Air-to-Air with Two Bonanzas

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clear [Music] today we're doing something a little different and a lot more fun we're gonna go do an air-to-air shoot with a local photographer named adam we're also gonna go fly with another veto bonanza owned by my friend thea i leave michigan in like two days so this is kind of the final shoot that we're doing before i head out so i'm just kind of sitting here waiting for them to pre-flight and start up and then we'll go ahead and get up there adam is a super great photographer to work with i've done a ton of shoots with him and he's just so excited about air to air which i think makes doing these shoots like 10 times more fun adam rented this gyro that's supposed to stabilize video really well it's like a chipotle burrito sized kind of metal thing adam is primarily doing video he said about 95 video this shoot since he's renting that gyro and maybe a still or two if he uh catches a good moment that would be good for one it's a little cloudy out but hopefully it'll clear up enough the sun is out enough that hopefully we'll get good light and maybe get a good sunset right now i'm just waiting for them to start up thea already started up she's on the solo ramp i'm at aviation center and adam and james the photopilot are down at michigan flyers so they're in a 182 and then we have the two retail bonanzas i'm kind of by the run-up area so i'm waiting for them to taxi by and then i'll follow them down i'm so excited to be doing this shoot it's going to be so fun i love formation flying i love doing air-to-air shoots like this i think being able to see the people flying the plane like i mean obviously it's really cool to get a photo of yourself flying but i think it just it really like personifies the plane and it's really cool to think about how all these little airplanes each have their own backstory so i think it's really cool i hope you guys are excited about this as i am because this is going to be really fun i have done a lot of air to air with adam just the two of us but we're going to be in a flight of three this time which i think will be yeah very fun in our open information connect two one five three zero observation when two four zero five is about a one zero sky clear below one two thousand temperature two one dew point one two altimeter two niner nine or eight visual approach only two foreign news use caution birds deer counting the vicinity of the airport as an initial contact you have information quebec now we wait vanderbilt spelling one two zero northwest tease with quebec to the west this is here with gekko in our ground hole position up opposite direction field trip says to zero with gekko behind the fuel truck ahead on charlie then taxi charlie alpha to t4 shall we offer two four behind the drill trucks and upper ground just enough 572 romeo juliet at the northwest he's ready to taxi to the active with quarterback lesson two romeo juliet run with two four taxi charlie also follow zero with gecko ann arbor grounds this is cessna niner four eight niner one at northwest he's ready to taxi with information quebec charlie aviation center with information quebec ready for taxi number two one charlie number ground run with two four texas alpha two four via alpha two one charlie mike that's not parade coming out here i'm not getting stuck behind that hand over ground bonanza eight four zero papa and then that's 84 there are about to be literally like six planes in this run-up area take off with quebec before their pop behind the white cessna off your right rear uh follow them to runway two for the charlie alpha call the white chestnut two four two eight four hit papa and over ground skyhawk two zero three eight one at aviation center taxi to active with information quebec 381 in our ground hole position uh get a little convoy be following shortly roger that hold position three one all right we are on the left tank and getting left tank flight controls free and correct good make sure it's rich throttle is coming up back check drop over yeah we're going out with those two retail bonanzas so uh when we're done with our run-ups is there any way you can coordinate for the three of us to go out one after another all right let's see if you would like uh we could clear you uh together as a flight if you like or uh one at a time otherwise uh that's a pressure in a good position where we can get you across the runway we've also got the holding area on that side where we can get you guys together okay we'll just hold here and now let the first detail go speed's good attitude indicator is up altimeter is set third coordinator's level vertical speed zero gas is on the fullest tank we are indicating the fullest tank under carriage we have the light and the indicator is down make sure full range forward auto and seat belts just unlocked doors and windows closed latched hannibar tower bonanza 5921 charlie holding short runway two four ready for departure vfr to the west indiana's five nine or two one trillion number tower right turn on core story two four clear for takeoff when two three zero five right turn runway two four click to take off five two entirely final clear runways clear upwards clear 840 pop holding short two four ready for departure the dance eight four zero pop animator hold short round two four say direction holding short for zero papa we're going to be going westbound bonanza four zero pop off follow the bananas and the up win for a westbound departure four clear for takeoff one two four zero five for takeoff two four follow the bonanza eight four zero popping one two zero number one two four vf to the west two four clear for takeoff one two four zero at six four take off two four right turn westbound behind the bonanza skyline zero with the gecko okay we are in our climb here we're gonna switch the prop over to manual i name the two one charlie frequency change approved target slide have a good one charlie okay since the photo plane is a cessna 182 this time i'm hoping that i will not have to fly formation at like 85 knots that would be nice yellow hello do you guys have me in sight we've got you yeah we're just like maybe two miles behind you so perfect hey guys it's adam on uh 22.75 hello hey we're doing 90 knots so you see that patch of sun at about uh i don't know heading 240. that's where we're headed right now uh we're gonna try to pick it up to a hundred knots that we don't have either of you in sight yet and we're gonna level up at three thousand feet delta what heading are you guys on we're about a two four zero right now okay sounds good i'm gonna pass behind you and come up on your left side so that adam can come up on my left side perfect sounds good i'm passing through your six o'clock from right to left right now so catch you inside okay hey guys this is adam we're gonna pick up a heading of about uh two one zero and steve you can come get on our wing we'll float back to about 105 knots this little patch of sun is going to be what we're going to work with once you guys get into position on this heading behind me uh we'll just uh kind of go with it i'm still looking for you guys stevie are you in front or behind dalton behind do a left turn about 30 degrees and you should see us i see you we're doing 105 knots all right i'm doing 120. i'm trying to go fast i swear i'm not used to being the slow one this is taking forever all right here we go snug it in tv up five feet nice come forward a little bit more add more peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a left 360 for you guys to follow us around the turn all right we're going to start the turn if you guys are are you guys ready for a turn good all right i started left 360 now um [Music] looking really good we're going to roll out on the heading of stores here [Applause] 420 feet all right but as you're coming forward come down as well and then you're going to do a breakaway when we tell you and tv be ready for breakaway after dalton can you call it for me i will call it thank you all right don't get ready for break in five seconds break right [Music] that's right do you mind giving me and stevie uh 10-15 minutes to do some solo work not at all okay cool see the water tower in the middle of that little city over there yep okay that's where we're headed right now we'll look for you uh near that water tower i am just passing off of the left side of you guys but going the other direction oh i got your sights hey steve it's adam hello hey i'm flying too i'm chasing you so i want you to pick up a heading towards that gap in the clouds that's down in the southwest and we're going to form a behind you off your uh eight o'clock position or so and we'll shoot down on you get the video that way sounds good i'm just going to continue this turn around then okay great we got you right off our nose we're following we're cutting the inside of the turn all right stevie i'm going to slow it down so you can get in front of me and just hold it ahead of you on i'm just slowing myself down this is the easy part because now i'm technically lead but they're going to shoot me still [Applause] [Music] left turn [Music] all right we're going to get a little bit tighter on you and then we'll go back to the right all right back to the right [Music] [Applause] okay wings level and we're going to try to tighten back up what's your we're coming up on your uh on your nine o'clock yep i see you just told what you're doing level [Music] again let me know when you're level oh there we go [Music] [Applause] yep i'm at your five mark doing like 125 trying to catch up okay so we're not going to get the cool sunset that we did in the last shoot that we did but i think we got some cool footage anyway are you up okay we're going to need about five more minutes to do one more pass to the southwest and then we'll be ready for you guys to strip i don't know if you want to head towards adrian that's probably where we'll wrap this up sounds good we'll be able to meet up with you stevie you're doing excellent formation flying if you want to tuck back into that four o'clock low position that'd be great we'll do a video of us doing a left 360. that's 180. you were like 108. up 10 feet you ready for a left turn there i am all right we're doing the turn now and we're going to roll out on a hangout [Applause] like real [Applause] all close do another wave wave again [Music] wave again all right go up in front of us [Music] okay steve i want you to come forward about 10 more feet please all right whenever you're ready do an aggressive pull-up and bank to the right straight up into the right straight up geez okay [Music] it's okay hey we're gonna do another tight left 360 and we'll be looking for you to join up and see ya and kind of the same as the four one is to be a little bit lower yeah come down about 50 feet [Applause] come forward 15 to 20 more feet and come right down on stevie's [Applause] down 10 feet all right get ready for a left 180 all right three two one turn it all right dalton break right we'll see you another day you can ride thanks you guys have a good one take care all right we're gonna save this formation as long as we can on our way back to ann arbor sounds good drop back a little bit to our firefox blow up just a little bit little left rudder right aileron hold that alright take it out and do it again if you can wait while you do that wait [Applause] all right take that out [Applause] all right and we're done i'm going to head out a bit to the north northwest and get the edison headed all right sounds good see you guys on the ground see ya back to ann arbor we go i'm going to pick up the adidas and head back in here big thank you to thea dalton for applying their veto for this shoot as well it's always cool to kind of get another plane in there and take photos with friends so i'm super excited to see the footage from both the gopros and from adam's camera thanks for coming along and i'll see you on the next flight
Channel: Stevie Triesenberg
Views: 46,387
Rating: 4.9561181 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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