The Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here with a little tanakh talk covering four verses in the book of daniel chapter nine starting in verse 24 70 weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression to make an end to sin to make atonement for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place notice there are seven things that are to occur 70 weeks from daniel's prophecy daniel's prophecy by the way is going to be 600 and 700 years before jesus before messiah before yeshua okay so this prophecy is 700 years early earlier and it says in 70 weeks these seven things are going to happen finish transgression make an end to sin wow did sinning end 70 weeks after daniel prophesied this no sinning goes on and on and on is still going on today to make atonement for iniquity bring in everlasting righteousness no we don't have everlasting righteousness hasn't okay the seal of vision and prophecy no to anoint the most holy place the most holy place is the temple and let me tell you it's not even there so if just on first glance these seven things have not occurred did not occur 70 weeks uh after daniel made this prophecy but let's go on first of all the word weeks in hebrew is shabua which notice has an ion in it and shabua which we translate to be weeks is actually a period of seven fill in the blank seven days is a shibuya seven weeks is a shabua seven years is a shibuya in english we have a decade we deal in tens in english and so three decades 30 years the jews don't deal in decades they deal in shabaweem which is seven year periods all right that's important for this verse because we're not talking about seven weeks as in seven day periods we're talking about seven weeks of years okay so uh okay so 70 weeks that would be 77s that's 490 years okay well that changes things quite a bit but even still from daniel's time when he wrote this if you jump ahead 490 years sin did not end atonement was not made the holy place was not anointed all these things everlasting righteousness had not begun yet so there's still something more we have to to look at and we're about to verse 25 the prophecy continues so you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem until messiah the prince there will be seven shaboom and 62 shabum it will be built again with plaza and moat even in times of distress okay this helps a lot with this prophecy because now daniel's saying this this prophecy doesn't begin today the day that i'm writing it this prophecy is not going to even start you don't start counting until the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem ah okay so daniel writes a prophecy and says this is in 490 years all of these things are going to happen but don't start counting the 490 until somebody issues a decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem that's huge okay and whenever that decree is made from that point until the messiah there will be seven shaboom that's 49 years and 62 shaboom that's 434 years that's 480 483 years total from point a to point b until the messiah all right and remember there's 490 years total in this prophecy for all of these things to be accomplished okay so uh 69 shabum that's what we got seven and 62. uh uh shaboom members seven years and then we're gonna multiply it each year's 360 days we have to use hebrew calendar day years right we can't use 365 and a quarter days because god uses 360 day years so from the decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem until the messiah the prince there will be a 173 880 days all right so 25 verse says from the issuing the decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem well there was such a decree the uh the persian leader artist xerxes longimanus uh this decree is made in nehemiah 2 verses 5 through 8 verse 17 verse 18. uh this this is a huge thing you know nehemiah wanted to go back and rebuild his city and the the that the jews wanted to return wanted to return remember they were in exile for 70 years and on march 14th 445 bc arctic xerxes longemanis made a decree yes go back and restore and rebuild jerusalem tick tick tick tick tick tick the clock starts right there on march 14th 445 bc and if you count 173 thousand eight hundred and eighty days from that point it comes up to april sixth thirty two a d which is luke 19. this is the messiah yeshua's triumphant entry into jerusalem and it says between these two events there will be seven shabuam and 62 shaboom okay well if you count from march from 445 bc until 32 a.d that's 476 years and now we're using our years because we're using our calendar dates here times 365. that's 173 740 days you also have to adjust between march 14th until april 6th that's another 24 days thrown in there and there are leap years in those 476 years uh there are 116 leap years leap days which comes to a total of 173 880 days so from the decree until messiah's triumphant entry was 173 880 days daniel prophesied to the day when messiah would come and let me tell you if yeshua is not the messiah then daniel lied and that lie is in the tanakh and there cannot be any lies in the tanakh yeshua has to be has to be because that decree was made by artaxerxes and the clock has to start ticking the 69 shabooms right then and there there cannot be any other messiah because it's it's past okay then it says after 62 shaboom this is verse 26 so remember there were seven shabu and 62 shaboom then messiah the prince okay so the messiah prince came it was a triumphant entry in 32 a.d then after the 62 shaboom messiah will be cut off and have nothing well yeshua was cut off he was crucified that second line fulfilled third line and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary and its end will come with a flood even to the end there will be war desolations are determined okay so after messiah is cut off after messiah is crucified it says that somebody is going to come and destroy the city jerusalem and the sanctuary the temple who who's going to destroy this well we now from in this year we can look back we already know who destroyed this city in the sanctuary it was the romans right in 70 a.d they got tired of putting up with the jews and the jews were not assimilating so they went in they destroyed jerusalem they destroyed the temple they burned it to the ground and they scattered the jews all over the world so we know who the people the people of the prince who is to come this prince who is to come who's that that is one of the names of antichrist okay and it says the people of the peop of the prince who is to come will destroy the city in the sanctuary that's unbelievably telling we know who the people are who destroyed this city in the sanctuary it was the romans so you could read it here and the romans of the prince who is to come and the romans of the antichrist will destroy the city in the sanctuary right what people destroyed jerusalem in the temple the roman empire the prince who is to come is antichrist and he is of the people who destroyed jerusalem and the temple antichrist will come from the revived roman empire got it so we don't know who the antichrist is but we know he is coming and he's gonna you know rome has been like an eternal uh this uh battler against the jews okay they destroyed the city in the sanctuary they scouted the jews all over they crucified yeshua the messiah and by the way we're not blaming the roman empire because the jews were just as they both have blood on their hands okay yeshua jesus died for jew and gentile so we're not picking on the roman empire we're not picking on the jews we're picking on everybody right jesus died for everybody and both had to have their fingers bloodied in this okay but there is this is daniel's way of letting us know that the antichrist he's not coming from australia he's not coming from south africa he's not coming from kyrgyzstan he's not coming from peru okay he's coming from the roman empire he's coming from the people who destroy the city in the sanctuary daniel 9 27 says and he the prince who is to come antichrist will make a firm covenant with the many for one shabua well you know what what's this one shabua remember the beginning of this prophecy said 70 shabua will happen until all of these things are going to occur everlasting righteousness an end to sin anointing of the temple okay the most holy place all of those things have to occur at the end of 70 shabua shabaweem and we've already gone 69 shabaweem until messiah is cut off we still have that 70th week the 70th shabua when does that where is that one okay and it says that the antichrist will antichrist hasn't shown up yet so that 70th shabua has not happened yet there was a break after messiah is cut off things are put on hold how long i don't know until the fullness of the gentiles come in and then because we're now in the the church age and when when all the gentiles who are going to be saved are saved then rapture and then you have this seven year tribulation period right where antichrist comes on the scene and here's verse 27 describing what he's going to do during that seven year tribulation and the prince who is to come will make a firm covenant with the many for one shabua so antichrist is going to come and make some kind of agreement a deal with the jews that's the many for one shabua one seven year period and i think the deal is going to be something like listen antichrist he's going to hate the jews because he's ruled by satan right all right here's the deal jews listen you guys want your temple how about we'll let you build your temple and you give up all your nukes because we're all going to just live in peace i'm the he's not going to say i'm the antichrist right he's the he's the new savior of the world and you can see my goodness the world is on fire right now this is the perfect time politicians don't know what to do i can see uh you have a rapture anytime soon and you have the christians gone in a rapture and everybody who's left is the crazies who are destroying this planet right now including a lot of politicians and none of them know what to do and you got an antichrist character showing up saying hey i have a solution i will bring world peace and everybody's going yes yes get whatever you want because they they want to get the responsibility off of them okay an antichrist is going to say okay well we got this problem in the middle east and we got this problem with the jews and jews listen we all want to we just all want to live together we want to all have peace give up your nukes and uh and and we will let you build your temple and you can do your sacrifices and everybody will live in peace kumbaya right that's what's going to happen but right now antichrist hasn't shown up so we haven't had this 70th shabua yet the 70th and final one but it says and he will make a firm covenant with the many for one shabua but in the middle of that shabua at the three and a half year mark he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering so he must there's going to be another temple because the jews can only do sacrifices at a temple so antichrist is going to allow another a new temple and he's going to put a stop to the sacrifices that means the sacrifices must have resumed right and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate even until a complete destruction one that is decreed is poured out on the one who is made who makes desolate so there's going to be some some antichrist character making a seven year peace covenant with israel their temple will be rebuilt they will resume sacrifices and you know what i can see after three and a half years of sacrifices just imagine the the tree huggers and the peta people and the the animal rights lovers and all these people who are going to just go crazy because jews are sacrificing animals because jews are sacrificing animals right and so antichrist is going to put a stop to the sacrifice and grain offering and then comes this uh desolation uh abomination of desolation this is where antichrist at three and a half years he's going to renege on his deal with the jews the jews will have already given up their weapons and he's going to stop the sacrifice and it says antichrist he's going to march into the temple and declare himself to be god and where is that temple going to be it's going to be on mount moriah the temple mount the very spot where god almighty said this is where i want my home this is where i will reside with my people that's why the temple mount is such a powder keg this is where satan is residing now and he just he is of all the places satan could have his little temple he he wants to have it right there where god said this is where i am going to have my home my house and this abomination of desolation that it talks about here in daniel 9 27 jesus refers to it in matthew 24 and the brit hadashah starting in verse 18. it says therefore and jews pay attention to this one it says therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let the reader understand then those who are in judea must flee to the mountains whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak but woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days but pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the sabbath for then there will be great tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will and unless those days have been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short i told you there's going to be this seven year period as tribulation period and halfway through antichrist goes into the temple and he declares himself god that is the abomination that brings desolation for for satan a satan infused human to go in and claim that he is god in the very spot where god said he is going to live you know that's the abomination that brings desolation things are going to be destroyed that's going to bring in the great tribulation the second half of the seven year period the three and a half years and that's when balls of fire come down from the hit the earth that's when the seas turn to blood i mean it's this is where god is throwing everything he has at the earth and it will end in the second coming this is not the wrath the rapture happens before this tribulation the second coming happens at the end of the seven years whenever antichrist has jerusalem surrounded and the jews have nowhere to go and the jews are finally finally they will call on the name of the lord yeshua yahweh yeshua save us and that's the second coming and jesus comes back and he destroys all the enemies and sends them all to hell who are attacking antichrist and all his nations who have come against the jews jesus will walk into jerusalem the jews will say where did you get those holes in your hand and yeshua jesus will say i got them in the house of my friends and then jesus sets up the thousand years the thousand-year reign of messiah beautiful picture and you know what happens after when jesus comes back that second after that second coming after that this uh that that seven year period that tribulation period that is the 70th week of daniel's prophecy and it says 70 weeks have been decreed for your people in your holy city to finish transgression yes after that tribulation period when our antichrist and everybody sent to hell and we the believers come back with yeshua there will be no more transgression it will there will be an end to sin we are now going to have the thousand-year reign of messiah of peace to make atonement for iniquity actually that one did get fulfilled whenever yeshua that's the only one of the seven that did get fulfilled he did make atonement on his first coming the fourth thing to bring in everlasting righteousness yes we have a thousand year peace and an eternity with with yeshua with yahweh seal up vision and prophecy and anoint the most holy place here's the fourth and final temple comes down and it will be anointed so what happens between the 69th shibuya that's when messiah got cut off and the 70th is shabua that's the tribulation period what happened there's the 69th shibuya and ended 2000 years ago and the 70th of shabua is not going to happen until antichrist comes the book of acts describes the first 30 years the seven letters to the seven churches in the book of revelation revelation two and three describe the next two thousand years the church age and we're awaiting the rapture the harpazzo when yeshua takes his bride watch watch my revelation two and three video it's a beautiful picture of pointing to the rapture how the jewish wedding how it all ties together okay god bless we'll see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus and we do know that antichrist is going to come from the roman empire keep that in mind and the roman empire doesn't mean italy and it doesn't mean vatican the roman empire stretched all the way up into england i was at hadrian's wall years ago uh it was up in germany it was over in ukraine it was the middle east it was north africa the roman empire was huge okay and the roman empire never actually died there were two wings of it the the roma the western roman empire would died in what 476 a.d and then the eastern was the constantinople and it kind of fizzled out in the 1500s right and uh but it never was it was never conquered by a bigger power so it's going to be come back to life okay um and by the way if you look at roman numerals okay here are the first six roman numerals uh d is 500 c is a hundred l is fifty x is ten v is five i is one the the first six roman numerals do add up to 6 6 6 a very anti-christic number all right and uh just for interest the pope who happens to be in charge of a religion based in rome um his one of his titles is the vicar of the son of god a vicar is someone who is in place of right uh a i'm traveling uh people travel vicariously with me they're sitting at home looking at my pictures okay a vicar is in place of the son of god and his title is vicarius phillier day and that title in roman numerals uh vicarious the v is five i is one c is a hundred i is one v is five uh in philly a i is one l is 50 i i is one one day is uh the d is 500 and the i is one but if you take all the roman numerals in his title vicarius philia day this is the pope's title they also add up to 666. i don't believe the pope is antichrist but there is a there is a spiritual there is a spiritual uh leader uh remember god has father son spirit satan copies god satan will have a father-son spirit satan being the father position anti-christ being the sun position and you have a false prophet a religious leader who points to antichrist and says this is god and that's what you finished that sentence okay so thanks for watching to god be the glory to god be the honor to god be the praise wasn't isn't that the most spectacular prophecy i mean he to the day when messiah would arrive love it okay god bless we'll see you soon bye bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 17,493
Rating: 4.9079905 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel, Antichrist, Prophesy, Prince who is to come, Rome, Roman Empire, temple, sanctuary, 70, Seventy, 70 weeks, shabua, shabuim
Id: uW_pdndqSZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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