AK Iron Sights - User Guide to AK 47 (AKM) and AK 74 Iron Sights

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a K and ironsights let's have an honest conversation about the iron sights on a K for some reason the a ki iron sights are some sort of the mystery in the United States so let me crack that mystery let's work together and learn something here today our guys on any type of the a k rifle is it the 47 type or 74 you got basically a real leaf side which is marked with markings up to there are 1000 meters starting with a so-called people's asian start position or battle 0 now you have to remember that the iron sights on a K rifles are in metric system so what it means for example if I want to slide the position to the number 1 which will correspond to the hundred meters that means it's hundred meters not 100 yards well what's the big difference the hundred meters in yards will be roughly 110 yards the same goes in the reverse direction if you are at the hundred yards you have to remember that it's only around 90 meters in meters distance so you always have to keep that in mind because I see people zeroing those rifles at hundred yards distance and then they try to work it out the slider up or down and of course the markings do not correspond correspond with the real-world distances because you use zero at the rifle in yards not in the meters if you want to find out the way how to zero the rifle a Russian way I will post the link underneath of that video with it that video last year very very cool video to watch but anyhow basically how you move the slider and adjust for elevation are the P position or so-called Battle zero on ak-47 type of the rifles will at 300 meters setting so this the same is on the same level at the people's ition as it is at the 300 meters are settings this is different from ak-74 type are they strive for all they all have the People's Asian as well but the People's Asian matches a 400 setting and not 300 setting and as you can see right now the site on the 74 type is on the same level as it was on the P setting question can you swap the rear sight leaf from 74 to 47 type all from 47 to 74 absolutely the Russians did outstanding job and a lot of components they could be moved around so how is that possible that the same real leaf site will work on both rifles well the secret is in a different shape of how those sites are traveling so if you will compare these two rear sight blocks you will see that the cutouts here were made differently on a 74 type compared to the 47 however if you will put the rear leaf there will travel pair their corresponding cartridge so it will be a 7.62 by 39 on 47 type and 545 by 39 on a 74 type so yes you can swap relief this will work no you shouldn't swap the rear side poles and don't do any magic trying to make it happen all right so that's for the difference so we know how to adjust the elevation on the rear sight leaf as I said you gotta either set it for a hundred two hundred three hundred if you got them going up two thousand meters you can set up even for a thousand meters but but let's be realistic at that point you're probably just suppressing the area and not hitting you know precisely targets but that's pretty much it for the real leaf side on the aka life there is not not a lot to do with those sites in the back so let's move front forward this is where most of the adjustments will happen our so-called the front post on the aka rifle and as you can see there's nothing really you know special it's a basically a drum inside the front post and now you can buy using the special tools like this Magna Matic tool you can apply the pressure and move the front post either left or right another I'll think what you can do with that post is you can adjust for the not just for the windage but also for elevation if you will you can screw in the front post or unscrew the front post and this will correspond to the changes for the elevation which we'll talk about it in a second but first let's focus on what to do with that front post and what is happening here when you are zeroing rifle and I strongly suggest to do this at the hundred meters of distance but when you are zeroing a rifle and you are behind the rifle and rounds are impacting on the target let's say let's say to the left from your point of aim so we are behind the rifle and my rounds are landing on the left side from my point of aim you have to push from when you look from behind the rifle you have to push the front post to the left to compensate for this what is happening on your target if your rounds would be impacting on the right side of the target on the right from point of aim then you have to move and push the front post to your right when looking from behind the rifle I'm really you know stubborn about this because a lot of people get confused they think that the adjustment should be make made when they are facing the rifle from the other way no we're always talking about the adjustment when from behind the rifle looking from behind the rifle so one more time if the rounds are picking on the left side from the point of impact you will push the front post to the left if they are impacting on the right side you will push the front post to the right now because it's very difficult to be really accurate when pushing the drum left or right I very often use the little pencil and I make the little mark here on the drum and there is usually a cutout on the front post and when I'm using my tool and moving moving the drum either to left or to right at least I got some point of reference and I can see how much I have moved the drum because sometimes those changes will be really you know in one millimeter left or right makes that's enough to move that point of impact to the desire and match it with the point of aim so you can use that up you know marker mark the drum and then you will have a point of reference another thing to talk about it is what is happening when my rounds are landing below point of aim if your rounds a landing below point of aim and you have to move them up you have to screw in screw in the front post clockwise so by screwing the post in this will move the rounds up closer to your point of aim and what is happening when the rounds are hitting above point of aim and you have to drop them you will unscrew the post counterclockwise you will unscrew the post and this will bring the rounds down on desired point of aim now you have to understand these guys with so called budget rifles I do not expect them to be perfectly aligned so what it means that it is possible that the site will be counted okay this is especially if you using a lot of waters all pubs and pubs the cheaper rifles you will see that those sides are not always straight so there is nothing wrong with the rifle guys if you can zero the rifle by moving the drum either left or right and it's not really in center but you can zero the rifle I would say that that's normal for the aka rifle of course more you pay for the rifle then you should you know ask for more in exchange I'm expecting the rifles around thousand dollars mark to be rather straight still there are some probably adjustments required to be made even on those rifles but more or less I'm expecting when I'm paying a thousand dollars or more for the a rifle I'm expecting that those sides will be rather straight but as I said it is perfectly normal for the a rifle to have the sides counted because it's just the cosmetic value okay if you can zero the rifle and the rifle functions correctly hey that means that the life will works and it should perform to your specific you know task or desire how to correct counted sights this is a very often question well the easiest way is to knock out those two pins and then make the adjustments with moving the the front post with the mallet depends on which way they are counted however now when you are reinserting the pins you should drill those holes and use the larger pins in the front post so they will hold up to the barrel and you don't have any movement from the recoil when you are shooting they ka rifle and the same pretty much goes back to the rear post very not very often but sometimes I see the rear post painted as well and the rear post is twisted either left or right there is a pain going through the rear sight pulse at the bottom you can readjust it as well there you post and make it straight but going back to my original point if you can zero the rifle with some kind I wouldn't really worry about it okay guys pretty much that's it about the iron sights one more thing about the CQB very often you may hear the reference to the front post as this is the caveman geotech why the EOTech caveman yo tech because as you know the EOTech has the reticle when it's 165 MOA circle ain't big circle and then you got the one little circle two MOA or 1 MOA dot inside and if you look at the shape of the ake a front post this is kinda reminds people that yo tech reticle you know you got that almost full circle and when you are shooting with the front post in the CQB situation these sides are really really working awesome all you gotta do is basically paint the target with that front post close it of that circle on the target and from the 7 yards even up to 10 yards this is you shouldn't have any problems hitting a man-sized target wherever you will put that circle on so that's why these sides are sometimes called a caveman geotech that's pretty much it at this point let me know if you have any questions and I'll be more than happy to answer it about the iron sights thanks for watching
Channel: AK Operators Union, Local 47-74
Views: 295,634
Rating: 4.9724946 out of 5
Keywords: AK 47, ak-47, ak-74, ak74, ak irons, ak iron sights, ak sights, AK, spetsnaz, adjusting sights, zeroing AK, AK zero
Id: -Sgczy78m48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2016
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