All 12 Otsutsuki Clan Members and Their Powers Explained! (Naruto / Boruto Every Otsutsuki)

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what up space fam goes in here from anime uproar and in this video we're going to be talking about the most ancient and overpowered clan in naruto that's made up of horned aliens as weird as that sounds of course i'm referring to the osutuki clan and i'm making this video because we got over 4 000 likes on the uzumaki clan video in fact we have over 15 000 likes as i write the script which is insane you guys blew me away with your response on that one similar deal here turn that like button blue share this video with your cultured naruto friends and when we hit over 5 000 blue thumbs on this video i'll get started the next naruto video asap leave suggestions for what topics you want me to cover next in the comments if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial hit that notification bell and select all or you will miss future naruto videos and you won't be able to comment on how you clicked faster than minato and that would be a huge tragedy no one wants that so click that bell and while you wait for the next video to drop you can check out my growing naruto playlist where you'll find videos about the hokage do chiha dozumaki and more link in the description now without further ado let's jump into it spoilers and all let's look at a brief overview slash history of the clan so we can clear up some confusion before we get into specific members as i mentioned yototsuki are not humans but rather aliens and a motto further defines them as parasites we actually have the otsutsuki clan to thank for shinobi and ninjutsu on earth the clan members traveled through dimensions they would plant tentail saplings which would become god trees across universes and dimensions so they could harvest their fruit the god tree's roots spread across a planet and absorb energy from it including from its inhabitants in general the planet would die in the process and the god tree would grow a large chakra fruit which could grant the otsutsuki god-like power and longevity then the yotutsuki clan members would move on to other worlds and dimensions searching for another god tree and another chakra fruit according to a motto otutsuki clan members kaguya and ishiki came to earth long ago with the usual objective of planting the god tree and harvesting its chakra fruit but kaguya had a change of plants and turned against ishiki kaguya against the wishes of ishiki and the rest of her clan consumed the earth's chakra fruit by herself and gained godlike power she used infinite tsukuyomi to stop war between humans and to bring about peace temporarily she turned the imprisoned infinite tsukuyomi victims into a white zetsu army that could help her fight back against any angered clansmen who would now want to punish kaguya and take away her chakra in the eyes of dotsuki clan at large kaguya was a traitor kaguya eventually gave birth to two sons hagoromo aka this age of six paths aka the ancestor of shinobi and hamura the ancestor of the hugo clan who ended up pissing out to the moon these two were the first people born with the ability to wield chakra but kaguya was not happy because she wanted all the chakra so she turned against her sons she combined with the earth's god tree and became the ten tails hagoromo and hamura ended up defeating the tan tails with their sealing jutsu six paths chibaku tensei and created the moon in the process so the husk of the ten tails was trapped inside the newly formed moon while the juicy chakra of the ten tails was sealed into hagoromo making him the first jinchuriki hagoromo gave birth to two sons indra and asura otutsuki sometimes called ashura otsutsuki depending on the translation do chiha clan would come from indra's bloodline while the uzumaki and sandro clan would come from asura's bloodline and as we know their descendants like them would be born with the ability to use chakra and ninjututsu indra tutsuki is actually credited with being the creator of ninjutsu before he died hagoromo split the chakra of the ten tails into nine-tailed beasts so that it would be even more difficult for the ten tails and thus kaguya to be reborn so in short aliens invaded the earth and as a result humans gain ninja super powers now let's move on to the specific known members of the clan let's start off with osutuki number one the ototuki betray her herself princess kaguya otutuki the former matriarch of the otsutuki clan as i mentioned she was partners with ishiki before she betrayed him took the earth's chakra fruit for herself and became the first wielder of chakra on earth she's also been referred to as the progenitor of chakra and the mother of chakra because she accidentally passed on chocolate her two sons hagoromo and hamura otsutsuki and their descendants as i mentioned she tried to take the chakra back by fusing with the god tree and becoming the ten tails but failed in the anime kaguya possessed significant abilities even before she ate the earth's chakra fruit obviously she could travel across universes and dimensions and she had the genjutsu like abilities of hypnotizing people putting them to sleep and even erasing their memories offensively she could unleash a shockwave from her eyes that could kill people when kaguya ate the chakra fruit and gained god-like power she subdued the constantly warring land she was believed to be a goddess by some and a demon by others she was so strong that hagoromo represented as a godlike figure himself and hamura had to work together in battle with her for months until they finally defeated her only for her to return again in naruto's time that gives you a sense of just how strong and resilient princess kaguya was like most otsutsuki clan members kaguya can levitate slash fly and she can even read people's minds in the anime during the fight against naruto and sasuke she could as sakura pointed out rewrite the world of her dimensions in an instant allowing her to create a world of ice in the process and freeze naruto and sasuke in place as can be expected from the mother of chakra her chakra reserves are off the charts while surpassing that of ten tails jinchuriki madara on top of that kaguya can absorb jutsu which unfortunately makes the extremely cool informally op jutsu amaterasu useless by touching naruto and sasuke she can at least temporarily prevent them from moving while absorbing their chakra she can use the famous genjutsu infinite tsukuyomi which can potentially trap everyone in the world in an illusion while kaguya siphons off their chakra kaguya claims that she's immortal and there's something to this since she can regenerate quickly and regrow lost limbs so it makes sense that the characters have to actually seal her away in order to defeat her understandably the mother of chakra has great mastery over chakra and can use all five nature transformations and yin and yang release she can use her long hair as a weapon in battle or even create life that will be the physical manifestation of her will like black tsetsu notably kaguya can use her all killing ash bones technique to launch her bones and opponents they can simply protrude from her body or she can launch them as projectiles upon contact living things will disintegrate into ash making this an exceptionally deadly technique kaguya can also use the hella op more expansive truth seeking ball unlike normal truth-seeking orbs which can't be regenerated once destroyed this one can be created by kaguya it has the power to reshape the world by obliterating it first kaguya also has the byakugan which got passed down to hamura and the renee sharingan as a third eye on her forehead which is the predecessor of both the shotgun and the renagan which got passed down through hagoromo the byakugan lets her see people's chakra pathway system and to recognize that naruto and sasuke are reincarnations of asura and indra it also gives her almost 360 degree x-ray vision and notably her byakugan is supposed to be far more powerful than hamuras among other things the renaissance lets her cast and recognize genjutsu use infinite tsukuyomi and teleport herself and others across space and dimensions with this third eye kaguya can manipulate the roots of the god tree and turn people into white zetsu while she gains incredible power from absorbing their chakra as mentioned kaguya can also become the ten tails when fused with the god tree and now let's get to the second otusuki on this list the sage of six paths hagoromo otutsuki himself hagoromo has been called the sage of six paths the god of shinobi the savior of the world and the god sage of six packs titles don't get much more fancy than those he also holds the title being the very first jinchuriki of the ten tales no less in the original naruto series hagoromo is considered to be the strongest figure in history aside from his mother kaguya whom he had to team up with his brother to seal away his own twin brother hamura admitted that hagoromo was the stronger of the two hagoromo is so opie that even after his death he can still observe the world talk to people and even give them his chakra to make them ridiculously stronger than they were before hagoromo had it all power and huge chakra reserves since he is the older fraternal twin he is considered to be the first being born with chakra he had an innate understanding and mastery over it so that he could use chakra without hand seals obviously his chakra reserves and power got even more ridiculous when he became the jinchuriki of the ten tales hagoromo also had very impressive healing powers that could seemingly heal anyone of anything in the anime he could create blades of lightning or slice through things with wind release not only did he master yin and yang release he could combine them to use the creation of all things technique which allowed him to create physical forms out of nothingness and then to breathe life into them this is pretty much as godly as the technique can get and hagoromo used it to create the nine-tailed beasts his sealing techniques were amazing as we saw he used ceiling to defeat kaguya to seal the husk of the ten tails in the newly formed moon and to become the first ever ginchuriki manga only fans might not know this but in the anime hagoromo developed a shotgun before the renagon it immediately had all three tomoe it also eventually evolved into a mangekyo shotgun that allowed him to summon a complete body susano that could deflect a tail beast bomb from the ten tails as far as we know he didn't have the drawbacks usually associated with the mangekyo shotgun like deteriorating eyesight nagato a very powerful character within the naruto universe openly admitted that his power was nothing compared to that of hagoromos and of course he had the renagon which he arguably mastered like no other this gave him access to all the six paths techniques which i discussed in my uzumaki video with nagato and in my uchiha video as well if you want a more detailed breakdown on the renagan you can check out those videos hagoromo could also summon souls from the pure land which is the afterlife in naruto souls can be reincarnated from the pure land using impure world reincarnation but not if they are sealed away in which case their souls wouldn't be in the pure land hagoromo can also flex on a user of the impure world reincarnation technique by releasing souls from their vessels and returning them to the pure land in the anime the oldest and most revered toad gama maru aka the great toad sage taught hagoromo senjutsu or sage mode perhaps unsurprisingly at this point hagoromo excelled at senjutsu to the point where gamamatu was shocked at how fast and well this dude was picking it up hagoromo developed his own unique and advanced senjutu known as six path sanjutsu which let him fly flying is not anything crazy for an otsutsuki but very cool nonetheless and we know that hagaromo could grant his six-pack sanjutsu to others even after being long dead which is how we got six-path sage mode naruto hagoromo also has the all-nature transformations and yin slash yang release pack truth seeking orbs he can use true seeking orbs to create other objects like a staff or the famous sword of nuno boko a double helix shaped sword which obito claims can create the world and destroyed as well then there were the treasured tools of the sage of six paths which used so much chakra that they could kill the average person if used they were no problem for hagoromo though who used them to generate any element seal people into a gourd and more and now we move on to otozuki number three the eldest son of hagoromo and the ancestor of the chiha clan indra otutsuki madara and sasuke were reincarnations of indra indra was the older and at first much more talented brother he wanted to succeed his father but then hagoromo chose his younger brother asura to be his successor indra did not take this well and the two brothers were pit against each other destined to fight through their reincarnations for generations to come indra inherited hagoromo's eye powers namely the shutting god he'd eventually unlock the mangekyo shotting gun and have access to a complete body susano he had powerful chakra and precise chakra control he excelled in taijutsu like uchiha prodigies that would follow him like hitachi for instance indra easily outclassed his peers indra expanded hagoromo's teaching of ninshu into the fighting style we know today as ninjutsu thus indra and not hagoromo is credited as the original creator of ninjutsu unlike hagoromo indra couldn't just freely manipulate chakra and so he had to come up with hand seals to help him out these hand seals would become foundational for all shinobi he really was like the first ninja creating the first clone technique along with the first body replacement technique techniques that would become go-to moves for the ninja of the future indra even fashioned primitive kunai hagoromo was amazed at indra's talent and creativity and that means a lot coming from the so-called god sage of six packs as far as nature transformations go indra could use fire and lightning as well as yin release obviously this makes sense in sasuke his reincarnation has always been heavily associated with fire and lightning release as well indra would use lightning release to augment his natural strength and speed using it to easily penetrate through flesh or to assist him with his body flicker technique indra could use his shotting gun to paralyze a person with his gaze and as mentioned eventually unlock the mangekyo and thus the full body susanoo as well in the anime indus mangekyo could also use hino kagutsuchi a technique that produced black flames similar to matarasu now let's move on to otsutsuki number four asura the younger brother of indra and the ancestor of both the senju and uzumaki clans like naruto who was asura's reincarnation asura seemed untalented early on think about how naruto failed the graduation exam three times while it said that indra inherited his father's eyes asura is said to have inherited his body and this meant that he was eventually able to rival his brother's power hagoromo preferred asura's philosophy which was based on love rather than on power and as a result made him his successor and blessed him with his power this allowed asura to defeat indra just like hashirama would go on to defeat madara and naruto would go on to defeat sasuke in their subsequent reincarnations like indra asura was skilled in taijutsu but he also had a uniquely powerful life force and great stamina these traits would go on to be inherited by his descendants for instance the uzumaki clan are known for their especially powerful life force and that's what made it possible for naruto and his mother to be nine tails jinchuriki in the anime asura was adept at sensing chakra healing people and could even launch his own rasengan-esque move called amenomihashira it's a very interesting move where asura creates five spiraling chakra orbs that look a lot like rasangan's and encases them in a larger orb when hit with another attack the larger barrier orb will absorb the blow letting the other spheres continue the chakra spheres will then explode on contact this move is not in the manga but if these chakra spheres are anything like that asengon then you can imagine the chakra control required to do something this crazy when it came to nature transformations like naruto asura excelled in wind release asura's wind release could cut through rock or protect him from enemy attacks like a true airbender he also had access to earth and water release baby known as wood release the op release that the first hokage was well known for in the anime he could use the sage art would release true several hands technique just like hashirama and after receiving his father's powers he could use all five basic transformations as well as yananyang release as if a giant wooden avatar wasn't enough after he inherited his father's powers he gained access to six paths and jutsu and an orange kurama-looking chakra avatar with three faces and six arms known as kunitsukami kunitsukami could do battle with indra's full body susano and asura even had truth-seeking orbs that he could use in combination with it clearly in the anime they added a lot of features from hashirama and naruto into the character of asura since they were his reincarnations asura also had a wife that was revealed in the anime otsutsuki number five kana otutuki she lived in a village where asura was helping out they met they fell in love they married obviously she married into the clan so she won't be as op as most members on this list however she did excel in healing jutsu and learned the mystical palm technique where you apply your hand to the wounded body part and send chakra into it the technique accelerates the body's own healing abilities but not everyone can use it since you need to be able to use just enough chakra or you can do more harm than good now let's turn to hagaromo's younger brother hamura aka otutuki number six he is the ancestor of the hyuga clan and was the leader of the shinobi on the moon as i mentioned he peaced out to the moon where the husk of the ten tales was sealed after he and hagoromo defeated their mother kaguya even though hamura was not as strong as hagoromo he was still one of the strongest figures in the naruto universe like hagoromo he inherited his mother's powerful chakra and was even able to transcend death itself even after death hamura could appear before shinobi and grant them his power just like hagoromo did with naruto hamura actually gave power to hinata hyuga his descendant so yeah boruto is pretty much bound to be op one parent is descended from hagoromo and got chakra from him while the other is descended from hamura and got chakra from him within boruto is the perfect opi osutsuki cocktail so i look forward to seeing how this insane potential continues to manifest itself hamura had the biaku god allowing him to have nearly 360 degree x-ray vision and to see the chakra pathway system he also appears to have had the ten saigon a special dojutsu or ipower that evolves from the byakugan although we don't see him with the uniquely colored eyes it is suggested that he had them in a naruto movie and that he sealed their power in an energy vessel also called the ten saigon and it would be cool if he did have his own evolved ojutsu since hagoromo did get the shanigan mangekyo sharingan and eventually the rinnegan as well so it's only fair anyways the 10 saigon energy vessel was also fueled by the byakugan of other ototsuki clan members on the moon the power of the energy vessel could animate puppets letting them act as effective servants it could also be used as a weapon and the branch family of the otsuki clan on the moon used it to beat the main family that's how powerful it was it can even send the moon crashing into the earth only hamuda's chakra can destroy it which is why hamuna's spirit gives his chakra to hinata so she can work together with naruto in order to finally stop the op weapon and although we don't see hamura use it we do get to learn about its powers from toneri otsutsuki more on him later but some notable 10 saigon powers include the ability to enter tensegon chakra mode and manifest truth-seeking orbs to use attraction and repulsion powers that are strong enough to move the moon itself and the ability to summon a golem that can fight with kurama and even the ability to create a chakra sword that can straight up slice the moon in half toneri is 10 saigon fades after naruto punches him in the face but we can assume that hamuras would have been much less sensitive so yeah all around a very powerful dojutsu besides this hamura could teleport to the moon and back freely he was skilled enough in stealing jutsu to help his brother defeat the all-powerful kaguya and he was able to use six paths and jutsu just like hagoromo which allowed him to fly as well he had true seeking orbs also all in all hamura is an interesting figure that added a cool dimension to the hyuga clan making them unique and not just another offshoot of hagoromo now since we already mentioned him let's address toneri our seventh otsuki he was the descendant and only survivor of the otusuki clan on the moon he was specifically from the branch family not the main family another parallel with the hugo clan toneri was not on hamura's level and couldn't just awaken to 10 saigon he needed to first take the byakugan of a huge clan member and then wait for them to mature into the tensega he took hinata's sister's eyes and then wanted to marry hinata and when i was watching a movie the whole time i was thinking that stealing a girl's sister's eyes is probably not the best way to win her over but whatever toneri is clearly not the most socially calibrated dude among his notable achievements he could for a time fight evenly with naruto zumaki the strongest shinobi who helped defeat kaguya herself he was able to communicate with other people from great distances through their dreams or through projections toneri could mind read absorb chakra and spy on the happenings on earth from the moon he had an army of puppets at his disposal that were animated by the power of the 10 saigon energy vessel which was also under tonnary's control toneri can even turn people into puppets by placing a sphere of chakra within them although born with the biakugan his eyes were sealed away in the energy vessel so he had to use his sense rather than his vision until he transplanted hanabi hyuga's eyes into himself these eyes eventually matured into the tenseagon which allowed him to access the tenseigon chakra mode that allowed him to compete against naruto in this mode he had true seeking orbs could deplete chakra could earthbend the moon and launch chunks of it at naruto could use attraction and repulsion to control something as big as the moon could use a huge chakra sword to cut the moon in two and could form a golem strong enough to keep kurama busy he was definitely strong but easy to defeat since the 10 saigon faded away after one satisfying punch to the face from naruto and you gotta expect a punch to the face if you tried to steal hinata from naruto as toneri did we also briefly saw osutsuki number eight in the movie as well he was the unnamed head to the main family on the moon as usual his biakugan was taken at birth and put into the 10 sega he was killed when the branch family used that very tense saigon against him and the rest of the main family we don't know much about his powers but he was able to share his past with hinata showing that he was another who could appear and help even after his physical death otsutsuki number nine is none other than the current villain in the boruto manga ishiki ishiki as we discover was actually the partner of kaguya but was betrayed by her he was on the verge of death but encountered a monk named jigen and survived by shrinking himself so that he could enter the monk's body and absorb his nutrients his power is insane in a weaker form still in jegan's body and not fully reincarnated jigen was able to defeat the combined forces of naruto and sasuke although his imperfect vessel did reach its limit in the process according to a motto ishiki with his full power would be able to destroy the earth itself and no one would be able to stop him as we learn ishiki and other ototsuki clan members use the ability comma or karma depending on the translation you use karma lets the otsutuki create a backup of themselves in a host and then the karma matures until the otsutuki is fully reincarnated in their body of course it's not that simple it can't just be any body if the body is imperfect it won't be able to take the power of the otozuki and the otozuki will die unless they find a better vessel for this reason amado along with kashin koji helped to get ishiki to reincarnate in jigen's dead body instead of kawaki's now ishiki is stronger than before the reincarnation but he only has a few days before the body falls apart in that time he hopes to impart another karma onto kawaki which would supposedly lead to a perfect vessel in which case he would be in theory unstoppable ishiki was durable af and could take kicks from naruto in six path sage mode and be fine tonari couldn't even take a punch so that shows that even among the otusuki ishiki is on a whole other level ishiki can fly which makes sense for an osutuki he can absorb chakra as well so that even the highest level of fire release amaterasu has no effect on him ishiki has also fought with black rods that can drain chakra from the punctured enemy he can use space-time ninjutsu to travel across vast distances and even dimensions and he was skilled enough to seal naruto away he called out sasuke susano for being slow and broke through its armor to get to sasuke like it was nothing with ishiki's right eye he is able to use tsukuna hikona which allows him to shrink himself in any non-living thing around him and to restore them back to normal size once he shrinks things he can use daikokuten to store them in another dimension in which time doesn't flow then with his gaze he can re-manifest them at their normal size in this way he could unexpectedly drop massive objects on opponents in a split second and cause massive damage he even used this ability with a glass of wine which was classy af he also uses this ability in conjunction with his chakra absorbing black rods overall as you can see ishiki is an absolute beast and i can't wait to see how they end up stopping him in boruto ototoki number 10 is momoshiki another chakra hungry otozuki who was investigating what happened to kaguya and ended up being defeated by a father son rasengan from boruto but momoshiki did manage to place his karma on the boy in the anime momoshiki claims that he could have defeated kaguya after absorbing kinshiki osutsuki who will get into it a bit he was pretty much able to flex on the kage as he had naruto and friends trapped in place with the shadow paralysis technique it was borto came to rescue with his vanishing lasenga if not for boruto momoshiki would have likely taken home the w albeit kataske was partially to blame for that because his attack was absorbed by momoshiki and thus restored his exhausted power even after being killed momoshiki's spirit or chakra could appear before boruto for whom it seemed like time stopped at this point he left him with his karma and apparently saw boruto's fate with his biakugan obviously his byakugan could also do the usual near 360 degree x-ray vision stuff and see the chakra pathway system momoshiki also had a pair of rinnegan in the palms of his hands his right could absorb any chakra based technique through his left he could release that absorbed technique but with magnified power then he could turn people into pills that he could consume for continued longevity he would gain not only their chakra but their techniques as well like other naruto characters we've seen momoshiki uses black receiver rods to fight they can be fired at opponents in order to restrain them or even kill them momoshiki could also use space-time ninjutsu to travel across dimensions but it would take a lot of chakra instead of truth seeking orbs momoshiki used the tool creation technique which let him create weapons and telepathically control them with the renegade he can use all five nature transformations including especially powerful fire release and wind release techniques and could even create a golem that was beating kurama until sasuke surrounded it with susano in the novel he was capable of using wood release as well just like asura in the first hokage currently his karma power means that he's slowly taking over boruto until he gains complete control of his body there have already been instances where momoshiki took over boruto's body like when he was fighting against boro through borto's body momoshiki flew called boro an inferior creature since he has a god complex absorb chakra from naruto and finish boro off with an absolutely massive dasengan next to which bortol looked like an ant for now momoshiki's karma has been a cool kurama-esque power boost for boruto but the more time passes the greater the danger that momoshiki will fully resurrect and boruto will be gone forever furutuzuki number 11 we got kinshiki another member of the ototouki main family and momoshiki's foster father he was subservient to momoshiki he consumed his guardian's chakra and was ready to let momoshiki consume him kinshiki used the tool creation technique in battle as well he'd create glowing red weapons like a giant axe and wield them proficiently in battle he could also launch them telepathically he was another flyer and he excelled in sensing chakra which allowed him to locate the chakra of the tailed beasts he could surround himself in purple lightning to increase his power and speed and even sasuke seemed noticeably surprised by said speed probably in part because kinshiki is not the skinniest guy around kinshiki also possessed the biakugan which are pretty standard issue for most ottutsuki he appeared to fight equally with sasuke until the latter saw momoshiki too and decided to escape using space-time ninjutsu however sasuke did cut off the tip of kinshiki's horn which bothered kinshiki to no end so although he was like momoshiki's assistant he was strong and even multiple kage failed to stop him he peaced out on his terms being absorbed by his foster son otsuki number 12 is the anime only urashiki another member of the main family who tagged along with momoshiki and kinshiki on their trip to earth another guy who could take on multiple kage except this one used a fishing rod as a weapon like most other otutsuki he could fly and survive in space he could absorb most techniques believe it or not his fishing rod could break through strong defenses and take chakra from an opponent that chakra would be stored in his gourd and he could then use the techniques of that person for instance with gara's chakra he could create and manipulate sand and battle other notable abilities include being able to use space-time ninjutsu to travel to other dimensions being able to create and use black receiver odds in battle being able to control puppets without chakra strings as well as being able to use barrier ninjutsu for protection copying powers is always a useful ability to have and by the end of it urashiki was able to use many kinds of different powers including lightning release wind release fire release earth release he can manipulate his shadow to trap opponents and use genjutsu to control a person's actions and more like most otsutsuki he possessed a biaku god unlike most otsuki though he could transform his eyes into the renagon uniquely he was able to use different powers by changing the rinnegan's color red meant being able to warp through space-time and dimensions blue meant temporal rewind allowing him to warp several seconds into the past and his own personal version of the body replacement technique didn't involve logs or even crows like hitachi's by red origami cranes despite his insane powers and the transformation urashiki was eventually defeated after traveling through time by a father son rasengan with some help from sasuke and jaraya and given its power and recurring usefulness i'd say the father son of sengon is a worthy successor to the father son kamehameha from dragon ball which it always makes me think of and that is it for this truly long video about the ottatsuki clan among other powers we saw most of the op genkai that we know of in this clan including the shotgun renagan biakugan tensaigon and even wood release despite constantly popping up as villains the otsuki clan is actually the predecessor of all other ninja clans if not for these aliens we wouldn't have all of the cool chakra-based powers and techniques that we've come to know so well ironically while wanting all chakra for herself kaguya actually ended up spreading the chakra and creating fighters strong enough to stop her and even other ototsuki anyways if you did enjoy the video and to unlock the next one make sure to smash that like button turn it blue and share this video with your culture naruto friends when we hit 5 000 likes i'll get certain the next one asap if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial hit that notification bell and set it to all or you will end up missing future naruto videos leave suggestions for what video you want to see next and i'll pick one from the comment section below and while you wait for that video to drop feel free to check out my naruto playlist where i got videos about the hokage uchiha uzumaki and more link in the description a very special thank you goes to our patrons over on patreon who helped 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 2,387,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, 12, otsutsuki, clan, members, and, their, powers, explained, naruto, shippuden, boruto, every, every otsutsuki, all otsutsuki, the otsutsuki clan, the otsutsuki clan explained, all otsutsuki clan members explained, momoshki otsutsuki, isshiki otsutsuki, kaguya otsutsuki, hamura otsutsuki, hagoromo otsutsuki, indra otsutsuki, asura otsutsuki, sharingan, rinnegan, byakugan, hinata, sasuke, tenseigan, the history of the otsutsuki clan, anime, manga, animeuproar, every uchiha, every uzumaki
Id: 284ro7bpHVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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