Japanese Vending Machine House of Horror in Akihabara

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you're live we're live we're live in Akihabara joining me on this adventure is Peter hi guys see Peter is a professional narrator or vote voice artist right voice artist we learn whatever you want to call me I'll call you that dude it has the opening for only in Japan I do that and I don't take no consent I've never been paid but because we're friends yes we're friends and he's graciously decided to come out here and help us here in Akihabara which you can see right here some of the manga and anime billboards this area of Akihabara this is sort of the corner of the of this of this part because you you have a really good view looking this way you see that the train line there that is the Yamanote day line and that one is going towards Akihabara stations we're a little bit outside of Akihabara but not far Yeah right not far as you can see we still got a lot of anime manga and characters and stuff like that but I'm sure I'm taking you this way for a reason yeah yes it what kind of already's take it a look around there because you saw the thumbnail for this video again this is the only in Japan go channel so this is different from the main channel so don't forget to subscribe but we've dried subscribe but we've come for this right there yeah this is like Beverly Hills property wait till you see this all right there you want to see this okay I'm turning it around this is the vending machine corner it literally is a corner I mean it's like this the Platinum trying of Akihabara yeah we're gonna go over there yeah we're gonna go over there I just want to just let this soak in a little bit because I mean it looks like it dilapidated you know like from what 30 40 years ago that is totally in disrepair and some dude decided to put on the first floor a hundred different vending machines and just take this all in because now we're going to go move in a little bit closer and somebody lives in the building it appears there's stairs leading up to the second floor it's a little bit creepy there there's actually like secret stairs that lead up to the second floor I the only way he'd Knight and how he accesses those stairs I'm not really sure but let's start from from the end here all right here's some of the vending machines which is creepy yeah this is a little bit creepy stuff like that got giant with a chocolate covered beetles yeah this is really pretty random ah Odin in a can yakitori in a can oh my lord 400 I guess that's the price is down there 460 yen right and next to it are beetles so this is this is cutted piece which is a it's kind of like a Gatorade or something it's a sports drink it's a it's a little bit sweet and it's meant for replenishing your thirst right quenching your thirst replenishing the lost fluids from our nutrients also shut up Wow it's cow piss Cal piss yeah so hello hi hello hi thank you for the super chat $5 I'm going to buy something with that money and it's going to be this yakitori I think you would you like to try some of this yakitori I'll watch oh come on all right I'll take ops right here all right you have a I get some cash hold on all right so we're going to go for this yeah key to it can you hold the stick I can I can right I don't know yakitori usually is a little bit better when it's prepared fresh you know at a yakitori shop but this is from a can but when your yakitori shop closes okay this lovely vending machine is your best friend I guess so but I you know I I think that's the price I'm it's a weird 60 yen I'm afraid that it's gonna take all my my okay let's salute all right just a warm no it's cold oh yeah really yeah I don't why would you refrigerate yakitori they at least you're warm all right at least I got my money back I got the proper amount of money so all right let's read the can here all right this has a lot of sodium in it and added caramel color all right all right basically this isn't the healthiest thing in the world for you to eat but it's going to be pretty cool to try some yakitori from a can one more time 460 N you ready for this I'm here dad I eat this too it's red you're gonna have to eat this too oh it's a big snakes gonna pop out of it's one of those joke joke cans gosh ooh oh Lord oh it's like jellied it was like dog food right uh and um is there utensils no wait a minute we get to eat it like a dog wait a minute wait a minute we're we're on the ports is it you have to bring you in for hold on a second wait a minute there's no fork I supposed to eat this I guess yeah look this look inside here and see if there's some kind of place that has utensils I don't see anything yeah I don't it's okay look I think all right something when you're put giving these situations you have to sometimes improvise let's take it over here all right I can't not eat this right look at the gel coming are you getting this yeah that's nasty oh I don't know what what else to do with the oh okay you know it's coming out okay okay that's yakitori from a can okay guys if I die if we die the emergency number in Japan is one one nine okay you why don't you take the first bite me why don't you take the prison stuff all in the camera or you say I'll take first bite oh really okay all right let me just turn the camera around okay just hold it like this all right all right I have treating you like a dog you better better take it because it's like dripping on your expensive leather jacket that's not bad I see you're just you I'm being totally serious it's actually not bad I think they actually rotate this stuff pretty regularly man nice oh man I don't know how to get it out of the can this is gonna come on your ride to get this crap all over my jacket dude I know how to get that why didn't it give you a spoon or something hmm cleanliness because the guy just turn the camera around all right here we go okay I don't think it's a good idea to be in front of this building I don't even know what this building is here alright I got I got a piece ah Christ lucky to be where we can okay here we go bottoms up what do you think sometime right it's on that back it's actually got a nice flavor I was expecting the most vile concoction possible but it's actually quite good it's actually quite good and I'm gonna leave that there haha just for now I'm gonna go back and get out later pick it up a little bit I'm gonna go back and get it later yeah so it's finger-licking good huh what's yeah it's wrist looking good hahaha but actually really good I mean yeah nice nice all right what's next well I I don't know this machine has gone a little it's so random isn't it and for some reason this isn't on force it on sale isn't this little eggs quail eggs how you supposed to get the quail eggs it's weird and just between the more cans of count Kalfas is meat sauce the spaghetti is not even in there is it it's just meat sauce so it's for people that are heading home and they've got pasta at their house with no sauce I guess so nice Sumati silver and super mr. crazy man thank you for the luck at the Super chats we're going to be putting that to good use in this vending machine and these are for the train otaku yeah engage 1300 so I guess it's 1300 yen you can get an engaged train why you would want that I'm not sure but you would go to a store to do it you wouldn't buy it from a vending machine but you have two last-minute gifts what is that like a fishing lure no no no this is a wind chime but why some sort of prophylactic at the top there yeah I know where your mine but Lord popcorn might be pretty cool this is it looks like a really what you see the American flag in there it looks like a really authentic popcorn maker with a kind of like the Keebler elves they do kind of look like the Keebler elves Wow all right dude I think it pops it live I think so I'm going to hold up you just hold this for a second okay we get 220 yen oh man being 120 yen well don't think I might have I have a backup stash of coins I've got some in my coin purse if you like me dude get it okay I got it look at this this is going to be crazy alright alright one pack of popcorn okay Peter's going for it 200 220 en 205 about two bucks us yeah about two dollars for this let's see if it's any good this is just random isn't it I mean like what the heck is look John and I have been in Japan collectively for gosh almost 40 years and we're always finding crazy stuff it's true it's true it's never-ending so basically I think we're over a bunch of old dudes at a vending machine what is that what I'm hiding is all okay here we go we're gonna press the button and I just what's it differently this is a sushi OIG so it's just salt ISU's like a weak weak salt flavor something yeah just push it one in the middle always go for the one in the middle here we go are you guys ready I think it's gonna pop it live-oaks just push the button how does it work oh here comes cook what why is it going over there where's it well it's moving back now where's a cup where the cup got ripped off that's in there oh it's like a microwave thing right it's gonna pop it live I heard this stuff closet cancer look here's a here's a demo piece when one guy and getting one got out this is listen it's popping I can tell you work on a children's show ha ha ha I do I got a kid shut it listen kids it's popping this is our son sounds like fireworks yeah the everything causes cancer in California according to the unbold thank you for that information li appalled we're at intent where it's coming on it's popped here comes a look at the lights on camera look at the light don't okay take it out take it out already yeah go ahead go ahead don't burn your hand oh it's warm it's hot oh it smells like frickin movie theater this sounds like a movie theater it does which is good because it replaces the yakitori smell from before nice nice and there's like something on the top here what to say choo choo II I'll be careful I'll be careful it's hot yeah Chewie let's see be careful it's hot can you see that all right what's on the back hello hi 821 thank you for the super chat from Tacoma Washington Oh from Jim in Tacoma hey I'm from Portland Oregon oh yeah you're you're in you guys are neighbors it's actually good seriously this is really really good we'll try some yeah I just get dumped for semen oh I mean come on where else in the world do you have this rusting antiquated vending machine it's making fresh popcorn Japan I got to go here if you haven't been here already it's pretty goodies with microwave popcorn but you can have the rest of it cuz I read on the internet that it gives you cancer ah alright uh you know I don't I don't know for sure it's on the internet you can't believe that stuff alright this is really really a tasty nice time so and with all this food we got to have some liquid to wash it down I will get to that we'll get to that alright I just want to explore this this this cave a little bit so in here there's more vending machines that go inside this little corner and then over here there's another little corner with vending machines the kind of just random vending machines and then over on the corner corner the side you can walk through there's like seven or eight different vending machines here as well all of them really random and you see these we're gonna get to that in a couple of minutes but these boxes I get a lot of questions for that so and I'm gonna go back to it I'm gonna leave a popcorn trail just case we get lost okay he's leaving a popcorn trail in case we get hijacked or not well Joan stairs oh wait hold on second says that there's three different tastes of popcorn oh wait so this this popcorn machine we bought has one flavour and it's if the arrow here is pointing and says there's a vending machine with three different tastes of popcorn so we went to the wrong one we go to the wrong one well this one it looks like the same machine we're in a really dark side and this one is more high-tech this one has salt which is the one we bought this one also has solved and this one has wait a minute it says that they had different Oh it says it's all salt on this sciences they're all salt okay but the sign that pointed us in here said that there are three different flavors it says there's three different flavors meat Sana'a G got tunnel she wrapped the tennis shoe water popcorn g lombok jianchi so it lied changes sometimes they change the license of these machines all right here off some work I'm not happening put it put it next to the moon a shiitake crony eat it people hungry in the world yeah okay I'm starting to regret bringing this guy that's like a homeless smell to it I don't I don't like I mean he could see us from the windows up there so whoever is the owner of this you can see if it really is somebody's house hmm well not the right thing by utilizing all the space they did it's just it apparently they didn't go to they didn't go to school and learn how to organize you know like flavors so like random you have tways in with drinks in with food it doesn't make sense to me but we wouldn't be visiting this if it was normal right well that's your probably right there again one more time this is what what for those who are tuning in now this is what the vending machine corner looks like it's really random and really weird and I'm joined with Peter who's talking to all of us like he's a children's teacher you do do children's shows right you want to promote that you do TVs for the kids right currently I'm not no wow yeah I'm just doing just voices for TV shows and TV commercials popcorn commercials yeah ha ha brought to you from a vending machine in Akihabara again here's a Hello Kitty water I don't know why you'd want that I've never seen this drink before apparently it's very popular Gobbo know me very popular with the high school kids it's melon cream soda pass them that with canopy for tea look if you get one of those it's a pretty random stuff isn't it yeah now what we got going on in here I'm not really sure hold on I'm a camera so this this is another vending machine one of those I guess you see in the US where they have chips that push out and land down in the receptor receptacle now at the bottom so here in this vending machine there's a lot of mysterious stuff and again it's very eclectic mix of things there's a yakitori in a can again which we saw before and then there's the milk tea and nectar these are stuff that's not in normal vending machines what is that is that a cake chocolate dome that is way ticket that's um that's bread in a can chocolate bread in a can this is a chocolate chocolate penny tone' and it ain't cheap either it's like almost a thousand yen wow that is I don't know it should we go for it that's a thousand that's like ten bucks I don't think about it think about it what's what about these boxes down below here um and these boxes here I see an unboxing possibility all right so hello hi 821 thanks again and Heisei sensei thank you for the donation to our our food binge from Wisconsin thank you thank you low this one has Japanese written on it and each one of these is is a story actually can you get it closer to it um this one talks about a guy who saved somebody's life at a train accident somebody was going to commit suicide and he jumped in and saved the men but in doing so lost his own life and this box is a way to remember him now I don't know this this is a story I don't know what the book is inside was box I don't know this this is another story this is um about a guy who wait oh this is a guy was a president of a company that was a thief and he stole from the pension fund and took all the employees money and in the end he was fired and then he died and they call him the guillotine president I don't I don't I guess don't steal from your employees and but it's on the box and I don't know what's inside the box the sequencing a running theme here really happy to work just very random this story this story is about hold on the guy who made this box met somebody in as an izakaya and he was a thief professional three professional thief who was imprisoned and while he was in prison he told a story about some dude with diabetes and that's the story yeah I don't know so after 35 years of having diabetes or some know he was in the in the pen I think he was 7 years on a Mac and he was in at 35 year so if you can translate better than me and he met somebody with diabetes and apparently yes something about you know that each one has a story I'm we're gonna have to buy it and see what's inside this this one it says it's also a utensil set so you have to pay 1300 yen to get the utensil set this looks like a teeter Hoda yeah that's not cool oh I saw this over here hold on what is that before we buy anything else I have to I have to show you what this one is okay a lot of people gave me flak when I made the lonesome video at Tejada Collinson for eating bear remember that ah this one here is bear curry are you kidding me no oh my gosh what the heck is it's in it spicy - for 1600 yen you get a can of bear curry spicy bear curry yeah it says kuma cutter from hokkaido and between it is a can of coffee two cans of coffee this is cafe au lait and and in the middle is bear curry and why incredible why is that here there's oh den or den is also really look there's another story on a round tin of something yeah all right um I'm not gonna get the bear curry because I don't want to you know upset people so but I think I think it'd be good to get I think it'd be good to get that mystery box yeah let's get one all right want me to hold it together I got my juice yeah okay take that thousand and let's see what we get which one you want oh gosh I know put it in I'll figure it out by the time you hold my popcorn here we go taking it it took it to go away hold on hold on all right so let me let me get your feedback here everybody I'm going to the chats which one should I get which one should we get this box is the story about somebody president the company president who was who was a real bastard and stole the pension this is a box with the story of a man who saved a suicidal person but unlock but also died and this box is about a thief who's who met somebody in the pen who had diabetes which which one should we go for the bottom left we have the suicide guy with the Train the company president suicide guy company president the dead person I see I say 29 that's my that's my Pig because I don't know a lot of Amato and he's brave he tried to save somebody and lost his life yeah that the bastard president is this one and then the thief the thief is here and the suicidal president company frozen oh that's it that this is the president all right um all right I took a pic gosh um I think I'm gonna have to go with the suicidal dude and if it's good then I'll go for another story which I don't want to forget this guy he gave his life to save a suicidal person although I'm very intrigued with the thief I kind of want I'm curious about if I might be like tools to Jimmy cut wire I could use some some like thieving tools right right yeah all right so what do we I'm let's go to suicide guy 29 yeah oh here we go put punching the buttons in here we go 29 and go how do we go miss me yeah it comes this is really exciting I have no idea Oh Arkham say it really is like Christmas this is gonna be this is gonna be rich what is inside this box what is inside just take her out okay what's cold are you cereal yeah so this whole thing is refrigerated yeah this is the story yeah you know what if it's empty that would be really really really bad I let's get let's take it out of here this place gives me the creeps let's go let's go in the away from your heart a little bit you can see the trains going by so it's a popular popular place all right that's nice and warm here I'm going to open it let's open this letter here okay in the Vigrid up is in English no it's not in English we gotta translate it ah oh it's really long don't cook on okuni case it's a riddle well then it's another story about a dude about a 90 year old grandmother Dean hi Bill who got who fell through glass and had to be rehabilitated they're really depressing stories and hope what's inside a little more uplifting all right I don't I don't know I don't know this is really giving bear to wait should we open it okay let's open this car here we go I'm gonna start open it up to the camera so they look at that folks can see it so this is number 29 out of the vending machine which was I heard you been open and they know what it is you saw I somebody just be tuning in was a guy who lost his life all right because he started to save some suicidal guy I don't know I'm just a little bit freaked out because I'm thinking that the guy in the second floor is like spying on you spying on us okay it's a shock chokehold that chuckle but chocolate bat can you see that everybody all right let's see what's inside any weird this was 570 n give me yeah give me the back but Lisa it's you know edible what's all about the story yeah okay okay I guess in that way it's all about the story somebody put some effort into painting that story and it probably had some some some deep issues with yeah I guess that's a way that's a way I wouldn't buy this for how much was this I was 570 and this is about it this is about what 200 yen at most 100 this is about $2 so I yeah this is expensive my night feeling you got your money worth money well I feel like I was buying the story don't you I bought it yeah I'm out of the story you paid for it but I bought the story but you bought the story you believe the story and this is this is a product of that story about it a man in his 50s who saved an old guy from killing himself and and from that store we got a look at this and what was it it was actually at a nearby station yeah and Hachi Hachi novo I just leave it we'll come back for it I got ripped off I got ripped off what are in the other boxes I don't know what are in the other boxes and it's killing me I lost my popcorn yeah that was on the ground me um I don't I'm really curious whether in the other boxes now so I'm gonna put a link I'm gonna put a link in the description that tells you where the location of this vending machine house of horrors is I think that's what this is right isn't vending machine house of wars right there's no entrance fee and there's no entrance there's no entrance free because it's scary here's what's inside the box let's take a look here okay chocolate bats is a few different so like like that's like baseball bat okay the top one there's a there's fought five inside five chocolate bats inside different flavors and peers alright I don't like this building I find comfort in the creepiness of it I don't know why it was a done is that so funny send a monster some deny or net what should we name our you mean this time ah yeah battalion like judo humbug you know solo man okay mystic guys this is the choco bat unboxing get you got chocolate on your teeth what I'm dirty bastard but it's not um hmm how is yours all right time stopped the average styrofoam so the gentleman over here said that nobody lives upstairs here but this is a famous famous place locally and now you know just like the secret shrine this is a secret vending machine I like it but you know what it's the Explorer key stuff that makes what is that cigarettes isn't it no good Oh family how do you make a family if you're wearing one of those oh I don't know but I thought that was pretty funny did you should we do it should we do more your high quality high quality you know do you want a drink or something it's on me I was everything's on you everything's gonna do is I'm eight okay yeah I'll have a drink and then I got to go and I'm sure everybody watching pleased to hear that yeah Peter okay okay if you ever need a substitute for the show I'm more than happy to do it you think he could take it earlier makes one now you did a good job he always does a good job well thank you um all right hold on I get some cash some I didn't get the coins back for the yakitori so tonight I'm going to the Tokyo Giants game at the Tokyo Dome a couple hundred yen pick you to pick a pick a drink okay and we're gonna end this live stream of the vending machine a key how about his vending machine house of horrors that's what I'm going to rename this from this way okay all that Peter said follow him you want more that yakitori is it still there a drink version that's still there yeah let's not forget that it still had a yakitori I know me we'll be back at what are you gonna have I'm gonna get some tea all right Mimi 3000 likes your leather jacket oh thank you thank you wow yeah I like it too it's very comfortable and it's June like it's mid June usually it's very hot in Tokyo now but today was a little bit cool so I thought I'd dress cool okay enough of that okay let's get on with it somebody busted mug home what should he get you I think the people should pick sorry guys paid for this what should Peter the guy with the leather jacket and sunglasses do what like it you know what I'm doing anymore I'm cool with water - it's fun to see a dude in leather jacket drinking hellokitty water or melon soda maybe ginger ale spicy ginger ale I'm okay with any of these between here and here Hey Hello Kitty that's fine it's water I'm totally okay with that my my preference is this this or this but all right I got melon soda melon soda hello kitty hello kitty melon soda Mugi cha hello kitty melon hello kitty it green tea okay the green tea and the spicy ginger Euler out either the melon soda or the Hello Kitty okay ah that's what people are asking for Oh God this does not look good okay Hello Kitty okay be cool with that um it's just mineral water though I thought especially gonna do is this okay we did the weight of the soda the melon soda I was gonna say Moogie choppa you push the button so fast well I gotta oh that's true you're gonna drink so it has a day job give me a give me that trying to take my 40 yen cheap don't say it's a family show ha ha ha leave the garbage for you and now I'm gonna unbox things at the right term unboxing a bottle on cap on cap I'm gonna tap I'm gonna tap my melon melon soda here we go you hear it do you think that color is natural oh my gosh I didn't know if that that's a really up to you give me a thimble in the cap a little thimble shot cymbal fool I'm gonna try it too and I'm not I might put my lips iris that is nasty her hear all that sighs do it on three it looks really I don't want to say but is clear its ha ha ha it's glowing here we go nice for fluorescent glow on the dark melon stuff yeah it's carbonated very Melanie Oh weird that's all sugar right dude that's all sugar yeah under the cap okay well I get like that so uu is a narration gig mm-hmm okay you're gonna be jacked up for that hahaha finish it half the time all right folks there's a shot of a man a grown man adult in a leather jacket sunglasses drinking melon soda you're not gonna see that very often take a screenshot screenshot all right there you go all right thanks Peter thanks guys pleasure and yeah enjoy your tour thank you my hands sticky uh yeah yeah key to leave this with you as well you're not gonna drink it no till yours my treat my treat all right honestly thank you wait dude the only in Japan one more time all right only in Japan is so cool okay all right see you guys all right take care Peter you all right so tell us this is the Akihabara vending machine house of horrors there's there's that did you see that inside the stairs that went up to the second floor the only way to get up to the second floor is to climb on top of the vending machine and get up to these steps and it smells like a homeless person at least that's the breeze that's coming through there it's a little bit creepy and now that Peters gone it's even scarier I don't want to think about what what potentially could happen I mean that's a Kuroda stuff so boy hanumana like they go ahora our own yakitori at the mystery dumbo tomorrow the shore so let me take let me take you one more time somebody living up there honestly I want to the only way to get ups to the second floor the only way to get up to the second floor is to climb on top of this vending machine and climb the stairs that smells like a homeless dude like I think someone is living up there I don't know why I'm I'm a little bit curious about I guess you have to be only way is the climb is spending machine this is a real real house of work look at this it's on its onyx I'm not going up there I'm not going up there I see the comments coming in people would tell him you're gonna have to like super chat me a hundred bucks and then I'll go up there then what does no sign saying not to trespass so nah honey Heights on it some more down border nets she cut them let's cook on the other climate I'll call it I put it boy how could you well we've got the kid on the tile [Music] gee you guys want something else is there something else that you want me to eat I could use a drink I don't want that melon soda and Peter I think he's not gonna even drinking he just probably gonna waste it again like this is the only in Japan Channel you can watch it live so I'm always live streaming on this channel in fact they're only live streams so all in a second somebody called me if you I might go for this peach nectar which nectar here gosh and that bear curry is sort of I'm a little bit curious about that bear curry [Music] so again like right now we're live so it's sort of like two second delay so if you haven't subscribed the only in Japan Channel please do cuz I get some weird stuff coming up and it's all unedited unfiltered which might be a bad thing but it sure is a lot of fun to explore this here is the bear curry it's it's about sixteen dollars though and I honestly don't think I'm going to eat it there's also some stuff that's wrapped up that's a mystery it looks like that could be just sardines or something but because he put a story on it he jacked up the price 190 yen so it's it's $2 more just because he wrapped it and I'm saying he it could be a she this is a little safety something I don't know what the heck that is I don't know I really don't know so again I'll put the address in the description you can hear the trains whizzing by Akihabara station is just around the corner I'm gonna have to throw throw this stuff away I can't leave it here apparently people have though this looks like a dump ah Lazzaro on a house of horror vending machine corner behind me so I hope you like that experience in akiha but I'm gonna walk back to the station tomorrow I have another livestream in Akihabara and it's food-related and I think you're gonna like it and probably going to stream about 11 a.m. Japan time 10:45 11 a.m. Japan time so come back onto the channel watch another livestream here from Akihabara I'm going to walk back to the station find a place to throw it away Japan doesn't have a lot of garbage cans yet you have to throw it away at convenience stores and it just doesn't happen it just happens not to be a convenience store right here at Akihabara I've filmed a couple of up shows with this background the saiga background which won the Japan and India food episode was I'm back here it's live-streaming you walk around with the stick that guy almost got in an accident breaking his neck to look and see what I was doing alright so thanks again for watching this live stream only Japan go channel checking out the house of horror vending machine I appreciate the super chats this channel stays in business for the Super chats pays for the bandwidth because I'm streaming on 4G right now Japan is one of the best 4G networks in Japan in the world it's just not cheap and here I'm going to leave you the last 20 seconds with a view of Akihabara see you next time everybody trash can that was five I you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 215,192
Rating: 4.7060575 out of 5
Keywords: vending machine, akihabara, weird, strange, japanese, tokyo, japan, 自動販売機, 秋葉原, japanese vending machines, weird vending machine, unusual, crazy, wacky, canned ramen, curry, yakitori, can, horror, corner, vending machine area, only in japan, john daub, drink, food, lunch, bento
Id: 61wTXuUpkYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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