Why Naruto’s Sons Became Aliens - All Otsutsuki Clan Members & God Explained - ENTIRE BORUTO STORY!

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[Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go today we will be discussing every otsuski member and the entire backstory of this clan so that you can understand the story of boruto perfectly a lot of you are confused that the idea of naruto's sons boruto and kawaki are becoming alien how is that possible right how did we get from human ninjas fighting each other to literal gods invading the planet that make others become alien just like them [Music] well don't worry we will make sense of everything if you watch the entire video but before i go any further i need to thank our sponsors raycon raycon earbuds really helped me out with my workouts now i get it a lot of you probably don't have any motivation to do any physical activity and you're probably wondering why i'm assuming that well that's because you're watching my channel but it is never too late to start getting healthy and raikons would be a good addition since these things don't fall out of your ears at all i will now be cutting to my assistant sid to demonstrate [Music] and who are we kidding all of you like the intro to our videos right you comment it all the time our intro has heavy bass so this means these earbuds could be perfect for you since they have a similar sound these earbuds can get you hide listening to naruto openings on a binge please tell me i'm not the only one who does that even at the gym raycons come with a bunch of gel tips for your comfort on top of having 32 hour battery life they start at half the price of other premium audio brands and come with a 45 day happiness guarantee so why not try them out with the link in the description box or go to buy recon dot com slash abd to get 15 percent off your recon purchase the utsuski clan are more important to the naruto story than you might think this is because the otsuski clan are the oldest known clan in naruto and they are a race of parasitic celestial beings revealed to us by amado in boruto they travel from planet to planet in different solar systems typically as a pair searching for life force to drain for themselves to help further their evolution until they become a atsuski god the atsuski achieved this by planting a ten tales while sacrificing the lower rank of the two by feeding them to it and then they watch over until it grows into a god tree this is done by its roots spreading across the planet absorbing all the life and genetic information from anyone who has lived there until of course it bears what is known as a chakra fruit once harvested as they no longer need the planet they move to another to repeat the same process in order for the ten-tail seed to bloom into a god tree a living otsuski must be fed to the beast hence the clan members travel in pairs with the lower ranking being the sacrifice whilst the other one watches over the fruits cultivation however since suski has to be sacrificed the lower ranked one will utilize the karma seal to prepare a vessel beforehand in order to revive themselves that's why they are immortal the atsuski member will then consume the said through using all of the life force inside of it to evolve making them stronger now you're probably wondering wait wait wait wait how did kargia live if she was the lower ranked member didn't she get sacrificed if that was the case like what was going on well yes you were on the right track car gear was meant to be sacrificed and later revived with the commission mark that she would bestow upon a vessel these are the seals we see boruto and kawaki possess but i'll be explaining what this means in detail later on in the video first let's actually go into the life of cargio and break down what we know from both the naruto and boruto series the backstory of car gear was further elaborated in boruto in chapter 51 armada explained that kargio and ishiki came to earth with the plan of planting a god tree in this case cargill was the lower rank hence the sacrifice however we know when kargi arrived on earth a god tree was already there meaning the 10 tail seedling we see in chapter 47 is more than likely the one ishiki and kogi originally came to earth with this seedling must be over a thousand years old as we know hagarama the sage's six paths existed around a thousand years ago from naruto's birth amaru continues to state that ishiki and kargil did not end up planting a tree due to khargi's betrayal where khalgia backstabbed ishiki bringing him close to death more than likely ishiki and kargi's job was to secure the fruit and replant another one in the original narrative story we know the god tree cargo ate from already bore a fruit these fruits apparently only sprout after a thousand years so this means the god tree we witness surrounding that flashback was planted around a thousand years prior to ishiki and kargil's arrival therefore 2 000 years ago from the start of the series since amado explained to us that whatever fruit otsuski bear and eat they obtained the biological dna and essence of that planet therefore kargil would have gained some humanistic traits after being sacrificed the first time round kargie must have bestowed a karma on a human to resurrect drawing the planting of the first god tree and since we know atsuski retained dna of the planets they invade it would make sense as to why cargia could bear human children and fall in love so let's get into cargill's story one thousand years ago the clan sent karger and ishiki to harvest the earth's god tree of its chakra fruit and then plant another one after the betrayal she was discovered by the people in the land of ancestors where she met their emperor tenji initially kargi identified herself as the god tree's guardian before using her powers to wipe tanji's memories of the encounter she later settled among his people becoming recognized as his you know wife concubine sadly corgi's love story didn't end there as war was about to ensue the land of ancestors started being threatened by other borders and lands since human conflict started to rise due to the nature of mankind but like all good leaders tanji tried preventing an all-out war by ruling that anyone from his nation who attacks the representatives of the land of that would be executed and seriously it's called the land of that that's what kijimoto called it don't blame me for the names this law was broken by none other than kaguya atsuski after she was threatened by these so-called representatives as they wanted to capture her and interrogate her kargia breaking emperor tanji's orders resulted in her and her assistant aino becoming hunted by the land to be executed now even though kargie could body all these peasants without a scratch she decided to fight for peace to do this she believed that it was necessary for her to attain god-like powers so despite her clan waiting to harvest the chakra fruit kargier decided to eat it in doing so she awakened the reigning sharingan and became the sole person on the planet endowed with chakra using her newfound power kargila single-handedly ended all the wars on planet earth and took control of all nations for her deed of stopping the conflict she received the blessing of the people and was worshipped as the rabbit goddess however since cargill ate from the chocolate tree she fell into fear for seeing the consequences of her actions consuming the chocolate fruit against her clan's wishes so after establishing peace she began to prepare for war against her clan and used the infinite tsukiomi on humans to transform them into an army of white zetsu over the course of many years while she was trying to save the world she was pregnant and somehow the chakra fruits were dispersed into her children the twins hagaromo and hamura utsuski making them the first people born with chakra over the course of years kargi's fear of a natsuki attack drove her to become angry and cruel as everyone else was ignorant of her knowledge this affected the way she ruled her nation from becoming loved to actually fit now i will be explaining her tyranny and why she betrayed the entire earth in just a moment but as we all know she ends up getting defeated however carl gear had then manifested her will in the form of black zetsu which in a way could be an advanced living karma seal the agenda of black zetsu would be reviving its creator whom black setsu thought as a mother he then manipulated hagaroma's eldest son indra otsuski as well as his descendants within the uchiha clan and his brother's descendants within the senju clan in an attempt to get one of them to awaken the rain gun and break the seal we all know the asphalt that occurred at the end of naruto team seven sorted everything out they body her with narutin sasuke being blessed by hagaromo and they were able to seal her away once again so now that we have covered karger otsuski we can explain the story regarding her two sons hagaromo and hamur utsuski which gives us the whole picture where i'll be able to explain how kargil's downfall began in the first place starting with hagar domino he was regarded as the sage's six paths to the shinobi world this is because he was a legendary godlike figure that was renowned throughout the world due to being the creator of the concept ninjas used called ninjutsu and essentially founding shinobi culture hagarambo atsuski originally created the concept of ninju which is the religion and peaceful precursor of modern ninjutsu the sages six paths was the first one to understand and teach the mystery of chakra the teachings of ninshu were meant to give people a better understanding of themselves as well as others and then lead the world into an era of peace ninshu would eventually come to be known as ninjutsu a more weaponized version of the sage's teachings essentially the ninjutsu we see in naruto's world was a corrupted version of ninshu this is because after hagoromo's death he picked asura as his successor to take over the practice however indra his other son out of jealousy and hatred was manipulated by black zatsu to actually weaponize his father's religion and teachings into ninjutsu but i'll explain this in more detail in just a moment so since hagoromo was the son of khalgo otsuski whom we explained earlier a divine chocolate fruit from earth which we know was the most powerful of all chakra fruits by the way since it displayed much more power than any other planet we have witnessed so far this is mainly because earth has a strong life force and a large amount of life forms for the divine tree to suck all the energy from therefore making the fruit stronger than anyone momoshiki had as a result of in breeding with humans hagarama was born with the ability to manipulate the same type of powerful chakra hagaromo and his brother hamura utsuski lived their childhood years in ignorance of their mother colga's true nature their homeland thrived and prospered but people would disappear every once in a while thanks to a sacred ritual of the god tree one day gama maru approached the two brothers and told them that the truth of the ritual lay beyond the peak of the nearby mountain at first they paid no man to his words but hagaroma became concerned when a girl he cared about named hawori became part of the ritual when the two brothers talked to their mother about ending these rituals she shrugged off their concerns saying bruh it don't matter giving only the excuse that it was necessary for the other's arrival after being a little too nosy the brothers discovered that the civilians they had noticed were missing had actually been sacrificed to the god tree in need of more information they sought out gama maru and he told them about their mother's history of arriving on earth and utilizing the god tree's fruit to achieve immense power and enslave most of the land using the infinite tsukiyomi even their father would fall victim into this soon deciding they needed more power to take on kaguya should she become violent and against earth hagarama began to train under gama maru in the art of senjutsu kargia soon discovered what her child was up to of course plotting to rebel against her using the chakra he inherited from her once he returned to confront his mother she sent hamura utsuski out to fight his brother having brainwashed him completely taking a big risk however hagaromo decided to attack his brother hamura freeing him from khalgia's mind control and then soon after healing him at the same time with a seal thai gama maru gave him this all allowed hargaroma to become the sage's six paths because this was the moment he unlocked the ring sharing gun on his forehead and the ringing gun this is when khalgia realized that both her sons chose to use their inherited chakra to rebel against her carl gear grew to be jealous and angered by this fact that her chakra has been spread across the whole planet to lesser people since you know over time she gained a god complex that wanted to resolve all the issues on the planet as war and conflicts was outbreaking all the time and on top of that kargie knew that other otsuki's such as momoshiki will arrive to punish her for disobeying orders of the atsuski clan as a result kargi decided to merge with the god tree and turn into the ten tales which attempted to reclaim her chakra as the ten tales rampaged through the land hagoromo and his twin brother managed to win with hagar omo becoming the ten tails jinchuriki causing him to be revered as a god for the virtue of his victory eventually hagoromo had to research kargi atsuski's technique where he was able to free the world from her infinite tsukiomi where he was eventually called the sage of six paths by the world after entering priesthood to preach about his religion called ninshu but before leaving on his pilgrimage gama maru the great toad sage had told hagaromo a prophecy he had about a mischievous blue eyed child who would one day connect with the tailed beasts and bring about a miracle this of course is our goal naruto and that's why hagoromo later on in the ending of naruto acknowledges him at the end of the manga that he is indeed the prophesized child and he will save the world from the chaos that it is in hagaromo then traveled across the world giving chakra to everyone spreading his religion to the world and his sons since he became the tenth tales jin choriki after defeating kargil eventually he decided to separate the beasts into nine different ones he used the creation of old things technique which is a jutsu that allowed him to turn fantasy into reality the process involved the administration of imagination and spiritual energy which forms the basis of yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness and then with yang chakra he would breathe life into the resulting creations of nine separated bodies and give each beast a name and now as a result of extracting such a huge amount of ten-tailed chakra from himself it resulted in hagaroma being weakened and bedridden for months he could only stay alive due to the husk of the ten tales giving him extra life force energy something similar to what madra uchiha experienced he sealed the husk of the tent tails away with the chewbacca tensei technique therefore creating the moon itself with his power on his deathbed he chose asura to be a successor and entrusted him with the religion and ninshu this is because the stage's six paths desire was to establish peace across the world but it was a goal that could not be achieved in his lifetime so this is why it was so important for him to entrust this idea to the right person the oldest son indra was acknowledged as a true prodigy who quickly began to revel in his natural prowess and became very solitary the younger son however asura proved to be the exact opposite having shown no special abilities or natural talent but he pushed through his limitations growing stronger and more mature because of his struggles and making friends with others along the way hagaromo acknowledged asura's chosen path since he agreed that love and cooperation were the true keys to peace which as we all know naruto is the embodiment of everything hagoromo wanted and prophesied for the human race as hagarama was laying on his deathbed indra appeared to his father after years of disappearance and explained his ambition to take down ninshu hagoromo later relays this information to asura and his family entrusting his younger son with his final wish before dying hagaramu knew that if he picked asura then indra or his reincarnations down the line would attempt to take the power he bestowed to asura for only themselves due to their selfish desire this is why he decided to leave behind a tablet which detailed his history to make them reconsider their actions the only people that could read these ancient tablets would be those that possessed the rin and gun as it would be able to decipher the content the sharingan was only able to partly interpret the information but without halgueromo or anyone else knowing black zetsu altered the information and content of the tablet to manipulate every future descendant of indra for a thousand years as we all know these descendants would eventually become the uchiha clan and through the centuries black zetsu eventually made madras his ultimate victim where he followed his plan perfectly to resurrect kargi atsuski and initiate the infinite tsukiomi once again now connecting to hagaramu's story would obviously be his brother hamura hamada was the ancestor of the hyuga clan and the founder of the shinobi of the moon as i mentioned earlier his brother created the moon and sealed the husk of their mother on it so hamura decided to be the one to protect it so that she may never cause tyranny and chaos again on earth instead he curated his own colony of otsuski on the moon so that one day they can help earth therefore hamura and the rest of the clan departed to the moon in order to guard his mother's sealed remains although this was not before receiving instructions from his brother to wait for a full millennium and observe mankind ahmad used the power of the tens saigon to bring order and stability to the world of the moon but obviously you know as always after his death things went downhill i will now pass the video over to harrison who will be talking about tonori otsuski as this is the chronological order of the story and it will now make sense due to him being the branch member on the moon thanks adol and hey everyone are you guys ready to learn more about some funky alien dudes great as adam mentioned hammer's story then leads us into to nereotsutsuki as he is a branch of suzuki member from hamra's bloodline we saw his entire story in the naruto the last movie he is the last surviving member of the branch family of the otsutsuki clan living on the moon after a civil war that occurred the family who inhabit the moon are actually the descendants of hammurat sutsuki each of hamra's descendants would have their biakagan removed at birth to power a device called the energy vessel which is actually hammura's tensei gun this energy vessel was originally designed to build up power which could one day be used to help earth even centuries after his death hammer's descendants still removed their biakagans as a ritual for the energy vessel during the otsutsuki civil war this power would instead be used to defeat the main branch of the family after 1 000 years with just teneri left standing as the sole member of the inhabitants of the moon he too used the power of the energy vessel after misinterpreting what hamra's wish was regarding earth and this stored up power instead he uses it to send the moon hurtling towards earth wiping out humanity so that he can then use the tenseigan to bring life back to the planet once again without the human race growing up teneri had always desired human friends rather than the autonomous puppets he was used to on the moon however upon witnessing the events on earth and the humanity weaponizing chakra he instead grew to despise them which is quite ironic as he literally uses chakra as a weapon too versus naruto but hey ho this hatred led teneri to try and annihilate the human race of the earth believing this is what hamura wanted should the humans ever misuse chakra there was one human however which tenere had a soft spot for and that was hinata hyuga due to his love for hinata teneri attempted to marry her so that she could be exempt from his plan to destroy humanity by instead becoming his wife we see that teneri had a rather selfish and spoiled personality taking zero consideration of pinata's feelings controlling her and using her as an artifact which she could look at for viewing pleasure this complete disregard for others feelings however likely stems from his childhood of growing up with puppets as opposed to real friends which is why after his battle with naruto on the moon which we will cover shortly when we dive into his abilities we see that tenerife feels regret about what he has done thus pledging himself to watch over earth from the moon rather than destroy it that was until we fast forward to boruto after urashiki tracked him down to seal him away for 10 000 years after betraying the clan and protecting the earth as the main branch which urushiki is from had been watching over him all at this time witnessing his change of heart on earth and betraying the clan teneri has an array of unique abilities one of which is the ability to communicate with others across long distances as we see in episode 8 of boruto when teneri appears in boruto's dream to warn him of the looming danger that the future has in store for him and how his pure eye known as the jogan will be the light that dispels the darkness teneri had green orbs as well which he could use as he pleases showing to be able to create more or less anything that he desires out of them but the most iconic power that teneri once possessed however was of course the 10 sagan because he had his eyes removed at a young age tenery learned to live blind thus focusing on his other senses making him better and faster than the average human during the events of the last teneri sent puppets to kidnap hinaby hinata's younger sister so that he could him plant her own biakagan into his empty eye sockets thus giving him the 10 segan by mixing the huge and atsutsuki dna together through this newly acquired power he's able to face off in head-to-head combat with a 19 year old naruto on the moon as well as also using it to control a large golem-like creature to even help him fight against kuruma ultimately though it did not prove to be enough as despite tencegan's immense power it is also fragile which can be seen after a single punch to the face from naruto causes the aura to disperse upon his defeat tener's biakagan were removed and then returned back to hinaby but let's rewind a little bit here as we mentioned teneri was witnessing the disgusting events on earth that led to his hatred of humans what events are we talking about what exactly led the human race to be so bad in the eyes of tenerife well it all started with indra and asura the two sons of hagaroma indra was the firstborn son of hagaromo as well as the original creator of the shiakla being the first son it was believed that indra would be the one who would one day go on to inherit his father's power and will indra enjoyed a blissful childhood despite the absence of his mother studying the way of ninshu with his younger brother through the teachings of his father during this time of study he would amaze those around him with his prodigious levels of talent manipulating chakra in order to achieve more versatile jobs the others who had also been studying ninju took inspiration from indra's genius using chakra as a tool to better their own lives as well as their villages this however ended up with indra being concerned with how they ended up prioritizing physical growth rather than spiritual growth which nintu was designed for and black zetsu took notice of this and thus preyed on indra periodically meeting with him in private yet it wasn't until after he'd awakened his sharingan that black zetsu's words began to resonate with his force indra commenced focusing on his training distancing himself from the others including his younger brother asura he had adopted his grandmother kaguya's ideology believing that being powerful would help create peace by forcing it through law and order later in life he became the creator of ninjutsu itself being the one responsible for the invention of hand signs clones shuriken jutsu and the era of shinobi itself as we mentioned earlier in the video these events resulted in his father picking asura instead of him in the anime hagaromo had tested both of them on a mission on how to help others intro was to bring peace back to a foreign land this village lived off a god tree sapling which caused its inhabitants to grow ill indra recognized this and used his sharingan to make the villages destroy the sapling and instead seek out water to survive this plan had worked however once the time had come to inherit his father's will hagaromo chose indra's younger brother instead indra's plan of making them find water instead had in fact led to eternal disarray as people had begun fighting over the water instead thus not creating the peace and prosperity hagoromo had assigned him to create not being chosen led him to grow jealous and hate both his father and the younger brother in order to chase after power indra kills his two closest friends so that he could awaken the first ever mangakyo sharingan and thus a perfect susano which he used to attack his home village from this a legendary battle commenced versus asura which resulted in a generation long war between the reincarnations of these two brothers indra's vessels would later be revealed to be his descendants maduro cheer and following on from him sasuke aside from his mangakyo susano and all the other techniques he was responsible for creating he was also seen to be skilled in kenjutsu as well as also possessing yin release giving him the power to create form out of nothingness but now it's time to talk about his younger brother asura the counterpart who represents hashirama and of course naruto similar to how indra was credited with being the progenator of the uchiha asura was the same for the senju and uzumakikon asura's birth is also what was responsible for the death of their mother despite this motherless upbringing however asura's life was one of smiles and happiness growing up alongside the rest of his family and playing with the other children in his village just like indra hagaramo had sent asura on a mission as a test to find his successor asura came across a village in a similar state to the one indra had found relying on god tree saplings which resulted in the village growing ill unlike indra however asura chose to directly help the villagers solve the issue rather than just telling them the solution he straight up went through the effort of creating a well full of fresh water so that the inhabitants of the village could change their source of nutrition to that as opposed to the toxicity of the god tree saplings he did this by also teaching the villagers about ninshu which allowed them to use it during the building process of the well and help asura upon the success of his mission he was entrusted with hagoromo's teaching this of course as we said resulted in a clash between him and his brother and ultimately the cycle of hatred unlike his older brother asura wasn't blessed with incredible potential from birth in fact he showed no signs of possessing the power of indra however with age he began to catch up to indra through years of hard work and determination as you can imagine he was extremely powerful having the ability to sense chakra over large distances as well as healing others which is how he was able to save the village he found on a mission as well as put others to sleep asura can also use the likes of senjutsu to create sage art would release true several thousand hands and then later using six paths sen jutsu to manifest a kuruma looking avatar called six paths kunutsi kami which could also utilize the deadly truth seeking orbs on top of all this however sixpaths senjutsu also granted him the ability to fly asura's legacy continued long after his passing with his chakra reincarnating into many different individuals like we mentioned namely hashirama senju and obviously most notably naruto uzumaki so everything that we've explained so far finally leads up to boruto in which kinshiki and momoshiki appear we're going to cover kinshiki first since it will make more sense for you guys and easier to understand the story chronologically kinchiki is the partner and foster father of momoshiki revealed to us in the boruto movie novel acting as an extremely loyal guardian to him his loyal and obedient personality leads him to only caring about mumushiki even adding the honorific summer on the end of his name indicating his respect for him this makes him a reliable asset for momoshiki making him fight for him when possible as we see when kimchiki engages in a duel with sasuke in kaguya's palace while momoshiki just watches over kinshiki is also an extremely noble member of the clan staying committed to the clan's traditions of self-sacrifice to keep the species evolving as he did when he allowed momoshiki to absorb him in their fight versus all the car game prior to this however we also find out from the boruto movie novel that kinshiki did the same thing to his previous guardian absorbing his chakra kinshiki while on an unnamed planet completing the harvest pointed out to momoshiki a disturbance to the space's curvature and that it had exceeded 16 and kagia should have made the clan aware of this whatever that means this causes kim shakir momoshiki to be suspicious of her causing them to investigate her whereabouts which then leads them to earth kinchiki's feats in battle are something which often get overlooked by the community due to the sheer power of momoshiki however kinshiki has been shown to not only restrain a perfect ginchuriki in killer b but also hold his own against multiple car game level combatants simultaneously and also going toe to toe in a kenjutsu battle with sasuke forcing him to retreat which is a pretty damn good cv if you ask me like or not tsutsuki he possessed a biakagan and could also fly but the most unique part of him is his ability to absorb any kind of ninjutsu now this may not sound unique considering how popular such an ability has become in the baruto story thanks to momoshiki the karma and also the shinobi gauntlet however kinshiki actually adds a cool little twist to it he uses the chakra he absorbs to shape a multitude of different weapons such as an axe trench knives claws rods and even more these weapons in and of themselves possess a massive amount of power too being able to cleanly split a god tree in half and to top it all off he can also control them telekinetically as well next up we have momoshiki who is one of the three oddsutsuki kaguya feared back in episode 462 of naruto shippuden we can tell from the yatsutsuki mural that he's one of the main three pairs along with ishiki and kagia as well as one other unnamed pair he's an extremely calm individual under most circumstances however has been shown to have a rather sadistic side to him too especially when witnessing humans in despair the superiority complex of course goes without saying being a member of the main branch of the otsutsuki after all for example he is more atsutsuki than hagaromo teneri or anyone else that we've mentioned so far he even called kagia the princess a person who needs to be punished by him after the disappearance of kagya momoshiki his partner kinshiki and urushiki were sent by the clan to investigate her whereabouts as well as the dodge tree upon realizing she was no longer around after a bump in with sasuke momoshiki had a change in plans trying to finish kagi's mission by absorbing the tail beast's chakra and making a new god tree after dealing with killer bee with minimal effort momoshiki turned his attention to naruto and kuruma targeting them next after kidnapping naruto away from konahat and transporting him into a different dimension he begins absorbing the nine tails chakra which proves to be difficult for him spending an entire day to do so due to naruto's large pool of chakra like god damn our boy naruto is stacked anyway like many of the otsutsuki momoshiki possesses a vast amount of power which is why kagia went to such lengths to prepare for his eventual arrival along with his biakagan he also possessed two rin again one on each palm of his hand using his right one to absorb all ninjutsu in the same way as the karma seal and his left palm to then power up and release the attack back although momoshiki doesn't have a straight up one shot kill type weapon like kagia's ash bones he has been seen eating more than one chakra fruit which is going to give him a large boost in power with each one that he consumes after being backed into a corner by naruto sasuke and the other kage momoshiki resorts to absorbing his part in the kinshiki transforming him into a powerful chakra fruit which allowed momoshiki to undergo one of the cleanest transformations known to mankind for real look at this doom my man is a proud brand ambassador of l'oreal paris with hair like that but upon fusing with kinshiki his rinigan also turned gold and he formed another golden ring again on his forehead this transformation allowed momoshiki to blitz each of the four car game with gara being the only one to stall him for a moment before being defeated in one shot regardless these are the same car gay who had previously been shown to hold their own versus kimchiki he was also displayed to be equal or stronger than a fatigued naruto and sasuke even managing to break out of sasuke's chebaku tensei ultimately despite this immense power it was teamwork that saw his downfall in the end momoshiki used the shadow paralysis technique he absorbed from catastrophe's scientific ninja tool to trap all of the car gate including naruto and sasuke and so with no other options at their disposal boruto was left to save the day by using his vanishing grasengan to catch momoshiki off guard thus freeing the trapped shinobi in a fit of rage momoshiki then powered up even more by consuming chakra pills which essentially made him hench this proved to not be enough though being outsmarted by a combination of sasuke's intellect using his renegade to swap his chidori with the kunai rendering his right ring useless and a father-son rasengan from naruto and boruto reign of terror wouldn't end there however as his soul lived on through the karma he placed on boruto where he claimed that boruto's blue eyes would one day take everything away from him the karma allowed him to essentially install his dna into boruto allowing him to take over his body and resurrect once baruto became one hundred percent otsuki fight he's also been shown to possess borito on occasions too in situations where boruto passes out completely taking over his body mamashiki's story continues with boruto and we will cover that later on in the video but before all of that i'm gonna leave you guys now and pass this video on to kevin next up we have he who shall not be named fine everybody let's talk about our shaky yay spoiling myself other than being the nightmare of all power scalers is another member of the clan sent down to earth to search for kaguya along with momoshiki and kinchiki however he was not part of their pairing instead seeming to work as a lone wolf he's a sarcastic individual who often jokes around with mamoshiki referring to him as his senpai in a jokey tone kind of like me and otto senpai i love you despite his laid back personality though he still gets the job done as a loyal member of the clan upon landing on the moon to confront tonery he kept him alive even though he would have preferred to kill the dude because of his betrayal and whatnot yet he kept within the clan's rules and opted to freeze him in time instead as the otsutsuki laws state he can't kill another member overall urashiki is actually quite different in the way he operates to some of the other members mentioned in this video unlike momoshiki who constantly looked down on humans as inferior creatures urashiki wouldn't shy away from complimenting his enemies being enamored by mitsuki's sage mode as he'd never seen anything like it as well as being wary of characters such as chojiro and gara knowing when he is lost instead choosing to flee from them rather than fighting a losing battle this guy will also happily go around killing innocent civilians who stand no chance to him as a pastime likely doing this as a way to feed his ego this is on the contrary to someone like ishiki who would rather not include those who don't need to be as seen in chapter 49 when ishiki interrogates konoha jonin about the whereabouts of kalaki at times the sadistic nature of whatashiki can overcome him and once he loses his temper his sense of loyalty to the clan's laws then vanishes during the fight against boruto and naruto in the time travel arc which i thought was cut okay urashiki became so frustrated at the fact that he was on the back foot that he yelled out saying he doesn't even care if borzo is the vessel anymore he will kill him regardless and dude is ruthless which is the opposite to the calm urashiki we saw freezing tonery now he wants to kill boruto in turn killing momoshiki too after momoshiki's defeat urashiki pointed out the threat that boruto possessed due to having the jogon that however didn't stop him from trying to complete his task of capturing the tailed beasts he set his next target as shukaku the one tail and so he rounded up some of tonery's old puppets and headed to the land of wind where he fought with gara sasuke shikaku and boruto before later being sealed away by gara temporarily his newly acquired puppets however continued their hunts engaging in battles with tamari and concrete eventually urashiki escaped his seal and continued searching for borto and shinki who had began a mission to take shikaku who was being kept safe inside a small tea kettle okay okay okay so enough of the boring stuff that's right let's talk about the p-word it's time to power scale i'm sure you don't need me to tell you that power scaling your rashiki is hard because of how gosh-darned and consistent he showed to be one moment he's bodying our boy sasuke the next he's being beat up by a prepubescent teen what the freak man it's almost like the plot decides when he should be strong or not seriously though we're professionals on this channel so we will put our anime bullcrap science degree to good use and tell you why urdushiki is so strong no weak no now like all of tsutsuki odashiki has a biakagon you know that's that's just basically stuff but did you know he could actually transform his biancagon into a blue sixth tome away rinagon now it was never actually explained how but you know it just kind of happened i don't know why the writers thought it was fine to introduce a character who could change his biaacagon into a rinnagon two eyes which do not stem off of each other like the biakagon and tenseigon for example i don't know man it just it makes no sense he also is able to steal another person's chakra with the use of his chopra fishing rod much like the character urushiki is inspired by the protagonist of a japanese fairy tale named ulashima tero i think that's how you say his name taro tap tarot i i don't know anyway onoshima was a fisherman that saved a turtle yes a turtle the final tool he has at his disposal is in fact a turtle this turtle is called no one gives a crap what its name is but because i'm reading a script here it's called katasuki and is an otsutsuki artifact which has survived throughout many generations and has the ability to perform time travel if the person using it has a large enough pool of chakra after failing to steal the one tail from gara and sasuke's protection he instead moved on to the kyoubi opting to travel back in time to take it from a young naruto as he considered it to be easier that way moving on from urashiki's absolutely insane high iq place my cherry level was it's done high all right my iq level's 189 that is a very high iq let's talk about how inconsistent he is in actually using his abilities to the max the first time we really see urashiki in action is when he effortlessly incapacitated his clan mate tonery trapping him for ten thousand years in the palace of the dragon king the next time is when he's made to flee from gaara and chojiro however we later see him toying around with gara and sasuke okay so let me let me just get this straight so you're telling me unashiki struggles against gara and chojiro what felt fine about playing around with gar and sasuke a much stronger pairing he even managed to steal a huge chunk of sasuke's chakra doing this too oh and to top it all off he was even dodging strikes from shikaku during all of this too come on man what what is this this is [ __ ] this is not right this is not cool this is [ __ ] [ __ ] seeing how inconsistent his power really is makes me wonder if he had something on sasuke which no one else should have known about does this man have pictures of him and cody which no one else should see because seriously sasuke seems to be the only guy who can't land a good blow on this guy even boruto with the help of shinki managed to land a significant hit on urashiki powerful enough to break his freaking horn during the events of the time slip arc however urashiki underwent a transformation similar to momoshiki's in his fight versus borto naruto sasuke and jiraya i miss you tria come back again the anime needs you it's bad it's fast so you're telling me there was no reason for momoshiki to absorb kinchi he could have just chowed down on his hands instead to transform that's messed up bro in fact what's the point in the whole ideology of the yotsutsuki using the weak to make the stronger evolve seriously just eat a couple rinigon and you'll get the same effect you even get an extra one on your forehead ah whatever at least by transforming and gaining this extra power he's finally strong enough to defeat a couple of getty oh no no no he's not [Laughter] my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined trash character let's move on to someone that is a lot better yusuf saba please take over and subscribe to my channel okay so finally let's get into ishiki otsutsuki yes the highest ranking member of the clan we have seen so far being the senior partner of kagya as seen by his position on the infamous utsuki mural showcasing his authority his name as well as one of his defining features actually derives from the old japanese tale like many of the other usuki's this time it's usually i hope i'm pronouncing that right yeah probably not but basically it stands for the one inch tall man and if it wasn't obvious the connections are quite clear ishiki's name derives from ishin bushi as well as his most iconic ability yes i'm talking about his hakuna matata ant-man shrinking technique which allows him to shrink and enlarge all non-living objects with himself being the only objection to this rule using this power he was able to survive a fatal surprise attack by his supposed partner kaguya who we know betrayed the clan after being left for dead by the so-called suzuki princess ishiki discovered a nearby monk who he ended up taking over by shrinking his dying self and entering through the monk's air this monk was known as jigging using the nutrients he absorbed from jigen's body ishiki was able to survive for multiple generations after some time he plays the karma onto jigen to allow for himself to resurrect should he need to however due to the sheer amount of chakra ishiki possessed jigen's body would not be a sustainable host for him hence why ishiki went in a search for a new perfect vessel who we know as kawaki and as we explained at the beginning of the video after being betrayed by kaguya and subsequently her being sealed years later it left him to complete the mission of planting the god tree by himself living under his new alias jigen the kara organization was formed a cult of sutsuki worshippers and selfish power-hungry individuals each inner member would go on to worship jigen or at least most of them in return they would be granted their own wish once the mission was complete this also ties back to ishiki's original story as ushinbushi the one-inch man who gains a magic hammer named uchide no kozuchi this hammer is a legendary treasure in japanese folklore and is able to tap out anything that is wish for in popular belief this hammer was also held by the deity daiko kuten which just so happens to also be one of the names of ishiki's main abilities that allows him to store the shuriken item that he has in his very own pocket dimension now although we never got to see his plans come into fruition or at least not during his lifetime it's hard to comment on whether or not ishiki had an ability to grant any wish his worshippers asked for but his origin story folklore would suggest such possibility was on the chords especially when you look into the design of ishiki a really similar to that of the magic hammer on his chest coincidence i don't think so but enough of the boring stuff let's move back to who ishiki is and how frightening this celestial being truly was like many of the main associate clan members ishiki was incredibly arrogant and confident in his abilities ishiki predominantly cared for none other than himself sacrificing whoever he could to achieve his goal even going so far to try to sacrifice momoshiki to detent tale by feeding boruto to it rather than himself like he had planned to do due to the disappearance of kagya that being said he still showed some form of compassion to others such as when he said he was sad to have to kill deeper as he would occasionally make him laugh my dude still killed him though so i don't think he's that nice but for reals though he got every right to be arrogant as i mentioned this guy is the strongest villain we encountered in the series thus far now i don't want to repeat myself too much so in order to get a clear perception of just how strong he is you must go and watch this video on your screen that is shown right now where we go into heavy detail about how and why ishiki is the strongest of suzuki so make sure once you're done with this video you go and check it out that being said i do want to bring up his dojutsu which we do know is that it's heavily inspired by buddhist dharma wheel having a design incredibly similar following the same eight pronged golden wheel design the scariest part of the shiki's power is the fact that we never actually got to see it to its full extent as i mentioned earlier ichiki put off the idea to resurrect inside of jigen's body as it would not be able to sustain this immense power however in chapter 47 he was forced to do so by kashin koji which amado then stating that they must not let him reborn in kawaki's body if he was able to return again in full form his immense power would be too much to stop naruto barely managed to defeat ishiki as he was without his perfect vessel having to rely on his barring mode to win and even then only managing to outlive ishiki due to ishiki's short remaining lifespan thus giving naruto a head start logic would suggest that if he was in a 100 perfect wrestle and not relying on a deficient one ishiki would have been able to outlast naruto's bahrain mode allowing him to finish naruto off but regardless ishiki did die and after his death his will was then passed down to code his most loyal subordinate in his final moments code like kawaki was one of the children kara had taken in as their own to try and implant a karma onto however code was a unique specimen he survived the process but wasn't fit to become a perfect vessel like kawagi this caused him to get the white karma which gave him all the power of nasutsuki without actually becoming a host for one if that makes sense but this in some effect made him a perfect weapon due to him being inefficient fit as a vessel his karma managed to remain even after ishiki had resurrected unlike kawaki's and as code is a simp for a shiki he has made it his goal to finish what ishiki started seeking out vengeance on those who killed his god and by feeding boruto or kawaki to the ten tales he plans to cultivate a chakra fruit by growing the god tree accomplishing ishiki's final request for him to become a utsuki god with that this nicely brings us to the two otsutsuki brothers guess that's right the two songs of naruto starting with boruto we all know baruto alberto uzumaki right he's the bratty kid who grew up as the infamous hukagi son full of privilege with good friends and prodigious talent well baruto's dna actually makes him more sutsuki nowadays than ozumaki thanks to his karma and momoshiki's resurrection boruto's otsuki vacation is now at 80 percent that along with the jogen which is also a suzuki heritage making boruto extremely close to becoming a full-blooded ursutsuki which is why he is one of code's number one targets to feed to the ten tail like we said earlier momoshiki's karma was installed onto boruto upon his defeat back during the incredible battle in the momojiki arc of the story since then broto has been slowly turning into him with each passing day that goes by the karma is an asus backup plan allowing them to rewrite the vessel's biological data with their own eventually making the vessel cease to exist in this case burrito causing the karma to disappear as momoshiki will completely reborn again at times when brother's chakra runs low and he loses consciousness momoshiki manages to possess his body speaking as himself controlling brothers actions and even growing a horn which would resemble one of momoshiki's during this possessive state momoshiki shows to have retained the knowledge that brother possessed as he knows how to use the rasengan we see this during the fight against bordeaux as well as his fight against kawaki after ishiki's defeat where momoshiki uses boruto's body to destroy sasuke's renin gun and attempts to defeat both him and naruto whilst they're weakened however boruto manages to pull through this with the help of kawaki as the two of them together with the brotherly bond was able to bring brother back for a moment long enough to destroy the horn of momoshiki which had undone momoshiki's possession now aside from being an asus vessel boruto's karma gives him access to a multitude of different abilities such as increased physical strength regeneration and space time ninjutsu we also have a video displayed on your screen again right now detailing the crazy potential broker has including the power his karma gives him so to fully understand how much of a beast bharata will become in the future you must watch this video as we go into detail covering why he will one day surpass naruto and sasuke now before we move on to kawaki i want to make it clear that even without the karma boruto will still have eighty percent of sutsuki dna meaning that the karma or even being possessed by momoshiki does not actually determine him being a nassuski rather it's his dna change hence why we see in chapter 57 buruto begins taking pills supplied by amado originally designed to weaken the byakugan's vision as the biaku gun derives from the osuski clan it's theorized that it could also help stall and reverse boruto's otsuki vacation as the dna of the byakugan and the dna of the osusuki should be shared moving on to baruch's brother we have kawaki whose similarity to proto also had a karma bestowed upon him this time by ishiki like we already covered ishiki planned to resurrect inside of kawaki as he was the perfect vessel but sadly he never got the chance to do so you know first being killed by kashin koji he then pushed for time by naruto's barin mode where he finally even got outplayed by kawaki however ishiki otsusuki's dna still flows through kawaki's body making him around 80 percent or subscribe too just like boruto as you can imagine already the karma for kawaki works similarly to boruto's being used as a mark which was supposed to facilitate the resurrection of the original otsusuke kawaki's childhood spent with jigen aka ishiki left him with a severe case of ptsd as unlike with boruto kawaki's karma was transferred onto him through the power of science not using the conventional method like momoshiki did with the aid of amado ishiki was able to pass on a second karma onto kawaki through a transfusion similar to that of a blood transplant the power of the karma was turned into liquid form and then sent through a tube into kawaki's body most potential vessels would not be able to handle the power of the karma would inject into them thus dying on the spot however kawaki was able to survive it only being knocked unconscious during the process before waking up some time after now as a shiki's perfect vessel kawaki's upbringing was one of hell because of this full of constant torture trauma and dehumanization as he would never really be regarded by his name or even an individual rather he was purely seen as a vessel yes being viewed as an object not a person his training was also extremely dangerous and painful often being used as ishiki's punching bag more than anything because ishiki's method of training was very much one of i was beaten into you mentality kind of reminds me of my dad with all those maths problems anyways it wasn't until one day when he would be transported from one place to another in an airship where he then would be able to escape ishiki's grass as kashin koji and amado purposely caused the ship to crash land giving kwaki time to make a run for it after some time passed he woke up finding himself surrounded by team 7 and soon after by kashin koji delta and akara outer named garo and for the first time we witnessed kawaki displaying the devastating power of the karma by blowing gara up into pieces killing him as a form of payback to garo after the bullying he put our boy kawaki through in his younger years kawaki's boost in strength was also due to boruto being near and the karma resonance this spectacle intrigued kashin koji who managed to convince delta to let kawaki go back to the leaf village with team 7 so he could monitor the karma's progression more and after a couple of interactions and a little bear of hair and there kawaki became a member of the uzumaki household being adopted by ahu kage naruto as we see baruto and kawaki's lives are both polar opposite one grew up with everything but has been prophesied to lose it all whereas kawaki grew up alone with nothing used as a tool but has eventually grown up to gain a family friends and most importantly a place where he can be a human however this desire to keep his friends and family close has also shown signs of corrupting kawaki he has lost his karma seal aka the source of power he relied on so greatly as we've seen in chapter 58 of the boruto manga where he instinctively tried to use it as a means of defense causing him to lose a battle with boruto kawaki has shown signs that he first for power so that he can protect the village this determination and drive however has opened him up to be manipulated by others as seen with amado when he tries to convince kawaki to get another karma although kawaki has not fallen into this path it seems that is right around the corner kawaki has shown that he doesn't 100 believe in the shinobi way as he even suggested to team 7 that training the basics of ninjutsu was a waste of time as they should instead focus on physical training and sparring straight away which is of course the training style he had ingrained into him by ishiki from a young age showing that his upbringing has been influenced by ishiki's actions probably more than he gives credit for this all makes sense too as we see in a flash forward scene from chapter one that kawaki has gained another karma seal and proclaims that the shinobi era is over making it seem that his distrust in the shinobi system tipped him to the point of one day wiping it out entirely in his search for power now as i briefly mentioned earlier when boruto and kwaki's karma are together they also go through a process known as resonance this allows the two of their karma to seemingly connect with one another they both activate at the same time and even combined with the ability to release anything either of them have previously absorbed on top of this the resonance is also responsible for their association process to rapidly increase even ishiki was shocked by kawaki's progress when he witnessed kawaki grow in a shiki shaped horn and again a final note i want to put down is that kawaki even without the karma is an otsutsuki after losing the karma which was bestowed by ishiki kawaki's body had already gone through 80 percent or suzuki vacation meaning that he has eighty percent osusuki dna the cyborg ada's ability does not work against osutsuki's hence why she is still interested in kawaki and baruto because both of them are otsuki's regardless of them having karma or not next up we have this dude now not a great deal is shown about him as he has only appeared very briefly in the story however we do know that he was the head of the suzuki's clan main family on the moon and the direct descendant of hamura and like all asus ki member born on the moon his byakugan was removed at birth to power the 10 saigon which was quite unfortunate as the 10 second was what ended up killing him and the rest of the main family on the moon during the suski clan civil war now apart from that he isn't too important especially because tanori is you know probably the only osutsuki that you lot need to know about when you think about the moon last but not least is god himself yes i'm talking about kami well i mean the suzuki god or the family patriarch who's bro who is probably sitting on a throne in another planet distant away from the one everyone is on now the osutsuki god is an entity we still know very little about however we do know that atsuzuki god exists from borrow to chapter 55 and in fact the end goal of old ososki member is to aim to achieve to become this god we see a picture or vision of what this god will look like from ishiki's perspective it is shown to be a majestic deity with three jogans including one on his forehead this form can only be obtained when a suski clan member consumes enough chakra foods which is the mission ishiki passed down to code as his final request with that said logic would dictate that there could already have been an utsutsuki god and like i said a natsuki patriarch for all the current utsuski we've scene so far we have seen the otsuksuki cultivators who cultivates the chakra fruit but what if there is a home planet for the osuzukis where there are different types and roles for these otsutsukis with the utsusuki kage patriarch or god ruling over all of them now let me know what you guys think about that put it down in the comment section below but with that that's it for all the current associates explained in boruto now there could be more coming up as i said we know there was two damaged panels in the utsuki mural when they are revealed you guys could bet that we will cover it if you did get if you if you guys actually did manage to get to the end of this video i sincerely rate you a lot don't forget to smash that like button subscribe if you haven't ding that notification bell to stay updated with all our content until then we'll catch you a lot next time
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 1,060,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, otsutsuki, otsutsuki clan, boruto manga, isshiki otsutsuki, boruto vs kawaki, boruto otsutsuki, naruto shippuden, boruto kara, boruto karma seal, naruto vs isshiki, kaguya otsutsuki, Are the Otsutsuki gods?, otsutsuki god, otsutsuki king, Otsutsuki clan powers, hagoromo otsutsuki, hamura ōtsutsuki, momoshiki otsutsuki, kinshiki otsutsuki, Toneri Ōtsutsuki, naruto explained, the otsutsuki king, the otsutsuki invasion, the otsutsuki era, urashiki
Id: swR97TxzaNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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