All 27 Kage and Their Powers Explained! (Naruto Shippuden / Boruto Every Kage)

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what up space fam golsan here from anime uproar back at it again with a brand new naruto video about every kange known to man quite the undertaking but you guys definitely deserve it after we hit over 6 000 likes on the all akatsuki members and their powers explained video similarly smash that like button this time and let's try to get 6 000 likes on this one as well to unlock the next naruto video these videos take a bunch of time and effort so i really appreciate it when you guys show your support through destroying that like button and also leaving suggestions for future naruto videos below if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial hit that notification bell and select all or you will miss future naruto videos and while you wait for the next video to drop be sure to check out my growing naruto playlist which includes videos about the hokage all otsutsuki aluzumaki and much much more now without further ado let's get into it spoilers and all so in this video we are going to be looking at every kage from each of the five villages this includes all the kazekage meaning wind shadow from tsunagakure aka the village hidden in the sand all the mizukage meaning water shadow from kirigakure aka the village hit in the mist all the rai kage meaning lightning shadow from kumo gakurei aka the village hidden the clouds all the tsuchikage meaning earth shadow from iwagakure aka the village hidden in the stones and of course all the hokage meaning fire shadow from kona hagakure aka the village hidden the leaves so we're going to cover every known kage or leader from these five key hidden villages each of which corresponds to one of the five great shinobi countries in general the kage is the strongest shinobi of the continent and is charged with leading and protecting their village the first ever kage was hashirama senju who was elected after the formation of konoha and eventually other nations were like hey that's a cool system and adopted it for themselves we will start this video with the kazekage from the village hidden in the sand the first stone kazekage was reto and he founded the village hidden in the sand he was strong and it's said that he used his overwhelming power to get all of his nation's ninja under his control unfortunately we do not know much more about reto except that he was present at the first gokage summit and that he went in order to ask for more fertile land for his people we know he was assassinated and many kazekage would go on to share the same fate leading people to believe that the kazikage were cursed reito was followed by shamon the second kazikage he stands out a lot with his mostly bald head and a giant dragon looking tattoo covering it the dragon's claw actually covered the dude's eye in a data book it was revealed that he was into researching jin churiki with the hope of increasing his village's power once again we don't know a lot about the specifics of shimon's power but we do know that he used puppets in battle and so he was a kind of precursor for sasuri and kankuro he was clearly strong since he was picked as kazekage and since he was appointed to go with the first kazekage to the gokage summit it is also noteworthy that under his rule there was military expansion and groundbreaking advancement further suggesting that he was a powerful man and one good at military strategy as well like his predecessor he fell victim to an assassination the third kasikage was considered to be exceptionally strong stronger than both of his predecessors according to sasuri the third kazikage's iron sand technique made his name the most powerful of all the third was intelligent enough to develop his iron sand technique after examining the one tails power his keke genkai magnet release let him convert his chalker into magnetic force allowing him to manipulate the iron powder in his iron sand thus he could perform his own unique version of sand manipulation the third's magnet powers also made metallic weapons useless against him furthermore he could use his sand to jam up the puppets of his enemies so you know he would have done very well against the second kazukage as cheo pointed out this iron sand technique wasn't just praised it was considered to be the most feared weapon in the village's history eventually the third kazikage was somehow beat by the akatsuki's very own sasuri he turned the third into one of his human puppets and it was his favorite because of how hard it was to attain in the anime the kazikage's magnet release was more powerful than that of sasuri's puppet which could also use the unique genka so yeah at the end of the day he was used to hype up sasuri but this dude was clearly a legend and a very interesting character in naruto's history and i would have loved to see the fight between the third kazikage and sasuri i'm sure it was amazing but for now let's move on to the fourth kazekage and a contender for the worst dad in all of anime rasa aka gara's dad rasa turned his son into a jinchuriki by placing the one tails aka shukaku inside him and then wanted to assassinate him when kidgara failed to practice complete control over his emotions and over shukaku because of his father gara thought that no one loved him for a long time and it's understandable that a kid who thought no one loved him would get emotional but beyond his flawed parenting there are some interesting aspects to rasa's powers rasa learned the third's magnet release which is a combination of earth release and wind release he used this magnet style to control gold dust as rasa himself explains when he's brought back for a bit gold dust is heavier than sand if mixed the gold dust can slow the sand down this is how he'd counter gotta sand and stop shukaku the sand spirit when he started running amuck he could use his gold dust to form an eye to monitor different locations and in general he could use the sand bending moves we're used to seeing with his gold dust like creating waves out of it raising it for defensive purposes and launching swift attacks with it it was also revealed that he was skilled in water release and could create a water blade that could actually cut through the so-called absolute defense aka the shield of sand no small feat in a data book it was revealed that he was capable of using yen release and with that we move on to the fifth kage on this list the final kazukage my boy gotta gara is such a good example of the shonen trope that involves a crazy seemingly irredeemable villain becoming a good guy and friend i remember hating and being freaked out by gara during the tuning exams and thanks to the great writing i changed my mind about him and realized that he acted like that because of his upbringing and when offered a chance to change he took it gara's character arc is undoubtedly one of the most touching and powerful ones in naruto and it's fun to see how he pretty much accomplishes naruto's own goal before him by becoming the kagi of his own village before even naruto does thus giving naruto more motivation and an example to move toward and get inspired by but anyways enough of my fanboying over gara let's turn to his powers as a kid garo was killing the assassins that were trying to kill him and we all know how much gara was hyped up during the tuning exams he set the record for completing the force of death and came out of it unscratched looking at his childhood it's no surprise that he was strong enough to become the fifth kasich and he did possess the one-tailed shukaku which obviously increased his power as well when his father is brought back with the edo tensei along with some other kage gara who is the commander-in-chief of the allied shinobi forces combat divisions at the time is strong enough to defeat him gara can use earth lightning and wind release and magnet release as well he can use magnet release to increase the density of his sand which can be especially useful for creating a strong defense then of course there's gara's sand bending and sand manipulation i know this is an avatar the last airbender but you will catch me calling people earthbenders waterbenders and so on for every series and that pretty much means people who can manipulate that element in question argara is a sand bender in this sense in his gourd he has personal sand with his own chakra that he could use quicker but he can also use surrounding sand or break down surrounding earth into sand even after shukaku is taken from his body gara can continue to manipulate large amounts of sand without a noticeable difference then there are moves like sand binding coffin where gara surrounds and traps his opponents with sand he can then let them suffocate or use sand burial to make the sand contract and kill them instantly and as mentioned there is gara's absolute defense which includes his shield of sand that automatically protects him it's actually his mother's doing even after her death she continues to protect him like she promised to do and that's just so heartwarming to know especially after gara's horrible upbringing then there's an armor of sand that protects his body if people somehow manage to get past this automatic shield the dude can even manipulate enough sand to protect his entire village from daedalus bomb a most impressive feat furthermore gara can use his sand to fly create sand clones create a third spying eye and more another hype technique is the grand sand mausoleum seal that can trap very powerful opponents and seal them within a pyramid of sand when gaara was a jinchuriki shukaku could take over his body when gara was under enough stress or fell asleep then it would transform into his giant one-tails form and as previously mentioned run him up obviously being a jean churiki is always a nice power boost but interestingly enough gara is still very powerful without shukaku so much so that people mistakenly assume that he's still a jin chuniki sometimes in the third data book his stats were as follows a five in ninjutsu a two in thai jutsu a 3.5 in genjutsu a four in intelligence a 2.5 in strength a 3 in speed a 5 in stamina and a 4 enhanced seals giving him an overall score of 29 out of 40. i'll mention stats when we have access to them as with gara but sometimes we won't and in those cases i'll just move straight on to the next kage so now that we've finished looking at all of the kazekage let's move on to the mizukage or water shadows from kirigakure in the land of water the first mizukage was biakuren and he founded the village hid in the mist he rocked a long grey beard and had a scar over his left eye and he appears to have been blind in that eye with his old wise man appearance it won't come as a surprise that he was praised for his worldly wisdom he too was present at the first gokage summit during the first shinobi war and he was not happy when he heard some of the first kazikage's seemingly greedy demands unfortunately we don't know much more about him other than he'd probably get along well with the old wise man of avatar uncle iro since even the word byakuren translates to white lotus so these two wise old dudes would be destined to hit it off i feel like we also know he must have been powerful since he was able to not only become a mizukage but also create kirigakura in the first place as well the second mizukage was gengetsuhozuki he was a member of the hozuki clan and look like someone you don't want to mess with by the way the hozuki clan are known for their ability to turn their solid bodies into liquid it's sort of like having a water logia power in one piece where you can turn parts of your body liquid so physical attacks don't hurt you gengetsu would also clash with the second tsuchikage more on him later and they would both end up killing each other in their final exchange he also knew old man onoki the third tsuchikage when he was young and used to pick on him which is pretty hilarious when he was brought back by the edo tensei he almost killed onoki with the hozuki's clan's water gun jutsu but luckily garo was quick enough to save him gengetsu was very impressed by his fellow browless kage and said gaara would go on to do big things gara and friends had a lot of trouble defeating him when he was temporarily brought back to life he knew water lightning earth and fire release and yin and yang release as mentioned he could turn his body into liquid and back as he wished and fire his very deadly water gunjutsu gengetsu's body was also a mixture of water and oil a kind of oil that made normal sand attacks practically useless against him then there was his very powerful steam imp clone that would heat up before exploding and cool down again and repeat the process until it was stopped that's why it was called gengetsu's infinite explosion in jutsu eventually gara had to use his father's gold dust in order to stop gengetsu and his steam imp since the gold would be melted and then welded onto the clone so it would be slower and to boot since gold has good thermal conductivity it prevented it from heating up enough to explode again gengetsu called gara a golden child after he used that impressive strategy and i loved that pun but at the same time if his father hadn't been brought back they would have been in big trouble overall gengetsu was strong and very cool but let's move on to the third mizukage now this long dark-haired man accompanied the first mizukage to the first gokage summit during the first shinobi war unfortunately we don't know much about him except that he was probably the strongest shinobi in kirigakure while he was kage and that he was strong enough to serve as the first mizukage's bodyguard during the gokage summit and that about covers it for this unnamed man but that's one of the reasons naruto is so good even though we know next to nothing about this guy you just know that he probably has a very interesting story behind him and i would actually love to read about it if it ever came out in a bonus or side story but for now we move on to the fourth mizukage who has a name and it is yagura karatachi yagura was no joke despite his youthful appearance and despite getting genjutsu pretty hard by obito as a child he partook in his village's ritual where academy students were forced to murder one another in order to graduate like naruto and gara yagura was a kage and jin churiki specifically the three tales jin churiki not only that he was one of the first people to gain complete control over a tailed beast in fact he became a perfect jin churiki at a young age and in the anime he fought akatsuki members juzo and hitachi and managed to actually kill juzo one of the seven legendary swordsmen of the mist and hitachi only managed to stop him by using a matarasu notably yagura's weapon of choice was a sort of staff with a hook at each end yagura could use water release and wind release in the anime as well one of yagura's most interesting techniques was his ability to create water mirrors that reflect the enemy's attack literally the reflection actually materializes from the mirror and the enemy's exact same technique is used against them in this way yagura can completely cancel out other people's attacks with his perfect jin churiki control he could undergo partial transformations or enter full 3 tails mode he could also launch biju balls and use the coral palm technique which causes coral to quickly form around the opponent from the point of contact causing them to lose mobility and although there's more i could say about this kange of the bloody mist for the purpose of this video we should be moving on to the next kage mizukage number five mei terumi yagura's bloody reign wasn't really viewed as a positive one so mei spent a lot of time on reform and fixing relations with other villages she also went through the deadly academy graduation ritual of her own village she's the first kunoichi or female ninja will be covering and when you have a female kage naruto you know she's gonna be pretty strong she can use water earth fire and lightning release but what's really interesting is that she has access to two keke genkai including lava release which combines earth and fire release and boil release which combines fire and water release boil release creates a mist capable of melting bodies and even melting sasuke susano which is supposed to be an absolute defense mei is seemingly immune to the mist but it's indiscriminate for everyone else and so has to be used when there are no allies around and lava release is pretty much lava bending which is just as dope in the naruto world as it is in the avatar world it's also notable that mei could use water style to not only defend against madara's firestyle attack but she could then go on to use that same body of water to form an attacking water dragon the transition from defense to attack is seamless and i love it lastly she can use the hidden missed jutsu in order to obscure her own movements and that of her allies like zabuza did against kakashi the cool thing is this jutsu can counter the shotting god and rinagon's perceptiveness but in the anime byakugan users can still see through the mist and sensors can still locate people too next after the dangerously hot mate terumi we got the sixth mizukage jojuro who is also a member of the seven ninja swordsman of the mist he went from simping hard over the fifth mizukage to becoming a mizukage himself although he may not look it at first glance jojoro is actually pretty awesome even among the seven swordsmen of the mist jojo is considered to be a master swordsman in the boruto anime he fought against three opponents wielding blades of the hidden mist and he beat them using only a broken katana he also proceeded to lift the very heavy kubikiri bocho aka zabuza's blade effortlessly with one hand with gara's help jojoro also fared well during an encounter with urashiki otsutsuki and boruto and being able to not get completely flexed on by nototookie is always noteworthy chojiro's blade is called hiramekare the flat fish it can store chakra which can later be released the chakra surrounds the blade and can take on any shape the user wishes for instance against sasuke chojiro shaped it into a hammer that sent sasuke flying even though he had susanoo's ribs activated against black zetsu his blade unleashed a huge chakra slash that left black satsu unable to move and even naruto had to admit that jojoro was good bystanders were impressed not only by the size of his sword but also by his skill in wielding it black zetsu was surprised by how trojaro could transform the shape of his blade so fast the two handle sword can also be split into two swords with one handle each if you want to throw in some two sword style moves beyond that the sword can use the bone mutilation technique this technique launches chakra needles at the opponent these needles disrupt the chakra pathway system and slowly kill the target lastly chojiro is only known to use water release but he is very skilled at it if he doesn't have a sword on him he can create a water blade which is handy because he's easily one of the most killed swordsmen in naruto so yeah i hope that i helped get across how trojan is actually pretty strong and cool but now we must move on to the rai kage of kumo gakure aka the village hidden in the clouds and these guys are definitely some of the coolest kage around hey the first try kage and get used to hearing the name a because we'll hear that a lot found in the village of kumo gakurei it was this reikage who seemingly sent the gold and silver brothers to capture the nine tails before moderate tamed it though they failed if things did go down like this it was a strategic idea because the power of the nine tails would dramatically increase the military power of any nation we don't know much else other than that he was present at the first gokage summit and he had to be very strong in order to form and then rule over a powerful shinobi village the second reikage also called a was the long time bodyguard of the first again info is lacking but he had to be powerful to be chosen as a bodyguard of the first raikkage and then to be chosen as the second reichage he was also good at the political side of things and was known for doing a lot in order to achieve peace it was actually during a formal ceremony that cemented the alliance between konoha and kumo gakure that a and the second hokage were attacked by the gold and silver brothers although tsunade mentions that the brothers drove the second hokage close to the brink of death it's not made clear what happened to a moving on to a number three aka the third raikhange who is said to be the greatest reikage of all he was said to have an invincible spear and an impenetrable shield and naruto had to actually use the third's own spear aka his own attack to penetrate through his incredible defense thus showing that his spear was stronger than his shield still it's pretty cool when you're so strong that only you can hurt you and i haven't even mentioned his remarkable speed that impressed all those who witnessed it this dude is as legendary as they come he faced ten thousand ninja for three days and three nights in order to help his people get away from the enemy he was also able to go head to head with the eight tails unarmored and unarmed and the scar he ended up with was self-inflicted but let's get into some specific abilities the third could use lightning fire and earth release he was known for his black lightning which he passed on to darui he could also use lightning release chakra mode aka cloak himself in lightning which increased his speed reaction time attack and defense lightning release chakra mode is fast enough to dodge amaterasu we're told that not even the shoting gun can keep up with this technique when it is used by the fourth raikage besides that we're told that long range wind release attacks are the only ones that can reach the third reikage but even they cannot give him a decisive blow and then there's his strongest ninjutsu which allowed him to pull lightning chakra into his fingertips and the less fingers he used the more focused and thus powerful the technique was this technique is so sharp that it can even pierce through a rubber wall even though rubber is resistant to electricity the attack was called an invincible spear and as i mentioned it was even stronger than his famously strong and sturdy body and as a result it was the key to beating him now although i feel like i could talk about this legend all day let's move on to the fourth raikage and the fourth a a number four is the son of the third reikage and he does not disappoint this dude is so cool at one point he just cuts off his arm that's been hit with amaterasu like it's no big deal he was also elected to be the supreme leader of the allied shinobi forces a title that you'd expect to go to someone who is extremely strong similar to the third he combines ninjutsu and tai jutsu making use of the lightning release chakra mode in order to enhance his speed attack and defense before naruto surpassed him a was the self-proclaimed fastest shinobi in the world since minato passed away karen also mentioned that his chakra levels were through the roof comparable to that of a tailed beast his fight against sasuke was absolutely amazing and although amaterasu who did eventually prove to be effective against him the fourth reikage clearly had sasuke on the defense and he was so strong that he was able to break through the so-called absolute defense that is susanoo's ribcage the fourth reikage could use lightning earth and water release and it's worth mentioning that sasuke's chidori which would have killed most people left the fourth practically unfazed all in all this guy was very fast very cool and very strong just like his father this lightning shadow didn't fall far from the lightning tree lastly among the reikage there is darui and for once not another a da'roi was the right-hand man to the fourth before he inherited the title of kage and daruei was also skilled enough to play the biggest role in beating the very powerful gold and silver brothers and obviously he continued to get stronger and more skilled until he eventually became the fifth raikage the dude also has insane chakra levels as seen when he was able to use multiple treasured tools that belong to the sage of six paths and continues to fight effectively even one could kill a normal person because of how much chakra these tools consume when it comes to releases the rooi can use wind water and of course lightning one of my favorite combos has the rui use a water wall technique that he combines with lightning release in order to electrocute his trap target then there's storm release which is a combination of lightning and water and allows him to fire and control beams of electricity that flow like water then as mentioned there's black lightning that he inherited from the third reichage he can form a black panther made of lightning that will shock any target it comes into contact with darui is also very skilled with his signature cleaver sword he can run lightning based chakra through the sword to increase its destructive power the blade maintains its charge even when darui isn't holding it and that's it for the raika game as a fanboy of lightning based powers i gotta say i love the raikage but the time has come to move on to the tsuchikage or earth shadow of iwagakure there have been four thus far starting with the first ishikawa who founded iwagakure in the land of earth according to the anime ishikawa was a member of the kamizuru clan a clan known for controlling bees of course he attended the first kage summit he also contained sacred scrolls about bug taming arts in the anime and before the series of naruto bugs didn't seem that interesting or cool to me at all but you gotta admit that shino aburama proved that they could be quite deadly indeed some cool facts about this kange are that he could use earth release to fly and as mentioned it suggested that he used insect-based ninjutsu but as usual we don't know much more about the first except that he was strong enough to create his own village moving on to the second tuchikage moo the cool mummy looking kage he was known as the non-person or the null man because according to kabuto he had neither form nor chakra suggesting he was kind of like the invisible man not leaving a trace moo was killed enough to kill the second mizukage although mu was also killed in return moo was very skilled in terms of being able to sense chakra from great distances and being able to identify people in different populations based on their chakra signatures being able to sense chakra so well also allowed him to dodge enemy attacks even if they were coming from his blind spot he could split in two and avoid lethal or sealing attacks but this would also cut his power in half not surprisingly this non-person was practically impossible to detect through normal means to the point where it is impressive if someone does discover his presence he is one of the few shinobi who had access to all five nature transformations including yang released he could use earth release to fly and water release to hide his presence by bending light such a cool ability that uriah would love to have for obvious reasons but as if all of this including flying and being invisible wasn't enough he also had access to dust release or particle style a combination of earth wind and fire release this release consists of forming a cube and releasing it at the enemy the cube grows in size and will automatically dismantle anything it touches including people's bodies at a near molecular level thus turning them into dust this technique is so powerful that it could be easily used to fight off large enemy numbers all in all dust release is one of the best techniques in naruto and moo is definitely one of my favorite kage i would have loved to see more of him doing his thing in his own time but for now let's move on to the third tsuchikage our old boy onoki an over 80 year old man that still kicks butt what's not to love don't let his back pain fool you he saved the raikage against madara and even madara had to praise this old timer at one point singling him out as the problem among all five cogging onoki can use earth fire lightning wind and yang release but what's even more interesting is that according to the novels he can use lava release and like the previously mentioned kage he can definitely use dust or particle style release as mentioned with particle style he could turn anything in his path into dust at least if they don't have hex abilities that can absorb jutsu's his particle style is said to be able to destroy an entire island even daeda is impressed by such destructive potential there's so much other great stuff about this old legend he is exceptionally skilled at earth released and he can use it to fly create clones or even large rock golems furthermore in a very earth-bending-esque way he can encase his fist in rock in order to increase the power of his punches and he can increase and decrease the weights of objects as he sees fit so you can increase the weight of rock punches or he can increase the weight of other things to slow opponents down or as already mentioned decreases weight in order to fly all in all i love this awesome old earthbender and he would also fit in very well within the avatar world just gonna put that out there then there's the fourth and latest tsuchikage kurotsuchi she is the granddaughter of onoki and related to the first suchikage as well when her grandpa retired which is understandable at his age i think he deserved it kurotsuchi took the reigns it's definitely hard not to live in her grandfather's earth shadow but she is strong in her own right she can use earth fire and water release as well as yin release in the novels she is hyped up by a legend in boruto that she didn't flinch in the face of 100 000 zetsu in the four shinobi war her earthbending two is impressive as she can create powerful rock shelters for defense deadly spears from the earth that could impale a target dracula style and she could just plain old hide in the ground as well she could also unearth other people or things hiding in the ground so good luck holding your ground against her she is a master of lava release and can use it in conjunction with water release to create quick lime that can trap opponents like quick drying cement and so we've covered all the different kage except the hokage from konoha and since i said i'll cover takagi in this video i will quickly go through these as well but i do suggest that you check out my all seven hokage and their powers explain video where you'll get a more detailed breakdown of each hokage number one is the man the myth the legend the one known as the god of shinobi hashirama senju the founder of the hidden leaf village with his friend and rival madara he was considered to be the strongest shinobi of his era period which is saying a lot he was stronger than madara and madara could take on 5 kage on his own pretty easily so it goes to show the power gap that there can be between kage so saying someone is kage level may imply a base of strength but that range can vary greatly there is much that can be said but hashirama is mostly known for his wood release his cells that everyone wants a piece of to enhance their own powers and for being another reincarnation of asura tsutsuki just like naruto the second hokage was tobi rama sendru the little brother of hashirama although he was less powerful he did have his strengths toby rama was fast and strong enough to kill madara's brother izuna uchiha which kind of makes you feel bad for those chihas who keep losing in these matchups toby ramos astronomy shinobi in konoha during his time as hokage and he even survived an encounter with the gold and silver's brothers with their nine tails chakra and treasured sage of six paths tools he eventually sacrificed his life to help his team escape alive and name sarutobi his successor some highlights include the fact that he created the shadow clones technique specialized in water release techniques and excelled in space-time ninjutsu he created the flying thunder god technique that minato was famous for mastering as well and this allowed both to mark a spot which could be a person's body even and then teleport themselves and or other things to that spot another fun thing to do is to throw a marked kunai to get across a battlefield extremely quickly and lastly i'll mention that the genius toby rama also created the edo tensei or impure world reincarnation technique that orochimaru was so into it straight up returned the souls of dead people and put them in regenerating bodies quite the insane technique and we have tobi rama to thank for it albeit orochimaru did improve on this forbidden technique so there's more that can be said but toby rama for me is mostly remembered as an innovator who created many techniques that would go on to be used and refined by others after his death hokage number three was hirozen sarutobi also referred to as the god of shinobi when the series began this is the old dude that was serving as hokage he was the most powerful kangi of his lifetime not only that iruka sensei lets us know that he was nicknamed the professor and that even compared to the other kage which at this point included the first to fourth sarutobi was said to have possessed superlative strength which would suggest that he was at least the second strongest of the four if not the first obviously this could be iruka hyping him up and public perception doesn't always reflect reality but the fact that only hashirama and sarutobi were called god of shinobi definitely suggest that they were the two strongest out of the four he was so strong that even as an old man he managed to stop arochimaru who had the help of the reincarnated first and second hokage that was probably one of the most legendary fights slash moments in naruto and even in anime in general if a legendary character has to die that's the way to do it ano rochimaru pretty much admitted that if sarutobi was 10 years younger he would have killed rochimaru but this should also add to a respect to the over 80 year old onoki since saratobi was 69 when he died sarutobi was known as the professor because of his vast knowledge and it was said that he could use any technique he was known for his personal summon enema the monkey king the monkey king could transform into an extendable staff aka power pole that was as hard as diamond it was sadotobi's weapon of choice although it was heavy and the weight did become more of an issue as he got older so clearly you have journeyed to the west and dragon ball vibes when it comes to sodor toby and his monkey king summon lastly i'll mention the op dead demon consuming seal and uzumaki clan technique that allowed sarutobi to call upon a shinigami then in exchange for the user so the shinigami will seal the target soul what's crazy is that you could replace your real body with a shadow clone and still use this technique so if sarutobi was younger and he had more chakra for more shadow clones he could have sealed rochimaru's abilities or even his entire soul without actually sacrificing his own life when used orochimaru didn't even know a technique like this existed and that's saying a lot since orochimaru was very well versed in techniques including forbidden jutsu and the other cool thing is there's no telling how many more techniques sarutobi knew about moving on to the fourth hokage naruto's dad minato namikaze the yellow flash jiraiya called minato a rare genius the kind you don't see very often and as the fourth ride kage mentioned he believed he was the fastest shinobi after minato's death acknowledging that minotau was faster than even him one of my favorite details about minato is that villagers told their shinobi to flee the moment they saw minato during the third shinobi war that's how dangerous this dude was and he died bravely saving the village from a disguised obito and the nine tails it was wish that he was there when orochimaru attacked the village suggesting that he would have been able to deal with the powerful villain better than anyone else i always liked the idea of having super speed as a super power when i was a kid which adds to how much i like minato because he'd pretty much take down enemies as soon as they saw him if not sooner he was similar to naruto in that he could summon gamabunta the chief toad and use the rasengan which he actually developed after observing tailed beast bombs the rasengan was perfect for him because it complemented his fast fighting style due to it not requiring hand seals as mentioned he not only learned the second hokage's flying thunder god technique but honed and improved upon it to the point where he had greater mastery over it than its creator toby rama even admitted that minato was better at teleporting than him and one of the most epic fight moments in the series was when he used the technique against obito a teleportation master in his own right and caught him off guard by teleporting to where his marked airborne kunai was he then immediately launched a devastating lasengan he also managed to mark obito's body without obito noticing and eventually forced ochiha to retreat but not before he freed the nine tails from obito's control and i really like how it was shown that minotau was faster than all three previous hokage when they were all brought back with the edo tensing lastly we can mention how minato became ajinchuriki of the yen half of the nine tails right before he died when he was brought back with the edo tensei he could actually enter nine tails chakra mode in this form he could straight up launch tailed beast bombs and do all the fun stuff naruto can do and we should be moving on but i also wanna just point out that minotau was very very smart to the point where he had the highest scores in academy history so in this sense naruto definitely wasn't a chip off the old block next we got the fifth hokage tsunade the granddaughter of the first hokage she's got that powerful sendru and uzumaki blood in her system she was regarded as the strongest female ninja and the best medical ninja she is respected as one of the saanin along with jaraya and orochimaru some highlights include her powerful physical strength which was strong enough to earn praise from madara and to break through his susano rib cage the strength of 100 seal is also hyped because it is a jutsu from the sage of six paths era and is believed to be the most advanced version of chakra control for a long time the user stores chakra in one point of their body then they can release that chakra and it will give them a huge power boost tsunade can also use creation rebirth considered the pinnacle of medical ninjutsu and the ultimate regeneration technique the body's natural cell division is sped up to the point where the user immediately heals from any wounds while the technique is active however such a broken technique must have side effects and here you are shortening your lifespan every time you use it also we know that tsunade can summon katsuyu the giant slug that can aid her in her healing efforts lastly i'll mention that even though she is in her 50s she uses a transformation technique to make it look like she's in her 20s this technique will effortlessly maintain itself even while she's sleeping except if she runs out of chakra then we got hokage number six kakashi hatake the very cool man known as kakashi of the shotting god even though ironically he doesn't have the shot in god when he's hokage he was another natural prodigy kakashi was all around a strong ninja possessing all nature transformations and yin yang released was said to be more intelligent than shikamatu and he is also extremely skilled at taijutsu he had to replace his signature move lightning cutter with lightning release purple electricity because the former wasn't safe to use without the shutting gun he could also summon his pack of dogs when people from different villages saw kakashi they would see the similarity between him and his father saku mohatake who was feared as konoha's white fang i've seen hilarious memes about how people freak out at seeing kakashi's white hair and make the connection with his famous white-haired dad but never seem to notice the obvious similarities between the blonde-haired and blue-eyed naruto and his even more famous blond-haired and blue-eyed dad minato the yellow flash and when you think about it that is a pretty interesting observation last but not least you better believe we got naruto zumaki the nine tails jin churuki and the son of the fourth hokage again we're gonna breeze through this zero to hero ninja who went from being an outcast to fulfilling his dreams and becoming the hero of the hidden leaf naruto is another reincarnation of asura totsuki and so was pretty much destined for greatness even before he became ajinchuriki we know him well for his use of the shadow clone jutsu the rasengan the summoning of toads his sexy jutsu and his sage mode and many nine tails modes including nine tails chakra mode kuroma mode tailed beast mode six path sage mode with nine tail chakra cloak and most recently the very hype and op baryon mode this last form is the strongest we've seen but burns through chakra real quick and can ultimately lead to the death of its user notably it also shaves more and more of the lifespan off of the opponent with every touch as well naruto now is by far the strongest kage on this list which is not surprising for our shonen protagonist and that is it remember if you want the okay broken down in greater detail you should check out my specific all seven hokage and their powers explained video and don't forget to absolutely destroy that like button if you enjoyed this long video and want to see more like it these videos in particular take a long time to make obviously so it really helps when you smash that like button and leave a comment saying you want more and leaving any suggestions for future video ideas if we can get 6 000 likes on this one i'll get started on the next naruto video asap if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial hit that notification bell and select all or you will miss future naruto videos and while you wait for the next video to drop be sure to check out my growing naruto playlist which includes videos about the hokage otutsuki uzumaki and much much more and until next time see ya space cowboys [Music] you
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,207,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, 27, kage, and, their, powers, explained, naruto, shippuden, boruto, every, mizukage, hokage, raikage, tsuchikage, kazekage, naruto explained, boruto explained, anime, manga, animeuproar, every hokage, every raikage, every mizukage, every kazekage, every tsuchikage, the kage explained, all kage, every kage, naruto all kage, minato, hashirama, tobirama, kakashi, sarutobi, tsunade, tobirama senju, hashirama senju, minato namikaze, who is the strongest kage, strongest kage, naruto uzumaki
Id: bp9_faFiW8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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