Unseen TRANSYLVANIA VILLAGE FOOD + Best LAMB Stew in Romania!!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/verylateish 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in the heart of Transylvania Romania this is a beautiful place and today we have the special opportunity to visit a local village it's pretty remote village we were gonna meet with the community who's gonna cook a local Transylvanian Romanian meal for us and so I can't wait to learn about Transylvania the amazing village enjoy some amazing home-cooked local Transylvanian food and I'm excited to be here and share everything with you I think we're gonna start just walking around the village before we get started cooking and eating and then just learn about the village and learn about Transylvania [Applause] bread like this is is staying much longer fresh you don't put East at all you will please smell it oh yes still what I can feel the heat hmm yeah that smells incredible very slowly it's not baking and it is also with this sourdough attention could impress decree Oscar I think in ready for two hours he's higher in the oven with with wood and in this time the 14 artists oh yes there's nobody chose it is different you can smell it's so aromatic it's so smoky there's a number of different types of paprika chilies there's aubergine tomatoes and onions all roasted and into a like a mash spread on top of that bread how is it nothing yes the bread is incredible so crusty and so gooey on the inside and with that perfect roasted vegetable jam oh it's superb [Applause] hmm Paul's your in grab ball mmm just know like honey sweet hello I love all night stacking up the wood piling up the wood for the winter and then also for the the oven because they bake all the bread using wood baking with wood fire oven oh this was a great stop we are gonna move on and continue from here and they are known for their cooking especially the local Transylvanian food soup already nice okay oh and here comes the chickens beautiful so we're just walking through the courtyard area and then through they have a lot of chickens here chickens are very common and then you can see just the stacks of wood and then something that's also unique about Transylvania is their construction of houses and homes and buildings the unique roof shape which will only find in Transylvania and then every house also has a vegetable garden outside of the house we're just going to get some vegetables pick some vegetables now is when the carrots are perfect horseradish yeah and we're gonna use all these ingredients in a chicken soup that they're gonna make again I says we will do a good soup chicken soup is for weddings for Christmas it is a very special the potatoes are here as well everything on the entire basket is just full everything is available right here locally from their garden here's the chicken for the soup [Applause] it's gonna be a rooster for the soup and I'm sure we're gonna be using every single part including the comb and everything from the rooster as they do locally in Transylvania one thing about raising your own animals and meat and vegetables is your level of appreciation and how much it actually how much meaning and it actually has when it then comes time to butcher and comes time to eat and cook for your family and that's something I think that's so important to remember not totally sure where we're going I am just oh cool look at that well I'm just following I think we're going to the neighbor's house to or the next house mark and the amazing ladies here have have hooked me up okay should I think definitely over or over okay and this is a traditional Transylvanian I'm loving it and it's time to start cooking which I'm also loving Wow put the hot water over the rooster so that you can pull out the feathers pluck the feathers as much easier and beginning to realize that palinka is a very traditional and very imprisoned beverage Celia starts to prepare with sourdough yes a Maya in addition to the chicken soup and all of the other ingredients laid out on the table she's gonna get started making some of the sourdough bread traditional sourdough culture that you keep it from the day before and you make it the next day and so it's just continually it's always living because there's no yeast things are even getting better in addition to the chicken soup that they're making they're also making a a veal stew so many things going on and they're just all working together to create this spectacular Transylvanian Romanian meal he's now getting started on some egg noodles which is gonna be for the chicken soup for the rooster soup I love how they use all the wooden bowls wooden troughs which I said actually that's a must because it makes everything taste better when you use the wooden bowls [Music] so as they're still cooking we're gonna go I don't even know where we're gonna go but we are gonna take the local transportation this is the way to go on a Transylvanian horse carriage in the village so this occupation in the village is clear in Transylvania is agriculture and animals they always block with the horses they bring them pay back with the horses horses oh we're bumping now going up the rocky road to an apple orchard we've come to the apple orchard and something that's unique about this apple orchard and actually this was the original project is its yeah they have wonderful apple orchards and in order to like create a business to help the people of this village they thought we could use their amazing apples and make apple juice and so that's part of their initiative that's part of their project and so we're just gonna stop and we're especially going to see this is the place where they make the apple juice it's just incredible to see this production this warehouse facility of ecological high quality organic apple juice and they even supply just from this small village in Transylvania the supply of mini hotels and restaurants throughout Romania for apple juice it's really boosted this village provided jobs for many people and it's weird about to taste of apple juice yes so this is actually pear juice today so there do some pears here pear juice oh it is superb [Music] we got back in the horse carriage and we're on our way up the hill up the mountainside in this village to take a look at the orchard the apples and just to also get a view of the village we're in the orchards now above the village it's gorgeous and when we're working here we in the ating puzzle break break a ting break we make such a picnic this is what we were usually ate prepare organ this is pork fat it is a surprise meal at the top of the mountain had no idea this was a chunk of pork belly the fat and the skin which has been like scored into like a floral formation punctured onto a stick into the ground over charcoal over a fire and then just slowly cooking smouldering you can smell the the meat aroma is just as the fatty aromas just throughout this entire orchard oh I love them I love the way they've done that takes only okay customer watch yeah when you're eating you drink some pálinka palinka I'm gonna take a nice crusty piece of bread with that onions go on then wicked for that look at that beauty there's it oh there's a little bit of meat down there yep one layer and then like dehydrated fat with the skin all just like crispa fide hmm looks like a it's like a three-pronged fork and I love how they've just scored it oh yeah one more thing to add is the cheese and this is a either way sheep cheese okay there's like 12 layers of crunchiness on that bite the crunch of the onion the crunch of the bread crush and the crunch of the pig like four times the flavor just juices out one more thing to try is the organ organ sausage I believe big little chunks of liver and kidney and heart and I think everything is just in there so it's so soft that's amazing [Music] sweets pizza and courtly cue okay we're back at the house now and are getting ready to to bake the bread and on the other side of the kitchen the noodles who's been making the noodles the entire time that we were gone and she rolls it out eight times so it's like tiny tiny very thin noodles and letting those dry on the cloth as well and a special dessert that they've made is ready this is the it's beautiful how they made it with the dopes kneading that dough it was like a egg mixture and then a cream mixture on top and then baked in the oven as well wonderful and just light lemony taste whoo and then for the chicken soup is in the kitchen boiling away it looks like they've cut it up into pieces boiling it with some of those vegetables the carrots especially right now I'm ninjas they probably need to boil that for a long time because it's a rooster so he just it needs to simmer for a while so it gets tender we have one more place to go before all the food is ready and that's actually going to be dinner everything that they've been cooking but we're gonna go to one more village nearby I believe to see some of the animals that they raised and animals livestock well I'll tell you later once we're there okay bye-bye [Music] okay so it was about a 15 minute drive were kind of like over in the next Valley from the village we're in rapport but this is a very small village just a few families living here and especially lots and lots of livestock and the sheep the whole flock of sheep are coming in there's cows okay after you make cheese yes it is a milk this is not a fat milk we call it over from the cheese and then over here in this beautiful pot there's that's lamb going along with there's cheese in there and then tomato he sends some spices and some peppers I believe in that smooth over the fire hanging over the fire I love it she knows what's making the polenta now stirring that heated up and then he's stirring in the it's like a cornmeal that is a special polenta polenta like I've never seen before they added in a bunch of clutter than a bunch of cheese and then a mixture of sheep and cow cheese and then a bunch of like cream he just constantly has to muscle that oh and he just washes it run but continually stirs at the entire timing so you eat it together with that thank you so much so that polenta that is the most unique Poland I've ever seen in just the way it's like it looks like a blob of melted cheese and it just stays hot and like simmering in that iron pan for so long and then you eat it together with that lamb stew and so you take a bite of this and then take a bite of that okay wow that is amazing oh it's so incredibly good well it's so rich because of the cheese because of the cream because of the butter in there and that lamb stew the tomatoes the limb all Wow and now with some of that chunk of lamb wow that's unbelievable we're in the pens with the goats now and they also use the goat's milk in there it happens to be goat milking time [Music] it's like a little funnel here and they all come and they all come through this little door the males get released and the females don't get off so easy the females hope it's your turn it's your turn right into the bucket I'm taking the seat the throne I'm a little scared okay you can just yeah okay oh here we go oh yeah those are those are milky oh he just squeezes I can't get anything oh you got a really squeeze from there come on I just sprayed into my parents eye I got a squeeze oh here we go oh yeah you got a really squeeze it watch his squeeze watch my squeeze okay oh yeah you got a really squeeze they are so good at it I almost did it I definitely smell like a goat now but I can't wait to get back to my polenta Emily on the stoop yes with that extra chili it's like pickled chili - that is just a stunning lamb stew though the tender lamb the the polenta the chili it just warms your heart this wood and it's cooked with love that's for sure you're just waiting for me to throw a bone at them or something cool dog show everyone who's happy here okay bring it so he makes it himself yep yes I'll give you the the other pipe and so it is time she's not okay no look Otto and his homemade pálinka made from wild pears yeah okay this is very very good and you can smell the pear aroma before you drink that [Music] such an amazing family so kind and so hospitable and that was actually a stunning lamb stew like a shepherd's limb stewed with that polenta and the only reason I didn't eat five more bowls just play because we're going back to the other village for the full feast dinner that all the community the amazing community of ladies have been making and actually the ladies they have brought all of the food to this location which is a manor house and to my understanding was built by a Hungarian family who ruled this village then later it's it was kind of abandoned NGO has now restored it and so this is where they're gonna serve us dinner [Music] it is huge in here it is like a castle on the inside and they've set up it's like a gourmet castle meal look at that yeah after we just had back in the field now we are here and this is like so elegant we've been everything to eat again okay [Music] look at this chicken soup just see how it's just like danced down into those noodles and it is a this is a banquet a village Transylvanian castle banquet thank you beginning with the chicken soup and again this is with that that's a rooster soup this is the rooster that we chose that we they prepared with everything from scratch it is an honor to be sitting at this table to enjoy this meal and those noodles also just goodness of those noodles oh wow the noodles are so soft and they just like taste the freshness of them in the quality of them and then the chicken soup is so is that such a condensed broth but those noodles end up that's like the greatest comforting chicken noodle soup you've ever tasted and the noodles are so like they're unbelievably delegated that's one of those breaths that for sure has healing properties to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] it looks like happiness it does kind of smell like coffee but anyways what she did is she took the bottom of the bread which is like the burnt layer of the bread scrapes that up puts it in hot water and that's a common traditional they call it they call it coffee but it's there's no caffeine involved I think maybe I'll just call it toasted bread water but it's good I could sip it I could see that I could sip it definitely smells and tastes like bread and it does kind of have that roasted taste but it's not quite coffee it no it would not substitute for coffee it's time for the main meal banquet whole of the dishes they put all the dishes on the table all the way stretching down this beautiful table the veal stew the chicken stew there looks like a dish of people like sauerkraut cabbage with sausage and ribs there's the polenta there's mashed potatoes there's more like a cabbage pickle slow-cooked home-cooked Transylvanian romanian food cooked with pure love with ingredients from this village [Music] I've got a little bit of everything especially the mashed potatoes some of the veal stew a little bit of the rooster students and with a cabbage wall all that veal to hold the meat is tender the sauce is just like it tastes like liquid liquid cow mmm it's like a slightly slightly pickled no just kind of like a like a cabbage salad but rule I like how it shop really fine okay I'm next up for the restart the rooster stew oh wow the rooster do it's just mmm this entire meal spread it should spectacularly home cooked with love a new taste that with every single chew when the ladies are sitting together and working they eat this flower this is the corn okay so one more stop tonight and it's for the dessert but it's a house just down the way from just down the road from where we work and we're just having stopping here quickly to have a final dessert to wrap up this entire day another new theater new thing for you guys that's fantastic and they actually make the what's unique about this place is the they make the clothes the traditional clothes here you can see them here and they have a traditional loom which she's gonna start making but I'm gonna try some of this dessert this is the sweet corn like old sweet corn which is then somehow cooked with ash - like sprouted like hominy you don't Harmonie no hominy on its own it's not sweet at all it's just like starchy corn and then they like to eat it with some of the forest honey all the honey is wonderful that's the perfect like starchy slightly sweet I mean from the honey so the perfect place to sit down and to wrap up this entire day this comes to the end of the day and this is one of those days that just has struck me with hospitality with amazing community and people and passion and love coming together to fellowship and to cook and everything from the land that they've produced that they've taken care of and nurtured into a meal and multiple meals I think Rita this is safe to say this has been an ultimate Transylvanian Romanian food village experience today my utmost thanks to everybody involved the people are what made it special and the community and thank you so much to Karolina NGO is called em et and they do arrange experiences I'm gonna have the information in the description spot in the description box you come to Romania it's this is a beautiful thing to do to visit these amazing people what a day what food and again big thank you also to Nasim and to Christian for arranging things and for setting it up I want to say a big thank you for watching this video and please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed be sure to subscribe and also click the little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I published and if you haven't watched this entire Romania series be sure to help the link in the description box check out all the videos in this amazing Romania food tour goodbye from Transylvania and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,455,530
Rating: 4.8852215 out of 5
Keywords: Romania, village, Romania village, Romanian village, Transylvania, Transylvanian village, life in Transylvania, food in Transylvania, European village, European village food, Mark Wiens, food travel, culture travel, food tour, European food tour, travel for food, Romanian culture, best Romanian food
Id: JCWm3Oo2wiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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