Chuck Missler - The Akedah - Genesis 22 ( God asked Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac )

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[Music] well good evening and welcome to our study of the akida we have an unusual study on the word of god and whenever we do that we always want to invite him to accomplish his purpose we wouldn't presume to guess but there is a purpose in your watching that god has that's the reason we're together right now so let's ask him to bless it father we just thank you for this time together we thank you for your word we thank you for this opportunity to learn more about you and what you would have of us in response as we commit this hour and ourselves in the name of yeshua our precious lord indeed amen okay well we're going to explore what's called the akida in hebrew it's it's actually a study of primarily genesis chapter 22 and this is the famous episode of abraham's offering of isaac and one reason we're using this as a stand-alone front-end introductory study is because it's recognized as probably the archetype if you will the ultimate macro code if you will or a type is an anticipatory model where the the the narrative is more it's a historical actual event on the one hand but it carries far more meaning than just the narrative would imply and so that's why it's what we call a type now that's where obviously abraham is challenged uh as a test the test was real he was to give isaac back to god and the test was presumably designed to uh prove his faith uh ishmael had been sent away and now after a long wait isaac was to be given back to god and this event is called the akira now it may not surprise you that this story in the bible has a lot of people objecting to it it's a very difficult passage if you look at it too narrowly and the rabbis have all kinds of objections in the end i have to strip the akidavis literal elements looking at it as story involving a real man and a real son is just too terrible whole concept the father was to take his son and make him an offering i mean that shatters our sensibilities in fact some rabbis even go further on a literal level the text teaches us that the binding of isaac is a test of abraham's faith god needs to know if abraham and his descendants will be able to fulfill their part of the covenantal relationship and yet this answer is so problematic what kind of a god would ask a parent to sacrifice a child as a test it doesn't make sense there must be something more than that and that's just a quote of senior rabbis at synagogues there's a number of these that we could draw upon it doesn't surprise us because if we read this story naively it's disturbing and yet if you take the bible seriously it really happened it's a pivotal event for a number of reasons so that's what we're facing here but let's learn as we go a little bit about hermeneutics hermeneutics is your theory of understanding or interpretation of the scripture in hosea chapter 12 verse 10 god gives us a clue here god says i have also spoken by the prophets and i have multiplied visions and used similitudes by the ministry of the prophets and that's a strange term what god is revealing here is god uses rhetorical devices figures of speech he uses those things to communicate and they're not just idioms they're serious things do you know how many different types there are in the scripture let's look at a few figure figures of speech you might call them you've got a simile it's a resemblance a declaration that one thing resembles another you have an allegory comparison by representation you have a metaphor which is a representation of declaration that one thing is represents another and then you have hypocess which is more a subtle one of those but the one we're going to focus on is a what's called a type a figure or example of something future it's a pre-acting out of a future event in a sense that's called a type and the bible is full of types but we're going to examine the archetype of them all and so do you know how many different types of figures of speech are in the bible over 200 and they're all identified cataloged and identified for you is appendix in some of our materials and of course there's analogies and so forth now what makes this interesting to me as an information scientist this is evidence of design throughout the bible we have what we typically classify as micro codes yachts and titles the little subtleties of of the of the text itself that sometimes reveal something far beyond the first impression i collect those i sometimes called her minutia little things that impact your respect and offer the text itself we'll collectively call those microcodes but we're shifting to something larger which called macro codes and this is it will include among other things things like types and so forth there are also things that we won't be getting into but you should be aware of them called meta codes the dna code as a source of life has huge biblical relevance by the way and the fact that we are in a digital universe is these are all legitimate topics that we derive from the text in broader terms but we're going to focus this hour on the archetype example of of what we call a type but let's take a look at genesis 22 and start to unpack it here a little bit it starts with verse 1 and it came to pass after these things that god did tempt abraham and said unto him abraham he said here behold here i am he said take now thy son thy only son isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell thee of now by the time you get to genesis 22 abram had really learned his lesson there were a lot of false starts and other things that has happened that have happened prior to jesus by the time you get to 22 abraham responds that the very next morning to undertake what god asked him to do but i want to highlight something else when you study your bible you'll discover there's something else that occurs in the text the the theologians call it the law of first mention the first time a word or a thought is mentioned in the bible usually turns out to be profoundly significant and but many people don't realize is that he says take now thy son thine only sin isaac whom thou lovest in this chapter in this verse is the first place in the bible that the word love appears and that i don't want to make a big thing of it but it's subtle but it's something you'll discover as you study your bible the law first mentioned the first time an idea comes up it turns out to be usually very definitive and of course that should echo in your mind john 3 16 and so forth but they're going to go to the land of moriah to offer uh isaac now notice verse 3 the next verse and abraham rose up early in the morning not a day went by okay god that's what you want me to do abram went right to it we need to realize what's going on here and he saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and isaac his son and clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went unto the place which god had told him you know you could not imagine a test that more severe than the one that's just been imposed upon abraham and no obedience could have been more perfect than abraham's so this is a model in several ways we're going to discover i want you to notice though for some reasons we'll bring out later how many people went on the trip there's abraham and isaac and two young men you got that picture four people and uh the donkey and so on now they're going from beersheba in the south and uh they're heading to where what we know today is jerusalem in those days it was salem it was a jebusite settlement and it's a three-day journey by the way and that three days is going to prove to be significant one of the things as a student you might do is in a notebook keep track of all the places that three days show up to be relevant and so and so god had why did god have abraham make this offering in that specific piece of geography that's a three-day journey 50 miles or whatever interesting well we'll go on in verse 4 then on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place so far off that's another phrase you'll be tuned to as you study your bible when they when someone lifted up their eyes it's a way of emphasizing emphasis it's a way of saying what's coming is very significant he lifted up his eyes and saw the place of far off and abraham said unto his young men abide here with the ass and i in the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you and abram took the wood of the burnt offering and laid upon isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife they went both of them together but the hebraic says they both went in agreement interestingly enough now here's a place where most of us are victims of our little sunday school coloring books because we always visualize and most artists presume they see isaac as a child he was not a child he was probably 30 years of age and that may shock you and you'll see why shortly and the hebrew there says they went both of them together actually both in agreement and the image that's being pro projected here is the image of his son who said father not my will but yours be done which will echo from luke 2242 and other places but notice what he tells these two young men they're going to wait at the bottom of the hill the donkey and the two men are waiting at the bottom of the hill abraham and isaac are going up the hill and he says i and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you one of the things you're going to realize as we as this develops is abraham's attitude was that god has a problem god wants me to offer my son that gives god a problem why because god has promised abraham that his son would have children and so you want me to kill him god you've got a problem you're gonna have to raise him for the dead because i know you will because i know you keep your promises you need to it's hard for us to try to capture his mind set there but clearly you'll discover abram had no doubt that isaac would be restored it was that confidence that enabled him to pass the test you with me that turns out to be very very important as we go he says then i and the son will come again to you and so we go on here now i love this one isaac spoke unto abram his father said my father he said yeah here i am my son he said behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering you know isaac wants to get the picture here we got the wood you know the donkey's back down there we need a lamb where's the you know where's the lamb for the burnt offering and i i love verse 8. abram said my son god will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together and in my early days of bible study i always figured that that was abraham giving the kid a stall you know god will provide god to provide i didn't read it carefully notice what he says my son god will provide who himself a lamb for a bird offering and as we unfold this thing you're going to discover that another father will be offering his son on that very spot some several thousand years later and this is all an enactment in advance and you'll discover that abraham knew he was acting out a prophecy before it's all over many people don't realize that as we go here so anyway they both went in agreement okay god will provide who himself i love that and they came to the place which god had told him of abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound isaac his son and laid them on the altar upon the wood and abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son wow see a true worshiper of god holds nothing back from god but obediently gives him what he asks trusting that he will provide do you realize the perfection of abraham's performance here what an example to all of us in our own way and we'll get the heat when we examine the epistle to hebrews chapter 11 verse 19 it'll it'll amplify all of this when we get there now let's take a look where they went they went to a place called mount mariah and we have a profile here a topological thing it's moriah is actually a ridge system it starts about 600 meters above sea level it rises up to about 740 meters above sea level which is the area that we think it was the temple mount and then it but that's not the peak the peak is further to north and we'll amplify this a little bit i might notice that there's a mountain to the left called mount zion there's a tropium valley which is now filled but it was a valley originally and then we have mount of olives to the east and the uh kidron valley between and so to the south we have the hinnom valley and that's that's the area we're dealing with but uh salem is down at the south end and obviously abraham didn't offer him in town he went further north out of town is the point i'm making that's salem was a settlement of the jebs of the jebusites the thrashing form of aruna that later david will purchase is at that saddleback apparently but at the very top is the peak a place where the yakada takes place and if you amplify this that's a place that we know as golgotha and i hold the view for a lot of reasons that's exactly where abraham offered see the the jews have a tradition that abram offered isaac where the temple stood but there's no evidence of that the the indication is further to the north it's up at a place called golgotha but that's a whole other study i won't take the time here let's look at verse 11 and the angel of the lord called unto him out of the heaven and said abraham abraham you notice you always have to tell men twice you girls know that right eli eli you know it's always twice the angels called him said abraham abraham and he said here am i he said lay not thine hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now i know that thou fearest god seeing that thou hast not withheld thy son thine only son from me do you think that was a surprise to abraham no he was being obedient do you think it was a surprise to god do you think he was proving something to god that god didn't know uh-uh do you know who the the receipt of the re receptor of that information is you and me this is to demonstrate to us perfect obedience that's the one that that's that's the performance that's the audience for the performance wasn't people there it's us now strangely and there's more coming and so now it's interesting in romans chapter 8 verse 32 it speaks of he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things abraham did not withhold his son and that's why paul could write here that he did not spare efficiato in the in the his own son but gave it delivered him up for us all and the same form of the greek word same word is used in with abraham in the septuagint thou has not spared thy beloved son in genesis 22 12. that same word is used in the greek there if you study leviticus chapter 1 verse 11 where it gives you instructions it says thou shalt kill it on the side of the altar northward before the lord and the priest there and son shall sprinkle his blood when you're getting instructions about giving an offering you'll notice that it's northward it's outside the camp it's in a clean place this con conforms to all of that in leviticus 6 12 and 10 14 you shall carry forth without the camp in other words outside the camp of israel unto a clean place in numbers 199 and so forth and so it's interesting in isaiah which describe describes the crucifixion of christ it says he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death that probably rings familiar to you he was made his grave with the wicked that's plural but it's not the two thieves it's the location of the grave many people miss that you always think well you're talking about the two thieves no he made his grave the body was buried among the wicked really and he was the rich in his death and what's really interesting about this the word wicked there is in the plural the word rich is in the singular these subtleties start to emerge as you start studying this location carefully and in luke 23 we see that behold there was a man named joseph a counselor and he was a good man and a just the same had not consented to the council indeed of them meaning the sanhedrin he was of arimathea the city of the jews and he all he also himself waited for the kingdom of god this is luke's summary of joseph of arimathea so far are you with me and he's interesting guy he's a member of the sanhedrin he's a disciple of christ he was driven into concealment due to his the plots on his life because he defended jesus before the sanhedrin openly he did that earlier and they had he had they had a contract on him so he's gone into hiding okay his appearance before pilate that morning uh that uh uh morning after the uh uh uh or of the uh uh actually the morning that that evening when he was crucified may have been a shock to the jewish for for for uh for uh joseph to show up to go to pilate to get the body must have shocked the jewish league because because uh arimathea head was hiding say where am i getting all that i'll show you where i'm getting all that after and after this joseph of arimathea being a disciple of jesus but secretly for fear of the jews besought pilate that he might take away the body of jesus and pilate gave him leave and he came therefore and took the body of jesus now this is interesting because in your bible in your king james bible there's an error and i'm glad i'm glad we pointed this out to the isv people and they agreed and made the change it says secretly for fear of the jews that implies that that's an adverb but it's not it's not an adverb it is secreted he was secreted he wasn't just secretly a disciple he was actually formally in hiding and that's why it's such a shock to pilot he he obviously had several we know several things about he had to be next of kin to get the body but the fact that he even had access to pilot tells you he was a heavy not everybody could get the pilot he did okay and of course pilate's amazed he says you've got this brand new tomb that's built for you and your family and you're going to give it to this criminal and joe says oy they it's just for the weekend i just thought i have to work that in i can't okay but seriously moving on here and there came also nicodemus which at the first night came to jesus by night and brought a mixture of merinos and about a hundred pound weight and they and then took they the body of jesus and wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner of the jews is to bury now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new sepulcher wherein was never man yet laid okay be with me so far now if you look at golgotha we know that joseph's new tomb was shown out of iraq adjacent to the very spot that criminals were put to death but she got a got a levitical problem because the grave can't be among it has to be carved out of rock if there's other graves around you see the stony sides of the tomb now of the new tomb the clean place where jesus was laid were part of malefactor's hill but because it was carved in the rock it was levitically considered clean so his body is with the rich man and with the wigan the hour's death so it's it was in arimathea's own tomb his private one and yet it was among the wicked because the the the region there is the male factors hill so as graves the property of rich man yet the rocks which form the partition between this tomb and that of malefactors are themselves part of golgotha okay with me if you've been there if you visited this is what you see now when they present that when you visit there they don't oversell it they they let's say this is just typical but if you study this carefully there are literally over 18 specific specifications that identify this as being the scriptural location i happen to be doesn't mean i'm right but i'm convinced that this actually is i i think most of these things are most traditions are wrong this is one place strangely uh i think this is very legitimate in that tomb and the most important thing about that tomb when you look through there is empty he's risen now the garden tomb as it's called it was general charles george gordon had quite a career he was commissioned in 1852 he served in the crimean war distinguished himself in the taping rebellion in 1860 diplomatic military missions in england and europe 274 governor of the sudan in 1877 he served the british government in india china mauritius and south africa from 1880 to 1883. you with me so far okay he discovered the garden tomb in jerusalem in 1883 and there's this whole story behind that that's well known the point that i want what startled me when i was doing my commentary for leviticus i had the privilege to get my hands on the classic commentary on leviticus is one by andrew bonar okay and so andrew bonar's commentary on leviticus describes the detailed specifications of the tomb drawn strictly from the biblical texts you with me so far what i noticed though is that bonar's commentary in leviticus was published in 1846 in other words 37 years before the garden tomb was discovered and that stunned me because when you read bonar and you see and you know the garden tomb it fits so perfectly it startled me to realize no boner wrote his commentary on it from the biblical text not from having discovered the garden tomb so i share that with you just something that is being be aware of i think that's exciting so well let's get back to genesis 22 and verse 13. and abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by its horns and abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son and abraham called the name of that place jehovah jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen i want you to notice that abraham names the place with a prophetic label abraham knew that what he was doing was acting out a prophecy how much he knew how well did he understand i have no idea but it's clear that he understood that he was a god's pawn here in an enactment of something was yet future and did he know that the messiah himself would be uh given us on that spot i'm not suggesting that and so we've got a substitutionary ram here and a name only relevant and prophetic perspective abraham knew he was acting out a prophetic ritual and jesus would make reference to this back in john chapter 8 verse 56 jesus would later say your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad that's a glib line that jesus pulls off in john 8 what on earth is jesus talking about when did abraham see jesus day it's my surmise that that's an allusion to abraham's acting out this uh type as we call it on on in genesis 22. we're just getting warmed up here hang with me in the mount of the lord it shall be seen is what he labels this place when we look at the commentary that paul writes of the epistle to the hebrews he makes an interesting comment that we need to understand paul tells us by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac and he that received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called accounting that god was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure see the writer to hebrews is pointing out that abraham knew he would be raised from the dead he he counted god was able to rise him up see that that that is the thing when you say what saved abraham it was his belief in the resurrection of isaac strangely enough okay when we get to revelation chapter 5. john tells us i saw on the right hand of him who sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals and i saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof now you and i have no idea what's going on but john understood what was going on he's he said and no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look there on that's an opening generality there's going to be an exception of course now we don't understand what's going on but john did he says i i wept much i sobbed convulsively is what it actually says because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look thereon and one of the elders saith unto me weep not behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david hath prevailed to open the book and to lose the seven seals of it had to be a kinsmen of adam it had to be a man and fortunately there was a man that had prevailed to open the book and to lose the seals thereof john says i beheld and low in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood the lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne the lion of the tribe of judah who is that there's only one person that gets that title in scripture right the messiah indeed the lamb as it had been slain wow well back to genesis 22 the angel lord called unto abraham out of the heaven as the second time and said by myself have i sworn saith the lord for because thou hast done this thing it has not withheld thy son that only son that in blessing i will bless thee and multiplying i will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven and as the sandwich upon the seashore by the way those are two groups but we'll leave that here and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies so god again confirms his covenant with abraham which is from genesis 15 and genesis 17 earlier his descendants would be numerous like the stars on the one hand like the sand of the seashore and some people think there's two different groups there the ethnic ones and this one's by faith and god added another element abraham's descendants would be victorious over the cities of their canine enemies and that was done by joshua in the conquest forthcoming but getting to verse 18 and end thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voice and then we have verse 19. i want you to notice verse 19. we're going to come back to that later so abraham returned to his young men and they rose up and went together into bear sheva and abraham dwelt in beersheva and we'll come back to that verse i've got some things i want to postpone for right now and it came to pass after these things that was told to abraham saying behold milka hath also borne children unto thy brother nehor has his first born was his brother kamil the father aram and hazo and pildash and jidlah and bethuel and bethuel begot rebecca these eight milka did bear to nehor abraham's brother and his concubine whose name was rumah also bear also taba graham so there's a family tree here reports from the east from his family in the east at nehor we'll look at that here in a minute and so uh let's just go ahead i want to skip chapter 23 that's the death of sarah and it takes place the next chapter is genesis 24 and you and i are going to regard this as a continuation of genesis 22. because i want you to notice something here that just in genesis 24 the mission is to get a bride for isaac okay it starts off in chapter 24 verse 1 abraham was old and well stricken in age and the lord had blessed abraham in all things and abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house that ruled over all that he had notice this guy he's unnamed here i'll come back to his name in a minute he said to his eldest servant of his house that ruled over all that he had view him as like his business partner okay he said put i pray thee thy hand under my thigh and i will make thee swear by the lord the god of heaven and the god of the earth that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the canaanites among whom i dwell now so you need to understand abraham is confident in the lord's promise that he has this chief servant swear on oath to find a wife for isaac from abraham's native land that's 450 miles away now he's the eldest servant that's the way he's labeled here it turns out all through the scripture when someone is in the role typologically of the holy spirit he's always an unnamed serpent unnamed servant now what's interesting here here's the case by the time you're in genesis 24 you can go back and look at genesis 15 and find out what his name was it's not mentioned here but you can figure out what it is his name was eliezer which means comforter now is that it is it's you you see the plot thickening here okay and so eliezer's putting his hand under the patriarch's thigh was a solemn sign that if the oaths were not carried out the children who would be born to abraham would avenge the servants on faithfulness and notice that the servant appears to be nameless do you know why he's nameless because of john 16 13 jesus says the holy spirit will never testify of himself let's remember that let's remember that because we're going to run into an unnamed servant when we get into the book of ruth and so forth but he continues giving instructions but thou shalt go into my country and to my kindred and take a wife unto my son isaac and the servant said in a per adventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land must i need to bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest and abraham said to him beware that thou that thou bring not my son thither again now tara's family take a look at this terror was the father of abraham and under terry he had abraham nehor haran and sarai sarai was his sister interesting enough okay she's the daughter of his father but not the daughter of his mother and so she so she becomes his wife sarai becomes abram's wife and the names are changed as you know from abraham to abraham and sarai to sarah the only change is a hay put into it which is a a breath the spirit of god put in there and as you go through this you realize that bethel had rebecca and laban and so rebecca will turn out to end up becoming isaac's wife that's what's going to happen here as a result of the visit that's being organized just to give you perspective if we could go more and more into that but let's not get distracted here lay and rachel are under laban and they of course become jacob's target then so forth but let's get back to verse 7 the lord god of heaven which took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred and would spake unto me and that swear unto me saying unto thy seed will i give this land he shall send his angel before thee and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence and if the woman will not be willing to follow thee then thou shalt be clear from this my oath only bring not my son thither again strange emphasis here and the servant put his hand under the five abraham his master and swear to him concerning the matter and the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master and departed for all the goods of his master were in his hand and he arose and went to mesopotamia unto the city of nehor and so and you can get you follow he received a precise answer to his prayer it turns out as you'll discover of course now these ten camels i think are an interesting clue i believe they somehow linked to the ten virgins in matthew 25 but i'll let you take that on as an ancillary study on your own let's take a look here at verse 11. and he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening even the time that women go out to draw water and he said oh lord god of my master abraham i pray thee send me good speed this day and show kindness unto my master abraham behold i stand here by the well of water and the daughters of men of the city come to draw out the water and let it come to pass that the damsel to whom i shall say let down my picture i pray thee that i may drink and she shall say drink and i will give thy camel's drink also let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant isaac and thereby shall i know that thou has shown kindness to my master. so it's interesting how eleazar trusted the lord to grant him specific leading and so the and by the way to water 10 thirsty camels is a lot of work because they guzzle enormous amounts of water so that's a non-trivial thing and it came to pass before he turned before he had done speaking that the old rebecca came out who was born to bethuel son of milka the wife of nehor abraham's brother with her picture upon her shoulder the damsel was very fair to look upon a virgin neither had any man known her and she went down to the well and filled her picture and came up okay and the servant ran to meet her and said let me i pray thee drink a little water of thy picture and she said drink my lord and she hasted and let down her picture upon her hand and gave him to drink and when she had done giving him drinks she said i will draw water for thy camels also until they have done drinking. and she hasted and emptied her picture into the trough and ran again to the well to draw water and drew for all his camels so that's known as going the extra mile isn't it but boy did it change her destiny and the man wondering at her held his peace to it whether the lord had made his journey prosperous or not it came to pass as the camels had done drinking that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel plate and two bracelet from her hands of ten shekels weight of gold and we could get into the details but that's not critical for us and said whose daughter art thou tell me i pray thee is there room in my father's house for us to lodge in and she said i'm the daughter of bethuel the son of milka which she bear into nehor she said moreover unto him we have both straw and provender enough and room to lodge in and so uh so he had not only had a place to stay but he also had food for the camels and so on and the man bowed his head and worshipped the lord and he said blessed be the lord god of my master abraham who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth i being in the way the lord led me to the house of my master's brethren and the damsel ran and told them of her mother's house of these things and rebecca had a brother and his name was laban and laban ran out unto the man unto the well and it sounds strange but it was the role of the brother to be the negotiator here and it came to pass when he saw the earring and the bracelets upon his sister's hands and when he heard the words of rebecca his sister saying thus spake the man unto me that he came unto the man and behold he stood by the camels at the well and so uh these dazzling presents were increased his haste of course in his interest here and he said come in thou blessed of the lord wherefore stands thou without i have prepared the house and room for the camels and the man came into the house and he ungirded his camels and gave straw and proving there for the camels and water to wash his feet and the men's feet that were with him and there was set meat before him to eat but he said i will not eat until i have told mine aaron and he said speak on he said i am abraham's servant and the lord hath blessed my master greatly and he has become great he hath given him flocks and herds and silver and gold and men servants and maidservants and camels and asses and sarah my master's wife bear a son to my master when she was old and and unto him hath he given all that he hath and my master made me swear saying thou shalt not take a wife to my son of the daughters of the canaanites in whose land i dwell but thou shalt go to my father's house and to my kindred and take a wife unto my son and i said master prayer adventure the woman will not follow me and he said to me the lord before whom i walk will send his angel with thee and prosper thy way and thou shalt take the wife of my son from my kindred my father's house then shalt thou be clear from this thy my oath when thou comest to my kindred and if they not if they give not to thee one thou shalt be clear from my oath so i came this day unto the well and said oh lord god of my master abraham i find out if now thou do prosper my way which i go behold i stand by the well of water and it shall come to pass that when the virgin cometh to draw water i said or give me i pray thee a little water by picture to a drink and she say to me both drink thou and i will also draw for thy camels let the same be the woman whom the lord hath appointed out for my master's son and before i had done speaking in my heart behold rebecca came forth with her picture on her shoulder and she went down to the well and drew water and i said her let me let me drink i pray thee and she made haste and let down her picture from her shoulder and said drink and i will give thy camels also and i drank and she made the camel's drink also and i asked her and said whose daughter art thou and she said the daughter of before her son who milked a bear onto him and i put the earring upon her face and the bracelets upon her hands i bowed my head and worshiped the lord and blessed the lord of lord god of my master abraham which led me in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter unto his son and now if you will deal kindly and truly with my master tell me and if not tell me that i may turn to the right hand or to the left see in that society the woman's brother gave his sister in marriage and that's why laban rebecca's brother was the negotiator of the marriage contract here then laban and bethel answered and said the thing proceedeth from the lord we cannot speak unto thee good or bad behold rebecca's before thee take her and go and let her be thy master's son's wife as the lord hath spoken and it came to pass that when abraham's servant heard the their words he worshipped the lord bowing himself to the earth and the servant brought forth jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raymond and gave them to rebecca and gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things those are called gifts of the spirit baby huh and they did eat and drink he and the men that were with him tarried all night and they rose up in the morning and he said send me away unto my master and her brother and mother said let the damsel abide with us a few days at least ten after that she shall go and he said to them hinder me not seeing the lord hath prospered my way send me a way that i may go to my master. and they said we will call the damsel inquire at her mouth and they called rebecca and senator wilt thou go with this man she says i will go. and they sent away rebecca their sister and her nurse and abraham's servant and his men interestingly enough then blessed rebecca and said unto her thou art our sister be thou the mother of thousands of millions and let thy said possess the gate of those which hate them and rebecca rose and her damsels and they rode upon the camels and followed the man and the servant took rebecca and went his way you with me so far now we get to verse 62. isaac came from the way of the well of high roy for he dwelt in the south country and isaac went out to never mind just about 450 miles he just put behind us here and isaiah went out to mediate in the field at the eventide and he lifted up his eyes and saw and behold the camels were coming and rebecca lifted up her eyes and when she saw isaac she lighted off the camel and she gasped down and fell prostrate for it and she said unto the servant what man is this that walk in the field to meet us the servant had said it is my master therefore he she took a veil and covered herself and the servant told isaac all the things he had done and isaac brought her unto his mother sarah's tent and took rebecca became his wife and he loved her and isaac was comforted after his mother's death and we can talk about the veil and silver if that was when a stranger comes that was typical for her to draw her face and so forth the typology i want you to be sensitive to genesis 22 and 24 abraham is in the role of the father okay isaac is in the role of the son in both cases eliezer is in the role of the holy spirit to gather a bride for the sun do you see where i'm going okay now i want to go back now and re-examine one verse back in genesis 22 that we slept over when we went through the first time in verse 19 of genesis 22 they're up there the ram has just been substituted they've offered the ram and you get to verse 19 it says so abraham returned unto his young men how many young men were waiting at the bottom of bill 2. abraham returned to his young men and they rose up and went together to bear sheva three day a three-day straight journey right and abraham dwelt at beisheva do you notice something missing in that verse where's isaac where is isaac now don't misunderstand me i jumped to the same conclusion you do they all went home the thing was finished they offered the substitutionary ram abram returned unto his young men down there i'm sure isaac didn't hang around he went with him it's not what it says i want you to notice something very strange here the name of isaac ain't here and if you're paying attention if you're being precise that should bother you you jump it's not that we're trying to make a case that he wasn't there that's not my point but it's interesting that he seems to be edited out of the record from the time that he's offered until he's united with his bride two chapters later where's isaac isaac is personally edited out of the record from the time he has offered until he is united with his bride by the well of lahairod two chapters later the high rail means the well of the living one who sees me and so for what that's worth the marriage model we see it profiled for us here we're talking about gentile brides all through all this kind of thing do you know how many gentile brides are in the bible by the way eve eve you can regard her as that rebecca and isaac we're looking at here we've got asinath and joseph in egypt we've got zipra and moses and midian we've got rahab and solomon and rhea by the way is the mother of boaz we'll get to that tomorrow and ruth and boaz of course and what's fascinating is of the of these gentile brides none of them have their death recorded i'm not saying they didn't die don't misunderstand me but it's just a screwball i find it fascinating that the gentile brides in these models do not have a death recorded they obviously died don't misunderstand me just like melchizedek i think that he was without days because the the the writer in uh hebrews 5 sort of makes a point of what's recorded not that he didn't die people misunderstand some of that see the jewish wedding is the model we're going to be studying the whole idea of a betrothal a payment of a purchase price set apart and sanctified and then the bridegroom departs to the father's house prepares a room addition the bride prepares for his imminent return not knowing when he comes back the surprise regathering is there then the hoop by the wedding itself and then there's a seven day marriage supper we need to understand the ancient model if you're really gonna follow much of what's going on behind the scenes here but the marriage certainly has been filled the covenant was established first corinthians 11 the purchase price was established in first corinthians 6. the bride set apart in ephesians 5 and a number of other places reminded of the covenant first corinthians 11 and then the bridegroom left for the father's house they escorted accompany him upon his return to gather his bride and first thessalonians we have that what we call the harpazzo right the thing i want you to discover for yourself is that the new testament is in the old testament concealed and the old testament is in the new testament revealed it's one book i often threaten that we're going to have an evening where we're going to tear out the page in the bible that's unnecessary that'll smoke out all the fundamentalists and then with great ceremony we'll tear out the page between the old and new testament it's one book 66 books been by over 40 guys so with that uh so you can go ahead and in your notes you should find a list of discussion questions that you can go ahead and chew in your small groups but you and i just close with the word of prayer that's our hearts father we thank you for who you are we thank you for your word we thank you father for this incredible enactment that was literally occurring so long ago and yet becomes a model for our study we're staggered as we realize the extremes you've gone to to establish and communicate the redemption that you've provided for us in the person of our lord and savior we thank you for your word we thank you for your spirit we pray father that you would enlighten each of us what you would have of us in response to these things as we commit ourselves into your hands without any reservation in jesus name indeed amen [Music] you
Channel: Lambeau Leap
Views: 6,941
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Keywords: akedah, genesis, genesis 22, chuck missler, abraham & isaac, abraham and isaac, bible study, prophecy, bible prophecy, abraham isaac sacrifice, abraham sacrifice, abraham sacrifices isaac, isaac sacrifice, chuck missler abraham, chuck missler genesis, chuck missler genesis 22, chuck missler akedah, chuck missler isaac, chuck missler sacrifice, chuck missler abraham isaac, chuck missler abraham sacrifice, genesis sacrifice, genesis abraham, gensis isaac, genesis abraham isaac
Id: _nS4AIhctyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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