AK47 Disassembly to include fire control parts

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all right everyone welcome back I'm back from a little bit of a hiatus but we're going to try to get back into this material pretty strong today we're going to be maintaining a wall store 10 ak-47 variant but the disassembly techniques I'm going to use on this rifle are going to be pretty much the same for just about any collision account variant I'm going to do basic field-strip first and then we're going to go ahead and take the fire control mechanisms out if you want to take the fire-control mechanism apart you're going to need a few basic tools you're going to need a hook kind of like this a dental pick with a hook on it you're going to need a flat nose punch like this it would help if you're going to be cleaning your trigger group really well it would help to have some of this copper based anti-seize lubricant pretty much the same stuff that they put on a Glocks from the factory small flashlight helps alright samba list all your setup screwdrivers and of course your driver bits and if you've got one of the Worcester tins it has like the little love almost like bit paper clip looking access pin retaining wire in there you want to go ahead and pick yourself up with the Tapco l-shaped retainer wires before you take the fire-control mechanism out because as a real pain in the ass to get that bent paperclip wire back in there now why century doesn't do that I don't know but for the purposes of today's disassembly and reassembly of a fire control group we're going to be using the tap go l-shaped retainer for reassembly I think it's a vast improvement it keeps access pins from walking out on you let's get started okay a k47 field stripping is accomplished rather easily this is your safety right here this lever up is safe down is fire go ahead and remove the magazine by rotating this paddle forward alright that removes a magazine set it to the side you don't need it pull the charging handle right here to the rear thusly inspect the chamber right there's nothing in it it's empty go ahead and this tab on the back of the machinery cover go ahead and push it in with your thumb all the way lift the machinery cover off notice this is one of the second-generation ribbed style machinery covers that has the ribs to add strength and then to the sides you don't need it your recoil a spring and guide rod assembly push forward lift up pull out okay the bolt carrier and bolt assembly go all the way to the rear lift up pull out your actual bolt itself push it in like this it'll rotate rotate it all the way back out pull forward alright not much to that for the fire control mechanisms I'm going to try to change the camera angle to get a lot better angle because I realize the lighting is probably not the best in the world but this particular aspect of the disassembly is incredibly simple so I don't think you guys will have any trouble following this alright to get the actual gas piss the gas tube assembly off take this lever this lever right here pull it upward all the way you'll see it sort of line up flat with the UM this block itself pull up alright if you ever want to take the actual wood off of this all you have to do is rotate it twists right off we're not going to worry about that okay we've got to this section on the rifle before stock and everything you can go ahead and remove your cleaning rod just basically pull out on it and rotate pull out that's your cleaning rod it is threaded on the ear alright the for stock itself go ahead and take your small punch I told you about earlier just grab in there lift up without scratching the barrel or anything rotate that all the way forward take a non marring mallet give it a tap forward the stock itself pulls right off alright there's all the basic guts of the rifle in terms of field stripping alright now if you want to take the stock off all you have to do is loosen this the stock pops actually both of these there's two right here loosen those the stock pops right off same thing for your sling swivels and things just two screws holding that on the grip itself is held in by a long screw that goes into this block in the bottom of the receiver I'm going to try to change the camera angle here and we'll see if we can move on to the fire control components so to start on this fire control mechanism what we're going to go ahead and do is squeeze the trigger squeeze the trigger and let the pressure off the trigger gently don't let it slam forward go ahead and rotate your safety upwards 90 degrees pull it out set it to the side all right you're going to take your little scribed hook I told you about you're going to grab the this arm first pull it up and just want to use a hook because this thing will smack the crap out of you take the wire and fold it up over the hammer take the other side of the wire same thing and fold it over where that crisscross all right see how I've got that arrangement so now there's there's no pressure on this it just moves okay alright now this is going to be difficult to see I'm trying to make this as easy as possible but that's what I was talking about with the little paperclip shape retainer it's basically just a bit paper clip it loops around the notch on this axis pin that holds the trigger in or the hammer I'm sorry and then it goes under the axis pin that the trigger is held in by okay so we've got to basically take and compress that one end of the spring itself so we can get the access pin out so let me do that and I'll try to get this filmed as best I can okay it's going to be very difficult to show because I'm working around the camera but that axis pin in the rear that I showed you earlier this got light basically the Ben paperclip spring on there all I've done is I took it and I used the flat part of this punch and this hook to compress it and slide it out of the little Ridge that that it holds that you know that it sits in to hold the axes pin in so now to get the rear access pin out all I've got to do is push that pin itself and it comes right out when I grab the access pin keep it in a safe place now of course that that little bit paperclip deal is going to kind of pop when you pull it out that's not a big deal because like I said we're using the l-shaped retainer that we got from tap go to replace it all right the trigger mechanism all it does you lift up lift up pull it out from the rear okay now on this particular design the trigger is actually held together with access pin itself which is not a big deal you've got all these three components right here now on a Tapco trigger group it comes with a little roll pin that actually stays in there and when you pull the trigger out it comes out as one big unit set these to the side now at this point with the trigger if you want you can polish some of the engagement surfaces while you have it out and you get a little bit better trigger pull but don't expect you know grossly better trigger out of it okay because I mean you know it's not really going to improve it that much just going to make it a little crisper all right let's get the hammer out before we mess with this hammer anymore I've got a small bungee we're going to take and wrap this thing up actually she wrapped it up initially but not a big deal because if those um wires come loose they will hit you and it does hurt so we've got that wrapped up all I'm going to do is I'm going to get in here and I'm going to have to bend this retainer a little bit to get it to to get off of the knotch which is not a big deal it's just alright see how I pushed in on it I know you're not going to be able to tell but it's actually coming I've rotated it and I'm going to push it off from the rear like I'm doing right now yeah there she is alright this unit right here is garbage get rid of it and replace it with something that's actually you know going to serve the purpose okay I mean this is not a bad unit for what it is but over time your access pins actually can walk out with a weak system like this and you don't want that especially if you're trusting this thing for life in Liberty okay so we're going to chunk that in the trash or you know what better yet just for utility I'll keep it laying around just in case all right now with that retainer out of there what I can now do is take my flat nose punch okay so with our actual wire retainer out of the way we can go ahead and remove this forward access pin we're just going to hold the hammer give it a little pop that pops right out so there's our forward access pin set it aside you don't have to worry about keeping the access pins in any particular order because they're both interchangeable all right take the hammer rotate it 1/2 the turn there's your hammer and notice I've got it wrapped up so it won't pop apart this will make for very easy entry installation all right we're going to set it aside from this point I'm going to go through and clean the inside of the receiver because it looks pretty nasty one thing I want to mention too while I've got the camera rolling another lighting is somewhat odd the magazine catch itself usually the the stake that goes through the magazine latch is flanged on one end so don't really move remove the magazine latch unless you really have to because it is a real booger to get back in there and you know if you don't have the proper staking punches to really flange that piece back out when you get it out it'll really be a pain in the butt because it'll walk out on you it'll jump out and it's basically just embarrassed the crap Eddie at the range and it'll be just a giant frustration so don't remove that unless you have to that's pretty much it this thing is stripped the inside of our receiver is empty all right we got everything out of there but you see it is pretty nasty so I'm going to get this cleaned up and then we'll move on to reassembly very easy weapon system take care of as you can see just a few parts a couple of fire control parts a couple of access pins and you got yourself a weapon I mean they're very very simple to take care of all right so I'm going to get all this stuff wiped down cleaned up and we'll move on to reassemble
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 260,496
Rating: 4.8817458 out of 5
Keywords: AK47, disassembly, AK, 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm, 74
Id: ZigSux30iL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2011
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