Palworld has a not so well kept secret | Review

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pal world is a game where you can have a friendly encounter with lovely creatures that look strangely similar to some other longstanding games such as sheep creature cat creature un normal chicken and pink love lizard wait what the PO world has taken the Internet by storm whether it's hundreds of videos endless angry tweets my entire steam friends list or the top results on rule 34 you can't take two steps online without it popping up now me I'm not much of a creature Tamer player but I get the appeal there was a time I liked Pokémon and Monster Rancher and Digimon all those creature Tamer IPS but like modern superhero movies I have not found those entertaining in a very long time but despite all the controversy and discussion it has exploded in popularity and since someone bought it for me I feel myself forced to engage with it and thereby out of habit form my own opinion with all this in mind I'll be discussing two things in this video One my experience playing absent anything else and two my opinion on all of the controversies and discussions around it getting right into it I get that this is Early Access but when a game sells this well I have to give my opinion as it is I will revise my opinion if things change but I'm not going to hold back as if the Early Access tag is is a get out of criticism free card like being a virgin it allows some free passes but if you shout Bazinga when you finish I don't care what your excuse is I will fire you out of a cannon into the sun now starting out character creation is nothing special but it's not bad the game caters to both types of players normal people and monster Factory and then it drops you into the world while I don't need to get into the details of every little thing and every little moment moment of starting out the tutorial does do a nice job of getting you accustomed to the basics Base building catching your first Pals leading all the way up to your first boss battle with Seaman demon and Gris bolt and ignoring the glitch that allows you to capture her and keep her with you forever it's a nice fight that introduces the idea of these battles this was something I felt as I played more the tower boss battles are interesting even if they do still feel very early accy it feels like it should be a final boss at a gym in Pokemon but unless you read all the journal entries you won't really even know who these people are or why you're fighting them this is something I'm hoping they will add I'd love to see more battles including pal battles out in the open with the various faction members right now all of the factions are just different looking versions of the same guy like a quote unquote artist on Discord who adds you out of the blue and then begs you to commission them they might seem different but what they deliver in the end is the same disappointment every time but with time and some updates I'd love to see this turn into something Progressive that leads to this boss fight at a more thematic location than just a tower in the middle of nowhere where you fight through lower ranking people and have pal battles with them now I know what you might be thinking Kevin this sounds eerily similar to something else that exists well let me tell you shut up exploration is very much a breath of the wild ripoff but it does work well it can be a bit clunky sometimes and stamina depletes at an insanely fast rate there is enough random crap to collect that going out always feels like it has a function and of course you can Massacre the wildlife and thugs with my evil neighbor todoro and his minigun I do enjoy the base building though as of now a lot of the AI for the slaves I mean Pals breaks often and getting them to stick to doing what you want can be a pain at times especially on a dedicated server rather than a local game I noticed that local games just seem to run better in general and I also noticed that as you get to the higher levels grinding out new things for your base became a lot slower required a lot more XP which was rather annoying but overall I enjoy it I find setting things up to be a lot of fun and it adds to the natural progression of the game I do wish they gave you more room to build I'm sure this all has to do with the way the system is put together but the circle you get for your base can be very limiting you basically have to just build up it' be nice to see them expand base size because honestly how am I going to build my love Ander Sex Dungeon with so little space now with Base building in mind I do have to point out something come here come a little closer and listen this game is tricking you they're pulling the lamb ball wool over your eyes this game has tricked us all into believing this was the great Pokémon replacer but it is a Lie the Pokémon ripoff is front and center to hide the truth from you dear citizen no no it is not truly that what this game really is W this game is only minorly a Pokémon ripoff what it truly is is Ark survival evolved look at it technology it's just ingrams pal specializations those are just dinosaur specializations weapon progression technology progression Base building it's all Ark but that's okay cuz I actually like Ark a lot All Things Considered and I don't blame them if your goal is to promote the game saying we're replacing Ark is a far less likely thing to go viral than Pokémon with slavery and surprise mechanics that brings me to what I hope happens in the road map they expressed a few things most of which sound good but one thing I dread PVP now don't get me wrong poke I mean pow battles sound fun and I'd love to see them and PVP in general is not bad as a concept plenty of games I enjoy are PVP but we have so many PVP games and PVP has its drawbacks and with the game being so similar to Ark we can just look at that to see some of the problems that PVP caused one of the big things about Ark is the game is heavily balanced scaled and updated with PVP in mind how long it takes to tame how many resources everything takes to build or create and even the lack of in-depth PVE content is all scaled and designed around this idea of PVP many games are like this as well rust is a great example and while that is fine you are allowed to like that I'd hate to see a lot of what has made this game really cool so far be ruined by some kid offline raing you and then calling you the nword 30 times when he sees you log in so we shall see how it goes but I feel the game has a lot of potential and I look forward to the eventual dating mechanic that they will have to add to satisfy the perverse Cravings of the masses now with all of that said let's talk about the controversy now personally I'm not that invested I think a lot of the statements around it are weirdly emotional and extreme the criticisms of the game's lack of originality are quite valid this was not an inspired creation of new or original ideas none of pocket Pals games are like putting my bro in an estalo costume it's just an imitation of what really want but most of my life and most of my childhood has this being quite common someone makes a game sets a standard for certain mechanics and other games copy it most suck but sometimes they don't World of Warcraft changed MMOs forever and almost everyone since copies it most of them died but Final Fantasy 14 managed to become its own thing well enough that people stuck by it and loved it you don't see wow running Erp nightclubs there are tons of other examples how many games have just C copied the souls formula how many shooters are just Call of Duty we have a bajillion battle Royals I just don't feel like this is the gravest sin known to man deserving of 2-hour cancellation response videos people take ideas and even straight up rips from other things all the time for example I love escape from tarov but there are things people want that BSG won't even consider providing so of course someone else came along and said I can do that there's a cute little indie game called Z seert it is essentially a one forone imitation of tarov but designed around PVE and with a top- down pixel art style of course because it is a top- down pixel art game there are some details that are changed to suit that style but it is essentially in all ways a PVE escape from tarov because at the end of the day that's what BSG refuses to create a satisfying PVE experience my point here is is that maybe something is just an imitation of something else we like but as grandma used to say a hole's a hole and any hole is a goal I miss you Grandma I will say it's true that while some Pals can get by on how original can you be with a penguin or a bird and some of them do seem to be an original design it's clear how a large number of the designs are just yeah copy my homework and change it slightly so it seems different even the struggle snuggle lizard is just a ripoff of salazzle but I think this just highlights the reality there is a gap in the market that game freak repeatedly fails to deliver on even if you like their recent games my condolences it's obvious there was a desire for something that pal world has somehow delivered on and I think it's all worth criticizing but I also think it's not worth being as invested as some people have been just chill man Grandma knows best as for me I hope they make it into something more unique and fun without tainting what is currently the highlight of it we shall see thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Kevin not Guaranteed
Views: 2,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, review, game reviews, Palworld, palworld review, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld pokemon, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, palworld tips and tricks
Id: k2xO6onVsjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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