After Hours - Awkward Scenes That Must Have Happened In Marvel Movies (Captain America, The Hulk)

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holy Shh I know holy [ __ ] thank you I mean you've been trying to get us to cover this topic for a while and I had my doubts but you beautiful wet son of a [ __ ] you did it finally an airtight theory that indisputably proves that all the Coen Brothers movies take place in the same universe and they're all based on different Shakespeare plays and the way you sold the theory I mean like literally the things that you said so cleverly delivered it was like watching a Coen Brothers movie now you're just blowing smoke I don't think anyone here is gonna review it any of your poll yeah I mean check Spain shall we yo who told Captain America about the Holocaust nah man you guys are whole time I might have slipped out what are you talking about in 1942 Captain America wiped out the Red Skull and um what's a compendium for Nazi salute ooh thank you a load of Nazis then he's frozen and brought back to present day he's obviously been spending some time getting caught up on culture because we see he's got that listen Winter Soldier I'll put it on the list if he's moving on to Marvin Gaye and Steve Jobs he's probably all caught up on world culture stuff right whoa he's thinking he heroically sacrificed himself taking out the biggest evil in the world in 1942 and now someone has to sit him down and be like yeah that's great and all but the Holocaust sort of kept going through 1945 turns out men can still be monsters even without the red skulls power and monster face and it's an interesting an awkward conversation that must have happened at some point must it have though because nobody's straightening out caps priorities okay he's got disco Thai food and rocky and the Berlin Wall and the moon landing on his list of things to check out okay let's not assume that he has caught up on any fun fact that list is different depending on where the movies released so like in England the Berlin Wall is the Beatles in Australia it's Steve Irwin effect was not fun at all new fact please also can we get mozzarella sticks for the table thank you I'm just saying either someone had to tell Captain America his big heroic sacrifice didn't wind up ending the war and no one stepped up in this place for a while or someone still has to tell him what a demoralizing conversation that must have been or must will be that's nothing imagine going through puberty in outer space with the yondu's gang from guardians of the galaxy that [ __ ] happened to Star Lert okay he got kidnapped when he was a kid and then spent the rest of his life with yondu's grouse band of thieves okay puberty and learning sex education is hard and uncomfortable enough for all of us and we learned it the official way in public school oh not me I was raised on a boat so I learned from my parents out at sea although I didn't really need to be taught exactly boats are small so there's not a lot of room for secrets or privacy on a boat you grow real fast on the sea okay for those of us who are not boat schooled we had to learn the awful old-fashioned way you know in school from a gym teacher while chaotically horny for the first time in embarrassed real life there's an order to my horniness before can I live but then I do want to okay so star-lord would have to get over a his mother dying in front of him be I've been abducted and see realizing that monsters and aliens actually do exist and then he would have to have a conversation about his changing body with a bunch of aliens all of whom kidnapped him some of whom wanted to eat him I mean what would that conversation even be like they are a bunch of aliens with presumably different general situations okay he would be like oh don't my wiener is getting long and and harder for the first time ever in then and then an alien would be like that's weird cuz mine turns into a bun just snakes when I'm horny probably why he's open to sex with lots of alien right because Peter quill Fox okay we know this look I'm gonna be totally honest with you I forgot you're here but his sex ed must have been a nightmare sex that doesn't teach you how to [ __ ] though it just teaches you that wheel trying gun was human right yeah you could tell Peter about boners that's what I'm saying not a lot of great options mm-hmm speaking of sex Tony Stark this is definitely gonna damp man thousand percent I mean we don't know that thousand percent it's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt yeah becoming all shapes and sizes you know I agree probably he will but like in the context of this conversation we don't know for sure that that's an awkward moment that will definitely happen based off of things we've seen the movies for this conversation that's disqualified what I want to imagine it kind of seems like you do fine something about Hulk maybe huh let me get there damn scientist green big banner big banner big boner got there we've talked more about boners than we usually do today yeah and it's still early anyway even though they switched Hulk actors between the Incredible Hulk in the first Avengers movie William Hurt is still around as general Thunderbolt Ross in both movies and Tony Stark appears in the after credits Hulk scene so we know that everything that happened in the Incredible Hulk is still canon with the current Marvel Cinematic Universe so the fact that Hulk used to be boring this Canon yeah but more importantly in addition to it being a bad movie it also features a scene where human form Hulk is about to get busy with his lady friend but his heart rate watch starts going crazy and he realizes if he gets too excited he might Hulk out and nobody wants that speak for yourself boat crude I just mean that The Hulk has not had sex since he became the Hulk never smash oak never smash so sad I mean when he was like a nerdy little cube super into science no one was throwing it at him and now he's a superhero and he still can't get laid I adore you oh my god has he even had sex wait as Captain America had sex Oh how many virgins are on the Avengers just like ballpark Thor Fox he does and I want to get into that but I think comedy might be on to something with their virgins come on Mike you're making it sound like I'm starting a cult deep Rodgers went from not enough to super buff but then he was frozen for decades and then he started doing Avengers stuff immediately and then he had that weird kiss with Sharon Carter where there's no chemistry whatsoever spider-man's a teenager and can barely even talk to girls The Hulk can't get horned up and the vision is brand-new no one even knows what's down there it's just Black Widow Warmachine Falcon Thor and start getting it done for the whole team Hawkeye kappa who cares care there it is the most awkward stuff to happen in the MCU is a bunch of superheroes sitting around a table talking about sex except that they're all Steve Carell from the 40 year old virgin ash yeah I got a dip but do you guys gonna come back and talk about pop culture I mean there's a lot of stuff that we haven't even touched on how can Black Widow be a famous spy and if we as America can let our military to our allies can we also lend them to our superheroes if we ever get our food all valid questions till next time yeah yeah yeah food next time okay thank you guys for agreeing to come back here so quickly no no I get it man honestly I think I'm just as mad as you if the dude couldn't possibly be Anton sugars cousin oh my god thousand reasons and how can Donnie also be Carl from Fargo if Donnie is dead Donnie isn't dead what if my theory I don't know can't we go back to before where we weren't questioning me and because I was great no Daniel look around you we are in a thing this is us in a thing thank you fine well dig into this yeah of course we will that's what we do we will never stop of course I don't think anyone has to worry that we this specific group of people will ever not ever again get together and discuss pop culture yeah I mean who could be worried about that whose fears are you addressing personally I would like to see some different people bring a fresh perspective to pop culture people whose experiences are different than mine even if I'm not involved in the thing at all sure yeah no but I mean we still us four we'll get together and discuss pop culture in the future yeah I mean I can't imagine not regularly meeting with you three people to deconstruct movies and TV shows here at this diner forever yes yeah yes yeah yeah good that should ease anyone's fear of us retiring or quitting the show or whatever they were worried about that you say show mmm hey everybody thanks for watchin that bring ups of after-hours click the C to subscribe and click other stuff for other things to happen we're gonna be doing another episode of after hours every month so they get to don't be mad at it's new and different it's also new and more yeah [Applause]
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,213,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, sdcc, Marvel Movies, Awkward Scenes, Af, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, thor, movie, superhero, avengers, Star Lord, Hulk, The Hulk, mcu, Marvel Universe, avengers infinity war trailer, avengers infinity war teaser trailer, infinity war trailer, thor ragnarok trailer, Steve Rogers, Peter Quill, Bruce Banner, akward marvel, funny, cracked,, sketch, cracked after hours, after hours cracked, parody, spoof, humor, satire, Tony Stark, Iron Man, Aunt May, Spider-Man
Id: 2jZ9g9_gdYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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