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like many bleach fans i've always really enjoyed the character of mayuri karatsuchi he's fun wild unpredictable and even downright horrible at times as well but all of this comes together to create a character who is truly commanding on the page and it helps as well that kubo always seems to have so much fun designing and utilizing this character so much so that it really does rub off on us as readers as well but if there's one thing i've always wanted from myrie post the soul society arc is for there to be another battle later in his lifespan within the story that he actively struggles in mayor's first major fight in the series against uryu ishida is one that really puts him on the ropes and wouldn't yet create this persona of somebody who can counter literally anything that comes his way that doesn't really start until the waco mundo arc the fight against uryu pushes mairi to his limit and is not only one of the best fights of that arc but one of mayor's best fights in general up until this fight we're talking about now it probably was his best fight myori gained something of a reputation of being the epitome of this idea in bleach that science is the answer to everything that might come up in a fight to even the most absurd of extremes the best example of this of course is the idea that maori was able to counter one of xylopodo granz's most dangerous techniques in their battle in the waco mundo arc by removing and changing around all of his organs before arriving on that battlefield and doing so within the space of an hour xyloporo is incredulous at this as are we the reader because it really does stretch our suspension of disbelief that even myrie who is this totally mad scientist fully willing to experiment on himself to the absolute ends of what he can achieve would still be able to pull off something like this but the only response we get to that question is if i couldn't do it i wouldn't be here right now and in many ways it does feel like kubo poking fun at this idea of a completely untouchable mad scientist and blowing it up to its most absurd level with maori but at the same time it does rob his fights of any real kind of danger any real sense of investment and the same goes as well for the battle of the zombies against gisele jewel in the thousand-year blood war arc and i was disappointed by that fight because it seemed to me like it was carrying on some of the worst traits of myery while they might be some of the most fun i wanted to see him really struggle so i could actually fear for a character who seemingly sails through every encounter with ease even more so than urahara kisuke who is well known for having counters to everything simply because maori gets a bit more exposure than ki skate overall and so i was extremely happy with the final battle mayuri karatsuchi got in the thousand-year blood war arc the first of the major shootstoffel fights in the varvelt sub arc where he takes on stoma to see the compulsory perna de pancajas along with his vice captain nemu and he is really finally given a fight that pushes him to his absolute limit that really shows a mayory who not only underestimates his opponent who not only lets his guard down but who also flies dangerously too close to the sun before we get started on the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach content like this every single week especially in the run-up to the anime next month and if you really enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well to help support me and the channel as hopefully it just means we'll get more traction on the youtube algorithm and if you really like what i do here and you want to take that support from me another step further i do have a patreon for the channel as well there's no pressure you don't have to support me there at all of course you'll still get all the videos here no problem but if you did want to do that you can get videos early and you can even support me for as little as a dollar a month to everyone who has decided to support me over there thank you all so very much as always they're coming up on screen right now for a shout out and i really do appreciate it so the last battle analysis we did on the channel was by far the longest one and it was also an absolute pleasure to talk about as well being another of the shut-off all fights kyoraku and nanao versus lille but there was vocal support for me to talk about mario nemu versus pernader and i am more than happy to do so as i think this is a superior battle to the last one we discussed in many ways and honestly there is an argument to be made for this to be the best of the [ __ ] stoffel fights and easily one of the best fights in the final arc and probably to add another accolade meyer's best fight in the series now for me this is my second favorite sh stoffel fight but my favorite there's probably a lot of character bias involved there but i am who i am at the end of the day but i think objectively from an outside perspective looking in structurally everything like that this probably is the best of the bunch and it's another very long battle as well spanning from chapter 635 right the way through to 644 meaning it is just one chapter shy of being as long as the kiraku fight that would come after it but again this is another fight that is totally unbroken and i am all about that that's another reason why these should stop all fights are so good because they stretch out for so long but you get a real chance to get truly invested in them for things to actually happen and for crucially a narrative to be fully formed and there is absolutely a narrative in this battle as well even more so than that kyoraku fight which is our closest point of comparison which does a lot of things right particularly in the first half of that battle even more so than that this fight is a near perfect example of what you get when two forces collide that feel fairly even even if maori is facing an uphill struggle for a lot of the battle which i do really enjoy there is a real back and forth here a real show of tactics a force of both sides clashing in a showdown that feels epic it feels great to watch unfold and of course perhaps key to this maybe even more so than mairi and nemu themselves is their opponent perna de pancajas who in many ways feels like the natural evolution and yes even end point of mayor's opponents in a string of enemies pernader feels like the one that is absolutely the closest to one that really makes sense for mairie myrie is a character who has always dabbled in the weird and the wonderful and against xylopolo he was up against a character who was virtually his own mirror image as was a lot of the fights in the iran karak but here with pernider it feels like mayuri is absolutely in his element you see that elation washing over him as he is actually discovering and clashing with in real time a seismic scientific discovery and not only that but there are a bunch of themes on show in this fight as well perhaps one of the most prominent being this idea of science versus divinity as my only probably the the foremost scientist of the soul society currently is clashing with with god himself but despite what the title of this video might tell you mayuri nemu and pernida aren't the only ones involved in this battle this kenpachi zaraki is actually here right at the very beginning and suffers an extremely uncharacteristically quick and devastating defeat kubo uses zaraki in a really clever way he's not saying zaraki is weak no chance of that at all what he is doing is showing that zaraki is not suited for this battle for what's about to take place here that we're about to cross over the threshold into the truly weird and wonderful and leave behind swords and keto and all that sort of thing the typical archetypes of a shinigami battle are about to be left behind for something that is more a maelstrom of madness itself as it consumes all of the fighters and kenpachi zaraki is used as a scapegoat essentially and is consumed by the jaws of this battle almost immediately in a way that might make him look weak but in reality it's just this is not a battleground that is suited to him and it's not somewhere he belongs but this has to be one of the quickest and most brutal defeats of any character in the entire series and it hurts even more than it is zaraki as well but zaraki rushes in after a little conversation with mairie when they first come across pernida in this alleyway and he tries to strike pernider in the head and his strike seems to land true but suddenly zaraki leaps backwards as something is wrong maya shouts out to him and we realize that zaraki's arm has been twisted and deformed by this up until now mysterious compulsory ability which we've seen in action a couple of times before kubo did a really good job with this shrift in general i think of really making us so curious as to how it was actually working while also making it feel terrifying at the same time you know that moment where pernader appears behind yoruichi and her arm is just snapped in any kind of twisted angle it's really really weird and it's so cool to actually get to see it in action once again in a proper battle scenario but the craziness of this moment just keeps unfolding kenpachi seems to think that he's okay but suddenly his arm begins to flail and distort madly spinning around all over the place completely out of control spraying blood everywhere in order to stop this saraki acts pretty quickly grabs his arm and tears it off stomping on it as it seems to try and claw at him twist and contort and try and grab him and he wrenches his blade free of it pulling off to his fingers at the same time it is gruesome but i think visually it's very effective moment but unfortunately for zaraki he doesn't really learn from this and he charges purnita again and you get one of the best transitions i think we've seen in a while which so zaraki again bringing his blade down upon bernado and it seems to once again land true but there's a really cool moment where you see them both from kind of far away and it looks like zaraki's okay but the very next panel both of his legs have been snapped in half and they're all twisting and turning and now he's in real big trouble because he can't escape and his body is being covered in whatever it is that perna's ability is but mairie steps in to try and save zaraki stabbing him through the back with ashish jizo and therefore inflicting paralysis upon him however mayor notes that simply paralyzing zaraki's limbs is not enough as that means that breakages will instead occur in other places and we see blood kind of coming out of the back of zaraki's eye patch we see his neck starting to break as well so mayori basically activates this and other special ability of ashish jizo where it knocks out everybody in the vicinity who hears this horrible high-pitched noise and so zaraki doesn't fall unconscious but his body is completely halted from moving entirely which seems to be enough to render perna's ability moot for now there's an absolutely fantastic mary moment here as well i think where yes he saved zaraki's life but he takes a moment to kind of jab him in the ribs a little bit as he talks to perna and he says you know oh at the all too high cost of a member of my beloved captaincy i've managed to find out the essence of your ability and he says you know noble victories are built on the backs of noble sacrifices after all so i must really thank you captain zaraki because you've managed to not only show me my enemy's power but also give me cause to improve my own zan puck toe as well it's just a huge spit in the face of ken patchy which i think is a wonderful moment for this character as ever since dating back to the soul society arc they've had something of a rivalry but maori seems to have everything figured out he seems to be totally in control and control is another big theme of this battle in general but perna de tries to attack mayory with these now visible nerves mairie's revealed that's what his power is and these nerves go rushing towards maori but he just uses some kind of liquid to disable them and it seems like everything's going to be okay but perna does suddenly begins to rip its hood in half it begins to be it seems like it's panting like it's enraged like things aren't going the way anticipated so it rips open its hood and myri looks on absolutely shocked at what is revealed underneath and the reveal of course is that perna de pancajas is actually the left arm of the soul king and you know what back in the day i didn't balk at this i didn't think that was too weird actually this was a reveal i really liked i thought it was clever i thought it was intriguing and i was really keen to find out more especially since we don't we'd obviously just gone through the saga with mimi huggie and with the right arm of the sulking so it felt natural that there must be a left out there somewhere and for it to be perna was honestly a really cool twist now admittedly it does completely go against that original version of purnita with its little hand coming out of the folds of its cloak i think did i think maybe kubo answered some kind of question about this or he like totally skipped over it maybe but it doesn't really matter either way what's key here is that this is a cool idea and it's also a pretty cool design as well now many people might look at perna de panca jazz as what it is which is this gigantic disembodied arm that can speak that can fight that has an eyeball in the center of its palm and they might think 637 chapters into the series this is a real jump of the shark moment but i don't think it is because i think pernider is a really well-constructed character and it's and it sounds ridiculous to say because you it's just a big arm that barely talks but kubo has clearly put a lot of thought about how this character should come across how it should be integrated into the world of bleach and how it should fight and how it could make for an excellent opponent as well and of course the buck doesn't just stop with pernader either mayory is the absolute perfect opponent for this character pernadine might look absolutely ridiculous fighting a character who is considerably more grounded than miri for instance like biakia or something like that it really might not work as well but against mayri this is absolutely perfect as mary is a character who actively revels in the absurd as he mentions in chapter 547 the idea of the quincy realm existing in the shadows is completely unusual but i don't hate unusual things is what he says and so that's perfect this is perfect for mary to come up against a really a weird opponent that is stretching the limits of what people can take but it's great because maori is right there in it with pernider absolutely loving it every step of the way there's a really awesome moment here that i didn't really notice until my most recent read through but pernader its hands are connected by chains which is pretty clear from the get-go but what i didn't notice was that it actually sends its own nerves into its fingers to force those chains apart to force its hand open and to break those chains free i mean i wonder who chained it up in the first place was it the original ancestors of the noble houses when they split the soul king apart or was it even you har bark at a much later date to perhaps just contain the overall size of this thing because once those chains are broken pernade begins to expand massively its arm grows bursting out of the back of what's there originally you basically at the start you can't see anything beyond the little cloak that it's wearing but this this entire arm unfolds behind it like an enormous tree log almost and smashes down onto the ground and eventually pernidder is just looming over absolutely everybody and it's really cool because there's a nice moment here where maya ikaku umachika kind of discussed the logistics of the soul king himself um ikaku is like you know was the sulking this gigantic and mayor's like well i've never met him so i have no idea but this definitely does match the description that kisuki rohara gave me and the rayatsu that ukitake was giving off so there can be no doubt that what we are facing is a remnant of the sulking himself and one thing that is very good about this fight that kubo did very well again this is another one of those battles where it feels very obvious that kubo planned out basically everything from start to finish because nemu is constantly worried in an almost uncharacteristic fashion about mairie and how deep he's letting himself get into this fight it's really good foreshadowing showing nemu showing concern for her master in ways that she wouldn't necessarily do so watching as mayory just grows more and more ecstatic with the situation he finds himself in ikaku you know telling him to take cover and admire just being like why would i leave you know i found a specimen that is not only brand new to me it's exceeding my expectations at every turn how can i be any happier than this is exactly what maya wants but nemu is more cautious and she's watching him and she says you know like she hopes that mairie is is going to be himself here because ikaku and at the very start of the fight ikaku and nemu were both kind of bigging up their own captains and kind of thinking that they could they would they would hopefully be themselves and because of that this fight would be this fight would be trivial to them but it's interesting watching the different ways that plays out ikaku wants kenpachi to be himself because then this fight will be no problem but because kenpachi is himself he is taken out immediately whereas nemu wants mary to be his normal calculating and careful self but he's not and because of that the fight goes to really dangerous places i absolutely love the little details of mayor using these living biological organisms as like umbrellas and bombs during the fight really harkens back to some of his more twisted experiments in the past but like i just love him lifting this umbrella with a face on it as it gets covered in nerves in the face itself starts like melting and grown in agony and mary just sort of tosses it away it's that callousness that really separates this character from the rest of the other quote and quite good guys and it reminds you as well crucially that no matter how far it might seem he's come he still is despicable as well and perlinder is a really interesting character as well although it doesn't really have much in the way of personality which is an important point that will come into play later on it seems very fixated on its identity it really is clinging to this idea that it's actually a quincy at heart um and that it will serve you hardback and all this thing and it hates this idea of quincy's being insulted and i think that's really cool as well because obviously the name perna de pancajas is not its real name it's it's the soul king at the end of the day but presumably uh but bestowed upon it this name perhaps at the same time he gave it the the name the compulsory obviously perhaps already had that power you harbor just named it based on what he could see but this name this name clearly means a lot to this character and i think that's really intriguing it's really cool to see pernader having this like nascent personality growing and building inside of it it's gone from not being able to talk at all to like huffing wildly like some strange beast to being able to say the smallest of words the kind of most broken of sentences it just sort of speaks in words a bit like that as it can't actually form a proper sentence at all yet and so i think that's really cool as well watching again in real time this character change which this is obviously a big part of bernard's character overall now even though i don't think this constitutes a volston dig it does seem to change ever so slightly in this early on point it it lifts it opens its hand widely and this like black substance kind of bursts out of the back of it and stays there as well akin to wings i mean i think it's probably just like a tangled mess of its nerves but it kind of looks like crackling electricity or something um but perna does says that it won't tolerate mayor's insults any longer and it clenches its hand and fires these nerve bolts essentially into the ground and from those bolts more of the vein-like nerves begin to spread across the floor now as we get into the fight proper i want to discuss something i mentioned earlier which is about this idea of good fights telling narratives and that's exactly what this fight does it tells us the story of myrie becoming more and more elated falling more and more into ecstasy at this idea that he has found the most amazing scientific discovery and is watching it change and evolve before his very eyes and exceed his expectations but because of that he is losing himself he is growing closer and closer to danger he is like icarus flying too close to the sun at some point something is going to burst something is going to go wrong but mayory in his desperate thirst and quest for knowledge to find out more is pushing the fight to its absolute limit for absolutely everybody pernader ends up some complete abomination by the end of the fight and of course nemu is tragically killed and that's all really a result of maori wanting to get the absolute most out of this he can anyway really as soon as the fight starts we're treated to some great choreography as mayri kind of leaps out of the way to avoid these nerves we get to see some of myrie's old tricks where he fires his retractable hand grabs onto one of the buildings and he seems like he's safe but suddenly the nerves begin creeping up the side of the building to catch up to him like vines and he's forced to let go as the side of the building breaks free and pernader is pulling up big chunks of stone and turning them into these almost living hands to fight myori with which is really really cool maya of course is surprised that pernida can control inorganic material he's like yes you know show me more do more i want to be able to see everything that you can do but at the same time he's being forced into corners at one point mary kind of leaps between the two buildings to get away from the first hand only for another one to come in from the other side and they crash in the middle with miri court between them both what's so awesome about pernader's power even this early on in the fight is how oppressive and relentless it is shown to be not giving myori a chance to breathe at all which is perfect for a character like this somebody who can counter nearly anything if he's given enough time pernido's power is not letting him do that as it swamps the entire battlefield but a massive explosion destroys the stone hands and miri appears in a different outfit his blindingly brilliant sun outfit has been destroyed unfortunately and we're now left with this slightly more battle-hardened look as he returns to looking more like a captain and i have to say i do love this final look for mary as well in the thousand-year blood war before the epilogue at the end i think it's really cool it's it's really toned back which i think is the idea because the sun outfit for as hilarious as it is and how very miley is it is pretty ridiculous looking and i think if kubo kept that he wouldn't be able to strike the heavier notes later on like he really wanted to so by dialing the flamboyance of mayorie right back down it grounds the fight again a little bit as well now the decision to have ikaku and yumuchika around as the audience is a really smart one as well as these two 11th division members are about as far removed from the 12th division as you could possibly get and so they kind of in many ways act as a conduit for the reader ourselves they're like our avatar in many ways mayori begins to fall towards the ground and it looks like he's going to land on the nerves and as we the readers would they shout out to him like you can't do that you're about to get hurt but mary presses these buttons on his shoes activating these like hirenkyaku jet boots which again is just really awesome when the hell did he make that i've no idea but it's pretty cool as it allows him to float indefinitely in this in this world is full of dense quincy rayatsu mayuri is now able to get a foothold where other shinigami might not be able to so easily and at the same time this of course means that myri no longer has to touch the floor but one of my absolute favorite moments in the entire fight occurs right now this is where things really change for the worse for myot and things start to look a little bit dire miori seemingly losing his patience a little bit just flings a bomb at pernade's little finger and blows it off put into screams in agony as well as his finger comes flying off and miri says well you know i'll just take you back in pieces then i'm going to get this finger and preserve it and i'll take it back to the lab and he's massively underestimating punader at this point even after everything he's already been through he seems to still think he is fully in control nothing has really quite caught him unawares just yet as mary approaches the severed finger on the floor he obviously splashes it with the preserving liquid and he's like once this is over i'll take you back to the lab when suddenly on the knuckle an eye bursts open and mary's like what the and this nerve comes out of the eyeball itself attaches itself to myrie's finger and snaps it into place blood shooting out of it as his whole arm is about to be entrapped by perna's nerves sweating myri suddenly acts immediately to restructure his arm itself to remove the nerves from it and it's a it's a brilliant moment because this is one of the only times in recent memory that miri has been well and truly caught off guard caught completely unawares and i think that is the start the symbol of his downfall in this fight which would lead things to ramp up even further and although he's managed to save his life he is sweating profusely you know he's shaking he's got this big smile on his face but he's nervous you know he says i've been able to restructure the nerves the blood vessels everything in my hand you know you'll never take control of my body that easily pernider as as you get this wonderful panel of the massive hand and its little finger looking on incredibly ominously and things are about to get real the way myori calls perna by its desired name in this scene as well feels like a show of respect for an enemy that has actually been able to get one up on him and i love how sassy perna begins to get here i would imagine it's starting to show some semblance of mayri's own personality a little bit as it's now come into contact with him and it's perhaps the earliest real clue we get as to perna's kind of true power or at least the true nature of its compulsory anyway but it basically says you know oh you know you're starting to panic a little bit perhaps i can make you panic some more and suddenly that little finger that was on the ground bursts into this massive spider-like hand very akin to those horrendous enemies from elden ring and throws itself at mayory but mayory again very casual just kind of drops it launches a grenade at this thing and blows it up and the hand is screaming as it like writhes on the floor like some monstrous spider and although mayory looks like he's not struggling yet things are beginning to escalate as he suddenly realizes that pernider has snapped off one of his own fingers pernader is learning that by losing fingers it can create new hands and therefore cause mairie to panic and as pernado rips off its own middle finger it says perhaps i can make you panic a little more and there's a great character moment where the blood runs down from the uh hole where its finger once wasn't gets in its big eyeball and it's like ah i got blood in my eyes this new hand and this new arm begins to grow from the finger it ripped off and so you get this kind of terrifying moment where mayor is really staring up at this just abomination this horrendous creature that can create new horrific arms just from ripping off its own fingers and it's this constant sense of evolution this very like i said earlier oppressive relentless never-ending train of evolution that cannot be stopped and that's of course a huge part of this battle one of the major themes is this idea of evolution both for pernader on a literal sense but also nemu and maori as well but as all three of bernard's arms now rise up before myri i think it's worth taking a moment to appreciate how dangerous the compulsory actually is i always hoped that it really would be when it came to its actual fight because like i said those previous moments of it being shown off were some of the scariest in the series and now we get power that can not only contort and warp anything it touches unstoppably but also a power that is truly limitless like we've never really seen anything like this before like pernider can literally create entirely new versions of itself just by breaking off its fingers create these incredibly fast hands create these grow his own fingers back to presumably create more the fight never gets that crazy but it always feels like it's on the brink of total insanity it's also interesting to note that the central eye the main eye bears two irises on its eyeball whereas the other spawn only have one each and i wonder if there's anything behind that or if it's just a visual quirk to remind us which one is which but at this point maori realizes he might be in a little bit of trouble so he activates his newly modified ban kai konjiki [Music] which is again really cool he gets a nice little banankai activation ritual where he swings his blade out brings it out in front of him and it bubbles and boils and this massive gelatinous blob appears instead of the blade and it's here that we get details on mayor's ban kai upgrade essentially where he's now got almost effectively a brand new banankai where he's able to send his zan pukto data as a fight progresses and that that zampato builds within it a perfect counter to whatever he's fighting and again this feels very meta on kubo's part like i was saying earlier mayri perhaps more than anybody embodies that idea that science has the answer to everything in a battle of bleach and kubo has literally turned that ridiculousness into an actual ability which feels both hilarious and very dangerous but so mary creates this monstrous being that's perfectly capable of countering pernader's nerves by having its own skin peel off whenever pernanda tries to attack it and so this massive ashisoki jizo just grabs all of punato's arms and stuffs them into his mouth if you ever wanted to sum up the absolute mayhem of this fight in one sentence i think the giant golden baby devours three arms with eyeballs in them is a pretty good way of doing it but again although mary is definitely on top there is a sense of ominous foreboding his face right up in the in in the kind of camera as it were his mouth is just like absolutely twisted with glee as he's just like looking on crazily he's getting way too ahead of himself almost and nemu watches silently from behind something is not right and she is ready to jump in whenever necessary she basically thinks that mayri is underestimating pernado and at some point she's going to be needed but it's cool because maya mentions the very last piece of data he gave ashish ogijizo was to make sure that you are born toothless so you don't cut up pernido when you eat it and just create more of them but of course that creates a problem in and of itself because penada is swallowed whole it's able to blast its way out of ashish jizo bursting this massive golden baby into into a shower of just gristle and grime rising up from inside mayor's bankai wielding a bow and arrow between its fingers which again is just really cool imagery um it's really awesome to see and component says you know you forgot that i'm a quincy i kill enemies with bow and arrow and so it didn't really matter or that he was trapped inside it because he could just burst his way out again but maya he says well you know i didn't forget that i actually just never thought that something like the soul king's left arm would go so low as to call itself a quincy and pernado says you know what would be so what would be so wrong about that why would it be so wrong for me to call myself a quincy i've always been a quincy and it feels like that's a true hint to the soul king's true nature but it also does feel like pernader has really got its own memories its own life essentially since joining new harbor side and that is what it values most more than anything it says you know its voice suddenly becomes somewhat eloquent and it says you know i've had enough of your incessant uh insulting of the quincy i won't tolerate any further and he begins to blast mairie with all these arrows and at the same time maya begins to suspect that there may in fact be more to this giant hand than meets the eye pun not intended but we get some wonderful choreography here again this fight is full of great fluid moments basically maori goes into battle against perna pernader fires arrows at him and these arrows are now connected to pernido's nerves which is really cool and really creative one arrow brushes just past myrie but it's close enough that the nerves grapple onto him and he detonates his entire arm just to make sure they can't get the rest of his body as he does so however the arrow sails past him and as it's about to hit the floor nerves reach up like a shadowy black hand grab the arrow bend it backwards and send it flying back towards mary that's a really creative usage of this power of the compulsory it's like everything is pernida's arms and legs i think that's really awesome but this arrow is about to strike mary and there's nothing he can do about it except suddenly the moment has come and nemu rushes in grabs the arrow and pushes mary out of the way realizing that her arm is now subjected to the arrow's nerves she slices it off immediately without hesitation and seems to spiral towards her demise as she's about to hit the floor but of course mary rushes in grabs her saves her and flings her onto a building interesting that nemu i guess cuts her arm off with her zan puck toe it's a shame that we never actually see her using it as it seems like it could have a really cool introduction later on in this fight but i guess it's not meant to be now is probably a good time to discuss maori and nemo's relationship as it's always been a pretty strange and odd one as maya used to absolutely brutalize this character back in the soul society arc like he was genuinely abusive and horrible and just hideous to this character overall nemo's reaction and response has always been unwavering and it's the same here in the thousand-year blood war where she feels almost eternally devoted to him in many ways it's quite similar to the character of roca paramia that we discussed in our last video mayuri did sort of mellow out after the sol society arc in regards to nemu it feels a little bit like now that the gotei weren't the antagonists kubo had to tone down some of their worse instincts and toned down some of their worst members and that obviously includes myri and he treats her not as an equal still a subordinate but he doesn't he doesn't treat her as harshly or as physically horrible anymore but at the same time it's very not befitting of someone who supposedly considers nemu to be his greatest masterpiece creation the backstory that we're treated to in this fight is effective and it's really good stuff and it along with the kyolaku fights backstory made me think that we were going to get something like this for all the shitstock or fights which is the greatest evidence in my opinion that the other two had to be cut down but the backstory we get in this is oddly touching and again doesn't really vibe with how mayor he appeared in the soul society arc and it feels like kubo retroactively just wanted to change up their dynamic a little bit because you basically mayor is supposed to see nemo as this perfect creation suppose she's supposed to be his absolute dream dream subject that he he has been wanting his entire life and that every waking moment of her existence is a dream come true for him and that's certainly not how you see him in the soul society arc in this sense he loves her in only the way mayory can love something you know it's obviously not true pure love it's twisted and and monstrous in many ways but at the same time that is effectively how he feels um and so i i like how their relationship develops in this fight it's just it's just funny that it doesn't really line up to how it seems to be in the soul society arc particularly um but i think that what we do get here adds real depth to both mary and nemu we hear that mayori is so happy with nemu with her progress with how she is evolving continuously that simply being around her is like he's in an endless dream and he has been in that dream ever since she was born essentially the myori that we have known from the very start of the series right until now has been operating within a dream not literally obviously but for him as a scientist that's how he has been feeling this whole time here though with nemou seemingly acting of her own accord to try and rescue him mayri seems slightly threatened that his greatest creation is beginning to evolve to no longer take heed of his orders or at the very least twist them to how she feels uh they should be um and i think that's a really intriguing sentiment we find out a little bit later on why mairie feels so threatened about that um but for now he's he's on the edge about what's actually happening with nemu as the fight progresses there's a nice moment where she gives mary the item necessary the hoji koozai i think it is to rebuild his arm before rebuilding hers she gives him his one first which is cool you get this cool shot of the two of them looking out at the massive abomination that is perna and they leap into battle once again again they get a really cool shot of myrie hasn't quite learned the lesson yet that it seems nemu wants him to get which is that he is throwing himself into the deep end into real danger and that one shot of him leaping out into the abyss essentially with nemu remaining behind is supposed to show that separation between them and how mayor he is flinging himself into the jaws of discovery but at real cost to his own life but i have always really loved this part of the fight i think it's handled extremely well basically maori and nemu have a plan to take down all of pernida's arms pernido begins to blast mayory with arrows as he uses his jet boots to fly towards it the other two period arms rise up behind him and myori is caught in this web essentially of arrows as they go absolutely everywhere really great shot of all three of the arms kind of like in this vicinity of the city just blasting mary in mid-air gives the fight a real good sense of scale but maya speaks to nemu over this little transceiver and he says you know the plan is simple as i fly around wildly what i'm doing is spraying a numbing anesthetic all over the ground what that anesthetic will do is that when it comes into contact with both the arrows and the nerves it will numb them to the point that you will be able to touch the ground with no problems whatsoever nemu's role is to take this nerve freezing agent that myri has given her land on the ground and jam it into one of the immobilized arrows before pernader can realize what's going on it's a simple plan it's pretty cool and i love watching it unfold mayri sprays the anaesthetic nemu leaps down from the tower she sees an arrow and she rams the agent into the side of it and everything seems to work out good we watch as the arrow begins to freeze and then the nerve connecting it begins to freeze the first hand to freeze is the central one the one with two irises and the little cloak it's not watching and it gets frozen completely the freezing agent runs up the nerve into its fingertip and freezes the entire hand solid then the hand next to it is the next one to go that freezes as well and suddenly two of perna's arms are now rendered totally useless however it's not over yet the final arm catches sight of what's going on in a really cool panel i don't know why i've just always loved this panel the way that purna panorama is like side-eyeing the other hands as it suddenly realizes what's happening and it's too late for myrie to stop it and this is just a great kinetic moment because suddenly the pernader arm looks its thumb as its thumb begins to freeze and mary says you know it's over pernider again another wide smile on his face but suddenly perna just snaps off its own thumb the logistics of that are a little bit weird but it manages to crush its own thumb basically splitting it off from its hand and saving itself from the freezing agent i just love that whole sequence i think it's i don't know why i don't know i just think it's awesome i love the way peridot catches sight of what's going on and is able to act fast enough to deal with it and then it turns to my audience says you know you really think that's enough to stop me karatsuchi and of course this is when maori realizes exactly what's been going on all this time mayory realizes that the intonation in pernader's voice the way it's speaking the way it's addressing him the way it seems to be engaging with the fight in that very moment is akin to one ken patchy zaraki and and myrie has this horrific revelation that pernider has in fact been involving this entire fight but it's been doing so by using the traits it has gained from everything it has come in into contact with myri now more concerned with nemu than with himself thinks that she is the one in immediate danger he looks down to nemu and he thinks that because the hand now has zaraki's reflexes it will be able to grab her faster than she can move and he shouts to her he's like nemo you've got to get out of there what he doesn't realize is that the true danger in this situation is actually behind him as that central hand breaks free of the freezing agent shedding its own skin and is now right behind mary ready to grab him and that's just a brilliantly written moment again going back to this idea that kubo had this lengthy fight planned out from start to finish because it's such a wonderful call back to mataifuquin shodai myodi's new that was able to shed its skin to save itself from pernades nerves now the main central hand has shed its skin to save itself from the freezing agent and that's just so clever but crucially myori is the one in direct trouble a small cool detail here pernader has that runic symbol of the shuttle actually tattooed onto its arm it seems to be a tattoo or maybe it's like an actual natural skin formation on this thing perhaps it's a symbol of the soul king itself that you ha buck took and repurposed for his [ __ ] stoffel or maybe is an actual tattoo either way it's a pretty cool little detail the hand closes in on myrie and it looks like everything might be over for our captain of the 12th division it's at this point where we get our flashback for nemu and basically it's nice to see akon at this point as well down in the seoul society the akon is leading the research and development division to try and get everything back up and running for the shinigami's eventual return and they inadvertently reveal these old canisters which actually contain the remains of the nemu project the murray project one through six and it's revealed that nemu's real name is nemouri nanago and she's actually basically nemouri number seven akon explains that these nemouri projects were mostly failures one through three died immediately they were total failures and all that's left of them is these little embryonic strings these strands of flesh that's all that remains for was more of a success they were able to create an actual brain with which they then used that technology to fix one of the r d department's heads which was apparently damaged in some way five was even more successful this time birthing an actual fetus that was able to live for a little bit and in a pretty horrific development myrie took that technology and i guess modified his zanpac toe with an actual like baby fetus and that's where konjiki ashisoki jizo comes from giving himself a bankai and allowing himself to take the role of captain and six was even more successful living two years before dying and so because nemu has survived not only into you know the age of being an actual young woman but that she's now demonstrating power and decision making of her own myra really is living this waking dream of his entire life but nemu seeing maori in real danger suddenly activates this immense power within her and blasts towards purnida just as it encloses around miley she devastates the entire hand blowing it into smithereens and completely basically eradicating it from the battle nemu grabs mary and she flies towards safety with him and he is like appalled by this it feels like nemu is continuing to evolve even beyond what maori had planned for her in order to save his life in order to access this extreme power that was apparently built into her at some point she is pushing her body to within inches of its own destruction to within eight percent of its complete soul collapse and myori is distraught at the idea that nemu would sacrifice herself to save him her purpose is to grow and to evolve not to save his life in the means of science in the means of chasing scientific discovery and advancement mary would willingly die rather than see nemu be destroyed in front of him because of her selflessly trying to save him because she somehow of her own accord developed some kind of attachment and emotion towards him that would cause her to put herself in the line of danger as far as maori is concerned nemu's one purpose in life is to go on living and to continue evolving as much as possible no matter what happens to the scientist himself nemu however demonstrates free will basically believing that she can show mary her evolution and save his life at the same time and that he has nothing to worry about she throws him down to the ground and goes to take on pernader herself and mayor he even realizes that at this point he may as well relinquish the battle to nemu something he's not so happy to do nemu leaps into battle against the remaining hand and uses this ability jikon jurinju which i really wish she was actually using her zan puck toe here cause that could have been a great chance for her to really show it off but instead she shaves off a portion of her soul and fires it like a cannon into perna's eyeball and it completely warps and destroys the hand blowing out the side of the hand and just wrecking it and turning it into rubble as both nemu and purnita fall from the sky i think it's worth reflecting for a moment on the title of this series of chapters baby hold your hand it feels like the title is a direct reference to pernader on the surface and you'd be forgiven for thinking that but ever since the fight has begun maiori has had his hand outstretched in that one of the major first panels of the battle is him holding his hand out and in accordance with the volume poem for the volume that nemu is on the cover of he has taken the hand of his child his daughter who is wandering lost and they will now walk together to the very end it's very ominous and implies that something bad is about to happen but how could something bad happen nemu has just won the fight and she now sails through the air completely exhausted the arm totally ruptured chunks of purnita raining down beside her except we all know how the compulsory works and suddenly all of those chunks of purnita open their eyes these massive eyes appear some really grotesque ones by the way kubo just firing on all cylinders with his body horror with pernader one of the creepiest characters in the series no no question about it but one of them for instance the fingernail lifts up and there's a massive eyeball underneath it which is all kinds of gross but regardless it's too late for nemu mayory can only look on as all of these purnita parts just cover her in nerves nemu lets out this like silent scream and in a flash they pull her to pieces and she's killed nemu is eviscerated her body is completely destroyed a wave of blood splashes on the building next to maori soaking him in like this rainfall of blood it's grotesque and heartbreaking for mayory to watch him fall and sink into despair he looks as on as nemu is destroyed and he can barely say anything his mouth is barely breathing the words nemu nemui it can't be as he seemingly looks down on the ground and it's here that we get another truly wonderful moment in this fight as mayor he sinks into the pit of despair an apparition of xylopologranz appears before him yes we're not talking about spirits are forever with you anymore but we still can't escape the octava espada xyloporo kneels down beside mary and taunts him gloats over marie's loss it's a brilliant callback to their fight from waco mundo and a fantastic way of showing that xylophone still lives on within maori's memory in many ways it works in a in a way that's not dissimilar to komamura's fate komamura is a character who didn't heed his own words in the iran car arc and paid the price for it in the thousand-year blood war mairie is exactly the same he didn't heed his own words in regards to perfection and how perfection is something that scientists should not be chasing as mildly says himself i abhor perfection yet he never realized that perfection was standing next to him that entire time xyloporo realizes which is obviously in effect minorly realizing that he considered nemu to be perfect and therefore there was nowhere else to go as mayor he says a scientist should always strive to be better than everything else but never to be perfect as perfection is a dead end and xylopolo just gloats at him saying you know you should be grateful for this horrible left arm now it's destroyed her you have a chance to start anew i wouldn't know whether to laugh or to cry but mary reaches out and disperses with the vision and in that moment when he gets rid of xyloporo for the very first time since nemu's creation myri is fully awake he has awoken from his endless dream purnida now a true monstrosity after having to had reassemble itself entirely smashes down onto the building and begins to devour nemo presumably as a result of it having taken some of ashish jizo's traits into itself at the last minute mairie snatches back nemu's brain from the bloody mess and pernader tries to grab it back off him but mayri somehow negates it i've never been quite sure how that worked whether it's just mayuri's rayatsu or something like that but he basically zaps pernida just by opponent to get into cloak getting into kind of close uh quarters with him but he's never done that before so i don't really know where that comes from um but he says you know you can keep eating nemu you can eat you you eat your eat you feel lap her up um but i'll be taking back the brain it's at this point that pernader crucially realizes that something is wrong far too late however as its fingers begin to bulge begin to inflate and become bulbous perna's like what's going on you know what's happening to me and my only reveals that in order to progress past nemouri number six the one that lived for two years and then died they had to develop a special organ that basically forced the cells to rapidly regenerate in order to prevent it from collapsing in on itself essentially that organ made it so they had to keep being rebuilt over and over and over and over again and the only thing that kept it from going completely crazy was the brain itself that acts as a central focal point that basically held nemu's entire body together now that mary has taken that brain away however that stability is gone and pernader is only devouring the the organ itself and because of that perna begins to experience this rapidly accelerated regeneration its whole body contorts the eyeball comes like bursting ballooning out of its socket and everything it just it completely explodes the entire thing blows up and marie looks on as pernado is completely and utterly destroyed tiny pieces of perna kind of rain down and they begin to regrow and rebuild as you would expect but they are now trapped in a violent loop of regeneration simply exploding every time they start to regrow until presumably there is literally nothing left of the left arm of the soul king in my opinion it's a messy end to be sure but i still like it better than the kyoraku fight which i again i don't hate at all i i really enjoy the kyoraku fight it's just for me the whole ese thing did come out of left field a little bit too much whereas i can definitely buy a little bit better that mayri had to implement something like this into nemu's being to keep her going to keep her alive and it felt like the backstory we got for her felt a little more natural overall and so the ending of this battle definitely made in my opinion at least a little bit more sense and was overall a little easier to stomach although it does still sort of come out of nowhere a little bit it is funny to think that both pernida and xylopolo were killed because they came into contact with nemu that just kind of goes to show how much of a fail safe she is for mayory but despite mayory waking from that dream and really taking it into his own hands the chapter title for the final chapter of this battle is titled never ending my dream which says an awful lot i think about what mairie would go on to do after this fight that he would continue his work with the nemuri project to make something that was utterly perfect or as close to it as possible um and basically kind of shows as well that he hasn't given up hope it is weird it's weird viewing loss from the perspective of a true deranged scientist like this like he obviously doesn't experience really emotion in much the same way as other people he is sociopathic and twisted there is a clear showing of loss and sadness over the death of nemu but i guess like any good scientist he does see it eventually as just another chance to grow and rebuild but it also does mean that we don't really get to mourn nemu at all and she feels like one of the more odd casualties of this war but as mayary walks away from the battle his legs are destroyed and he reveals that he was obviously caught up in pernader's final attack of whatever kind it was but ikaku and yumichika return on the scene having not actually abandoned mairie despite the situation they found themselves in and he kind of applauds them for that or albeit a little sarcastically but nevertheless he enlists their help they place mairie into a regeneration tank that he's brought along with him along with captain zaraki as well and from those regeneration tanks emerged the now d zombified hitsugaya and matsumoto whose lives were saved by mayori at the cost of some of their own lifespan but this battle ends somewhat magnanimously for mayory whether consciously or not mary has emerged from this fight a hero hitsugaya thanks him for saving his life ikaku and yumuchika thank him for saving zaraki's life and maya doesn't really know what to do with as he says this deluge of gratitude it's kind of new to him it's foreign he's always been that miserly kind of outsider looking in on the rest of the goatee 13 only furthering his own self-interests but really particularly in the thousand-year blood war arc it feels like mayor he started to understand that he does kind of need these people as well and more so than that they need him and so it's really cool to see him getting that gratitude to see him coming down off his pedestal a little bit and being thanked like the hero of the war he was it seems like mayor is after all somebody who does place value in the lives of his comrades even if you would never outwardly say it what's more important to mary however is that we see just as he's about to pass out he's keeping nemo's brain literally close to his chest and he is absolutely elated with what she showed in that battle that she was a konpaku that he created from scraps that evolved of its own accord beyond even his comprehension and that's exactly what he wanted her to do and now he can make nimuri hachigo who will hopefully go even further i mean that in itself is kind of twisted myrie is really playing god and at the end of the day nemu was a living being and he doesn't seem too fussed anymore that she was ripped apart in front of him but i mean that is the nature of being a mad scientist i suppose but me the very last thing he thinks before he passes out is that he is happy that he has now finally stepped out of his former master key skater hardest shadow of course that's not quite accurate because we know that kisuke has achieved this a while ago with urudu and ginta but we'll keep that from myri for now and so we come back around to our final major theme of this battle sleep and dreams and maori passes into sleep as the fight ends and we see him figuratively sinking deeper and deeper into this cavernous ocean as he basically just falls into unconsciousness and it's like the spirit of nemu is watching over him um as he does as he falls and he's still holding even as he passes out her brain close to him but it's really really good stuff it's just crazy i never expected kubo to go so deep with it to see miley sink to the bottom of the depths but after after a fight that really tested him really pushed him everything i wanted he emerges bloody bruised limbs snapped and damaged and he emerges a a stronger character for it i think um and so did nemu even if her result was ultimately more tragic it really put their relationship in the spotlight on a pedestal in a way i had never expected and let's not forget about pernider either i think a really awesome villain and a villain in a way that maybe doesn't seem like it knows it's an antagonist but it's still really fascinating and ultimately that power of the compulsory is one of my absolute favorites of all the stern ritter so it was a real joy talking about this fight because it really is one of the absolute best in the thousand year blood war arc if not the whole series and i absolutely loved it but let me know in the comments below guys what do you think of maori and nemu versus perna dapanka jazz do you enjoy it as much as i do what's your favorite moment from the fight and who do you think the standout character is let me know in the comments down below i'd really love to hear your thoughts don't forget to hit subscribe if you haven't done already check out my new channel mr tommo talks games if you're into gaming at all and until next time guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 379,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach anime, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach hell arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, bankai, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, bleach ending, gotei 13, bleach anime pv, sternritter, shunsui bankai, tybw bankai, aizen bankai
Id: CwG7vsSsdVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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