Akedah Part I

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hey so long so long from your Dutch Uncle John here to tell you about the Aki da and tell you what it is in Hebrew the word ikeda means the binding and this story is this is the binding of issac okay Abraham is told by God to go and sacrifice his son and this story is is a major story in the three monolithic major monolithic religions it's definitely in Judaism in Christianity and in Islam although Islam they they have Ibrahim and they believe Ibrahim sacrificed his firstborn son Ishmael but otherwise all three of these religions have this story so I'm going to give it to you out of the Hebrew text and see if we can glean anything from there okay so let's get started you remember the Hebrew alphabet I there's going to be lots of themes tinier so you I want to remind you the Hebrew alphabet starts out all of Beit gimel all left was the head of the ox strength this is God's letter if I had to I'm saying all up represents the father and remember I believe that there is this complex unity involved with God he's one but he's in three persons a father a son and holy spirit well a little olive would represent the father in fact the Hebrew word Alba begins with olive the bait is the second Hebrew letter and the the word for son and Hebrews been in Aramaic and I think in Hebrew is ball also his son but the point is it begins with a fate all this is the father all of us bait is the Ben the son and the bait was a house or a tent God came to live in the son when he came to earth okay the third one is the gimel a game oh it's picture is a camel I don't know that how a camel would relate to the Holy Spirit but let we'll move on with that but I did put them into the first three letters in the primary colors because they said that tri-unity involved here well let's go ahead and start on Genesis chapter 15 a little bit earlier here and then they actually are Cabella but in Genesis 15 it says after this the word of the Lord came to Abram his name was Abram at this point in a vision do not be afraid Abram I am your shield your very great reward but Abram said o Sovereign Lord what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus and Abram said you have given me no children so a servant in my household will be my heir this guy Eliezer if you break his name down it begins with L you see al we know is all Islam ed Aleph strong law mad with the shepherd's crook is the strong Shepherd L is referring elohim this is God as or its help so you have God is my helper okay that's interesting because yeah though you know we have a father you have a son Isaac who's coming and you have this guy Eliezer who is the helper notice I put Eliezer in in the yellow so we have the blue father Abraham we're going to have the red son Isaac and we'll have the yellow Eliezer we're going to put him in that position right now if you take any firm his name and break it down it's four letters Aleph Beit race mem if you take the first two letters of his name olive bait that spells all the father if you take the second and third letters of his name bait race that spells bar which is son and if you take the third and fourth letters of his name race mem race mem is the first and last letters of Ruach Elohim just as the first and last letters of Allah olive bait there is the first two letters of Abraham's name the first two letters of the word Sun bathe race those are the middle letters of Abraham's name and the first and last letters of rule Elohim Spirit of God Holy Spirit is race mem and that's the third and fourth third and last letter of Abraham's name so there is a picture of this complex unity in Abraham's original name that's what I'm saying later in Genesis 17 God comes to Abram and says no longer shall your name be called Abram but your name shall be Abraham and I have made you the father of multiple nations okay so you can actually also take his name olive bait this is before we change the Abram Allah is father bait gracious son and then in the word room the last two letters is the word for exalted or lofty so also in Abraham's name is the father of exalted sons the father of many sons which he says here in Genesis 17:5 I've made you the father of a multiple of Nations a multitude of Nations okay so he changes Abraham's name to Abraham by inserting a hey he also then God says to Abraham as for Sarai your wife you shall not call herself name Sarai but Sarah shall be her name and he changes her name by the way the word saw in Hebrew is Prince so the word sorrow as a female ending is princess Sara means princess so look look what God give to change their names we know god's name is the USA voce remember yours is hand hey as revelation vogue is a nail and hey is a revelation your name of a the hand reveals the nail reveals this is is just definitely pointing to Yeshua but what did he did the hey is a revelation and notice God took a it's a revelation it behold something big is coming its grace okay look God here Dave of a he's full of grace he's got two of them in his name and he gives one of them to Abram who becomes Abraham and he gives one of them to suraíh and she becomes Sarah okay so Abraham is lamenting that he doesn't have an heir to leave his fortune to he's gonna have to leave it to his servant Eliezer he's old in age Sarah is also old but they're going to have another child here okay and God promised him a child not another child he's gonna have a child now this there's some very prophetic things happening here first of all you have prophetic things concerning this son that he's promised okay one is his birth was prophesied okay in Genesis 18 13 it says the Lord said to Abram why did Sarah laugh saying shall I indeed bear a child when I am so old if anything too difficult for the Lord at the appointed time I will return to you the same time next year and Sarah will have a son Wow a this child is prophesied and this this child of Abraham by the way it's going to tie in with another promise sign in the future Yeshua Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus the Christ Jesus the Messiah and look at these look at the times be beasts be aware of them as we go through this lesson I think is a type of Christ big-time in ways you've never ever imagined one is Bertha's prophesied in Matthew 134 in the breat had to show the New Testament it says Mary said the angel how can this be since I'm a virgin and the angel answered and said to her the Holy Spirit throughout the the Ruach Elohim okay The Rock adesh he will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you and for that reason the Holy Child shall be called the son of God so a child has been prophesied with Isaac he was named before he was born Genesis 18:19 but God said no but Cherie your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name eat sahak isaac and i will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him so he's named before birth and we also see this in Mathew 120 and we need to consider this behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph the husband of Mary in a dream saying Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife for the child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit she will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins hey wait a minute I don't get it you shall see it as prophesied that you his name will be prophesied or what he's gonna be named Isaac him happen to Jesus but it's Jesus I don't get it he says you shall call his name Jesus us for each I'll save his people from their sins I don't what the connection what is Jesus had to do with saving from the sins just looking at the names you know if he said to me like and you shall call his name Nick because someday he will cut his face shaving I get the connection but I don't get a connection between Jesus and saving from the sins but if you look at in the Hebrew it says she will bear a son and you shall call his name yeshua and he shall save his people from their sins now is a connection because the word for salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua if you put it together if you schewe and a trove the tub is the cross the Covenant so it's Yeshua on the cross that's the word for salvation I get it I get it clever this is what I don't like reading it in English if I don't have to because you're missing so much another parallel between Itza Hawk Isaac and Yeshua is they both have a miraculous birth Genesis 21 one two three then the Lord took notice Sara and he said and the Lord did for Sarah as he had promised so Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him who sell Boreum it's hot Isaac okay in Isaiah 7:14 we also have the prophecy of Yeshua's of the Messiah's birth and it also is righteous it says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel take a little minute or two just to talk about that verse because I a lot of Jews get hung up on that verse or where people get hung up on that verse and there's just some neat things in that verse that need to be explained one is this therefore the Lord this is Adonai this is the word it's just not his name this is his title I don't know okay therefore as an i himself shall give you a sign the word in hebrew for sign is the word oat it spelled olive of cows olive antioch strength god evolved is a nail child was the covenant with the cross you want to sign how about olive love tubs god nailed to a cross there's a sign also it says here the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call his name Immanuel there's that l lv louis L means for fill him in mind you is with us is they shall call his name and what there's no saying his name is going to be Emmanuel they shall call his name is going to be Yeshua and that name Yeshua we're going to call with us is God but that's what that name represents because Yeshua is God and with us is God he has come down and taken on this human form Yeshua he became like us the other thing that that people get hung up on is in 7:14 of Isaiah Yahoo is behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and Hebrew the word is Alma and Jews will stream my heaven Alma means yeah girl a young maiden Alma doesn't mean version and that's correct there is another word for version but batula is version but here it is an Alma is there be a young maiden who's not married and if you're following the law and you're a young maiden and you're not married you would be a virgin yes he's talking to Jews he's writing to Jews this is a Jewish book also there's an example in Song of Solomon 6 8 where he talked about that he's describing his entourage of women here and he said the king is here he got there are sixty Queens and eighty concubines and Alma oat without number and maidens without number well it sounds like there's three categories of people here there are Queens there are concubines and there are all note I'm gonna Sapporo for Alma okay Alma Maiden a mode maintenance so you're either queen which you're married to the king there's 860 of those or your concubine a concubine means you're sleeping with the king or you're a maiden was amazing sleeping with the king I think not if they were they'd be concubines I mean there's two different categories here where there's three different categories but you understand our Baroque they have to be versions otherwise they'd be concubines of the unearned forty concubines or how many out of 80 plus maidens without number okay um what else the games just the idea was reduced to be a sign given okay and as Anna I we said was lured which we hope issuer is the Adonai the Lord of your life you know the believers say Adonai the agnostic says I don't know and the atheist says I deny this is okay escameca Genesis Bereshit 17 if there's an Abraham fell on his ground and he laughed and he said in his heart will a child be born to a man one hundred years old and will Sarah who is 90 years old bear a child this is when God came to him by the way Abraham last in Genesis chapter 17 Sarah laughed in Genesis chapter 18 Abraham last first I know we always hear in the sermons of Sarah laughs at God's promise and she did Abraham laughter chapter before just know that so it frozen surrounded laughs it's a hundred years old he's 99 when he gets this promise okay it's funny because God says huh so you want to laughter you okay well you will have this child and you will name him eat the hawk eats a hawk in Hebrew means he will laugh so now every time God every time Abraham calls this kid thinks of this kid look at this kid he needs to be reminded that he's laughed at God's promised son because his name is evil laugh pretty funny huh if you look at the spelling of his name it's a yulik yulik member has the little one that the the smallest letter and then it's a Saudi a pet and a kouf three letters the realities much we have mentioned the check before check is the eighth letter its gematria is eight and eight and tests represent new beginnings the number eight definitely does truck is up there's a wall is its picture ancient picture so any is a new beginning and I want you to see this the you know for example seven seven is complete perfection you have seven days in the week the eighth day of the week is a new beginning it's a new week right there were eight people on the ark knowing wife three sons and their wives the new beginning on a music scale doremi facility there's an office though there's in a new beginning a new octave you get it okay and the word life itself it's hyeme you know lehayim to life the word life itself begins with a head it's your good mem which if you we talked about this back in probably the the Garden of God's garden in Eden video when God formed man the first word of that verse Genesis 2:7 and he formed notice there's two years in there you at his hand when God formed man and gave him life he had both hands and they're forming it okay um one one more example of the eight being a new beginning you know if you go back and look from Adam to Yeshua that's about four thousand years from yushua until today is about two thousand years they're six and then we have a thousand year millennial reign of Christ coming where Mashiach will rule and reign in peace for a thousand years there's your seven thousand years then starts the eight thousand years that eternity okay God says a day is like a thousand years so we've had six thousand years so far that's six days we have the day of rest a thousand years of peace that's coming and then eternity begins at the eight thousand mark again pointing to eight is new beginnings okay so we owe Abraham laughter God's taught a son he made him call him a.m. he will rise it's a hawk right the other letters in the other set is eight the Saudi is this value is ninety the cool is value is a hundred if you see if you put the kabocha values into each Sox name you'll notice that Abraham was a hundred Sarah was 90 when they gave birth to new life eight God has worked the ages into the parent may have been ages into the kid's name it's pointing out to the miraculous birth that that uh he's having there's also a prophetic level to this and that is remember he named is each rock he will laugh all right if you look at today there is a promise son Yeshua is the promised son and the Jews laughs at that promise son as well what Abraham laughter is if it's kind of funny I have lots of Jewish friends and they will tell you things like we don't know anything in the Bible that's for sure except one thing Yeshua is not the Messiah Jesus Jesus they say Jesus is not the Messiah and you know what I always agree with them cuz I don't we got to stop calling him Jesus his name is Yeshua he's Jewish get it he's Jewish he's not Jesus he's Yeshua Jesus of some pagan creation that we changed the name when we put him in these other clothes he's Jewish okay there's my rant on that but it's funny today Jews will if they need to put punchline for a joke or something they can use Jesus because they know for sure he's not the Messiah see they are he will laugh it's prophetic they're laughing at the promised son okay so now let's actually get to the eat that was the intro let's actually get the Genesis 22 which is the octi da in Hebrew it means the binding okay and we're talking about where's the binding of Esau of Isaac verse 1 Genesis 22 now came about after these things that God tested Abraham and he said to him Abraham and he said your life a good response if God calls you he said take now your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I tell you okay boy there's a lot in that verse let's look at first he said take now your son your only son whom you love you know what this is the first instance of the word love in the Bible and there's a rule of a first usage you should look at what was the first time this word was used that kind of helps describe or teach what that word means we fear with Noah and Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord grace is the first time users right there and it's associated with Noah in fact Noah's name backwards is 10 Noah 10 it's grace backwards so those and this is the first example of the word love in the Bible and isn't it kind of cool remember our less we serve as the father bake is the son Ben devar all this bait if you take there's letters all of fate and put a hay in between what is hay hay is revealed something behold a revelation is coming that gives you the word a hog which is the word love and Hebrew the words love in Hebrew the letters of it spell out the father and the son revealed which that's what we're going to see in this story of this picture of a father and a son and the ultimate example of love so he says take now your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go to the land of Moriah notice he says take your son your only son that word right there is yet he'd meaning one and only absolutely one no other one well that's odd because Abraham does have another son he had Ishmael to his hand his wife and sort of maidservant Hagar fifteen years earlier but here God is using that word you heed and by the way that word yet he'd means one and only one God does not use that to describe himself in the Shema Israel excuse me Deuteronomy 6:4 this is a thing that the verse two Jews recite morning noon and night here o Israel the Lord your God the Lord is one Shema Israel Yahweh Allah hanout Yahweh God here he says the Lord your God is Akkad a hard meaning one he does not use yet he's meaning absolutely one and only God can be the same when Adam and Eve got married the two became a hard to became one so you can have multiple things becoming a cod and God says the Lord our God the Lord is HOD one meaning most is points to the ability for there to be a complex unity three in one God if he said he'd is one and only one and only 101 in one he didn't use yeah he'd but he's using it here for for Isaac okay just keep that in mind when it says that and we see the parallel with Yeshua from John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life there again is the go only begotten son okay and he's going to take him to this mountain the mountain of - Ted - Mariah into the mountains to which he will show him okay well the mountain where it allegedly held this this right here is we're looking at the top of Mount Moriah and there's different mountains around here that are you know the tops of hills this is the one that they assumed where it happened it's the Temple Mount in Jerusalem what you're looking at here on this picture is here's what's called a hotel or the western wall this is the closest place the Jews can get to where the temple used to stand the temple used to stand up on top of this you see the gold dome of the rock that's where the temple up there someplace stood okay the Muslims have sent bills of 35 acres up on top here the Temple Mount and the Muslims have built a gold domed structure on top of it called the Dome of the rock and they also others a silvery dome on the right hand side that's the al-aqsa mosque there's two buildings up there they're big in Islam okay but this dome was a rock Dome of the rock there is a lock inside this building and that rock is the highest point on the Temple Mount that's the rock on which they say Abraham sacrificed or brought Isaac the Muslims say this is where a bream brought Ishmael okay what happened this is where Abraham brought Isaac wasn't on that rock I don't know you know what it wouldn't surprise me because there's a lot of attention to that spot okay okay uh next one verse three so Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and he split wood for the burnt offering and he rose and he went to the place of which God had told him I want to point out this word for he took two young men with him you've heard this story before he got these two young men who's taking with him okay servants how old you suspect these people to be then he's taking with him I don't think there are 10 year-olds do you that's not what I pictured in my mind I pictured a minute or 20s or 30s or for me about 40 thought I don't picture them he's bringing two kids with him okay and the word here is she took two of his naar in Hebrew Nora can be a boy it can be a baby it could be a young man it could be a servant when when the Pharaoh's daughter opened up the basket in the river and behold Hanaa was crying a boy okay in second samuel 16 whenever david gone a short distance beyond the summit there was ziba the Noor of Mephibosheth a servant so it can be you know we always get in our mind that that Abraham is well what would is about a minute okay it says he took I D split the wood for the burnt offering he rose and went to the place which God had told him and on the third day Abraham raised his eyes and saw the place from a distance on the third day so picture was happening God comes to Abraham and says take now your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go sacrifice him it says Abraham rose early in the morning Abraham is not questioned God a little oh my gracious he's going and what is he going to do he's going to sacrifice kill his son so without hesitation the next morning he's up and he's out to go do this you see without any hesitation at all in his mind Isaac is dead I'm let's go I'm getting up early in the morning we got three days to walk I didn't tell you this he didn't tell us on this but in here said in his mind I think is a dead man and for three days Isaac is a dead man because he knows he's going to this mountain to kill and this being dead for three days which is what happened in his mind we see examples of this when Jonah was swallowed by the big fish it says Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights and this ties in with what Yeshua said in Micah hey you Matthew 12:40 he says for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth notice Jesus was dead for three days and three nights just like was dead for three days and three nights in his mind okay but Jesus in the earth by the way whenever he says to him take now your son your only son whom you love Isaac you know what I think we're only getting half the conversation here because it sounds like those repeating himself it sounds like God's repeating himself [Music] pace now your son I can be here imagine it being a dialogue we're just not getting the other side of it God says Abraham take now your son which one your only son I have to the one you love I love them both I think he made it quite clear which son was going to be this sacrifice and let me tell you if you're a Muslim one of your holy books is the Quran I get it but you have other holy books and one of your holy books is the injeel or the new testament and another one of your holy books is the Torah and the Torah says Isaac so you have to either throw out the old your other holy book Torah which I understand you say the Quran superseded but it doesn't you can't change information from it it's just a changing information it says Isaac was the one okay so in verse 5 of Bereshit 22 Genesis 22 Abraham said to his NAR norine I don't know how to say it Laurel no no it doesn't matter and Abraham said to his young man stay here with a donkey and I in the lad will go over there and we will worship and return to you look what it says here stay with the dog he and I and the nor he's calling this kid an are you know Isaac Isaac is not a ten-year-old here he is the young men that are coming along with him there NAR I think is an are also there granted he could be as an eight-year-old non-yellowing could be 20 year old nars but there's there's evidence to be otherwise okay and we'll get to that here in a minute okay um what do you want to go from here yeah we can talk about this because you know this story we talk about in the Torah okay that's even one of the holy books for Islam the tour is made up of the five books of the Bible the first five books right there Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy God instructed the Jews to read the Torah through once a year so what the Jews do is they we talked about this in the in mayor revelation 2 and 3 video they take the Torah they divided it into 54 sections every week of the year they read a section in two weeks they read two sections so they read the whole book here are all the sections in Genesis they break up into 12 sections and the fourth section the four areas cut a part shut the fourth portion the fourth parsha is by era which means appeared okay and this is goes from Genesis 18 1 to Genesis 22 24 and the reason it's called by era they take the first unique word in this portion and that's what they call it and this portion begins with and God and Yahweh and you a vow they appeared to Abraham by the trees by the oak trees and manhua okay but the first unique word and the image and Yahweh appeared so this portion is called a pea it covers chapters 18 through 22 look at obvious that the stuff that this portion covers it's going to cover the birth of Isaac promised it covers the doom of Sodom and Gomorrah it covers lot and his daughters it covers a remember lost slept with his daughters and had the kids it covers Abraham and Abimelech chapter 20 Isaac is born in 21 Sarah turns against a gar and once Abraham to banish or an Ishmael there's a covenant with Abimelech in 21 and in chapter 22 is the academic The Binding of Isaac all of this happens in this parsha notice when God told him take your son to the mountain and sacrifice him Abraham didn't say but God you promised this you promise me that he didn't whine he didn't complain he rose early in the morning saddled his donkey and went you get it Abraham how did you do this when God told Abraham by the trees of the oak trees of mama that he's about to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah Abraham begged and pleaded no you can't do that what if I find 50 righteous people guys okay if you find 50 I won't destroy well Abraham's a little one from five off what if I get 45 guys is okay if you find 4500 destroyed Abraham well what if I did it only 40 and live up to 30 and when this is good 20 and he negotiates the God all the way down to 10 if I can find 10 righteous with your spare the city and God said he would now Abraham is defending a bunch of there are so horrible sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah that God is going to do wipe them all out destroy them and Abraham speaks up to defend them all the way down to guys what if I say 10 of them if I can find 10 of them but God tells him to take his own son Isaac and go sacrifice them any for him nothin nothing comes out his mouth trying to defend that do you understand this is a paradox a paradox a most ingenious paradox you get it so why isn't he protesting or trying to to get a stay of execution or something for Isaac you know if Abraham's going up to this three days of hiking and walking in his mind God has two options one God could intervene and stop the sacrifice Abraham has to think that that's one possibility the other possibility is he goes through with the sacrifice and God raises the kid from the dead now Abraham he has to make an informed decision so the informed decision is he thinks Bad's okay you know back in Genesis 12 1 2 3 the Lord really takes back the Lord said to Abram excuse me go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house to the land which I will show you and I will make you a great nation I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you I will curse and in all and you all the families of the earth will be blessed wow there's a 7 fold blessing he gets from God Almighty and you know what he left his home country and sure enough he ended up in this way and that that he's been promised and yes think you know God is faithful or that he be delivered he can think back to Genesis 15 5 and 6 and y'all and Yahweh Elohim the Lord God took Abram outside and said now look to the heavens and count the stars and if you were able to count them he said to him so shall your descendants be wow that's a pretty good promise and by the way 1560s then he believed in the lord then abraham believed Yahweh and Yahweh reckoned to him as righteousness our eternal salvation is contingent on that verse you believe that how you get to heaven you believe you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you shall be saved now every I'm could have thought back to Genesis 17 and God said no Sarah your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name eat sahak and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him Abraham is going to thought back to Genesis 21 and God said to Abraham do not be distressed because of the lad and your maid is just talking about Ishmael whatever sellers whatever Sarah tells you to do listen to her for through Isaac your descendants shall be named Abraham is forgetting promise after promise after promise about descendants and and it's going to come to Isaac and he's the one he's the chosen one I mean it's just repeat repeat repeat and Abraham has seen God working all this time and you know what Abraham believes God you all need to go sacrifice this kid come on you know what God it's your problem I think this can be kind of Abraham's thinking on this I'm going to do what God tells me to do and God you can deal with it I'm going to just follow your instructions that's what I'm seeing here it's very cool was we said I'll do this right and this is all reiterated back in Hebrews 11 look at verses 17 through 19 this is in the New Testament this is in the Brit hadashah written to the Hebrews to the Jews verse 17 says by faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac on the altar he who had received the promises was ready to offer his one and only Son even though God had said to him through Isaac your offspring will be named so even though he was promised that Isaac would be to Isaac his often renamed he was going to go and sacrifice his son and in verse 19 this brings it all together and Abraham reason that God could raise the dead and in a sense he did receive Isaac back from the dead as I said for three days Isaac was dead in his mind you see it okay so Abraham's going up he's up this mountain and he's got these two options that he knows God has and which one does God choose he chooses option one for Isaac where he's going to stop intervene and stop the sacrifice but he chooses option two for his own son you sure what how cool is that God's not going to ask man to do anything that he wouldn't do himself both options are going to be played out you know what you can try this in also and I think it's this God tells Abraham to get up from this land that he was living and come to the promised land which Abraham does and then he has to offer his son as a sacrifice which Abraham does and Abraham gets rewarded for this and we show you there's a parallel also with Yeshua right except Yahshua actually goes through the sacrifice but here's another example of let's look at Israel Israel as the chosen people and Israel has been the Jews have been scattered all over the world for 2,000 years yet it was prophesied and promised that he's going to bring them back to the promised land well guess what in the last hundred years or so the Jews have come back this promise is happening it's like Abraham being told go to this land Abraham goes the Jews go to go back to your promised land the Jews go you see a parallel there we're going to put with parallel Abraham and Israel then Abraham is told to sacrifice his sons well Israel they have their little Battle of Independence and all as well and it goes well until 1967 and in 1967 you have Syria Jordan and Egypt backed by Russia all three attacking nineteen-year-old Israel all the original fathers of the country they're beyond fighting age right now okay they were around twenty and thirty years ago when Israel is being formed now they're old men well who's going to fight this war against these invaders Israel had to offer up their own sons because the Jewish sons fought this war and they fought back his Egypt and took the Sinai and they fought back Syria and took the Golan Heights and they fought back Jordan and took Judea and Samaria which the news media calls West Bank but we don't we'll call it Judea and Samaria and they took back Jerusalem the capital and they did it all in six days do you see that you see the unbelievably beautiful parallel here that Israel is willing to offer up her sons his sons liveth in the six-day war and God reward them they defeated their enemies they increased their land and their sons came the sons lived God bless Israel whoo you know God has a big plan here there's a plan and it has two parts to it remember remember remember genesis 1:1 of course your number Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the heaven and the earth the spiritual and the physical right there are these two two levels and God made man let us make man bets on a new kinematron you bet so many new is the spiritual side killer mateo is the physical blood and physical side there's always these two levels spiritual and physical god's plan has a physical and spiritual side to it and we're going to see with Isaac if Isaac is sacrificed think of this if I think it sacrificed the physical side of God's plan cannot occur the physical side is a told Abraham I'm going to bless you and through your descendants it's going to be named and the blessing is going to come through through Isaac if if I think gives up here and get sacrificed that whole plan falls apart and on the spiritual side if your schewe is not sacrificed no spiritual side of God's plan can occur God needs the chosen people physical people and they're coming through Isaac and we need our salvation and that's coming through Yeshua and it's sacrifice and both of these have to occur Isaac cannot be sacrificed Yeshua must be sacrificed for God's plan to work ok cool no ok these patriarchs we have Abraham as the father and we have Isaac as the son yes and your eyes it has the twins Esau and Jacob but the name carries through Jacob okay if you want to just point out briefly because we always talk about the father the god of God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob those sweet just go together okay Abraham Isaac and Jacob Abraham Isaac and Jacob Isaac we know lots and lots about Abraham he is the call of Abraham he's fighting these battles or the five kings he's got a story with lot and Sodom and Gomorrah we have the whole aqui da he understand there's lots and lots of stories about Abraham and Jacob there's a lot of stories about Jacob he's selling his birthright or buying his brothers birthright and telling him for stew and he gets the blessing from his father and the wrestles with Yahweh he wrestles with God I mean there's such a Jacob's Ladder going to Egypt and seeing his grandkids lots of Jacob stories Isaac we don't know much about Isaac there's two big stories about Isaac in the Bible there's the ikeda which if you look at it yes he plays a central character but I think he would be given a Supporting Actor Academy Award because he's not the main character in the in the Aki das story and the other one is whenever Isaac is very old and blind and he has to give the blessing to his sons and again Jacob is the is the is the lead character in that one Jacob puts the goat hair on his arm and goes in and lies to his blind father I fix just an old blind man sitting there so we don't get much about Isaac doing Lizzy what is it you know but there's a lot of stuff we can learn and glean about Isaac from what's maybe not in there for example here's a couple examples Abraham Abraham leaves Israel we know Abraham is born in or the cow jeez and at one point is a famine and Abraham goes to Egypt because of the famine Jacob also whenever whenever Esau is chasing him to kill him Jacob goes back and lives in his mother's native land and at the end of Jacob's life he goes down to Egypt to see Joseph and his kids and and the ends of Jacob dies in Egypt so you have Abraham leaves Israel Jacob leaves Israel Isaac stays home I think is born raised lives and died in Israel if there's even a point being made in the Bible that I think should not leave whenever the servant goes to get a bride and Abraham Kell sends him to go get a bride for Isaac the servant says to Abraham suppose the woman is not willing to follow me to this land should I take your son back to the land from where you came and Abraham said to him beware if you do not take my son back there don't you dare take my son back there that's Genesis 24 6 and there's another way in Genesis 26 1 there's a famine in the land and this is different than the one that occurred in the days of Abraham so I think one could Guerrera to Abimelech king of the Philistines and the Lord appeared to him Isaac and said do not go down to Egypt stay in the land of rich I shall tell you then he goes on verse 3 sojourn in this land and I will be with you and bless you and for you for to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and I will establish the oath which I swore to your father Abraham so we see Isaac never leaves Israel if we look at their their marriage state Abraham has extra wives he married Sarah he slept with Hagar and after Sarah died he married another woman in cateura and Jacob remember he had he wanted to marry Rachel and Laban gonna switch on him and stuck the other older sister in and so he ended up marrying Leia and having to wait 7 years and then he could marry the one he really loved great Rachel so Abraham and Jacob had multiple wives and had multiple kids to multiple wives Isaac had one wife Rebekah and whenever Rebecca couldn't have children he didn't go sleep with a handmaid he didn't go find other wife you know what Isaac did Isaac prayed to the Lord and the Lord blessed Rebecca's womb you know it's like Isaac is the perfect son oh the perfect sense yes remember this is a parallel to yoshua the perfect son Yeshua is going to have one bride Isaac has one bride you see this I think is a picture of the Messiah the Messianic you look at Abraham Abraham is he's moving he's Jacob he's moving they're moving there's there's problems is this no I think Isaac is steadfast he's not moving around he sent his roots he is going to live you got it easy to picture you know here's another one Abram Abraham had his name changed he was Abram and now he's Abraham and Jacob had a name change God changed his name to Israel Isaac did not have a name change here's another by the way why didn't I fit what it means why didn't I forget a name change you know why because God gave him the name to begin with you shall call his name Isaac you don't need to change it the other two you know the other two does go ahead you see Abraham and Jacob I think he's seen them growing Abraham Abraham is made a product of promise please any doubts God or whatever he goes to the streets of Hagar and then event okay but Abraham kind of earns Abraham he was Abram but he believed and he believes and he messed up sometimes but he finally he gets it and he's a reward with a new name shameless Jacob Jacob was a shyster at the beginning he's selling stew for in the book right he's putting the goat hair and pulling his father to get the blessing but in the end after wrestling with Yahweh Jacob becomes the new the ideal the Israel he gets the new name no Isaac Isaac is just he's Isaac he's I think at the beginning he's Isaac in the middle he's Isaac at the end get it I'll drink to that [Music] okay verse 6 it says Abraham took the wood so that is we're talking about the abraham and isaac story let's go back to the mountain Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son and he took his in his hand the fire the knife so the two of them walked on together you know what this reminds me of the night that Yeshua he has the Last Supper you see this in mark 14 get a all head over to the Garden of Gethsemane and it says showing in verse 33 and he took with him Peter and James and John and he became began to be very distressed and troubled and he said to them my soul is deeply grieved to the point of death remain here and keep watch so he tells the disciples to stay behind and he went a little beyond them and he fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible the hour might pass him by and he was saying Abba Father all things are possible for you remove this cup from me yet not what I will but what your will be done okay there's this there's the same picture here where Abraham and Abraham leaves the two servants and just it's Abraham and Isaac alone this is a long time going up the mountain and you see the same thing here under God M&E he chose the disciple was laid behind dad and I have things to talk about that's what happened there these parallels are endless okay and it says Abraham took the words of burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son in John's 1917 and Jesus bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of the skull which is called in Hebrew Golgotha so they're both Jesus and Itza huh they're both carrying the wood to their own sacrifice you see in this okay verse 7 Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said My father and he said Here I am my son and Isaac said and he said Behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering Abraham said God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering my son so the two of them walked on together okay uh yeah I have it here in the in the Hebrew - you can see the word lamb is Shaw shin-hey okay um now but Lee says God Himself will provide the lamb what an odd phrasing there that God Himself will provide the lamb he's a mind we know from issue yahoo 53 Isaiah 53 this is an extremely messianic prophecy in fact many Jews who read this think hey this is New Testament we don't we know this is Kanak Isaiah 53 verse 7 and is talking about the suffering servant Yeshua I mean a mushiya ben Yosef Messiah Ben Joseph the suffering Messiah verse 7 in Isaiah 53 it says he Messiah was oppressed and he was afflicted and he did not open his mouth like a lamb that is led to slaughter like a sheep that is silent before it's Shearer's so he did not open his mouth you know Isaac's going up the mountain he's not screaming and yelling and whatever he finds out there's no sacrifice like a lamb to the slaughter and it's tying it into here that the Messiah is going to be like a lamb led to the slaughter fit and in John 1:29 when Jesus comes to be baptized the next day John the Baptist sees Jesus coming to him and he says behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in relation 14-4 they're talking about 144,000 these are the ones who have not been defiled by women for they have kept themselves chaste these are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes this lamb this picture of a lamb Abraham says the Lord Himself will provide a lamb there are other examples of this lamb showing up pointing to issue ax is that maybe one of the coolest ones is Jesus himself in John chapter 8 a certain verse 31 and this is going to be as quite a few verses here but he's kind of arguing the Pharisees you arguing with him and he's quoting his own and then one back and forth and Jesus is saying to those Jews who had believed in him he's talking to the ones who believed in him if you continue in my word then you are truly disciples of mine and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and they answered we are Abraham's descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone how is it you say you will become free they're arguing with them or you're telling us the truth will set you free we're not with younger slaves whities why are you saying those movies siffredi Jesus says to them truly truly I say to you everyone who commits a sin is a slave to sin the slave does not remain in the house forever the son does remain forever so if the son makes you free you will be free indeed he says I know you are descendants of Abraham yet you still seek to kill me because my word has no place in you so they're claiming the superiority because there are descendants of Abraham and he's telling him your defense of Abraham but you're still seeking to kill me he says I'm speaking things I've seen for my father therefore you also do the things that you heard from your father they answered and said Abraham is a father and he jesus said if you were Abraham's children then do the deeds of Abraham but as it is you're trying to kill me a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God this Abraham did not do Jesus goes on you were doing the deeds of your father they said to him we weren't born in fornication we have one father God they're kind of been a little stab jab in there because Mary and the Immaculate Conception Joseph wasn't married to her and you know saying it's a looting to the fact that means a bastard that's what there are thing here but we were born in fornication we have one father God and Jesus said to them if God was your father then you would love me for I proceeded forth and have come from the father God for I have not even come on my own initiative but he sent me why don't you understand what I'm saying he says it's because you cannot hear my word you are of your father the devil and you want to visit desires of your father he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him whenever he speaks a lie he speaks from his own nature for he is a liar and he's the father of lies but because I speak the truth you do not believe me which one of you convicts me of sin if I speak truth why do you not believe me he who is of God hears the words of God for this reason you do not hear them because you are not of God remember it is Jesus talking to the religious leaders of the day here the Jews answered and said to him do we not say rightly that you are a Samaritan and have a demon and jesus answered I do not have a demon but I honor my father and you dishonor me but I do not seek my glory there is one who speaks and judges truly truly I say to you if anyone keeps my word he will never see death then the Jews said to him now we know you how to demon Abraham died and the prophets also and you say if anyone keeps my word he will never taste death surely you are not greater than our father Abraham who died the prophets died to whom do you make yourself out to be and jesus answered and said if I were to fight myself my glory is nothing it is my father who glorifies me of whom you say he is our God and you have not come to know him but I know him and if I say that I I know him I would be a lawyer like you but I do know him and I keep his word your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad I'm going to read that one again look at verse 56 John chapter 8 Jesus is telling the Jews your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad so did you said to him you're not even yet 50 years old and you have seen Abraham and Jesus said to them truly truly I say to you before Abraham was born I am boom therefore the they picked up stones to throw at him but Jesus hid himself on out of the temple Wow do you hear what Jesus said they're truly true that I said to you before Abraham was born I am I am that's what when Moses asked the burning bush what is your name I am that I am a assure area when you were Jesus answers back to everything excuse me when he answers back before Abraham was born I am he's claiming to be God and claiming to have known Abraham from 3,000 years earlier or 2,000 years earlier look at I said in here you know what Abraham Jesus Yeshua has every right to say this look here here's some tions Isaiah HD audio 41 8 but you Israel my servant my servant Jacob who might have chosen descendant of Abraham my friend okay so Abraham is a friend it's saying here if you've seen my revelation 2 and 3 video it explains the whole thing with you know we are born enemies of odd and then we want to become servants and then we want to become friends then we want to become heirs and then we become the bride it's a okay so nearly each claiming Abraham is a friend of his in James 2:23 and description was fulfilled which says and abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness remember less diverse that all Christianity hinges on faith alone the Genesis 15:6 that James is quoting here and he Abraham was called the friend of God this is important everyone more John 15 12 to 15 this is Jesus talking this is my commandment that you love one another just as I have loved you greater love has no one than this that one lay down his life for his friends you are my friends if you do what I command you no longer do I call you servants for the servant doesn't know what his master is doing but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you you see that whenever you're a servant you don't know what the boss is up to but if you are a friend of the boss the boss tells you what's going on and this is what Jesus is telling he's saying anything that I hear if you're my friend I'm telling you what I hear from the Father I pass on to you now why is that important here because whenever Abraham says the Lord Himself will provide a lamb to understand what's happening right there abran God is showing Abraham the future he's letting Abraham in on a secret you're going to see it even clearer in a moment the 3rd of verse 9 Genesis 22 then they came to the place of which God had told them and Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood and Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son verse 11 but the messenger of the Lord called to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham and he said here my my goodness that's pack your stuff you know let's go Abraham Abraham he calls his name out twice ok there are seven times in the Bible that someone's name is called out twice this is just a little thing I'm throwing in to show you Abraham Abraham he said here am I in Genesis 46 to Jacob Jacob Jacob said here am I in Exodus 34 Moses Moses and he said here am I in 1st Samuel 3:10 the Lord called out as other time Samuel Samuel and Samuel said speak for your servant is listening and in the New Testament you have Luke 1041 and the Lord said to her Martha Martha you are worried and bothered about so many things Luke 22:31 Simon Simon behold Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat and in acts 9 for and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him Saul Saul why are you persecuting me it's interesting the first three double name repeats Abraham Jacob and Moses the answer was here lie what do you want God I'm ready what you want even Samuel to speak for your servant is listening that's a nice response if God is calling your name twice if he's calling your name once response there in the New Testament it's kind of why are you worried bother and Satanist permission to sift you like wheat and why are you persecuting me it's it's gotten further away and there are a few other times where a word is repeated in the Bible Jerusalem Jerusalem who killed the prophets from stone those who are sent to her that's Matthew 23 37 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven Matthew 7:21 and another famous repeat is mark 15:34 at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice Eloi Eloi Lama sabachthani which is translated my God my God why have you forsaken me so there's kind of the repeat words by the way you know why he yelled out my god my god you know why you yelled it up twice because you schewe is part of this complex unity he's one of the three he's talking to the other two my God my God why are you why have you forsaken me it's one talking to the other two okay so now the other thing is this it says that this messenger of the Lord okay the angel you're like a lot of these Bibles are saying that the angel of the Lord calls him from heaven Abraham Abraham and he said here am I this angel of the Lord the actual word here is the malach Yahweh okay Malik is is the messenger okay it could be an angel can be if it's not an angel like we think of the angels you know this is you're ready this is none other than Yahweh your schewe this is this is we call a Christ often II I think it's called a christophany he shows up it's just Jesus Yeshua Yeshua HaMashiach shows up in the Old Testament he showed up at the oak trees of in mom row when he was talking to Abraham that was good hey Bob hey we already said that's Yeshua the hand reveals the meal reveals okay we see it here he shows up we see it in wrestling with Jacob Jacob wrestled with the messenger of the Lord this is a yeshua this is the one who showed up to Samson's mother and dad and promised these that have a son because they said we have seen God we're surely going to die okay it was Yeshua it's Jesus it's God it's there it's that complex unity so this messenger of the Lord says do not stretch out your hand against the lab and do nothing to him for now I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your son your only son from me the AngelList is inferring that he's that he is Yeshua or that he is some some God part of a complex unity he says now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld your son from me he's speaking as if he's part of this complex unity any handers that were not again okay again I don't think I don't think Isaac was a 10 year old okay first of all if you look at Genesis 22 6 it says Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son and the two walked on together okay well he's making it an 8 year old carry wood up a mountain you know he can't do that and here's another thing we know we do know one thing we know that he was he was not older than 37 because Genesis 23 says sterile lived 127 years and these were the years the life of Sarah so she's 90 when she had him and she dies at 127 he's still alive when she dies and he's already going through this so he's not more than 37 years old josephus think he's 25 you know what I think he is I think he's 33 because death hello Joshua was when he went to his sacrifice and because these two boys are paralleling so much I'll just there's no way of knowing that this is not I'm not teaching he's 33 it I'm just rationalizing out loud so there okay Genesis 22:13 then Abraham raised his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns and Abraham went and took the RAM and offered him up for a burnt offering in place of his son oh okay so notice a ram is a ram is caught with its head in the thicket in a thorn bush okay this is a picture of there's a substitute sacrifice being given you see it he got his supposed to sacrifice his son Isaac and all of a sudden a substitute shows up and the substitute has his head and his horns caught in a thorn bush keep that in mind the thorn bush by the way thorns represent sin when Adam sinned and he's thrown out of the garden and God is going to curse the ground and it's going to bring forth thorn and thorns and thistles because of Adam's sin okay so we have a substitute sacrifice showing up and a thorn bush there's three two it says the angel the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush and he looked and you know the bush was burning with fire yet the bush was not consumed this is when Moses goes up on Mount Sinai he sees the burning bush and he goes up to investigate and he gets there in the bush it's a fire in a bush and God says to him to take your shoes off you're on holy ground so he's in the presence of God here okay and this picture noticed that this picture is a picture of God God has two aspects to him his judgment he has to punish sin yet he's mercy he doesn't want to punish he loves us so as you put the two together there's a fire in the bush the fire is God's judgment but the bush is not consumed that she's mercy we are the thorn bush we are full Finn God wants to live inside of us which is a roaring raging fire he will consume us if he lived inside us but he doesn't have to okay now let's put them all together go look at Genesis 22:13 Abraham raises up eyes and behold a ram caught in the thicket by storms then we look at Exodus 3 - we have God showing up in a thorn bush and then you come to the new testament the Brit hadashah mark 1517 and it said they dressed him up in purple him being Yeshua and after twisting a cloud of thorns they put it on him notice in the Old Testament we have a substitute showing up in the thorns we have God's showing up in the thorns and in the Testament Yeshua he's showing that here's the substitute sacrifice and he is God he shows up in the crown of thorns how cool is that okay Genesis 22 14 Abraham called the name of that place the Lord will provide as it is said to this day in the Mount of the Lord it will be provided a Yahweh Jireh in the mount the Lord will provide sometimes in the Christian churches they'll say Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider in Hebrew Yahweh UROC the Lord our provider and that's what Abraham named the place okay because Abraham provided our God provided a substitute sacrifice you know we're going to wind it up here in one juice in two parts because this is this is an incredible video topic anyway on with the video but you know God rewarded Abraham when he said to Isaac the Lord Himself will provide a lamb five minutes later God did not provide a lamb God provided a ram with his head caught in a thorn bush that's not what Abraham was talking about there's a difference between a ram and a lamb God shows him the whole big plan of salvation oh my god I'm going to send my own son down and I'm going to sacrifice and he's not going to be like the one that I'm sending you up to do where I'm going to stop the sacrifice no this one I'm going to carry it through my son is going to take care of the spiritual needs your son is going to take care of the physical put knees of my plan you see it it's so cool that guys are teaming on a secret and why Abraham's a friend he tells a friend what things I used to do a friend knows what is what his father is doing Jesus tells us he's a friend and it's Jesus himself it's the Melek the Mallick Yahweh's the messenger of the Lord is down there talking to Abraham and stopping him from this it's Jesus himself it what a cool concept that he knows what's coming in the future Jesus does and he's there sharing it with Abraham Abraham this is why I did this this is why you having to go through this because we're going to act it out in the future and you're seeing the picture and all right I'm going to be that Lamb of God and that's why Abraham said the Lord Himself he's talking to the Lord Himself the melody away the Lord Himself will provide a lamb and so in a ram is provided there was nothing to do with what Abraham was talking about that's a completely different extra bonus God threw in here here's a ram is that's too cool huh all right you know what we're going to wind it up right here god bless for watching and listen you've got to watch part two of this because we started talking about that complex unity with Abraham and as a father and Isaac at the Sun and we had this third character Eleazar God is my helper remember the the servant character oh my goodness way do you see how that's going to winding tie into this plus there's so much more hidden here in the al-khidh r so god bless we'll see you in part two see you soon bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 18,289
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Akeda, Akedah, Binding of Isaac, Isaac, Binding, Dutch Uncle, Abraham Isaac, הערדה, יצחק, אברהם, Abraham, Trinity
Id: _OGIMZD1ytk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 23sec (5483 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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