for that already I'll just let him find happiness his own way Independence is important for ishinobi to learn Naruto would lead him in and help him get settled konohumaru was amazed by the size of the apartment that you and me it wouldn't look like much but for children less than half our size it was like a mansion and beyond that since they were living by themselves Konohamaru felt like an adult he felt confident he felt independent Naruto was just glad to actually have someone hear him when he walked in and said I'm home due to the fact that Naruto wasn't with Jiraiya it's very possible if not likely that Tsunade would not survive the encounter with Orochimaru and Kabuto this means that the next in line for the position of Hokage was danzo shimura Konohamaru did not like this one bit he attempted to stop the elderly man from taking office he was afraid that if he wasn't worried that he would besmirch the office his grandfather served in but furthermore he was afraid that if he did too good he might cause everyone to forget all the good stuff that hirizon had done but in the end he was no match and was moved out of the way he seemed rather upset by this turn of events but Naruto did his best to reassure him and Sakura says that Danza will probably do fine but be just a forgotten footnote in history compared to what hirison did while he was in charge it's then that they receive a knock on the door Naruto opens it up and it's jariah jariah asks if he can come in having no reason to say no he allows him to come in jariah sits down as the three kids look on darya focuses on Naruto I've come to ask you to train with me no Naruto responds simply but why jariah asks I could make you a wonderful Shinobi I could teach you how to control your tailed beast my what Naruto asks your tailed beast you have one just like Gara but your Beast is far stronger than this so why not come train with me because I don't want to Naruto said as he got up and walked over to his friends sitting down and turning his back Sakura looked over why don't you train with him Naruto looked over I don't want to leave you Sakura smiled Naruto you need to do what's best for you he shook his head you guys didn't abandon me when Kakashi said he'd send me back to the academy that was totally different she said that was us not splitting up the team we'll still be on the same team we just will be apart for a while to train it's a good opportunity to grow he looked to her but I don't want to I want us to stay together as friends she let off a giggle Naruto no matter where we go we'll always be friends no matter how far apart okay Naruto pointed at konahamaru what about him though we can't just leave him behind jariah waved uh hey over here everyone turned to look at him Jiraiya looked at Konohamaru if the kid doesn't have anywhere else to go and you really don't want to leave him behind just bring him too I'll make time for him as well I just really think you should come and learn from me Naruto Naruto looked over to kotohamaru I'll go wherever you go onicha Sakura nodded do it Naruto Naruto thought for a moment he then turned back alright we'll train with you Jiraiya stood and clasped His Hands Together wonderful you two grab whatever you think you'll need and let's go and so the two of them packed their bags and set off with the old Master as they left they were met by Sakura and Kakashi Kakashi pat their heads I know you two can do this come back stronger you here Sakura would proceed to hug the both of them I know you can do it too go get stronger I'll be waiting for you when you get back they nod and together they set off with jariah the plan is to train for three years there's no telling what sorts of Misadventures there are to come Itachi sat in his chair he'd been in the middle of a meeting when he excused himself it wasn't hard he was sick he was growing worse by the day and every so often he'd find himself coughing up blood he would use this as an excuse to get away pain was amazingly a very patient man and would excuse him more than once Hitachi had even gotten packages from Payne himself with exotic medicines and ways of treating illness these were really useful he almost felt bad that he was plotting his downfall despite Payne's nihilistic views he was still good inside Itachi wondered if there was a way for him to Foster that good a way to bring him back but as it stood Itachi was not leaving the meeting because he was truly sick he'd left the meeting because his Crow woton had come across dire news news that Sasuke had been killed Hitachi held it together for a time but came to his room and just sat down there he let out all of his tears that he'd been fighting holding back it was meaningless it was useless he shouted within himself everything I did was for nothing Itachi had been young and stupid even in his younger years he was considered as wise as the Hokage but this wasn't to say that he never made a mistake and he had made a grave One Life had forced him in that direction he had been forced to take this course of action but there was one choice he made personally that he regretted he regretted leaving Sasuke behind Itachi knew that he had to leave he knew that he had to Exile himself from the village but the choice to join the Akatsuki was his own he had hoped to Foster hate within Sasuke so that one day he might Target him one day he might through hatred hunt Itachi down and kill him delivering the Justice they all deserved Sasuke the last Uchiha was the only one fit to be his executioner he had tormented the boy scared him given him nightmares and done everything within his power to traumatize him and force him to grow stronger but to his absolute surprise Sasuke instead pulled back he didn't extend his arms up to the sky demanding retribution upon Hitachi he instead held it all in and moved on there there was patience in this boy's heart something to the point that even Itachi couldn't understand even Itachi could not swallow hatred like this how could Sasuke maybe it wasn't that Sasuke was so patient maybe he had a reason not to was it possible that he had seen through Itachi's Ploy was it that Sasuke simply still possessed love for Itachi despite everything whatever it was didn't matter now there was no way to ask this destroyed Itachi Itachi had wished for that one moment he could go back that instead of threatening him and forcing him to experience the deaths of his parents over and over again that instead he had hugged him explaining everything to him begging him to forgive him and follow him out of the village to a safer and peaceful location but he hadn't he'd been foolish Itachi could not hold it in he cried bitterly outside of his room Kisame leaned against the wall and listened to it Kisame was far more intelligent than most gave him credit for it he was always the one that was questioning Itachi's loyalty it was because Itachi wasn't as slick as he thought he was he's SMA could see right through him Toby could see right through him pain could see right through him they knew what he was up to which is why they never told him anything even still Itachi was a good man and despite his trees and his nature you couldn't help but love the bastard and as Itachi cried Kisame could do nothing more than lower his head and Shake It realizing that half of Itachi's Grand designs had come crashing down it truly was sad Paine would need to send him a fruit basket or something later Jiraiya Naruto and konahamaru were making their way down the road they were all singing a song about toads they would continue the song as they danced down the road they eventually made it to jariah's house which Naruto and Konohamaru were awestruck by it seemed so massive Jiraiya's Abode was no different than many others in fact it might have been smaller but considering where Naruto and konamaru had been living it must have seemed massive I bet it's even bigger than Grandpa's house konamaru shouted it wasn't but maybe the boy just didn't realize this because he was too excited to be someplace new there was a river nearby and a clearing in the woods the home sat in the center of the clearing and even had a koi pond nearby it seemed so peaceful the birds chirped nearby their beautiful song Jiraiya picked up a stone and threw it into the trees shut up he shouted stupid birds are always pecking holes in the side of my house thinking they can find grubs or whatever wish they'd all just spontaneously combust he looked around I've got a spare room in the house you two can use I've got two roles and a partition just in case you want to have some privacy Konohamaru refused the partition I had my own room when I lived with Grandpa I want to share a room with onichon he shouted in excitement Jiraiya let them get settled but he wouldn't wait too long for training the first thing he did was bring them outside to start building up muscle as it turned out the more you increased your physical strength the more you could increase your chakra your body and soul were two sides of the same coin if you took care of one you were taking care of the other the way you looked meant nothing it was what you could do that mattered and a Shinobi would always strive to be fast and strong so he had them doing a lot of physical exercise to start with which left them near incapacitated on the ground once they finished we just walked all the way here from konoha why do we have to work out now Jiraiya looked down at them a light walk like that is barely enough to be be called exercise why in the war we had to walk 15 miles uphill in our bare feet in the snow just to get to the battle and then we'd rush in fight die and then walk it all off and do it again you kids are spoiled but don't you worry uncle jaraya is gonna make something of you all right up up we're gonna see how much chakra you can build up and expend without dying the kids looked over at each other without speaking just a look of utter fear in their eyes they'd be off to bed immediately afterward the sun was barely setting and they'd only taken the time off to have dinner and take a bath Naruto would button up his pajama shirt and put his hat on as he'd fall back into his bed roll he would look over at Konohamaru who was also in his PJs but he seemed a lot livelier than Naruto he was busy setting up a picture of hirizin he sat it above his pillow and smiled at it good now Grandpa's here too the room's perfect Naruto looked at his own picture frame it was a picture of himself Kakashi Sakura and Sasuke it was the picture they had taken immediately after becoming a team it was bittersweet but he looked at it and smiled Jiraiya knocked on the door I was swarming he shouted and came in I found these old things in the closet when I was cleaning up I don't have much use for them so I thought you two would enjoy him he presented them each with a stuffed frog Naruto and konhamaru hugged them close which brought a smile to jariah's face he looked down at them asleep with the sunny a good practice for Shinobi rise and set with the sun it gives you the strength to train your ears off me though I'm a bit older and I got other stuff to do so I'm gonna be up for a good many more hours let me know if you need anything he went to shut the door but Konohamaru called out to him ojisan what are you working on Jiraiya peeked back in oh I'm a writer I'm writing novels and stories konhamaru's eyes lit up stories oh read us one Jiraiya scratched the back of his head I don't think my stories are meant for children konamaru seemed disappointed Naruto was too busy playing with his stuffed frog to care Jiraiya thought about it hmm how about I tell you another story what about one of the times I was in amigakade teaching kids not to unlike YouTube nodded his head and sat there waiting for elaboration Nara even put his frog down for a minute and turned over to face jariah jariah began to tell his story of Adventure and fun starring himself of course and his three Sidekicks yahiko Conan and nagato he told them of the times he attempted to teach them how to fish you see the knot wasn't perfect but it was strong a lot of things in life were like that anyway yahiko was the only one who got a bite on the line so we rush over to help him reel it in coded in nagato cheered him on from the side and I told him how to do it without letting the fish snap the lion and by Thunder did he pull it in well we were planning to eat it that night and I was taking the picture with it and the fish began to bounce around in yahiko's hand and it slapped him in the face with its tail and jumped back in the water Jiraiya laughed he pulled out some pictures to show we had to order out that night isn't that just how life is sometimes you don't always get what you expect but then again if you always knew what to expect life wouldn't be any fun now would it he stood anyway I gotta be off got a nasty case of constipation in writer's block and I plan to solve one of them by the end of the night sleep well he closed the door behind him Naruto put the plush under his head as an extra pillow Konohamaru cuddles up with his good night onichon he falls asleep Naruto however finds himself looking out the window for a time he watches the sunset and then further watches the stars come out he looks over at the picture of Team 7 and then looks over at konamaru it was then that he felt in his heart that he would be okay Sasuke would always be with him and now he was the big brother to another down on his luck Shinobi so maybe everything would be okay and so the next day they begin to train a lot harder but instead of just physical training and chakra training Jiraiya had them doing mental training too he taught them the ancient game of shogi he taught them how to focus chakra flows in the body but above that he taught them how to do a few more various Ninjutsu he started with the easier stuff such as the fireball Jutsu Jiraiya was especially proficient in fire style and he was hoping to pass this on to his students but beyond that he knew that it was important to let the student focus on what they were good at so he gave them each a special piece of paper the paper was designed to help them learn what their natural Affinity was which style of nature naturally flowed in them for Konohamaru the paper burst into flame as it did for jariah when he first started but Naruto's paper did differently it was cut to Pieces signifying he had a natural affinity for wind style which was unique as not many people were naturally geared towards that many could learn to use it but very few had a natural affinity for it the only person Jiraiya could think of right off the bat would have been Dan's oshimora but alas this was not all Jiraiya hoped to teach Naruto he also wanted to teach him how to use his tailed beast there wasn't much that konamaru could do to learn from this and so while Naruto was training to learn to control his tailed beast Jiraiya kept konhamaru occupied by making him learn how to make a Rasengan now the Rasengan is a hard Jutsu the master it was given the a rank due to its difficulty after it was invented by Minato namakazi so Konohamaru would take a long time to even complete it let alone Master it but the good news was that him constantly trying was a form of training Not only was he straining his chakra to make it but he was also learning to increase his chakra while trolling and containing it which naturally made a Shinobi stronger even if you had a small energy well if you manage to control it right you could beat anyone no matter how much chakra they had so he had konohumaru focusing on that Naruto on the other hand was only now meeting with the nine tails for the first time Jiraiya told him to be forceful the nine tails couldn't hurt him so long as it was behind the seal he also said that the Ninetales would try to manipulate him and that it wasn't his friend so he shouldn't even bother treating with pleasantries this didn't stop Naruto from doing so but he was at least forceful with the nine tails demanding chakra from it the tailed beast would answer Naruto by providing him with chakra knowing that the more chakra he gives the sooner he's likely to break free Naruto would enter his initial jinchuriki cloak at first before eventually progressing into his version 1 State Jiraiya was impressed by his growth was this because he was naturally gifted or perhaps it had something to do with his Sharingan who knows Naruto was growing stronger and that's What mattered as time went on they both worked on their ascengan Konohamaru was upset he could spin the balloon and he could even pop it but he couldn't create a Rasengan he couldn't keep it compact Naruto was having the same issues with the ability konohomaru kicked a can across the yard in frustration only John I can't do it he seemed so peeved Naruto couldn't either he could make it spin and pop but not recreate it without the balloon he just couldn't make the shell form right so what was one to do Naruto came up with an idea he raised a finger to Konohamaru to get his attention before Crossing his index and middle fingers over his other side to create a shadow clone the shadow clone would walk to Naruto as he would raise his hand Naruto would attempt to make a recent gun but as he was failing his shadow clone would stick out its hands and begin to smooth out the shell allowing Naruto to make a perfect Rasengan Konohamaru was amazed it was so powerful too Naruto smashed it into a tree which left a deep spiraling depression in it he then turned to Konohamaru and tried to help him make one Konohamaru managed to make one of his own with Naruto's help Jiraiya felt that this was unconventional but until it could be perfected this was a good solution to their issue eventually one day as Naruto and Konohamaru got up to train more Jiraiya stopped them and told them that they had something else to do at some point during the night in the village nearby a girl had been kidnapped some said it was by a demon but no one knew exactly what it was and so Jiraiya and his students went to investigate they head down to the village and while there they would find the home of the girl who'd been taken they talked to her parents who said that she should have known it would happen Jiraiya questions why this is they tell him that on her 18th birthday she awakened a strange dojutsu that allowed her to see into the future so why shouldn't she have known Jiraiya nods at this and begins to look for Clues as he checks her room he sees Naruto going over to the dresser and opening up a very private drawer uh Naruto what are you doing in her underwear drawer Naruto looks back with flush cheeks looking for Clues Jiraiya stands there did you find any Naruto shook his head Jiraiya walks over maybe you're not trying hard enough he sticks his head in not long after konamaru looks through too it it's then that her father walks in what the hell are you doing they look back with surprise on their face looking for Clues they slam the dresser closed only for a secret compartment to open up a diary falls out ha see I knew we'd find something there's always something hidden in the secret drawer he opens up The Diary they read through it with a bit of a smirk on their faces but the father tells him to skip to the last entry they begrudgingly agree flipping to the final page they begin to read it it was written the night before last oh joy my love has agreed to run away with me we shall meet up at the Statue of the panda Spirit tomorrow night I have to wear my best perfume and do my hair up just the way he likes it they read it and looked up it seems like she eloped Jiraiya said the father shakes his head there's no way my daughter would do this it has to be genjutsu we've not heard anything about a new boyfriend jariah thinks about it it's possible I suppose maybe we can track her search for more clues by the panda Spirit statue the father leads them out please find her to Ryan and the students make their way to the Statue and begin to search for more clues it just seems like a statue with a fountain below it there's nothing strange about it let alone any clues or at least there wasn't until Konohamaru spoke up I found something jiraya walks over to take a look he examines it closely it was a stain but the closer one looked the more they came to realize what it was blood Naruto looked at it and sniffed it too bad we don't have a dog or something to track it Jiraiya said if we had a dog we could track the blood or the perfume and hmm the kids looked up to him waiting for him to continue Jiraiya rubbed his chin maybe I can borrow one for a while I bet Kakashi wouldn't mind back in the leaf Kakashi was reading his icha icha and petting paku while laying in a hammock Baku you're so wise I can always tell you my troubles now I wanted to ask you about this he said as he struck the dog suddenly there was a poof Kakashi raised his hand to find a note between his fingers it read I gotta borrow this for a little while thanks love Furby Sage to say paku was confused wasn't understatement he was suddenly in front of a fountain he looked up to see Jiraiya waving at him with blood dripping from his thumb paku spoke oh yeah I forgot I made a contract with you too Konohamaru was already on his knees hugging paku as Naruto was petting him and playing with his ears paku barely able to breathe spoke I assume this is important Jiraiya would nod his head a girl's gone missing and we need someone to track a scent for us can you help paku agreed give me something to sniff Jiraiya would sprit some of the perfume out in front of them paku would take a Sniff and then sneeze he'd shake and then begin to walk about his nose up in the air I think I got something follow me paku would rush off and the others would follow close behind they jumped from tree branch to tree branch the smell was getting stronger and stronger they kept going until they found their destination a small underground facility Jiraiya looked at it oh boy Naruto looked back at him questioningly jariah looked down on them this looks like one of orochimaru's facilities konamaru gasped you mean the guy who killed Grandpa he's here here Jiraiya Shrugged it's entirely possible we better be careful they began to sneak into the facility to look for any sign of the girl Jiraiya told them to be extra careful as there could be booby traps and other security devices they continued to sneak in deeper until they found what appeared to be a hiding area there was a girl there her eyes were a beautiful purple her hair was bright blonde jariah walked up and introduced himself and his students hello I'm jariah and these are my students Naruto and konamaru she greeted them I'm Kari can you please help me I thought my boyfriend was gonna run off with me but he brought me here Jiraiya smiled then spoke under his breath I guess she really would do that guess her father doesn't know her as well as she thinks Jiraiya then spoke up can you tell us more about your boyfriend she blushed oh he's the most handsome boy I've ever met he's tall well built his hair is white like an angel and he has the most caring Eyes hidden under such intellectual glasses that shine like Moonlight Jiraiya had hoped for a less cheesy description but he could Peg the boy she was talking about out it was kabato orochimaru's subordinate he just happened to be the one who killed Tsunade when Jiraiya was sent to recruit her he took advantage of her hemophobia and struck when she wasn't able to react boy may not have been the strongest in the world but he definitely was the sharpest tool in the shed Jiraiya began to unlock the cage as konohomaru explores the room he finds a notebook that speaks about her apparently she possessed a unique dojutsu that appears in those of royal blood from the land of demons apparently it's called the miraigon and has the ability to see into the future but only events in which one is about to die this includes the user he'd show the pad to Jiraiya who would look at it no wonder Orochimaru wants this dojutsu he can practically avoid death with it the girl shakes her head no it doesn't work that way once you see someone's death through my mirragon it's set in stone you can't change it no matter what you do all you can do is accept it at that moment they would hear the sound of a bell ringing and Kari would seemingly go into a daze she almost wanted to pass out jariah caught her what is it what's wrong she opened her eyes I just witnessed the future one of you will die Jiraiya was shocked which one she pointed down him he will die she said pointing at konamaru Konohamaru was startled die I don't want to die someone trade places with me it was then that Kabuto and Orochimaru walk in hmm it looks like we have uninvited guests Orochimaru States kabato laughs what is this have you come to steal away a guy's girlfriend Naruto steps in front of konohumaru and jariah steps in front of Kari orochimaru's size isn't that Noble protecting them from me but you should know by now Jiraiya that I've always been stronger than you and always will be don't you remember the rules of mushiken the Frog always loses to the snake Jiraiya pops his knuckles and his neck I always played Homebrew rules snake Orochimaru would send snakes from his sleeves at Jiraiya who would burn them away with Fire release kabato at rush at Naruto with a scalpel Naruto pulling akunai would defend himself the two would trade blows in this tightly packed room Naruto doing his best to keep konhomaru out of The Fray if it was true that he'd die if he fought in this battle then he wanted to keep him out of the battle to save his life he wouldn't let another brother die Orochimaru pulling the blade of kusanagi from within his throat would once again Rush at jariah jariah would defend himself with his hair needle technique before firing the hair out at Orochimaru like senbon driving him from the room jiraya would follow after him as Naruto and Kabuto fought he felt himself get struck in the cheek by kabato's foot knocking him to the side Naruto almost lost Consciousness he heard Konohamaru crying out for him he sat up and looked back as he formed a Rasengan but to his surprise there were two konohumarus each one attacking the other stuck in a lock save me one of them shouted Naruto looked to them give me a sign which one he was real one of them seemed to tear up oni-san I don't want to die the other ones seemed nervous oh oh Naruto Kun remember when jariah Sensei told us a story about yahiko and the fish I am the real konhomaru please don't let me die Naruto made the decision the one who told him about Jiraiya's story was the one he struck he hit this konhamaru full power with the Rasengan knocking him against the wall where they're just so happy to be a broom handle facing out the konohumaru was impaled on it but Naruto stepped in front of the real konhomaru just in time to keep him from seeing even if it was an enemy it was using his Visage and it would surely scar him for life to see himself impaled Naruto turned around and looked at the real konhamaru Kono looked up at him with tears in his eyes onichan how did you know which one was the real me Naruto smiled because you would never call me narutokun meanwhile Kabuto had returned to his original appearance upon death Kari was by his side holding him oh cruel world she cried why must you make me the Juliet to his Romeo Naruto grabbed her and pulled her out of the room before she could be any more melodramatic they rushed into the main hall where they witnessed Uriah fighting Orochimaru Naruto would immediately enter his version 1 cloak and join The Fray but as he does so Orochimaru summons Manda to defend him as soon as the snake hit the ground Naruto was knocked back Naruto goes sliding across the floor but manages to stand up and charge once again Konohamaru stands with Kari to protect her as the battle rages on Naruto would then manage to summon gamabunta to face off against Manda Naruto would rush off to help jiraya but would be kicked back by the sanin and slide next to Konohamaru deep in konamaru's heart he knows that Orochimaru had been the one to kill hirazin and he wishes to get revenge but what can one boy do he's not even again yet how is he supposed to take out a man stronger than Grandpa Naruto looks up at him you can do it I Believe In You Konohamaru stands there and gulps he then forms a recent gun in his hand Naruto sits there and enters his version 1 chakra cloak and he places his hands on konohumarus and transfers his excess chakra to him building up his Rasengan into a new one a technique konohumaru calls ototo to onisan odama Rasengan he literally comes up with the name right on the spot and jumps up into the air with it Orochimaru looks up to see the child coming at him little brother and big brother big baller is sengan he shouts jariah Dives out of the way as Konohamaru presses the Rasengan onto Orochimaru the ball explodes spectacular regularly knocking all nearby on their rear the pressure coming off enough to blow them back across the floor when the light dissipates they see nothing but a crater Orochimaru is nowhere to be found laying in the center of that crater is Konohamaru unmoving Naruto stands and runs over to him Konohamaru he cries out as he rushes to the crater Kari stands there and watches on Jiraiya also rushes over Naruto raises Kono up and holds him Konohamaru grimaces and opens his eyes oh onison did I do it Naruto's size with relief he did Kono you beat a rochimaru suddenly feeling comes back to the boy and is broken and discolored arm suddenly flares up with pain Konohamaru cries out but eventually regains his composure showing strength by only letting a few tears Escape instead he smiles to show he's pleased Jiraiya wipes the sweat from his face damn kid that was a gutsy move I expected no less from the boy who carries the name of the village Jiraiya would stabilize konhamaru's arm and pick him back up let's get back to the Village they would head back leading Kari along with them on the trip back Jiraiya can't help but lament the fact that he's the last of his team alive first he lost heroes in then Tsunade and now Orochimaru he's the last member of his team left and though Orochimaru had it coming it does hurt to think about making it back to the Village they would bring the girl back to her father where they'd explain the situation to him she indeed gets a scolding and is told never to run off like that again they thank Jiraiya and his students for helping them and even pays them which is enough for them to get the most high end of all high-end Ramen to celebrate that night they eat the ramen before their baths after Naruto's bath he steps outside and sits on the porch while Jiraiya tries to figure out how to get Konohamaru clean without getting his cast wet while sitting there Naruto looks up at the Moon as he does so the moon seems to roll over and display what looks like a pupil this freaks him out a little the moon then turns red and three Tom away appear on the moon and begin to spin before shifting into a three-spoke mangekyo Sharingan the clouds Rush by at unnatural speeds everything seems to stop besides that the fire on the candles the dragonfly that had been passing in front of his face even the flowing river Naruto stands up and looks around only to see a man in a black cloak with red clouds on it the man possesses glowing eyes Sharingan like what Kakashi and Sasuke and now Naruto possess Naruto immediately knows who this must be as there are no other Uchiha left he gets into a defensive position and pulls out a kunai the moment he blinks the man who once was in the distance is now standing right in front of him he falls back you're not gonna steal my eye it's Sasuke's I promised I'd show him the world the man shakes his head I'm not here to take your eye away I never wanted Sasuke's eyes Naruto's confused Itachi continues I only did those things to make him hate me so he'd kill me for the mistake I made but that's all a moot point now he's gone and I'm utterly alone Naruto continues to look up why did you come here Itachi looks down I've come to warn you within your bodies the demon Fox the nine tails I am a part of an organization known known as the Akatsuki I've come to warn you that the organization will soon move and attempt to steal it from you as well as all other tailed beasts if that happens you will die the reason why we're targeting these tailed beasts is unknown to me but I do know that you'll be in danger so please be prepared Naruto is confused why are you telling me this Itachi smiled I see Sasuke in your eyes he trusted you with his dreams I'll hedge my bets on you too that was what Naruto noted about this man the most he had such a kind warm and inviting smile but before Naruto could ask another question the man was gone and the moon returned to normal Naruto was just sitting on the porch all alone again suddenly that dragonfly passed by his face and he heard flowing from the river the Akatsuki Naruto said as he awakened from his dream Itachi from a distance would turn to walk away unaware that in the trees nearby Kisame hoshigaki was watching him he shook his head I was afraid it would come to this he would then disappear and head back to their base beating Hitachi there that night Naruto could only think about what Itachi had said he looked at the picture frame that showed himself Sakura and Sasuke with Kakashi there were so many questions he had but though his questions were for another day three years of training had passed and Naruto and konahamaru were growing older Naruto now 16 had grown a bit taller and more muscular with his eyes possessing a glint in them that had never been seen before they possessed confidence Konohamaru was still young but he was slowly growing older as well he was now 12 and while he was nowhere near as tall or as strong as Naruto he was still tall and strong having come from good stock this was what Jiraiya had told him as they trained for jariah it was an honor to train the grandson of the man he'd respected for so long Jiraiya had Age Two For Better or Worse well yeah definitely For Worse his back hurt along with his hips and his neck he had gout Life as a Shinobi wasn't kind to one's body and he was feeling that on a level so deep right now that he respected hirizen's desire to laze about most days as Hokage or council member bro hit his midlife crisis ages ago and was now just learning to be content the words Itachi had spoken to Naruto years earlier had faded from memory and returned to the gray they they had made their way back to the Village as they stepped through the gate they saw Kakashi and Sakura standing there waiting for them Sakura ran to Naruto and embraced him welcome back you've grown so tall and strong Naruto looked her up and down you too you've also grown so tall and so so wow konhomaru and jaraya looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes with a knowing glance and a smirk Kakashi stepped up as well electing to give his students some time with his old team Jiraiya offered to take Konohamaru out for something to eat they decided to stop by ichiraku Ramen The Village had changed quite a bit in the three years they'd been gone but stepping into the restaurant konohama was glad to see that nothing there had changed the same old man the same girl with him albeit a smidge taller the same stools the same peeling wallpaper the only difference was a new set of wind chimes which made it even homier in there they sat down by the bar and Jiraiya merely held up his fingers asking for two teochi would see them and smile preparing two bowls of freshly cooked Ramen jiraya would turn to Kono and speak I've got a bit of a surprise for you tomorrow looked up curiously I sent some messages ahead of time to the fifth Hokage danzo shimura and mentioned your growth I gave account for everything I'd be teaching you and he approved your status as a genin you're now officially a Shinobi of the hiddenly village Konohamaru was ecstatic face lit up like a Christmas tree pure joy and excitement really I'm a Shinobi now Jiraiya laughed a Shinobi is measured by their heart konoharu not by a piece of paper you were a true Shinobi in my book the moment you began to take your training seriously and to show that I've got something for you he pulled the headband with the plate of the Hidden leaf on it from behind his back this was the headband I used during the second Shinobi World War I'm giving it to you you deserve it konohumaru took it and looked at the headband with reverence this single piece of cloth was older than he was he put it on his head it obviously hadn't been washed in that many years either as his nose could detect but this did not mean that he was going to clean it though he hoped that if possible The Blood Sweat and Tears within this old headband could transfer to him the wisdom and skill of this powerful toad Sage just as he looks up to speak a voice from behind Echoes out along with the smell of cigarettes and discount body spray as I live and breathe little konohomaru konamaru looked back and smiled Uncle Asama alongside him asima had with him the rest of Team 10. Shikamaru choji and Ino it seemed he too was here to treat them to Emil as Jiraiya was for him awesome has stepped in below the light hanging partition of the little restaurant he sat down at the bar and his team sat down on either side choji rubbing his hands together with a smile raising his hand to display the number four with his fingers I didn't know you were back in town he noticed the headband he gave it a flick with his finger to hear it Tink against his nail ah finally reached genin I'm proud of you how do you like being the third official member of Team Kakashi Konohamaru looked a little confused he looked back at jariah I was planning to inform you all a little later awesome as brows raised uh oh did I just reveal some big secret my bad konhamaru's eyes lit up even more I get to be on the same team as onichon Jiraiya laughed yes Kakashi should be be showing up not too long from now to officially add you to the team Konohamaru was so excited this has to be one of the best days of my entire life he shouted and he hugged jariah as if jirai had anything to do with this in fact he didn't awesome and knew that as well this was all heroes in here is his last gift to his grandson and his last gift to team seven after some time went by Kakashi Sakura and Naruto returned Jiraiya looks to konamaru alright Kono let's keep it quiet we don't want to ruin the surprise for everyone right konamaru would not vigorously team 7 entered as team 10 was leaving they gave them a quick look of greeting as well as well wishes before heading out they came in and sat down beside Konohamaru Naruto looked over and then did a double take what's with the fish eating grin Kono Konohamaru suddenly realized that he was beaming huh oh well I'm just happy because because I got promoted to genin Jiraiya Sensei gifted me his old headband I hope I can live up to the Shinobi who wore it before me Naruto padded Kon hamara on his back Jiraiya sat there his bowl completely empty his face showing a clear desire for a popsicle something sweet to wash down on the Savory Kakashi ordered three bowls of ramen which quickly came after that teuchi began working on a new batch as he just had enough to make three more bowls the others ate while konamaru just propped on his elbow watching them his grin still on his face a slight giggle in the back of his throat Sakura would look over and let off a small giggle of her own what jiraya would lift the back of konhamara's bandana causing the protector to slide over his eyes Konohamaru lifted it and looked back at the elderly Sage who gave him a look telling him to stop being so obvious after the meal Kakashi walked out with them he took them to the Monument of the will of fire Jiraiya followed at a distance Kakashi stepped up to it and looked it over he looked back I have a surprise for you though I suspect Konohamaru already knows Sakura and Naruto listened carefully curious but excited we've officially received a third member to our team to take the vacancy left by Sasuke that Kakashi had to say measuring his words carefully knowing that the word replacement might tear open a wound Kona hamaru sarutobi will be our third member as per the wishes of hirazin this has been planned for a long time time he said if you recall when konamaru was sent to us to learn or as he believed to scout out a new member for our team that was but a lie I made up the true motivation was to see if you could mesh well with the team and to see if you were even open to allowing another member to take the vacancy left by Sasuke it was here isn't hope to see his grandson on a team where he could grow and understand the Brotherhood that comes with being a Shinobi that's why I brought you all before this symbolic statue this the will of fire signifies a bond between us all we're all brothers and sisters not of blood but by Will and decision this was something here isn't always taught me and taught others so I felt it was only right to come here and say the same perhaps as a parting gift to you from him Sakura and Naruto turned around konamaru bowed to them in honor and respect it's not my wish to replace your friend I wish only to join your family if you'll have me I'll attempt to live up to my name and your expectations and hopefully perform in a way that'll make Big Brother Sasuke proud to have me carry on his duties I hope you'll please accept me Jiraiya smirked how long did it take him to to think of that he wondered we would be so honored to have you on our team Sakura said Naruto mirrored the sentiment nobody can ever replace Sasuke but if there was one person I could choose to carry on his duties for him it would be you little brother Konohamaru would suddenly begin to tear up large drops rolling down his cheeks as his lips quivered Sakura looked at him and wiped one away what's wrong he looks to her I'm I'm so happy that you all like me I was so scared that you wouldn't want me on the team soccer laughed no you're a wonderful kid Kono we're honored to have you a part of our little family we're brothers Kono there's no reason that you shouldn't be on our team they were overtaken with joy after this Jiraiya requested that Naruto and Konohamaru follow him they'd find a beach and sit down jaraya would give each one a popsicle as he himself would have too popsicles came in packs of two meaning there was always one left over and since he was the one buying he got the extra they just sat there and enjoyed the delicious blue raspberry flavor as they enjoyed their treat konomaru looked over to Naruto what even is a blue raspberry anyway I don't think it exists Naruto scoffed if it didn't exist this we wouldn't be eating it right now jiraya was too busy going full walrus on those popsicles to even care if blue raspberries were fruit or not as time slowly passed on he'd be left with two empty sticks he'd look down at Konohamaru and Naruto for a moment before looking back up well I suppose I should be on my way on your way konamaru asked Jiraiya nodded I gotta get back home he didn't think I planned to move here did you no I konohomaru said I just I thought we'd have more time to spend together Jiraiya Pat the boy's head distance is never an issue between friends because we always carry a piece of them with us I promise to visit often enough though so keep an eye out for me you two are strong and you've already learned enough to make even most Junior and shake in their boots Jiraiya thought about it you know I've taught you everything that I know except for one thing he looked down how about I teach you all Sage Mode Naruto and konhomaru looked up Sage Mode Jiraiya nodded well it won't be me teaching you I feel you'd benefit from learning it all on your own I'll let Kakashi know about the three unexplored Sage regions that I know about perhaps it's time to pass on my team's strength Next Generation make a new signing after that Naruto and Konohamaru would gather up by the gate to see Jiraiya off they would wave to him as he left Tears in their eyes but a smile on their faces they returned to team Kakashi where they'd begin to talk about sage mode and wishing to learn it Kakashi however denied them this to their utter shock Kakashi explained this however that they could not do the training right now because of a new Mission they were just assigned as it turns out the current wielder of the one-tail the kazakage Gara of the Hidden sand has just been kidnapped likely by the Akatsuki Naruto's face lit up hey I just remembered Itachi visited me about two and a half years ago and told me that the Akatsuki were trying to get tailed beasts together for some nefarious plot Kakashi nodded we know Jiraiya sent us a letter with the story you told him inscribed into it that's why it is of utmost importance that we go get him back if this tailed beast falls into the hands of the Akatsuki will be in big trouble and with that they began to make their way to the hidden sand as they entered the village Kakashi would feel the eyes upon him as he was mistaken for his father something evident by chio's reaction to him hamari was having the time of his life he'd never been to a desert before but it was then that they came across tamari and kankuro the latter in critical condition what happened to him Kakashi asked tamari looked over he was poisoned by an Akatsuki Puppet Master Kakashi began to get the details while Naruto and konhamaru checked on kankuro Sakura was there too to ensure Naruto and Kono didn't get in the doctor's way after collecting some information they set out to rescue Gara what kind of man is this Gara Naruto asked well he attacked konoha during the tuning exams and released a massive santanuki into the middle of the stadium that was him then why are we rescuing him Kakashi would sigh it has a dual purpose the first is to foster a good relationship with Suna and the other is to keep the one tail out of the hands of the Akatsuki as they spoke they'd suddenly be stopped by a clone of Itachi he was alone likely intended to serve as a distraction for the heroes but he instead let them passed telling them exactly where to go they rushed in that direction and made their way into the cave they had just barely missed the Enemy by no more than a minute they had just extracted the one tail from the body of gara this would lead to a battle Naruto and Kakashi vs datera in konohomaru Sakura and Chio against sasuri Konohamaru would stand there a kunai in one hand the other clenched into a fist Sakura was quite the same chiya was making use of Puppets much like saucery Konohamaru would rush in only for Sakura to completely blow past him before jumping into the air and striking the ground with such force that the ground began to shatter Konohamaru stopped for a moment his mouth the Gabe finally realizing why Big Brother Naruto had a crush on this girl as Sakura drove him back she managed to get a good strike in on her Target she smiled as the body fell apart but as she realized it was just a puppet her smile faded the real sorcery appeared well real is an exaggeration as this body was a puppet as well though it was also the vehicle of the only human part left of him he had his own little private Army of Puppets appeared to defend him Sakura would smash some and so would konahamaru but in the end Chio decided to use her own puppets to destroy those of sasuri creating an opening Sakura rushed in ready to strike his one weakness but as she did a compartment and his abdomen opened up and a wire laced with poison came out to strike at Sakura but Konohamaru being a little bit smaller and more Nimble rushes through and gets close he's not quite strong enough to do a sorcery so he tries something new he uses his scarf as a weapon and wraps the long tail of it around sasury's Wire by infusing his own chakra into it this creates such an opening that they can kill sasury with one strike a strike that Sakura takes advantage of she strikes sorcery in his heart killing him it's then revealed that datera escaped but they had recovered the body of Gara and in a moment of Consciousness Chio sacrifices her life to bring gara's life back after this they take a sample of sorcery's poison and return to Suna where they presented to the doctors who use it to cure kankuro they then head back to konoha but once they get there they have very little time to rest as danzo is taking the threat more seriously now he begins sending Shinobi out to capture the Akatsuki Dead or Alive the first targets are Hidan and kakazu two Shinobi that are linked to the Akatsuki and had partaken in another attack on another jinchuriki not too long ago before the mission begins Maru finds himself at ichirakurama and eating while Asuma comes in he sits down hey Kono what's up konomaru shrugs nothing really awesome escoffs surely you got something going on what about the hunt to take down the Akatsuki Konohamaru shakes his head no my team isn't partaking right now soccer has taken up studies to be a Healer and Naruto's creating a new Jutsu with Kakashi I've just been twiddling my thumbs Ah that's a shame Asama said konamaru looked over anything new with you Uncle awesome Has Smiled yeah something pretty big has happened to me recently guess who's gonna be a father konamaru looked over you Osama nodded Kono grew excited that's wonderful Uncle asima it means I'm gonna have a new cousin I can't wait to meet them who's the mom awesome a smiled and scratched the back of his head huh remember kuranai the leader of teammate oh that's the team Hinata Kiba akamaru and shinuwaran right awesome a pointed a finger to say Kona was spot on that's her konamaru would hug Asama that's so wonderful I know you'll make a great dad you're an awesome uncle so it's only natural that you'll make a great Papa awesome a smile the little surprise by the hug you really they don't have anything to do konamaru just shook his head awesome a thought for a moment well why don't you come with me then join team 10 for a short while on Mission konohamaru's eyes lit up you really mean it awesome a Shrugged I mean yeah why not but you should know that it's gonna be dangerous we're hunting s ranked Rogue Shinobi are you sure you can handle it konomaru stood up handle it I'm a sarutobi I can handle anything awesome laughed Alright you're on the team meet us by the gate tomorrow the day passed and the sun eventually Rose konamaru grabbed the things that he thought he might need he headed out to meet with his uncle and the team consisting of himself Asama Shikamaru and two others Konohamaru had never seen before uzumo and kotatsu together they go out to search as Ino choji and a Shinobi named raido search in another Direction they reached the fire temple and learned that chiruku has died they believe the Akatsuki may be attempting to claim the bounty on him so they decide to lay in wait and Ambush them at the Bounty exchange Point sure as the sun rises in the East the two roll up hidon is ambushed by Asama who throws his shuriken hidon manages to deflect them but finds he can't move as Shikamaru has grip them tightly with his shadow paralysis Jutsu it's then that izumo and kotetsu rush in and stab hidon but to their horror he does not die it's not long thereafter that kakuzu arrives offering to help although he Don refuses any help Asama and Hidan fight but as they do hidon manages to lick some of asima's blood heat on skin colored changes with the cursed Jutsu now in effect every bit of damage done to hidon causes Osama to take recoil hidon having transformed himself into a living voodoo doll Heaton readies to kill Asama konohomaru Cries Out Shikamaru does manage to stop this with the shadow paralysis Jutsu Shikamaru learns that if they can get Heaton off the cursed circle on the ground the Jutsu doesn't transfer the damage so they need to pull him out of the circle and hidon takes damage from an attack the damage not being transferred Osama beheads heat on but horribly hidon remains alive and has kakazu reattach his head the battle continues as it does Heaton manages to fool Asama stabbing himself with his own Scythe as he steps over the circle again Asama goes down Shikamaru cries out as does konamaru both run towards as hidon prepares to puncture his own and by extension asama's heart with a Spike as Shikamaru runs he trips and falls on his face losing his chance to save his mentor all while he blames himself for what's happening but not Kono though agile and Nimble as ever he rushes past quickly hidon laughs as he goes to stab himself but suddenly his arm is gripped by a scarf Konohamaru manages to swing around hidon by the scarf tripping and pulling him down and out of the circle Heaton stands and pulls the Scythe from his stomach fine you want to die first I got no quasa who dies [Laughter] he rushes at konohumaru with his strike it's everything konhamaru can do just to dodge it he forms a shadow clone but the moment it hits the ground it's killed how lucky shot hit on trips con hamaru Hidan raises his blade see you in hell squirt before he can drop the blade though Shikamaru catches him in Shadow paralysis Konohamaru stands he steps back and forms a shadow clone which then helps him form a Rasengan Kona runs forward planting the strike in hidon's chat sending him flying backwards he lays there for a second before sitting up declaring how badly that hurt before shrugging it off how do we kill something like that konamaru asks Shikamaru is unsure himself but all he knows is that they need to deal with it they need to take one alive and kill the other since this one is functionally Immortal he may need to be the prisoner but with his pain tolerance Shikamaru wonders how well the intelligence team will do getting any information out of him it's then that Shoji Ino and raido appear and join the battle kakuzu is beginning to wonder if they should Retreat Hidan doesn't want to though and so he continues the fight refusing to leave until he's killed at least one person in Revenge and right now the one he wants to to kill most is Konohamaru he licks his Scythe it's then that Kona realizes that he's been cut at some point in time hidon draws a circle on the ground and looks up with a nefarious grin I'll teach you what happens when you dare blaspheme in the face of joshing he stabs himself in the side with a spike Konohamaru cries out and hits the ground as he coughs up blood he raises the blade once more to hurt konamaru but he suddenly stopped when Eno uses her mind body switch technique to take over hidon's mind and body Sheena realizes it Eno get out of the circle she forces hiran out of his Circle and once more Shikamaru rushes forward the technique ends and Hidan opens his eyes with confusion before suddenly his head is once again decapitated Shikamaru takes the head for himself shoving it into his backpack where they can no longer hear it speak it's then that kakazu is informed by pain that he should return to base as they need to seal the two tails into the statue kakuzu informs pain of what's happened and pain informs him to leave Heaton as attempting him to get him back would risk kakazu's safety and would risk the loss of two members instead of just one so he orders him to retreat and kakazu obliges with the battle over they rush over to awesome who's still bleeding awesome Sensei are you okay you know asks forget about me is Kono okay Shikamaru rushes over to check on Konohamaru I think so it looks like a flesh wound hidon must have wanted to hurt him not kill him awesome his size and relief that's good now I just the adrenaline wearing off asthma passes out both Asama and konamaru are rushed to the hospital for their wounds both suffering from blood loss konamaru suffers from mild anemia while asimus suffers from major anemia as well as some perforated organs it doesn't take long to get konamaru patched up but Asama is still under the knife for a good few hours Konohamaru would wake up in the hospital his eyes open but blurry his speech slurred as his groggy eyes meet with a figure standing over him the figure leans down Kono Kono he smiles are you an angel Sakura size and relief no I'm just a Healer Konohamaru blushes a little in embarrassment suddenly Naruto rushes in still dripping wet from his training at the waterfall is he okay Sakura looks back with a smile yeah he's gonna be fine it was just a flesh wound a lot of blood loss but we've given him a trans fusion and stitched him up he should be back in working order in no more than two weeks maybe less Naruto's Sighs and relief a feeling shared by konamaru suddenly his eyes light up Uncle asima please tell me he's okay Sakura Smiles yes he's in surgery now but the doctors are adamant that his life can and will be saved she's deny herself even stepped in to deal with the injuries she's gonna do everything she can to make him better it was then that Shikamaru Ino and Shoji step into the room Shikamaru sees Konohamaru and asks him how he's doing like I've been stabbed but I'll live Shikamaru would laugh the Ino shikacho Trio then present a bouquet of flowers from Eno cut personally a bouquet of balloons from Shikamaru and a big box of chocolate from choji Shikamaru stands there I think I speak for all of Team 10 when I say thank you if it hadn't been for you our Mentor would have been killed konomaru Smiles he's my uncle too I would have been crushed if he died Shikamaru Smiles I see well we just wanted to thank you anyway you did us a solid know that if you ever need anything you can rely on the Ino shikacho Trio to help we'll leave now give you your privacy they proceed to turn around and close the door behind them Sakura Smiles you did so good Kono I'm proud of you konhomaru sat forward hey save some for me he called out to Naruto who had already broken into the chocolate konamaru then lay back Sakura giggled just take the rest of the time off the heel Kakashi said that if this Mission goes smoothly and we don't have anything super big to do after we can finally take that time off to train with Sage Mode there were three different locations and each provides a special way of accessing a new power Kakashi said we should all train separately and grow proficient in our own style so we can complement each other better when we're back together narut's already called dibs on Mount mioboku and I took shikatsu Forest that leaves you with ryuji cave where you'll meet the snake Sage sound good konohomaru pouted a little I wanted to be the Frog Sakura laughed snakes eat frogs so it'll give you a leg up on Naruto Kono smiled alright let's do that for the rest of the time he was in the hospital Naruto finished his signature technique the Rasen shuriken with it he managed to find and kill akakazu Asimo would also get better being capable of returning home where he would get quite a bit of time off that he could spend awaiting his new child Mirai sadly though it was during this time that Itachi would die he would just fade away he believed such a disgraceful end to a Shinobi as he would be fitting that maybe this was in some way Divine punishment maybe God was getting him back for the evil life he had led he hoped so it would bring his soul some peace as it passed on after this the three of them met up by the gate where Kakashi met them red-eyed and bushy-tailed eh that's good I can't come with you but here's a map for each of you it's quite hard to find the sages without knowing how to get to them and this should help you get there in one piece now head off get stronger and make me proud with hope in their hearts and fire in their bellies the three go their own ways to learn Sage Mode the three ninja walked down the road together Naruto was beaming from ear to ear on his right was Sakura on his left was konahamaru the two people he cherished most in this world as they continued their Trek down the road konamaru spoke so I'm gonna learn from some snake Sage what's that gonna be like so Sakura looked over I don't know but you should watch out snakes aren't the nicest be cautious konhamaru's eyes widen what you mean to say they might actually kill me she Shrugged there's no telling Naruto smiled you'll be fine Kono I Believe In You Konohamaru huffed easy for you to say you took the toads like Master jariah you already know what they're like Naruto smiled he knew this was true but still he couldn't wait to see what it was like when konamaru mastered snake sage mode or whatever it was they then came to a Crossroads they stopped and looked to each other I guess this is where we part ways Sakura said konamaru slowly nodded his head yeah Sakura brushed it off ah no matter we'll be done in no time and once we are we can all just hang out remember when we used to have sleepovers Naruto well we can do that again Naruto smiled bet train hard and master it as soon as you can and with that the three of them began to go their own way each one travels until they reach their intended destination for Sakura that shikotsu forest for Naruto that's Mount miobuku and for Konohamaru that's ryuchi cave for Sakura it took her about a week to get where she was going for konahamaru only a few days Naruto is saddened to find that it takes him a month to get there however he realizes that he could theoretically just hitch a ride with gamabunta so he uses the summoning technique to bring gamabunta there and climbs on his back and is teleported out there Naruto begins his training konamaru ends up reaching ryuichi cave just as the sun begins to set the moment he enters he's surprised to find its ornate and possesses the aroma of the night-blooming Jasmine the smell is so strong that it's like a flowery punch to the face there he's met by a beautiful woman who welcomes him in konamaru can feel his ears turning red as he looks at her and perhaps he was grinning a bit more than he'd hoped as he notices this girl is giggling at him she shows him in I'm here to meet with the white snake Sage I'd like to humbly ask of the honor of being taught senjutsu the girl Giggles again as Kona Maru lowers his head in respect do not worry you will meet the sage but before you do let's try some Hospitality first the greatest chefs in all of ryuichi Cave's vast network of tunnels have prepared a wonderful Feast for you to enjoy would you like to partake he thinks for a moment I don't know I'd really like to begin my training she smiles perhaps you should merely take off some time to relax soon the sage will grant you an audience and will begin to teach you at that point there will be no time to relax so now is the time to treat yourself she holds her hand out to him with the most beautiful smile looking into her eyes it's as if he's mesmerized by her captivated by the deepness of her soul he takes her hand and is led to a table where she sits food is brought to him as she sits beside him feel free to eat as you wish she said and at that time another girl enters the room scantily clad she begins to dance for his pleasure a quick burst of blood shoots from his nose and he nearly passes out he finds his head lying in the lap of his Hostess as she giggles he's in heaven he's never seen the afterlife before but if it's anything like this he's no longer afraid to die the woman Giggles what's the matter Kono darling isn't too much for you he laughs a little maybe just a little I just he stops she's looking down is something the matter Kon hamaru sits up and looks over when did I mention my name the woman's soft expression grows slightly more serious before softening out again you told me when you arrived konhamare looks at the food and the entertainment again and who told you I was going to arrive the woman sighed her expression becoming slightly more disappointed I really was looking forward to eating you you're so small and adorable I wonder if you taste as sweet as you act konamaru was a little startled eat the woman looked over her Visage a bit more reptilian of course silly you didn't think we were just gonna let you go the sage insisted that whoever fails our test we can eat but only if you fail our test sadly though you passed at least you passed my test let's see if you have what it takes to make it to the end she faded away and with her she took the rest of the ornate Palace all that was left was the dancer whose clothes had shifted to something a bit more modest similar to what the hostess had been wearing before she beckoned Konohamaru to follow her with a giggle Konohamaru stood and chased after her hey wait he called out she appeared to be about the same age as konamaru she was playful and almost seemed sweet to a point but by this time Konohamaru had reinforced his mind realizing that nothing he saw in this cave was for real for all he knew he was right now in some elaborate genjutsu while the snakes were slowly draining his life force he kept his attention up and kept moving forward eventually he's led by her into a room and the moment he does the entrance behind him closes what's going on I wanted you to take me to the sage the girl Giggles you're so much livelier than the others generally we only ever see old men come through and they're hard to play with because they're so stiff so rare that someone closer to my age comes through I bet you're so fun you're cute too maybe you could just stay here with me forever I love to drink the chakra from a defeated man someone who no longer has the will to fight back it's so delicious she giggles Konohamaru looks back at the entrance and finds a stone slab with many holes and crevices in it each is a particular shape a man-made shape he begins to look around and find stones of the most vibrant colors each in a man-made shape oh so you finally discovered the puzzle fantastic you're so smart Kono but solving it's a different story he begins to pick up Stone and measure them to the holes he fits one into one hole that was easy now do the rest he begins to search for other stones for a few hours he continues his puzzle all while these snake girl is just floating about keeping herself occupied while she waits for Konohamaru to give up eventually he makes it to the final hole but not a single Stone he tries will fit he tries them all three times each he then kicks the door damn it this isn't fair I did the puzzle this is cheating the snake girl comes up behind him and puts her chin over his shoulder so now maybe you can stay with me if you do I promise not to drink you all at once I'll bite you and leave you in a euphoric dream and just slowly siphon from you over the course of a few days if you thought the first test was Heaven just wait until I bite you food and drink to your heart's content konamaru Shrugged her off his shoulder without a word as he continued to search the stones he picked one up of a similar shape and tried to mash it in but it also did not fit in his anger he began to take that stone and push harder eventually he let out a yell as he began just smashing the stone into the wall as if he could will it to fit and oddly it worked he smashed it so hard that the stone broke and when it did the remnants fit into the hole the girl behind him sighed poo I really wanted you all to myself konamaru would book it out of their ASAP but why don't we take a break and check in on sakura-chan real quick let's see where she is Sakura has finally made it to shikotsu Forest and she's surprised to see that the forest is far larger than she'd imagined it's filled with giant sequoia trees and even giant versions of other tree it almost feels like she's but a bug in this Forest her normal walking speed which had carried her this far was now suddenly seeming inadequate she continued to follow her map which would apparently lead to an underground spring she walked for what seemed like forever making very little progress even the grass here was larger she weaved under massive leaves it was as if she had been shrunk down to a miniature's size but as she did so she would eventually find where she was going steam poured out of this tiny hole in the ground as she entered she felt the humidity but she also began to smell something strange it smelt like grains boiling wart and sulfur that's just what her nose thought it smelled coming deeper she discovered that this little hot spring had been transformed into a bath house and a makeshift Brewery she was smelling the process of them making beer she would be led deeper to the sage himself she would bow and introduce herself to her surprise the slug was very kind and welcoming only stopping his conversation with her to take in more beer he offered her some and she feared being rude so she accepted she took one sip there was the bitter and sour taste of of hops and fermentation though there were traces of Sweetness in there that tasted like citrus the slug Sage laughed upon seeing a faux mustache on his soon-to-be new Apprentice Sakura giggled and pointed out these Sage's very own mustache and the two chortled for some time and what did you say that your name was little human the sage asked Sakura she spoke up Sakura Haruno the Sage's eye stocks bounced a bit in excitement as she spoke well miss Sakura I believe this to be the start of a wonderful and most fruitful relationship Sakura then asked what he would teach her and the sage informed her that they did not Teach senjutsu as the other sages did instead they believed in storage in storing one's power for use at a later time to be prepared it was then that he informed her that he would teach her the strength of a hundred seal as well as how to make use of healing chakra as healing was one of the Specialties of the Slugs of course your body doesn't secrete the same types of fluids that ours does so it'll be harder to teach you our ways but we have many techniques for healing and so Sakura continued her training Naruto had a leg up on everyone as he had already been training for days he was past the preliminary stages of his learning and was now learning to take in nature energy though his cheeks continue to Pudge as he had yet to be capable of balancing it properly but that was what the beat stick was for just to beat that extra Sage chakra out of him to help him find his balance back at konohamaru's training grounds he found himself walking alone in the darkness when suddenly a snake girl rushed up from behind and bit his shoulder he let it a cry and fell to one knee holding his shoulder he looked up what was that for he sees jariah looking back at him I don't know what was it for konamaru is startled pervy Sage Jiraiya kneels down next to him and looks him over shame real damn shame I had thought that maybe Heroes and might start a dynasty here produce at least one air worthy of becoming Hokage but you're just so weak konamaru shook his head no I will become Hokage will you now came the voice of asima from behind he looked back at Asama Uncle Asama looked back you really are pathetic you thought that you had what it takes you were ashamed to hear his legacy he said and you're not ever going to become Hokage a third voice came after asamas Konohamaru looked back to the figure to find Naruto there I entertained your dream for a while but it's time to face facts even if I gave up on my dream of becoming Hokage you wouldn't have a chance you're a watered-down version of here is in and you bring shame to everything that was the god of Shinobi you're a burden on me your friends your family and everyone you know but then again you knew that when we faced Orochimaru I was the one having to defend you because you were so scared of that girl's Vision being stabbed to death she told you even still you wonder if she really meant you and not kabato you're paralyzed in fear and because of that you'll never amount to anything Konohamaru growled don't assume you know anything about me he shouted at the shade of his friend but suddenly the gruff voice of a man he knew well spoke from behind him we know everything about you grandson here isn't stood there I never told you about your parents did I Konohamaru looked back at him with Terror in his eyes or maybe you always knew the Specter of Heroes and knelt beside him one hand on the boy's shoulder his eyes filled with malice they're still alive he whispered to him they were always alive they abandoned you because you were weak you were not the child they wanted so they dumped you off on me and I in turn dumped you off on ebisu none of us wanted you ever why do you think awesome didn't take you in after I was killed why do you think Abby Sue never tried to stop you from leaving the train with jariah even Jiraiya didn't want you there he only agreed to take you so Naruto wouldn't be lonely but even Naruto's grown out of you now you're just a third wheel a hanger on so why should you even walk out of this cave alive why are you fighting so hard nobody loves you nobody wants you maybe maybe you should just die tears were rolling down konohamaru's cheeks as he listened so much of it made sense he just sat there on his knees his own arms Crossing in front of him as if he were searching for a hug from himself the specters of his past stood and gathered around him just give in just choose to die you'll save yourself and the rest of your friends a lot of trouble konamaru sniffed a bit and took a deep breath you're you're right I am weak the Specter of heroism began to smile nefariously but suddenly that look in his eyes was robbed when he heard konamaru say but I know you're wrong you're lying to me because I know Naruto he fought to protect me when I was scared not because I asked him to but because he was scared to lose me I'm still scared that I will die I'm still scared of being stabbed but if I had a choice to get stabbed to death they let my big brother Naruto down I would choose to be stabbed he refused to go train with jariah without me so I know he loves me and jariah Sensei does too when I broke my arm he wrapped it personally when it ached at night he let me sleep in his bed with him Jiraiya loved me too when I loved Jiraiya he was my master but he was also a friend a part of my family and Asama well I saved his life he screamed out my name in fear when I got hurt doing so and when when you died grandpa I was so sad but I knew you loved me and wanted what was best for me because your final order was to put me on team seven so I wouldn't be alone after you died I am loved I may be weak but I'll fix that I may be scared but I'll face that and as long as the love of my friends exists I will too I won't let you mess with my head my parents they were Valiant envo agents who gave their lives in battle in defense of the village where their little boy lived a boy that they named after the village of his birth I carry the name of the very Village I love and I will not disgrace it by calling myself of no worth he wiped his eyes and stood nice try but I'm not gonna let you destroy me the image of herizin seemed shocked but smiled before transforming back into the third snake woman the fog went away and Konohamaru found himself in front of a temple the woman before him smiled you passed my test normally I'd be upset but after witnessing all of your self-doubt and fears I know your heart is pure and that is something so rare to find these days you are worthy of meeting with the snake Sage go on I'll be there with you Konohamaru that off a small triumphant smile and climb the stairs into the temple where he found the White Snake Sage resting on a lounge she seemed elderly and weak but she exuded a sense of power her eyes watched as he stepped in with a smile on her face so rare are the worthy that I know you must truly deserve this power if you've come this far seeking it konamaru nodded yes your Excellency I would be so honored if you would deem me worthy to learn your most treasured of Arts impressed by the flowery nature of his speech she knew that he must have learned it during his time in the hokage's residence she bit him closer with a finger he came closer to her turn away from me and kneel Konohamaru would turn to face away from her and kneel just as she asked she pulled on the sleeve of his shirt to expose his neck before sinking her fangs into it he let out a cry as he felt the piercing pain and the flow of a poison so potent that it seemed his insides were turning to liquid once she'd removed her fangs from his neck he crawled forward and stood what was that I thought you were going he saw three of the sage and wondered if it was a trick no it was his own eyes he felt light-headed a moment later his legs went out from under him and he hit the ground the snake Sage then spoke he made it this far now let's see if his body is truly strong enough for this power to go beyond his natural limits into far greater potential Konohamaru was out not just for hours but for days for a week he was unconscious fighting the inner demons in his heart as his body sat on a fence trying to decide whether to accept this poison into its system or to merely give up and die the process of deciding was as painful as the bite itself and konhamaru found himself unaware of how much time was passing under the orders of the White Snake Sage the three girls who had tested him would be his personal servants tending to his every need while his body fought to accept this new power for the most part his needs consisted of a cool rag to Stave off the fever and a warm bowl to hold the food his body needed to burn for fuel each one possessed the utmost respect for him that was not present when he came to them they too would offer their own poison but not in a way as to harm him but like a steroid to help his body grow strong enough to accommodate his new Sage transformation to them this was the most powerful form of sage power to exist while in the form he would need to passively take in nature energy without the threat of turning to Stone or needing to stay still unlike the ability taught by the Toads of mount mioboku for those who weren't truly worthy of this power even if they could access it their organs would inevitably fail but alas that was what their poison was for by slowly poisoning him throughout the course of his Agony they would help his body build the tolerance and if ever he woke up from this he would enter a world of power he had never known for a week Konohamaru agonized but as the seventh a rolled around his fever broke and he seemed to sleep in peace one of the sages who had spent time testing him and further attempting to heal him would inform the White Snake Sage that his body accepted it the White Snake Sage was pleased this should make a Shinobi of wondrous power perhaps enough to even rival the very Sage of Six Paths himself as time passed konhamaru would wake up in the bed he'd been allotted by the sage he wiped the sweat from his brow as one of these Sage women approached him it seems you've accepted the power konamaru blinked for a moment I've learned Sage Mode the girl giggled far more than that you've gained a sage transformation something far superior to Mere Sage Mode a form designed to help you better attain sage mode without the drawbacks that you get from Mount mioboku Kono grabbed his stomach ugh I feel like I'm gonna throw up the sage once more laughed that is the effect of the poison it should subside soon konamaru looked up how long was I out the sage thought for a moment about a week 172 hours to be exact konamaru sat up in bed it was that long I thought it was two days tops the sage shook her head time passes differently for those in the dream world one may live a full life in but an hour long dose or they can spend two days in nonsense as years pass them by it's better that you don't remember your week of Agony but thankfully that time is over you're free to leave whenever you desire but I recommend you stay one final night to rest if you do I ensure that you will feel better in the morning konamaru nodded and proceeded to spend one last night with the snakes the day after he began to take in his breakfast and Loda preparing to return home he would once more thank the White Snake sage and prepare to leave but she would stop him the vision that girl ahead of you Konohamaru stopped and felt his heart jump yeah the sage continued she saw that she would die by stab wounds konamaru looked back the sage continued you will be the deciding factor of the future of your village unlike other Fates I see two paths you may take one will lead to your own prosperity and the destruction of your village but the other will lead you to ruin for the sake of your Homeland I see a blonde boy with tears on his cheeks and the eye of the sage of Six Paths May these Powers you've received from us serve you well and may the path of your destiny be one you climb without regret konamaru nodded in Banks and began to leave all the while he thought deeply upon what obasan had said it seemed that very soon he would have to sacrifice himself and if he didn't all he trained and fought so hard for would be destroyed he was still fated to die and that terrified him Naruto would eventually finish his training but as he did so he'd be told that konoha was under attack by the Akatsuki who were searching for him the village was already devastated though many yet lived Naruto knew that it was of utmost importance that he hurried back to the Village but at the same time he knew that even if he ran off now he would still take a month to get back and so he decided to ask the toad sages if it were feasible to use reverse summoning they nodded and so Naruto was teleported back to konoha almost immediately but upon getting there they realized that the leaf had been all but destroyed the only thing left is the Hokage Monument he's then met by Payne who stands there before him that's fine you've saved me the trouble of hunting you down Naruto would leap off to meet him in battle activating his Sage Mode he begins to go all out throwing his Ross and shuriken at them with his new control over nature energy Naruto has gained the ability to utilize an even more powerful version of his own technique and through this he manages to even throw it in doing so he defeats the downside of his Ross and shuriken but it still consumes so much chakra he can only use it maybe twice without running out but that is what his other Shadow clones are for as he fights he comes to learn that the paths of pain are resurrecting due to the naraka path's interference and so Naruto makes taking out the naraka path his next priority he creates a dust cloud and then sends Shadow clones in as a diversion to attack the other paths while he himself launches himself into the air unnoticed to strike the naraka path however the faded Winds of what if begin to blow and Naruto misses the naraka path who suddenly jumps to the side to get away from the threat the diva path stops and looks back rather impressed with what Naruto has done as the Toads rush to his Aid the diva path orders the animal path to deal with them which she does with her summons Naruto stands and prepares to attack once more all the wild diva is ready he utilizes his universal pull to drag Naruto to him before smashing him into the ground he then stabs his hands with a chakra Rod as Naruto is left on the ground Pain kneels by him this pain you feel it's the same that I once felt my Village was like this destroyed by another's hand my friends my loved ones my parents an adopted family they were all killed I came to realize at that moment just how much pain there is in this world a world that thrives off of hatred off of the pain of others I will teach them another way but before I can I must teach them the true meaning of pain I will subject them to a war so brutal that they will not wish it upon even their worst enemy and then in the Brotherhood of sorrow and pain love and peace will Bloom you're a fool Naruto cries up at him his single Sharingan glowing you think you can force people to be friends I had a friend I lost a friend that was my first great pain the first person to willingly be by my side and actually care if I was alive if I was happy it would have meant nothing to me if you've been forced to do it so I know when I tell you that your desires are hogwash that's not peace it's endless deterrence those two aren't the same thing you dream of peace and quiet but never mistake the two quiet isn't peace it's just inactive War Hate and pain will exist still and people will suffer anyway Naruto attempted to rise to his knees and painfully drag his hands up and off the spike I'll make peace my own way and I don't need you I only need my friends Peyton thought this was admirable and that his determination and conviction were nothing short of the same he himself had Payne saw himself in this boy but there was something separating them that pain was certain he could crack he just needed the right thing he would strike Naruto in the back with his fist and place six more chakra rods down his back to hold him in place take the nine tails from him if he will not join us willingly he'll die the other Paths of pain gathered around to remove the tailed beast but just at that moment the naraka path went down blown apart by a Rasengan Naruto looked over standing there was Konohamaru Naruto called out to him little brother run konhamaru pulled his thumb across the tip of his nose as he winked at Naruto with a smile you think I got these powers for nothing onichon Naruto was stunned Powers konohumaru closed his eyes and took a deep breath slowly a cyan Aura formed around him as his hair rose up a little from his forehead came a single horn as his chakra congealed into translucent snakes pain looked on with curiosity another Sage perhaps konhamaru smiled indeed but this is different from anything onichon to situ with be prepared konohomaru rushed in and began to strike out at all these Six Paths his fists coated in Chakra his snakes covering every inch of himself that he couldn't see or couldn't catch Konohamaru without the help of even any of his shadow clones was taking on the five remaining Paths of pain but suddenly as he fought not a second Kono appeared beside Naruto and gently began to pull the rods out of his body he hugged Naruto I made it back just in time Naruto looked up at him get out of here please I don't want you getting hurt konhamara would smile at him same goes for you big brother the Clone vanished as Naruto came to his knees Konohamaru managed to take out the Asura path leaving only Diva animal human and predipance animal and preda both attacked Naruto with it being predo's sole duty to take the nine tails from him he grabbed onto Naruto and began to absorb his chakra hoping to start taking the nine tails last as Naruto found himself being drained he called out and Shima would summon his final clone that shadow clone would transfer its Sage chakra to Naruto which he would use to turn the predipath into a stone frog before shattering it but he was already so weak the animal path continued to assault him with its summons though a weak gamabunta saw him struggle at that moment he threw his dagger out at the animal path killing it all the while Kon hamaru had just killed the human path leaving only the diva with a sudden raise of his hand Diva pushed Konohamaru back he then looked at Naruto and raised his hand again a multi dude of chakra rods forming in the air around him he began to launch them at him Konohamaru would rush between Naruto and pain attempting to catch the rods with his snakes and many he did but in the end Konohamaru would find himself perforated five times Naruto lay there in the dirt he looked up his eyes transfixed upon konamaru standing before him the sun Shone down through the smoke and debris Konohamaru had his arms out his legs in a wide stance as his chakra snakes held the remaining chakra rods as the chakra dissipated the rods fell he faltered a bit and stumbled he hit his knees Naruto rushed over and grabbed him and held him Konohamaru let out a gasp and a cry he looked at Naruto oh Oni John it hurts it hurts Naruto gripped Kono why did you do this why konohomaru's breathing grew quicker and more frazzled I don't know I just moved his face grimaced as tears rolled down his cheeks his voice was cracking as he spoke onichan onichan I don't want to die I don't want to die Naruto shook his head just stay with me here Kon hamaru looked up at him please don't let me die his eyes rolled up into his head tears began to roll down Naruto's cheeks pain looked down upon them both only through pain will you understand Naruto looks up at pain but something's different his Sharingan has evolved into a mangyakyo Payne sees this and feels some interest Naruto lays Konohamaru down and stands tears streaming down his face as he looks on suddenly he feels a pulsing pain and for a second he thought he saw Sasuke standing with him suddenly when his hand pulls from his eye it is once more evolved pain is astounded is that the Rinnegan the wind blows dust between them you killed my little brother he seems to whimper through a shaky voice he suddenly cries out at him and pain is knocked back by an almighty push Payne catches himself only the sage of Six Paths can achieve this dojutsu only the one who will bring peace to the world these six tomoir Rinnegan of Naruto seems to burn with the darkness as suddenly the Eternal flames of a matarasu appear from it pain sees this coming so he removes his cloak and throws it out in front of him to catch the flames but to his surprise Naruto suddenly utilizes a manatejikara and changes places with Payne's coat where he shoves a Rasengan into him but this Rasengan is unlike any other it's black as night filled to the brim with six paths chakra in Onyx resengan something not too far removed from a truth-seeking orb and just like a truth-seeking orb it explodes with Incredible ferocity like a miniature nuclear explosion Naruto jumps back and away from it the diva path lays there for a moment as its broken body begins to stand it weaves hand signs and he launches a fireball at Naruto Naruto raises a hand and absorbs this Jutsu with his new Predator path he then summons from out of the blue the ghetto statue Payne is terrified as he realizes Naruto is just hijacked his entire plan the entirety of project tsukinome has fallen into Naruto's hands along with all the progress that they had made up to that point the ghetto statue raises its hand and mercilessly strikes pain ending him but all the same Naruto knows that it's not over yet he picks up a chakra rod and uses his sage mode to sense it and knows where it's coming from Naruto then proceeds in that direction into the trees nearby The Village as he does he finds himself in a paper tree he steps in as Conan and nagato grow a bit defensive though nagato quickly relaxes and tells Conan to do the same informing her that there is no way to fight him Naruto stands there as tears stream down his face who killed my little brother I already lost a Brethren you just took the other pain sits there do you hate me Naruto sneers through glassy eyes I hate your guts I wish you were dead nagato nods then maybe you finally know pain maybe you're the person to replace me as leader of the Akatsuki like hell Naruto shouts at him nagato seems confused how can you say that after this how can you not understand that this is the only way to stop other people from losing their Villages and brothers like you have because I'm not a dumbass like you Naruto shouted do you think that I don't know that war causes death when I was in the academy they taught us the Warring States period they had to it was what spawned the beginning of the village the senju on Uchiha fighting endlessly we don't even know the cause and it's well reputed by those who knew the the first okage that even the senju and uchihad didn't know why they were fighting it was an endless war an endless cycle of tit-for-tat of Vengeance and revenge you can cause as much pain as you want but it won't stop people from fighting so long as two people are lesser on this planet there will always be a reason to kill somebody you can't stop that nagato listened with intent Naruto stepped forward I want to kill you I want to kill you so damn badly I want you to die but I'm not gonna kill you I'm not like you I don't want to give into this cycle I want true peace that's why instead I'm gonna drag you before the Hokage and demand that you answer for this nagato listened Naruto continued my eye I received it from my first brother my own big brother he made me promise him that I would show him the world that I'd make I'm gonna bring peace to this world in my own way without killing without giving into the cycle of hatred I will save this world the way it was meant to be saved through love just as Sakura taught me just as Sasuke taught me just as konamaru taught me nagato sat there in silence but in that moment he felt in his heart that he was right maybe I was right all along you are the one to replace me as the Daybreak for this world but unlike me you'll do it in your own way you'll do it the right way Naruto listened in I will place all my faith into you and into this new world which you'll show Sasuke I wish to see it too and I shall Through The Eyes of all those I'll resurrect Conan turned to him no nagato don't you'll die nagato looked to her there's a time for everything to live and a time for everything to die I wish for my death to have impact and to leave a lasting Legacy as a founder of peace and so I will return to the ways of Jiraiya and I'll put my faith into Naruto and his friends he puts his hands together and expands all of his chakra to summon the King of Hell to resurrect those killed by his hands and in that moment The Souls of those who died were restored to their hosts nagato sat there his hair is white as a spirit he looked up at Naruto I trust you he then died in the village he lay there konohumaru's corpse devoid of blood and life this was exactly as the white snakes Sage had said he would one day die stabbed to death he could Escape it but if he had Naruto would die and the world would be thrown into turmoil he had died a selfless hero but suddenly as the king of Hell Rose from the ground a green light passed into him he gasped as his eyes opened he breathed deeply there were still chakra rods in his body but he felt no pain he for a second wondered if he were dead but he felt as if he were alive it was then that a medic rushed over to him I have him the medic cried out I found the honorable grandson he's wounded but alive the medic looked down this may hurt but it's best in the long run he began to pull all the chakra rods out tears came to his eyes as each one was pulled out but he came to rest once the deed was done the medic began to heal him konamaru asked him what had happened and the man said he had no clue Konohamaru relaxed but as he did he looked to the side and saw Naruto coming Naruto looked forward and saw Konohamaru he rushed over to him and lifted him into his arms for a hug Naruto gasped out a sigh of relief as tears of joy sprang from his eyes I thought I lost you konamaru also in a particularly emotional mood began to cry as he held onto Naruto all the while as the dust settled danzo any Detachment of anbu were investigating the damage as well as the strange new structure in the center of the village it's giving off chakra reading sir tailed beasts danzo smiled wallet off allow nobody to see it until we can have it moved the on Boost saluted their Hokage and began to set up tarps and build walls to hide this strange new discovery little did they know what they had as the dust settled and the sun began to set Sakura returned to the Village she bore on her forehead the strength of a hundred seal as well as all the healing Jutsu that the slug Sage had to offer including the creation rebirth technique not only had her body grown immensely stronger but it also grew functionally Immortal so long as her technique was active she couldn't wait to show the boys what she could do she seriously began to think that she might have been the strongest member of their team at this moment as she reached the Village Gate she smiled and opened it up I'm back baby she screamed out before properly rolling down the incline of the crater left behind by Payne's almighty push once she reached the bottom of the crater she looked around wait what did I miss she stood inside it's a damn good thing that I'm perhaps the most talented healer in the history of shigotsu forest I guess it's time to get to work she made her way to the hospital one of the few structures that had already been built by Yamato on her way there she passed by the ghetto statue already covered and hidden she had no idea what it was and didn't really want to find out she simply hoped that everyone was okay with added urgency she rushed off to be of use at the hospital the wind blew as the freshly grown grass and cherry trees lined the path Yamato must have worked so hard on this the most beautiful Parkway in all of konoha and why wouldn't he it was the pathway that led to the cemetery where those who gave their life in defense of konoha were interred and memorialized today Naruto had a bouquet of flowers these were the birth flower of babies born in July and today just happened to be July 23rd Sasuke's birthday he walked to the stone tablet that marked where Sasuke was buried and laid the flowers down Sakura and Konohamaru were it far behind each had decided to give the others privacy and a moment to spend with their friend Naruto knelt down by The Headstone and pushed a little debris from it so it could be properly red he let off a weak smile that was so light one might not have even noticed it it's been a long and hard Road brother he said as his finger traced the name engraved on the stone I sometimes can't help but wonder how things might have been different if it had been you here fighting for konoha and me well here you had so much to live for and yet you gave it all up just to keep me safe with you gone your clan is now extinct and that's a separate tragedy I really wish I was able to save you the world could have used Sasuke a lot more than Naruto he stood and looked down but I suppose I shouldn't get all mopey in front of you it's your birthday and I don't want to ruin it happy birthday big bro I hope that you can see the world through this Rinnegan I have now I hope I'm making you proud Naruto turned to walk away and saw Sakura coming holding her own bouquet she had tears in her eyes that she wiped away as she smiled a truly Bittersweet moment as she walked past he put his hand on her shoulder to give a little Comfort Naruto would look over toward the statue of the will of fire and see Kakashi standing there admiring the red Monument Naruto would slowly make his way over Kakashi Sensei did you come to see Sasuke too Kakashi continued to look at the Statue reading the inscription I came here to honor a lot of my friends there was silence for a time he looked to Naruto you know you remind me of myself in a way I too was gifted a Sharingan by a friend I considered a brother Kakashi lifted the sash over his eye Naruto looked at it he had known Kakashi had always had a transplanted Sharingan but never really asked about it Kakashi sat down on a bench nearby Naruto sat beside Kakashi what was your friend's name it was Obito Obito Uchiha and he was a boy with a heart of immeasurable size if I could be half as kind and caring as he then I would consider myself a saint Naruto nodded I'm sorry for your loss Sensei I'm sorry for yours too Naruto he put his arm around Naruto and the two just sat there as sad as days like this are they do get easier all wounds heal with time they can leave a nasty scar but in our line of work a scar is a badge to show experience and a tool you used to help others heal to be a Shinobi is to be more than just a fighter or someone who knows Ninjutsu a true Shinobi is someone who looks out for others and helps everyone without bias especially when they're in their lowest point you're going to make a fine Shinobi Naruto the key entered the lock on the door and turned unlatching it Naruto opened the door with Konohamaru behind him they stepped in and immediately felt the AC and smelled the smell of their home which smelled a little like sweat and Ramen mixed with air freshener they left their shoes at the door and stepped in deeper and began to boil cups of water Naruto then grabbed some instant Ramen and sat it down on the table the difference this time was that there were three cups instead of just two they were expecting company not too long after they heard a knock on the door Konohamaru opened it up and saw Sakura who stepped in carrying a small duffel bag with everything she would need to stay the night ready for the sleepover she asked with a smile in her eyes as she ruffled konohamaru's hair his eyes sparkled as he nodded and let her in Naruto was just now pouring the water into the cups of ramen to let it cook the three of them sat down set a blessing over the food and began to eat Sakura smiled this reminds me of old time Yumi and Sasuke used to do this a lot whenever we had the chance we'd have a sleepover we really were just a big family still are too and now we have another little brother to spend time with Naruto nodded and didn't say anything as he continued to eat they would watch some TV play a few games and ultimately just spend time with each other but it was obvious that having a good time was going to be hard after all who could really enjoy a birthday party when the birthday boy wasn't present they lit the candles on the cake 17 to be exact the three of them stood by it as Sakura took a picture all three would then blow out the candles and Cut the Cake after eating it they'd prepare for bed three rolls on the living room floor Konohamaru was fast asleep and Sakura was attempting to fall asleep as well Naruto is having a far harder time though after a while he stood up and opened the door that led to the balcony he stepped out on it and leaned on the railing lazily as he gazed out over the Sleepy Village the Moonlight blanketing the landscape in a pale blue color he looked out at the ghetto statue he'd summoned it was now covered and hidden in onbu presence constantly remaining Vigilant to defend it from any possible threat ever since he had gained the Rinnegan things had changed for him he was no longer allowed to leave the village and was barely allowed to go anywhere inside the village unless it was absolutely necessary his visit today was the first time in a week he was allowed out of his apartment he was The Village's hero and he knew this donzo chamora knew this too but the one thing they both knew but never mentioned was that Naruto right now was a prisoner maybe he was allowed to stay home see friends and get whatever he wanted but the fact remained that he was a prisoner but as he continued to look out at the Village he remembered that his Sharingan had evolved it was far more powerful now than it ever had been what had happened Naruto didn't know but he began to realize that whatever it was it was Sasuke's potential and not his own had Sasuke remained alive he would have far surpassed everything Naruto was Naruto looked down again this was always the hardest time the two hardest days of the year the date of Sasuke's birth and the date of his death at about that moment Sakura stepped out behind him he looked over his shoulder at her for a moment and then back to the Village what's the matter not Naruto couldn't sleep he shook his head she came up to the edge beside him looking out over the village it really is beautiful at night she looked over at Naruto to see tears streaming down his face oh Naruto his eyes were shut tightly as his head seemed to look down into the right as if trying to hide Tears like he was embarrassed she took his cheeks in her hands and raised them to face her her thumbs wiping the tears from his cheeks it's okay to be sad Naruto Sasuke wouldn't be mad if you need to cry you can cry his lip Quivers a little it just hurts so much I thought I was over it all but sometimes when I'm heating up the water for ramen I look back to konamaru and call him Sasuke when asking what flavor he wants does this pain ever really go away she seemed to tear up a little too she shook her head no it doesn't he left a hole in our hearts that we can't fill that we wouldn't want to fill even if we could he stood there sniffling I wish it had been me I know you loved him you loved Sasuke and because of me he's gone you must hate me Sakura almost seemed appalled hate you I could never hate you you didn't kill Sasuke Sasuke gave up his life so you could live Naruto continued to cry his clan is gone and your chances of being with someone who makes you happy are gone and it's because of me suddenly Sakura pressed her lips into his at first he was surprised but as time continued to pass and she continued to kiss him he gave in and instinctively began to reciprocate all the while mile Konohamaru from within watched with a smile on his face he turned over to his side to give them privacy and went back to sleep the next morning as the sun rose It cast a new light down on everything as Naruto awakened to the kind gaze of Sakura laying in her role beside him the distance between their respective roles being about zero she rubbed his cheek gently with her hand as she smiled he also smiled things today just felt better and as he fixed breakfast Naruto seemed to do so with a pep in his stamp but dancing is stride a man in love Sakura giggled and pointed over you're gonna burn the eggs pay attention Naruto he smiles it's called caramelization the black on it means that it's good Konohamaru was resisting every urge to declare Sakura and Naruto to be sitting in a tree the three of them had breakfast together after this Sakura stood and grabbed her things well I need to be off my family will be expecting me Naruto waved as she laughed Konohamaru sat there his head propped up against one hand as he smiled you two are so cute together Naruto's face turned a little red what do you mean konamaru laughed as he fell back there's no way you think others can't see it it's so cute danzo stood by the statue within the gate they had set up a sensory Shinobi came up to him sir we've confirmed that the statue currently houses the tailed beasts that have been reportedly stolen from the other Shinobi Villages donzo looked up at the Statue this was the super weapon the Akatsuki had formed this is what they were planning to use to destroy that meant two things number one konoha was now in control of what was perhaps the most powerful weapon on the face of the Earth and number two the Akatsuki would come for it this meant that konoha would soon become a battlefield it was dangerous yes but at the same time it would be far harder to protect it outside of the village so it was at that moment that danzo decided to take the statue and have it moved to a location under the village where it could be properly hidden one day The Village folk were looking at the Statue and a second later it disappeared with a puff of smoke as if it had never really been there as danzo and his people studied it they came to realize that the Rinnegan was required to control this Beast which meant that pain had been the only one capable of making use of it but with Payne's death his Rinnegan had disappeared no matter how much danzo looked for them they were gone but that didn't leave him without other options Naruto possessed a Rinnegan and currently he was the only one with the means to control this but as danzo thought about it he continued to realize that he shouldn't and couldn't just stop there this super weapon was incomplete if he could finish what the Akatsuki had started he might just be able to secure konoha's future perhaps unite All Nations under the flag of the leaf he himself would become the most powerful man in the world and the world would know peace all the while Danza was unaware that he was being watched Naruto was just walking down the streets towards the marketplace to pick up some produce and he was whistling as he walked the villagers who had once hated and feared him now waved as he came closer he was no longer that little demon that threw in the village she was their hero he saved their lives as Naruto walked back to his apartment he stopped by the door and prepared to pull out his key fumbling around with the bags in his hand trying to get the key out he puts the produce down and produces a key suddenly a voice Gruff and tired calls out to him having a hard time he looks up to see danzo shimura standing there Lord fifth it's an honor to have you here danzo looks around you've been doing well you've been doing konoha a favor by keeping yourself hidden but now I believe that it's okay for you to leave your home I am adamant that you're no longer a target of the Akatsuki but there is something new that you need to do for your village child the power in your eye controls the statue the statues the akatsuki's weapon that they've been building up to destroy the world with such a power cannot fall into the wrong hands and so that I you possess you must give it to me Naruto is startled his hand goes up over his Rinnegan my eye danzo's hand extends to him he you will be well compensated Naruto looked at him I no I can't denzo's face Twisted in disappointment this isn't a request this is a direct order from your Hokage give me a Rinnegan and you shall be compensated Naruto shook his head I understand the value this I must have but I can't just give it over it's a treasure from a friend a brother the leaf can ask me to do anything for them you know that I'm loyal to my home but this is the one thing you can't ask me to do this Rinnegan was a gift from Sasuke and when I took it I vowed to show him the world with it I let him experience life through my own eyes just as he let me see through his I am truly sorry Lord fifth I'll act and use it for you in the village but I won't give it to you danzo's hands grip this cane a little tighter how unfortunate he snapped his fingers suddenly surrounding Naruto were members of the anbu danzo raised his hand take the Rinnegan from him and once you have it take the nine tails as well we must have both to awaken the weapon Naruto's eyes widened wait if you do that I'll die danzo looked to him through his squinted eyes you were the one who said you would do whatever the leaf asked you to do and right now it asks that you die in its sacrifice granting us both the nine tails and the Rinnegan the anbu moved in Naruto managed to open the door and close it behind him locking it he began to run through the apartment as suddenly the door behind him was blown off its hinges he pushed himself out onto the balcony as more onbu agents came at him he jumped off from the ledge to the ground below where he formed a multitude of Shadow clones and began to scatter in different directions with them the anvu would split up and chase after danzo stepped out onto the balcony find him and when you do bring him to me Konohamaru was on his way back to the apartment after a routine checkup every six months he had to do one since he was an active duty Shinobi but this wasn't because he needed to have it done ever since he died to pain and came back he'd been paranoid he had kissed death and it had cradled him in its cold arms before Naruto ripped him back out he was probably just paranoid but he wanted to make sure that there were no issues just then he sees the apartment and his blood runs cold onichon he runs through the door stepping over the debris and through the ransacked home onichan he calls out but there's no answer something was wrong he jumped over the railing to the ground and saw many Footprints a few of them bearing Naruto's sandals but what was worse there were other boots also giving Chase someone was after Naruto konhamara ran a Sakura's house and beat on the door sakura-chan sakura-chan it's an emergency open up he heard the sound of feet shuffling and fumbling a loud thud a vase breaking in an expletive the door eventually opened up and Sakura was standing there what is is it is someone hurt is everyone okay konomaru was out of breath honichan Naruto is gone I think someone's after him Sakura seemed shocked show me danzo sat there in his chair frustrated despite the fact that he was just again being chased by the anbu's most elite group root he somehow managed to elude them and now both the Rinnegan and the nine tails were gone it was then that an anbu agent walked in and bowed danzo let him come closer the anbu looked to him we have something for you the agent placed a small packet on the desk before danzo danzo picked it up and was shocked is this the Rinnegan how did you get it the agent looked up the group you sent undercover to AME managed to pill for this from a storehouse the last surviving ritigon that was possessed by pain danzo took it you've done a wonderful job to bring this to me now all we need is the eight tails and the nine tails to activate it that should not be as hard as it seems we found a horn of the eight tails within one of orochimaru's Laboratories it should suffice to activate at you all that's required now is the Ninetales chakra danzo thinks for a moment and smiles I think I know how we might be able to procure that Sakura and Konohamaru follow the various tangled web of boot prints for a time in most cases they came to an abrupt stop but one of them didn't one set of boots continued onto the edge of the village Naruto left konoha Sakura said with surprise in her voice but why Konohamaru asked it's obvious he was being chased by something but what they continued to examine the chaser's footprints look at this Sakura said as she pointed at the boot see this extra set of holes here these marks are from extra cleats that motion Obi Footwear doesn't possess only one group needs this extra set of cleats the anbu Konohamaru was confused but why is the anvu chasing onichan Sakura Shrugged I don't know but it can't be good Sakura looked at Konohamaru it's funny that this happened right after they moved that big statue Naruto summoned it might have something to do with his Rinnegan we need to find him issue is I don't know where Naruto would go if he ever left the village Konohamaru thought about it I might know Sakura nodded okay then you should go Konohamaru seemed confused but wait what do you plan on doing then Sakura smiled I've gotta look out for the anbu I want to see what they're up to so I'm going to do a little digging here she pulls out a flip phone you can use this to calm me if you need to konhamaru took it and pocketed it she kisses kono's forehead for good luck and sees him off after that she walks back now let's see if I can get Kakashi on our side Konohamaru would walk for quite some time making his way to jariah's home he knocks on the door and the old white-haired man appears before him having just been awakened from his sleep it's two in the morning what could you possibly want to sell me at this hour he Squints konamaru is that you hi Uncle Jiraiya it's been a while Kono what have you been up to nothing much I'm looking for Naruto though after he fought pain he developed a Rinnegan and now konoha's leaders are trying to capture him I don't know where he went Jiraiya sat Konohamaru down oh dear that is an issue but I may be able to help you with tracking it they began to head back in the direction of the village as Sakura and Kakashi watch they follow danzo and his Entourage to a building bearing the crest of the Uzumaki Clan what could he be after here Kakashi says to himself he keeps his Sharingan active to see if he can find anything later they walk out with a mask Sakura is confused they came to pick up some old ritual mask I don't get it Kakashi then chimes in there is a legend that the Reaper's mask is here him taking this means that the reaper has something he wants and that is not a good sign as the reaper only consumes the greatest of threats following him back they'd witnessed two of danzo's men one sits in a black circle while the other Bears a dagger in his hand the first dons the mask and plunges the blade into his own belly and cuts it open before passing away soon after once this was done the souls within the Shinigami were freed and the other awaits his own sacrifice it's then that a Shinobi looking over papers that were marked with Orochimaru signage began to finish the ritual cycle as the circle activated ashes covered the man and his body was transformed into a perfect vessel of the fourth Hokage Minato namakazi Sakura and Kakashi are confused so they listen deeper Minato opens his eyes where am I how am I alive danzo steps forward as chain script Minato you're alive because we freed and reincarnated you Minato is further confused why would you want to do that because something exists within you something we need your son Naruto has fled but as you seal the way the nine tails I know that there's some of that chakra within you I will have you fed to the ghetto statue and then I'll finally awaken the Ultimate Weapon Sakura sees this and quickly pulls out her phone keep watching them Kakashi Sensei I gotta make a personal call Konohamaru and jiraya follow the shoe prints out using sage mode to pick up residual chakra signatures they managed to find a trail that leads them further into the forest they run through and stop only when they reach a clearing and realized that there was a second signature here massive familiar it was then that Konohamaru gets a phone call from Sakura he answers hello Sakura speaks her mind immediately please tell me that you found Naruto Konohamaru shakes his head as if she could see him no we haven't but we have a lead Sakura size I hope you find him soon danzo is using that statue to create a super weapon out of the chakra of all nine chakra beasts he just resurrected the fourth Hokage to take his Ninetales chakra this is about to usher in a new world order one run by an all-powerful Tyrant you've gotta find Naruto as soon as possible his Rinnegan may be the key to stopping this catastrophe Konohamaru nods okay he then hangs up and explains all to jariah who tells him that he believes he knows where Naruto went Jiraiya quickly summons fukusaku and Shima what's up jaraya boy the elderly toad asks jariah looks to him please tell me that Naruto is with you this is an emergency the toads look to each other Shima speaks this was supposed to be a secret but it if it's an emergency from his friends I think we can lead you there konamaru steps forward is onichon alright Shima nods he is when he first came to us he seemed a little shaken up but he's been resting come we'll take you to him the sages then reverse summon themselves and their guests back to Mount miyabuku once there they were led to where Naruto is sleeping Konohamaru walks in as jariah stays by the door Kono walks over and grips his shoulders shaking him a little don't eat Jon he whispers Naruto's eyes open as he panics for a moment he looks back at Konohamaru and in a moment of Terror utilizes almighty push to knock him away Jiraiya catches him however Naruto sits up breathing quickly before calming down kokono oh shoot I'm sorry are you okay Konohamaru dusts himself off I'm fine no harm done I'm just glad I found you it's an emergency Sakura inches closer to danzo Minato looks up at the elderly man you're crazy you know that you're insane donzo doesn't Flinch your opinion is about to be Obsolete and so is this world's way of doing things remain still or I'll have your mind erased suddenly Sakura comes out of nowhere dropping down with a fist plowing donza right in the spine she hears a pop and a crack as he hits the ground the anbu around her began to raise their weapons she looks up it's a pleasure to meet you Lord forth Minato just blinks at the pink elephant in the room watch out suddenly Sakura realizes that danzo is no longer on the ground below her huh a chakra Rod pierces her back and exits through her chest this is the fate of all Traders Sakura sits there for a moment before kicking back at donzo knocking him back she pulls the rod through her chest and disposes of it as the wound quickly closes her strength of a hundred seal covering her body I don't know how you survived my attack but just know that you're not the only one here who can cheat death the two begin to battle danzo seems to understand how Sakura is doing what she's doing is this isn't the first time he's witnessed the creation rebirth technique he realizes that this all depends upon her strength of a hundred seal he also has a time limit on his Izanagi but he knows that all he has to do is make her sustain enough damage that her chakra runs out after all the strength of a hundred seal is nothing more than someone pooling their own chakra to make a second Reserve he knows that all he has to do is make her use all of her chakra which shouldn't be too hard since he has an army the anbu agents begin to attack Sakura she manages to jump back but is struck by a kunai and knocked to the ground from behind Kakashi prepares his raikiri attack powerful lightning chalk red coursing through his hand suddenly he rushes forward and skewers three anbu agents at once pulling his hand back he weaves hand signs and begins to use fire style great Fireball Jutsu this sends a wave of fire out at the enemy Shinobi burning many of them up Kakashi decides to take care of the anbu while Sakura handles danzo she trades blows with him but dance up against to use his six paths abilities summoning the other three Hokage Tsunade Orochimaru and matara Ochi as his six paths and begins to use them to fight back against her at this both Kakashi and Sakura are overwhelmed and captured but due to the battle all of danzo's Sharingan have been used up for the Izanagi but this does not matter he then turns to Minato and has the nine tails stripped from him and devoured by the ghetto statue the Statue begins to move donso thanks Minato for his service and says he has earned his reward he frees the soul of Minato and sends him to the afterlife to be with Kushina danzo then grabs Kakashi and Sakura and brings them with him just outside of the village Naruto stands there with Jiraiya and Konohamaru looking down at it from Over The Village he sees the ten Tales emerge from the ground and atop it is danzo he holds Sakura in one hand and Kakashi in the other Naruto approaches him danzo the old man looks down on the boy from Atop The Ten Tales this could have all been avoided if you had just given me the Rinnegan this is your doing and now you will suffer for it danzo Smiles as he holds Kakashi and Sakura out for a moment time slowed dropped them both from his perch into the 10-tail's mouth Kakashi looks at Sakura once and she returns his gaze Naruto cries out for both of them as the 10-tails closes its mouth Naruto Roars to the heavens as the Ten Tales seems to begin breaking loose but instead of the Beast attempting to escape or take over it submits to Naruto's will now Kodama here does not have that great of a relationship with Naruto but he will submit for two reasons the first being that he does not want to become the ten Tales again the second reason being that Kurama notices that Naruto has the Rinnegan which is supposed to be only obtainable by the sage of Six Paths so he allows Naruto to use his power realizing that doing so is in everyone's best interests and so Naruto and Kurama enter tailed beast mode Naruto stands atop the nine tails the villagers below scream at what's happening and flee but they spot Naruto Atop The Nine Tail's head and begin to cheer him on the nine tails begins to face off against the ten-tails as Naruto begins to face off against danzo in every way Naruto is superior to and this begins to show Naruto has lost so much the only family he ever knew is now dead and it's all because of danzo Naruto once swore not to kill in the name of Peace but some things are just too painful he already decided that danzo has to die once he gains purchase he knocks danzo from the ten tails and follows him to ground level Naruto's eyes are full of rage and murderous intent Kon hamaru shows up onichon don't do it remember your nindo Naruto looks back he killed Kakashi he killed Sakura I can't forgive him Konohamaru shakes his head no please no don't become like pain Naruto looks back and prepares to kill danzo as he raises his blade though he's stopped a pair of arms wrap around him from behind as a head lays on his back Naruto stops he looks back and sees Sakura there Sagara but how Kakashi shows up too my kamui technique strangely it's only supposed to be long range but I guess I can do either under duress Sakura looks up to him don't kill him Naruto he's not worth it destroy his Rinnegan and stop the ten-tails with your own danzo stands and reveals a mark on his chest if I can't control the ten Tales then nobody can the seal begins to shoot black liquid out of it a seal designed to put any who are within his range into his body upon his death if the world will reject me as his leader then the world can burn suddenly a shadow jumps down grabs danzo and disappears via teleportation everyone is surprised to see this eventually that figure returns it's a man in a white mask who also has a Rinnegan who are you Naruto asks the man discards his mask as he doesn't believe he'll need it anymore Kakashi's eyes widen no way the man Smiles it's been a while Kakashi Obito I thought you were dead Obito runs his pale hand across his head I did and I've been reborn as a completely different person Kakashi can't understand Obito explains after the death of pain I returned to Ahmed to retrieve his eyes I implanted one in my own head and saved the other for a special occasion but wouldn't you believe that I had witnessed my compatriot black zetsu steal the other Rinnegan and bring it to danzo upon seeing this I killed black zetsu for his treachery but at the same time I did not kill danzo as he had more resources to finish the ten Tails but not enough information on how to use it not like me so I merely let him do the dirty work and when the time came I was ready to finish what I started Kakashi stepped forward stop it Obito this isn't like you you were so kind and gentle what happened to you you happened to me Obito shouted you let me perish and worse still you let Rin perish you killed her with your own hands I could never forgive that I could never live in a world without rain and so I'll destroy this world and remake a new one oh world where Reen is still alive a world where there are no winners or losers and I'm free to have my own team back he goes to the ten tales and utilizes his Rinnegan to seal it inside of himself using his own willpower to subjugate it to his will don't try to stop me or I'll kill you too after all in the world of the infinite tsukiomi I can always just make a new you Naruto steps forward what you're doing isn't right forcing people into a dream world I won't allow it Obito looks down even if in the world I create I can bring Sasuke back to life he was like family to you wasn't he don't you want to see him again I can make it happen just surrender to me and I'll put you in a world where your greatest dreams come true a tear comes to Naruto's eye as his Rinnegan remains steadfast no I won't let you because that world just like the Sasuke you would resurrect there wouldn't be a real one Naruto activated sage mode and rushed at Obito forming a resengan in his hand he used Amino tejikara to switch places with one of Obito's truth secret orbs and smashed his Rasengan into his back Obito was knocked forward but seemed relatively unharmed he turned back and the two continued to fight Sakura and Konohamaru joined the fight as well as did Jiraiya and Kakashi however Obito summoned danza's Six Paths which technically he could use since danzo and Obito shared a set of Rinnegan Naruto and Obito continue to fight viciously until Obito stopped you're so foolish maybe nagato was right you just haven't felt enough pain yet he raised his hand and fired multiple wood spikes at Konohamaru who didn't have enough time to get out of the way Naruto used a manotegara to switch places with Konohamaru he took on each Spike Point Blank he coughed blood and hit the ground Kono rushed over and gripped him Naruto no Naruto Naruto looked up at konahamaru and smiled now I know why Sasuke did it he didn't think he just moved konohumaru shook his head no Naruto why Naruto dried one of kono's Tears some things are worth dying for Naruto closed his eyes Konohamaru cried out in Soro as Sakura rushed over to attempt medical Ninjutsu but nothing was working was he really dead Obito looked out to them see why this fight is pointless you can't beat me surrender now and I'll spare your lives for Naruto everything was dark there was no light merely a ripple across a thin layer of water below his feet where am I am I dead technically you are but it doesn't have to be that way a voice said Naruto looked around who are you in the light appeared a single person Hi Naruto Naruto's lip quivered Sasuke he rushed over and hugged him I missed you so much Sasuke Sasuke patted his back I missed you too Naruto he pulled away for a second you have to go back though you can't let Obito win he's gonna destroy everything worth dying for everything we've all sacrificed will be in vain Naruto shook his head I can't I don't have the strength he's too strong Sasuke smiled but you're not alone you don't have to fight alone you have your friends and you have me too he put his hand on Naruto's chest and Naruto would suddenly feel a rush of energy pass through him Sasuke smiled now go and defeat Obito I'll be with you suddenly Naruto gasped back to life Sakura was shocked Naruto's wound suddenly healed he stood and now a golden cloak covered him as the Sunmark and moon Mark appeared on both of his hands Naruto looked up at Obito a Rinnegan in his left eye and a mangyakyo Sharingan in his right Naruto rushed at Obito Obito fired wood spikes at him and Naruto burned them up with the matarasu Obito summoned the ten tails and prepared to attack Naruto but Naruto summoned a perfect susano to do battle with the 10 tails the two Titans clashed Naruto suddenly shot from the susano onto the ten tails and touched Obito with both the Sun and Moon Mark suddenly he became the center of intense gravity as his tailed beasts were ripped from him the sphere began to rise into the sky Naruto continued to push it higher and higher until it left the atmosphere into the deepness of space each of the tailed beasts that had been freed suddenly bolted knowing that this was their chance to escape Naruto landed on the ground and fell to his knees as the marks on his hands disappeared his chakra cloak disappeared as his second monkey Sharingan faded Sakura ran to him and held him in her arms you did it Naruto you stopped him Naruto sat there and looked up at the celestial body as it pushed away from them I didn't do it alone a few days later Naruto walked the pathway lined with cherry trees to the cemetery where Sasuke was interred by his side were Sakura Konohamaru and Kakashi in his hands he held another bouquet of flowers Naruto stood before the grave with the others and laid the flowers down thank you Sasuke for everything Naruto reflected on their long journey to this point the highs the lows the wins and losses had they suffered yes but had they also been happy yes it's said that the Sharingan were the eyes that can see the truth of all creation and that truth was sometimes that love hurt sometimes love died love was a pendulum of happiness and sorrow but we still did it anyway why did we open our hearts up if we knew that in the end they'd be hard perhaps it was because we knew deep down that even if they were hurt it wasn't the end of love maybe love didn't die maybe love didn't stop at the death of a person maybe love transcended the borders of life and death and while life may have been filled with happiness and sorrow it was also true that sorrow and pain like everything else had a time to end as well and when it did it would be replaced by something else precious Naruto looked down at Konohamaru who had truly grown in the time he knew him he ruffled his hair a little as the boy smiled Naruto then looked to Sankara sometimes it was only through the fires of pain that love could be tempered into a fine blade worthy of a warrior of Peace it was this truth that Naruto witnessed by viewing life through the Sharingan that he'd been gifted those many years ago and though their original owner was now dead and gone they continued to view the world and show all those who use them the truth of Life Naruto leaned closer as did Sakura their lips touched and gave proof that love was like a perennial flower you plant it once and that seed sprouts and though the flower dies in The Bitter winter it's resurrected in the springtime to Blossom Anew this was the lesson the Sharingan had showed Naruto and it was one he was happy to have learned and that's it I hope you truly enjoyed this as much as I did it was a long journey that we all went through with this new Naruto and I'm glad to see it reach its proper conclusion it made us laugh it made us cry but most of all it showed us that love can make a hero out of anyone love is what makes a true Shinobi that's why my nindo will always be to love those I've met as well as those I've never met and I know that if enough of you take up this nindo 2 we can change the world for the better just like Naruto does so my wonderful Shinobi of the village hidden in the amagi shall we let this story's Love Remain within this infinite tsukiyomi dream or shall we bring it with us into the world and show everyone what it means to be a true ninja the choice is up to you but I know what I'm going to choose and I'll let the will of fire burn bright anyway if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment below and tell us about it let us know your ideas if we like them you might just end up seeing your idea on this very Channel until next time peace out and God bless did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 1,000,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: Xj_0T90A8Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 22sec (11902 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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