Fatima RA [Wife Of Ali]

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Hey [Music] [Music] forty my hands will ripped apart this is a boot of the Prophet Mohammad's and haha hands became harsh became course became rough because she would need the dough wash the clothing take you of the whole so she said one day - I need go and speak to the prophets Allah Allah we've just received the booty some servers that come go and ask him to send a servant into our house and he comes and he expresses his concern the Prophet Muhammad listens to him in the evening he comes to visit both of them he comes and he said so close to them they feel the body heat of the prophet mohammed salah salem they want to sit up out of respect he tells him to stay there he says don't think i am unaware of what you requested he could have given it to them as many servants as they wanted he said to them is better for you every night to save some time and la-33 times al hamdulillah 33 times Allah Akbar 34 times that's enough you don't need these elements of the dunya I name says I never gave that for my life never when I fought when I struggle to turmoils calamities difficulties I went to sleep say Subhan Allah 33 times I handed him that 33 times lower 34 times indeed a vicar of Allah do hearts tranquility and find peace Kenan evliya çelebi hubba-hubba Navi malodorous and either acappella terry-thomas illallah wa sallam ala nabina muhammad canim you should bet dr. Helen Walker area salatu wassalam even allege I mean so far better Billy message it o Salafi riccati the Majella beta was Ali marry her to mama in a beauty sir hearsay hearsay that Mister illusion americana were hey I even the duenna that say he de Shabaab a hello Jenna Weller that lesson will her seen here far diamond bins rasul-allah adding salatu salam you know one day in the early days of Islam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying in front of the camera and Abu jahil we're gonna be more eight and Sheba Abu jahil made the suggestion he said you know who would actually go and take the filth the guts of a camel and in all of its filth and dump it on his back while he's praying to humiliate him and Abu jihad is someone who has stepped on the neck of the Prophet slicin and while he was praying he's someone who used to throw dirt on the Prophet slice at him but he wanted to degrade him even further and naraka vinay be more each volunteered himself and he went and he grabbed all of the filth of a camel its guts and everything all of its Natasa and he dumped it on the back of the Prophet slice and I'm in his suit and that weighed the prophets I said it was back heavily and imagined this young girl not even a teenager yet fall tema what the allotted on her the daughter of the prophet sallallaahu Deva said I'm seeing her father in this state seeing the people laugh at him and mocked him and curse him and she comes and she starts to scrape all of that filth off of the back of her father imagine the humiliation and the hurt and the pain and she sees that and she starts to cry it all the allahu khairan huh and the prophet sallallaahu rd was adam says do not cry o my daughter he allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will help your father he will give victory to your father this was a woman who believed in her father she understood that the road that we're traversing is a difficult one and it's a perilous one and it's wonderful of trials and difficulties and she pursued that path together with her mother Khadijah and her father Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam another time is that she was with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in times when no one else was with him in fact when Khadijah or the allahu ta'ala and her passed away it was only the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and faulty model de la terre and alone in that household and subhanAllah you can imagine what role she had to play she was only 5 years old one was lost my son received revelation so she was born she actually grew up in a snap imagine the times the prophets eyes on him would come home when he was feeling devastated after losing Khadija love the Allahabad have been having no one else and she was the one that would cook for him she was the one that would come to his aid she was the one that started to comfort him that took her mother's place and in fact they used to call father him about the alotta and how the mother of her father she cared for the prophet sallallaahu he was to them that much during the life of the Muslims in Medina falta ma by now was growing up Ali Salaam and she she is proposed to for marriage allah subhanaw taala had intended for Fatima Ali but of the Aloha they knew about each other and they knew about the greatness of one another and a leader of the Aloha and was someone who was beloved to Allah and beloved to his prophet sallallaahu Salim Ali in from the hadith from our sources we have the prophet of Allah says no one loves you except he's a believer and no one hates you except that he's a hypocrite from their great children were was Hassan around the Aloha and Hussein and mahasin and Zeynep and home consumed and Raphael these were the children of Ali and Fatima once the prophet of Allah was wearing a cloak and inside that cloak came a leader of the Aloha and also came Hassan his son and her saying is at the Sun and then Fatima his daughter and then the prophet of Allah closed it like this and then he recited this verse Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wants to remove impurities from you o al Bayt and give you a complete purification she also adopted so much from the Prophet slicing them in terms of her character in fact one of her nicknames being as Zahara the splendid one was because of her radiant face she had that beautiful radiant face and she is the daughter but also la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose face was as bright as the full moon and subhanAllah we find that I told the along Thailand has said something very special about her she says I have never seen anyone who resembled the Prophet so I said I'm from Allah's creation more in speech and in character and conversation than father modeled the Elana and listen to what she says she says that anytime she entered upon a room where the prophets place on them was she said the Prophet SAW Allah RT was love would get up he would greet her he would kiss her he would hold her hand and then he would take fall tema and sit her down in the same place that he was sitting on his salat wa salam honoring her and holding her in that high esteem but rasullullah sallallahu wasallam said that fatima she is the queen she is the leader of the women of paradise not only as she perfected her faith she is the leader of the people of paradise we also know in the famous hadith that Fatima was a part of the prophet sallallaahu Selim then who could be comparable to a part of the Prophet sallallaahu Sarah he whoever angers her angers me whoever pleases her pleases me so we know therefore that falta Mae is so specific that her happiness and her anger was linked to the anger and happiness of the prophet of Allah Himself some wasallam aya generated and says about the Aloha I have not seen anybody who resembles the prophet of Allah in her standing and in a sitting more than Fatima the daughter of Rasulullah Salaam I have not seen anybody more honest in speech than Fatima the daughter of rasulallah salallahu sana known for her honesty she was known for her bravery she was known for her piety she was known for her sacrifice she was known for her resemblance and imitation of the Prophet SAW Salaam she was young when the prophet of Allah came towards the end of his life sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was a very difficult moment for Fatima and in others there was an incident and again this is coming from aisha radi alone and where she said that she noticed fatima with the prophet of allah silent when the prophet of allah was very very sick and she saw the prophet of allah whispered something to her fatima radiyaallahu ta'ala and her she sees the prophets vitamin his in his battered state in his clothes and and his illness and she she starts to cry and also lost i some calls her over compassionately and the prophet's life slim says come let me tell you something and i'm so lost i'm whisper something to her and she starts to cry further and also lost i some says come back down let me tell you something helps to come back and he whispers to her again and she starts to laugh and the people were amazed I settled the allotted iron had demanded she said tell me what it was that the prophets lie son told you and at first she refused but eventually she gave in and she told I sold the Elan huh she said that my father told me the first time so lo Lahani rissalah that he would not survive this illness and then he called me back and he told me you will be the first one to join me she laughed at death [Music] the prophet of Allah says none of you is given a test or a trial difficulty more than mine and what it means is his death then he says because that's the greatest of trials the greatest of difficulties is the death of the prophet of allah sallallahu taala because the effect that that had on that initial great community was something that no one had seen before they were dependent and they relied that was their prophet that was their leader that was their beloved sallallahu alayhi al-salam just imagine how you must have felt and for fatemeh and we know for example during the illness of her father when the Buddha was very ill and he was dying Fatima exclaimed this is why I care about Oh what grief there is and the Prophet says to Fatima your father will have no grief after today I mean indicating to her that he would pass away as sallallahu I think sir Fatima was so grief-stricken the prophet of Allah says to her does it not please you that you are the leader of all the believers that you gave some joy to to fought the month when he had died Salaam Salaam she cried out this is ya betta Oh father your Lord called you and you responded that's from heaven from genital Frodo's she was so affected that she would prefer to remain recluse in her own home she wants us to Sahaba after that buried the prophet of Allah he says to Ana's here Ana's how did you pluck up the spirit that you would throw dust on the body of the prophet sallallaahu sana she says that a difficulty has come upon me if that difficulty came upon the day it would turn the day into the night I think that's how grief-stricken she was following the passing of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam four to six months afterwards fatima radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu becomes ill and actually she was ill from the time of the death of the prophet slicing him out of her out of her pain from her father dying and this is a mother of young children this is a mother who's married to a wonderful husband but subhanAllah she just wants to be with her father so LaLaurie cinnamon generated for the dose and so she goes one day and she smiles looking to the heavens and she calls for asma bint I be amazed the wife of Abu Bakr Siddiq lure the allahu on how are on may a lost pantai be pleased with them both and as Matt was going to be the one to wash the body of Fatima and look at how this royal woman speaks she says to essa she says that whenever you do my voice and whenever you do my janazah do it at night so that the people will not see my figure it's Paola this was a a woman who was full of modesty she was known for her modesty she's the daughter of the most modest the most bashful's a little higher sort of panama and that is how she was buried at night but allah subhanahu wa tada joined her with her father sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and she took her rightful position as the queen the leader of the women of paradise now in conclusion I think it's important for us to mention two things because there are two things that are points of controversy one is the incidence when the prophet of allah had passed away so solemn and fatima comes along to abu bakr the khalifa arabiya lower and she asked for the land of Fedak abu bakkar he says to her that you know i can't give you that land because of what i had from the prophet of allah you know we do not leave behind in heritance that our land our wealth all goes for sadaqa we don't leave behind inheritance that fatima became obsessed with Abu Bakr and then Fatima didn't speak to him until she died so there are some people who like to latch on to this narration and say see fatima was angry and that means from the other hadith whoever angers fatima angers me the prophecy of ever pleases fatima pleases me there are other narrations that we fail to consider after this incident he went to the house of fatima and Ali and he knocks on the door and Ali says to Fatima this is Abu Bakr on the door and if you give permission I will allow him to enter so the broker enters the house and he speaks with her and then in the end of narration we have that she was pleased with him it is inconceivable how could Ali then serve as a valuable member in the caliph of Abu Bakr and Umar and was man knowing of course that that wrecker is the one who angered his wife the daughter of the prophet of Allah and the other one of course is the great line the slander against OMA radhiya law and concerning Fatima that says that Allah he slammed the door against Fatima when Fatima was pregnant with mahasin by the way we believe that mahasin was born in the time of the prophet of Allah Allah and that she had a miscarriage and the child died and are therefore they say well look at what Homer has just done LDL Oh hon this is a lioness London and not only is this again putting her husband aleem such disrepute because it's saying on it couldn't he defend his wife would he allow something like that happened if someone killed his son it's an accusation and it's a slander against him Allah make us of those who that we would see fall tomorrow and we would see Khadija and Maryam and I see Allah send his peace and blessings on our beloved prophet Mohamed Salah once Allah and his family and his companions you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 208,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best women of the world, khadija, maryam, asiya
Id: uYgyjxoHT-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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