Naruto's STRONGEST Taijutsu Users RANKED and EXPLAINED?!

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there are a lot of very measurable ways that one can be considered strong in the Naruto Universe you can be an utki you can be one of the goag you can be the most talented Sage the world has ever known all of these are different Avenues in which somebody can follow to become strong and that's kind of the beauty of a world with a vast and complex power system and while unfortunately at the very tip toop of power towards the end of shapin it seemed the only way to become the strongest person was to have the biggest chakra Mech as we Kakashi moas Sasuke and even Naruto all eventually just became chakra Mech Pilots Kishimoto the author of Naruto actually didn't like this simoto identified at the end of shuttin that the scale of Naruto a show originally about ninjas had gotten way too large and thus Kishimoto was resolved to reel in the scale for his next series boruto now this is actually why people believe that boruto is a weaker Universe because people like Naruto and Sasuke rarely use their big old chakra moves and they're the only people who still have the chakra moves and even when they do use the chakra moves people like ishiki embarrass the chrx but this is kind of Kishimoto signaling to us at least that the era of chrx is over and that instead of these massive flashy moves we're going to focus on the things that made this show great in the beginning hand-to-hand combat see say what you will about Naruto one thing is undeniable when it comes to fight choreography and more importantly hand toand fight choreography it has some of the greatest fights of all time and well obviously fights that come down the line that feature Grand scale and entire tailed beast are also incredible if you sit down any Naruto fan and ask them genuinely what is your favorite Naruto fight of all time I'd say there's about an 85% chance they answer with one of these three fights and that would be either Naruto and Sasuke's first fight Naruto and Sasuke's second fight or Obito and Kakashi's fight and while Naruto and Sasuke's second fight definitely does have some big old chakra Mech moments the real reason that Naruto and Sasuke's second fight is so incredible is because of the gripping hand to hand and thus just like that boruto has reintroduced the importance of tautu ironically the simplest and most easily copied thing from Naruto is the thing that sets it apart from all other anime in the era of incredible hand-to-hand fights did not die with Naruto in fact some of if not the greatest fights in the entirety of the Naruto Universe happen within the the confines of boruto especially as it pertains to tautu so now the tautu is once again rising in prevalence in the Naruto Universe whether that be because Kishimoto wants the story to go back to throw in hands or because enemies now in Boro either have Karma markings or renegon that make Ninjutsu all but irrelevant I figured there was no better time to talk about tautu but specifically about those who use it because today ladies and gentlemen I want to talk to you about the top 10 tautu users in in Naruto ranked and explained and trust me there'll be some entries on this list that surprise you but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you guys like the idea of me talking about which anime characters throw the best hands you're going to love my other channel the weeb commander or instead of talking about Naruto and borto I talk all other anime or if you want to see me get close to throwing hands with somebody else go ahead and follow my anime podcast where me and Danny ma break down everything that happened in anime this week it's called the taku anonymous and it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you just want to look like somebody who will throw hands over anime guys go ahead and Meander into my anime store talkis anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the greatest anime merch known to man like this Mon and donzo political team before we get into all that today we're going to talk about this video sponsor see it's winter time the days are getting colder and shorter which means it's time to snuggle up in your living room with a mobile game you love and that's roughly how my Winter's been going is I found a mobile game that's available on both mobile and PC that I've been stuck into for months and see the beauty of this mobile game being available on PC and mobile is that I can play it wherever and whenever I want to as my account seamlessly transfers between the two so my progress always keeps up with me in this game there are over 800 Champions ranging everywhere from elves to Orcs to Demons so if you're into games with an insane amount of playable characters that allow you to play however you want to then boy oh boy I got a game for you and to play that game with me all you have to do is click the link in my description or scan the QR code on the screen right now and that game as some of you might have already guessed is raid Shadow Legends which just received some massive and super fun updates like the Christmas story event which started on December 15th which is a special holiday themed event that allows you to follow Sir Nicholas one of the Champions through a festive story in which you play Min games that allow you to either win in universe or real life prizes ranging from epic and Legendary Champions to Amazon gift cards all you need to do to join the event is go to raid X-Men that's r a i DX it also just added the cursed City it's one of raid's biggest features since the Doom Tower with 100 stages to complete including stages where you'll need to take down two of raid's bosses at the same time there are also tons of other themed events tournaments summon boosts and other surprises with a month-long U TI Titan event that can win you awesome prizes so go check out raid this holiday season so if you haven't started playing yet what are you waiting for click the link in my description or scan the QR code on my screen get insane bonuses only available via my link like two epic Champions the first being light swarm a very strong epic champion from the sacred order and the second epic Champion being Juliana a boss killer also from the sacred order and once you're in game find me under NC Hammer 23 and join my clan called the hammerheads hit my link I'll see you on the battlefield so tautu the base of all abilities in Naruto sure you can have giant Fireball sure you can play with people's senses to make them see things that aren't there but when it really comes down to it if you aren't able to throw them knuckles you're not going to be a strong ninja and this has been proven over and over and over again with people like gar an incredibly talented Ninjutsu specialist being shown up by somebody who only has the ability to use tautu and well obviously in the end genius does prevail over the tautu ability of Rock Lee it's moments like this in Naruto that show us no matter how far you push your Ninjutsu or your genjutsu if you're not able to fight up close you will die on the battlefield and never and I mean never has that been more true than now in Boro see because Boro from the very beginning has not been about chakr X or susanos or even tailed beasts in fact all the things that at one time made you powerful in Naruto have pretty much all but been forgotten now what makes you powerful are things like a Karma marking or Shinobi wear things that just boost your inherent speed and power essentially just making you a better taijutsu user and even now with boruto's newest move being released the Rasengan uzo it's simply a renan that surrounds his body acting as a defensive and offensive ability however in order for him to use that ability in either means he has to get up close and personal with the person he's trying to take out so whether you like it or not TI youu his back and Naruto will not be coming Dragon Ball anytime soon so for focusing on these hands let's get to focusing on who's the best Adam now we're not going to be talking about current day Boro here because a lot of people have taken a step back power-wise and a couple of people on this list they're just dead so we're more going to be looking all time also I'm keeping all ofis off this list because genuinely that's boring like yeah obviously Miki and ishiki are incredible at tautu they're also basically Gods you want to know who else was really good at tautu probably kagia and tagar Romo oh and kinshiki and oros Shiki and toneri now that we got the rules out of the way let's get to our number 10 spot because coming in last place is Nei yes I'm aware that Nei doesn't accomplish all that much when it comes to Naruto's overarching storyline however when it comes to Straight Up taijutsu Genius he's almost unrivaled CI was a member of the Huka Side branch family meaning like all other members of the side branch family he wore a cursed mark one that put him under the control of all main branch family members and sealed his Byakugan away should he ever die now because Nei was a member of the side branch family he wasn't allowed to learn all of the key techniques of the Huga family things that were being taught freely to people like Hinata however that never stopped Nei in fact it only fueled his fire as when Nei saw that his father haash was sacrificed for his brother Hayashi Nei realized that as a member of the side branch family he would have to make his own way unless Nei even though he was born a talented Byakugan user committed himself to become the genius we knew him as and Nei was able to achieve a level of power that put him among some of the strongest genon in part one of Naruto in fact even as a child it was stated that he was strong enough to defeat full grown Huga members and mind you the Huga Clan comprises a large amount of kona's military so it's not like he was fighting scrubs now NE accomplishes a fair fa amount and then Juni exams he's able to beat the breakes off inata which isn't saying all that much and while he does give Naruto a really good fight unfortunately he runs out of chakra and doesn't see the Clone waiting for him underground and then Bing Bang Boom nei's out of the fight now does this confirm to us that Naruto at that moment was stronger than Nei I tend to say no as I believe genuinely at the time of the tuning exams the only two people stronger than Nei were probably Sasuke and gar however Naruto gar Sasuke and Nei are kind of in a revolving Circle when it comes to the tuning exams and the Sasuke retrieval in terms of power in my mind and this is kind of only corroborated by the fact that Nei is one of the only few people during the Sasuke retrieval Arc to wipe out the sound Village 5 member that they came across see obviously we know that the first one-on-one in the Sasuke retrieval Arc is choji versus Joba a battle which Choi is able to win but only after he takes the three tricolored pales which for all intensive purposes should have killed him if not for the intervention of Tsunade however the second one-on-one battle is Nei versus kumaru and while Karu is absolutely a very even matching for Nei Nei is able to kill him now mind you kimaru is one of the sound Village five capable of opening up to the second level of the curse Market giving Karu spider-like abilities on top of the fact that he has a massive spider summon which can not only battle on its own but also summon hundreds if not thousands of smaller spiders Karu should be a terrible matchup for Nei as Karu is a longrange attacker shooting arrows from kilometers away while Nei is a close quarter combats fighter relying on the power of His Byakugan and gentle however Nei is able to overcome this disadvantage against kumaru by not only using his eight trigrs 128 Palms to destroy hundreds if not thousands of spiders as they're descending down onto him to slow down his rotation ability basically when it comes down to matchups kumaru was an awful match up for Nei having an answer for pretty much all of his abilities and yet Nei was able to assess the situation and understand that there was a spider web attached to every arrow that Karu fired and thus Nei understanding that Karu was aiming for his blind spot allows Karu to hit him in a non-lethal area and sends gentle fist through that spider string and with simply one gentle fist attack Nei is able to kill a level two curse mark user that's something that doesn't get talked about enough it was a onot kill and while Nei without medical attention probably also would have died and this fight would have resulted in a tie showed in that one moment that his Tai Jutsu was legit now Nei unfortunately kind of disappears from the story after this until the fourth great Shinobi World War and while Nei doesn't accomplish a whole lot in the fourth great Shinobi World War except you know for having his own 10 ketu points poked we'll say Nei does manage with tautu alone that is to say gentle fist alone repel one of the tales of the ten Tales now this is with nei's vacuum palm and while it's not like Nei killed the ten Tales being able to repel one of the tales of the ten Tales an entity which terraformed the Earth shows that Nei in the years since the battle against Karu has definitely been working on his tautu and thus while Naji doesn't accomplish nearly as much as anybody else on this list it's hard to ignore as a abilities so he gets the 10 spot coming up at number nine we have a shared spot now the reason that this spot is shared is because for all intents and purposes these characters have never really done anything to separate from each other when it comes to tautu though I don't believe that these characters are equally strong as each other as one character is clearly stronger at least now and therefore in a tight spot at number nine we have Tsunade and Sakura now someone with the argument that tsunade's taiu Feats are actually more impressive than sakuras and I wouldn't really disagree with that but when it comes down to Tai Jutsu kit tsuna and Sakura kind of have the exact same one to say that tsuna or Sakura are skilled Tai Jutsu users is kind of a stretch however if everybody else on this list is a knife that is to say if you get hit by it multiple times you're going down for the big one Sakura and Tsunade are shotgun one shot and you're not getting back up and therefore in a practical sense while it might be easier to avoid the taiu strikes of Sakura orady power behind those strikes mean that if you don't avoid all of them you're not seeing tomorrow see really the first time time that we ever see Tsunade demonstrate any skill when it comes to tautu is her battle against the roochi Maru and while Tsunade is introduced as one of the Forefront Tai Jutsu users in all of Naruto in this battle Orochimaru does have noodle arms I just kind of realized that most of my arms are under the camera so me doing this doesn't really do much for you visually but arms or not the fact that tsuna was able to push the offensive against Orochimaru is still impressive not to mention in this battle against rochim Maru we got to see the power that Tsunade was dealing with as she blew holes in walls and crash down entire castles not to mention that at least prior to Kabuto pulling out a little bit of that red juice she was able to speed Blitz somebody who is at least a high jonine at the moment that Kabuto is battling against Tata and while Kabuto in that moment is probably more focused on his medical Ninjutsu like his chakra scalpel in order to use chakra scalpel effectively kabo has to have really good tautu so the fact that tsuna was able to Blitz the likes of him shows her speed but really when it comes down to it the most impressive tautu Feats that Tsunade ever pulls off or during the fourth gr Shinobi world War orsat accomplishes something with one simple kick that Naruto couldn't do with a big ball Ross senon see when tsuna finds herself in combat against the likes of MAA tady is able to crack his susano rib cage and while a lot of you are probably going she cracked a rib cage in the beginning of the fourth grade Shinobi World War when MOA pulls up on the entirety of the fourth division when Naruto and gar step in to make sure he doesn't kill any more useless ninjas Naruto surprises moo with a big ball Russ sengan of which MOA simply blocks with a Susan rib cage and the Susan rib cage is completely fine which tells us that Tsunade with the power of a simple kick has more offensive output than Naruto and kcm1 using a big ball Rosena and considering the fact that that would be more than enough to kill 99% of people in the Naruto universe that kind of backs up my whole Tsunade as a shotgun Theory and we haven't even taken into account tsunade's Heavenly kick of pain which is on multiple basis is shown the ability to create massive craters so she definitely deserves respect and when it comes to respect I would Reon that the level of respect that tsuna deserves is somewhere around the same amount as Sakura deserves see we actually have actual stats for every person who currently exists in Boro in terms of how powerful they are in boruto and while Sakura in the third Data Book only came in out of three out of five in tautu by the time that Boro has come around Sakura's unarmed combat is at a five star rating now this doesn't necessarily mean that her tautu is five out of five but it means that she's in the upper echelon of people at unarmed combat now a lot of that has to do with her IL to regenerate her body her massive chakra reserves and her strength but all of that can very obviously play into Tai Jutsu ability and considering the fact that tsuna did all of the important training for Sakura because Kakashi was too busy pining over Sasuke and maybe running around with Mike guy Sakura's tautu fighting style emulates tunat pretty clearly as Sakura much in the same way as Tsunade also has a Heavenly kick of pain however unfortunately when it comes down to Sakura's Tai Jutsu feet most of them come against puppets now the most clear and obvious example here for everybody who's watched Naruto is Sakura versus saucery and while a lot of people tend to try and strip this feed away from Sakura because Granny Chu was controlled to her via puppet strings this feat is at least 90% Sakura see in this battle Gro is in technically controlling Sakura in fact the reason that Gro has puppet strings attached to Sakura is to act as a second set of eyes Grano explains Sakura when they're setting up her going to fight s's puppets that Sakura will retain full control of her body however if hypothetically granny Chio sees something that Sakura does like an attack from her Blind Side Grano will be able to move Sakura out of the way and thus In This Moment Sakura isn't acting as a puppet granchio is just acting as a spotter so the majority of the tautu we see Sakura use against saucer puppets is her own and considering the fact that saucery was called saucery of the Red Sand the person who killed the third Kaz KAG said to be the strongest Kaz KAG in history and Sakura was walking through his puppets like a knife through hot butter in this moment Sakura's tautu ability that she had worked on during the time skip is put put on full display and while yes technically s's death does come at the hands of Grano and not Sakura without Sakura's presence gicho would have died about 10 minutes earlier than she planned and this isn't the only time that Sakura puts on a Big Show against a bunch of Puppets as in Naruto the last Sakura also comes toe-to-toe with a bunch of Puppets but this time there's no strings attached to her or the puppets see because the utki specifically the utki who live on the moon found a way to create puppets that operate entirely on their own meaning no Puppeteer needs to control them they simply do whatever directive the Puppeteer tells them to do and once again Sakura absolutely cuts through these puppets like a knife through hot butter but this time there's no way for you to take away that feat from her however it seems pretty much all but inarguable that these puppets are much stronger than the puppets that she was fighting when she was fighting against saucery as these are ancient utki puppets that have been mastered to the level where they don't need a puppeteer and I don't know about you guys but the idea of one person trying to manage 300 puppets seems a little bit weaker than one puppet who's in charge of themselves but really when it comes down to it soccer is most impressive tautu Feats come from her battle against shinua at least when it comes to fights that have been animated as I would actually argue that her most impressive tautu Feats come from her light novel however in this battle against Shinu chha Sakura finds herself one-on-one against the man with like two dozen shingon and mind you Shinu isn't using all the shangan to rip off a bunch of izanami or isangi like danzo no he's using the shangan to see and react and perceive and on top of that one of the shingon is an MS now I'm not going to sit here and say that shinu's extra sensory Ms perception is on par with that of Sasuke what I am going to say is that Shin's extra sensory Ms perception is probably on par with Sasuke and his battle against Killer B and that is to say that Shin's extrasensory perception is probably somewhere around being able to manage watching almost eight swords at once against a guy who's been using eight swords his entire life and that's just one of his eyes and yet Sakura without the activation of her byaki a seal goes toe-to-toe with shinua and tautu for a fair amount of time in fact giving us one of the most underrated fights in all of Naruto history and W Sakura probably wouldn't have won this battle without Sasuke stepping in Shinu should absolutely not be underestimated as a Tai jutu opponent and when he combined that with a light novel feed of defeating an U Captain with a version one jiner cloak with Tai Jutsu and her byaki a seil alone it's hard to not give her her flowers all puns intended so while many would make the argument that Tsunade is better at tautu than Sakura I would actually go the other way but in both of their cases their strength in tautu is largely predicated on the fact that one hit k kills you enough about then let's get to our number eight spot because coming up at number eight we have Hinata yes I put Hinata above Nei and I have a fair amount of reasons to do so well Nei was a genius of gentle fist tinat simply outm him tinat has shown the ability to do any and everything that Nei can do however during the pain Arch it was also revealed that Hinata had mastered one of the most illustrious abilities of the Huga the Twin Lion Fist and while she doesn't exactly use that Twin Lion fist to any Avail he not at the age of 15 finding out how to apply shape transformation to her chakra and then still use gentle fist is one of the most impressive things we've seen on a tautu basis especially when consider the fact that Twin Lion fist not only allows Hinata to still use gentle fist but also works a lot like samehada in that anytime Hinata makes contact with an opponent with her twin lion fist activated she steals their chakra giving her an all but Infinite Battery when it comes to using her Byakugan or gentle Fist and when you consider the fact that she pulled this ability off at 15 and no other Huga member is able to do it that's pretty impressive and while in the fight the Hinata reveals Twin Lion fist is short and sweet she does manage to hit tendo pay that's something and just like Soca she also manages to destroy many of toner's Puppets on top of this like her deceased cousin Nei she's also able to repel the tent Tales tail so if we're going to give Nei credit for doing that we also got to give Hinata credit but probably the most impressive thing that Hinata ever does tautu wise is destroying the tensea specifically hamous ton that exists on the moon and acted as a power source to people like T cata after receiving the last vestiges of Hammer's chakra is able to upgrade her twin lion fist to destroy the 10 seon and since the last unlike all other Naruto movies is Canon this is very much possibly a repeatable feat but considering the fact that heata is very much a side character and a love interest and unfortunately doesn't get any important fights it's hard to put her really any higher than this mostly CU I really just couldn't justify putting her over our seven spot a and a that is to say the third and fourth rages not the first or second rages they're all named a kind of makes you wonder what happened with Dari and all I'm sure the first and second rages were incredible at Tai Jutsu we know next to nothing about them except for the fact that the first raag was modeled after Jimmy Hendrick so who knows maybe he used the same abilities as the Kyoto High Principal now technically the addition of the third or fourth raag on this list is kind of cheating because while the third and fourth rag are incredible at tautu technically what they use at their highest level of tautu is nin Tai Jutsu a mix of ninjutsu and tautu as the third and fourth rag don't reach their highest level of tautu until they activate their lightning cloak which increases their defensive ability speed and power as well as their reaction time so do we give credit to the third and fourth rag for using an adaptation of tautu and boosting it with Ninjutsu we do their tautu ability because it's heavily reliant on the Ninjutsu side of things I can't really say but if you were going to talk about tautu ability alone a and a would probably be higher on this list actually no I just looked at the rest of the list and no they wouldn't so actually I'm not docking them for using Ninjutsu game is game this list is very top and while when it comes to the third R KAG we don't have a ton of Feats we understand that the third R KAG himself was referred to as the perfect shield now we got this moniker because he covered the retreat of 10,000 Shinobi during the third great Shinobi World War and because his lightning cloak was all but Invincible was really the only thing that was able to punch through it being his hell stab now we know that the third R KAG recovered the treat of his soldiers for 3 Days against 10,000 Shinobi as to how many of the Shinobi he killed we don't know but coning the fact that none of them were able to get past him you got to assume it was a good amount of them now obviously a large part of this was the fact that the third raag had an insane amount of chakra and thus he could maintain his lightning cloak for a fair amount of time so nobody could stab him however on top of this the third raagi also had things like his lightning Lariat and his hell stab which is essentially just a Chidori that gets more powerful the less fingers you use and they say Size Matters apparently not confirms what I've been hearing for years and it was the power of this hell stab the one finger version of which is said to be strong enough to be able to cut through basically anything in the Naruto Universe like the entirety of gui's Tails or his horn that got a the rag through 3 days of this battle however we have substantially more Feats for his son a the fourth rag don't name your children after you even with the junior thing just don't just it's just needlessly confusing now a the fourth rag has a fair amount of very impressive Feats like the fact while Mino was alive he was considered the only man fast enough to keep up with him and while Mino was faster than a Mino is technically infinitely fast so even being talked about in the same level of speed as Mino is a big compliment and after mino's death a was universally agreed upon to be the fastest man on earth a man so fast he was able to use that speed in a contest of strength against tunate and come out Victorious speed Blitz in all but embarrass a dual Ms Sasuke and go toe totoe when it comes to speed with a kcm1 Naruto now kcm2 Naruto different ballpark but still keeping up with kcm1 Naruto very impressive and while we never got to see the fourth R KAG go toe-to-toe with kyuki like his father he was still heavily involved in all battles against kyuki whenever gyuki raged out in blue be and on top of this the fourth round KAG doesn't use Black Lightning like his father as we know the third Ry KAG passed down Black Lightning explicitly to Dari which means that any offensive ability the third raag had was actually more heavily dependent on Ninjutsu than a the fourth ryag so i' would argue when it comes to tautu PR the fourth rag is actually probably stronger than the third but enough about those two A's let's talk about a man with three A's in his name because coming up at number six we have gar Nick what are you talking about gar is entirely focused on using his magnet release he has no tautu ability whatsoever and for a while would that take you would have been correct in fact one of G's biggest weaknesses in Naruto and Naruto shuin was his lack of tautu ability and it's because of this That Rock Lee almost manages to defeat him in the tuning exams and it's why he was so afraid of kimaru when kimaru came back from the dead after the massive sand burial see really when it came down to it for a large amount of Naruto if you could get close enough to Gar you could win that is no longer the case see Gara after realizing that his Tai Jutsu is seriously lacking decides to train with Shira the user of the seven Heavenly breaths a character who on par in taijutsu with the likes of Rock Lee and well technically this battle between Rock Lee and Shira isn't Canon and even Shira training with gar at least as it's depicted isn't Canon as this training session between Shir and gar shown during the new tuning exams filler Arch it is kind of technically Canon like yes the scene we get exists in a filler Arch and therefore is filler however in caninos this scene has been agreed upon to have happened and it's why gar is now better at tautu I know it's kind of weird but B basically all you need to take from it is that GAR has trained with Shira and is now better at tautu and we're shown in this training montage that GAR is able to go toe-to-toe with a base form Shira pretty equally and while that would be impressive enough gar very clearly continues to train with Shira and tautu to the point where when G finds himself in a battle against kishiki in boruto Andor The Boro movie kinshiki Compares G's tautu to that of Naruto in Sask claiming that his tautu is First Rate implying that in the time since we last Saw gar in tautu he's continued to train and now somebody with incredibly trained eyes those being Byakugan and with an incredible amount of power I mean this is kiniki we're talking about has seen gar taitu ability and has decided that it is as good as other people he's fought like Naruto and Sasuke and while with that comment alone we could say oh my God gar is one of the best tautu users in the entire universe I'm not going to wait that comment too heavily but the fact that GAR tautu PR was acknowledged by kinshiki a Tai jutu and kenjutsu specialist means he's done a lot of work and thus somewhat surprisingly gar exists at number six on this list just below the person he fought in the tuning exams because coming in at number five we have Sasuke ooh I can feel it I can I can feel the comments of hatred I know give me a second Nick what do you mean that Sasuke is only one spot better than gar you literally just said you were going to wait that comment too highly I did say that and I mean it and here's the thing Sasuke is an incredible hand-to-hand fighter however Sasuke at his strongest is not a hand-to-hand fighter he is a swordsman if you told me I had to fight Sasuke without using Jutsu I would say no thank you when it comes down to battles without using Jutsu Sasuke is one of your scariest possible opponents I mean Sasuke is a wielder of the charangon which means that he can copy physical movements and we've seen him do this most notably when he copies Rock Le's lion barrage or at least that's what he names it but basically when Rock Le hits Sasuke with the primary Lotus Sasuke goes oh yeah I know that now and that's something he can do over and over and over again if you watch is a good tautu specialist he now gets to be as good at tautu as they are on top of that in base form against an amped early version one Naruto with one tail Sasuke was able to keep up with that version of Naruto in tautu well eventually that battle devolved into Sasuke using his curse mark and then using the Onyx Chidori it did begin as a taijutsu battle where Sasuke was keeping up in his base form with an amped Naruto andw Sasuke does absolutely get put on a poster by Killer B twice the fact that he was able to keep track of any of those WS for any amount of time is somewhat impressive on top of that Sasuke managed to go toe-to-toe with his brother Itachi and tautu and dwell tautu wasn't exactly Itachi's Forte Itachi well at least 30% of Itachi was enough to go toe-to-toe with the likes of kcm1 Naruto and obviously in Naruto and Sasuke's Second Battle the most important part of that battle did boil down to Naruto and Sasuke using taijutsu and while a lot of that tautu is predicated around the usage of additional Ninjutsu additives like Naruto's chakra hands or Sasuke's kagutsuchi I'll give you a hint when it comes to tautu Naruto is pretty high on this list and maybe the most impressive thing that Sasuke ever pulls off tautu eyes is going toe-to-toe against a fused momoshiki and while technically the most impressive thing that Sasuke does in this battle is kick momoshiki in the side of the head in his fused form and this could mostly be tied into the fact that momoshiki was currently in a battle against base form Naruto giving an absolute class on what tautu looks like to momoshiki still being able to speed Blitz a fuse momoshiki and land a clean hit pretty good look but really when it comes down to it Sasuke is more heavily reliant on his sword than he is his fists and while separating Tai Jutsu and kenjutsu is kind of splitting hairs if we weren't separating tautu from kenjutsu Killer B would be on this list and considering the fact that Dari was put in the same categorization as gar by kiniki then Dari should be on this list and so while I heavily respect Sasuke's hand-to-hand combat ability he's got to get docked for the fact that he usually is using a sword which is kenjutsu however you know who doesn't use a sword and ironically tat Sasuke some of what he knows well that would be our number four spot Kakashi Kakashi is as much of a tautu expert as you get and Kakashi is a tautu expert for a lot of the same reasons that Sasuke is a taiu expert I mean Kakashi is known as the copy ninja and wow that's usually talking about the fact that he's copied over 1,000 Jutsu Tai Jutsu is still technically Jutsu and therefore if Sasuke has copied physical movements in Tai Jutsu then you can bet your bottom dollar so is Kakashi and Kakashi has been incredible at tautu for pretty much as long as we've known him see well Kakashi is known as the copy ninja of a thousand Jutsu more often than not he's just straight up using tautu and the Jutsu he created the Chidori or the raikiri in his case is to compliment that fact see because while Kakashi can absolutely use mid to long range Jutsu he prefers to use the Chidori as the Chidori compliments his more up close and personal fighting style mostly to complement the fighting style that he grew up on which was reliant on his white chakra saber however unlike Sasuke Kakashi after loss of his sword never really picked one up again you know until he got the Executioner blade for a little bit which was cool but really from the jump Kakashi has always shown that his hand-to-hand fighting ability is next to none in the earliest days of us knowing Kakashi we saw that Kakashi as a genning was able to pressure the likes of Mito who albe it wasn't trying but still impressive the fact that Mino registered Kakashi as the only threat during the Bell test is saying something on top of that Kakashi has had a ton of fights as Kakashi in the first AR of Naruto is pretty much the sole person holding it down against Zaba and need did the same thing in the battle against kakazu and while in these fights he obviously uses a myriad of different jutsus to control pacing an attack from a long range but we know when things get up close and personal Kakashi is that guy and this is mostly because he grew up next to mik guy who he sparred with and competed with in every imaginable capacity which means that he's been able to copy a fair amount from Mike guy even going so far as to accidentally awaken the first gate while training during the time Skip and this isn't the only time that Kakashi wandered into accidental comparison with Rockley and Mike guy as when an OG Naruto Naruto was talking about Kakashi he said a bunch of really nice things about him like how his nose was was better than kba and his intellect was higher than shikamaru's and that his Tai Jutsu was better than Rock Le's now mind you this is the Tai Jutsu of a Rock Lee that just opened to the fifth gate and battled against gar on a somewhat equal footing but none of these and I mean none of these Feats even come close to scraping Kakashi's most impressive taijutsu feat and that would be the feat that he accomplished in one of Naruto's best fights Kakashi versus Obito now in this battle a one Ms Kakashi is battling against white mask Obito but now an unmasked version of it and under that mask it was revealed that not only is half of Obito's body hashirama cells which gives him a massive chakra boost regeneration ability and the ability to use his Ms basically as much as he wants but also revealed a renon and considering Kakashi's track record against guys with renegon this fight didn't look good for Kakashi and yet Kakashi was able to go toe-to-toe with essentially the final antagonist of the show on a 100% equal footing I mean this is a man with a new set of Six Paths of pain that are all gingu all the abilities of the rning G and all the abilities of camoi for all intensive purposes this should have been the most powerful version of Obito we ever saw and Kakashi in the camoi dimension manages to go toe-to-toe with him in a 95% taijutsu battle now you can say what you want about Obito's Tai Jutsu and how Kakashi going toe-to-toe with Obito tautu just makes his taijutsu as good as Obito but with strength comes tautu I think Sakura and Tsunade are Testaments to that fact and at any point Obito could have used any of the Myriad of his abilities to fight Kakashi to a higher level and a couple of times he does and yet Kakashi once again through 95% Tai Jutsu battles against Obito equally and what's crazy is that one could make the argument that this isn't even Kakashi's most impressive feat as that version of Kakashi that we saw in the war is actually weaker than the version of Kakashi we have now in Boro or at least weaker than Hokage Kakashi was but considerer the fact that the prime age of ninja appears to be somewhere around 50 we might be currently looking at the strongest ever version of Kakashi because his choc pool is no longer hindered by a constantly activated Shing gun and while a shing gun does technically give you the ability to perceive things faster it's not like aaring gon makes you faster or stronger and those are kind of the two biggest things when it comes to tautu but now instead of having the extra sensory perception of a sharing gon Kakashi has replaced that with stamina and all of this was put on to show when he came Toe to Toe with the likes of Kosen Koji a man who was able to kill ishiki well 10% Chen but still so when it comes down to talking about who's the best at any form of Jutsu if you don't have Kakashi somewhat near the top of your list you're tripping but the same could absolutely be said for the likes of MAA because coming in up at number three we have MAA MAA is genuinely the best example of if you're talking about the greatest users of anything include him if it's lightning if it's fire if it's Ninjutsu Tai Jutsu genjutsu Sage Jutsu MO is in the top three assuming you're not including ukis but technically there is kind of a problem with your move set being that wide zimara is incredible at everything I mean he was supposed to be the final boss of Naruto and because of this his Fireball Jutsu is one of the greatest we've ever seen he's able to rip meteors out of the sky he was able to defeat a dual EMS Sasuke with no eyeballs using a sage mode he learned 35 seconds earlier he could shoot purple lightning out of his fingertips like he was related to Ray Skywalker oh did that hurt your feelings I don't care and therefore when we consider the fact that moo is so good at everything it's hard to be like oh well then he was clearly the best at something but like when it comes down to Tai Jutsu how could you even argue with MOA being in the top three because well yes during the war MOA does a whole lot of everything there's a scene where he uses the great Fireball technique with so much tenacity that it requires an entire division of water release users to nullify it and then after they do that he just decides to make a bunch of meteors out of fireballs that end up killing thousands of people he shoots laser beams out of his mouth and out of his fingers let's not forget about the way that the fourth great Shinobi World War opens for Ma and that is just raw uncut knuckle sandwiches moo decides even though he has the full ability of his Ron from the second that he's reincarnated to Simply bum rush an entire division of Shinobi 20,000 people and you know what he does he embarrasses every single one of them whether it's kicking people's heads into the sand or grabbing explosive tags off a kunai and slapping them onto somebody else or stealing swords and then becoming a Beyblade Mo without using any Jutsu whatsoever manages to make it very clear to the 20,000 Shinobi facing him that they are outmatched and the reason that MO is able to do things like this is because he spent his entire life fighting against incredibly powerful Shinobi I mean one of the least impressive things that Mo ever did was go to the hidden stone village smack the taste out of mu and and noi's mouths and then just leave and while we don't know how he went about defeating these two we can assume that a fair amount of taijutsu was involved and can say the fact that moo was the person who killed ketsu hosaki who went up against the entirety of the fourth division ceiling team and told them how to beat them and still wasn't defeated until gup pulled up and den noi is the only person Mo identified as a possible threat to him in the fourth great Shinobi world war that is very impressive but obviously it's less impressive than the fact that MOA survived hundreds of battles against a man who was effectively Immortal and while a lot of you are now probably asking the very logical question okay then why why isn't the immortal on this list hashirama believe it or not is actually a kenjutsu user you know this is the scroll that he carried on his back actually held multiple massive swords and this makes sense we consider the fact that senju stands for 1,000 tasks and therefore the senju were said to be talented at everything I would also argue that hashirama is more relying on jutsu's and his regeneration ability than his Tai Jutsu at least comparatively to MAA and there's also the fact that MAA proclaimed that a person that he fought in the fourth grade Shinobi World War not named hashirama was the greatest taijutsu fighter he had ever encountered and that ladies and gentlemen was our number two spot because coming in at number two we have might guy Nick how are you placing somebody who's proclaimed by MOA arguably the most trustable voice on who's strong and who isn't to be the strongest tautu user of all time not at number one well we'll get to that in a second but for the moment let's focus on Mike guy what do I really need to say about Mike guy's tautu ability that you don't already know he's a master of the eight Gates being able to open all eight Gates which grants him access to moves like the morning peacock a technique available to mik guy after he opens the sixth gate where he punches the air so hard he's able to launch fireballs and the fire generated by these punches is so intense that it was able to evaporate hundreds of water sharks from the likes of Kisame yes that's right with a technical type disadvantage Mike guy was able to outclass Kisame the greatest water Ninjutsu user in all of Naruto however if my guy happens to open into something like oh I don't know the seventh gate he's able to use an ability known as daytime tiger by clapping his two hands together he creates a pocket of super condensed pressure that he then pushes forward in a punch like attack this condensed pressure then travels in the form of a tiger that can explode on command and the explosion of this attack is so large it dwarfs that of the island turtle that is to say that this purely tautu attack is above Island level and has been shown all but destroying things like MAA susano heaven forbid if you ever see Mike guy open to the eighth gate because in the eighth gate he can use abilities like the evening elephant a technique that allows Mike guy to punch so hard he releases pressurized cones of air he releases over and over again from all direction as he uses his new found ability to jump through the air by kicking it so hard these punches are so hard that they're able to shatter the likes of a truth Seeker orb something that shouldn't technically be possible but Mike guy strongest move is undoubtedly his eighth gate technique night guy a technique where Mike guy enters into a sprinter stance and uses his dynamic entry kick at such a speed and at such a weight that it bends SpaceTime making it not only impossible to dodge but also a guaranteed oneit kill against everybody who's not the final boss of Naruto and considering the fact that Mike guy would tautu alone and a little bit of help was able to almost kill MAA supposedly the final boss of Naruto means when talking about the top tautu users in all of Naruto you can't ignore him now obviously sharing that spot with Mike guy is Rock Lee as there's genuinely no reason for us to believe that Rock Lee is any weaker than Mike guy outside of the fact that we haven't seen Rockley open the eighth gate however Rockley has a couple of things that Mike guy doesn't like the drunken fist which makes Rock Le's Tai jutu so unpredictable that people like kimy Maru a natural born genius in all things hand-to-hand combat was not only flustered but also getting pressur and while I've seen tons of impressive Feats from Rock Lee the most impressive feat we've ever seen from him is during Naruto the last with through the power of opening up to the sixth or seventh gate he was able to kick a meteor in half and while Rockley had the rest of his suicide corpse on his side Rockley was leading the charge so for that reason Mike guy and rock Ley share the second spot so who gets first Nick I'll give you a guess what do I say every single time we do a video ranking some aspect of Naruto and what characters are good at it Naruto is going to be first however when it comes to categorizations that Naruto is on top of I would argue that taijutsu is the one he has the biggest lead in because Naruto's tautu is god tier yes obviously Naruto has things like rangan and kcm1 and two and his Kurama chakra mode is actually just what km is I just don't know what to call it when he's in like his it's his tail beast transformation but that sounds boring but at the core of Naruto's abilities Tai Jutsu has always been the most important this is why he uses the Rasengan because the Rasengan is essentially just an extension of a fist it's not until Naruto shuin that Naruto figures out any ranged abilities whatsoever and yet Naruto finds himself on equal footing against the likes of Nei G and Sasuke all in Tai Jutsu battles well the fight against gar is not a taijutsu battle but you get it using almost entirely tautu Naruto manages to battle against the likes of Sasuke a shangan wielder Nei a Byakugan wielder people for all intents and purposes that should be much better than him in tautu but really when it comes down to it Naruto's most impressive tautu Feats come from boruto and Naruto the last and we'll go chronologically see because while Naruto the last definitely focuses more on like the lasery aspect of Naruto's fights when it really comes down to it Naruto's most decisive blows against toneri are tautu like when Naruto condenses the kcm2 mode into his arm and punches toner so hard it knocks him out of ton mode do you know how hard you have to get punched to lose the ton but really when it comes down to Naruto quite literally running up the score on the competition when it comes to tautu we got to look at fights against Miki and ishiki because in Naruto's battle against momoshiki we saw for the first time in boruto that he hadn't lost the step in fact in Naruto's battle against fuse momiki he in base form managed to completely outdo moshiki in a battle of hand-to-hand combat and was Sasuke is definitely a factor in this battle really when it comes down to it the person putting the show on here was Naruto the whooping that Naruto put on Miki pales in comparison to the one he put on ishiki the second that Naruto activated Baron mode all bets were off the good man and Naruto left the moment that Naruto and K decided to collide chakra as ishiki an entity supposedly stronger than Jan who managed to rip Naruto and Sasuke out of their respective chakra was absolutely drowning in punches against this version of Naruto in fact in barion mode Naruto was explicitly told by Kurama to not use jutu and so he didn't all he used was home and defense I stole that joke from Danny and he showed ishiki what human power can truly look like very much cementing himself as the greatest taijutsu user in all of Naruto and now while technically Kaki and boruto should probably be on this list especially after the most recent anime fight I'm trying to stick to Naruto characters here because that's what the vast majority of my fan base wants but based off current powers and what they're able to pull off I would argue that Naruto and kowaki exist somewhere in the three to four spot on this list and now you know but what do you guys think who do you think are the greatest tautu users in all of Naruto tell me comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell oops we went big long on this video it's going to be like the first 45 minute video I posted on this page in a while sorry [Music] Cody [Music] as
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 198,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: 665QNfnlrdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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