IT WILL GIVE YOU GOOSEBUMPS - Elon musk Motivational video

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I refresh my portfolio 22 hrs a day, I hope this compares

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/L3617 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
i'm available 24 7 just to help solve issues right don't call me 3am in a sunday morning i don't care a cross-pollination of thomas edison and tony stark elon musk were you a little naive when you thought i'll just i can easily build build an electric car and a rocket i didn't think it would be easy um i like i said i thought they would probably fail um but you know like creating a company is almost like having a child so it's sort of like how do you say your child should not have food so one once you have the company you have to feed it and nurse it and take care of it even if it ruins you yeah but supposing there wasn't tough times in 2008 end of 2008 how did you get through that period of crisis can we just break for a second you want to wait a little while yeah sure if it was worth it let me sure hope it was worth it it's everything and um i was borrowing money from fans to pay the rent well i mean tesla really faced the severe uh threat threat of death uh due to the model 3 production ramp essentially the company was bleeding money like crazy and and just if if we didn't solve these problems in a very short period of time uh we would die uh and was extremely difficult to solve them how close to death did you come we had within a single digit weeks 22 hours a day or like what how many hours yeah seven days a week sleeping in the factory uh i worked everywhere from i worked in the paint shop general assembly body shop you ever worry about yourself imploding like it's just too much absolutely no one should put this many hours into work this is not good people should not work this hard i'm not they should not do this this is very painful painful in one sense it's because my ears my brain and my heart where do you come up with your best ideas are you on vacation are you kind of just like in the middle of the night you wake up and start drawing things down or oh you know this sounds really cliche but um like the shower is probably like you know wake up and go to shower in the morning and i think actually what's really happened is kind of stuff is percolated in the subconscious right and it's not really occurring in the shower but you're kind of getting the results of last night's you know computation basically right whatever area that you get into um given that you know even if you're if you're the best the best there's always a chance of failure so i think it's important that you really like whatever you're doing if you don't like it life is too short um you know i'd say if and also if you if you like what you're doing you think about it even when you're not working i mean it'll just it's something that your mind is drawn to and and if you don't like it you just really can't make it work i think when you had that third failure in a row did you think i need to pack this in never why not i don't ever give up i mean i'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated starting a business i'd say number one is have a high pain threshold but that's um there's a friend of mine who's got a good saying which is that starting a company is like eating glass and stirring into the abyss okay that's um that's generally what happens because when you first start a company there's lots of optimism and things that things are great and then so happiness at first is high then you encounter all sorts of issues and happiness will steadily decline and then you'll go through a whole world of hurt and then eventually you'll if you succeed and in most cases you will not succeed um and tesla almost didn't succeed came very close to failure um then if you succeed then after a long time you will finally get back to happiness i think two is you gotta make sure that that you that whatever you're doing is a great product or service it has to be really great and i go back to what i was saying earlier where um if you're a new company i mean unless it's like some new industry or new market that if it's an untapped market or then then uh you have more ability to you there's this the standard is lower for your product service but if you're entering anything where there's an existing marketplace against large entrenched competitors then your product or service needs to be much better than theirs it can't be a little bit better because then you put yourself in the shoes of the consumer and they say why would you buy it as a consumer you're always going to buy the trusted brand unless there's a big difference so a lot of times uh you know entrepreneur will come up with something which is only slightly better and it's it's not can't just be slightly better it's got to be a lot better uh number three i'd say is constantly seek criticism [Music] uh a [Music] a wealth a well thought out critique of whatever you're doing is as valuable as gold and you should seek that from [Music] everyone you can but particularly your friends usually your friends know what's wrong but they don't want to tell you because they don't want to hurt you um so i left you up yeah yeah so they're you know they'll say oh i wouldn't encourage my friends so i'm not going to tell him what i think is wrong with this product yeah it doesn't mean your friends are right but very often they are right and you at least want to listen very carefully to what they say and to everyone if you're looking for basically you should take the approach that [Music] that you're wrong um you know that that you the entrepreneur are wrong your goal is to be less wrong
Channel: Mindset Mentor
Views: 3,571,890
Rating: 4.9347067 out of 5
Keywords: elon musk motivational video, elon musk crying, elon musk starting a company, elon musk entrepreneurship, elon musk work 22 hours
Id: t1XCzWlYWeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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