After This | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] thank you for being with us again I'm going to ask you wherever you're watching us from if you can if you're driving don't try this but if you're not driving and you can do this I want everyone that will to join me in standing for the reading of the word of God and I want us to take just a moment to hear from the Lord this morning for a few minutes I want to preach a message of God spoke to me this past week I believe it's a word for our church for our city and is found in Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 and then Acts chapter 9 hallelujah yeah sometimes when my kids especially when they were younger and they had a bad dream or there was a bad storm outside I would I would have to go lay in the bed with him to get him back to sleep and there's a little song that I would sing to them that somehow helped them through the storm it would help them get back to a place of rest and I felt like I was seeing that just a little course of that song before I preach today it says I know the piece bigger [Music] I know him by name I know the piece speaker he controls the winds and way [Music] when he says peace be still they have to obey yes they do I'm glad I know the peace speaker yes I know him by name somebody went through a storm this week somebody's life has been shaken up somebody's watching me right now and you have a nightmares at night because just a few days ago on a Sunday night you were laying in your bed resting and didn't know what was going on and sounded like a train was coming through the roof lifted off your house and the winds were howling and the the fear tried to seize you and all week long you just became even fathom how you got out of that storm you don't even you don't even really understand how you made it I know how you made it you made it because God's watching though for you today I just want to remind you that he kept you and he's going to keep you today the fear of the storm is lifting and leaving and I just believe that the spirit of god is speaking peace over somebody right now it's what this whole message is gonna be about today before I preach it let me just sing it one more time over you I know the peace speaker I know him by [Music] see I know the P speakers he controls the winds and where [Music] oh man he says peace be still see they have to obey I'm glad I know a peace speaker yes I know him but me but the whole thing Schuster Singh wonderful piece over Chattanooga over Chattanooga guard right now coming down from the father Oh [Music] sweep over my spirit for ever [Music] nos vemos [Music] Acts chapter 8 verse number one I'm reading today from the passion translation and it reads like this now Saul agreed to be an accomplice to stephen's stoning and participated in his execution and from that day on a great persecution of the church in jerusalem began all the believers scattered they went into the countryside of Judea and among the Samaritans except the apostles who remained behind in Jerusalem verse 2 there were god-fearing men who gave Stephen a proper burial they mourned greatly over his death verse 3 and so mercilessly persecuted the Church of God going from house to house into the homes of believers to arrest both men and women and he drugged them off to prison now I want you to flip over to Acts chapter 9 and look at verse 31 and I'm going to be done two very powerful words somebody needs this today after this after this the church all over Judea and Galilee and Samaria experienced a season of peace the congregation's grew larger and larger the believers were empowered and encouraged by the Holy Spirit they worshiped God in wonder and all and walked in the fear of the Lord after this I want to preach on those two words today look at your neighbor wherever you're watching if you got a neighbor if your wife is in the other room holler at her and tell her after this Jesus helped me today in your name I pray amen [Music] so this past week Wow what a week we had a powerful worship service on Easter Sunday and we went home many of us did and we had Easter lunch with our family and somewhere later that night we encountered some stuff that we weren't expecting some stuff that we didn't know was on the way this past week has been one of rebuilding in this region really it's been one of rescue as well because last Sunday night an ef3 tornado started over in North Georgia and weaved its way up through the East Brainerd and the ulta waa and McDonald Tennessee and then on up to South Cleveland in that area and a swath of destruction that we saw from aerial pictures this week showed us the aftermath of what was a few minutes in most places but a storm that size and wind that howling and that fast blowing that fast it didn't take long to bring utter destruction and damage to many many people in the Chattanooga area and the surrounding region it was a bit eerie as I stood there this vast week in my kitchen before we all ran to the basement to get into our storm shelter it was a bit eerie as I was standing in my kitchen thinking that just about 10 years ago in the same month we stood in our back yard watching tornadoes form as they bounced over the heels of Ottawa and and in literally the same area and back then 20 I believe 2010 Dan everywhere and I even thought for those of you who remember in 1997 there was the Easter tornadoes that hit East Brainerd and damaged homes and businesses and as I was doing our family devotion last night with my kids and dev we were in the room talking and little Judah reminded me of the volatility and the instability of this time of year April seems to be that month she reminded me March him like a lion out like a lamb and I know we're not in March we're in April but still that pattern of uncertainty seems to happen at this time of year during the season change something is something is unique about the month of April when you move from the cool winds and the cool weather of winter and you make the transition and the seasonal transition and the change in season to the warm spring air in the warm summer air that's on the way something volatile happens in the atmosphere when you go through a season change and whatever it is that happens with the instability of the weather pattern in this month it just seems like historically every now and then periodically this area finds itself somehow in in the in the bullseye of a storm and the storm is always felt at least in this areas I was standing in my kitchen I was thinking about it something about this month of transition from winter to spring and summer something about this month and the changing of the seasons provides an instability in the atmosphere that makes it right for storms and I want you to know today that that you and I are going to go through seasons and sometimes seasons change and sometimes in the changing of a season we find ourselves in instability in the volatility and it feels like a storm is going on sometimes we saw it coming sometimes we didn't see it coming and those are often times the worst kind of storm here and we find ourselves in and shifting moment and it's often it's often full of unpredictability and that is not where you and I like to be we like things to be predictable but in the seventh apartment in the eighth chapter of the book of Acts the church finds itself in the middle of a season change and just like we experience this weather pattern craziness in the month of April because of the seasons changing the early church in the book of Acts and specifically here in the eighth chapter finds itself in exactly the same moment it's not a meteorological change that they're experiencing it's not a weather pattern season that is changing it is a spiritual season that is changing for the first seven chapters of the book of Acts the church has experienced growth the church has experienced blessing the church at Jerusalem had experienced the goodness of God yeah they threw him in prison a couple of times but every time they were in prison God always broke them out and they kept on preaching and everywhere they went they were experiencing the blessing of God but we come to the eighth chapter and things are about to change seasons are about to shift the church at Jerusalem is no longer going to be the epicenter of the move of God God is getting ready to do something in the earth and the church cannot be gathered in one location for that purpose of God to be accomplished so here's what the Bible says in the eighth chapter in the eighth chapter of the book of Acts we are now burying a Christian leader Stephen the first martyr of the church has been stoned at the conclusion of the seventh chapter he has been stoned by by angry Jewish leaders who don't want to hear the message that he is preaching the Bible said that the church the church was persecuted there were two words here in Acts chapter 8 that are used to describe this changing scene they are moving from a season of blessing and a season of increase and now they're moving into a season of what Luke writes as in Acts chapter 8 a season watch of persecution and a season of havoc Paul who was Saul in Acts chapter 8 Saul is wreaking havoc in the church everywhere the the church at Jerusalem goes they are experiencing persecution everywhere they go for the first time ever people who are rising up as an adversary to the church they cannot hide anywhere everywhere they go they are being hunted and the Bible says that they are being scattered they were being persecuted they were being attacked they felt like they were losing their their grip perhaps they they're wondering what's going on the church at Jerusalem had been strong the church at Jerusalem had been established the church at Jerusalem had great leaders and now all of a sudden Stephen is dead they are burying his body and the people who belong to the church are looking around and they are running for their lives because they are being hunted in every corner of Jerusalem and what happens when this persecution and havoc break out here's what your Bible says that they were scattered now it's interesting to me family you need to pay attention to this there are two primary words used for scattered in the New Testament one is like the scattering of ashes where you don't care where they go you just scatter them you throw them up in the air and they fall it falls wherever and some of it stays in the air and you're really not doing anything within the amount of intentionality at all but there is another word that is used to talk about scattering and that word is the kind of scattering that a sower does when he has seed that he wants to throw in particular places oh yes and when we come to Acts chapter 8 we see a church that has moved from a season of blessing to a season of havoc and a season of persecution and a season of turmoil instead of using the word that they were just haphazardly and without any intention just thrown around Luke doesn't use that word Luke says that they were like seed that a farmer reaches down into his bag and grabs and he throws the seed because he has an intention for a harvest and I want to tell you today that when it looked like the church was being persecuted and havoc was being reached and it looked like the church was running and it looked like the church was in trouble behind the veil behind the scene instead of the enemy being the one in control God was working through the havoc God was working for the persecution God was working through the storm God was working through the turmoil to intentionally scatter and so men and women of God all over the place in that region what is the point the point is that when the enemy comes into our life and he tries to persecute and he tries to hinder and he tries to wreak havoc and he wants us to be afraid and we feel like where is God and how can I find my purpose I want you to know that in the middle of the storm in the middle of the scattering there is a sovereign God who has a perfect plan and although you have been shaken you have not talked God by surprise he is still on the throne in your lives when it looks like the enemy is working something to destroy you all God is about to remind you family that everything works together for the good to them that love God and those who are the called according to his purpose God is working in the scattering God is working in the havoc God is working in the storm God is working when houses have been blown off their foundation trees are cut in half snapped like toothpicks this past week I had the privilege to go with Pastor Gary and pastor Josh and some of the share team and for a couple of days so I put a chainsaw in my hand and I got to cut people out of houses and we got to see them ground zero take what's going on in Chattanooga and that's challenging enough and then you add and complicated further by this layer of fear that is blanketing our nation and the uncertainty of a virus and all the different theories that are being purported as to what is going on and what our future could look like and there are plenty you hear me plenty of people who try to count the lives on the uncertainty and spread fear and keep people in bondage and you got all this piling on you you got pastors who don't know how they're going to keep having Church and if they'll have a church when this is all over because they're the seasons are shifting and we want to know what's next is there a next is there something to look forward to beyond this mess that we're in my god is there something to look forward to not just connect the dots and get from where I am to something in the future that's where they are here in Acts chapter 8 the dealing would have it they're dealing with persecution they're dealing with fear steamin is dead and the apostles are wondering who's next here's one of the things I want to tell you family that you must make sure of in a season transition and we're in one right now here's what you got to know transitions will calm and seasons will change and many times in them you will find what's needed and necessary you will find what you have to have and you'll find out what you thought you had to have that you don't have to have to make it there's a lot of people this morning who found out trust me you can live without power trust me five days without it my neighbors are finding out you can live without cable television imagine this people are finding that you can even live without a roof over your back room lots of things that we take for granted we're not taken for granted this week in Chattanooga lots of things we as church leaders thought we had to have we're figuring up it's not about the energy you get from a full building cuz I'm gonna tell you right now there's not a lot of people in this room but I don't feel energy I feel the anointing there's a lot of people figuring out the difference between a room full of people making you feel good and the anointing of Jesus that comes because your heart has been laid on an altar and he consumed your heart with this presence I'm telling you we're finding out what's needed and necessary right now when we come out of this what God is wanting us to see is that win season shift and seasons change there are some things that you thought you had to have to be who God told you to be that you recognize you don't have to have it and there are some things you find out you cannot live without and you can never stop doing no matter how bad the storm gets that's what the Bible says happened and acts 8 they're scattered they're persecuted they're feeling the habit of soul and yet I am astounded in the fourth verse of the eighth chapter I'm astounded that when they got scattered by persecution instead of following up and moving on to another career instead of folding up and saying well that church leadership thing didn't work out for me that pastoring thing didn't work out for me that Christianity thing didn't work out for me it wasn't quite what I thought it would be and what quite what I thought it was going to be and now that I'm on the run I'm just gonna forget about it I'm gonna move on down the line a little bit oh no not the only Church the early church listen to this in the fourth verse of the eighth chapter when they were scattered when they were persecuted when they were feeling the heat and the havoc of Saul and the Jewish people breathing down their neck wow they were on the run for their lives what did they do did they fold up tents did they just go sit in a corner and pop prozac and worry about the end of time and how horrible the world had gotten oh no they woke up every morning even while they were on the run even while they were running to cities they didn't intend to visit what did they do look at verse 4 they preach the wonderful news of the Word of God everywhere they went what's the point if I'm gonna be scattered if I'm gonna go through hell if I'm gonna make it through a storm lord I feel like preaching if I'm gonna go through a tornado if I'm gonna survive my house being knocked off it's that if I'm gonna go through all that at least let me give some kind of glory to God and tell the story tell the good news everywhere I go may my life make the devil regret he ever messed with me and my family in the first place I'll tell you I feel like preaching today God wants you to know that when you're going through persecution when you're doing through havoc when you're going through seeing scattered it feels like life is scattered he's still good he's still God and although you don't have what you thought you had to have to have the kind of life you thought you forget you got everything you need as long as you keep faith in God some of you today you feel like all you got is faithful I want to tell you right now your greatest ministry your greatest ministry is coming out of a season where you felt scattered anybody ever felt scattered not just physically you were scattered but have you ever felt scattered up here was it this morning sometimes we go through seasons where we feel scattered what am i doing how do I get back to a place of normal that's what I keep hearing everybody say I want to get back to normal what normal is forever changed what if see the Lord told me yesterday in prairie said Kevin until you stop praying to get back to a place that you thought was the good old days you'll never be ready to accept what I have for you and you've got to start believing that what I have for you is greater than everything you've been praying for me to reproduce again in your life we keep in comporting God to take us back there preachers today we're having to come don't get depressed don't go off the deep end sir don't quit preaching and don't turn in your license this thing is getting ready to shift this thing is getting ready to turn this thing is not going to end up with a church in a hut or in a cave talking about the Antichrist and people who are trying to run the church out of business you hear what I'm telling you today you will never run the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ out of business because he declared on this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail I know that there are not a lot of people in here and I need to calm down but I want to tell somebody today who's worried and who is wondering about the future the future is bright we're not crossing the line with our tongue hanging out talked about how bad it was we're going into heaven look what the Lord has done God is on the throne and is moving in our generation somebody say praise the Lord I want you to know today that this thing is not going to end up with you in a season of volatility transition and filling the chaos and the scattering and the persecution and the havoc where do I go from here nope this thing is going to end up like this this is the word God gave me for you today chapter 8 havoc persecution scattered trouble wondering what's next and yet they stay faithful to God and keep preaching Samaria upside down Saul gets saved on the road to Damascus in the middle of hell breaking loose hell was losing in the middle of the pain and the persecution in the middle of the storm and the trial of our faith God was up to something and for one and a half chapters we wonder what's going to happen to the church they're on the run they're feeling the heat Saul is persecuting them Jews have a bounty on their head and they're running from city to city trying to find just a little bit of normalcy and everything changes with two words in the 31st verse of the ninth chapter one and a half chapters preaching in the middle of the pain ministering in the middle of the misery on the run and everywhere they ran they preached a sermon and the whole city got saved to fill in the tension and the toil of this season of transition and everything shifts in the 31st verse of the ninth chapter of Acts with these two words after this a chapter and a half of running tolling preaching ministering and running and still trying to find the purpose of the you haven't preached a good sermon preacher till you preached one while you feel the hot breath of Hell on your neck yeah there's some people who are preaching over the last few weeks and you don't have the crowd and you don't have the numbers and you don't have the masses and you're finding out while it's wonderful to have a house full of people to preach to Jesus is the one I have to have he's the one that I need and that's what they're finding out for one and I have chapter somebody's in that one-and-a-half chapters right now acts 8 verse 1 through X 9 verse 31 and a half chapters of pain one and a half chapters of persecution one and a half chapters of havoc one and a half chapters I've been feeling like everything's falling apart they kept on preaching but they were running while they were preaching running from city to city every city they went to they saw fruit but they're still running they're still under they're still under the gun they're still under the heat they're still experiencing the havoc of Saul had the Jewish leaders and they're wondering what is going to happen and when will will this end and I heard the Lord yesterday in prayer he said Kevin tell Chattanooga tell your church people tell anybody watching there is always and after this one and a half chapters of the hell breaking loose you are tempted to believe it will be that way forever the season is shifting we move from blessing and and goodness and we're seeing the church established in Jerusalem and now everywhere we go were the enemy were the adversary and the enemies trying to put us out of business one and a half chapters of wondering what's going on and at the end of that season the season changes were two words after this I'm getting ready to be done but you need to look at somebody who is sitting near you or you need to look at yourself in the mirror right now and tell whoever is there to listen there will be and after this I don't care how long the the persecution the turmoil the storm the struggle the pain the trial the fire the fiery trial of your faith may feel like it has lasted for a very long time but I want you to hear me tell you this friend every child of not hearing me every person connected to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ please listening to listen to me there is and after this getting ready to break out in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ I don't have a sermon I have a prophetic word for you sir you're getting ready to experience and after this don't tell me it can't happen it happened for a man named Noah who put his whole family in a boat for forty days and nights because the flood waters of judgment rose on the earth and it looked like Noah and every other living thing was gonna die but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord in 40 days after 40 days after 40 days after after the rain after the storm after the night after the earth had opened up and released water forty days later the same God that shut the door of the boat opened the door of the boat and Noah and his family walked out and continued to live why because he is the god of after this don't tell me there's not an after this I know about a man named job who had everything man lost it all he that in a pop of ashes and he scraped the boils off his skin and his life walked out one day and said why don't you just curse God and it's gotten so bad you'll never recover but I want to tell you 32 chapters into the story of Job God he interrupted job's misery and instead of job asking God a question God asked job a series of questions where were you when I threw the stars into space where were you when I told the water you can only go this far and before Joe breathed his last breath God took a hand call restoration and touch the life of job and everything showed lost he got back double because God is a God who writes one more chapter to your story and it is a story it is a chapter called after this what is your this what is your this some of you your this is kovin 19 some of you your this is bankruptcy some of you small business owners your this your losing your business you let your employees go whatever your this is there's an after this is a pastor watching me right now your this is a discombobulated discouraged distracted chaotic situation breaking out in your church you wonder if you've got anybody left you wonder if anybody's going to give you wonder if you're gonna have a church when you come back from this quarantine don't get me started on it you're wondering because your this feels like everything you had is falling apart God sent me today to tell somebody your this is very real this thing whatever this is it's very real but there is an after this whatever this is it's not how it ends do you want to know how it ends I'm going to tell you how it ends there's a there's a four-fold blessing that's coming to you I'm not making something up and just trying to package something real cute this is the Word of God they went through a season of Hell on Earth acts 9:31 says and after this number one they experienced a season of peace first thing I want you to know is this this is gonna take a few minutes but catch this if you have a good season in life everybody that's ever had a good season of life lift your hand if you ever had a good season in life and it shifted and the season changed and it went from blessing to misery it went from peace to problems it went from it went from goodness to great god what is going on here it went from open doors to shut doors it went from confidence to fear if you've ever had a season shift I want to tell you that it can shift again Jesus acts 9:31 says the season changed again for the church one through seven they experienced the goodness of God in the back seven Stephen dies and the church is on the run and you might be tempted to think they run for the rest of their lives but that's not what the book says the book says a season shifted again and what came this time touch somebody tell them peace peace some of us need peace today and I'm going to tell you right now peace is not product of you appropriately processing everything you've been through and coming to some human conclusion that you're going to be alright peace is the byproduct of a relationship with the God who knows the end from the beginning and when you touch him in prayer and you touch him with faith the God who knows your tomorrow reaches into your now touches your heart and says you don't know what tomorrow holds but I hope tomorrow and that's where true peace comes from true peace doesn't come from me and you figuring out the future true peace comes from trusting God's got it all in his hands not only is it a season of peace that's coming but I want you to see what the text says the text says the congregation the church multiplied Jesus they just come out of a season of hell on earth and you would think they're barely hanging on but looked at what the book says the book says that they went into a season of multiplication there is something about the child of God there was something about the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ you put pressure on her and she doesn't - she multiplies you put her in a hole you put her in a corner you tell the church I got you right where I want you and instead of one person coming out you multiply and you grow instead of the city putting you in jail for bridging the jailers get saved and the preachers see the whole city come to the Lord this is the gospel we got this thing all wrong the church isn't some puny limp-wristed group of people that are begging for social influence and hoping that they'll get the attention of some municipality elected official that makes them feel good because they congregate on Sunday oh now the church is the ekklesia the government of this nation has to answer to the court of heaven and we belong to the king we are citizens of the kingdom of God and we are the legislative body of heaven on earth and whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever we lose ownership he loosed in heaven this is the authority of the people of God you understand that the church multiplied in the middle of misery the devil couldn't put her out of business every weapon he'll Forge to hurt the church backfired on the dot the devil Chattanooga he's brainerd parts of Georgia parts Ottawa this past week I saw the church not a church the church because you know what I figured out about pain pain causes you to forget your prejudice and your preference this week when we went to saw logs off of the back of houses nobody asked us to show us their credentials what kind of preacher are you honey I'm telling you I saw Presbyterians and Methodists and Baptists and Pentecostals eating sandwiches out of the same bin yeah I saw him sharing bottles of water I saw you say well what about Calvin we don't care about cozen right now we're trying to survive a season Chattanooga got a revelation this week the people of God in Chattanooga got a revelation this week that the kingdom of God doesn't go hot in a hat the city's waking up to the fact that churches don't just all these people who say what's essential I'll tell you what's essential whoever's got a chain saw when you get a log on your house is essential whoever's got a sandwich in their sandwich bag when you're hungry hungry is essential whoever's got a bomb I feel like preaching here whoever's got a bottle watering in the cooler when you're thirsty is essential and you want it enough you want to know who showed up this week came essential it what's not all Lord don't do this to me Oh God it was those who were blood washed who know what it was like to be on your way to hell and get rescued by the love of God they're the ones that put gloves on and started chainsaws and brought hope to the hopeless that made us essential church your essential identity is not attached to how many you gather in a building or on a parking lot what makes us essential Matthew 5 let men see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven you better hear me preacher your mind is gonna be blown when you come back to church whenever that is if you'll do what Jesus is calling you to do in whatever place you've been scattered to when you do get to come back it's harvest time it's harvest time Church isn't dying we're making sure we know what our priorities are right now and if we got the right ones when Amber this crazy thing is lifted and we get to worship together whatever that looks like I promise I not only will the church have peace the church is going to have multiplication and there are two other blessings I'm gonna be done when they come out of this season of persecution and havoc and storm and living on the run and trying to find some tranquility in the middle of the chaos when they came out of that season of struggle and they came into a season of peace not only did they experience peace and experience multiplication but I want you to see this the Bible says they were edified built up here's what it literally means it means that all of the pieces to make the body and edifice were there but it didn't get built and it didn't become everything it was supposed to be until it went through some persecution you can have the two by fours and the two by tens and you can have the sheet rock and you can have the concrete cylinder blocks and you can have the roofing and you can have the windows and you can have the bricks and you can have the mortar but until it gets all put together it doesn't get built up and become what it's called to be and in Acts chapter 8 the season of persecution and a season of havoc and a season of scattering it literally caused the church to get built up in the Holy Spirit to become everything God had called it to be how is that so because God uses every season for his glory every fad it means they got built up together don't just mean that God yeah it means they felt good but it was more than that they had become something after the storm that they were not before the storm after this instead of a bunch of separated disconnected pieces that are a part of the house after this they all got built up together and become the house of God let me just fix something I think I should fix it you might disagree that's okay I welcome you to be wrong listen these people walking around saying you don't have to gather in a church building to be the church be the church be the church I want to tell you you should be at the church and you should go to church I'm wondering why there no way mints because there are six people in the house I know we can't go to church right now it's one of the reasons however the Christian people are yearning for fellowship and community we want to get back together in church why because there's a dynamic something happens when we get together in the house of the Lord this is not hear me care carefully this is not this building is not where God abides he abides in me but something any abides in you but something powerful happens when we get together with this God and we gather and worship together I don't have to have a building I don't have to have a parking lot but I have to have the people of God Satan can separate us he reduces our exponential potential one can put a thousand to flight two can put 10,000 to fly Saints always trying to separate us when they came back together they experienced peace multiplication and they were edified there's a season coming for the people of God were declared this over you to church not just in America but around the world we're becoming more and more we're becoming one and we got to because as long as there are isms and schisms in the earth and there's a mentality that says that's your church and this is my church and we're all going to God's heaven but that's your church and this sea until we come and we make his dream come true that he dreamed in the Gospel of st. John father make them one as you and I are one until that happens we're not ready for heaven Ephesians chapter 4 for me has always been the calendar of the return of the Lord until we all come together as the perfect man you want to know when Jesus is coming back when we get our act together Manny got quiet probably gonna stay quiet for a minute right hear me we read if I'd were built up together after us after this season and I just want to declare over Chattanooga that after this after tolded 19 after tornadoes after storms after law we're coming out edified built up together here's another blessing in this season that's coming for you and for me I want you to begin to expect this it's going to be a season of peace it's going to be a season of multiplication it's going to be a season of edification and being built up built together to become everything God taught us to be the final thing is here's what it says they were comforted by the Holy Spirit comforted Parekh laces it's that one who comes alongside of who speaks inwardly and gives me inwardly what I could not find within myself some of us if you're not careful in our own humanism we will seek to find the answer within ourselves it is beyond myself it is beyond you comfort can only come from one who can soothe the troubled soul so many troubled Souls today what's gonna happen after this what are we gonna have left is entrants gonna pay for my house to be rebuilt am I going to have a church left listen you're gonna have to understand and learn comforts not going to come after you get the answer you wanted that's not real comfort anyway comfort comes in the middle of the uncertainty when you decide I need you Lord and I'm gonna trust you Braun put it back in that key I saying peace speaker and I don't know if it works for you I don't know if this song works for you or not I know it works for Judah I know it works for Zion I know in the most difficult seasons of my life I had to be reminded this season doesn't last forever there is an after this I just want you to take your pin your highlight or whatever you got the circle I know the passion translation is the one I read from but some translations says then whatever your translations that just circled that one little transition word then after this after all all the pain [Music] after all of the trial after running and wandering and the chaos and the fear the season changed again and it became a season of peace and not persecution do you feel like you're just getting beaten down every where you look the up seriously you feel any any ounce of hopelessness trying to creep in instead of confidence are you are you trying to fight all feelings of fear and you're not giving it to them but you just happen to vital if you are I want you to tell you I want you to hear me tell you and I just declare this pathetically I declared prophetically over your life I believe God spoke to me so clearly yesterday in prayer tell him Kevin there's an after this coming it's gonna be a season in peace it's gonna be a season of power a season of edification you don't feel stronger a season of comfort there's don't be this sense of God with me and you know one of the things that they got out of this that wasn't a blessing from God it was decision it was a decision they made on their own read the text acts 9:31 they walked in the fear of God the fear of the Lord when you go through some trials it calls you to walk more humble and reverent they an honor God some of you are coming into a season apiece right now [Music] I know the piece speaker I know him by name I know the piece speaker he controls the winds aware [Laughter] when he says peace and for somebody saying and right now they have to obey [Music] I'm glad I know the piece speaker I know him my name I'm closing I talked to one of our brothers this week he was an insurance agent and Franklin hi were talking on the phone as you can imagine after storms like this he's been all over the city and seeing the devastation had a level many of you and I haven't even seen but he walked into a house that was in a neighborhood and almost the entire neighborhood was decimated houses just piled up in rubble and right in the middle of all the rubble is a home sitting there it's barely touched he said pastor I went into that home and the pastor of the man of the house was a pastor of the church he and his wife were praying people he said I walked through the house and I kept saying where in the world is the devastation they had a little bit of damage on the back of the house not much at all and she said it was the Lord that brought us through and of course Aaron started talking about the goodness of God and she felt comfortable enough that he knew God enough that she could share with him that in her living room they had they had an a replica of the Ark of the Covenant built this is a great story he goes into the living room and there is the Ark of the Covenant and he says to her I know now why your house made it because you believe in the presence of God and the woman went into praising God for the protection of the Lord and it wasn't the box it wasn't a little piece of wood they were using that at the church it's just the fact that the woman trusted in the presence of God to get her through the storm maybe you lost your house in the storm maybe you kept your house maybe you lost your church in this quarantine maybe just barely hanging on I just want to tell you this before we go today there's coming and after this it's gonna be a season of power a blessing of multiplication a comfort of edification and becoming strong in God so whatever you do in this moment don't make an eternal decision on a temporary situation don't quit don't throw in the towel don't quit don't stop believing don't lose your faith you feel shaken you're coming out of this there will be an after this father in Jesus name I pray for Chattanooga I pray for our church family I pray for everybody watching me wherever they're watching me from some of them need to be encouraged today to know that there is an after this coming and I declare over them right now a season that is according to the Word of God a season of peace a season of multiplication a season of building up a season of comfort they're gonna walk in greater fear of God and who you are I declare over your people right now don't let them turn a season into a sentence don't let them believe what it's temporary is eternal I pray right now that they'll put their hand in your hand God and feel the strength of your way as you tell them that they're going to make it I declare over them right now that when they come out of this they're coming out multiplying they're coming out stronger that enemy is going to wish he never messed with your home there's a businessman getting ready to break out into increase and you thought it was the end and one little shift is going to turn this thing and favor is coming on your life in the name of Jesus till you feel this right now I want you to throw your hands up wherever you are if you need this word father I declare and after this over Chattanooga and after this over the surrounding region every businessman every business lady every mother and father dear Lord every preacher that's wondering how they're going to get the charge back Lord you're shifting things in this season of transition father the season of transition it felt like turbulence it felt like torment it felt like persecution it felt like havoc it felt like where do we go from here show them that there's an after this there's an after this it's a new season I'm authorized to tell somebody today in the name of the Lord Jesus that it's a new day a fresh anointing is coming your way to season a power come on grab somebody's hand with you right now just grab somebody's hand get an agreement with me and prosperity it's a new season coming to you and me I feel like a singer also I know you listen I know it's later than it's ever been for those of these TV Live people if you gotta go maybe your lunch is ready go but let me just sing this he abides he abides hallelujah he abides with me I'm rejoicing night and day as I walk this narrow way for the comforter abides with me he abides thank you Jesus somebody needs to thank him for it he abides Oh hallelujah he abides with me yes he does whoa I'm reach or sig night and day as I want this narrow way for the comforter abides [Music] we love to we're praying for you and we celebrate that God is not through yet there is an after this be blessed with it now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen god bless you family we'll see you this week for prayer be blessed in the Lord [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 2,510
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens
Id: 2mfFSP4rLSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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