All 52 Filler Devil Fruits and Their Powers Explained! Every Non-Canon Devil Fruit User in One Piece

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what's going on everyone axel beats here for anime uproar and today we're taking a look at all of the non-canon devil fruit in one piece devil fruits have always been an iconic part of the series and as we've received so many movies games and filler episodes over the 25 plus year run there's definitely been more than enough to talk about you know the drill though if you are enjoying the one piece content on the channel remember to leave a like and a comment down below and of course if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do so so that you don't miss any of our future videos first up i want to give a big thank you to today's sponsor re-fantasia charm and conquer for supporting our channel you guys know how much we love anime and manga here but some of you might not know that we actually love isakai so much that we even had our own isakai light novel series that's why we're so excited to work with re fantasia as with all great izakaya our story begins with a run-in with truckcoon but you're instantly transported to a magical world where you run a medieval city filled with magic battles and of course your own personal harem of maids succubi and cat girls so it has a bit of something for everyone the game has a really interesting system of progression as you train your troops go on dates and win over the hearts of your countrymen by making choices that have real impact on the story on top of that you can actually connect your kingdom with your friends through marrying off your heirs to make both of your cities more powerful so don't forget to look us up in game with the username anime uproar and the id 105 47011 so that we can work together and save the world with our harems not only that but if you use the code 1luvrf you'll get two glass brushes two clovers and 100 crystals free to help you kick off your journey check it out for free with the link in the description as is tradition in this series there are a lot more paramecia than logia or zone so let's start with the smaller group and move on to the big ones kicking things off with the logia there have been a total of three logia fruit introduced outside of the main series however it's been a pretty long time since we've seen them our first logia fruit was the toro toronomi or the fluid fluid fruit this was eaten by honeyqueen in the second one-piece movie clockwork island adventure this fruit allowed the user to become and produce a pink syrupy liquid it enabled honeyqueen to pass through small spaces and avoid attacks however for some reason and let's be real we all know the reason she wasn't able to keep her clothes like other logia fruit users do the main weakness of the torotoranomi is that honeybee is unable to turn back into her normal body if she's in a space that she would be too small to fit in which does make sense however this allows nami to very easily capture her just by simply putting her in a jar from a movie to a game we jump to the pasa pasanomi or the paper paper fruit this was eaten by simon in the one piece great hidden treasure of the seven phantom islands game this fruit allows the user to turn into tiny sheets of paper so that they can dodge attacks and inflict thousands of tiny paper cuts on their opponents this is basically a mix of kaluto from hunter hunter and konan from naruto simon also infused his papers with ancient symbols allowing him to imbue them with extra effects like fire resistance creating explosions poisoning his enemies etc on top of that by transforming into paper he's able to fly which puts him in a pretty exclusive group of devil fruit users and finally the ame amenomi or the candy candy fruit this was eaten by gaspard in one piece movie 4 dead end adventure and the fruit allows gaspard to create and turn into green candy syrup which despite being candy is unfortunately unedible on top of this despite devil fruits supposedly being an intuitive thing gaspard seems to have not mastered the logia part of his fruit yet as he can still be struck when he's not paying attention his intangibility could also just be turned off if he came in contact with flour which is a very specific weakness in general this fruit could be used to create traps for his opponents slowing them down in his syrup and then using the opportunity to just jump on them or he could turn parts of his body into spikes and then harden it or use his goop in a more similar way to luffy and his stretching abilities but that's actually it for the logia so let's move on to the zones zoens tend to not be as flashy as logia fruit which is probably why we have twice as many non-canon zones as we do from logia starting off with the two tori torinome or bird bird fruits we have firstly is model eagle which made an appearance in movie 11 one piece 3d straw hat chase this fruit was eaten by the dog named buzz and allowed him to turn into an eagle while also obviously having a hybrid form most of the zone fruits we're going to talk about are just transformed form hybrid form that's it that's kind of how the fruits work unfortunately there's not a whole lot more detail to them more importantly though i hadn't seen this movie before and good lord is it so ugly the other bird bird fruit that we had was actually the mythical model nue this fruit was created for and first seen at the one piece kyoto event to celebrate the 20th anniversary the story is that toratsuku found it as he escaped prison in wano and after eating it he was able to turn into the mythical yokai the nue as well as obviously having an in-between form for those who don't know the nue is basically the japanese chimera often seen with pheasant or tiger-like features sometimes having a monkey's face or a tanooki's body or a snake tail it's a very malleable creature and depending on the story it's going to have slightly different traits but basically it's extremely cool and i wish we could have seen it animated for our named zones we actually only have two left each being from the unlimited world red game and each being mythical zones firstly we have the bato baton me or bat bat fruit model vampire this was eaten by patrick redfield the main antagonist of the game and allowed him to become a vampire with this he could fly he had the ability to shroud himself in darkness or teleport through bursts of blood and all that is extremely badass the fruit's biggest strength though is allowing redfield to suck someone's life energy from them by biting their neck or digging his nails into their skin allowing him to regain his own youth and making him effectively immortal it kinda makes me wish that we had more monster themed fruits in thriller bark but unfortunately we just had moria redfield also had a pen called patto and much like mr four's gun or spondom sword patto also ate a devil fruit this being the inuinu nomi model bake danuki or the dog dog fruit model monster tanooki as i said it's another mythical zone which allows pato the pen to transform create objects and even summon attacks from other characters for example anil's lightning or kuzon's ice by means of using leaves as a medium but with those out of the way we can move on to the three unnamed zone non-canon devil fruits as well and as these don't have names i'm gonna go ahead and name them that sounds kind of fun and we're going to be starting with cheeky cheetah of the foxy pirates who has a cheetah-based devil fruit that gives him increased speed likely the cat cat fruit model cheetah al pacochino is shuzu's bazooka who ate an alpaca fruit this allows him to spit cannonballs from his mouth and even infuse hockey into them if i had to name it i'd probably go with something like the horsehorse fruit model alpaca i know it's not an actual horse but a lot of zones seem to fall under umbrellas of similar shape and form animals for example all the dinosaurs being ryu ryu or dragon dragon fruits or the kitsune being a dog dog variant rather than a fox that plus we already have one horse horse fruit so we know the category exists so i think it's decently likely and finally we have all hunt grounds fruit all hunt is a marine who worked under aokiji and his fruit is incredibly interesting and that's because rather than allowing for a full or hybrid transformation like most other zones all it did was transform his left arm this arm becomes massive covered in red fur it's tremendously powerful and it's just really cool it seems to be gorilla's arm but the red fur and a limited area can make it a little bit hard to tell but for now we're just going to go with the monkey monkey fruit model gorilla and with that we have the end of our 10 logia and zone non-canon fruits and we can finally move our way into the many many non-canon paramecia the first of which we saw in one piece the movie the goegoenomi or the screamscream fruit was eaten by eldorago and it's a pretty simple fruit allowing for him to shout very powerful sound blasts out of his mouth it's kind of like an oversimplified version of a pu's otonomi but even for being something so simple the screamstream fruit can be pretty destructive however just like any other sound wave it can be bounced back or deflected especially if you're battling a particularly bouncy boy and this can cause it to backfire quite a bit seemingly the exact opposite of screaming we have the hiso hisonomi or the whisper whisper fruit which was eaten by apiece in the warship island arc this allows her to speak with and understand animals such as the dragons that inhabit the island interestingly enough this arc also showed us that luffy was able to communicate with the dragon on some level being our first look at the voice of all things and if it wasn't the actual first look it's certainly one of the first and i know it's not super relevant here but it's something cool that no one ever talks about and it's my video so i'm gonna put it in warship island also introduces us to eric and his kamakama nomi or the sickle sickle fruit this allows eric to create sickles out of the air and launch them at his opponents it's a very simple fruit but any ability that produces some kind of blade or sharp edge especially early on was something that luffy really struggled with so it was at least somewhat interesting for the time oh and before we move on remember when nami just kills this dude by knocking him off the merry on reverse mountain dude is a devil fruit user and 100 percent cannot swim it's basically gg meaning nami is the first straw hat to kill someone on screen something i really liked about this arc in particular is that throughout the east blue we only saw a few devil fruits total we had luffy buggy alvida smoker and probably dragon it's a pretty limited group and it's usually one per arc if that but this arc we suddenly have too yes it's filler but i always really appreciated that the closer we got to the grand line we suddenly have more and more devil fruits becoming more common anyways moving on to the second movie one piece clockwork island adventure in this movie we have the kachikachi nomi or the hard hard fruit this was eaten by bear king and allows him to harden any part of his body making it very difficult to injure him and allowing his attacks to have a lot more impact he can also heat up his fists which allows him to burn his enemies with his punches the nemu nemu nomi or the sleep sleep fruit was eaten by the seahorse noko who is the main antagonist of the one piece ocean's dream video game this was later brought in for the anime only ocean stream arc as well but the sleep sleep fruit allows noko to trap people in dream worlds while they sleep then he can steal their memories to make himself stronger noko can also hypnotize people create illusions from the smoke that he produces and can even paralyze others as he steals their memories next up a really cool one the mini mini nomi a fruit which was introduced under two different users depending on which medium you're looking at in the one piece round the land game for ps2 it was used by blue buildu i don't know how to pronounce this but in the z's ambition arc it was instead eaten by lily the glutton whose name is much easier to pronounce the mini mini fruit is a really fun one allowing its user to shrink down to 5 millimeters tall but at the same time allowing them to keep all of their normal strength obviously they can become any size in between as well from their normal height to that five millimeters tall the fruit also extends to the wearer's clothes and weapons and on top of that both of the users that we see are normally giants so they have a ton of strength packed into quite literally a very tiny package on to the ice hunter arc where we have acino and his atsu atsunomi or the hot hot fruit it allows him to heat himself up to 10 000 degrees and once he's heated he can shoot steam out of his nose to float melt anything he touches and even affect the air around him launching pockets of hot air through his punches i was also 100 sure that his sons with the weird magnet power were also devil fruit users but i guess they were just naturally able to do that so if you guys would want a video on non-devil fruit users with cool powers like them or miss golden week let us know we'll get it out for you next up though we have the nokonoko nomi or the shroom shroom fruit from the ninth one piece movie episode of chopper and the miracle winter cherry blossom the shrimp fruit was eaten by mushrooru who was waffle's older brother the fruit allows him to create poisonous mushroom spores both in mist or energy blasts he can create and control clones transform his body into several different attacking forms by producing mushrooms it's definitely one of the weirder fruits out there and it absolutely is one that pushes the envelope of the idea of what a fruit actually does in the little east blue arc we met largo the captain of the amigo pirates who had the ani aminomi or the net net fruit this allowed him to just generally create nets on top of this he can infuse whatever he eats or drinks into the nets that he produces so if he eats metal if he eats hot water or if he eats fire he can create nets out of those things which is pretty awesome finally he can also turn his own body into a net as well and make himself immune to physical blows next up moving on to the one piece premiere show something that's going to show up more and more in this list as it continues in 2012 we had chameleon who ate the coffee copy nomi which allowed him to copy the devil fruit abilities of others film z also brought a few new devil fruits with it first with the moto moto nomi or the return return fruit this is probably one of my favorite that the franchise has ever had to offer this fruit was eaten by ain and allowed her to de-age anyone that she touched by 12 years and this can also be done several times if need be even until the target is unborn and basically dies this obviously draws comparisons to bonnie's devil fruit but the major difference is that the motomoto is more limited in the changes it can actually make with the trade-off that it can affect non-living beings as well and as i mentioned this fruit doesn't seem to have a limit as well going backwards whereas i'd imagine bonnie can't unborn someone back to the idea of being used on non-living things though the motomoto can de-age things like igneous rock into magma or if a piece of wall or ground is broken it can be reformed or used to surround someone to basically make it a trap it is a super interesting fruit and it does not hurt even a little bit how cute the user is a less cute user though is bins who has the mosamosa nomi or the grosgrow fruit also introduced in the same movie it allows him to make plants grow and then control them it's basically the devil fruit version of usopp's pop greens and while bins is pretty lame the fruit is pretty cool the next fruit has two origin points first seen in the one piece premiere show for 2013 and used by lambert bikini but in the anime it was found during the silver mine arc and used by bill the smelt smelt fruit allows the user to become a human furnace bill could eat ore and then turn it into whatever he might need at any given time blades guns mine carts armor if it can be made from the ore that he consumes he can produce it whenever he wants he can also coat his body in silver armor attack with molten oar and it's apparently strong enough to melt an entire island lambert's fruit was more or less the same except he didn't need to consume or to use this power the pito pitonomi or the pet pet fruit was used by breed in the caesar retrieval arc this allowed breed to create collars which would force the wearer to obey him he could also put colors on himself to reach his own full potential or even beyond for example giving him the ability to levitate it's important to note that this fruit isn't all powerful though while they must obey any order they need to be able to actually hear the order and understand it for it to work on top of that he only controls their actions through the commands so in between the commands they're free to act or plot however they'd like and with that we're up to the 2014 premiere show with the kone kone nomi or the need need fruit this was eaten by bildy and allows the user to transform targets into other people this transformation also copies the abilities and strengths of that person but cannot be used on the user themselves we saw bildy making fake versions of hody jones crocodile luchi kid buggy mr three boa law and orrs so it's a pretty useful tool if you're trying to give your army a boost the 2014 show also had smash and his zuma zuma fruit or the plasma plasma fruit this allowed him to create manipulate and turn into plasma as he saw fit typically this was shown through him creating large electricity balls the moa moa nomi or the mormor fruit was used by brindi world brindy world they give some of these strangest names to these filler characters introduced in the 3d2y special the more more fruit allows its user to increase the size and speed of whatever they touch basically turning him into a living catapult we've seen both speed and size be multiplied up to a hundred times and it's pretty straightforward the amount of damage that he'd be able to do with this fruit also in 3d 2y we have the kubu kubu fruit or the cube cube fruit this allows anything that the user gyram touches to be formed into a cube this can also be channeled through his hammer as well for extra range and power gairam can break things down into tiny cubes launch his cubes any directions he wants stack them or even form air into cubes that he can use as weapons as well in the 2015 stage play lucy and lucy coliseum the battle we have the maji majinomi or the magic magic root which allows the user inchiken to perform stage magic such as illusions hypnotizing and escaping from his opponents the 2015 premiere show brought us two new devil fruits with bursts nito nito nomi or the nitro nitro fruit which allows him to create explosions by clapping or by impacting his opponents we also got the horehorenomi which was eaten by bon bon and this fruit causes any living creature that he touches to fall in love with him or anyone else that he chooses they'll listen to anything that he tells them to do however this fruit will not affect anyone who is already in love in film gold we got the nuke nuke nomi or the through through fruit eaten by tanaka with this tanaka is able to phase through solid objects allowing him to travel through walls dodge attacks or even make the floor intangible and cause whoever standing on it to fall through that said he is not able to affect other living things i mentioned the silver mine arc earlier but we also had the koro koronomi in here or the roll roll fruit this was eaten by avaron and has the very specific ability of being able to turn him into a mine cart it also allows him to store things inside of himself like cannons or weapons but honestly this just kind of feels like a very early version of diesel's devil fruit from the whole cake island arc the jada jara nomi or the chain chain fruit was used by mad treasure in the heart of gold special mad is able to create chains of seemingly any size from necklaces to massive ones to hurt his opponents he can also change what they're made of as we see him using steel gold or even diamond to make them weaker or stronger and he can use these chains to strike enemies capture them or even use different tips for utility with things like grappling hooks it's a very versatile fruit which offers a lot of extra options than you might expect the iro ironomi or the color color fruit also comes from heart of gold but was used by psycho p this fruit allows the user to camouflage themselves or anything else making them practically invisible even for objects as big as ships psycopee can also use this fruit to disguise people as others but it doesn't work very well unless the person they're trying to fool is pretty dumb while his fruit might seem pretty strong on paper it has a ton of flaws firstly anyone with good observation hockey can just still see you and second which is probably more impactful is that he needs a tool like a spray can to actually use his fruit which is just so lame in film gold we got the goru gorunomi or the gold gold fruit this was eaten by the antagonists of the movie guild tesero and allows him to manipulate any gold that he touches he can change it from liquid to solid or back reshape it however he sees fit and do whatever he wants with it he can use it to surround people encase them in gold or even create armor for himself even being able to turn himself into a massive golden golem when awakened guild is able to actually extend his senses through the goal that he's controlling making it this network of information for himself it's a really cool fruit but it does have some massive weaknesses firstly he can't create gold himself so he has to find and touch it and secondly if any of the gold that he is controlling is touched by seawater he loses control of it more interesting to me this movie was the rakiraki nomi or the lucky lucky fruit this was used by bakarat and allows her to steal luck from anyone that she touches both making the target very unlucky while she herself became very lucky if she absorbs enough luck she effectively becomes invincible as the world around her will bend so that she can't be harmed and so that she's always successful the main downside of this fruit is that the effects aren't permanent and she'll basically need to top up every now and then moving on to the 2016 premier show with the nepa nepa nomi or the wave wave fruit this allowed vice admiral wilder to create heat waves strong enough to destroy promised land the heat waves can also be amplified or directed through using a fan here we also got the mono mononomi or the paste paste fruit this was used by poke and allowed him to create clones of people or objects these clones had the same abilities but were weaker than the originals and included people like magellan doflamingo crocodile moria and even the going mary to name a few i am noticing a trend in these premiere shows where they love the idea of copying characters and i would hope that this is the last one because this is like the third or fourth iteration of that one piece live attraction 3 brought us the introduction of anne who had the bijo bijou nomi or the vision vision fruit although we would later see her in stampede as well and is able to create illusions of any picture that she touches which allows her to fool enemies or bolster the morale of her allies the ute utenomi or the gun gun fruit was used by bad one gracie in the 2017 premier show this fruit allowed gracie to transform anything around them into guns or cannons and the scale is pretty crazy as he can transform even chunks of the sea massive walls or the entire island into firearms the major downside of this fruit is that gracie's hands have also been permanently turned into guns also in the 2017 premiere show we have the pocha pocha nomi or the fat fat fruit this was used by nero and allowed him to control the level of fat in both his own and other people's bodies the 2018 show would give us bounty and her bona bona nomi a fruit which allowed her to turn the jealousy that she had into heat or flames then using those to attack or grab onto and burn the person we also had prize and his daddy darinomi which allowed prize to send any object or person to any point that he could see this includes weapons viruses poison bombs or even someone's heart which is an interesting fruit to say the least in one piece novel law we got archer baca and his derodera nomi which allowed him to shoot beams from his eyes that cause anything even themselves to dissolve when in liquid form archer is immune to physical attacks but is still susceptible to electricity he can also raise the acidity in his body to melt anything that he touches and finally archer can also dissolve things metaphorically for example melting your heart's resistance to him and giving him control over you for 24 hours if this is not turned off in that period whoever the target is will die at the 2018 one-piece dramatic stage the metal marine ford of remembrance event we were introduced to the meta metanomi or the metal metal fruit this allowed the user gradle to control liquid metal similar to mercury he was able to split himself into many of these metal parts and each part would be able to communicate with each other and as is tradition for live events any of those parts could change their form to look like someone else balzac spelled b-a-l-z-a-c and not the other way was introduced in the 2019 premiere show he had the basu basu nomi or the boom boom fruit this is the reverse of mr five's bomb bomb fruit which allowed him to turn his own body into a bomb instead balzac can turn anything they touch into bombs more or less like kira from jojo's part 4. douglas bullet in stampede had the gasha gasha nomi or the clank clank fruit allowing him to make machines by assimilating the world around him using a telekinetic power to disassemble or assemble things however he'd like for example producing a giant exoskeleton a submarine or whatever else he might need at any time when awakened this fruit can also manipulate the environment as well not being limited to machinery next up is the neebie nibinomi in the 2021 premiere show this was used by cardia and it very simply allows them to look like dead people and finally we have utta's devil fruit from film red the utta utta nomi or the song song fruit this fruit allows uta to send people's consciousness into a virtual space called the uta world by singing in this world she is basically all-powerful controlling everything around her and it's impossible for anyone else to leave on their own she has to open the door for them on top of that she's able to control the actual bodies of anyone trapped in her virtual world the major downside of this fruit is that utta is only able to keep utta world open for as long as she is awake and actually using her devil fruit is extremely draining so it doesn't last for super long and that is more or less it with the exception of three non-canon joke devil fruits mentioned in sbs these being the barf bar fruit which makes the user never stop barfing the bad joke fruit which forces you to tell bad jokes and the itchy crotch fruit so yeah while these were not created by oda they are included in one piece mediums and if i'm being honest we needed more fruit anyways to hit that 50 mark so i'm gonna appreciate you playing along but that wraps up all of the paramusia bringing us to 52 non-canon fruit total not all of these are created equal and there are definitely some that stand out well above the rest to me i think that the mini mini fruit the lucky lucky fruit and the return return fruit all are really really cool and i would love to see more of them but i would love to know which ones were your favorite so let me know in the comments down below and while you're down there remember to support the channel by leaving a like and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of our other great one-piece content another massive thank you to refantasia charm and conker for sponsoring this video remember to check them out in the description but with all that being said thank you all so much for watching and until next time remember to stay excellent
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 298,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LFwKunyZU6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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