Revival 2020 | Kevin Wallace

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so you know how much I love Bishop Kevin Wallace but I don't just love him I know that you love him can we give our brother our friend and a great man of God let's give him a great big welcome to Calvary come on y'all know how we like to welcome people we don't welcome on this a little bit come on let's welcome they ship Wallace alive let it know we're so glad that he's here how many love Jesus with all of your heart [Applause] [Music] you know when God wanted to talk to the world he spoke to a city and when he wanted to speak to a city he talked to the church in the city and in Revelation when he wanted to talk to the church in the city he talked to the angel of the house the pastor I believe with all my heart the answer for the world is a city that's set on fire and the answer for a city that needs the fire as a church set on fire and the answer for a church that needs to be set on fire is a preacher that's been set on fire and I don't know if you know this or not but there's a fire in the belly of your pastor and your first lady and I think you ought to praise God the thing is some day it dried up clean happening in here you ought to praise God that your preacher ain't ashamed of the gospel or the power of the Holy Ghost I need you to praise him right now that the best is still yet to come for Calvary and I want you to praise Him that the best is still yet to come for Ormond Beach in fact praise God like Ormond Beach hadn't even seen what God has in store my Bible said unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above oh you can they think there's been a lot of praying but you hadn't even been able to play everything that God has in store for you what are you gonna do when God did things out the hospital cancer ward and cripples throw the crutches and jump up our wheelchairs and the drug addicts get turned around I'm telling you something is coming to a city so that a nation can be shaken so that a while can see jesus is alive if you believe that Jesus is alive open up your mouth for 12 seconds and praise Him that in 2020 some of you are just clapping because you want me to read the text but I need somebody to praise God that death couldn't hold him the grave couldn't stop him Rome couldn't kill him Pilate tried to wash his hands of it but he still got up on the third day and it's the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you you saw also be quickened in your mortal bodies somebody leaven quicken you right now somebody let the Holy Ghost just I don't have to warm up it's something that I've done preached three servings today I feel an old-fashioned thing swelling up it must limit a filler the devil is nervous he ducked as you hold up and is getting ready to take out what it's like to bring in you not gonna be the same in 2020 look at your neighbor tell your neighbor say neighbor get one look at me like this this is the last time you'll ever see me broke busted or disgusted this is the last time you'll ever see me messed up on the chest stop Laura from the flora or beat up from the feet up tell em that Sunday when I come in here everything will happen turn around [Applause] I feel something shifted right over here and break it right over there I wish I could van somebody in looks like you would give God the highest way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a braking [Music] [Applause] here's my flavor by Sunday Elsa where's us [Music] Oh [Music] somebody prophesied in my favor I believe that's true and somebody but something has already happened your best players open up howdy y'all gotta let us sound of redemption and freedom [Music] [Music] open up you my [Music] [Music] second Kings y'all trying [Applause] this would be [Applause] [Music] second please chapter land kotoba sir there's a mascot Obama Barack Obama go Obamas suddenly Belinda Kiobel shake another man's side somebody said what are you doing I'm trading in an unknown tongue cuz if I prayed it in English your man wouldn't be able to believe it but unto Him who is able to do it seeded abundantly and sometimes the Holy Ghost will brain things for you that your man don't even think you're ready to receive but in the name of Jesus this is the year or this is the year of increase this is the year of the blessing and favor of God 2nd Kings chapter 9 verse 1 believe God gave me a word for this house I do not come bearing a sermon I didn't come just to say something I came to start something and to join something that's already in progress I'm tired of preaching that don't start nothing how many need a word that starts something on the inside when I was here in 2018 I began to prophesy that this place would begin to step into a vision by 2020 the likes of which would cause it not to look the same there is a grace to touch a nation on this house you have a man and woman of God that God sent not just to lead a flock but to speak to a generation I'm grateful to be here second Kings chapter 9 look at your neighbors say neighbor I don't know if you're aware of this I don't know if your outfit or your makeup or your here - got it or what but you look 12 pounds lighter tonight than you did last Sunday come on tell somebody I don't I don't know what it is but that Christmas thing done wore off come on tell them you're looking good second yeah I got people praising God right now the hand praise them all night long second Kings chapter 9 verse 1 when you haven't say got it and Elisha the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets and said to him get yourself ready take this flask of oil in your hand and go to ramoth-gilead and when you arrived at that place somebody say that place look there for Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of nimshi go in and make him rise from among his associates take him into an inner room and didn't take the flask of oil pour it on his head and say thus saith the Lord I have anointed you king over Israel then open the door then open the door flee do not delay so the young man the servant of the Prophet went to ramoth-gilead and when he arrived there were the captains of the army sitting and he said I have a message for you commander J who said for which one of us and he said for you commander then he arose and went into the house and poured the oil on his head and said thus says the Lord God of Israel I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord over Israel now I need you to look down at verse 16 and let me expedite my assignment and take you to verse 16 so J who rode into a chair in a chariot went to Jezreel for Jorm was laid up there with a huzzah a king of Judah and they came down to see Jorn and now a watchman stood on the tower in Jezreel and he saw the company of Jehu as he came and said i see a company of men lord i feel like preaching that right there and joram said get a horse and send him to meet them and let him say is it peace so the horsemen went to meet Jehu and says thus saith the king is it peace and Jehu said what have you to do with peace turn around and follow me so the watchmen reported said you can handle some Bible reading can't you so the watchmen reported saying the messenger went to them but is not coming back verse 19 the second horseman went out and came to them and said thus saith the king do you come in peace J who answered what do you know about peace turn around and follow me so the watchman reported saying he went up to them and is not coming back and the driving is like the driving of jehu the son of nimshi for he drives furiously joram said make ready and his chariot was made ready and joram king of Israel huzzah a king of Judah went out each in his own chariot and they came out to meet Jehu and met him on the property of mate bought the jezreelite and it happened when John saw Jehu that he said is it peace Jehu and he answered what peace as long as the harlotries of your mama oh god how many know when you start talking about somebody's mama it's getting for real I mean I'm a nice guy but you start talking about my mama we fixin to there's a Fred Sanford anointing gettin on me right now 23 gin jar and turned around somebody say turned around somebody say turned around and fled look at verse 13 I'm gonna close this up now in jail who came to jess real Jezebel heard about it she put paint on her eyes and adorned her head and looked through a window and there's Jay who entered at the gate she said is it peace Zimri murderer of your master and he looked up at the window and said who was on my side who so two or three units looked out the window then he said to them throw her down and they threw her down and her blood splattered on the wall and on the horses and he trampled her and he trampled her under foot i know thats pilot and but the devil needs to be defeated can somebody say hey man I need you to look back up there real quick at verse number 18 verse number 19 and verse 23 in all three places after Jehu came up under the oil after he became anointed in all three places the Word of God gives us this phrase something turned around look at your neighbor tell him tonight neighbor now if they look nervous I want you to encourage on pat him on the shoulder do something don't let him leave before this happens look at them again and say tonight neighbor there is a turnaround anointing in this house and it's getting ready to flow on your life come on tell somebody there is a turnaround anointing I'm gonna need about five people to help me praise God in advance for what is getting ready to be released some stuff is getting ready to turn around and if you believe it's in your house I want you to give got a shop right now father help me preach tie the words string the thoughts shape the message tailor this preaching for those who are here to hear it I pray that would be such an audacious and powerful anointing that there would not be any question as to if you're in this room and if you can may there be such a release of faith that everyone who came in wondering everyone who came in questioning would find that their questions and doubts are evaporating faith is growing strength is coming may the power of God rise up in this place tonight and as we preach may the oil of God flow in a way God that makes us never the same and will give you the praise for turnaround anointing and turn around the oil that's coming on our lives tonight in Jesus name and everybody shouted amen let's give him one more good praise as we find our seat tonight hallelujah tonight the story that is unfolding in second Kings chapter nine is the story of a man named Elijah and his obedience to God and the prophetic office that he rested in to anoint the one who God had called to be king over Israel but in order for us to understand the significance and the weight of what is occurring here in 2nd Kings chapter 9 we must take at least a few moments to flip back to the 19th chapter of the first book of Kings for it is there that a story is told not of a man named Elijah but of his predecessor Elijah who was the prophet of Israel in a day when sin and sedition and apostasy had plagued the people of God they had wondered away from the altar of the God that brought them out of Egypt they had wondered away from the altar of the God that gave them reign when they needed rain harvest when they needed harvest and now the land is dusty and dry because for 3 and 1/2 years not one drop of heavens rain touched the dusty soil of Samaria and why is the drought upon them because they had listened to the leadership he have and his wife Jezebel who I shall refer to periodically as the devil with a skirt on she had coiled herself as a viper on a rock of religious apostasy and there she operated in a demonic spirit at the side of her spineless husband a.m. and under their leadership an entire nation that knew God and knew his power had turned their back on Yahweh and were stumbling through darkness as a result of their sin because I will remind you his sin will take you further than you won't to go keep you longer than you wanted to stay make you pay more than you wanted to pay the writer of Hebrews tells us in Hebrews chapter 3 that sin is deceitful it deceives the heart you can start with a little bit but how many know sin management don't help you you can't manage sin you can't coddle sin the problem with most of us sometimes in the church I'm not talking by here when I say us I mean the kingdom at large we teach coping skills when Jesus brought conquering skills we won't people to feel snuggled up and okay that there's something in their life that is drawing them away from God but tonight I feel like the Lord came to put his foot on the throat of the Spirit that is trying to rob you of everything God has for you and it came to come to condemn you I come to tell you that that thing that's trying to fix your soul and destroy your future is a lie and because Jesus is alive and his blood wrote down his royal body before we leave this place tonight every yoke can be broke every burden can be lifted every sinful pattern that keeps destroying your future can be with and you can walk out to your car tonight with a victory you've never known before because if God be for us who can be against Israel's in trouble because she's listening to the wrong voice in first Kings 19 oh I got to hurry and because because Israel's wondered away from God God has allowed this moment to capture their attention and their ground is dusty and dry and the cattle are dying and the grass is not green and it's now brown and everyone is wanting to know where is the God of Israel and God said I'm here I'm on the throne but I won't just be your weekend sugar I'm not gonna let you flirt with me on Sunday and then not act like you know who I am Monday through Saturday I'm not gonna let you just get in on the blessing and you haven't really sold out to me can I tell you if 2020 is nothing else it is a time for us to get some priorities in order and to be reminded that God is not just don't take our leftovers God God is getting ready to bless people who have made him first and don't even care what second I don't know about you but I'll make up my mind tonight that in 2020 if I don't get a new car if I don't get a new house if I don't get a fancy a watch and if I don't get a diamond ring I don't get closer to Jesus than I've ever been and I'm gonna get more fire than I've ever been because this is not the year to draw away this is the year to get close and say if you're looking for a place to bless if you're looking for somebody who wants more options draw a circle around yourself and tell God if nobody else won't you I'll tell you right now God you kept all your glory out in this circle his was in trouble because she has listened to the wrong voice been led by sinister voices and now they are stumbling through the dark and Elijah Elijah pardon me Elijah comes upon the scene you know the story he calls fire down from heaven slaves 450 false prophets of male and the very next day he wakes up in Jezebel has put a wanted poster on every tree in Israel saying when I find him I'm Oh kill him and he hears the report of Jezebel's displeasure with him and the threat that she has made upon the prophet and he takes off running and he runs and he runs and he runs to a mountain and there in the mountain he finds a cave and the prophet of God who has successfully slayed the false prophet Sibel and prayed of 63 word prayer and fire has now fallen from heaven that prophet is hiding in a cave because of Jezebel voice I have friends that are theologically beep who repute me and chest asked me because I preach about the spirit of Jezebel as if Jezebel died I want to tell you that the spirit of Jezebel is operating here in first Kings 19 she's over there in second Kings chapter 9 but if you keep on following her tentacles they show up over in Revelation chapter 3 and that which I said which that which has seduced the Sunday School teachers in the church at Thyatira and instead of walking with Jesus they're snuggled up in the bed with the spirit of Jezebel and I want you to know not only is she in the Old Testament and not only and she in the New Testament she's living in many churches in America right now y'all don't want to talk about that the devil with the skirt on but I'm a tagger Jezebel is a demon I never tell you something else it ain't a female demon y'all not gonna help nobody I seen some men wearing three-piece suits who have a spirit of Jezebel y'all know I saw some preachers who preach deep pockets operating in the spirit of manipulation and domination and control and when they don't give when you don't give them their way they will flow [Applause] and the ladder takes off running from the voice of disappear I got preachers listen to me y'all this thing is for real you better get you if you ain't behind him in her you better get up under them behind them and support them for the rest of their life know what kind of mess preachers are facing in 2020 there's some demons that have been hatching nests that have been trying to destroy the minds of the pulpit and the preachers in America have got preachers I got preachers friends that are pastoring thousands of people resigning their church cuz of a voice and Elijah turns in his credentials and runs to a mountain and has in a cave and God comes to him in the cave cuz prophets are not intended to live in a cave and God said what are you doing here walk out on the edge of the mountain and so the prophet walks out to the mouth of the cave and the Bible says this the Bible says that the earth began to shake and the wind began to blow and the fire began to fall that's when we have earth shaking wind blowing fire falling God is in the house God was not in the shaking God was not in the fire and so the prophet walks out a little further and he does something profound mental and he wraps his head in his mantle why would the prophet wrap his head in his mantle because God is about to recalibrate the ability of the Prophet to stop walking and operating by what he sees with natural eyes and hears with natural ears if you gonna be really prophetic in 2020 you can't get your sermon material off of Fox News and you don't have to go into a prayer closet okay fine no helping here on Sunday night but if you don't help America we got a rabbi head back in our mantle and recognize that it's not the fire the wind and the shaking that the charge need what we need is the floors and you can't find the voice of God when you're watching the world is you don't have to holler at me why you hollering preach amp up your hollering because I heard a whisper this morning whisper to me and when he speaks in a whisper it begins to get louder in my belly because when he [Applause] three people Jehu king of israel has a yell king of syria and elijah prophet in your place if you walk through the text you will find out the only person elijah gets to is elijah he never made it to house the hell and he never made it to jail why why is this significant because when God gave the season prophet Elijah the assignment to anoint next he knew as long as I get to Elijah if I get the oil on a leash if your last shot will catch my mentor he will finish everything God started in what I'm trying to tell you is that what God spoke in the generation of Elijah will be completed in the next generation party Elijah which means if you're not busy anointing next then God's plan and purpose will be delayed this is why it's a tragedy wind preachers leave the planet head to heaven and don't drop their mantle cuz if you take your mentor with you god I wish I had some help in the church if you take your mentor with you then the assignment that was supposed to be multi-generational actually dies it goes to the grave with you I refuse to let Reinhardt Bonnke go to heaven and nobody catch the mantle I refuse to let these men and generals and women of God go to heaven and nobody catch the mantle I declare to you every time a general goes to heaven man poles are falling somebody gotta say God I want you to I want you to he anoints Elijah Elijah slays the ox and follows Elijah Elijah cos I'm expediting the text Elijah gets caught up in a glorious fiery chariot in a whirlwind before he leaves the planet Elijah says my father and he takes the mantle off and throws it back and Elijah touches the mantle of Elijah and it is Elijah who comes to second Kings night chapter 9 with an assignment to anoint Jo now the word was given in first Kings 19 but the oil did not flow until 2nd Kings man in it amazing you can have a word but until oil flows its first Kings chapter 19 God said I want you to anoint Jehu King the word was in place but the deal wasn't done until the oil flowed some of us in disrupt me to get a revelation tonight that God can actually speak about your future and give you a word the word is given to sustain you while you're waiting but you got to understand that the word takes you to a place where the oil can flow I don't know about anybody else but I declare over my life and anybody else who's willing to catch it 2020 is not just a year of word it's a year where the word is gonna intersect with the oil the oil is getting ready to be released on people who have a word well some people in here can hold onto a promise you've been standing on stuff that God said 20 years ago and you've been wondering is it ever gonna come to pass I came to tell you weeping endures for a night comes in the morning [Applause] and God says to Elisha go to ramoth-gilead so Elijah calls where are the sons of the prophets I don't have time to go there won't do but Cain he says to the son of the Prophet I want you to take this bottle of oil fill it and run to ramoth-gilead when you get there I want you to annoyed Jehu so he goes to ramoth-gilead he feels his body his jar with oil and he comes to ramoth-gilead and here's what the bible says before he could take the oil and release it he had to get ready look at somebody tell them get ready get ready because you can't carry a fresh anointing if you're not ready for it I can't find no help on Sunday you you listen if you're going to walk in a fresh anointing you can't have the same old clothes and the same I'm not talking about this kind of clothes how about spiritual clothes some of us if we could see ourself in the spirit in in the natural you look fine you got your hair did and your extensions and your and your weave is all in place and you got your Gucci and your Estee Lauder and you got your three-piece suit and you got your Florsheim shoes and oh in the flesh you got it going on but if we can see in the spirit you got some red pack mess hanging off of you you got some cuts in your clothing you got some patches on your stuff because you've been carrying the same old garment of praise some of us have borrowed a hallelujah from 1998 instead of pouring the hallelujah from 2020 to put on a garment of praise instead of a spirit of happiness if you feel victory notify your face tell your mouth and your face and your hands and your feet bless the Lord I refuse to allow motions [Applause] he says he says I want you I want you to get ready and he gets the flask and the jar and he fills it with oil and he runs to ramoth-gilead and he says when you get there I want you to go find jazel and when you get to that place when you get to that place there'll come a release on the oil and I want you to let it flow from the head of Jehu all the way down his being I want to tell you right now some of you've got to understand the power of proper placement you can't get into proper position if you're out of place I feel like there's some people in the body of Christ is it all right to walk around a little bit so I feel nervous standing in the same place too long I got a walk I gotta get this thing out of me I've been dealing with this for about a week and a half now I've been up all night I've been the devil to live with I've been processing this word some of us just came from sung in that service but if I don't get this out of my belly I'm not gonna be able to fly home tomorrow somebody's getting ready to step out of 2019 from bondage and when you get to that place you'll know he's there call him out and when you get through releasing their oil open the door and take off running he comes in to ramoth-gilead and the commanders of the army are sitting what's the problem the problem is commanders don't sit unless they are in a posture of defeat commanders don't sit and I want to tell you right now posture is everything in this new year posture is everything in this new year some of you are gonna have to command yourself to get in a posture of prayer some of you don't have to command yourself to get in a posture of fasting some of go have to command ourselves to be more generous if you want your finances to break through you gonna have to stop letting your posture is everything if you are behind you the Bible says that the servant of the Prophet came to ramoth-gilead he walked in the room they were sitting and in the midst of him sitting among the commanders of Israel the captains of the army the servant of the Prophet said I've come for you commander and Jehu said this is the Wollaston authorized translation who would you come for you commander in the funny how God will often call you things that shocked you he called him commander the word commanders actually in the Hebrew it literally means the victorious one the one who has the ability to get the job done God calls him commander and he doesn't even feel like the commander but aren't you thankful God are still call you even what you ain't willing to call yourself that's why some of you believe that 2020 is gonna feel like 2019 it's because you believe that's what happened in 2019 is your identity and when I start preaching this kind of message your flesh will cause you to disconnect and the devil will try to deceive you and tell you I'm talking to your neighbor who's got all their ducks in a row and is living their best life now and I couldn't be talking to you but you just came out of divorce court and you just went through bankruptcy you just lost everything you had and your kids it looks like talking to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you get up so he got up and he took him into the energy can I preach this you want God to anoint you in front of everybody but God does his best work in a secret place [Applause] some of you been trying to process the isolation moments of your life and you wonder why instead of God sending you more people he's taking them away from you first of all you are the praise and that he's reducing the level of drama some of us need to take a praise break that some people who are sucking the life out of us God just decided you don't need them no more you have been running from the isolation and anoint you cuz the anointing will attract haters that's why God had to send Jesus on the backside of the wilderness forty days because he did something in a hidden place that was getting ready to be manifested in a public place amazing you can see the power on some people in public but you are there when they got it in a secret [Applause] Jesus ain't you hungry you ain't had no food in a while ain't you hungry you ain't ain't no meal and Wow ain't you ain't you faint aren't you ready to give up he looked at them and said oh no I have food you don't even know about God been feeding me in a private place and if you've ever found a secret place in an in a room with God you will come out and it don't matter what looks on people's faces look like you can stand up and reach under the power of God when they look at you like you're crazy just keep on preaching and who looks extra crazy will shake their bobby pins and thanks to the weave falls off because if God is for you so he takes him to an inner place and when he gets him in a room by himself he takes the jar of volume now apostle when I was growing up and we wanted to annoy people beautiful see this beautiful thing when we anoint people growing up where I came from this smells lovely but that mess we had I was growing up with in that Pompeian bottle the like a triangle y'all know I'm talking the truth right now and that thing it lasted up to six years and you get to the bottom of that thing after six years of it sitting in the pulpit and somebody would I want to be a knowledge and the preachers that give it all I was like oh god help the woman not to smell the oil because by now the oil [Music] we were so crazy growing up and so anointed I watched the Prophet drink a half a bottle of all out of an olive and it's a true story I said I want to know what that looks like about 3:00 a.m. in the morning somebody come tell me about that journey when we anointed people growing up we did it like this Jesus there was no such thing in the Old Testament when you got anointed to be a king in the Old Testament there was only one recipe for the oil it was five gallons big which means when the Bible says that he poured the oil on Jehu it wasn't a little cross on the forehead he poured gallons of oil on the king and the king is standing there I preached this in my house and because we were at my house I got a swimming pool and I took one of the young students in the house and I poured five gallons of oil on his head when I got through pouring five gallons of oil on his head only his sneakers was full of oil his shirt was full he was snorting oil pulling oil out of his ears his head was oily yes what we want is an anointing we can hide what God wants to give us is an anointing that we can't hide when you get a little dab you can go back to work on Monday morning in computer and you can keep raising and kids and nobody Mouse anything's different but when you get an orchid like God is getting ready to annoy you you walked out of that room and everybody looking at you before that appointment said what in the world is happening to you I didn't read this part of story you should go read this for Burton for therapy on your way home and when you get home tonight don't read it on your way home and be a bit be a bad situation when you get home read this when he poured the oil on his head he came out of the room and his friends who were with him before look to him and said what in the world did he say and what happened to you and here's what here's what Jehu said nothing do you know how foolish the church looks when the world can see something on us and we didn't get anything this is why we have awakening in America because we will control that doesn't that doesn't mess with our clothing and that when you came out of that place your hair was laying in the floor in another place and your shirt looked a different color and your mascara was upon me it was all upon your lips and your hair was all crazy and your men you just look like you are a wrinkled mess I want to go home tonight some of y'all so slammed drunk we got a pop you in the car and take you home because you don't even know where your car is yeah where are the people that are tired of trying to control the oil they just won't they are [Applause] I didn't even come to preach on this trying to get to my son because he gets up under this oil if you're gonna be over the people you got to be under the oil my spiritual father Sam Brassfield called me last year he said you better watch this he's a prophet oh man old man of God that sits out in the woods and fast and prays all year long he called me said there's about to be a purging of the priesthood but feared God hid my soul he said where's about to be a purging of the priesthood I said pop what are you saying he said there are too many people who want to be leaders but have not submitted themselves to the word and God spoke to me as I was reading this text he said there are too many people who want to be over the people but not under the oil and Kyle said I love my people too much to allow them to keep being led by folk who ain't up under the oil that's why Calvary you ought to praise God that you got a man of God and a woman of God who know what the oil is and know where to go get it Oh Lord Jesus help me tonight I need to take a praise break in this room that God is purging the priesthood and raising up men and women who will be under the fleshly decisions of get you and your family in trouble here is Jay who just about it's about aromas you can smell somebody who's got the oil on oh god help me tonight have you ever been in a room with somebody that walked in with a bad spirit in the funny you can have a nice suit but a bad spirit consequently I've been in the room with some that walked in with the oil on him and I'm gonna tell you they didn't have to give you a business card to notify you they had the oil on them baby when you got the oil on you you can smell the glory you can sense the aroma that's why the Old Testament got off without preaching right here when the police went into the holy place and they burnt incense the aroma of the incense permeated the clothing of the priest and when they walked out with the holy place and they walked among the people what do I smell it's the glory Oh hallelujah and I'm telling you right now family we're getting ready to come into a moment in the kingdom where people who have been in the glory are going to be absolutely I've been to fireable not because of what they advertised but because of what they can they say something different about you what happened he said I got anointed as a leader over Israel he gets in a chariot he gets in the chariot and he gets this entourage of men who recognize the anointing and they start driving to jail why because the word of the Prophet Elisha was not only will you anoint Jehu J who will slay everybody that has Al and everybody that the other King leave behind J who their prophet leave behind you gonna slay and so they run to Jezreel as an entourage and a company of warriors and as they are approaching the gates of Jezreel a huzzah looks at the window and joram looks out of his perch and they see Jehu coming and at first they do not know who it is Jay who's is riding in watch this y'all with the oil all over it they're in a chariot going to take care of business and the King looks out the window and says somebody's coming send out some of our people to find out if they come in peace so they send some people out to find out if they're coming to peace and the horseman rides up to Jehu and says are you coming in peace and Jehu says what do you know about peace turn around and follow me this dude lo Lewis they're not dude Lewis this is Lewis y'all Lewis look this way Lee Lewis Lewis has been living in the kingdom of darkness under J whose reign or under Jezebel's reign and he gets sent out to see who's coming and he runs into J who and says are you coming in peace and Jehu says what do you know about peace turn around and follow me and instead of fighting the man doesn't go back to the kingdom from which he came it's called a turnaround anointing and when it gets on your life people who've been living in the kingdom of darkness are going to intercept the anointing on you and instead of doing that the way they were they're never going back again [Applause] so what does he do Lewis joins the part they keep driving towards yes or yeah the King said oh they didn't come back send somebody else stay right here so joram sends out another Horseman what you think Henderson Lewis and Henderson this is amazing and the Sun gets to Jehu and says do you come in peace they say like like you actor or something say it was okay you got this come on do you come in peace what do you know about peace turn around and follow me and another man who is in the kingdom of darkness gets what had the anointing and changes Kingdom what I'm trying to tell you see what you wanted me to tell you is you are about to win friends and influence people but the word God gave me is that he's about to put an oil on you and the people who've been trapped in darkness are getting ready to turn around and shames kingdoms omocha Papapa ship available sir i prophesy Ormond Beach will never be the same because a turnaround anointing is coming on this house let's take a horse ride they keep riding towards Assyria in the gear look closer and sit down we almost done hello y'all make me nervous joram says they're not coming back look who's neighbor tell them they're not coming back in fact look at your other neighbor tell them I ain't going back now I know some of y'all trying to make your mind up what you're gonna do in 2020 but for my house we go serve the Lord Jesus all the way cause God's about to turn in fact that just heard the Hanako say Televisa won't turn back around touch three people dead dad's about to turn it around he's about to turn girl children laugh he's about to turn your marriage along he's about to turn your business around whoa [Music] they keep getting closer so joram the king and a has hired the king king of Judah and Israel they come out to meet jailer and when the King the wicked evil King gets out there the Bible said that joram came and said I gotta find the evil king and you look too nice to be the evil king so I'm gonna make you the evil king the evil king comes out and says gee who do you come in p/j who you come in peace and Jade who pits the ultimate fight because he says what do you know about peace with your mama in them out here committing harlotries now if I was German I had any backbone at all I say sucker be a fight how many know whether that it'd be a fight you might want me but I'm a raise you ten and give you twenty slap you just to see what you got in you but look at Jordan he sees the oil on Jehu and what does joram do turns around and takes off running see when they turn around r19 gets on you not only will people who've been living away from God turn around and start running with you but I came to tell you in 2020 because the oil of Jesus is getting ready to flow on your life some enemies that chased you down are about to find out they messed with the wrong somebody look at your neighbors somebody say hey neighbor when the enemy comes in one way my Bible said he'll please slap it the enemy came in in 2019 and it's like a chase you down but he pops him and he's getting ready to figure out you his worst nightmare the devil is don't wish he'd never best with you he is living it me somebody's shop for Jesus abstract the intimate turns around and takes off running stop and Jake now run now run J who pulls the arrow back Shh hits him in the back and the King falls fall down why because when a turn around and on he gets on your life don't tell them that they have seen they shall see no more now and forever top it topic tibula temporarily please [Music] [Music] and I would be okay thank you friends if the text ended there but J who is on a mission because what is trying to get to is that principality sitting up in a window that has been terrorizing oh yes she was up in a window she was in the stand with your lawn the shield of warfare [Music] for the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to the pulling down of every strong order and I came to Ormond Beach to tell you God is raising up of people who are gonna tear that deaf us kingdom just somebody shot all over the ship [Music] she survived Elijah she survived Elijah but she could not survive the oil of turn around to see what God was getting ready to do through the anointing he put on him a Jehu he wasn't just turning the two young men's lives around he wasn't just turning the enemy around he was about to turn the nation around how'd you go turn the nation around you gotta take authority over every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and you gotta pull it into submission [Music] and he came right again I'm through with this he came riding into the gates and Jezebel saw him coming and she started painting her face now this is where we got the teaching growing up that a sister who puts makeup on her got a spirit of Jezebel I am thankful that in the mid 90s we got a revelation it's a sin for some women not to wear makeup it all come on in here sisters don't hate on me you know this if the bar needs painting I still I love you with all my heart I'm telling you the truth there were some sweet sisters in the church I was growing up here holy we went to the beach when we came down to Daytona Beach we went to the beach and blue jeans somebody say you was holy no I wasn't holy I was hot Nutley but somewhere we wised up and we found out Jezebel is much more seductive than Maybelline and mascara and covergirl in fact there are some people that look holy but their tongue looks like a forked snake because they bite all y'all not gonna say nothing now but Jezebel ain't about just as much what you look like on our side Jezebel is about a demon spirit controlling people through a control would you please like this Wallace she started painting her face not to seduce Jehu if you're going to understand the power of this text she begins to paint her face the culture of the day was when a queen knew she was about to die she painted her face so that she could die in dignity and when she begins to paint her face it's not to seduce JLo it's that she sees some in him and on him and she recognizes will my time in my perch and leading and trying to destroy and deceive is coming to an end and I'm not gonna die in an undignified way so let me paint my face get my coffin ready my day has come look at your neighbor tell them Navin there's a turnaround annointed coming on this house I need you to find somebody next to you you ain't talked to a mile service long look at your neighbors save me but there's a turnaround annointed coming on your house and some stuff that's been trying to drag you into defeat it's getting ready to come down Lots getting ready to turn our nation around does that gods don't turn our nation around now we go tagging around Randall Wallace it ain't got people watching turn it won't be through Wall Street it will be through the Republican or Democratic Party is about to release a turn around the morning somebody open up your mouth and savviness check [Music] I'll see about come on lift your voice and begin to praise God in the church I turn around oil that's getting ready to be released and you're not gonna be able to hide this one you're not gonna be able to get through this when they look the same you're coming out of this some of you are coming out your heads gonna be bobbing and your feets gonna be dancing some of you people who say I'm an introvert I don't shout you about to make a scene in this house God is about to hear the shout of the house who wants a turn around oil [Music] much Kennedy on the no shame I'm gonna tell you what's happening over the next 20 days in this house some of you get pulled into an inner chamber and you're not coming out the same way some of you are gonna it's gonna start tonight and all its gonna begin to flow on your head tonight there's some young people in this room you won't God to bless you but you want to go to school tomorrow and everything look like they used to I'm tell you right now you getting ready to turn the whole cafeteria of sat down God is about to put a turn around and on and on your life there's some college students that are like they're tired of listening to liberal arts professors poison their minds with secularism and human psychology and what there's a fresh anointing and God is about to release it on their life [Music] and this manipulative spirit of Jezebel [Music] that is trying to run profits into caves and preachers out of business turn churches into social clubs at the spirit of jealousy see when we start calling this mess out we thought it was just personalities oh no this ain't mere personalities we don't wrestle against flesh and blood we wrestle against powers and principalities rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places when I came to agree with your man of Kong and turn around show your hands up right now asking for the oil master for the oil ask you for the oil open up your mouth [Music] servando poo hero SEPA separate Papa don't stand there look at your neighbor open up your mouth and ask for the oil of God of your life no music just voices somebody who knows how to pray open up your mouth and ask God for a fresh oil along your life right now [Applause] oh you oils coming on you oils coming on you a turnaround anointing I declared drug addicts but not just go get therapy they're getting ready to turn around prostitutes and homosexuals are getting ready to turn around and when God turns him around because of the anointing on this house God told me to tell you they're not going back to the mess God brought him out of the devil's go wonder where they were he's gonna look for on the corner where he used to found them but he know found him on the corner selling their bodies anymore they're gonna be in the praise corner of the church giving God glory right 30 more seconds open up your mouth and ask God for freshly [Applause] [Music] take somebody by the hand right now and keep on asking agree with somebody that the oil is gonna start flowing agree with somebody right now that the oil is gonna start flowing that's a pressure there's a fresh oil coming on this house the Ka'bah vasya yes yes territorial principalities are getting ready to be broken the enemy's getting ready to turn and run the set they came in one way but they don't flee Ormond Beach seven different words I failed it ask God for a fresh oil it's time for a turnaround very 64 seconds ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find shopping somebody pray we open yard stuff follow your spirit [Applause] [Music] he's our touch their captain you see REO [Music] [Music] shop Amish fresh oil you need a fresh oil but still space they all whoa come on sure rip your boss [Music] that is lifted let them feel the oil start at the tip of their hands and begin to run down their skirt somebody's draft somebody's been looking for purpose somebody's been trying to find destiny God told me to tell you your purpose is in the oil your destiny is in the oil your future is in the oil [Music] would you reach over gently lay your hand on your neighbor's soda and I want your right now to just begin to declare and decree a turnaround anointing is coming on your life oh yes there he's turn around a night is coming come on come on come on all workers are getting ready to turn around [Music] wayward children are getting ready to turn around in fact I believe I heard the holy ghost just whisper tell it before they walked in their house tonight that's some stuff and some children they've been worried about I'm getting ready to turn around marriages are getting ready [Music] television alone Taurasi you around [Music] turn my church around turn my family [Music] here's what tonight looks like in the spirit [Music] some of you been in a season and they felt like life was moving in a direction without purpose without destiny without direction it's not that you don't know if God is just that you kept on living and moving in operating in a direction [Music] and the enemy whispered your best days are behind you the enemy whispered you God don't have a future for you the enemy whispered it's going in a direction that you can't stop you not not being able to fix this when the oil starts flowing God and I found out it could take years to get his screwed up but it don't take God years to unscrew it in fact joe said what the palmer one left the caterpillar ate what the caterpillar left the loca say what the locust ate the left the cake who weren't ate until the people of god were stripped what it took the enemy years to strip in one split second in the presence of dog [Music] God restored it all look at your neighbor and say neighbor [Music] I declare under this anointing that 2020 in fact what is the date [Music] January 5th tell them on January 5th things start turning around for you [Music] tell your other men say hey I'll tell them that I told you say hey the name say it's turning around there's a businessman in here getting ready to see some things turn there's a wife in here getting ready to see some things turn there's a son and a daughter getting ready to see mama and daddy [Music] kids badass roads just a moment you're in this room and you say pastor Kevin I heard you preach I've been to church before but I don't just need a blessing I need to get my life right with God somebody in here is away from God and you know that you've been living life without it and tonight you want to turn around and you need a new way of living and you want Jesus to rescue you and you want to come out of the darkness into the light and you want to give Jesus your heart listen to me real carefully I don't care how many drugs you're addicted to I don't care who you been sleeping with I don't care where you came from it doesn't matter to me how messed up you feel I came to tell you three things I love you this church loves you and most of all jesus loves you he didn't come to beat you up he came to rescue your soul tonight sin is the slave master he's the forgiver and the freer he hits madhouse clothes if you need to get right with God and give him your heart I'm counting two three four you don't live one more day in darkness tonight the lights coming on and you're coming out of it you're coming out of darkness into the light and God's gonna turn your life around when I say three if I'm talking to you and you need Jesus to save you throw your hand up same time so Kevin pray for me I need to get right with God 1 2 3 lift your hand if I'm talking to you if your hand is up or it should be I'm gonna ask everybody to back up out the middle just look just just a little bit and if your hand is up or it should be I want every person that wants to get right with God to come stand right here right now hurry if your hand is up in the air or you want it to lift it but you were afraid there is no fear I'm standing here waiting on you come on sweetheart they're about 50 more people that need to come out their seat I need to get right with God I'm not living in the darkness anymore I'm living in the light come on I need Church Church I need you to praise God why they're coming come over come on they're still coming somebody join angels and celebrate [Music] [Applause] how many know this is why we talk to search [Music] stretch a hedge toward the altar every precious soul that's come to this altar I want you to hear me we can't forgive ourselves and cleanse ourselves only Jesus can cleanse and forgive there's no condemnation but you got to ask him to save and set free and forgive many of you come to this altar the night you've been in church you know God but some of you've never asked him to come in I want everyone to pray with me right now especially those who come to this altar I'm getting ready to give this microphone back to your pastor I [Music] want to lead you tonight in a prayer that if you will mean in your heart and believe and speak it out of your mouth of Jesus or hear you and he'll save you tonight everyone in the house pray with them say dear God I need a Savior I cannot save myself forgive me of my sin Jesus cleanse me break every chain sent me totally free of lust sin perversion pride all of it I lay it down at this altar and I give it to you Jesus give me eternal life change me be the lord of my future in Jesus name I pray and everybody who loved the Lord and believes that he's the god of turnaround give him your best ways all over this house right now [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 9,861
Rating: 4.8441558 out of 5
Id: dqG7BxrXiVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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