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one of the most appealing things about naruto as a show is the vast amount of ways that somebody can acquire strength genuinely i believe naruto has some of the greatest variety and powers out of any anime in existence there's obviously the five nature releases that can affect your ninjutsu there's genjutsu there's taijutsu but within ninjutsu and genjutu and haijutu there's even smaller subcategories that are just as interesting and then there's things like dojutu's yin yang release jinchurikis however there seems to be one way to attain power that most people are obsessed with and that's probably because the main character of the show used this method to obtain most of his power that being said naruto trained in pretty much all things important except for dojutsu so what am i talking about well today we're talking about sage mode and while i've explained what sage mode is prior in a general sense a long long long time ago today i want to talk about all types of sage modes and how they apply to each other more specifically i want to talk about each individual sage mode in which is the strongest amongst all of them however this might be a little tough though considering the fact that no sage mode is explicitly said to be stronger than the other so this is largely going to be built on conjecture hope that's cool with you but before we get to conjecting anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and while we're talking about jumping to conclusions i'm gonna jump to the conclusion that if you like my face and when i talk about naruto you're gonna love my other page the weeb commander where my face is but also i talk about other animes that aren't naruto on the web commander i talk all shown in anime one punch man hunter hunter one piece black clover attack on titan demon slayer mha i also have two other youtube pages ncgamer23 where instead of talking anime at all i just played video games or hammer's collection where instead of talking anime while sitting in the chair i talk it while i unbox massive statues like this bad boy behind me yes by the way that does say it weighs 43 kilograms that's 95 pounds that's how heavy the statue is well actually the statue itself is only 34 kilograms which is still like 70 pounds so sage mode it's one of the most interesting power systems in naruto because it's one of its most complex power systems and sage mode comes in a couple different packages but at their core all sage modes work the same way which we should go over before we talk about individual sage modes so sage mode at its most bare bones is the mixing of one's own chakra with nature chakra to create senjutsu chakra what is nature chakra how do you mix it with your own chakra what are the chakra ratios and how to send jutsu chakra power you up while nature chakra is a bit of an abstract concept referred to as natural energy nature chakra is basically just the chakra of everything on earth the earth the ground the trees in the water all have innate energy and this natural energy has always existed on earth there's a common misconception that haguroma was the person who spread nature energy all across earth because he was the person who spread chakra to every single human being well he actually didn't spread chocolate to them that's more complicated we'll cover it in a little bit but regardless hagoromo was not responsible for the creation of natural energy on earth nature energy while abundant though is imperceptible to all people who aren't sages therefore when one is training in sage mode they need to become perfectly stale and become one with nature in order to perceive this imperceptible energy and once one begins to be able to perceive natural energy that's when they can pull it into their body and mix it with their own chakra however just pulling in nature energy isn't enough to become a sage in order to activate a sage mode transformation even in imperfect one you have to perfectly balance how much nature chakra you're pulling into your body and how much you're blending it with your own chakra if somebody is pulling in nature chakra and pulls in too little nature tracker they won't be able to make enough sanjusu chakra to power up into a sage mode and if somebody pulls in too much nature chakra and blends it with their chakra at too high of a level they create too much sensu chakra which turns humans into animals and then stone now this is another misconception because people believe that only those trained in mount muabu have the ability to turn into stone if they absorb too much natural energy however that misconception was created because we've only ever really seen people train about muabuku we've never really seen anybody train in ryuchike regardless of where you train or who you train under if you pull in too much nature chakra and therefore make too much sense to chakra you will petrify it's just the difference of whether or not you'll turn into a snake or a toad first however if you accidentally do pull in too much nature chakra there is ways to reverse this reverse the transformation then petrification that is from what we've seen there's two ways to expel nature energy from somebody's body before they petrify one is releasing all of the nature energy from your body well they're both kind of releasing all the nature energy from your body but i'll explain the first situation i'm talking about is the technique called fury you see i've done a whole video on the forbidden technique fury that you can watch right here but basically theory is a technique where somebody is marked with a seal and that seal once activated pulls in a massive amount of nature energy and once enough nature energy has been pulled in that person initiates an explosion of nature energy and this explosion of nature energy is large enough to wipe things like konoha off the map now normally if somebody absorbed this much nature energy they would turn into a snake or a toad and then turn into a stone however because that nature energy is being expelled faster than that person can transform they're fine everyone around them though not so much the only other way we've ever seen nature energy expelled from the body is out mount muabuco it's out mount moboku the fukusaku aka paw wields a rod that if it comes into contact with somebody expels all the natural energy from their body so essentially if poss sees you pulling in too much natural energy he'll hit you with this staff and all the nature energy in your body will expel it's an incredibly useful and plot convenient tool but there's also people who can pull in nature energy all the time and don't have to worry about transforming well at least they don't have to worry about transforming into a toad a snake or a rock jugo one of the members of kara has a clan specific kk genkai that allows him to naturally pull in nature energy at all times and because zhugo was always pulling in nature energy one he basically never runs out of chakra but two if he does pull in too much nature energy his body undergoes transformations now usually he can control these transformations to make rocket arms or rocket legs or big old spiky fists but should jugo pull in too much nature chakra and therefore have too much sensu chakra in his body his whole body undergoes a demonic transformation jugo loses control of this demonic transformation and basically tries to kill everything around him and using this ability of rochamaro with a vial of jugo's blood was able to give this ability to other people in the form of a cursed seal that is to say once a cursed seal is activated it pulls in nature energy from around that person and powers them up which is why people with cursed seals once they enter their stage 2 transformation look a lot like juco's transformation when he pulls in too much than youtube chakra that is to say that essentially users of the cursillo are sage mode users but just being able to blend natural energy with your own chakra isn't actually enough to activate sage mode outside of making the golden ratio of nature chakra and regular chakra to create send you to chakra in the correct amount in your body your body also has to be strong enough to hold a sage mode transformation that is to say if your body's not physically strong enough it doesn't matter if you can create senjutsu in the perfect amount your body won't be able to transform to a perfect sage mode or even an imperfect sage mode we know this because hero chimaro once he discovered ryuji cave was able to create senjutsu chakra but wasn't able to undergo the sagemo transformation because his body was too weak so how do you acquire different sage modes and how do they stack up against each other well we'll talk about sagemodes from weakest to strongest and while we're talking about them in their respective power slots we'll talk about how you acquire them and what these transformations do for you so we've already touched on our first kind of sage mode in this video already that's because the first kind of stage mode we're going to be talking about in the weakest kind of sage mode we're going to be talking about is cursed seals yes i consider those who curse seals sage users now there's two different kinds of curse seals the cursed seal of heaven and the curse seal of earth however by and large we only ever really see the curse seal of heaven because kimi maru was the only person to ever get the earth version and for the purposes of this video they work exactly the same but how does the curse deal of heaven work what abilities does it give you and how is it activated well the curse seal has to be placed on you by a rochimaru because he's the person who created them and in order to place a kuru seal orochimar has to bite a target at least for a long time that's largely what we believe dumitsuki does have a curse mark on his liver and i don't know how orochimar would have bitten his liver or might be on his heart i honestly can't remember i just know mitsuki has a curse seal in his body so maybe he's found other ways to impart this cursill on to people but we're not entirely sure how he does it outside of the biting of course now cursed seal works kind of weird essentially it is what i stated it was earlier it's a way to tap into nature energy around you by unleashing the seal and by unleashing the seal you start to see a pattern creep across the body of the user and the more of the seal that's being unleashed and therefore the more power of the seal that's being used the further this pattern goes across the body this is called the level one transformation and in a level one transformation the user has increased chakra and physical abilities like with most sage modes but a little bit worse however the true strength of a cursillo lies in the second transformation once the markings have made it all the way across a person's body they'll transform to their second form and what's truly telling about this being a sage technique to me at least is in the second form transformation most cursive users take on animal-like appearances sake grows wings that spider-mouth guy became a spider which shows me that this is very similar to an imperfect sage transformation but like a very very imperfect sage mode transformation because jarya was an imperfect sage and all he got was a weird nose and a couple of warts while these people are growing spider legs or wings which are useful in combat albeit but in the scope of a sage mode transformation the more you look like the animal that you're modeling after the less perfect the sage mode transformation is now in this second level of transformation the users have more chakra and better physical abilities but cursed seals can also bring different things to different people see obviously to the sound village 4 and sasuke brought power and chakra but the people like the buried clan who had to kick again kai that allowed them to turn their bodies into smoke which sounds cool until you accidentally turn into smoke and there's a stiff breeze and it blows away all the smoke essentially killing you and they can't really control when they turn into smoke so they had to live in a cave because that's the only place there wasn't wind when a curcio was placed on them it gave them better control of their keke gankai allowing them to turn into smoke when they wanted to and not be smoke when they wanted to that's basically where the good things about the curse seal run out because remember these curse seals were based off jugo's blood and if you'll take a second to remember what happens to jugo whenever he takes in too much senjutu chakra he becomes a giant demon that wants to kill everything near him so it makes sense that if people actually hold their level 2 transformations for too long their minds corrode to a point of essentially breaking making them insane homicidal monsters who are trying to kill anything near them but even if you're not using your level 2 transformation for longer than you're supposed to any use of the curse seal corrodes your mind because use of the cursed seal takes your chakra and replaces it with a rochimaru senjutsu chakra that is to say you are essentially replacing your own chakra with orochimarus and by use of this cursed seal it eventually corrodes your brain and makes you more susceptible to the commands of orochimaru that is to say the longer you use your curseal the more likely you are to listen to the whims of a homicidal maniac that's a pretty big downside but it does have a relatively good payoff in terms of power but because of that huge downside it's got to be the weakest on the list now obviously individuals will be able to use these different kinds of sage modes at higher proficiencies than others that is to say that just because naruto might be stronger than meat ski that doesn't necessarily mean that being a toad sage is stronger than being a snake sage to understand which sage mode might be the strongest we have to look at things like the abilities given by different sage modes and how they boost your own abilities therefore we have to look objectively at the sage mode not the user of the sage mode why am i saying all this well because the next entry on the list is toad sage mode yes the stage mode used by naruto mineto jaraya even hagoromo i'm saying is the weakest of all the major ones but why am i saying this it's kind of a stretch right well totesage mode is probably the easiest of all of the sage modes on this list to learn i mean we know of five toad sage users jiraya kashin naruto and minotau four of which were able to master it perfectly well things like tailb sage mode or snakes age mode or stage of six paths mode we only know one maybe two perfect sages ever now you could say that this is because learning from the toads is a lot more accessible and less dangerous than learning from the snakes or you have to be a stage of six pass to learn stage six pass mode but i genuinely believe that it's just simply easier to master toad sage mode than any of the other sage modes but ease of learning doesn't really factor into what we're talking about today because today we're talking about power but to talk about power we have to talk about how one acquires toad stage mode essentially in order to acquire toad sage mode you need to find your way to mount mobuko which isn't necessarily easy because mount mubuku does exist in a different dimensional plane than the rest of earth and the only reason that juraya was able to find it is because he reverse summoned himself there while trying to get a summoning animal however once you arrive to mount mobuku the process becomes a lot easier you see once you arrive at mount mobuku you're taught by the toad stay entirely still to pull in nature energy and this is done by placing a flat plate upon a tall spike for somebody to sit upon now obviously with a flat surface on top of a spike if you move even a little bit you're gonna fall therefore somebody has to remain perfectly still in order to stay upon the spike and once you're able to sit completely still you become one with nature however at mount mobuku they also have a pseudo cheat code you see the toads at mount mobuku have an oil that you can place on your skin and this oil once placed on your skin naturally pulls in nature energy without you doing any work that is to say it operates exactly the same as jugo's clan's keke genkai however this oil only works at mount mobuko because mount mubuku has a unique atmosphere once this oil leaves that unique atmosphere it evaporates so now that somebody is in tune with the nature chakra around them and able to create senjutsu in their own body what abilities are given with toad sage mode well we've seen a lot of them because we've seen so many users of toad sage mode there's things like fighting tongue bind or fighting tongue slash which essentially allows shima aka ma to grow her tongue to its maximum size she then with the scent of her enemy can have that tongue hunt down an enemy and either bind them or slash them there's also things like sage art and phimbian technique now stage art amphibian technique is one of the strongest abilities that toad sage mode gives you however it's very tough to pull off and you need three people to do it essentially the way that amphibian technique works is that it's very specific to jiraiya see jiraiya isn't good at pulling in nature energy that's why he can't become a perfect sage essentially jurai isn't good at the mixing of the chakra and therefore kind of always overdoes it in order to circumvent the need to pull a nature chakra himself he binds mom pod to his shoulders and ma pa who are both about 800 years and have been toad sages their entire lives pull in the nature chakra for giraya and then pump it into his body this allows jiraiya basically jugo's ability to pulling in nature energy while he's fighting but like i said this ability is pretty specific to jiraiyan also needs three people but since we're talking about three people jutsus there's also another very good three-person jutsu that comes with jiraiya and mom paw this jutsu is demonic illusion toad confrontation chant this jutsu requires mom paw to sing a song and anybody upon hearing the song is locked into a genjutsu until ma paw released them the only problem with this genjutsu is that it takes a long time to start basically alerting all the enemies around you to leave the area therefore if you want this genjutsu to work you need an ally there to keep the enemy occupied and also it requires two great toad sages to harmonize together to pull off and also once they're done singing it their throats are kind of hosed for the rest of the day and they need rest meaning that you get to do this jutsu once a day at max so the massive amount of setup that one needs and also the fact that once again you need three people to pull this off makes it not a super powerful jutsu the true strength of toad sage mode comes in frog kata see sage mode increases the user's ability strength reflexes all of that and because of that taijutsu was heavily used when somebody has activated sage mode however even with increased speed and strength sometimes you can just dodge taijutsu and this is where frogkata comes in you see frogkata envelop somebody in senjutsu aura and this sends you to aura can act as an extension of their blows so let's say i throw a right punch at you but you dodge it i can extend my aura to hit you and these punches being boosted with the power of sen jutsu are enough to people in one hit incense senjutsu aura is just like nature energy and is imperceptible to those who aren't trained in sage mode unless you have a rinigon or are trained in sage mode you cannot see these punches coming however since frog kata is the strongest thing that toad sage users get and it's basically just buff taijutsu that's why i have them at second lowest from the list now obviously naruto is able to add senju2 to things like tail beast bombs and russian shurikens but those things are specific to naruto and are also largely tied into his tailed beast sage mode so for those reasons yes i know it feels disrespectful code sage mode is second from the bottom and just above toad sage mode is our next entry on the list snake sage mode now we've only ever seen one perfect snake sage and that's meat ski however i don't love calling mitsuki a perfect snake sage because while it is technically canon that he is a perfect snake sage a lot of things point in the direction of him not being that the reason i believe mitsuki was created is so that arochimaru could understand what perfect snake stage mode would look like this is why he ran all those experiments with log in order to make mitsuki activate snake sage mode also because hirochimara himself was never able to activate snake sage mode even though he could create senjutu chakra perfectly because his body was too weak however minsky is a clone of orochimaru and therefore when he activates snake sage mode his body has a difficult time maintaining it which is why once again i hesitate to call him a perfect snake sage the third reason i hesitate to call him perfect snake's age is because as far as we know sage mode transformations in terms of perfectness rely a lot on appearance essentially the less your appearance changes the more perfected your sage mode is however when mitsuki enters his snake sage mode he grows a horn which to me at least is eerily reminiscent of jiraiya growing things like a goatee in warts but ignoring mitsuki for a second the only other two people we've ever seen even try to become snake sages were orochimaru and kabuto and hirochimaru wasn't able to transform into a sage and kabuto had a hilariously imperfect transformation however kabuto never went through the process of turning into a snake sage the correct way he simply turned into a snake's age because orochimaru cells took over his body but the same could be said for mitsuki he also didn't technically go through the right process to become a snake sage so how does one technically go through the correct process to become a snake's age well it's not fun it's definitely worse than sitting on a spike that's for sure in order to become a snake's age you have to find ryuchi cave and then you have to enter ryuchi cave and once you've made it past all of the very creepy and crawly snakes you have to find the great white snake sage and once you find the great white snake sage who is a massive probably hundred foot long snake you have to let that snake bite you and once the great white snake stage bites you it will inject nature energy into your body a bit like a rochimaru's cursed seals and if your body strong enough to accept the power of snake sage mode it will transform without hesitation however if your body's not strong enough to undergo the transformation the great white snake sage just eats you and considering the fact that orochimaru is technically the only person we've ever seen bitten by the great white snake sage probably means that the majority of people who stumble upon ryuchi cave end up getting eaten as to why i wrote shimaru who couldn't undergo the transformation into snake stage mode wasn't eaten by the great white snake sage i don't know in fact nobody knows even though we've only ever seen one perfect snake sage mode user doesn't mean those we've seen fight with it haven't been incredibly powerful obviously our only two point of references here are kabuto and mitsuki we know a couple of abilities given to both kabuto and mitsuki through snake sage mode those abilities are incredibly strong much stronger than what was given with toad sage mode since we've already talked about minsky let's first talk about kabuto from kabuto we saw a couple of sage art techniques the first of which was sage art white rage technique now kabuto goes so far as to say that this is a technique taught to those who studied in ryuchi cake oh wait yeah cause he actually did go to ryuji cave but also having hirochimaru cells is what allowed him to pull and send you to chakra so perfectly regardless after the snake sage mode user does the proper hand seals they release a dragon from their mouths and this dragon carries an orb in its left hand and once the dragon coils itself around this orb the orb explodes with a massive amount of light and pressure essentially imagine the worst flashbang in the history of flashbangs the light immediately blinds any enemies of the sage mode user and the pressure release oscillates the air around the enemies which creates paralyzing pain for them meanwhile the sage mode user is unaffected by this because sage mode users can do some wild stuff to their bodies kabuto because of his snake-like characteristics which was brought on by his transformation is able to liquefy his organs to undo the effects of the oscillating waves of air he also has a separate set of eyelids that he can use to block his cornea to stop the blinding light on top of this everybody who's ever trained in ryuchi cave has the ability to use sage are inorganic reincarnation and this ability is miles better than anything you get with toad sage mode see essentially those who trained in richie cave are able to breathe life into inorganic material by filling the atmosphere with natural energy that is to say that a snake sage can breathe life into dirt or rocks and enslave them to their cause creating massive golems that can fight your enemies or simply just opening up massive holes in the ground for your enemies to fall into it's element bending essentially except the elements you create are sentient on top that we've seen with snake sage mode just like with toad sage mode you're able to enhance your already existing abilities with senjutsu chakra just like how mitsuki is able to use his sen jutsu chakra to buff up his snake lightning creating sage art great snake lightning so the fact that snake stage mode and toad sage mode both give you physical and chakra boosts but snake sage mode allows you to breathe life into lifeless things and control them puts it above toadstage mode for me now obviously there's two sage modes that exist at the top here tail b stage mode and sage's six pass mode but there's one more sage mode before we get to either of those two and that sage mode is hashirama's sage mode you see we don't necessarily know what hashirama's sage mode was we just know that he gave him and then modera an insane amount of power what kind of power are we talking about what kind of power was given to hashirama and matara that made it so much better than toad sage mode or snake sage mode well here's the thing like i said earlier we don't know what kind of sage hashirama was we just know he was a sage but we do know that he could enter his sage mode in seconds and we do know that hasherama was able to substantiate the sage mode for a very long time having stated being able to fight matara for a day straight now here's the thing most people to substantiate a sage mode have to use things like shadow clones or having mom pop fuse to their shoulders kabuto was able to keep his sage mode active forever because he stole some of jugo's dna so he's always naturally pulling in nature energy we've never seen hashirama do any of these things we never saw hashirama have shadow clones he obviously wasn't from jugo's clan as far as we understand it hashirama was able to activate his sage mode in seconds and then just keep it now was this just because hashirama was so naturally talented at everything he did or was his specific brand of sage mode just naturally very powerful unfortunately we can't really tell because the only two people we've ever seen use hashirama sage mode were hashirama and madra who was able to tap into it because he had hashirama's cells modera after tapping into hashirama cells and activating sage mode remarked about how easy it was to tap into sage mode and once again that leaves us with the question mark of was it hashirama sage mode which was easy to master or was it just moderate being a genius regardless what we do know is that hashirama and moderate use this sage mode to great effect essentially ashram would ride around on his massive wood constructs be them golems or just massive roots and stand still while pulling in nature chakra and in this way hashirama was able to fight while maintaining sage mode but that also meant while he was pulling in nature energy he could still be weaving chakra fern in jutsu and the ninjutsu that hashirama could pull off while insane's mode were insane hashirama has an ability while he is in sage mode called sage art gate of the great god now this jutsu allows hashirama to manifest a large number of red torii tori are those very iconic japanese red gates they usually lead up to temples and these torii fall down on enemies and these tory can range in size to small enough to bind a human to big enough to bind the ten tails yes that's right a non-full powered hashirama mind you was able to use this technique to bind the thing that terraformed the earth because not only does the tory make you not able to move a finger it also suppresses your will to oppose the person who used these gates on you essentially it's like xanax in the form of a gate it chills you out on top of this just like with toad and snake sage modes the sage user is able to increase the power of their existing ninjutsu however in hashirama's case it is exponentially increased you see how shrama will not in sage mode is able to use his wood release at an incredibly high level however after he's activated sage mode he's able to do things like true thousand arms known which is the manifestation of essentially a buddhist god with a thousand hands that was able to punch a susano off of karama and the fact that this is basically the only power up that hashirama had outside of being ashra's reincarnation and allowed him to stand toe to toe with moderate for moderate's entire life implies to me that this sage mode gives a much larger boost than either frog or snake like i'm aware that hashirama was strong his whole life okay matara was a dual ems wielder who captured karama hashirama really genuinely only had this sage transformation but now that we've gotten those two old coots out of the way let's get to the true strongest sage modes that there is the second strongest mode on this list is tailed beast sage mode now we know for a fact that we've seen naruto use this technique but we're not entirely sure if we saw minotau use his technique you see essentially naruto after gaining the cooperation of karama is able to combine his gin cloak mode with his sage mode and because he's able to use both of these forms simultaneously he gets both forms advantages simultaneously which means he gets things like frog cotta in an infinite flow of chakra from shadow clones on top of the fact that he also gets the massive boost in speed power and chakra and ninjutu output that the gin cloak gives him however we can't necessarily say that this technique is specific to minotau or naruto we just know that a cherokee with a collaboration of their tail beasts might be able to pull in more nature chakra than they were able to do without the collaboration of their tailed beast because naruto now that he's collaborating with karama can have karama pull in nature chakra for him and since karama is always technically sitting still in the middle of naruto he's always able to pull in nature energy which essentially allows naruto to enter this mode whenever he wants and as long as kurama is focused on pulling in nature energy he can basically do it infinitely and this mode allowed naruto to go toe to toe with obito while he was the ten tailgen cherokee and with toneriotsotsuki in fact naruto's become so proficient with the technique he can now a fly with it and b shatter truth seeker balls since true seeker balls are kekemora and are made using the five basic chakra releases and yin and yang their only weakness is senjutsu chakra naruto is able to use so much sensu to chakra in his output that he can destroy these kekemora like he did against toneri so while obviously a lot of the power of this mode is derived from naruto himself the fact that this mode gives naruto the ability to fly and destroy kekemora puts it above all the other ones because prior to the figuring out of this mode he couldn't do either of those things and you might be thinking well they're just a true sequel orb they've been destroyed before kekemora like the true secret orbs and the sword of nunabuko were quite literally used to create the world and obito himself said they could be used to destroy the world therefore the ability to shatter those and therefore permanently get rid of them is an insanely powerful ability however it's not as strong as the last sage mode on this list sage of six paths mode you see in order to acquire the sage of six paths mode you don't have to get bit by a snake or train with a toad you just need to have it gifted to you by hagaroma and hagoromo gives it to those who we believe have an iron faith in humanity the first person we ever saw use it was obviously hagarama but then he also gifted this mode to ashura his son and then much later in the timeline it was gifted to naruto well a lot of the true strength of sage's six path mode just comes in making sage mode a lot stronger in that it just boosts your power speed durability and reflexes exponentially there's also a couple of techniques that come with sage of six paths mode like six paths kunitsukami this ability essentially allows ashura to create a monster chakra avatar in this chakra avatar though it does look eerily similar to kurama's giant transformation mode has nothing to do with karama because obviously asherah wasn't a jin cherokee of karama jinturki weren't created for another two thousand years so simply with six paths mode usher was able to essentially create naruto's massive karama chakra cloak mode and this ability allowed him to stand toe-to-toe with indra's complete susana ashrae went so far as to equip this massive tracker avatar with true seeker orbs that he used offensively against the susano and while this avatar was incredibly effective on offense it was also just like a susano incredibly effective on defense so just with the abilities of this sage art ashra essentially had the abilities of naruto after perfecting his relationship with karama there's also naruto's six paths ultra big ball ross and shuriken which were so powerful they were able to counter sasuke's indra's arrow which mind you was probably one of the strongest offensive techniques we've seen in the entire run of both naruto and boruto and well obviously like i said with previous modes this is just the boosting of an existing ninjutsu but the scale at which it is boosted is what we're talking about being able to counter sasuke's interest era which was being powered by all nine tailed beasts is saying something the scale at which six paths mode boosts your abilities is like no other sage mode we've seen and therefore it seems relatively undeniable that sage's six-pass mode is easily the strongest of all of the sage modes especially when we consider that hagaroma was constantly using it and he literally is a god deriving power from the pure lands that gave chakra to the entire planet what do you guys think do you guys think my placement of all these sage modes are correct are you guys understanding how one acquires a sage mode are you just now realizing that naruto since he still technically has a stage of six past chakra mode should be able to use that ability that ashura used to make a giant chakra avatar and yet doesn't for some reason if you're thinking any of those incredibly specific thoughts tell me in the comments below and while you're down there guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell i'd like to take this opportunity to remind all of you guys once again i created another youtube channel called the weeb commander where we post about all things non-naruto this is the most important project in my life right now and if you're here at the end of this video it would mean a lot to me that you go and follow that page listen i don't mean to expose all of kishimoto's plot holes i just kind of stumble into them [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 705,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, snake sage, toad sage, sage mode, so6p, hashirama, madara, sasuke, jiraiya, kashin koji, kabuto, orochimaru, mitsuki
Id: QBrF8eq6Blw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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