All 8 Marine Admirals and Their Powers Explained! (One Piece Every Admiral)

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today we are discussing one of the most hype and Powerful groups in the world of One Piece the Admirals all known ones in history and their powers explained so make sure to stay tuned for this one a lot of new information has been revealed about the group since the last Admirals video including Luffy versus kizaru including way more information about greenbull including Kuan versus GARP and much more so get hyped if you enjoy seeing one piece videos like this one and want to keep them coming chill parking within and smash that like button always be a smashing pck King rather than a passing government Elder make this the video you joined the Nako by subscribing and hitting that notification Bell so you don't miss future one piece videos and updates we are not far now from my insane dream of 2 million subscribers here on YouTube so I would be eternally grateful if you help us reach that goal with a push of one virtual button now without further Ado let's jump into It spoilers and all so briefly the rank of Admiral is the second highest rank in the Marines there are only three Admirals at a time above them is the fleet Admiral the highest Marine rank although the fleet Admiral commands the entire organization he is still ranked below the world government commander-in-chief the five elders and the Mysterious IMU Sama the Admirals are known as the world government's greatest military power since each of them is ridiculously strong Admirals including of course the fleet Admiral can issue Buster calls on islands that are deemed to be threats let's start off with the 55-year-old red dog sakazuki who is over 10 ft tall by the way he used to be an admiral and at that time he went by the Alias Akainu or Akainu if you prefer which literally translates to red AKA and dog enu however now that he's Fleet Admiral he goes by sakazuki when former Fleet Admiral soku stepped down he wanted aliji AKA Kon to take the job but dignitaries within the world government pushed for sakazuki so the two fought a oneon-one duel the winner would seize the right to command the Marines they were evenly matched for 10 whole days before sakazuki emerged Victorious also taking kuan's Leg in the process aokiji then left the Marines apparently not wanting to work for sakazuki Sak sakazuki was the most ruthless of all the Admirals which is probably why sangoku favored aliji sakazuki is thorough in trying to stamp out whatever or whoever he deems to be evil or a threat to Absolute Justice as a result he killed Ace and badly scarred Luffy the new Fleet Admiral is the kind of guy that would rather sacrifice innocent lives than let one guilty person get away which was shown when he destroyed a refugee ship because one rule breaking scholar might have made it on board in contrast Kuan said he would never go as far as that and called sakazuki a jerk the current Fleet Admiral was even willing to kill Kobe a marine just because he wanted the battle at Marine forward to end sakazuki is definitely an ends justify the means kind of guy and he will do anything to bring about a world of absolute Justice sakazuki is even willing to talk back to the five Elders when they get in the way of his vision which is pretty impressive even the powerful Blackbeard decides to run away from the magma Admiral stating that he's not ready for that battle yet even though he has whitebeards devil fruit at this point and some of the world's worst criminals on his crew I bet Blackbeard would feel much more comfortable taking him on now that he has KZ on on the crew sakazuki possesses the magum magu noi aka the magmag fruit this loia devil fruit lets him create manipulate and become magma sakazuki devil fruit appeared to be of a higher order than Aces initially it's been said that because of Magma's unique properties and its higher temperature sakazuki attack injures Ace despite his loia defenses at the same time in a previous video it was common Ed that fire can actually reach a higher temperature than magma even if magma is hotter than your average fire this raises the exciting potential of Sabo being able to bring out more of the flame fruits potential and get revenge for Ace although honestly for me it's hard to see such a big opponent being beaten by Sabo especially after he scarred Luffy and has so much history with Luffy I've also read theories that magma absorbs fire and that's why sakazuki could get through Ace's defenses or he just used hoaky but let me know your favorite inter interpretation in the comments anyways the magma Admiral's loia powers are so strong that he was able to permanently change the climate of punk Hazard he can use Armament hockey and observation hockey and in fact all Marines ranked vice admiral and up can use hockey it has not been confirmed that sakazuki has conqueror hockey but I'd be surprised if he doesn't given his power and important leader status in fact Odo was the first to Hype up sakazuki he said before that sakazuki is so strong that he could end the one piece series within a year if he were the protagonist and he said that back in 2012 given the recent importance placed on hockey and especially on conqueror's hockey and how it's way more important than fruit Powers it seems pretty obvious that sakazuki has it to me all in all this dude is definitely a worthy antagonist for Luffy given his power and history with our protagonist and since gear five Luffy was able to use Advanced hockey to punch magma kaido without making physical contact and thus without melting his arm he might be ready to take on the Red Dog too let me know what you think below is Luffy ready to take on the current Fleet Admiral for number two let's look at the currently 49-year-old Kuan aka aliji before Kuan gave up being an admiral he went by aliji which means blue pheasant after he lost his fight against sakazuki Kuan left the Marines and joined Blackbeard of all people becoming the Titanic captain of the 10th ship this was a very curious turn on the one hand it makes Blackbeard who was already presented as being a forc to be reckoned with seem even stronger on the other hand Kuan could be a spy it is weird that sakazuki let him survive their battle and didn't seem that bothered when nudes of him helping Blackbeard spread so it could be that they set it up so that Kuan would help the Marines by keeping a close eye on Blackbeard we'll see what ends up happening but it definitely seems strange that the sangoku recommended Kuan would join forces with Blackbeard especially since Kuan seemed like the nicest guy out of the three former Admirals Kuan for his part is 9'9 in tall so he's a bit shorter than sakazuki and he's way more laidback than the current Fleet Admiral practicing in his own form of lazy Justice rather than absolute Justice however more accurately he has his own moral compass unlike sakazuki he's compassionate at times he's willing to help a child Robin escape a buster call and he is willing to not arrest the young Luffy after he helps people by defeating crocodile unlike sakazuki Kuan wouldn't want to sacrifice a number of innocent lives just to get rid of one potentially guilty person Kuan is no doubt very powerful otherwise sokku would not have recommended him for Fleet Admiral and he would not have lasted 10 days fighting against the extremely powerful sakazuki when a fight drags off for that long you start to think that it may have gone either way if conditions were only slightly different sakazuki is even 6 years older so it's at least possible that Kuan could become stronger it's also noteworthy that most marine troops preferred Kuan and supported him showing that Kuan is a good leader who has the ability to positively influence others this ability to lead also hints at the fact that he could be a conqueror hockey user as well he's powerful enough to to easily scare off someone as powerful as doflamingo he was able to battle with Whitebeard until Diamond josu one of whitebeard's commanders entered the fry allowing Whitebeard to move on Kuan took advantage of a distraction and eventually took joosu down without much trouble my point is he can clearly fight with the best of them and we're about to see how true that is more recently we saw how he joined Blackbeard after they bonded over drinks at this point he was at Rock Bottom having lost his leg and career to sakazuki and then Blackbeard offered him a position although Kuan said he didn't trust them Blackbeard pointed out that they don't have to be best friends they are pirates which just means they need aligned interests and as a free man Kuan agreed to join him then we saw him help defeat the legend himself Marine hero GARP who is also his mentor it even appeared that he ended him by impaling him with ice yes GARP was past his prime but the fact that Kuan helped defeat Marine hero GARP while Captain Blackbeard and other key members were away makes the Blackbeard pirates look very famili itable indeed GARP through his actions helped Kobe and the others escape but since Kobe is a member of sword and thus not even an official Marine now this has to look like a big Blackbeard win and like a big Marine loss especially since GARP like each admiral has a whopping three billion Berry Bounty given out by cross Guild now let's look at kuan's D through Powers more closely he ate the ice ice fruit this loia fruit lets him create manipulate and become ice he can easily free fre miles of ocean and even giant tsunamis he can freeze his enemies and then easily shatter their bodies guan's loia powers like sakazuki are strong enough to permanently change the climate of an area as we saw with Punk Hazard what's especially cool about kuon punon intended is that he can avoid the most common threat of delu users by freezing the sea water below him thus if he's ever in a position where he's about to fall in and drown he can just freeze the water he regularly uses his freezing powers to travel across the sea and the fact that he just B bikes Over the Sea makes him all the more awesome not to mention hilarious what is perhaps the most impressive thing about kuan's power is how he is able to survive some hockey imbued attacks like they were nothing for instance when Whitebeard stabbed through him with his hockey imbued weapon kuza was able to come out of it fine that's a whole other level of loia Mastery right there it appears like Kuan was able to make a hole in his body before the weapon penetrated him and thus avoided the damage obviously this wouldn't work as well when he's being punched with hockey infused fists as happened during his fight against GARP he clearly took damage during this fight but it must be said he didn't take significant damage he was even still standing by the end of it while GARP lay on the ground and impressive feat even if he did have help like when invisible shiryu stabbed GARP Kuan also possesses observation hockey and Armament hockey and if my rational speculation about sakazuki is correct it's almost certain that Kuan who fought him for 10 days and now beat GARP is also an unconfirmed conquer hockey user honestly considering how many characters have conqueror hockey including kid who just got one-shotted by Shanks it wouldn't even be that surprising if all Admirals have conquer his hocky at this point hockey aside Kuan can form sharp weapons out of his ice and use them to attack his opponents just look at how he finished off GARP with a giant Spike of ice all in all Kuan is more than a force to be reckoned with and he's already proven to be an insane addition to the Blackbeard crew I mean think about it now Blackbeard has a guy that was strong enough to be Fleet at Admiral and a guy who fought sakazuki for 10 days working under him it's insane to think about but let me know if you think he is truly a Blackbeard Pirate or if you think he's undercover in which case perhaps the spike that appeared to finish GARP off might have actually been a way to stop the bleeding that shu's attack started we know characters can be Frozen and unfrozen later so it's possible but personally I'd like to think that Kuan is truly a Blackbeard Pirate and not a double agent and hear me out it's because it will make for a much more more epic final clash between the straw hats and the Blackbeard Pirates not to mention it would be kind of predictable if he was a member of sword and remember if you're thinking Kuan is too good of a guy to be working with Blackbeard Whitebeard also worked for zebic the fact is like Blackbeard said if their interests align it might not matter that their morals don't next let's look at Luffy's latest opponent the current 58-year-old borino AKA kizaru his Admiral Alias means yellow monkey the usually gring kizaru is the only remaining Admiral from the pre-time skipped Trio since sakazuki was promoted to Fleet Admiral and Kuan resigned Kizer is also tall at 9t 11 in these three Admirals towered over most people in height and strength in the pre-time skip one piece even if they feel less Untouchable these days velino is the oldest and that's definitely also reflected by the wrinkles on his face his form of justice is explained by Oda as unclear Justice he's not as moral as Kuan has been at times but he's also not as much of an EXT extremist as sakazuki and wouldn't take as much initiative kizaru prefers to follow orders rather than lead so he may well be the only one out of the three without conqueror's hockey since that clearly doesn't sound like conqueror energy but again you got Zoro with conqueror's hockey following Luffy so in the end who knows kizaru isn't a coldblooded machine and recently we've seen that he wanted to avoid hurting his former student sentomaru if possible not to mention Bonnie he really wanted stomato to just not get in the way of his mission but even if he doesn't want to hurt certain people there is something that always makes him prioritize the mission and his orders and ultimately he will choose to follow orders even if it means taking out people like sentomaru or Bonnie who we now know is only 12 years old I'm hoping that soon we'll see what is this thing whether a revealing formative flashback or something else that makes him always prioritize following orders over following his feelings in regards to combat he's among the best he's extremely fast his loia fruit lets him attack and move at the speed speed of light he clashed against Legends like silver Ry and Whitebeard and came out fine he also attacked Luffy after shank's first mate Ben Beckman threatened him and even offered to go to wano when he found out that big mom and kaido formed an alliance think about how crazy that is for a second kaidu and big mom were the two living yonko with the highest bounties together they had a bounty around 9 billion berries to put that in perspective the pirate king gold D Roger had a bounty of around 5 A2 billion berries and kizu offers to go to Wana even sakazuki is like chill bro so it's quite clear that kizaru is not only extremely strong but practically Fearless most recently we saw him face off against gear five Yono Luffy who is coming off of a win against the so-called strongest creature in the world kaido and finally we've seen kizaru and Admiral hit a ceiling against Luffy to be fair kizaru did better than I expected and it definitely puts the Admirals in a more positive light strengthwise before at least I think the phandom felt like Yono level is above Admiral level such te are problematic because there is such variation in yono's strength levels and even in Admiral strength levels but there really was that sense at least until buggy became a yonko but when we see someone like kizaru push gear five Luffy to the point where Luffy is temporarily out of commission even though Luffy was strong enough to beat kaido it really makes the Admirals look good Especially since one would assume that sakazuki and the one who challenged him kuon are even stronger still it must be said Luffy was too strong for kizaru to plow through and he kept running away and trying to complete his mission while Luffy kept catching up then Luffy's star gun attack causes kizu to see stars yes Luffy reaches his gear five limit but when asked about his rather sluggish work by Elder Saturn Kizer replies I'm sorry I failed you and I don't think I'll be mobile anytime soon end quote the way I read this fight is that gear five Luffy outclasses kizaru but the problem is the time limit of this draining form and keep in mind against kaido he used the form twice where here he only used it once so far leading us to believe that if he really needed to he could pull off another gear five transformation so all in all Luffy has gotten to the insane point where he Cann out class Samano and even an admiral but Oda did a good job of making the once Untouchable seeming kizaru put up an impressive show against Luffy Ness kizaru's character definitely deserves that respect however if the elders are stronger than the Admirals as most of us assume then it's clear that Luffy is far from done and he will continue to widen the gap between himself and someone like kizaru this Arc now let's briefly run through kizaru's devil fruit power the pika pika no me aka the glint glint fruit it allows kizaru to create control and become light he can shoot laser beams create lightsabers to fight with and turn parts of his body into light and then hit his opponents with the force of light speed not only can he travel at the speed of light he can also use mirrors or reflective surfaces to propel him so that he can get to any point he wishes to almost instantaneously as if you were teleporting this makes it all the more impressive that Luffy could catch up to him and take him out of of commission I assume that if kizaru wasn't so fast and good at running away Luffy wouldn't have had so much trouble with him kizaru is also skilled at using observation hockey and Armament hockey if I had to pick someone who's least likely to have conquer his hockey out of the first three Admirals as mentioned it's kizaru but still like I said I wouldn't be surprised if all Admirals had conqueror's hockey before we jump to the new Admirals let's look at the now 79-year-old sokku the Buddha before he was Fleet Admiral he too was an admiral he's one of the legendary ogs along with GARP Whitebeard Goldie Roger Captain rocks and so on sangoku was one of the Marines that pyate King Goldie Roger respected the most the other being GARP and with GARP sangoku even defeated Shiki the Golden Lion one of rogers's greatest pirate Rivals at the Battle of marine Ford he is able to restrain GARP and send all of the skilled Blackbeard Pirates flying backwards with one of his attacks he's no longer in his prime but he's clearly still one of the strongest characters in the series he possesses the hito hito noi model dutu AKA the human human fruit model Buddha now I assume I don't have to tell you that this is a mythical Zone fruit a class rarer than even loia type fruits this fruit allows its user to transform into a large Golden Buddha his strength is magnified in this form giving his blows immense destructive power he can also release powerful shock waves in this form I would assume that he has to have one of the best non- hockey related defenses when he's transformed soku unlike the other skilled Admirals on this list is confirmed to be able to use all three types of hockey including the rare conqueror's hockey next let's look at Admiral Zephyr the non-canon Admiral from One Piece Film Z and if you haven't checked this movie out I highly recommend it it's my favorite of the one piece movies Z AKA black arm Zephyr was a former Marine Admiral and even instructor who trained sakazuki Kuan and kizaru if you can believe it he was an admiral during Roger and Prime whitebeard's Time hyping him up even more he didn't rely on a devil fruit but rather on his impressive hockey Mastery as his nickname black arm Zephyr alludes to he clearly wasn't at his prime during the events of the movie since he was 74 years old his mechanical arm the battle Smasher as it's called is unique and pretty cool The Story Goes he lost his arm when it was cut off by an unknown pirate with a devil fruit power almost his entire division was massacred all but two of them when this same pirate was invited to become a warlord it was the final straw and Zephyr renounced the Marines and started the Neo Marines it's a very cool idea because we know how corrupt the Marines are and this guy who'd seen that firsthand decided to put a stop to it and started a new Marines organization a very interesting backstory for an antagonist as you can imagine he replaced his missing arm with the mechanical arm and a potential weakness became a strength the arm is embedded with sea Stone making it very effective against devil fruit users including loia users like kizaru throw a machine gun and a destructive cannon in it and you have a very sweet all-around weapon ultimately a Gear 2 Luffy weakens him and and a Bas level Luffy defeats him so you can bet he won't be anywhere near the top of a strongest Admiral's list especially at this age but he's a great character nonetheless and helps make one Piece Film Z one of if not the best one piece movies if you have one one piece movie that you like even more let me know what it is in the comments next we have one of the new Admirals the 54-year-old fujit to which means was steria Tiger he's one of the shorter Admirals at 8' 10 in tall like who on fujit to is against the extremist view of absolute Justice as opposed to sakazuki who is willing to sacrifice the innocent fujit Tor prioritized as protecting people he is blind and says that he earned his lack of sight by his own actions and that he shut his eyelids on his own after he saw too many things he didn't care for however after encounter with Luffy fujit to supposes that he shouldn't have closed his eyes because he wants to take a look at Luffy's face to see how such an honest guy looks in front of the entire world fujitora apologized to proper king of dress Rosa Riku after doflamingo is defeated and and says that it was through the actions of pirates Gladiators and citizens that the country seized Victory this is practically sakazuki worst nightmare and fujitora even chooses not to apologize to him after doing it fujitora an admiral admits in the open that the Marines can do the wrong thing and make mistakes while Pirates can do the right thing and protect the innocent you can't help but like the guy who's willing to follow his own moral compass no matter what his Superior the fleet Admiral will think fujitora is strong enough to easily block attacks from former warlord doflamingo and dress Ros alffy couldn't do much to him either except leave a positive impression he could also clash with Sabo the number two ranked member of the revolutionaries and an extremely skilled fighter in his own right for an extended period of time without taking any significant damage now let's get into fujitora's devil fruit the paramia type Zushi Zushi noi this fruit gives him gravity powers that he uses in conjunction with his sword he can create gravitational forces that move horizontally or vertically he can use downward gravity to trap an opponent in place or he can use gravitational force to repel people and things away from himself my favorite though is that he can even pull down meteorites from space madra style even someone as skilled and experienced as do Flamingo couldn't believe that this dude was bringing actual meteorite down to the Earth fujitora is also skilled at observation Armament hockey he's been seen imbu his sword with hockey as well his observation hockey is what lets him fight effectively without vision and it almost seems like it more than compensates for his lack of vision because he's so good with observation hockey that he can sense people's emotions and thoughts not just their fast physical movements and the other new Admiral we have to cover is aramaki his Alias means greenbull this is the Admiral We Knew by far the least about when I made my previous versions of this video we had seen his silhouette smiling and joking around with fujitora even while sakazuki was mad at the ladder we knew greenbull had long wavy hair and wore a marine coat we also knew that he hadn't had a bite to eat for three years but he did reveal his love of pretty ladies we knew that he was strong enough to clash along with fellow Admiral fujit Tor with the formidable captains of the Revolutionary Army no small feet especially for a man running on an empty stomach the flamingo had also said that there were rumors that both of the new Admirals were powerful monsters as with all the other Admirals he knows observation armor and hockey in previous versions of this video I hyped up Greenbow because Oda kept him for last shout in mystery which is usually what Shonen authors do for the stronger characters but green Bull's first introduction as a fighter sort of ended anticlimactically more specifically as well see his hype was sort of sacrificed to Hype up Shanks even more there were lots of theories floating around about greenbull before including that he had a plant-based fruit power and that he was actually zoro's father one of these theories has already pretty much been confirmed the reason I thought he might have plant-based Powers was because of the Green in his name and also the fact that he didn't eat which suggested to me that he might get his nutrients through other means like maybe photosynthesis when he finally appeared in chapter 1052 it looked good for this Theory since he was seen flying around with a kind of flower helicopter sticking out from his back got a hand it to the Admirals they definitely have unique and fun ways of traveling at this point sakazuki is asking him where is he through his snail phone and green bull says in the air as if that helps narrow it down it's moments like this that seem to support the idea of him being zoro's father since Zoro is legendary for his lack of Direction sense anyways greenball finally spots wano ahead and sakazuki tells him don't you dare make things any worse and greenbull simply says I know I know gez then we head to chapter 1053 where we see his power face and fruit abilities at work although his powers are plant related his nutrient gaining process which allows him to not eat is much more deadly than photosynthesis we see him launching Roots all over the place that penetrate the former Beast Pirates and he sucks nutrients from them in that way in turn the victims begin to look dried up and old so I guess if fujitora is similar to mad with his meteor dropping Powers greenbull is sort of similar to hashirama with his wood style Powers the craziest part is that even king and queen two Yono commanders with bounties of 1.32 billion and 1.39 billion respectively are easily dealt with now yes they were hurt during the fight and King is even shown with bandages not to mention their loss of morale after losing the war but still it's been a week and Luffy and Zoro seem fine so it still seems impressive furthermore despite the fact that they were the strongest commanders of the so-called strongest creature in the world in the Yono with the highest Bounty greenbull comment that a guy in his position can't go around getting beaten by pirate subordinates thus even if they were in tiptop shape the implication is that greenbull would still crush them and it's a big deal because we saw how Ben Beckman spoke with Admiral kizaru at the Paramount War and the respect kizaru seemed to give him he commanded him at gunpoint not to do anything and at first at least kizaru put his hands up and said oops you're Ben Beckman end quote clearly showing a lot more respect to the Yono Commander than green bull showed queen and king yes it's likely in part because Ben Beckman is stronger than king and queen but it's still no worthy this is an interesting moment because greenbull with his actions and words suggests that most of the time Admirals are stronger than Yono commanders perhaps not a shocking Revelation but interesting nonetheless and it makes sense since if there are usually three Admirals at a time while there are four yonko it would be weird for the Admirals to be struggling with every yonko Commander that being said it does appear like Marco and especially Ben Beckman stand out as being pretty special and I'm sure Zoro will join that club as well we will get into the specifics but right now let me know in the comments where you would rank greenbull in power compared to the other Admirals we've seen like kizaru fujitora and so on I'd love to see how you guys rank the Admirals after these latest chapters from weakest to strongest but back to the story and we even see greenbull drinking beer through his roots another potential clue to him being zoro's father after sakazuki told him to not cause any more trouble he does the complete opposite and calls for a battleship to be sent to him and even tells the listener to not squeal to sakazuki he says he loves sakazuki cut no cornner attitude and he wants to hear sakazuki Praise when greenbull brings him Luffy's head so just the fact that he thinks he can take down everyone that just brought down kaido and big mom also speaks volumes about his confidence and potential strength then against the Defenders of wano the red scabbers M Yamato we see him use his Mor Mor noi AKA Woods Woods loia fruit Powers these powers make him a forest human allowing him to create control and even transform into Flora in his own words the forest is just as much the Cradle of life as the sea it is pure loia nature itself and that use of the word pure loia makes me wonder if this is a special category even among loas just like mythical zone is a special category among zones but anyways all of this is very hype as is seeing him combine with the nature around him using the Earth like an organic Mecca he can make giant arms pop out of it and use them to attack his opponents still we can't say the result we saw was that impressive he cries Yao that's some tough hockey when Yamato hits his head he then traps Momo's Dragon form with roots pretty effortlessly Riso uses fire and if you know your Pokemon you know that's super effective against a grass type it looks like it works at first but then adamaki makes it clear he's only playing around saying and I quote you think I could hack it as an admiral if I was actually susceptible to such an obvious weakness end quote his root stabs Riso and he absorbs the nutrients out of him until key too looks withered and aged it's clear that the scabbards are having a lot of trouble as is pointed out for every route they cut another grows before long green bull seems to have them all trapped in his roots desperate Momo launches a blast breath and another until green bull has to grow back from something the size of a tiny Clover he's finally about to get serious from the looks of it before he senses Shanks as hockey to put things simply it freaks him out he puts his hands up as if in surrender and says look I'm not picking a fight with you guys end quote and and just leaves sure he wasn't defeated by Momo Yamato and the scabbards but he didn't make quick work of them either then Shanks is hockey alone scares him off before he can even pass the scabbards and get to Luffy compare that to how formidable kizaru Kuan and sakazuki felt in the beginning of onepiece and you can only say that greenbull has been underwhelming for an admiral so far I'll give him the benefit of the doubt though that he has much more up his floral sleeves than we've seen so far also worth mentioning is that adamaki like the other Admirals and GARP has a current cross skilled Bounty of three crowns or three billion berries so like Luffy's current Yono Bounty and again like all Admirals greenbull is an observation Armament hockey user lastly I got to mention the eighth Admiral Kong who doesn't usually make it in these Admiral lists but should when you think about it the dude is currently the world government commander-in-chief but before that he was the fleet Admiral and like Fleet Admiral sokin sakazuki he was most likely an ordinary Admiral before that but even if he was somehow an exception to the got to get promoted from Admiral to Fleet Admiral rule he deserves to be on this list since Fleet Admiral is just a higher ranking Admiral than a normal Admiral and yes I probably overuse the word Admiral in that sentence but moving on Kong is also the guy who kept trying to promote GARP to Admiral during Rogers era only for garb to turn him down repeatedly we know he has to have Master over observation Armament hockey but chances are he has conquers hocky as well although we never saw him in action we know that all Fleet Admirals have been very strong and the guy who was Fleet Admiral during Rogers time is surely not an exception to that rule then throwing the fact that he had prime GARP and sokku working under him and that in this series where the strongest family is called monkey this dude is called Kong a reference to exceptionally strong monkeys like King Kong and Donkey Kong you know this guy has to be a monster he is now the highest government Authority besides the five elders and emu hopefully we'll learn more about him moving forward and I can update this section in a future video because currently we know the least about Kong's Powers now we have to admit that the Admirals were hype but the Yono are even more hype so you definitely don't want to miss my updated all seven Yono in their powers explained video link on screen right now like And subscribe to help us reach 2 million subscribers here on YouTube and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 48,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fI7OxWIykgo
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Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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