AIZEN'S GODLY NEW FORM - Analysing BRAVE SOULS' Anniversary Character | Bleach Discussion

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all right so this is a pretty impromptu video that to be honest i didn't really even know i was going to be making until about some point last night because very recently bleach brave souls the mobile game just revealed their special promotional character to tie into the game's sixth anniversary and it turns out to be a brand new version of bleach's main villain sosuke eisen and my favorite character in the series and to be honest he looks really awesome so i just had to talk about it now of course to get it out of the way this version of eisen is non-canon it's just a fun what-if scenario but what that scenario exactly is at least the time of recording we're not entirely sure and so in this video i want to give my thoughts and opinions as to what i think this version of eisen is actually supposed to represent for the character but before we begin the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now because we're about 500 subs away from the 70 000 subscriber milestone which is just a crazy number that you know i've said a million times i never expected to reach so thank you of course for that support and if you enjoyed the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up because it does help increase the exposure on youtube and just mean that more bleach fans get a chance to see it and of course if you want to take that support from me another step further we do have a patreon for the channel as well now where you can support me for as little as a dollar a month and get yourself early access to videos and as always a massive shout out and a huge thank you to everyone who has become a patron so far so yeah the bleach mobile game brave souls is heading into its sixth anniversary coming up this week and anyone who's played the game in the past knows that the anniversaries are traditionally a time to get really excited about the potential content that might be coming to the game as the brave souls team try generally to create something original something brand new um a riff on a beloved character that transforms them in a way we've never seen before some of the most successful attempts at these in the past in my opinion at least anyway were for example the hogyoku ascended espada almost all of which looked pretty incredible and in the past we've had differing versions of ichigo and biakia recently and stuff like that but for the longest time fans have been clamoring for the big bad himself eisen to get this treatment and obviously you know i'm included in that he is my favorite character in the series so many of us were overjoyed to see that he has been given a brand new form a brand new look to commemorate this anniversary now of course as i mentioned originally these kind of original content designs they're not canon they're fun what if scenarios for things we could have seen in bleach or something that you know maybe could have happened in a different scenario or something like that but i find them fun to kind of discuss and ponder regardless and it's also really cool to see essentially official artwork of them anyway and most of the time they look really good and this version of eisen already given tons of different names by the community including galaxy eisen and space zen both of which i do quite like is no exception to that rule and he looks really cool but what actually is this form supposed to represent what is the what if scenario we're seeing here i've seen a lot of people coming up with a lot of different ideas and i'd like to throw my two cents into the ring so there's clearly a bunch of different eisen themed motifs at work here kind of i would say at least three all coming together to form this new version of eisen so obviously the first thing that comes to a lot of people's mind is is this supposed to be a kind of what if version of eisens bankai had we actually seen it and in my opinion that's the easiest one to debunk unfortunately it's definitely almost certainly not eisens bankai um from the way it looks the way it so clearly takes inspiration from the butterflies and version of the character it's supposed to be another step of some kind of his hogyoku evolution um perhaps closer to an all-powerful even more god-like version of the character obviously the theme of god and the idea of divinity is a major theme eisens character and there are huge religious overtones in the gameplay reveal trailer alone with that kind of gregorian chanting chorus in the background as we see eisen for the first time very much underscoring this idea that he has come even closer to that uh to a god-like being than ever before however even if this isn't eisen's long-awaited ban kai it still takes direct inspiration from his toe kyoko now i believe in japanese the translation of his zampakto is mirror flower water moon and mirror flower certainly is on show here big time in this form eisens essentially butterfly wings have now separated from his body and taken the form of mirrored panes of glass which is in my opinion a really cool design choice at least on the forward-facing side of the wings anyway the back is something we'll get to in a minute and not only that but actually in his gameplay you can see him during his special move actually form a mirror flower in his hand before crushing it and the entire thing is themed around this idea of reflections and showing you different images on these panes of glass obviously eisen's chica has always been characterized by creating this glass shattering effect whenever he reveals the truth behind his illusion so this is being played up big time here to show the connection to his zan puck toe then as i mentioned there's the obvious connection to his hogyoku transformations he does generally speaking look most like butterflies in here um going from the dark eyes the third eye in his forehead the cracks in his face in in butterflies and form he had similar sort of purple veins running along his chest now they're on his face instead and obviously the wings and just the general kind of elegance and that regal feeling he was sort of trying to go for at that point in time but of course this diverges even further with the hogyoku in his chest what was once a essentially a hollow hole has now kind of split open his chest in its entirety creating this kind of weird cosmic cavity in his body now when i saw that my immediate first impression my the first thing that came to my head was that reminds me so much of when he's in his cocoon form midway through evolution and ishin breaks a part of it open with get sugar tension you can see briefly uh inside what he looks like and he's just this twisting mass of energy and rayatsu kind of forming what would be the new eisen and to me that's kind of what this chest cavity really looks like whether it's anything similar at all or if it's now literally just a home to house the hogyoku and its strange new uh crystals which something we'll talk about um is unknown and then there's the final major motif in my opinion which is that of the soul king um and in my opinion this is actually probably the one that's the most the kind of biggest stretch of them all um so the soul king has an obvious eye motif we all know that mimi hagi has a giant eye in its hand pernider has a giant eye in its hand the soul king has really weird eyes likes which we've never seen before eisen however has also always had some kind of an eye motif whether that's the fact that you have to see kyokusui get sued to actually fall under its spell or even down to the fact that when he started transforming he gained weird colored eyes certainly in uh you know the anime and official colorings they are like purple and white which is something we've never seen before the third eye in in the center of his head and then his kind of final most monstrous transformation also had art huge eyes featured on the wings themselves so verizon to have an eye motif is nothing new however i do think that in the wake of everything we know about the sulking this gives it new meaning another thing that seems to directly reference the soul king is the fact that this version of eisen has totally detached arms from his body which kind of makes him look a little bit weird kind of gives me like clay doll vibes from pokemon um kind of imagine them like moving on their own star fox and ross style kind of boss fight um but obviously the soul king's arms were ripped from his body and now act on their own as their own sentient beings so there is that kind of resemblance there which could also indicate the soul king so then what is this form supposed to be someone else i've seen is all this is also supposed to be eisen once he's become the sole king you know his eventual goal essentially we all know that eisen was trying to break into the royal realm defeat the royal guard and assassinate the soul king so that he could sit upon the throne of heaven as a completely transcended being who eclipses both shinigami and hollow and again i'm not convinced that's what this form is particularly it's very difficult to say it could be that but it looks like this version of eisen is at least happy to have his arms detached from his body that seems to be part of the transformation which would imply it's not the same deal as having them forcibly ripped from his body and therefore where where does the actual connection to the sulking lie there another piece of inspiration the design seems to actually borrow from is eisen's moochen outfit where obviously in the thousand-year blood war arc eisen is freed from prison very briefly to help the shinigami in their time of need and he has a brand new prisoner's uniform essentially made up of these binds that are used to restrict the kind of range of his power and keep it close to him at all times and this version of eisen kind of looks a bit like that he's wearing a long fairly tight fitting but not quite black cloak that does look very reminiscent of muken but perhaps more on the nose he now has this like white almost mantle like thing going over his shoulders which is very similar to the rag he had around his shoulders in the moo ken outfit so it does look like to me they are taking inspiration from that as well needless to say i think it's pretty awesome that so many of these avenues of eisen's character and even even like hypothetical versions of his character have come together to make this seemingly ultimate version of him although i will say where there's loads of mirror flower references the water moon part of his zampakto seems to have been left out a little bit um if you watch the actual gameplay around this character he i think it's his like third special attack creates this massive shadowy eclipse like motion that i think is supposed to be like his eyes closing like a blink but it could also be an eclipse to reference the water moon a lot that's a bit of a reach i think another thing i found interesting as well when i was kind of looking back at some of the eyes and stuff very briefly in time for this video the way his wings are separated from his body but also the way his arms are separated from his body really kind of reminds me more of the wings than anything else of his his very unique teleportation ability that he had as butterflies and at this point he was so divine that he was no longer using shunpo he was instead quite literally breaking his body into separate parts and then reforming them again in a totally different place and the benefits of this were ichigo didn't know where he was going to appear necessarily you kind of see that when eisen disappears for the first time breaking our way into nothing each girl kind of looks around like where's he gone and then he reforms behind him and just the way the wings look particularly when he attacks and they sort of he push even further out it really reminds me of that visual which may be something they're going for particularly on one of the concept art pages that really looks like that to me and so we come to the point where i have to provide an answer as to what i think this form is supposed to be representing in our non-canon what if fun world and i think in my opinion anyway this is supposed to be the final step in eisen's evolution but not just his evolution with the hogue yoku but also with the fusing of his son pakhto so obviously throughout the battle with ichigo and a lot of day aside eisen is slowly but surely fusing with kyoku suigetsu um it grows attached to his arm like he loses his hand and it quite literally becomes a blade at one point and then finally after ichigo hits him with mugetsu stands his zampucto disappears and he says you know i've become truly one with my zampak toe although later on in the thousand year blood rock he has one again but i'm kind of thinking because this new form of his has such overt references to the mirror flower water moon if this isn't some kind of final getsu-katencho style transformation of eisen's own making obviously when ichigo activated the final getzkatencho he explicitly says he becomes one with getsuga and we see that his body is leaking flaming black rayatsu he has like these new bindings on his face he has become getziga itself so i'm wondering maybe this form is eisen becoming kyoko so he gets to itself becoming kanzen simon or complete hypnosis itself um and i think maybe you kind of see that in the special ability when he summons an actual mirror flower crushes it and you see his face in one of the mirror shards um i think that would honestly be really cool and then obviously the fact that he has the hogyoku in his chest there are the references to uh butterflies and all those those kind of later forms as well on his back on the reverse side of his wings he has eyes that look pretty much identical to the eyes the monster version of eisen has that's why i think this is a combination this is not only eisen's ultimate technique with his zam puck toe upon becoming fully fused with it he's also still in control of the hogyoku still its master and still evolving ever further some people have said that maybe this is the form he would have taken had ichigo not used mugetsu on him weakening him to the point where kisuke could seal him and maybe that's what's going on here i'm not entirely sure in my opinion and this is quite literally just my opinion could be completely wrong here eisen believed that he needed the fear of death to continue to evolve and that does kind of make sense but i always felt that this the monster version of eisen was like an abomination that he hadn't planned on um and this form of eisen that we see before us looks more like a natural evolution of butterflies and than it does of that creature later on so i think that creature that eisen becomes is an aberration that results from him struggling more against ichigo than he anticipated and therefore having to perhaps accelerate his evolution um to the point where it like rips his face in half and he looks like some disgusting creature this is the one that would have come more naturally had ichigo not been able to meet his power level that's perhaps what i'm thinking um could be completely wrong i've also always thought that gene clearly threw a wrench into eisen's plans as well um butterflies and is already starting to look a little bit monstrous like a sort of twisted angel and that's because gene wasn't supposed to kill him he like outright kills and blows a massive hole in his chest um and the whole goku is forced to sort of like rebuild eyes and into some twisted thing certainly i think that works better for the monster version of eisen but i think it could still apply to butterflies as well so that's kind of my final take on this this is literally an eisen who has transcended everything he's transcended the shinigami because he has become one with his unpacked toe and has become complete hypnosis in the same way that ichigo became getzigger um they became one and the same in their final moments but also he has transcended the hollow as well because the hogyoku he has become its true master and he has taken on this final form of his hogyoku transformations the simplest way to put it is that he he is the eisen who has kind of become the most transcended version of the two races that he was trying to transcend anyway um and so yeah i guess it probably would be a final version of eisen that would kind of come about had he not uh found ichigo so much trouble to deal with to the point where he had to quickly transform again and again um but of course like i said this it's not canon this is all just complete speculation on my part and i love that bleach brave souls continues to do this because no matter what you think of the game in my opinion at least anyway the fact that they keep creating unique and original designs like this for beloved characters is validation enough for the game's existence you know some of my absolute favorite designs in the game belong to the hogyoku ascended asparagus i think they all nearly all look really cool and certainly some of them could legitimately work as great um next steps for those characters even though they obviously never will be so that's basically my thoughts my very quick probably a little bit muddled but pulled together thoughts on this new pretty awesome looking version of eisen that we're getting in bleach brave souls probably dropping in the game i think later this week if i'm not mistaken but yeah that's it for the video guys i really hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below what you think of eisen's brand new godly form and whether or not you're going to try and summon for it when it drops later this week i'd love to hear your thoughts your theories because again one of the coolest things about these original designs from brave souls is that we get to speculate again about these characters and that's a lot of fun so let me know if you think maybe i'm completely off the mark with this being half eisen's own version of the final get skatencho but also half his complete domination over the ho goku let me know in the comments below i'd love to hear your thoughts and theories too but until next time guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 63,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach brave souls, brave souls, gacha, aizen, aizen bankai, ichigo vs aizen, ichigo fights, brave souls 6th anniversary, espada, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach
Id: 4JViCtuoW1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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