Ranking The Otsutsuki Clan From Weakest To Strongest

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ever since kagya osusuki was introduced at the end of Naruto the old Suzukis have started to become relevant among the series especially in boruto the boruto series has dived deep into the clan with the introduction of many new osuzukis that has changed the entire landscape of the Naruto verse due to them being the strongest characters in the verse that's why today we're going to rank every single o Suzuki this is not going to be your ordinary ranking video and instead I'm going to rank each otutsuki into tears as I don't feel like arguing why one oh Suzuki is stronger than the other as some of them are around the same power level to each other and before I begin I do want to mention Astro and Indra as honorable mentions as they are the sons of hagaromal osuzuki Indra being The Talented skill for Prodigy while Astor was more of a failure and portrayed as a loser learning ninshu under hagaromo Azora and Indra became skilled with their abilities and were competing against one another to become hagaromo's successor the two brothers grew up to be incredibly powerful with intro unlocking the mangeko Sharingan and full body susano with Asura having a three-headed 6r chakra Avatar aimed to buy Six pass chakra while having access to senjutsu and shoot seeking orbs Alistair did take down enjoy in their battle coming out Victorious and to begin we have the low osuzuki tier which includes toneri urashiki and boruto compared to the other osazuki these are the weaker also so he's within the clan but they are still incredibly powerful compared to your everyday Shinobi toneri was a threat to Earth's post-force great ninja war where he planned to wipe out Earth's population by crashing the moon into Earth in his only appearance in the series in Naruto the last toneri captured Hanabi and Hinata almost killed a base Naruto by taking all of his chakra away and split the moon in half in his battle against Naruto when toneri has access to the tensegon which is a superior version of the Byakugan you can tap into the tensegon chakra mode giving him a cloak around his appearance and boost in speed power and durability in his tensei gun chakra mode Tony has access to all five chakra Natures with truth seeking balls like the Golden Wheel that allows him to cut the moon in half and after getting one shot by a KCM Sage Mode Naruto toneri threatened to move the moon after siphoning the charcoal from Naruto and the surrounding area by using the power of hamuro however that was stopped by Karama in the end even though toneri is a low ranking osuzuki by no means he is weak as he is capable of basically destroying the Moon orishiki is up next as he was part of the osuzuki trio who came to Earth alongside momoshiki and kinshiki like toneri urushiki is a low ranking osuzuki that is a scout for the clan where he is required to gather information on other worlds to invade orisheki's overall scaling is super wacky to be honest but the series does establish him as a pretty strong fighter as he's able to fight kages like Gara and chojiro at once and then Gara and Sasuke together doing the one Tails retrieval Arc urushiki tends to run a lot during his fights as he's definitely not a fighter he relies on his fishing hook to NAB other people's chakra and then Retreat as there are multiple times in the series where he could have killed a few characters but chose not to for example after fighting Sasuke and Gara urashiki took Sasuke's chakra and could have easily finished Sasuke off but instead he he just retreated away after taking a user's chakra urashiki has the ability to eat side chakra and have the ability to use the person's Jutsu from the chakra itself after kid Naruto's kyubichaka was taken by oishiki it allowed irishiki to accelerate his healing power oroshiki also has double red six Tomo Rinnegan that allow him to use space-time Ninjutsu and help anticipate attacks his Rinnegan can turn blue which allows him to rewind time to past events from a couple seconds prior which is arguably the most broken Rinnegan ability we have ever seen and after devouring his own eyeballs urushiki can tap into his few states where he sacrifices his hacks ability for physical strength and power from there he becomes a physical fighter just like how fused momoshiki is where he drags kid Naruto boruto jiraya and Sasuke however he does get killed in the end as urashiki likes to play with his fool as despite him being physically stronger than his opponents he still manages to die from a Giant Rasengan from kid Naruto and boruto with the help of Sasuke and Jeremiah of course oroshiki has some of the most wonky scaling I've ever seen by getting Blitz by Kid Dorito but he still has some very broken hacks where if he was any smarter and just didn't around he would be a lot higher on this list next we got boruto and boruto's a bit complicated because he just became a full osuzuki and unlike the other osuzuki's on this list he still has so much potential to become even stronger than he is right now if you've read the Kodak in the boruto manga you would know that boruto can access the true Essence form of karma allowing boruto to tap into 1 000 years worth of combat experience in his true Essence form boruto fought code who's the strongest in her car remember and was able to go blow for blow with him Kara is a very powerful organization that Sasuke even describes Kara as having osuzuki level Powers with boruto being relative to unlimited code which he even admits in the fight that he wasn't going all out yet it's just hard to rank boruto on this list simply because we haven't seen his true power yet code is described as a Naruto and Sasuke killer and he says he's able to take down the two of them if they were able to fight so the fact that boruto can take on code and push him back pretty hard shows you just how strong also has become also with the fact that he got killed by kawaki and then Rose revived by mamoshiki turning boruto into a PR o Suzuki making him even stronger boruto in all honesty should be higher on this list but I just want to play it safe for now as we don't know his true power yet as in his true Essence form he referred to the vanishing Rasengan and basic taijutsu as cheap tricks implying that he has a deeper bag of abilities that he hasn't shown yet as the series progresses and once we see a true fight from boruto at full power he definitely would be a lot stronger than before and will definitely get higher on this list especially once we see him in the time skip next we got the middle osuzuki tier hagaromo and hamura being the two kids of kagya they had both sealed kagio away in their battle against their mother hamura being the youngest of the twins had the Byakugan when he inherited kagya's chakra alongside hagaromo his Byakugan blood is what's passed down over generations to what is now known as the Hugo Clan eventually hamuru was able to unlock the tenseigon and evolves a version of the biyakugan allowing him in even greater power which we see with tonery's use of it like cargo Romo hamura had access to Six Paths and Jutsu granting him the yin power in accordance with hagaromo's Yang power from there it allowed hamuro to seal kagya and the ten Tails away using six past shabaku tensei with hagaromo's health however he was manipulated by kagya before she was sealed away where hagaromo had to stop him with relative ease in the anime this is where hagarumo comes in as he was the older brother and the strongest of the two hakuromo inherited the Sharingan and after almost killing hamura awaken the double Rinnegan alongside with the mangako Sharingan abilities granting him the full bodies to suno that allowed him to fight kagio's tentals after the battle hagaromo split the ten Tails into nine-tailed beasts and began teaching the world about ninshu he was referred to as a God by the people on Earth as his teachings of ninshu shaped the Naruto world to what it is today which explains why he was referred to as the sage of Six Paths due to his Mastery of all five chakra natures and the use of six-pass technique however despite all that he's still not on the same tier compared to his mother so moving in into the next tier we have the high osuzuki tier with kalgia kinshiki and momoshiki kagya was the first choco wielder on Earth where she consumed the chocolate fruit from the god tree she first landed on Earth with her partner ishiki to harvest a Chaka fruit and it was planned for kagya to be fed to the tensiles however kagya wanted the fruit for herself so instead she went behind ishiki's bag and sliced him in half off guard where she consumed the fruit for herself from there kagya gained a ginormous amount of chakra reserves and strength that was unrivaled which easily cleared jubi madara's power when she was first introduced in the fourth great ninja war her power is so great that she has the ability to absorb a user's chakra just by physical touch alone as well as having access to the infinite tsukiyomi some crazy hacks abilities that she has that should be noted are the 80 God vacuums attack that took out hundreds of Naruto's shadowkots and the kekemora the all-killing Ashbourne Jutsu that is literally a One-Shot kill where once it hits the user the user's body will disintegrate into a pile of Ash and with the Renaissance can instantly teleport herself and others to more dimensions momoshiki and kinshiki follow her up in high osuzuki tier as the boruto manga implies that kagi appeared at greater power that was coming for her since she had betrayed the clan many people inferred this as the osuzuki clan in its entirety but when she refers to the otatsuki that was coming for her in the Naruto anime we do see the Silhouettes Of urashiki kimchiki and momoshiki the boruto series adds on to this as when Sasuke investigates kage's Palace and finds one of her Scrolls it does get decoded where kagio had written a warning that a pair of osuki were coming together hence why she builds a white zetsu Army in preparation to fight momoshike and King Shiki the boruto anime includes arushiki as well so the anime makes it the trio that kagio feared and a jewel in the manga it just depends on how you interpret it kinshiki is a physical brawler who went toe-to-toe with Renegade and Sasuke who constantly pushed him back and even forced him to retreat due to Sasuke not wanting to prolong the battle he was eventually taken down by Sasuke with the help of some of the and the other Duo momoshiki who is the higher ranking osuzuki was able to capture Naruto albeit he was holding back after destroying the tuning exam Studio momoshiki has rinnegans on his palms allowing him to absorb chakra based attacks on his right hand and unleash any attack back at the opponent with even greater force he can turn chakra that he absorbed into chakra pills essentially steroids that boosts his Ninjutsu output as well as knowing all five basic chakra Natures baseball moshiki outside those abilities I'm not gonna lie he's kind of butt in his fight against the golca game Momo was chased by darui and base Naruto and really didn't do anything until he was trapped by everyone that's until he absorbs kinshiki and becomes Fusion momoshiki where he obliterates all the gokage within seconds he then drags an aruton Sasuke across the battlefield but then gets destroyed once they get serious momoshiki's Ninja 2 is even stronger now he has access to fire presence canine chakra avatars that almost killed Sasuke and an earth Golem that had to be taken down by asusa no clap Karma and I know this tier is gonna have some contention simply because I put kagya and momoshiki on the same tier and some people think that kalgia is stronger While others think that momoshiki is stronger but I'm just gonna leave it up to you guys on how to interpret it I find them about the same power level with fuse Momo being a bit stronger anyways moving into the old Suzuki plus tier we have borushiki and kawaki specifically his kawashiki form boroshiki has been constantly displayed as a supercharged version of momoshiki as every time he comes out he literally destroys everything in his path from destroying Boro with a massive asengan stabbing Sasuke's Rinnegan nuking the battlefield against cold while sniping him with the rasendon almost obliterating Naruto and battling kawaki boroshiki is a menace to society when it comes to boroshiki this is an added on power with momoshiki plus boruto plus the commission plus the Chaka foods that Momo ate prior to death which includes kinshiki meaning that yes the momoshiki inside of boruto contains power that comes from fuse momosh cheeky as the genetic makeup is carried over from consuming the chocolate fruits when momoshiki was alive after which talking up to boruto's body against code he does nuke the battlefield against code where he constantly kept overwhelming code with the massive Rasen guns and eventually overpowers him with taijutsu after the battle against kodan kawaki boruto does die however he gets revived by momoshiki turning boruto into a pure otutsuki which overall makes boroshiki even stronger as a whole meaning that momoshiki has the power of another osuzuki at hand making him even more powerful than before however he meets his match against kawaki once kawaki unlocks his Kwame seal again as kaluki was the one who was leading the battle against morushiki after Awakening his karma code referred to kalaki as the second coming of ishiki as kawuki had access to ishikito Jutsu zaikokodin sakuna ikona and the cubes and I'm not saying kawaki's ishik level as the dojutsu that kalaki has isn't fully mature like ishiki's meaning that he still has some ways to go but kalaki's dexterity of ishiki's powers and Karma make him Godlike to the point where the entire Leaf Village including Naruto and Sasuke fear Him due to her hour Amado supports this statement as he states that nobody in the leaf Village has the power to take down kawaki if he were to betray konoha which includes Naruto Sasuke boruto and the others Shikamaru even states that kawaki cannot be controlled by the leaf even if they try due to how much hacks clock he has with his karma powers and just like with boards on boroshiki kawaki is only going to become stronger as the series progresses next we got the ozosuki Beyond tier with ishiki osasuki to be honest with you there's no need for explanation on this one as ichiki destroyed Hokage Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke not once but Twice first to a weakened vessel known as jegan and then after resurrecting he does it again at full power later in the series Naruto unlocks the baryon mode transformation just to losing the end due to ishiki's insane durability which shows you just how powerful the dude is and ishiki has some of the most devastating taijutsu the series has ever seen as he has the ability to basically one shot Naruto and Sasuke with just pure kicks alone this dude was literally playing soccer with Naruto and Sasuke's heads that's how bad of a beating ishiki gave them his hacks are literally Unstoppable with sequana hikona the ability to shrink the cubes which can one shot six past Naruto Shadow clones and negate sensing and Zachary coding which allows ichiki to summon in-store any non-living objects or time itself doesn't exist he is easily the strongest osuzuki you have seen in battle thus far and it will take some time before somebody shows greater power and finally at the ososuki gods here we have shabai osasuki if you caught up to the board so manga you would know that shibai is literally a God after obtaining and consuming so many Chaka foods for many years shibai obtained so much power that he ascended into a literal godhood his power became so great that he elevated himself into a higher Dimension essentially becoming a 4D character maybe even a 5-dimensional character that no ordinary person can even perceive his existence not only that he is some of the most broken abilities in the series with this cenren gun where he can look into past defense from the beginning of time since he was alive for several Millennia and not only that he can reflect any incoming attack back at his opponents even just thinking about hurting shabai with killing intense will rebound back to the user hurting them or even killing them kawaki tried this by thinking of hitting demon in the head which got reflected back to him and honestly this is a character that I doubt anyone can reach the power level even after consuming a chakra food but we never know as the boruto series can introduce more osuzuki within the plot I didn't mention code as he's not in osuzuki but I do imagine that he will become an osuzuki very soon as the manka implies that he will become one as soon as he feeds boruto kawaki to 10 tails and harvests a chakra food so I imagine that eventually he'll reach a very high osuzuki tier once he becomes one also with the model he's a super sus dude and he might be planning to resurrect another otutsuki or become one himself I might update this list in a couple years as I know for sure Bart's home Kaki will definitely become stronger especially in the time Skip and I forgot bro boruto has that jogun which has not been utilized in the boruto manga itself once Boris was access to that joke on where you can use it in his Free Will where I definitely do think he'll be on par with color as right now in the series I do think kalaki is stronger than boriso but once Boris against that joke on the playing field will even out where as time progresses these two will definitely become the two strongest otsutsuki in the entire series maybe even reaching shibai level so let me know how you guys feel about this video in the comment section below do you agree with my ranking I know a lot of people are gonna get pissed let me know how you guys feel about this video make sure you do join the Discord it's in the comment section below so if you like this video hit that like button subscribe hit the Bell as well and have a good day peace
Channel: ItsMeek
Views: 20,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, boruto naruto next generations, boruto time skip, boruto vs kawaki, boruto 77, boruto chapter 77, boruto otsutsuki, boruto otsutsuki god, ranking otsutsuki, ranking all otsutsuki, ranking otsutsuki from weakest to strongest, isshiki, momoshiki, kaguya, shibai otsutsuki, otsutsuki god, shibai boruto, sarada, mitsuki, sarada mangekyou sharingan, mitsuki sage mode, borushiki, kawashiki, otsutsuki explained, sakura, kakashi
Id: t9rYyvgEkCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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