AK 47 Cleaning

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Hey he cocked 45 here we get a lot of requests to do a cake cleaning videos and we're going to do one now it's true that you can fire these things for thousands and thousands of rounds untold thousands of rounds no doubt without really cleaning and and giving them much service and that some of you may do that I'm sure that happens around the world quite often well we die don't do that I don't do that talked about that in radio show or to how it might fire for ten thousand rounds or twenty thousand rounds without a cleaning but that's not the way I treat my firearms with a Glock 1911 I've spent the Weston a coke or an 8k okay so we're going to show you what what we do what I do to clean my a.k after I have really almost every time I have fired it if I fired it one day now I'm going to shoot the next day some man maybe I give it a cursory cleaning spray it down and don't worry about it but I don't really know sometimes whether the ammo is corrosive or not you know some of it says it's not but it is and you know the big arguments and debates about that so I generally don't just get it out and shoot a little bit and then maybe shoot it a little bit the next week when I'm in the mood to shoot a take a star-like muzzleloaders I'm going to shoot the thing we're going to get down to a big fun little dude video you know may put a bonfire stock on it what if we're going to do and shoot quite a bit and then I go ahead and clean it pretty well because I might not fire it again for a month could be four months it could be three days you never know do you but here's what I do to my a cake so first of all you want to get this fanatical magazine outlet right and then it has just been fired and we have fired this thing and so what I do is I grab my magic cleaner I spray down the barrel okay the barrel is dirty I'll spray in there okay so I go ahead and get started with the balanced all starts doing it doing its thing okay and if the barrel really looks rough you know I'll spray the barrel son okay the give us a flash suppressor there a little bit that thing sprayed down as you know you've been around a little bit seeing something clean biddies I don't spare the cleaner the law and I'll just spray there the gas tube I'm going to be taking that out I'll just go ahead and get it started soaking sometimes I'll do that out here on the shooting range we bring these guns out to do this out here generally it's just the lights better and everything got lots of rooms it's more difficult to film this kind of thing in the reloading room so I'll just spray it down like that maybe we're shooting something else I might you know hit the bolt you know just can't hurt it right and so time is our friend and so it's working on then I will start taking it apart maybe I'm in you know the cleaning mode and let's just take housing off here and get started usually that's not very dirty but you never know your back just enough okay now so these are some of the dirtiest parts as you can see it has had a great deal of shooting but I'll go ahead and spray that down there's another van being out here to just spray things not worry about take the bolt out of the carrier spray it down let it be soaking okay nothing can hurt here just let it be soaking good stuff and take good care of it now some of you are probably thinking wow acog is so obsessive yeah maybe so hang up but I would like with this gun to look like it looks now in 10 years 20 30 years yeah now of course it's easier to get this on the part and problem oh look at that the gas to will spray up in there course you don't have to do that let's go ahead take it off and then we get to it easier and see I usually use this little method with that cap loose it's really stifling on the arson and that's why I do that very stiff and pull up on that and sometimes I need a little help started gas tube all cover and that's about it that's it now that is as far as I break it down that gives you access to everything and of course you don't have a lot of grit down there and then the hammer and trigger area it could get the point where you do be fired it enough I guess but nice you don't see much down in there and we find a couple of magazines I know we didn't get it really gritty but we've got a couple of Mads and if we have fired a great deal quite often we'll have a lot of grip right in here and I use coarse mild q-tips a lot of people don't like but you can see there's dirt there grit carbon and like I say if you're firing ammo you that is suspect and I don't worry about where this corrosive or not now don't use the Windex I did see good use the balance oven for a long time and the motion and the SKS all the all the farms where I do fire Steelcase ammo seems like it's I guess mainly the Russian firearms right and so I get that clean right in there and I work on that song and make sure we're lubricated well and clean right here here plenty of Lube like I say these are things you don't have to do this farm would run just fine but for many more thousands of rounds I guess but I don't mind cleaning and since we're kind of on the clock here and you're watching you have things to do you probably have dinner waiting you have someplace to go I'm kind of moving along a little bit faster and normally would but I just sit and and thoroughly just enjoy doing that study your truth as I have spoken up before cleaning is part of the game it's part of the hobby a lot of ways now another thing I do right away which I didn't do there is I go ahead and make sure I got cleaner going into that gas to you know it comes out of the barrel and hopefully you've seen our videos on that you know how these things work you know the gas operated fire there's actually a hole in the barrel and as the bullet moves out through the barrel the gas behind it shoots up into there but she's got piston back a gas piston back to what pushes back the bolt and operates the thing okay so there's a hole in the barrel okay so if I spray in there enough you see it running out the end of the barrel that tells me it's going through without any doubt right okay see a problem is it I never spare the lube cleaner all right nice this is a nice rifle I just like to take care of it it doesn't matter whether it's a nice rifle or not if this was a $200 vacay there are those anymore be doing the same thing I just don't sleep well if I know I have fired some possibly corrosive ammo even an old a K or a Mosin or anything and I just haven't you cleaned it because again that's part of the part of the fun part of the hobby you know cleaning these things up where they're like new again okay now we're kind of in the soaking stage and just go at that barrel soak a little bit more I'll look at the bolt here and be working on it and I like toothbrushes and I get some cheap ones here that I user gave me a link not where the heck it was but I got a hunch couple hundred of these cheap toothbrushes somewhere for almost nothing online about a year ago and of course you can buy these you know at the gun shows usually and they're more expensive that they're gonna here's our knife and make sure this is clean if if I had fired it more you'd see a lot of grit coming out of there and I had to let that stove I would let it soak a little bit longer so get the bolt clean lube make sure got all that grit off of it if there was any powder residue and that bolts in pretty good shape already I could live with that alright in the carrier a Kay is an interesting fire honor that no doubt about it the simplicity of it the rugged rugged nature of it that carrier and bolt is the way it operates is a in impressive piece it really is and there may be something here I'll see if there's something I skip I'll tell you about it just in the interest of time or where we are in case I forgot something carbon buildup that's like the the bolt on a RS we're going to get it first that's going to show I'll use this it's not too bad somebody scotch-brite type stuff and work on that I have been unused adrenaline - and this probably will get it pretty clean yeah so I say time is your friend let's soak a little bit there we go it's not bad at all I can live with that but that probably doesn't even have to be clean I don't know how much carbon buildup that would handle and still fire probably quite a lot because the tolerances are pretty loose and they're the carrier is pretty much back in good shape yeah good shape okay and you see the grit on the hands so on his dirty it's just not absolutely filthy okay so that's in pretty good shape nuts that's great to go back in lock the bolt spring much beyond that it's a good shake okay cover good shade problem the fan all right now we have the piston tube here now that it does pick up some crud of course because you know that's where it's coming out into that so I will spray that going really well this is why in some videos you see the barrel smoking because I I am not shy with the lube I'm just not I mean it doesn't hurt anything it's not going to catch fire and leave lakes of it in there or anything so here you have something that is not exactly the same size as the boar right so looks more like a shotgun barrel so I will tend to use something else I now I'll even forget okay what is it that I do you sometimes I'll grab something like this and then I've had around for a while and that fits pretty well there's a lot of crud in there and I've been known to just put a patch on that even or on these Glock cleaning rods you know put a patch around it just some different this experiment yeah a 410 shotgun cleaning kit might work really well for this or I'm going maybe 12-gauge I think I try a 12-gauge there you go see they just run something through their sleeve this other one or two I keep all this hanging in the reloading room and I'll just grab stuff and quite honestly a be something different each time everybody else a little tighter so yeah that's really that's a little bit better I guess what I usually use what pin and you see that the little grip and again if you're using corrosive ammo and I might worry a little bit so if you've got a buddy or if you are that person and you haven't cleaned your a keg in about a year you just go out and shoot and you're impressed and you brag about how it doesn't need cleaning that's fine but this has just had two or three magazines of ammo through it and you see what I have there and this so just know that you have that crud in there possibly eating away I don't know at the metal well maybe not once you replace that if you have to but oh yeah shiny it's good we run a dry cloth through now this is why again you see the smoke coming off the barrel if we fire two or three high you know full magazines it may be a high rate of speed because there's anything in there it might just start sizzling a little bit okay so I wouldn't have to be made it quite so obsessive even given it this really good cleaning I guess I treat it so that I could just put in a closet and safe and and leave it for a year and it just wouldn't matter what do you have to think about it that's why I like to do and keep it lubed and oiled and again whatever cleaner you like you know probably is fine the main thing is you just clean and use it and don't be afraid to use it with the ballast all because there's a cleaner preservative lube and everything I like to have some extra on there it just stays on there and a little film of that I know I'm good to go see that's like a new part now all right inside and out now okay you get that we have everything except the actual barrel pretty much and then in here now what I do too and I haven't done that I sure about why it's saying let's take this right through this coming here gets them because there's some in there run these same patches through they're not quite as bad thing and let's put a couple together see what we get out yeah something Ben and I sprayed you recall on spray some more this doesn't hurt a thing keep it clean and it's actually an enjoyable endeavor really for me and I think for most of you diehard shooters to take your firearm after you've enjoyed it and then just break it down clean it up and get it back like new it's uh it's not that bad it's a labor of love as I say and yeah while you're doing it you want to caress it every now and then the firearm knows you care about it or you wouldn't be cleaning it putting all this time in on it right so just don't get in a hurry I don't even have necessarily a little system where oh I normally clean this first you know I just kind of whatever strikes me once I get it all clean and get it ready to go all right now something I've not done is the barrel or right here and with a piston strike so let's think what I use for that usually and that's tough that's tricky you notice I I made sure it was soaking because don't spare the bowel stall there it's difficult to get back in there and get all of that out sometimes I tend to use this around here the patch on it get the worst of that out again this is one of those that comes with a most blocks as you can imagine having to have a few those now I'll put a patch on it and see you got some that crud in there let's get a cleaner patch let's have this is two patches and see if that works I think it does a couple and they're for the type yeah to back and get some more crud out of there and you remember I ran a lot of it went right on data in and out the barrel okay it's looking better I'll even use q-tips in there before I go any further with it I'm going to run something through the actual barrel too because you could have so much crud in the barrel that it runs back up in there I tend to use a bore snake on these at several thirty caliber for snakes after one of the cleaning video somebody clued me in that it actually has the caliber on that low end piece of I even know that I've been using these things for two or three years and somebody wrote me or they wrote in a comment because I had them I made some comment about how it's hard to keep up with what caliber they are I try to remember by the color and I I didn't even know that how's that for being clueless okay I've got so much bounced all loop in the barrel not on the wooden floor in the shell tap it on the floor get that true I'm on it I'm on okay you're on camera you got Crocker right you're on through there my go-to okay so much so much stuff in there there we go it's drowning help I can get through I'm floating in here clogged okay I do like to bore snacks for rifles special they're really nice alright so now that bore it's it looks really clean looks beautiful shiny okay now I feel better about about running another patch into this area right here okay and I'm not going to belabor it you kind of have the idea what I do so I'll just do one more here maybe and in fact I mean that's where the rubber meets the road that's where all that gas escapes from the barrel up in there and I feel like I've neutralized you know all of that residue you know with by soaking in the ballast all but still like to get most of the crud out I know if there's anybody you know in certain parts of the world watching this thinking oh in some language hmm I've never cleaned my AKA last 10 years this american is quite foolish yes there got more than that so there's almost no end to to how you could get get crud you know here in there and get some brown patches back out but that really does a pretty good job that's not too bad let me spray it down there I'm actually going to shoot this gun over the next couple of weeks or more so I'm not going to get it museum quality Queen right now but I want to get it really good shape okay before it goes away for a few days or a week or two and there we go that's pretty much pretty much clean so and well preserved that's the main thing okay we've got the right bloob that I like that does the job and I know that it's not going to deteriorate any place where there is dirt so I acquired sear force I'm not used to dragging all this out here except for you guys now I have no idea how to put it back together see a leg bone connected to the hill okay let's put the gas feed back on in cup I'm not doing things stupid I know that's right that needs to go on okay only bathroom here hey cage you're just interesting Fox interesting interesting and they work okay probably the part out here I think they might work if I leave something out all right get the bolt in the carrier the bolt needs to be forward it won't go down the slot hammer down and up one out of three times I kind of struggle a little bit of this you're the bolt turn right of course in some on camera this will be one of those three times I struggle well I don't really struggle with your stuff yeah get it right - it not okay I'm okay people are laughing at me I really don't that much trouble usually there we go okay let's bring back in total spring again I'm not normally feverishly trying to get back together not that I'm doing that now but you don't want a 50-minute video on this okay now just back together and put this little lever down so she's really back again it's really stiff on on this gun and there ways to loosen that up I know I just haven't done it and this better position there we go hold it down let's tap that down and let's see it look like a fire all right pretty good shape now it just doesn't look right without the magazine no doesn't yeah okay yeah that's what I do okay you can make fun of me all you want but that's kind of what I do except I do it more slowly with more loving care probably I might let it soak a little bit more and I might even go after a few more of those pieces of grit here and there if I know it's going to be put away for a while but these are nice guns I don't care what you pay for it whether you pay $300 for one or you pay thousand or two thousand for one there's just wonderful firearms or a piece of history I know this one doesn't look so much historical with that stock on it but again I'm 6/8 and it fits me like a glove it's the reason I like a case you put that short stock on it I don't like it at all even though it looks you know looks great so the a K that's what I do to clean it when I'm going to put it away a while they'll work without doing that but I just like to drink my guns better than that all I can say life is good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 603,567
Rating: 4.898068 out of 5
Keywords: AK47, AK-47, AKM, SGL20, SGL-20, Arsenal, Krebs, Custom, Peep, sight, semiautomatic, rifle
Id: Komm6tIUjtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2012
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