The Fifth Great Shinobi World War Has BEGUN?!

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naruto universe is a violent one there was an entire 2000 year period called the warring states period where everybody just fought there has been thousands of tiny conflicts between nations in four great ninja wars and each of these conflicts results in the deaths of tens of thousands of shinobi but now in the current boruto timeline we're in an era of peace or are we the problem with villages built entirely around their military is that if you stop fighting well all the soldiers are going to be kind of confused on what they need to do with the rest of their lives and this is a recurring theme in both naruto and boruto but today fortunately for both you and me by and large we're not really talking about boruto what we are talking about however is the fifth great shinobi world war yeah you heard that right number five you didn't know what happened did you well that's what i'm here to do enlighten you about these things before i get to shedding light on anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification i know you guys love listening to me talk about naruto but if you guys want to hear me talk about other anime that aren't naruto and i mean quite literally any other anime that's not naruto guys please follow my brand new youtube page the weeb commander if it hits 50k by the end of the year i'm getting a tattoo that says i heart sasuke anywhere in my body that's not my face and while you're out there following another page is associated with mwah guys go ahead and follow ncgamer23 or instead of talking anime i play video games in hammer's collection where instead of tucking anime while sitting in this chair i do it while i build these massive statues which mind you i have the biggest ever statue we've ever received it weighs 95 pounds and i'm unboxing it this sunday before we get into all that guys today we have to talk about a brand new sponsor to the page dragon city dragon city is a free mobile game that allows you to collect thousands of different dragons to build your own empire when i say thousands of dragons i mean thousands of different dragons in fact you can select two different dragons have them breed and create a new kind of dragon for your empire's army but just hatching these dragons isn't gonna be enough you're gonna need to feed them to evolve them you're gonna have to train them for various different kinds of pvp modes yeah that's right if you build up a dragon army that you're proud enough of you can go into pvp to fight other dragon masters but we're not just talking about dragon city because it's one of the hottest and best mobile games out there right now no dragon city is currently doing a massive collaboration with the walking dead yes one of the most iconic television shows of all time is collaborating with dragon city but how does this collaboration work what are we looking at here well to celebrate the iconic show's return we're actually getting characters from the walking dead as dragons in dragon city we're getting negan maggie rick carroll daryl and michonne but what separates these thousands of dragons from each other well each singular dragon possesses its own unique primary element meaning that every single dragon is completely unique and on top of that every single dragon has a thing called a special bunker attack which gives them extra fighting power specifically in pvp fights and i know there's some of you out there like me who enjoy the bad guys more than the good guys and for you guys i have surprise the negan dragon is already in the game and the negan dragon's primary element is happy however your opponents are going to be feeling so happy because the negan dragon can use his baseball bat lucille you can get your negan maggie rick and carol dragons through the offers or through the breeding islands when they appear in game and all you have to do to get the michonne dragon is to accomplish her quests and if you get all five walking dead dragons then you get the daryl dragon for free getting these dragons is an absolute breeze all you have to do to get negan maggie rick and carol is to download dragon city using the link in my description or my pinned comment and on top of the chance to get in these four dragons you will also get 15 000 food 30 000 gold in an epic nature zombie dragon so what are you guys waiting for download dragon city and get to building your own dragon empire today so i know what you're saying you're reeling over the fact that i just told you that there was a fifth grade shinobi world's war and you've never heard of it well that's because by and large the average naruto consumer doesn't read the light novels unfortunately for us who do read the light novels they do an incredible job of painting the world of naruto and filling in time gaps before we get to talking about the fifth grade shinobi worlds war we have to talk about what built up to said fifth grade shinobi world war so let's start these videos off in the way that we usually start these videos off at the beginning you see the time period we're talking about exists within the boruto timeline specifically after the events of the momoshiki invasion that is to say after boruto's shooting exams when all of the kage sasuke and boruto fight against momoshiki and eventually kill him see the events i'm going to tell you about today come from shikamaru shinden therefore all the events we know about this fifth grade shinobi world war come from the perspective of shikamaru our story opens with chikimaru waking up after a night of drinking and smoking yes shikamaru smokes now but chikamar realizes upon waking that he never took off the clothes he was drinking in never took the bat that tamari set for him or ate the dinner that she left for him so he knew tamari would be pissed with him so when chikumaru descends down the stairs after taking a bath and brushing his teeth he finds tamari in the kitchen and he tries to make small talk with her it's at that point the tamari reminds hikimaru that the day the shikamaru went out drinking and smoking was actually their wedding anniversary chikimaru apologizes profusely but has to cut his apology short because well he's late for work and his business at work is the reason he's cited for forgetting their wedding anniversary but the thing that shikumaru was late to is the five kage summit that occurred after the momoshiki invasion and it's at the spy cocky summit that naruto thanks all the other kage for their help against momoshiki and while most of the other kake are happy to have helped korosuchi the tsuche kage who replaced the noki gonoki's granddaughter is upset with naruto most of kortsuchi is upset that konoha continues to have these catastrophic events which like how is konahawk gonna control whether or not an alien comes down to the planet but go off queen but more than moshiki korotsuchi is actually upset that konawa has been developing shinobi ware you see obviously the tuning exams bring all of the kage because all of the kage come to see their gany and try to become chuni however within the tuning exams boruto had been using the shinobi gauntlet you know the gauntlet that shoots out a little pill that allows you to create any jutsu and while naruto thought that kourtuchi was upset that his son had cheated in the junior exams what kourotsuchi was actually upset about was the fact that konoha was creating the shinobi ware in the first place without any of the other kage's knowledge you see courtsuit she was upset about the fact that konoha was essentially making military advancements without informing any of their allies and while darwini the rai kage wasn't upset about this probably because he was creating planet busting cannons without anybody else knowing in the last jojo the current mizokage agreed with stating that essentially konowahu was already a very powerful nation having things like shinobi gauntlets put the rest of the villages at a very large military disadvantage and it's at this point gaara being the naruto symph that he is reminds everybody that they're all allies and military disadvantage shouldn't matter but it's this point that court tsuchi reminds everybody that sasuke who was once a criminal is out exploring the entire world essentially spying on everybody and reporting back to konawa and it's at this point that shikamaru tries to remind korotsuchi that konoha were quite literally the people who created the shinobi union which is the ally ship what shakumar didn't mention and what i would have mentioned which makes shikimaru a much better person than me though is the fact that the hidden stone joined the shinobi union with the idea of destroying it from the inside out and then picking up all the broken pieces after the fourth great shinobi world war until enoki was convinced otherwise but that's just me sorry costume change black shirts wash me out however not yielding to the reason of shikamaru or the show of allyship from gaara koratsuchi states that unless konoha divulges all of its covert secrets iwa will pull out of the shinobi union and honestly i do kind of understand where koritsuchi's coming from here konawa is already the strongest village on earth if you heard that during times of peace they were developing the ability to give anybody ninja or not the ability to use jutsus like the rosengan well i would also be a little perturbed korozuchi tells naruto that they have until the next five kage summit to divulge all of their secret intel mostly as it pertains to the development of weapons after this meeting shikamaru meets with two ombu members shikamaru tells these two ombu members which he has a relationship with horotsuchi's demands however the three of them can't really understand korotsuchi's demands see all three of them know that the hidden stone was there during the fourth grade shinobi world war and during momoshiki's invasion and therefore the kuru tsushi should understand that konoha has no interest in invading anybody else so they deduce that korotuchi must be trying to pull out of the shinobi union for some other reason however they don't know why so shikamaru sends these two ambu members to iwot to spy on iwa to figure out what the reason is shikamaru is not just gonna send some people away to do his job for him he also decides to go to iwa to do a little bit of snooping shakimar decides to visit enoki who is now an elderly sort of senile man living on his own shikamaru goes to iwa under the guise of playing shoji with a gnocchi however while playing shoji with the noki shikamaru tries to suss out from minoki why courtsuit she's trying to pull out of the shinobi union and all anoki has to say to that question is shinobi or shinobi before they can get any further into their conversation korotsuchi basically kicks down the door and basically demands to know why shikamaru was in ewon chikumaru insists that he's just there to play shoju with enoki but she feels as though something else is going on so it's at this point that shikamaru decides to remove himself from the situation and leaves iwa upon returning to konoha shikamaru has a pile of paperwork that he has to get to and as he pours over this pile of paperwork moeggy the head of shikadai his son's team comes in to talk to him about shikadai moigi tells shikamaru that chikidai had been specifically requested for an s-class mission and while shikamaru contemplates whether or not chikidai would be ready for an s-class mission moiegi cuts him off and states that shikidai had already rejected the mission and would not be convinced otherwise but neither shikamaru or moeki could figure out why shakudai would reject an s-tier mission like this i mean after all this mission was escorting a small nation's daimyo so when chikimaru got home and he asked she could die about why he would reject this kind of mission chikidai just said it was a drag however tomorrow tells shikamaru the next morning that shikidai actually rejected the mission because the dignitary the daimyo was actually trying to use shikha dai to get close to shikamaru which flew shikimaru into a rage because somebody was trying to use his son to get close to him therefore somebody was trying to exploit his son and while shekamaru and tomorrow you're engaged in this conversation one of the ombu members that was sent to iwa by shikamaru appears and it's this point that the ombu member relays to shikamaru that the daimyo of the land of earth has actually ordered iwa to invade the neighboring country the land of flowers see the land of flowers is a small independent nation with fertile soil perfect for planting crops i mean it's called the land of flowers and this is where problems start to arise you see shikamaru wonders why the hidden stone would try to invade a country in the land of flowers that they have a trade agreement with but then shikimara begins to wonder why would iwa trade with a country they could so easily conquer and at that point that he realizes that the land of flowers is actually allied with the land of lightning specifically the village hidden in the clouds therefore if ewo were to invade the land of flowers the village hidden in the clouds would have to come to the land of hours defense which would start a war between the village and the stone in the village hidden in the clouds however there's one big problem with that the shinobi union specifically states any hidden village associated with the shinobi union cannot come into conflict with each other therefore quartzuchi made an unreasonable demand of konoha which she thought konoha would never in a million years approve of and therefore would give her a reason to leave the shinobi union and then be cleared to invade the land of flowers since this point that shikamaru realizes what anoki told him well it might have seemed simple basically what enoki was saying when he said shinobi or shinobi is that shinobi in a country always have to listen to their country because the hierarchy or power within the naruto universe has the kage and then the daimya the kage of a respected village is in charge of that their respective village however that respective village exists within a country the land of earth the land of fire the land of wind the land of lightning and those lands or those countries are run by the daimya therefore when anoki said shinobi or shinobi he was stating that a shinobi always has to listen to the call of its leaders and therefore if the daimyo of the land of earth says that you have to invade the land of flowers shinobi has to do that coming to this realization chikamaru then has to go to naruto explaining the entire situation to it upon hearing the situation naruto is upset with kurosuchi for not reaching out to him for help chikamaru naruto come to the conclusion that if war happens over this conflict peace will never be found again naruto wants more than anything for his children to be raised in an era of peace so naruto and shikamaru both come to the conclusion that it's best to talk to kurupsuchi and see if they can get her to back out of this invasion because if korotsuchi backs out of this invasion the land of earth's daimyo will have no army with which to invade but since there's another five kage summit looming shikamaru and naruto decide that the best time to talk to koritsuchi will be at that however they fear that other villages will side with korotsuchi like the hidden mist because the hidden mist is heavily reliant on the hidden stone for the gathering of essential minerals where the island country country's gonna get iron kind of makes sense however the five kake summit doesn't go great immediately korotucci demands naruto's answer whether or not he will divulge all of the covert information that they have and it's at this point that naruto brings up the fact that korotucci is planning on invading the land of flowers which kind of proves kortsuchi's point that konawa is collecting covert information on all the other villages and korotsuchi brings that up however darue the raikage realizing what an invasion in the land of flowers would mean gets furious with korotsuchi however korotsuchi kind of ignores darwin shifts all the blame onto konawa and naruto tries to ease the situation by stating that even with all of his power and konawa's power he would only ever use that power to make sure that peace persisted but while naruto was trying to ease situation chojiro the mizukage interjects and states that a world with no war doesn't need shinobi which confirmed chikudai's earlier suspicion that the hidden mist would side with the hidden stone however this flies shakamaru into a rage and he uses shadow possession binding technique on all five kage simultaneously and it's at this point that he states that he will kill chojiro and korotsuchi if they do not back off the war path yes you're hearing me correctly shikamaru was able to hold all five kage simultaneously with his shadow binding technique thorough well-bound states that killing them will do nothing to which shikimara responds by saying if konawa shows that it's so opposed to war that would kill two kage that will show that their power is too much to oppose and that peace will always stay as long as the strongest power wants it that way that is to say that essentially shikamaru is trying to make the point that if you try to start war we'll kill you before you get the chance which is war-like however it's at this point that naruto is able to break out of the shadow binding technique because he was a jin jerky at the time gara uses his sand to attack shikamaru which allows him to break out of the shadow binding technique but i fully believe in that moment shikamar probably could have killed korotsuchi and jojo and it's at this point the naruto has to detain shikamaru and apologize to everyone for the attack but the rest of the kage were like that wasn't chill and just kind of leave but this was a clear act of aggression and naruto was very upset with shikamaru as they returned to konohan naruto yells at shikamaru how he's stoking the flames of war but chikamaru actually becomes even angrier with naruto stating that his actions breaking out of the shadow binding technique undermined konowa's ability to stop the war and upon returning to kona has shikumar received continual updates from his two ombu members stating that ewa had completed all preparations they needed to go to war over naruto knowing that diplomacy was probably the best way to get out of this situation called up the fire daimyo it was at this point that naruto requested of the fire daimyo to reach out to the earth daimyo to stop the invasion there's also like a whole plot line about the fire damio's kid getting kidnapped and then shikamara being like don't save the kid just yet let the kid get kidnapped so we can save the kids so the fire daimyo owes us a favor but it's long and they cover it in boruto so moving on but nothing comes to the fire damia reaching out to the earth daniel so shikamaru and naruto go to his mansion once again and they plead with the fire daimyo to reach out to the earth daimyo once again fire daimyo then assures them that he reaching out to the earth daimyo probably isn't gonna do anything and it's at this point that the three of them come up with the idea to call a five country summit now a five country summit is like a five kage summit except the daimyoco as well smash cut to a couple of weeks down the line the five country summit has started and it's taking place in the land of iron the land of iron is like switzerland for naruto it's a neutral place where everyone meets and as the five nation summits start the fire daimyo pleads with the earth daimio to reconsider third daimyo states that an alliance between ninja villages does not mean that the countries are aligned and at this point the tekken the daimyo of the land of lightning interjects and states that this probably isn't a good enough reason to start a war that being the invasion of the land of flowers for fertile ground conversation stalin the fire daimyo calls for a break during which he meets with shikamaru and naruto eku the fire dai miyo shikamaru and naruto talk about ways to smooth things over with the other nations and at this point the naruto suggests that konawa hands over all their secret intel to korotsuchi to make her pull out of the war however iku states that now that the daimyo are involved it has to be something more substantial and at that point the eco reveals that during the third grade shinobi world's war konoha took some of the land of flowers land and that for a long time ecos felt very uncomfortable about having that land and therefore he proposes handing that land over to the land of earth since the land of earth is looking for fertile ground and he believes the inhabitants of that area will be more comfortable in the land of earth but chikimaru is afraid that giving up lands will look like a defeat but eco assures him that he doesn't really give a so when the meeting reconvenes eco proposes this idea to the other daimyo and danjo states that it's not gonna be enough i've already invested too much money in this upcoming invasion but since now that this conversation has come to a stall the daimyo recommend a continental summit which is a bit like a five great country summit except every single time yo from every little country is also there but the land of stones daimyo doesn't like this idea so iku the land of fires daimyo gives him another idea war between the land of fire and the land of stone and would you believe it or not the land of verse thymio relented didn't want to lose for the fourth straight time on their way home from the daimyo summit shikamaru is upset and he's out by himself walking in the mountains of konoha is at this point that he wrapped his shadow around a tree and tries to crush it however he finds he can't crush the tree making him realize that he was incredibly rusty and thinking that he most likely wouldn't have been able to kill korotsuchi or chojiro because at this point the sasuke pulls up on him and he tells him that the hidden cloud is also preparing for war this news makes shakimara feel useless as he's afraid that war is almost inevitable however sasuke assures him that by him playing the diplomacy role he allows naruto to be hokage and by allowing naruto to be just himself and not bogged down in the intricacies of diplomacy is allowing this war to possibly be avoided it's at this point that shikamaru and sasuke get into a battle of telling each other that they're more important to naruto than themselves until eventually they kiss just kidding i mean like i wish but they just separate both feeling better about their respective roles smash cut to the continental summit which is said to be attended by hundreds of people so like all of the daimyo from small countries the five major daimyo the five kage and i'm assuming just a bunch of people protected all of those people basically the reason all of them are there is to vote on whether or not this invasion is approved or not so if the majority say yeah go ahead and do it then they get to invade the land of flowers the majority say don't they don't get to do it it's an interesting way to approach war but when there's a guy who put a literal god in a moon making the rules you listen to him mifune the head of the land of iron and this summit's chairman opens up the summit by telling the earthdimeo to say his peace sancho the earth daimyo states that shinobis are basically tools and these tools were built for war and now that these tools were not being used they were getting rusty and the entirety of the infrastructure built on shinobi life was crumbling therefore this invasion into the land of flowers and the subsequent war that would come from it would return shinobis back to their usefulness in danjo states with the presence of things like the otsotsuki useless shinobi would mean the earth's demise however danjo's speech is followed by ikuz the fire daimyo who state that shinobi serve a much greater purpose than that of just war stating that shinobi had built the hidden village that shinobi had made this continental summit and well yes technically conflicts of the past have created the war they're in today but shinobi were actively fighting right now for peace and after iku naruto steps to the podium and as naruto steps to the podium shikamaru steps outside for a smoke mirai sarutobi who's in attendance reprimands shikamaru for doing this havershikamaru tells mirai that naruto's speech can only result in one conclusion that one conclusion being peace you see a large theme of this light novel is trust trust between shikamaru and naruto trust between shikamaru and tamari trust between shikimaru and shikadai shikamaru wants to trust those around him to operate at their highest level of efficiency and therefore shakimara wants that trust in return shikamaru realized during his conversation with sasuke that his role is to make sure that naruto was heard by as many as possible and by shikamaru making the continent summit happen and allowing naruto to step onto the stage he had already done his job and while naruto might have disagreed with some of the things that chikumaru did like sending ombu to iwa shikamaru needed naruto to trust his ability to create the situation for naruto to speak and it's during this speech the naruto states that shinobi are no different from your average person they want their children to grow up in a world without complications or war and while it's true that shinobi have always fought shinobi for thousands of years have fought to end the fighting and that a shinobi's worth is not identified through the battles they fought but by the knowledge and abilities they've picked up while fighting but remember what i said about trust trust between villages is also very important and while naruto is talking about knowledge and abilities he realizes that he should have trusted the information of shinobi ware to all other villages and therefore during his speech he reveals that he will be sharing all of the covert information gathered within konoha about shinobi ware with everyone essentially saying that naruto will attempt to fix the power imbalance that has been created within konoha trying to make all villages powerful on an equal scale and thus rising everybody you know what they say a rising tide raises all boats and naruto's speech is broadcast all throughout the world specifically in konoha where shikidai and tamari are watching and as they both watch naruto's speech they see shikamaru's influences which make them realize that while shikimaru is unimpressive in the house he has an incredible heart and he's thriving for peace and he truly is the reason that peace is being achieved naruto ends his speech and is met with roris applause and it's at this point the chikamaru returns to inside and after naruto every single daimyo takes the podium and agrees with naruto until eventually koro tsuchi takes the podium korotsuchi accepts naruto's offer of the covert information which although guarantees that ewok will not be involved in the invasion of the land of flowers and since the earth daimyo no longer has an army that means there will be no invasion and at this point that the earth daimyo is forced to accept the offer of land from the land of fire and after the summit is closed kortsuchi seeks out shikimaru and naruto apologizing for her words in previous kage summits but naruto assures her that if donjo ever tries to exploit iwa again that he can reach out to her in order to fight back against him after kortsuchi left shikamaru and naruto returned to konawa where they're soon visited by the daimyo of the land of flowers the daimyo of the land of flowers leaves hundreds of flowers for naruto as thanks for saving them and naruto needing to get rid of all of these flowers gives an arm full to shikamaru who hurries home because he's embarrassed about carrying so many flowers however when he returns home he sees tamari and tamari is confused as to why he has so many flowers however without chikamaru saying anything tamara comes to the conclusion that this must be shikkamaru's way to apologize for missing their wedding anniversary so she accepts the flowers and then she yells at him for not putting his clothes away from the continental summit you see wars can be fought in all kinds of ways in the real world we've seen things like world war one in world war ii but we've also seen things like the cold war proxy were fought by supporting different factions with money and guns we've seen wars fought with intelligence and propaganda wars fought over who could make it to the moon first and every single day wars are fought diplomatically every single day in every governmental body there is laws passed or rejected that could stop and or start wars and in every single governmental body there is people trying to either stoke the flames of war or put them out and that's exactly what the fifth great shinobi world war was a flame that got put out but without the brains of shikamaru or the likability of naruto those flames would have turned into a bonfire because if the land of stone invaded the land of flowers the land of lightning would have had to move against them and upon this happening the hidden mist would have supported the hidden stone and most likely attacked the hidden lightning however the hidden leaf looking for peace probably would have sided with the hidden lightning and the hidden sand being a neutral country probably would have stayed out of it but this would have resulted in a four-country world war which the hidden lightning and hidden leaf would have won but it still would have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths over a small plot fertile land which seems small but truly is there ever a big enough reason for tens of thousands of people to die and that's all guys that's everything you need to know about the fifth great shinobi world war would you guys like this opportunity to learn a little bit more about my editor's favorite character if you guys did please tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification guys make sure you remember to download dragon city using the link in my pinned comment or my description and i'll see you out there building your very own dragon empire sin i'm not saying that i need audible to reach out to me so i can do an audio recording of every single naruto light novel so people can just listen to it as opposed to reading it but i wouldn't complain [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 213,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, hokage, raikage, tsuchikage, kazekage, mizukage, daimyo, land of fire, hidden stone, hidden leaf, shikamaru, shikadai, temari, sasuke, uchiha, sharingan, rinnegan
Id: rNZcTkah-bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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