All CIV Nations Battle in an EU4 World (Civilization to Europa Universalis)

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so my og fans might member something like this I basically do this a couple years ago except uh this is gonna be even better basically we're gonna have a civilization style game play out a tu four so as you can see all the leaders are started off with just one province and all the provinces hold kind of the same value it was gonna go around colonizing going to war it's gonna be just like a regular Civ game about was created by a guy named or beyond and honestly it is far better than I ever could've done myself can't thing him enough there's gonna be I think like sixty six sixty plus ifs all from six save five and even a couple from SIF for now I always love picking the Zulu in games like these just because they're down here by himself but obviously we're playing at you four which is gonna bring really different results for instance if anyone gets a colony well that could technically be lost due to like an independence warrior I think what my favorite parts has got to be the accurate flags you'll notice that the icons are similar to whatever save game they last appeared in it's super cool like it really helps with what we're trying to do here America is already out here colonizing and not immediately next to their starting province I don't know if that's a good idea but we'll see it's where the map is obviously the first wars are gonna begin it's kind of real jam-packed in here we got Sparta Greece Macedon Byzantium maybe even the Ottomans might join in will save Egypt some Phoenicians Sumeria Babylon Assyria Persia Georgia whole bunch as well as my personal favorite gulag lands that's right Stalin's make a little cameo I think he was in Civ one and for widows got some of the newcomers Australia as well as out here New Zealand's the Mao D and one that I'm always gonna forget about but they're very important at least in my heart you know they're gonna be super annoying balinese used to ruin everything for me just because they could colonize the Western Hemisphere before anyone else get way too powerful so many Civ games destroyed because of them but I still like them Europe is starting to look blobby which is to be expected not too many people border each other just yet except for Austria and Hungary who knows maybe won't get a personal union out of them bitterly sparred has had a tough time from Greece whoever this Greece is Pericles or someone Alexander I don't know but I guess they're gonna be okay they might survive all the leaders are record as well so I guess France actually has Napoleon leading them Queen Victoria's and England's we have Trajan down here in Rome and I also I'm kind of rooting for these guys kind of not used to them being here I think to help out with some of the balance in East Asia just because there's not that many nations over here we have two leaders so we use that in India we also have that in China as well as Japan even though it's only been a couple years let's still check on the great powers just to see you the best start hungry Greece China Byzantium Assyria another China Papa Stalin and in India but obviously this is all gonna change the kilts are already looking pretty good they've already locked down Ireland's and now they just kind of to worry about Scotland and England which they're kind of off to a slow start now maybe not data one our massive civilization six Battle Royale they were the final sieve left so let's see if they can repeat that success they might be able to because there's not a whole bunch of rivals over here maybe the Kree could stop them Rome is out here colonizing southern France and Iberia which could be a bad idea I don't know we'll see I don't know what Spain is up to just friends with Portugal okay make sense Scandinavia is filling up fast Denmark is gonna get a lot of southern Sweden Denmark or Norway I think the Swedes are a little preoccupied with Finland right now and so is Russia some of the most terrifying sibs are up this way we've got the Huns Cynthia and of course Mongolia and there really isn't anything that's gonna stop him from grabbing all this stuff Portugal is already colonizing the Caribbean all right um I I don't know that that seems horrible but you would do whatever you want oh and America colonizes Florida men that was crucial I guess for them again that that's a long journey you've made but whatever yes texts already struggling with the Mayans which the Mayans have two territories Mayan Mexico I like that they could be really powerful in Central America this is what I was talking about the exact thing else dog I should have said it i junked it okay thanks guys Polynesia has pollination California already out here Ford set lane you're actually looking around it seems like most of these leaders are totally fine with not like having connecting territory you'll probably see a lot of random dots just sprinkle throughout the map so we now have four new Spanish colonies that just popped up out of nowhere so the a is going hard for South America while it's still open because Brazil started to reach down here for its part of still surviving incredibly enough I guess the Ottomans don't really want to do much here they're just kind of chilling also I don't know if this is a good idea I wouldn't I would advise this sweet'n just looks like they took it pretty nice bite out of Norway and there's actually a lot going on in this Nordic region we've got Scotland up this way Russia's doing something they might have taken some territory we also have Swedish Baltic territory but Europe for the most part is already pretty much filled out which shouldn't be surprising at all there are so many SIVs here in this continent it's gonna take a lot longer for everywhere else Africa Asia obviously the West which kind of means they're gonna go out and do what they're supposed to kind of if they're gonna go out and call a nice stuff and that is gonna make things kind of accurate Danna better watch it because they might get replaced pretty soon here honestly I think I like these ones much better the matter you're being a little annoying since Australia just kind of needed this one piece of territory I think and they would have claimed the entire continent there's definitely some ores pop up between those two also Indonesia is trying their best with just a terrible situation they're going up towards the Philippines but everyone else is starting to eat up their islands screen looks pretty much done already just here at the start I mean let's they go out and call a nice something else which they probably will oh they did a little bit but they're gonna get cut off we basically have a Roman Aragon so that is also kind of weird thought of strange things were happening porch go just obliterated Morocco they're probably the next to die and Carthage is doing all right I guess not so much Egypt they're about to die too and it's looking like the South Americans just didn't do enough I don't know how that's possible they had so much land it's like they didn't do anything with it we have all sorts of different invaders the Celts are down here too with Celtic Columbia and Celtic Louisiana okay so they are not holding anything back as soon as they got Ireland they just venture it out this also is looking much better I prefer this Canada okay they've definitely had some problems though since England grabbed parts of their islands they took some stuff from Scotland though also may be England's just doing good in general they took things from Denmark and northern Germany George is doing what they do and almost all my civics videos just kind of moving up north which is probably a good thing you just want to stay as far away from this mess as possible looks like the Holy Roman Empire will be the next to die but they did take out the Dutch which being a sieve game we're totally used to that it's actually getting really difficult to like observe I know that that's the stupid but I'm just saying my job is not that easy it's it's pretty easy but this is a really hard video to do because there's so many things going on I can't cover everything just here just look for yourself the come on you're doing all right in Southeast Asia they seem to have won against like their big rival Siam for the most part and then they're gonna have to deal with a lot of outside people now while India over here is struggling it's like did they even try it looks like try to be honest I mean these guys are doing alright but a lot of other like raj is about to pop up oh I must have made Canada mad clearly they took out Celtic Canada and they were just not gonna have it you can't have Irish Tim Hortons that'd be weird Polynesia is also getting kicked out of California they're now just Polynesian Mexico for the most part they also have Alaska though which isn't much but at least is something the zoo that were taken out by Portugal for the most part at least and I'm thinking they're doing really well like they're doing a lot of stuff I think shock I might be dead soon though but there's actually a couple SIVs that are doing really well even if they lost like they're starting provinces or like they're starting five or ten or whatever it is I mean there's so much land you could just call a nice something else the Soviets are starting to break through sathya which is a big sign i thought they were gonna grab up this land and lock up everyone I guess not also I think Georgia took out the Huns huh yeah that said the Scandinavian wars are pretty much over and it's been won by Norway they're gonna be the last ones standing I think because Sweden is not looking good and Denmark is dead game Rus is doing all right but uh it's unfortunate their spot is just kind of jam-packed which happens so often in Civ games you just surround it so you don't have much of a chance it's a race for Siberia and there's a whole bunch of people involved of course the Soviets want that you have to get that I guess but uh Japan decided to get this a long time ago but they don't really want anything else Australia almost conquered their continent as soon as they kicked out the Maori but uh now we have another invader Spain just won't let them have it so think we were gonna see at least one colony replace like an original leader Brazil is yeah that that's just depressing you guys are gonna be drinking tea now the mines are looking like they're gonna have a rough time I don't know if this is Portugal that is doing all this keep in mind Portugal so has all of the Caribbean so yeah they're super dominant Rome is now pushing inside of France just eating a lot of southern French territory I guess they're also dealing with like basically a Hundred Years War Wow England that that's not a good look at that Persia was almost completely landlocked by the Sumerians and the Sumerians don't even really have their starting province that would been sad that been very depressing but you got lucky for now so I guess it's for the most part confirmed the Soviets will be getting a lot of their stuff they love so much not all of it but just a little bit and that's for everything else I mean Europe is really starting to come down there's a lot less players here also what the hell happened to Rome it looks like those three horde nations are gonna have very depressing games hundred dead city is about to die and Mongolia's just trapped they really can't do anything way to make me look dumb guys and why is Canada looking like they're about to take over all of North America come on guys you've had your time you got your victory please just let someone else have a chance really Georgia really all right well there we go I don't know where the hell that came from but I guess they're now superpower Australia's looking pretty good too though not not the same but I mean they're looking alright they took out the Madi and they have all control over new zealand's and I guess they could continue to expand this way you're always looking a lot less crazy I mean don't get me wrong the border war is still disgusting but it's supposed to be a safe game so I guess that makes sense Sporto has taken over almost all of Iberia we have Greece continuing to well Rome is almost dead so that's interesting I think that's England down here too a lot of times gone by and I don't know what is going on cameras controls like all of Eastern your a lot of Eastern you're up there looking good Russia also Russia's doing great and Mali expanding through Iberia doing their own re wreaking Reconquista yeah Rica Keyes days most part is still doing alright I mean they lost like an immediate war and look at them they made it there looking sexy they got some nice friends there also at war Japan Georgia and India is now a thing because why not that yeah that's that's basically India makes sense and America is gonna die once again to Canada in a sieve game man this is really is painful is painful watch you guys just suck now once again is another huge jump in time Canada has basically taken over all of North America English Brazil died and the Mapuche out of nowhere so they they saved it at the very end that's the East India taking a lot of South Africa and all of Australia I don't know how they managed to do some of this stuff Europe is still really messy I like I was part of survived till the very end England's looking good Mali Kevin Russ I don't know who really won this probably find out and Persia kicked out Samaria I was gonna say that would have been horrible like a horrible look and they're expanding a little bit into India I think they might have killed Gandhi Allah but there was only a few nations with this like plain white color but of course Georgia managed to make it pretty far lose their home territory and get right next to the other one just to make it confusing uh yeah here's a better visual look I guess Ohta of Japan kind of has a lot more than it might seem Georgia's definitely losing some power I don't know what happened I mean they had their moment they just collapsed anyways here we go let's see who won so we have India Japan Sparta that is incredible love that they made two six plays Persia Russia Cuban Rus all right that is also kind of surprising oh man daddy stolen to make it man Oh depressed and Canada has won once again ever since they included Canada and sips sakes you know I think we need to have a petition maybe we should move them there just a to ope so this really was like a true sieve game just complete stupidity like it was just dumb a lot of things that didn't make any sense but it happened and it was entertaining so that's all I could ask for I'm so glad this mod was made because I don't want to do this for like a year now I just I couldn't do it is yeah yeah I'm not very good and I just yeah it's really difficult but this is way better than I ever could have done so many cool things the icons being brought from the sieve games the leaders and clearly I think Sims were able to expand a little bit faster than I would have been able to get them to do that but anyways guys thanks for watching see you next time big thanks to lvc well I should senpai crucification Swiss are go max eg King Solomon and Mo Kelly tenor of the Nazarene free cruise mr / Kelly ughter donkey Brian Hinkle Destiny 9000 egg a fat boy sneaky Gengar battle buddy 1846 James Miller Mike S is gay paper 56 Huey Long Don Alfonso m6 thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 464,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, EU4, Europa Universalis 4, Civilization, Civ, Europa Universalis, Civilization 6, Civilization 5, Civ 6, Civ 4, Civ 5, Europa Universalis IV, Civilization 4, Civilization VI, Civilization 6 Gathering Storm, Civ V, Civ VI, Civ IV, Civilization VI Gathering Storm, All Nations, EU4 World, EU4 All Nations, Civ Nations, All Civs, Civilization World, Europa Universalis World, CIV to EU4
Id: a4KbCTvOM1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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