Tokyo Station to Akihabara by Train

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hey everybody welcome to Tokyo Station this is the modernity side and at sunset it is beautiful you can see the Sun a little bit of light in the sky we're walking straight on to the old Tokyo Station facade at modern ochi that is a Tokyo Station Hotel very priced see you need to have a company credit card in order to stay there I think and then all around us are the rest of the building we're joined now by Kenai who is a professional who will know how to guide us to Akihabara not like I already know I kind of already know but it's better if she does it good evening very well well set and behind us we have two very famous buildings this one is the modern building and the shin mater building do you know which one is which don't you go is mater building this is the older one and then this one is the newer one I always get them confused they're very very beautiful buildings with a nice deck I brought you to the seventh floor there before in the QA for the main channel like three four years ago and from under livestreams and straight ahead is where the new emperor is sitting residing over the Ray Hwa era which is very exciting [Music] those kids are having more fun than us that should be illegal let's get out let's get moving a viewer asked me how do I get from how do I get to Akihabara and I started the thing well I don't know I could either I could either respond to him in a message or we could just do it and we sent over there is the international post office do you see that building I keep dick keep Damien's stamp and Japanese that building in front of you is the Tokyo International post office which is open on Sundays that's where I said the postcards for patreon and the daimyo packages and we got two new daimyo so he's Kenai and I sent two new packages from that building Mahlon outside of Tokyo Station right yeah some of some people confusing about Tokyo Station it's very huge then we have is suicide and mother knowledge side right yeah in modern outside we have this this amazing view and some offices right side we have money home mushy bed here yeah yes I'm trying to encourage you to speak more because she's doing a pretty good job good job all right in front of us is a clock here right that's I got confused when I first came to Japan between the Yasu y AE su and the matter no change yeah underground passageway I was an overground one as well I always go underground she knows more than me and many things this is the opening ceremony to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics how cool is that we got 271 days I'm inpatient I cannot wait start right now 2 and plus 2 hours and 34 visit 55 seconds so the opening ceremony will be starting at like 8 p.m. I guess this is this is what the clock is telling us that's very very cool let's get a closer look at this amazing crock I have a slight cold you can hear that in my voice there's the Olympic Olympic symbol up there thank you Omega for creating this amazing sign and guess what we will be here for this there's no way I'm gonna miss the Olympics I'm not leaving my city your voice does sound different Kenneth Lee writes in it's a true story I she gave it to me yeah she gave it to me but I'm not complaining what goes around comes around is that the right phrase to say we're going onto the train now I'm gonna take you in we've got we use the Suika how do you usually get to Akihabara can I like by bus right subway or junior I ride my bicycle now actually yeah by G densha i read my bicycle there yeah but no I go a little faster it takes you like 15 if I if I really push it I could go even faster but safety first all right yeah hold on II said there you go boom this is the modernity north entrance and I heard here in a television drama that the inside of here is kinetic they take the kinetic energy and store it underneath here I don't know if that's true or not but it has such a beautiful a beautiful dome to it look at this I'll restore this was renovated a few years ago and it is beautif beautiful there how they took the net oh they're still the net there that doesn't net to keep the pigeons from getting into there all right let's go take a look at the ticket thing I want to show you you the price is to get to Akihabara I apologize that the signal goes in and out if we do lose a signal refresh your browser and sometimes that'll increase or improve the quality all right the modern ochi line is underground circle line as well as the oida line but we're taking the Yamanote day line which is the green one in the Sun of your screen and it's 140 yen to Akihabara Akihabara is the one in the box right above the red mark two stations 140 yen about five minutes or less we're not getting a ticket here but if you do get a ticket it's very easy to do it just click English oh you got the button in English I'm a very embarrassing and annoying lady will speak to you in English and guide you through this you can get a receipt a receipt is printed I'm not buying anything because I have an e coca card and can I has a Suika card right hers is in a beautiful case all right let's do this we're taking you to Akihabara buckle your seatbelts oh yeah there's the entrance in the north in the north entrance you could see the passageway to the ISIS side here so he can go underground or over ground all right let's do this we might the signal might get a little weak but just keep at it guys Wow where's the money young one what they lied all right look for the colors here the orange one is the Chuo line you can see there that'll take you as a shortcut to Shinjuku that's a good thing to know if you need to get the Shinjuku fast take the Chuo line and then here's the Yamanote de line going towards Akihabara the K Hien Tohoku line also goes there both this is a single person escalator so you don't have to stand on the left after the right to stand the whole way hey there's Alex how you doing Alex get back to Berlin Alex of course you got back to Berlin okay you're chatting in here it's nice to hear from you Alex's are was our reporter four to three episodes I can and I said that we're going to take you to the front of the Train [Music] welcome to the platform is the train oh here comes this waken up so the front is over here alright let's let's watch the Train alright we're getting on this one everybody let's go [Music] the front of the train is usually the least crowded so we're gonna bother the least amount of people in the front of the Train and sometimes we get a view looking outside but not today not today that's what we look like right now ridiculous Avon right so it's about no all right it's gonna take four minutes to get there um you do when you do live streams you want to bother the people so I know the best areas not to bother anybody you hear that every single station on the Yamanote Dateline has their own jingle right yeah that's the Tokyo Station jingle yeah and then we also have we also have a a new jingle for Conda which is the next station can we get past this so we go on like infrared this is pretty cool it's gonna take us about four minutes to get to Akihabara [Music] makes us Conda Condit akihabara right you could actually walk that in 10 minutes or less depending on how fast you walk I could well get its head and interlock it in 15 but to walk from Tokyo Station to Akihabara takes about four minutes because the roads are a little bit like shifting back and forth a little bit I don't know I have to I have to stream like this I don't want to bother the people on the train but if you kind of see the shadow a little bit where we're going there you go the windows are tinted they're coming in the Conda station so we got one more station to go yeah because because it's dark early now because it's fall it's getting darker early as you can see it's pretty easy to get to Akihabara it's pretty easy now listen listen to the music now as the jingle changes here [Music] you can buy these ringtones on iTunes I saw their like but they're like 250 yen for the jingle here's the kanji for Conda [Music] kinda there's another element of the Train on that right side I'm sure I'm very hard to give you the best view it's like stealth like infrared almost there I know you can't see because they reflection it's too bright [Music] so here we are Nike Hamid are you gonna hear another jingle different than the one before [Music] all right let's get out of here there's the udx building and guess where we are everybody this is Aki Hara you hear the music I don't know what this is I don't know go Longhorns I don't know and there's the train is going right here let's say goodbye to the Yamanote the line and then we'll get out of here I love just hanging out on the platform sometimes to see the trains rolling in and out I might stay a little bit longer than most people I'm in no rush to get off of the platform Thank You Yamanote a line for the beautiful can ice waving goodbye whoo say goodbye to the end of the line very cool thank you for taking us it took about three minutes four minutes that was easy that was pretty easy and there she goes Austin rights in are you going to play some games in Akihabara I really don't know and Vaughn writes in snacks I can I can work with that I get my way that all right let's get out of here you ready for Rocky how about a shopping really are we shopping not aware of that this is the K in Tohoku line the other way this one will this train will take you to war hurts Oh Mia but for from Shinagawa on to where we know about to way no this will take you to the same destinations and it's on usually across the platform so the cane to hug align or the Yamanote a line the green one on the left side both of them will take you to the same place we're gonna a same Tilney puddi okay can I believe so right usually [Music] oh this is where you change for the sober line which goes to that that'll go to Chiba what is this somebody dropped the doll how you doing little guy that's funny all right when you get to Akihabara station walk along the platform just to make sure that you find the right exit okay because it's good to start off in the right direction this one goes down it says here electric town yeah snz rights and get a snack with Kenai okay well this is one of these these things that turn him to a walker later these escalators all this is gonna be cool Denton ten I wish we had this super wide the YouTube guys haven't gotten to the super wide update for the iPhone app yet that toy looks like a Ben Affleck playing Fred Flinstone that's really good that's pretty funny Antonio but seeing of logs rights in hi I really love your videos I'm excited to receive my post card yes it's on the way I sent it a few days ago and then the package is your package is the one that can I and I just took to the hello Thank You Matthew are you following us whoa that's crazy that's me I'm on TV yeah how long have you been in Japan about you know how do you live here yeah I live in silver okay so actually heading back home now silver line yeah we're teaching people how to get around to Aki homina this seems like the number one destination here is what what brings you to Akihabara I'm wandering wandering by deal so yeah cool and what do you do here in Japan teach English teacher okay hi Juan well you want to say which one yeah I did GABA and Yan for a very long time I'm freedom very cool yeah pleasure's all ours yeah thank you are you very cool so he lives here in Japan I like it when people find us it's interesting right and there with any hands on the video that's pretty cool that's why you get the notifications and watch a side it's always a little bit better um Akihabara station is massive it's pretty big there's this is weird Kenai this is a DC comics pop-up store do you see this a DC Comics pop-up store why what I don't want to teach art I got a t-shirt do you want a t-shirt I should ask you that no you need a backpack girl they did that one's superwoman that was a Helen Slater from the secret of my success she was in that movie she looked like Princess Diana she played Super Girl in the first one alright you got a fine so these are the two lines that we came here towards way no they came to Hoku line and the Yamanote a line both of them going towards way no if you get on at Tokyo Station okay so changes at Tabata and then this one will keep going until Oh me yeah you don't want to go there unless you go to the Banzai Museum which is what I I went last time and then the Yamanote a line at Tabata will continue going around towards the cable cut off yeah so thank you for the thank you for guiding us can I will you take us to get a creme brulee donut you can show a booty exit oh right should we do let's take this show exit well there's more food at the show exit right and you find out your basket okay let's do it there and then we'll whip around oh we got to go up oh no let's just go out here we'll cross the street I know it's I know a shortcut I know a little bit more than her I love the color of the Tohoku Shinkansen that is just it's it's such a badass train to e5 Japanese no the model numbers and so should you wait a second hold on there's a valid in English so they wrote in it writing it for you people who are watching if you can't speak japanese tokyo metropolitan district pass is now only 760 yen for junior only though it does not include the subway so that's a pretty good pretty good information I don't know I I guess if you live on the Yamanote if you're staying at the Yamanote a line you probably want to edge a hour pass but I prefer the metro because we live on a metro a metro and a tow a network those one-day passes are 700 yen but if you want to get a pass for all three jr metro and toy it doesn't really work out unless you actually use all three because then it's like $15 so that one was $7 we are free let us out all right she wants a doughnut do you want a doughnut you don't have to get a doughnut you know whatever you want that's why I came this way also you can get to Akihabara by the hibiya line yeah or you could just ride a bicycle any question whoa that's like a brand-new vet that's a one of the newer vending machines look at that thing this is a panel upgrade its massive they put all the new stuff here because it's known for electronics there's a sensor up here a camera I heard that will detect yours this X and we'll sing make suggestions sometimes look at that that's so easy only you I think are yeah oh there's a sensor that's that's that's a QR code reader oh look at that corn soup oh and you get download the application and get it it's pretty cool it's pretty cool Ralph Wrightson hey John is hockey how about as crowded as Shibuya during Halloween you're gonna find out right now I don't think so Akihabara oh yeah key down go Akihabara is not as crowded as Shibuya because there's no real event for Halloween here where is it Shibuya they've actually prepared for it no alcohol this year which is a good thing it gets a little bit out of hand and if it keeps getting bad like you know fights and tipping over K cars and things like this they might just cancel the Aki Hobbit the Shibuya Halloween altogether next year which would be a big shame this year is I believe is still the biggest electronics store in the world Yoda Bosch camera Akihabara or as locals call it just a Kiba Yoda basha Kiba it is beautiful at night here and there's a corridor here do you see that I always do you want the creme brulee or do you want to get like sushi cake no sushi cake bread all right this is where you get the sushi cake I like been here before in other live streams yeah Jennifer and I ate the sushi sushi ramen and well there's the sushi cake it's still the same price and the next door is the sushi cake well that's meat you see that looks like walk you it's actually cake and they prepare it inside of the leaves how cool is that you also have soba and who don't looks like cup noodles katsu cotton oh man can I we got to come back and do this that looks like real cuts cut it I don't know what do you guys think I might just I should get one too static I don't know how they make it these are Apple gyoza it's actually Apple I believe yeah and then this is Chico don't know this is a missile yes I tani and cake they ticket Chinese cuisine I made a cake out of it I know that's why I'm saying should we try this where do you want the creme brulee all right I don't know the Internet is going to get this the internet wants what they want I don't know all right let's wait in line wait in line here the internet wants what it's once kinda you wait in line here and I'm gonna show them the Halloween a Coco nema that day and I'm gonna show them the creme brulee doughnuts all right and then we'll make a decision but first Street yeah but the lines too long for our livestream I don't think that that nine hundred people are gonna wait for us you cannot smell what I smell right now you do not know the pleasure that's going through these nostrils as they oh my gosh over there do you see them do you see that they just brûléed them with a blowtorch and then right there that's where they reside on a tray creme brulee donuts with custard [Music] hey everybody I reset because we had a zooming problem I'm gonna go back to my to my pleasure zone right here do you see them right there that is a creme brulee donut and they're on sale for 140 yen and then their creme brulee them with a blowtorch right there to see that [Music] it's a long wait sorry sometimes the app is broken a nice way ting in line there and I'm just gonna wait for like a minute and if it's too long or too painful of a wait you're just gonna get there jump up that there I'm gonna see how which runs faster [Music] through laying it is that it can you verb verbalize their brew laying these donuts wait till he gets a blowtorch always doing it right now do it dude yes brulee brulee the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life and every time they brulee them the wonderful smell comes into the air I think we're gonna have to get this now this does this beat the sushi cake what do you think oh my oh can I [Music] I called I called Kenai over here I [Music] think the donuts win I think the donuts win because it looks better yeah we can't give both because we get it after this we're eating dinner with your dad right yeah so we got we have it we got to eat dinner with her dad's so what's right next time I because I don't know how dude move okay I'm just obsessed right now with anything with a blowtorch I love that you guys want this blowtorch doughnut don't you doughnuts definitely when Molly and Victor writes in I cannot argue with Molly and Victor I just the line is long can i yeah and this this Jennifer inspired French copyright music is not making me happy either yeah this is not France this is your budget camera all right some of the other stuff that they have in here well we have some time John needs a shave this is Papa beard which was all the rave about 10-15 years ago and now it's the rave has gone down it's still a popular place to get [Music] yeah Papa biron yeah yeah they used to have a Papa beer drink whereas like custard in a can it was really good I don't think they have that anymore they have takoyaki at the end of this alley yeah and then in between is another donut shop which is not quite as popular as this one but I didn't only on Sunday is there a line with I mean looks like took Disneyland they have this this thing here to make sure that people don't barge in the line check that out donuts from another galaxy yeah everything's on sale that's why there's a big line tonight that looks like Planet Earth from a weather radar I want our weather radar donut that's a weather radar donut donut earth the internet the Internet is naming these sure any American watching this are these galaxy donuts popular in the United States chime in and let us know in the live stream it says here America day and Nani Kai denim mo no oh yeah Galaxy Donuts like its famous in America never heard of them [Music] they're brew laying them check this out we're getting closer and closer we're getting more and more delicious yeah do you want one or you want something else I can't wait I think everyone's ordering like it like a dozen doughnuts we just want one can you get them fresh I want one that just been torched this is the food of kings it's like Kings are always a little bit overweight remember Henry the eighth a lot of pot pies I wonder if they had brulee doughnuts if you would partake and how many he could I I bet you if he was a youtuber he would be so popular at like 10 millions of them Wow she put that down she touched it and it settled down like a high quality piece of sushi [Music] oh my yeah let's get to 300 likes everybody if you like if you want to see can I eat one and I do we need 300 likes oh we can do that I think I always ask too much oh my oh my I'm getting closer I could Emily only thing between me and this doughnut is is plastic glass right now the inspection it failed that one failed you needed an extra extra cream job we're getting closer we're right in front we're right in front of the blowtorch here it goes ready oh my I want this job one for me one for customer Wow actually kanai's dad doesn't like sweet doughnuts does he shall we get him one too then yeah it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I you and a doughnut I could watch this all day yeah I went by how many can you eat now by watching it do you want more one just one [Music] it's a happy ending you see it's well at the end [Music] oh my by the whole tray Charles Charles and I are thinking alike I wonder how many randy santel er or some of the other youtube foodie food challenges can eat in one sitting I don't see the galaxy donuts here I guess it was the other shop maybe they have a pretty good selection Premium matcha looks good 99 yen down here they have some old-fashioned which are more like cake this has a glazed fashion and the much affection I like it's not it's not too green sometimes they overdo it with the food coloring this looks more natural when it's over like that I guess it not too much green tea this is a premium bay area looks like they're using really good ingredients with this Oh Lee Bolin that's Dutch I remember I've had a lot of Olli Bolin in Amsterdam carlos is saying stop tempting us yes how many donuts can we buy with a thousand annual dose on Tabata Ankeny yeah this is the best selling point inside custard cream you need the arrow without the arrow I would not understand it was inside I'm very seriously hungry now are you gonna get yup creme brulee I didn't even there's no question how about you limit unlimited chocolate donuts get them both [Music] this blows Krispy Kreme out we have Krispy Kreme here with Krispy Kreme open about ten years ago there's a line four hours long to get one donut now no one's waiting up but they're overpriced for I think what it is right I think it's a little over price this is cheaper than Krispy Kreme and this looks so much better I converted it to my currency here by one enjoy Antonio thanks man fluffy cat I'm so grateful for your generosity and sharing your experience inviting so long Mahalo Luffy cat thank you very much Mahalo Mahalo sign it sit yeah okay hi Eponine buttered and donuts to me that's it they take credit cards hey I'm moving to the side [Music] as a mess we got great brulee doughnuts we got cream limo nuts can i what do you have she's got great really real nuts all right hello oh really everyone now everyone's watching you all right they don't have creme brulee doughnuts we do should we share with them no no sherry miss Gerri this is the festive place I think to eat our doughnuts you should not you should not eat your doughnuts walking stand somewhere and watch the Shinkansen go by and eat your doughnuts with the Shinkansen passing and point your doughnuts at the Shinkansen passengers and say we have broke creme brulee doughnuts just saying cherry Slovakia Havana this is a reason to take the train to come to Akihabara just for the creme brulee doughnuts Jack in the donut not jack-in-the-box which is a West Coast fast food chain from the 1970s I think went out of business do they still have jack-in-the-box I can't wait these fingers want a doughnut I need sugar Johnny need sugar I love our presentation skills then did it [Music] it's still warm right yeah we just said we want one that's just been freshly blowtorch all right let's do this here this is creme brulee donut with nature oh this is such a beautiful thing I'm gonna rename this just creme brulee donut run if John doesn't eat sugar he passes out you'll find him in the garden right here on the side of the road you want to go first alright remember you have to have that crazy really excited youtuber face mmm now she knows better there's a to hamster bites I can fit it in my mouth in one bite springy Fuwa Fuwa Fuwa Fuwa means like a like a blanket right very soft and fluffy Fuwa Fuwa yeah good you got you have some here no one's watching it doesn't matter alright let's let's give us a try fufu [Music] oh man there's the Tohoku Shinkansen coming in oh look at that's my one bite compare that to six of hers what makes is really good not the custard and not the donut it's the crispy sugar on the top of it that's Bryn I still think it's a word brûléed and the brûléed Chris penis is what makes this worth a dollar fifty I cannot believe it it's usually 250 250 yen but sit-down dollar 50 150 yen today so we got creme brulee donuts is it better than Krispy Kreme juice be creamy OTO HD it's a pretty bold statement Krispy Kremes got a lot of fans can i you don't want to fight fight with them oh you like them too they got good Halloween stuff right now 10 I don't know jack and the donut sounds like a chain could be a chain I don't even if it was or wasn't loaned race Evans that's like enough to get another donut that's another much appreciated I could eat the paper you're not done like just like them right I had a t-rex bite you take hamster bites you need to eat it with both hands like a hamster like this smells like nice that's pretty good because we just had creme brulee doughnuts right there are they good check in the donut is it good it's really good guys that for Hershey Pennsylvania I just when you said Hershey Pennsylvania I got a sugar rush or was it the donut we just ate oh here comes the other Shinkansen this one is the hokuriku shinkansen that goes to Kanazawa coming into tokyo station very cool we could see when you go live I we should do a meet-up in Akihabara Halloween meet up up on 31st I'm not I'm not saying I'm doing it but people seem to be here in Akihabara so that makes it easy it holds us on lungi 630 all right let's cross the street can i oh we always ring can i still eating let's not cross the street can i okay it's cuz we got blue light here i'm not gonna make it but never rush a lady there's always another look don't eat your Popeyes okay I thought I saw you taking an extra crab that's her papa all right it's time now for for extended if we can get this is what I hold this is when I hold the audience ransom if we can get to 500 likes right now I will take you to what would considered to be paradise for otaku I'll take you to the dinky town exit entrance which is just a tunnel road tunnel way away if you are into this I need these by motive like this you must pay the piper and I don't have a pipe but can I pay the piper hey pay it forward I will take you there in route such a small price to pay click the like button small price it's not even a price really I was so excited I get so excited but you track this dad you're eating brûléed donuts right there just keep going till you smell it hey welcome where are you visiting from very cool we're in Sweden I I would I have friends in Uppsala yeah so University town they like to drink a lot yeah hello everyone in Uppsala Sweden - how long were you here for a week why Akihabara just showing her around are you into manga anime there's a vibe here it's electric because you're standing in front of the electric town well great nice to meet you guys that's awesome there they go track this down I forgot my you found me on a live stream cards I made some cards I haven't used them yet which way should we go should we go the long way we still haven't gotten 500 likes yeah I want to go to the electric street yeah feel the power we have a rule I cannot have the camera focused on cannae for more than five seconds we both are getting over a cold no you're you're at you're at the end stage and I'm at the we're both at the end stage but kanai's is more completely finished this is the way to get there Kenai but we have to run through here because of the signals gonna die can we we got 500 likes can i we got to do it now alright now I changed my mind it's a thousand no no no no no let's let's go real quickly through here and we're gonna have to kind of walk fast and run okay all right yeah because I have a sugar high I got a I have no choice all right let's do this go quickly I am gonna be careful but the signal is really bad in there let's do this sugar high [Music] Oh UFO catcher more youthful catchers crepes it's like Disneyland over hair refresh your browser's refresh your browsers and the stock cars charge well run from him what very very talented individual how long before the police come how long before the police come what do you think all right [Music] we've got some Huggies Halloween people armed actual maids Halloween yeah has up the reception has something to do with the iPhone has to do with the with the hundred thousand people that are here outside reception is always gonna be bad reception is always going to be bad what does that pose there dude no well I'm good do you want to take a photo with them [Music] welcome to Akihabara electric town this is the exit that's infamous that's raji yokai con this light here rad yokai Khan has been renovated used to be a really old light it was really up close to the street and now they moved it back to allow for the influx of tourists that come here because it's you know Akihabara it's very bright here and if you don't refresh your screen you're watching this in Minecraft quality which is nothing wrong if you play Minecraft but it's a lot is that what fun if you refresh [Music] at the marshmallow man nikka Reese thank you this is I I don't know dude do you like Akihabara yeah y-yeah yeah this is our neighborhood title ku yeah title ward this is short showed up Warren it's a border town yeah I kind of like it for the electronics I like I'm kind of on Scotty strange part side I like the electronic side of it the history of appliances and computers I'm not really into the manga and anime side of it but recently not recently but over the last 10 years Aki habit has been moving from electronics towards the manga anime and now most electronics you can get off of Amazon and when we do go shopping I'm probably more more frequently shopping off of Amazon than I am on at stores these days you're stopped there's the Halloween people trick betray they look like they're in for some tricks what do you think following the Halloween errs goodnight you don't want to dress up I'm wearing a costume I'm a youtuber I don't know I don't know oh look she's a cop like there's a police officer she's got handcuffs kunai she has handcuffs who's she gonna arrest she's got handcuffs hold on I gotta check this out [Music] I wanna she's gonna arrest somebody is it why does she have handcuffs I don't know [Music] where do we meet where we meet Papa around here I like that t-shirt give us a pizza oh is that yeah the purpose of this is to show people how to get to Akihabara from Tokyo Station we've completed our mission however we're just still going how long you here for what have you seen I went to old aya very cool space boat for two and a half week when I'll be in the Eevee in like 11 days seven days that's a lot of time right yeah you can do a lot of stuff in 11 days just Tokyo office in Tokyo yes very cool do you have any recommendations for us to see here in Akihabara I'll say the same guys take a world over here are you going to Shibuya for the Halloween thing oh maybe I might go yes okay I might not you kidding me you go there get in trouble trouble Tony Tony okay I'm gonna plug it yeah it's a Tony boloney's pass Tony boloney's with the s alright go check it out yeah thank you so much Tony thank you right but good luck in Shibuya thank you for Singapore we get a lot of viewers from Singapore can I love Singapore and you know you would love California if if you if she's ever been there but she said we've only ever been to Singapore so TV very cool mr. Vegas at all okay cool yes because I work at a hotel and my personal manager treat that in yeah TJ Tita in yes CIT ta I am in LA yeah just let me not on it let us know anyway well we've morning that top you know thank you thank you hey Peter Tony I'm Tony I like how that happened hey Peter are you doing from Japan there's Tony very cool thank you I'm dying for an in-and-out burger I've never had one that's one of the steeples of in and out further it's like top 10 must have things my default is high five some worry about you seen you on YouTube oh wow welcome to Japan second time here okay the accent gave it away hey how long have you been here on this trip what's something that you've seen that everyone must visit what what I believe what you offer so that if you like safety currents after harbors good I recommend the Connor cordless nekkid Oh Broadway yeah good place but bits of what you often I'm always after food food Osaka for food that's very good suggestion that's excellent suggestion right Osaka is Japan's kitchen when it comes to food a cup of Oishi yeah you know very well this is your second time oh did you see the Mercedes my friend what's inside he got a chance to drive this yeah what do you cook what do you call those cars the the yeah the AI cars the fake ones that no one actually drives but concept cars tons of cars very very cool concept car yeah cool no where you guys were headed now are you gonna catch a book like on ah say hi let's say hi to the owner they only in Japan says he knows me very well very well nice guy older he's got gray hair he's behind the desk so we're gonna be on YouTube you are you're on YouTube right now yeah thank you so much have a good trip awesome from Australia so we met people from Singapore Australia Southern California and from Spain and they lived in Sweden at Pennsylvania from her she is awesome very awesome so that means we're gonna end the livestream because we've met half the people visiting Tokyo right now which is very cool behind here at the Kentucky Fried Chicken is the Christmas vending machine that's where I call it Christmas this vending machine but it's a mystery vending machine where you can get random stuff 4000 yen I know this the owner he shared me what was inside of it which is pretty cool in a main channel episode and this is Sega and this is where we say goodbye on Halloween well a few days from it what's the vibe like here I think you probably want to go to Shibuya if you're into the Halloween spirit if you're not then yeah I can have us pretty cool just to walk the streets on a Sunday evening kind of fun the magnificent meal John keep up the good work really enjoy the livestream that looks like it's from Denmark right yeah Denmark tuck is that right we have a friend from Denmark closing Copenhagen and he was teaching us some Danish that's so cool thank you so much for that and David Kim Mota is in the house David David somebody's always giving me super chance to buy you stuff huh nice so thank you David we really appreciate it I'm gonna let's stop right here and we could say goodbye to everybody this is a pretty cool spot Aki huh but it's super bright yeah I can't how about it's super bright this is where the Chuo line comes by the Chuo light other story is that the shoe line right yeah it will come back here every ossible I'm so blind okay this is so blind making its way it's pretty cool it's an iconic view this is Akihabara so in this we successfully in five minutes came here but we kept a stream going for an hour because we love you and we love Akihabara and I hope you have a really really good night see you in the next livestream everybody bye from Akihabara
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 39,590
Rating: 4.9291201 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, akihabara, station, train, yamanote, how to, travel, visiting, ticket, jr, japan rail, subway, route, transfer, platform, how to buy tickets to Akihabara, tickets to Tokyo Station, yamanote line, jingle
Id: I1U9J5zzfE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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