Afro-Brazilian Street Food - GIANT FOOD TOUR + Boiling Moqueca + Acarajé in Salvador Bahia, Brazil!

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- Hey, everyone, hope you're having an amazing day, it's Mark Wiens, I'm in Salvador in the state of Bahia, Brazil. This is a city that I've wanted to visit for so long. It's such a colorful, incredibly history, it's the center of Afro-Brazilian food, Afro-Brazilian culture in Brazil. And so, today we're gonna go on a street food tour of Salvador de Bahia, we're gonna eat some of the local food, explore some of the Afro-Brazilian food and culture. I'm gonna share everything with you in this video and we just arrived to Sao Joaquim Market which is one of the main distribution markets in the city for food and then also for cooked food as well. So we're gonna walk around the market, we're gonna see some of the ingredients and eat some breakfast first to start this tour. (drum instrumental) It's a fruit that kinda tastes like a cross between tamarind and apple and it's fermented in its own skin. Just love visiting local markets in every city and every region and then Brazil, because of the diversity, the massive country, the diversity from state to state, from city to city, but this is our first glimpse at Salvador de Bahia and just the ingredients, the chili's are vibrant, the purple chili's, different shapes and sizes. Another ingredient that's extremely important in Bahian cuisine, is Dende oil, which is palm oil which is originally from West Africa, brought to Brazil and now it's just a significant part of so many dishes of the culture of the people in Bahia. The dried fish, the palm oil, the coconut oil, the chili's, the ingredients, the nuts. I mean the Afro-Brazilian West African specifically culture is undoubtedly represented. We've come to the section of the market where they have all these ceremonial religious herbs and ingredients. And also very medicinal, you immediately can smell the aroma, the basil. (speaks in foreign language) And he just recommended us a restaurant right across the lane. (speaks in foreign language) People are friendly, we're gonna order pretty much all the dishes of the day that she has prepared. She's showing us, (mumbles) this one is the Feijuada right? Which is the beans with the pork and then she also specializes in Mocoto, which is the cow hoof stew. (speaks in foreign language) Okay so she's just making something called Pirao now which is, she took some of the juice from the Mocoto which is the cow hoof stew and then she mixed in some of the cassava powder and it's almost like porridge consistency stirring that around. (crowd murmuring) (speaks in foreign language) Oh nice. (speaks in foreign language) Be careful not to bump the table and the food but this is an amazing environment, an amazing atmosphere in the alley. She has three main dishes I think that she has for the day. We ordered everything and this is what everybody, if you look around this is what everybody is eating as well. This one is that dish that she made, that stew sauce, and made it to a porridge with cassava flour. You can just feel how heavy that's gonna be. Now looks like a chunk of brisket. Re-juice it. This one is the main Feijoada, beans which is one of Brazil's national dishes but this one is white beans in Salvador with pork parts. Oh yeah, you can see some gelatinous bits. (speaks in foreign language) She is awesome, she's taking care of us. She takes care of everybody that comes to eat here. Okay, I'm gonna try some of that Feijoada first. (crowd murmuring) Mmmm! Oh that's amazing! The beans are not even like mushy, they have a bit of a crunch to them. You can taste the smoky, bacon-y, porky, gelatinous flavor of it and I just love beans. But that would be even better with some of this chili sauce. This one is chunky too, there's cucumber, it's all tomato maybe, tomato and green tomato. Is it okay to just pick up the meat? - [Man] Yeah man, I wanna eat like that. - Okay. Like a fat cap on that side, and then just meat on the inside. I think this is kinda like brisket-y, it looks like it's just gonna fall apart in your mouth. (crowd murmuring) Oh wow! That is just stunningly tender and fatty. Check out these fish. (speaks in foreign language) And that sauce is incredible. It doesn't look that spicy but it does have some spice to it and then just those onions, so it's like cilan--, well, I need to kind of hold it on the, there we go. - Really good, with the fingers. - [Mark] Yeah. That's so good. - Really good. (Mark laughs) - Dude the jelly bits, I don't know if it's a tendon or anyways, it goes down wonderfully. - [Mark] That is a massive chunk of sausage. I got some of that Pirao on the side which is that cassava porridge. (crowd murmuring) Oh wow, that Pirao, you taste the meatiness of it but then at the same time it's almost like it is a porridge. That is a meat porridge. Next I'll try the jerk beef. (crowd murmuring) You taste the saltiness of that beef because it's just slightly sun-dried. It's tender, it's flavorful. And then sauteed with those onions. This is like tendon too. This is the cow hoof and you just have to reach it with your fingers. I think there's tendon and gelatinous bits and fat and you can feel bone in there too. Whoa, I'm losin it. We gotta bite it fast. Cheers man. - Cheers. (Mark laughs) (crowd murmurs) - Oh wow. Yeah, that's tendon right? Mhm, pure jelly. So shocked. (drum instrumental) Mmm mmm. Lucy is amazing. (speaks in foreign language) She is eating with us now. (speaks in foreign language) - [Guilherme] Say that the chili sauce is really good. - Oh yes, the Reaper. We gave her a little bit of our Reaper, Carolina Reaper Chili Sauce. She is loving it. Hanging out eating with us, what an atmosphere, what a spot. And as we're leaving, it just rained for a little bit but it's still sunny so it's not gonna last yeah, it's already starting to stop. (drum instrumental) We're gonna walk just back through the fruit market, see if it's a little more open and then we'll be on our way to the next place where we're gonna search out some more food. This is more of the fruit distribution wholesale market. Lots of fruits. Extremely ripe tropical fruit. (crowd murmurs) Market was cool, not too busy today but the atmosphere, the people, that lunch was incredible. Check out these fruit drawings, it's almost like fruit graffiti on the wall here. And then the distribution market, the fruit just piles of fruit, again it's not that busy but the fruit stalls that are open are just blooming. From here we're gonna drive to more of the old city and there's another restaurant not totally sure if it will be open or not but we're gonna go there and try to check it out see if it's open. (upbeat pop music) Just passing by one of the most iconic areas of Salvador, that famous elevator that goes from the lower city to the upper city that looks exactly like the elevator in Lisbon but we're gonna go, first she's driving past we're gonna go check out a restaurant to see if it's open first hopefully it's open, it looks amazing and then we'll be back here. (speaks in foreign language) This is amazing, to get to this restaurant, you go down off the highway down this small little road that's like right along the edge of the cliff of the ocean. (speaks in foreign language) Yes. (speaks in foreign language) I don't know much Portuguese but I do know (speaks in foreign language). - Yes, it's open. - And that means good news. What a cool parking spot too. (speaks in foreign language) This is such a good place. Even the parking spot, yeah, within a, actually we're on the bottom of the highway. Such an amazing place. Under the highway, view of the sea, she's leading us to the restaurant. (speaks in foreign language) Amazing just walking, all the different art underneath the arches of the highway. This is a car wash here and the paintings and the murals. Oh man, look at that! (speaks in foreign language) Love the culture, love the people, love the art here. And this is the view of the neighborhood where the restaurant is. Wow! So beautiful. (upbeat pop music) From here we actually go down a staircase right here. (drum instrumental) Little private beach. It's not even sand it's like rock beach but the water is crystal clear, you can just see it from here. (rocks crunching) (waves crashing) It's hard to even soak everything in right now. This is Salvador de Bahia, this is Brazil. Now we're at the base of the community, gonna wind our way through here to get to the restaurant. That's the one (mumbles) And then the community literally just built upon the sea rocks going up the side of the hill underneath the highway. Spectacular! Absolutely spectacular. (drum instrumental) And connecting with another alley lane. (speaks in foreign language) Oh look at that burger. (Mark laughs) (speaks in foreign language) Dona Susana, what? It's an honor to be here. (speaks in foreign language) I'm so happy to be here. Oh wow, this a beautiful place. (speaks in foreign language) Amazing community and lady and owner of this restaurant, she's offering, she actually said we can take off our shirts if we're hot and just eat without our shirts on and then she even offered to take, there's a shower in here. A full shower. We can take a shower maybe after the meal. (Mark laughs) (speaks in foreign language) And I might have to take her up on that. She wants us to come in the kitchen soon but she wants up to have a drink first. (oil popping) Dona Susana starting to cook, she's cooking some fish, fried fish, she put a little bit, I believe it's cassava flour on them, just on the outside and then frying that and then she's gonna, we ordered some Moqueca which is the stew from Bahia, Salvador de Bahia. (soup bubbles) (speaks in foreign language) But one of the main dishes that she cooks, that she prepares everyday is Moqueca which is, it's a very common Salvador Bahian dish. It's a stew made with coconut milk and especially Dende oil which is palm oil. Which originally comes from West Africa and then was brought to the coast of South America to Brazil and it's a very important ingredient for authentic Bahian cuisine. We're sitting over here in the alley but over here this is like a table just with a, it's actually a million dollar view overlooking the ocean. (upbeat pop music) (speaks in foreign language) - Okay (speaks in foreign language) I think we got almost all the dishes that she's serving today but you can have different combinations of the different dishes. (speaks in foreign language) That's the Bahian accent. Cool, Moqueca dia-hia - Yahaya. - Yahaya. Which is the main stew, with manta ray fish. So good with rice that's the problem. The texture of her Pirao is just incredible. You have to actually shake the spoon. I'm gonna start with the Moqueca. Put this under the rice, oh that color, the palm oil, and then that coconut milk in there. Wow. Ensopado de Camarao. This looks incredible, yeah, it looks like there's onions, there's tomatoes, that's beautiful and then just wrapped up in coconut milk. Now the black eyed peas. Oh indeed. I'm doing my best to make like a beautiful plate here, with everything. And that completes, oh it's just chili sauce on top. I gotta begin first with the Moqueca Bahiana. Haya? - [Guilhereme] Ahaya. - Ahaya, Moqueca de Ahaya. Which is the manta ray in the stew. Wow that's so meaty, that's so thick meat, whoa. Like tuna. Just asked for a spoon, gonna transfer to a spoon because I wanna soak up as much of that sauce as possible. The sauce is a combination of coconut milk and palm oil. Oh wow! That is so rich, it almost tastes like melted butter. The fragrance of the palm oil yet so distinct, richness on top of richness and then the manta ray. It's so solid, it's so firm. Gonna move over to the shrimp now and you can see that's a totally different color, I think there's no palm oil in that because it's a different color, it's almost pink in color because of the coconut milk and then the tomatoes is in there, but there's lots of onions it's chunky. Mmm! Oh wow, that's awesome. Oh, richest, stickiest, coconut cream broken down with tomatoes for a sourness give it that tartness plus the crunch of the onions, the firmness of the shrimp. - Unique flavor, awesome. - [Mark] Rafaela. - Delicious. - The beans and that shrimp. The creaminess is a gift. - You cannot ask for a better meal in Salvador, a more home cooked meal. Black eyed peas. Mmm, those are amazing too, the starchiness just kind of melts in your mouth. Yet they're light at the same time. Oil based chili sauce, but look how delicious that looks. Let's just take that bite right there. (speaks in foreign language) That is awesome as well. A little bit of a kick to it. It has a little sourness to it. Kind of like the oil holding it together, wrapping it up. Still got the Pirao to go. And it's so yellow in color from the Dende oil, from the palm oil. It almost looks like pumpkin. Mhm! That is amazingly sticky in texture. And you do taste the aroma of the palm oil in there. Finally, for some of the fish. I'm not totally sure what type of fish is this, maybe a type of mackerel. But then yeah, she breaded it with just some flour and then fried it. I'm gonna take this opportunity to have a little bit of the chili on there. (speaks in foreign language) Mmm! That's delicious too. Just the way she's breaded it, I think with cassava flour, gives it such an extra crunch on the outside and a little bit of that chili oil on top of there. (speaks in foreign language) Perfect. Yeah and the the food is hearty, it's filling, it's flavorful, and you know everything is just cooked with so much love. And by the way I'm just loving this T-shirt. The air flow is actually perfect with this aerodynamic V-neck that just lets the air through. It flows. And it also has room for stomach expansion. Which is one of the most necessary things when you're in Salvador. Okay, okay. (speaks in foreign language) There's no way you cannot hug the chef after a meal. (speaks in foreign language) Thank you, thank you. Nice to meet you man. (speaks in foreign language) Man I'm feeling a little off balance after that meal. Dude did you see that burger painted on the - Yeah yeah yeah. - That is, we're comin' up on it again one more time. This could be the world's largest burger. Oh they're not open, this is actually a restaurant. We would definitely eat it. Good to get a little exercise climbing back up but this, it's been an unbelievable experience in Brazil. A community literally underneath the highway. They don't have a lot but they have a million dollar view, they're so hospitable and they have hearts just of pure love and Dona Susana, she took care of us like her own kids, she literally asked us to take showers if we wanted to huge heart, amazing people, that was just a life-changing experience. From here we're moving on back to the kind of the center area with that elevator that we passed earlier. (drum instrumental) We made it to an area called Pelourinho, which is the historic center. It's also known in short as Pelo but this is the historic area built by the Portuguese and this is actually the upper city what's known as upper city because there's an elevator that we saw from the car where you can go down to the coastline to the lower city so we're gonna take the elevator but I think right as we got here we're seeing a couple guys who are doing the Capoeira which is the form of art dance martial arts from Salvador. (instrumental music) (speaks in foreign language) Good job man, good job man. Now I don't begin to know all the history and the culture around Capoeira but I know that it did start with slaves from Africa who came to Brazil and they were practicing martial arts and defense but they disguised it as a dance, as a performance and now it's more part of a culture. It's a beautiful part of the Afro-Brazilian culture. (sings in foreign language) (man laughs) - Are you okay? - Yeah. - Sure? Wanna try? - Such a skill, such an art, they're so strong. When I was standing there I could actually feel the wind of their legs kicking. We're actually at the top of the elevator Lacerda elevator, construction was started in 1869 and it is 72 meters high and it connects the lower city which is below ocean level to the upper city which is on the cliff on the rock wall. Now it's a historic landmark. It's really one of the icons of the city of Salvador. It's 15 cents entrance to the elevator. Definitely has been renovated. It's actually used more almost like a public transportation. - A public transportation. That's why they charge only 15 cents. - And that's also why it's modernized and we are now on the lower city. Should have a full view of the elevator above us. (drum instrumental music) Just down from the elevator and across the street is Mercado Modelo which is one of the old markets, historical markets in the lower city of Salvador. The market for the most part is a little bit touristy with souvenirs, with paintings, with clothes that you can buy here but they also do have food and I'm actually just really loving the construction. You look at the rocks on the bottom, giant slabs of stone and then the walls which are this pure giant rocks just carved into the walls and then even the arches. Inside is mostly like souvenirs and things to remember Salvador by but on the outside of the market there are a few food stalls, we ordered a dish called Xinxin de Galinha which is a chicken stew I'm not totally sure, we're gonna find out. (speaks in foreign language) That also just comes to your table just piping hot boiling away that smells unbelievably delicious. Cooked in a clay pan and then served in a clay pan that's cooked in. And then finally we also got a dish called Caruru which is a dish I've wanted to try, it's a stew made with nuts, made with okra. So it has a sticky consistency that look and smells delicious. Gotta start with the Xinxin. They have this chunks of chicken, there's chunks of chicken just in this amazingly rich, beautiful sauce with the shrimp for flavoring as well. That is awesome-looking. (drum instrumental) Some of the Bobo de camarao which is this stew. It's so fragrant with the shrimp, with the sauce the coconut milk. It smells amazing. And finally the chili sauce, which this one looks amazing, it's like a chunky coriander, cilantro, onions, tomatoes, chilies. This chili sauce deserves a plate as a main dish on the plate. A spot on the plate as a main dish. Her name is Jasiada and she is just impressing us with her cooking skills, her knowledge of food and just the way she cooks, she's just talking more and more about the food her cooking skills are amazing. The chicken stew first. Okay, perfect. Let me get a bite with some of the shrimp, some of the chicken, some of the rice, and a little dry shrimp in there. And you can really smell the cilantro in there too. (crowd murmurs) That is amazing. It's a rich chicken stew. A tart from the tomatoes, those shrimp are really really salty though like maybe you should only take half a shrimp because it's purely salted, crunchy, the chicken is soft it just kinda soaks up that rich, creamy coconut milk. Really good. This one is the Caruru. Oh wow, it's is so amazingly sticky. (speaks in foreign language) Mmm! That is all okra stickiness. Oh I love it. It is so gooey awesome and so amazing, I love okra. And I love it has this kind of herbaceous, kind of nutty I think there might be cashews and peanuts in there. But along with that unique, slimy, amazing texture, the flavor is outstanding. That nuttiness, that herbal taste to it. Okay, moving on to the Bobo de Camarao and I'm gonna add some of the chili sauce onions into that. With some of the shrimp in there. (speaks in foreign language) The Caruru is amazing. (drum instrumental) You taste the richness of the coconut but it's almost like sticky because she blends in the yuca, the cassava which has a sticky, gummy texture to it. The sauce is almost a starch because of that cassava in there, almost like elastic-y texture, and now for some of the Pirao. Her Pirao is great. - [Man] Thank you. This is the type of food you can just kind of mix altogether and it just tastes amazing when you mix the different dishes together. You get a little bit of all types of starches, the rices, the cassava flour, the cassava porridge taste, the more mix of dishes on your plate, on your spoon at one time the better. (drum instrumental) Yeah the gooey-ness of that, it's just fun to eat. It kinda just slides around in your mouth. Not too sweet. (speaks in foreign language) It's called Romeo and Juliet? - Romeo and Juliet. - A block of cheese. Then with a block of guava-like paste. - Usually in (speaks in foreign language) in Rio de Janeiro we eat with white cheese that called (speaks in foreign language) we had with the yellow cheese which is pretty good. - Mm! Yeah, that exact like contrast of flavors. There's salty, sharp cheese, the guava, almost like sticky jam. Such an incredible meal, I do not want to get off this chair but we gotta move, we gotta go take the elevator back up to the upper part of the city. (drum instrumental) (speaks in foreign language) That was cool, just to mostly say we did it. Went up and down, now we're going back up. (speaks in foreign language) That's just like a vertical up and down subway. (drum instrumental) And just turning down one of the side streets now we are in Pelourinho which is the historic center, the breeze coming up and down these side lanes, it feels just like Lisbon, the cobblestone actually they're stone roads, the churches, the historic colorful buildings. Michael Jackson filmed his video out of that balcony and then there's not a lot going on this afternoon, it's just kind of a sleepy afternoon but this is where they officially play Olodum. It's actually an official association and students train playing the drum with the famous Olodum beat here but this scenery man, this entire plaza, I love the view down in this direction. (drum instrumental) Historic center was very cool walking around and especially learning Capoeira and then seeing a little bit of the drumming, but we're back in the car, we're driving through the narrow lanes of the old city on the cobblestone roads and on our way to one Boteco, which is a restaurant bar. (speaks in foreign language) Can you hear that? Check this out. This is, if you're not at the game, at the stadium, this is how they watch matches in Brazil and there happens to be a game this afternoon happening. (speaks in foreign language) Absolutely awesome. The place we're going to is called Boteco Di Janela which is just up ahead here. - Look, this machine. - [Mark] Oh, Makita. Okay, a saw like a-- - Saw, yeah. - [Mark] Like a handsaw. - Handsaw. - Just feels great to sit down, the sun has been brutal today. (speaks in foreign language) Just waiting for our dishes to be prepared. But he walking around selling common street snack which is grilled (speaks in foreign language), which is cheese. He walks around the tub of cheese is here and then he just literally like holds it over the hot fire coals and roasts it. (speaks in foreign language) - Which is the (speaks in foreign language) cheese. (speaks in foreign language) - Perfectly grilled, perfectly blistered, that is freshly grilled cheese. Oh wow! That is amazing. That is awesome. That taste like a grilled mozzarella stick but even more flavorful 'cause the smoky, fire-roastedness. That's so good. And then a lot of people also eat it with a little bit of palm syrup. Okay, (speaks in foreign language). Okay just one bite with the palm, oh that's drippin'. Oh man, that one bite. It's pretty good. That just contrast the saltiness, not even that sweet but almost like fruity. (speaks in foreign language) That is a tasty appetizer. (speaks in foreign language) Is this the blood stew? They're about to dish them out, one is like a blood and organ stew and then another one is called Sururu which is a local shellfish from this kind of like a clam. (speaks in foreign language) Rice, this one is the Sarapatel. Which is the organ stew. That looks amazing, so rich with blood and organs. Looks like there could be some fat cubes in there too. Mmm! You taste all of the organs but it's so soft, it's so tender, slightly organ-y, slightly iron-y I mean. Really rich from the blood. And then you taste onions and tomatoes in there. This is the soup with those shells. Kind of like sea snails and they're all, almost look like intestines because of the way they've already been taken out of the shell. Yeah, it's almost like nutty tasting, those shells are amazing though, like snails but kind of chewy, kind of squid-like, just a thick, rich, not too heavy, like a seafood chowder almost, water based chowder. Sururu is stew which is kind of eaten like a soup, and squeeze in that lime. Oh yeah, you can see little tiny shells, you can see them when you dig it out. Oh that squeeze of fresh lime. That's also, it's light in flavor but really focused on the seafood, on those shells. It has kind of a clam taste to it. Hearty, not oily, not too rich just focused on those clams and top it with a bit of that chili sauce. (upbeat pop music) The citrusy-ness of that, and again all over Brazil they have different chili sauces, amazing chili sauces that one is a little bit spicy and also kind of citrusy and oily. She cooked it so clean, so pure tasting, it doesn't have any kind of off flavors, they're gonna include all the organs and blood. Beautiful atmosphere, beautiful people, amazing food. From here we still have one more Bahian Salvador street food to eat and it's probably the most famous street snack, street food in all of Salvador Bahia. If you come here you cannot miss it. We are a little bit early, they're just setting up. (latin music) I cannot wait to try my first Acaraje. Acaraje is a direct West African snack food. It is both a religious food, West African, Afro-Brazilian used as an offering, as a religious ceremonial food but it's also the most common, the most beloved Bahian Salvadorian street food snack. It's called Acaraje de Ivone and Ivone is the mother, she's not here today it's her day off but the daughters are taking very very good care of us. Begins again with the mixture of black eyed pea flour, it's more like a batter but they whip it up so it's almost like pastry-ish almost like a biscuit, and it looks fluffy and airy. But then she makes a perfect spoonful, drops it into the palm oil, that's why the oil is so dark, so orange, the Dende oil, the palm oil it has to be. (speaks in foreign language) - Dona Ivone. - Dona Ivone, she could not be here today but Guilherme just called her on the phone. - She happy, her daughter called us-- - Oh awesome. - Her daughter call her mom to say hi. - They're so friendly. (speaks in foreign language) What is that? (speaks in foreign language) Ah, okay. Onions. (speaks in foreign language) (drum instrumental) It's just sprouting like a blooming flower. Look at that, it's like a happy face. Vatapa is just oozing out, I'm gonna try to maximize my first bite, get all that crispy fritteryness, all that gooey Vatapa and Caruru, and the shrimp and salad all together in one. (woman laughs) Oh wow! That is stunning. That is unbelievably delicious. When I took a bite, the oozy, gooey, Vatapan and Caruru just squeezed out onto my cheeks. No, I do not want to use a napkin. I'm gonna hold it there. Actually bun, the black eyed pea bun is so light and fluffy and biscuity but so crispy on the outside from that palm oil then you got the Caruru which has the slimy, okra, nutty taste to it. Got the salty shrimp, you got the refreshing green tomato, unbelievably delicious. Chill dude, that is amazing. - My mind is blown trying to comprehend all of that flavor, wow! - Literally the stickiness of that okra, it almost acts like cheese, it's like a healthy cheese because there's just natural stickiness from that okra. I am just blown away by this. When you hear the word Salvador de Bahia, this is the food that people talk about, and now I know why. It is that good, just an amazingly delicious food and the culture that surrounds it, the people that surround it are what make it spectacular, this place, Ivone. Acaraje de Ivone. This is unbelievable. Restuff it with every bite, it kinda just slides, oh man I'm just gooing all over the place. I just lost a shrimp tail. (speaks in foreign language) - We have that in Rio but we can't compare, this the real deal. Last bite. - [Mark] Seriously good man. (Mark laughs) Look you added on more, look at how just perfect that is. Okay. (Joel laughs) I just thought I'd put my face in it. Oh wow. It's spectacular. Like that is as good as a snack can get, I can't think of a better afternoon snack than this. Okay, final bite. I'm tryna scoop up all that droppings. (paper crunching) The Abara is the same fritter but instead of being fried in palm oil, it is steamed so it's kind of a, I mean it's not a crispy version, it is more of like a steamed bread version. There's definitely a strategy to eating these, I know that was my only first time so I had a terrible strategy that just, I lost ingredients left and right but I know if you're an expert eating this, you probably can eat the whole thing clean and not waste anything. Re-stuffing is not really working, I think I gotta just put my face in it. Oh wow. That is stunning, the gooeyness of the okra, the nuttiness, Vatapa which glues it together. The freshness of those green tomatoes, and then the salty shrimp. Do you have a strategy for eating so you don't get messy (Mark laughs) They are amazing. (speaks in foreign language) I think I got a little Vatapa in my eyelash on that last bite. (Mark laughs) - Why am I laughin'? I had one up here so. - One of the greatest afternoon snacks maybe ever. It's so good, two back to back the Abara was literally double the density and that's filling, very very filling. They're so cool, they're so friendly. When you are in Salvador de Bahia, this is a must, must come to. (speaks in foreign language) Gizelle. - Gizelle. (speaks in foreign language) - Thank you so much (speaks in foreign language). Ultimate experience and as we're leaving there's another guy who came and he told Joel, he's like you have the Acaraje lipstick. And I just noticed, I've got it too. Acaraje lipstick, I'm gonna keep that, that's like a cookie mustache but just better. Completely disoriented. (guys laughing) The wrong car. An absolute must eat snack when you're in Salvador de Bahia and an absolute must eat stall. Go say hello to them when you're in Salvador. - You hit the spot again. The best. - It's only right that I end this street food tour of Salvador de Bahia on the beach, on the Atlantic Ocean. The natural beauty here, the people, I'm just absolutely blown away by the people of Salvador de Bahia. The people, the warmth, the hospitality, the Afro-Brazilian culture, it was an honor to have a chance to be here, to learn about the culture, to learn about the music, the history, most importantly the food. From the home cooked full rice meals to the Acaraje, this is actually the final video of this entire Brazil food and travel series. If you haven't seen the entire series, we traveled all around Brazil eating some amazing food but especially learning about the culture, learning about the different diversities of destinations and the foods all the way from Rio de Janeiro all the way to the southern areas to the northern to the Amazon to Salvador, to the coastline and I'll have a link in the description box, you can click that link, you can watch the entire Brazil food series, all of the videos are in that series. If you haven't already seen them, go back, watch all the videos in order right now. I just owe it to the people of Brazil for being so warm, so welcoming. I wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who made this happen, to everyone we met along the way and everyone who shared the food with us. A big thank you to Guilherme and Rafaela for taking us around, for being with us and I'll have their link in the description boxes as well and then finally a huge thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you. If you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon, you'll get notified of the next video that I publish. Big goodbye from Brazil, from Salvador de Bahia where our trip to Brazil ends. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you on the next video.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,027,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brazil, Salvador, Bahia, Salvador Brazil, Mark Wiens, Salvador food, street food, Brazilian street food, Salvador street food, pirão, feijoada, Moqueca, Pelourinho, Mercado Modelo, samba, Acarajé, street food videos, street food Brazil
Id: Nyr7kL3s91w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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