What If Naruto Was Reborn With His Memories & Abilities?

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[Music] some might believe this to be a tired concept one that's used over and over again but the reason why it's used so much is because it's an interesting question what would have happened if Naruto from the very beginning of the story knew what was going to happen and had the power to fix it not long ago I made a what if that sort of followed this line of thinking in that boruto traveled back in time to be with Naruto and there things didn't work out that well but that was because he was boruto boruto did not experience any of the things Naruto had nor did he have the wisdom of age to know how to properly alter things without ruining everything but Naruto should have such a thing it makes me truly wonder what could have happened if Naruto had known from the beginning what would happen and had the power to do something about it so join me now for a video that I've been hoping to make for a while what if Naruto was reborn with all of his memories and abilities welcome to to the aagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check if you're subscribed and with that out of the way let's get into the video now to keep in line with Naruto being reborn with all of his powers and abilities something must happen as well kudama too must possess his abilities and memories to do that without having to rewrite his entire history I'm planning to use the concept of Awakening or possession to explain this in other words Kodama continues to act as he always would but the moment he's sealed into Naruto Naruto's memories and abilities affect him and make him more agreeable from the start if I didn't do this then the title would be a lie since kudama at full power would count as some of Naruto's abilities so with that out of the way let's begin on October 10th Naruto is born however as soon as he comes out the doctors and nurses are astounded because he does not cry this actually causes a bit of anxiety within Mito and kosha who wonder why the age-old fear all parents must worry about during birth is the fear that their child is stillborn but the nurses and doctors offer them some peace in telling them that the child is already breathing on its own and it's awake and conscious they bring the babe to its mother where Koso looks into the Stark blue of its eyes and lets off a smile to her surprise the baby too lets off a smile and a small giggle truly astounding to be fair with you even though Naruto at this point does maintain his memories his physical and cognitive functions are still that of a baby so I wouldn't expect him to Simply murder to when he shows up wouldn't seem right I know I said he's reborn with all of his abilities and memories but let's be real you don't want to see a 5minute old baby destroy a veteran of a World War there's got to be a limit somewhere so here is that limit when Obito does eventually come Naruto is still helpless to stop him and this would result in the capture of kosha and the eventual release of the Ninetales during this time Naruto is overcome with drowsiness because birth is not only rough on the mother but on the child as well Mino brings the baby back to their home where he lays it out on the bed and ensures that he's properly covered and warm and goes to bring back his mother which of course he does he lays Kushina beside Naruto and allows her to cuddle and keep him safe and warm despite this the baby does begin to cry the reason being since the memories of the past still exist within its head even at only a subconscious level this child knows its mother is going to die and that brings it pain it cries but does not push Kushina away it displays the need to draw closer to her but is too feeble to move on its own deep down in her heart kosha knows what Naruto desires so she pulls him closer to her to give him his desires and fulfill his needs but all the same the original events continue Naruto Witnesses his mother and father facing the Ninetales only for them to sacrifice their lives to seal it into the child the moment that Kurama is sealed into Naruto it's as if all the memories of the future and everything that would ever happen to him is revealed to him all at once immediately his heart is opened and his mind is calmed but a few moments earlier Kodama had believed that this was going to be the worst fate that a tailed beast could suffer being trapped inside the body of not just any human but an infant but now that he was here some Force across space and time had suddenly given him understanding as if fate had allowed Kodama in that moment to experience a lifetime of memories in the span of a single moment Kama was now aware of who and what he and Naruto were they weren't just a ginu and its prisoner they were a diad they were friends as the child cried he witnessed the feelings in its heart the language without words that was bred into all of humanity to speak he heard Naruto's heart why did they have to die why couldn't I save them he said to himself as tears rolled down his tiny cheeks Kurama coming closer to the energy offering some of his chakra as a balm would soothe the child his heart speaking the only language that they shared he would tell the infant not to blame himself and while it was painful there were some things that needed to happen and that if they had never sacrificed themselves Naruto and Kodama would have never met and Naruto's ability to save the world would be severely hindered from here the child is taken by hiroin who would have it raised until it could live on its own from this point as Naruto's cognitive functions began to increase so to does his ability to recall everything at about the age of two his memory recall was to a point that he could read his own life out like a story book or an Omnibus of shown and manga one day he simply awakened and possessed over 32 years worth of experience and with that Naruto would sigh it's so wonderful to be a child again Naruto continues to live his life but as he does so his mood is significantly happier while it is true that the village still detests him he continues to live happily having already seen the ending from the beginning and so this leaves him with a more happy go-lucky nature when heroin comes by Naruto is far more cordial than he'd normally be he's Kinder more understanding and bears a maturity unseen in a child his age particularly in his situation this brings heroin a smile but now Naruto having reached a certain age realizes what is is going to happen next Naruto at this time is about 6 years old about a year younger than Sasuke ucha that would mean Sasuke is seven why does this matter it matters because Naruto would recognize that this means the Uchiha Clan downfall is about to occur since Naruto has a unique position here with hiroin Naruto would request that he make a little time for him during his next visit hiroin being a kind man would indulge the child knowing that he is the closest thing Naruto has to a father figure an absent grandfather but he wishes to try his best and feels he owes Naruto this when hiroin sits Naruto takes a seat nearby and speaks Lord third what if I told you that I knew everything that was going to happen herizen would smile indulging the game I would probably not believe you Naruto nods understanding that skepticism was a key aspect to being a Shinobi what would it take to prove it to you here is and thinks infallible truth something that can only be explained by you knowing everything Naruto sat back and began to explain something Lord hiroin I was reborn hiroin seemed confused and Naruto continued the spirit of Ashura had the power to reincarnate from generation to generation but who could have guessed that it would let me reincarnate backwards in time hiroin was already seeming confused Naruto remembered that H isn't at this point would have no clue what he means so he skipped this part and went straight to the point I've been in the future and I know what it holds my spirit was reborn into the past to allow me to change things very very soon from now a tragedy will befall konoha and it will center around the uchia clan herzen's attention seemed to be caught by this Naruto continued there's a rebellion forming within the uchia clan fugaku is the head of this perceived coup this is not because he does not love the village but instead feels as though his clan is being persecuted for something they didn't do the deaths of my parents and the deaths caused by the Ninetales H how do you know this here is an as skeptical of the information I know this because I've already lived through it very soon the U will all be be murdered every single one of them not just the men but the women and the children too the perpetrator of this will be Itachi uch herizen scoffs and smiles Itachi I'll admit he's a strong young man and can be capable of cold actions but his heart is too pure he's too kind to commit such an atrocity her is inset with such confidence seeming almost relieved that this contradiction proved Naruto to be lying Naruto shook his head he will not feel he has a choice and because of his actions on that night the emotional turmoil it will wreak havoc on his body and lead to an untimely death his reason for committing this atrocity will be to save his little brother who will become hostage in every sense but physical Itachi will be blackmailed into doing this if he does not do it his little brother Sasuke will be murdered heroin's eyes seemed Disturbed Naruto was making a lot of sense but none of this seemed to make any sense in the grand scheme of things was Naruto being controlled and told the tlam this who was attempting to manipulate him with Naruto I think that's enough enough Naruto tell me who told you these things Naruto shook his head nobody told me these things I already experienced them heisen would stand enough what you say is impossible he began to leave Naruto then called out to him wait heisen looked back Naruto spoke I can see you don't believe me and you're tired of this conversation but I plead with you to at least listen to this last thing herzen would wait for Naruto to say his peace danzo shamura is the head of root a secret division of the Anu he'll soon steal a sharing from shisui IA which will lead to the latter's sacrifice and ultimately rob you of the last chance you have of a peaceful Solution please stop him hin would nod and walk out the door of course hiroin had not believed this in the slightest however he did keep it in his mind for quite some time and upon the death of shisui IIA by suicide in which he claimed to have destroyed his shingan to keep it out of the wrong hands Naruto's words echoed in his mind herizen would have the enu gathered to him where he would confront danzo in doing so he would demand danzo remove the wrapping around his head revealing a recently implanted shangan one that contained the Jutsu Koto amatsukami what Naruto had said was correct heroin would have danzo arrested and would have him stripped of his authority he would then claim the Sharingan from danzo and would proceed to follow through with shisui and Itachi's secret plan and would pacify the UA after this hiroin would offer to remove the shangan he had planted into his own head and offer it back to Itachi claiming that it truly was a power that no single man should have but Itachi Deni this he said that he believed hezin to be the only man on earth besides shisui who was truly worthy of possessing the power of Koro amatsukami and so hiroin would keep the Sharingan as a sign of his bond with the UA but due to this hiroin would realize that everything Naruto said was true he would call Naruto back in and ask more questions inquiring about the future Naruto however kept a mostly tight lip about it he would explain to hiroin something important we're dealing with a butterfly effect he would say fate is like a river and tends to follow its original course even if slight deviations are made too many deviations at the wrong time can lead to a different course entirely and if this occurs not only will my ability to know the future become useless but it will also result in a negative outcome he resen nodded in agreement Naruto leaned forward there are some things that need to happen to keep things on course I have to follow a predetermined path and work judiciously with this power if I wish to preserve peace in that way you're going to need to let me work my way if you wish to help however I could use it anytime I need something and tell you it's sensitive pertaining to the Future I'll need you to trust me okay here is Inwood let off a smile his right eyes still wrapped up containing the shangan all right that sounds like a deal from here Naruto's life continues down its course he continues to go to school where he Witnesses Sasuke however unlike the path Naruto had originally taken Sasuke was now a far happier child no darkness festering in his heart to a point Naruto wondered what could happen by not allowing Sasuke to experience life the way he had he worried that somehow this might lead to Sasuke not being fully prepared for the future or perhaps worse might lead to Sasuke falling to Darkness and not being able to return but all things considered Naruto had saved the lives of Manoa who due to the power of kotoamatsukami were now fiercely loyal to their Village and Hokage danzo having been arrested and the truth explained to hiris in in a sensitive way the ucha would also be forgiven by the village and allowed to settle back in their original compound this repaired the Damage Done to the Leaf's relationship with the UA and caused the bonds to grow stronger as herzan vowed not to use the Koro amatsukami again unless absolutely necessary this made things much happier for the village and made Naruto believe that konoha was in safer hands than it had been previously but still there were some important personal things Naruto needed to do that weren't on the scale of the village things he needed to do for himself to keep on the proper current of time on one winter day Naruto decided to take a detour to the school as he did he witnessed a little girl being bullied being bullied because of the look of her eyes the this girl was heat a Huga and she was the bearer of the esteemed dojutsu the banagan they picked on her laughed at her and knocked her down but here comes Naruto Naruto had to be careful here and act judiciously he currently possessed enough power in Chakra to shatter the entire world but that would be Overkill he needed to channel only enough power to drive off this group of bullies who were hurting Hinata in doing so he needed to focus on not letting his emotions get the better of him and so he stepped forward to challenge the bullies displaying enough strength to scare them off without getting hurt after this he would turn back and walk to hinat as she sat on the ground she cried Naruto saw her tears and his heart shattered he knelt down next to her and removed his gloves he wiped the tears from her face we wouldn't want your tears to freeze to your face now would we she looked up at Naruto sniffling D do you think my eyes are ugly Naruto smiled and shook his head no I think they're the most beautiful eyes in the world he n his eyes widened as her cheeks began to grow pink Naruto had to be careful here he was so madly in love with her that he wanted to compliment her all day long but he also didn't want to mess up history and overwhelm her Hinata was a shy and timid person and if he came on to strongly he knew for a fact that she would probably pull away he needed to make her feel comfortable and so after helping her to school he gave her the space she needed all the same he couldn't stop watching her so many times in class I would call him out for staring and daydreaming out the window Naruto continued to study though he already knew half the stuff they were trying to teach him in fact he actually knew 100% of the stuff they were trying to teach him and considering that he came from a later time he actually realized that a portion of what they were teaching in the classes was a bit inaccurate all the same despite this Naruto fed ignorance and he pretended to be incapable of doing anything just so they would hold him back for a while there were things that he needed to do to ensure that everything remained on track and so after failing the final exams again Naruto would be approached by mizaki Dirty traitor Naruto thought to himself as he watched all the same he knew that to catch miziki he needed to allow miziki to incriminate himself and to do that Naruto would follow the same line of dialogue as before acting disappointed in himself and going so far as to put himself down this would lead to Mei proposing that Naruto steal the scroll of seals Naruto would think that it's a wonderful idea or so he would act at night he would sneak into the hokage's residence but instead of Simply stealing the scroll he would go straight to hin and inform him he would tell hin that a chuni named mizaki had requisitioned him to steal the scroll of seals and that he would try and take it from Naruto to deliver to Orochimaru here is an asks Naruto what they should do and Naruto says that he should allow him to take the scroll and should give him some more time before sending the Eno after him he tells he resent exactly where he'll lead mizaki but says it's important that they wait a little bit because someone will have some growth that they will need to have for the future here is in trusts Naruto after having saved the oiha clan heisen cannot help but trust Naruto and so Naruto takes the scroll and heads out to the location that he had originally gone to to keep from seeming sus Naruto would indeed open the scroll and begin to read it all things considered Naruto had read this thing quite a few times during his time as Hokage so he already knew what was in here in fact Naruto had personally added Rasen shuck into the scroll during his time it was strange to see that part of the scroll blank part of him wanted to fill the spot here and now but he knew that it wasn't time for that not yet that was when miziki showed up and just as before he asked that Naruto give him the scroll and just as before Naruto does not era would show up to defend Naruto and it's here that through tears era confesses to Naruto why he was so angry with him why everyone was so angry with him and acknowledges that he cannot stay hateful that he doesn't hate Naruto you see Naruto had been through this before and the greatest fear Naruto had was that his emotional response would be caught lacking due to him already having experienced it once and is expecting to experience it again but to Naruto's surprise tears began to form in his eyes a feeling from long ago something that he thought he had completely gotten over but no that feeling in his heart remained and he couldn't help but cry to recall the strength and love of Ika his forgiveness despite his pain Naruto recalled that it was Ika who had planted the seeds in his heart it had been ik who had first bucked up against the endless cycle of hatred and from Ika Naruto had learned to do so as well coming back to one's Roots it was only here with the benefit of hindsight that one could truly appreciate every hardship and every moment that had crafted him into who he would become at a certain point Naruto felt dirty he felt he was committing some atrocious sin by allowing himself to come back to this point and alter things he himself from his moment of birth to his time as Hokage had known pain and it was through that pain that he had become who he was perhaps he was saving lives saving the ucha saving Itachi giving both he and Sasuke the lives they deserve to have but at the same time Naruto was removing the pain he was removing the teachers who brought lessons to their lives he worried that it not only would affect the future but that it would nullify much of the growth that Sasuke had gone through as well as disrespecting the sacrifices that Itachi had to make to get them to this point Naruto got up and ran it was then that the enu would eventually detain mizaki and reclaim the scroll of seals IA would survive indeed but the air between he and Naruto had changed and Naruto couldn't help but see the mentor he had always loved in ER fresh and new after this moment Naruto knew it was okay to continue down this path the moment he was able to take the test again Naruto would Ace it with flying colors it would be then that Naruto would visit hiroin and make a special request for reasons that he had yet to explain he needed hiroin to make a specific team for him he needed heroin to make his teammates Sasuke and sakur aaro and he needed their joning to be Kakashi Hatake knowing better than to doubt Naruto at this point heroin would Grant him this wish he would allow Naruto to join team seven on the day they would meet Naruto would sit there patient and expecting he'd forgotten that he originally started off this meeting by playing a prank on Kakashi despite that he did not play a prank this time he didn't feel it was important he wished to see Kakashi's reaction without it as Kakashi entered the room he would introduce himself to them from there they would take their time to introduce themselves to their new Joni and explain what it is they wanted out of life as for Kakashi he told them precious little Naruto had always wondered why it was that he had done this why was it he had wanted to remain secretive no that couldn't be could it he had always taught them that teamwork was the most important thing so for him to Simply withhold information from them was either a test to show them that they should have unwavering faith in whoever they were teamed up with regardless of how well they knew each other or it was something else else that being said he had forced them to reveal their own likes dislikes and dreams so it was Naruto's opinion that the reason why Kakashi hid these things were for deeply personal reasons he knew that Kakashi's Hobbies included reading hentai so that was likely one reason why he didn't want to share it with them as for his likes and dislikes he said that he did not feel like telling them about it so if it wasn't because of secrecy then for what reason would he not tell them perhaps it was because he had very few likes and his dislikes consisted of regrets from his past only Kakashi himself knew for sure but to a point Naruto was surprised because Kakashi said he had never truly thought about his dreams looking at this with the benefit of the future's foresight Naruto realized how truly lost Kakashi was he was at this moment only 26 years old and had his whole life ahead of him he was younger than Naruto had been when he became Hokage at this moment despite being physically younger than Kakashi he was still Kakashi's mental senior by 6 years that was unless they were going to count the extra years of his relived childhood in which narut had further grown more mature making him an extra 12 years making him Kakashi senior by 18 this made Naruto really want to give advice to Kakashi but he knew the team would function better if he kept the truth about his foresight a secret so Naruto simply allowed his team to go first something that Naruto himself reflected on in the past his first time doing this Naruto had been so eager to tell everything about himself that he had immediately gone when he had the chance but now he was silent Desiring to hear his team's dreams first something that even if he hadn't really noed noticed it or was too humble to admit displayed just how much Naruto had grown since them for the most part Sakura's introduction to team s remained the same and why wouldn't it Naruto had hoped it would her love for Sasuke had been Sasuke's Guiding Light during his time when he was lost to himself when his hatred had robbed him of identity and left him wondering who he truly was so to hear that these sentiments did not change was something that really made Naruto Smile as for Sasuke however he had changed and was currently beaming a bright smile the same kind of smile that Naruto had flashed during his time here Sasuke's introduction was completely refabricated from the ground up his likes were spending time with his family and training with his brother his dislikes were bullies who picked on his friends and his dreams were to become the head of the konoha police force that was something that made Naruto smile Kakashi would turn to Naruto and ask him about himself Naruto wanted to be honest with this but as he thought about it his hopes and aspirations had shifted quite a bit since he had been at this point he introduced himself by his full name and told his comrades the things he loved a nice warm bowl of ramen on a cold winter day the sunrise witnessing a sudden sug in the sky taking it as a godwink in his life to tell him that things were okay his dislikes generally revolved around him failing to meet the standards that he had set for himself and that others had set for him which resulted in himself and everyone else being let down and finally he spoke of his dreams to be Hokage was the same cliche dream he'd always had and so it remained but further still his dream had evolved a bit he wished to be a husband to Hinata and father to boruto and himari so in the end his dream had evolved he wished to be a man of honor and respect someone who he could say he was proud to be when he was on his deathbed to leave behind a life Without Regrets and to leave behind a world that was slightly better than it was before he was born Naruto smiled and then looked around to see that the entire team was staring at him in awe Kakashi because of how mature the dream was Sasuke because of how simple yet important it was and Sakura because of how beautiful it was something she did not neglect to tell him Kakashi felt optimistic about his new team but he still needed to see if they could grasp the most important lesson of all in regards to being in a team which was teamwork to that end he initiated the Bell test the rules were simple take the bells before lunchtime No Holds Barred as the test began Naruto was sure to explain to his team the meaning of the test and its importance he told them that they needed to work together because no one team member could defeat Kakashi alone this was a lie Naruto had all the power required to absolutely body Kakashi and take the Bells but that wasn't the point of this exercise he told them that the point was that the ability to get the Bells required their team to work together and the fact that there were only two Bells meant only two people could pass this was to teach them sacrifice and selfishness the concepts were strong and hard to learn especially considering that the ones who failed to get the bells would be sent back to the academy without a joning such a horrible fate of course Naruto knew that nobody on their team was actually in danger of that so long as they displayed that they had learned the lesson Kakashi was trying to teach them but Naruto needed to let them believe that there was still danger as it was that pressure that not only taught but showed who person was deep down and so Naruto held back a little and left plenty of openings for Kakashi not all the openings though Naruto would never suffer 10,000 years of death again he was sure not to succeed early as Kakashi still needed to teach them the lesson Naruto fumbled as much as he could so that Kakashi would name him as the worst of his students and thus forbid him from eating lunch Naruto sat tied to the stake he was content knowing that things were playing out just as they should not just for the sake of the future but for the sake of his friends right here and now and just as he had believed they would start offering him food behind Kakashi's back this was heartfelt and touching but also made him proud of them for choosing team over self they knew that they could get in big trouble if they didn't do as Kakashi had commanded them despite this they still did do so without the thought of themselves this made Naruto smile immediately after they started feeding Naruto Kakashi rushed out to punish them but instead of saying anything angry at them or telling them that they had done wrong disobeying them he instead commended them for choosing team over orders telling them that this was the essence of teamwork self self sacrifice as Naruto thought on this Naruto couldn't help but think back on the things he knew of Kakashi and the meaning behind why this test was so important to him at the end of the day Naruto found himself standing before the monument to konoha's Heroes there he found the name Obito ucha he ran his finger across it and knew this name to be connected to so much pain pain in Kakashi's past pain in Naruto's past and pain in the world's future despite everything he needed to let things run their course in doing so he could possibly save the world without having to permanently lose any lives after all Obito even if he did do bad led to things that would one day become good all he needed to do was limit the damage he did as much as possible as Naruto looked at the Statue Kakashi walked up to him do you recognize any of the names on that statue Naruto looked back out of the corner of his eye a few Kakashi Sensei these were true heroes to konaha weren't they Kakashi nodded these are they who sacrificed everything for their Village for their friends it's no coincidence that I brought you here to perform this test I had hoped that by bringing you here the spirits of true heroes might bless you and give you the knowledge and understanding to learn this important lesson not everything is free and sometimes you must pay a price that nobody else can pay sometimes the cost is your life or in my case the life of a friend there is such thing as survivor's guilt sometimes you have to lose a friend and you look back and ask why it couldn't have been you instead but in the end we all carry our burdens and must be willing to do whatever is necessary to defend the Village from harm Naruto nodded the will of Fire Kakashi seemed surprised that Naruto understood the meaning of the will of fire but he didn't press he simply likened it to Naruto being incredibly mature and wise for his age he would put his hand around Naruto's shoulder come on why don't we go out to eat you me Sakura and Sasuke to celebrate the formation of our team Naruto smiled that sounds good and that seems like the perfect place to pause the story for now I know you were probably hoping that I would finish it up with a single video but the truth of the matter is that so many things will change and some things simply won't the thing about writing a story where the protagonist has all of the Power and knowledge he would have at the end game of the story is that the protagonist will always want to optimize the ending to make it the happiest it can be and sometimes that requires tough choices sometimes you might have to let something you love go sometimes you might need to make a sacrifice so just because Naruto can change everything doesn't mean he will Naruto simply wants the best outcome for everyone and that may require him to let some things he normally would have tried to stop happen but alas that's a story for another day anyway I hope you enjoyed the video leave a comment and a like if you did and be sure to tell us what your favorite part was or any other stories You may wish to hear don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos as they drop until next time peace out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 407,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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