1,000 Kilos Breakfast in Iran 🇮🇷!! Huge IRANIAN FOOD TOUR in Shiraz!!

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- Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens I'm in Shiraz, which is one of the most beautiful cities in Iran, and this is one of the most ancient Persian cities as well. It's a city that has an immense amount of history. The people are so friendly and laid back, and the food is incredibly delicious, and so today we're gonna go on an ultimate tour of Shiraz. We're gonna eat a lot of local Shirazi food. We are gonna visit some of the most important sites and places in Shiraz and so, this is gonna be a full tour, lots of food, lots of just unbelievable attractions, and sights and people, and I'm gonna share this entire guide, food experience, and tour of Shiraz with you in this video. (bright funky music) - [Mark] Look at this queue in the rain. And what are we first eating today on this tour of Shiraz? - Ash. - And ash is it's like a-- - Soup, soup, yes. - It's like a soup with noodles? - This one is without noodles, I think. - Oh, without noodles, okay. - Yeah. I think it's with lamb shoulder and vegetables and chickpeas. - Awesome! - And onions, look at that, we are waiting. - Yeah, 6:30 a.m. in the morning, the queue is going out the door. It's a little bit rainy, it's a little bit cold, so it's perfect for eating soup. The queue goes all the way outside the door, all the way onto the sidewalk. (speaking in foreign language) Hello. And we're walking inside. (customers chattering) (speaking in foreign language) - So, the ash is here at the front and it's, I guess it's just takeout people, but what's awesome, my first observation is that people bring their own pots, so that's great. People bring their own pots, they fill it up, they weigh it and then bring it back home to eat, but that's an amazing way to serve, so that you don't waste plastic packaging or other packaging but bring your own pot. (crowd chattering) - This is king of ash sabzi. Welcome to Iran. (speaking in foreign language) - So this is the lamb that's actually lamb shoulder that's being boiled for seven hours for tomorrow's ash sabzi. That smells incredible. You can see some onions floating around, but then over here in this gigantic spinning, slowly churning vat is the prepared one for today, the ash sabzi. Then over on this side is the chickpeas that are soaking for I believe tomorrow's lamb. - I forgot rice and lentils. - Oh, so there's rice, lentils, beans, chickpeas. Those are the starches that make it up. - And tarragon and scallions. - Tarragon and scallion for the herb flavor. - And lamb shoulder. - And we're going downstairs somehow. Oh, in this elevator. (laughing) That is an awesome elevator, lift. (upbeat brass music) Okay, so down in the basement is the pantry. This is the warehouse. This is where they store all of the grains, that many grains. All the beans, all of the lentils, chickpeas. (upbeat brass music) This is the best way to get upstairs. (laughs) (upbeat brassy music) Rizeh time and that just smells so good. When you order it, he then sprinkles on some fried onions to garnish on the top. Then they have another couple of things as well. They have another couple of garnishes. I think some butter, some kind of a herb sauce, and some other garnishes as well, that might be. They also have another dish called haleem that we're gonna try. (laughing) (speaking in foreign language) (laughing) (upbeat brass music) - Wow, almost 7:00 a.m. now and look at the line now. It stretches from the shop entrance all the way down the sidewalk there, even on a rainy day. (bright funky music) (laughing) In the back they've set us up a table on wheels, and you can just smell those fried onions on top. It's time for breakfast. So first taste it? - Yeah, without. - And this is what type of bread? - Sangak bread, sangak. - Sangak bread. - Yeah. - The famous bread which cooked on the little hot stones. You can see the little indentations from those stones. (men speaking in foreign language) - [Hamdi] Beautiful. - So first bite, first bite of the ash. Oh man, we added in a little bit of pepper, mixed in those onions as well. Mm! The lamb flavor. - Yeah. - The tarragon, green onions, and that sticky texture consistency. Even from the way they stir it and from the way it pours, and from the sloshing around of it, the slopping around of it, you know that texture's gonna be amazing. Boy, it's so good. Next bite is with the sour orange sprinkled in there, so we got that sour texture. Mm! Yeah, with that sour orange, that brings out the acidity, the sourness of it to combine with the richness of the, kind of like a stew, like a stew, right? - Yeah. - That sticky consistency is just unbelievable, and the meat is so soft and tender that it just has dissolved within it. So, it's almost like an essence of lamb flavor that's just like fully mixed in, fully dissolved into the entire bean mixture. Now I know why there's that line, that many people standing outside this early in the morning to eat breakfast. (laughing) - Mm, perfect! (laughing) - We know why now there's so many people standing in line. (speaking in foreign language) - Okay, so next up, we're gonna try the haleem, and this is a mixture of wheat and lamb, again, that's been just cooked until it dissolves into a paste, and here is often eaten sweet, so they sprinkle on some cinnamon, and then sprinkle on some sugar, but we're gonna taste it first without the sugar. So, we're gonna try this. This is, yeah, it's so sticky when you turn your spoon upside down. It doesn't even fall off, it just stays on your spoon. (laughing) Awesome. Whoa, that is sticky good. The flavor of the cinnamon, the natural sweetness of the lamb and the wheat already, but then we're gonna add some sugar to it, to eat it the common local way. - It's more delicious, believe me. - That's why, okay. - That's why I'm so fat. (Mark laughs) - The belief. The sweet version with sugar. Whoa! It's like, it's like sweet lamb oatmeal. The consistency, the texture, the sweetness with the cinnamon, with the lamb aroma coming out of it. It's incredible! - You can feel the cinnamon as well. - Yeah, you can feel the cinnamon. Whoa, that is sticky and hearty. So, the next version is haleem with aubergine, but this is a non-sweet version. This is a salty version. Yeah, it's actually cooked with aubergine with the wheat with the lamb and then they top it with a mint sauce, walnuts, and crispy onions. That looks incredible. Oh, and you can already see the consistency is a bit different from the aubergine. - Yeah. - Mm! Oh whoa, so good, that's the one for me. The mint sauce in there, the crispy onions, again the lamb strands of dissolved lamb, and then to add to the sticky mushy ingredients, aubergine is like the king of sticky mushy ingredients. - Yeah. - So good. - The taste is like aubergine curds, do you remember that? - Mm-hmm. - It's almost the same, isn't it? - Yes. - My first time to have haleem bademjan. - That is amazing. The mint and onion, that's incredible. (upbeat funky music) Finished with breakfast, that was just incredible. The line has not changed, still out the door, and so just asked the owner how many kilos of ash they make per day and today is Friday, so today is a big day. He said one ton, 1000 kilos of breakfast in Shiraz. (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat funky music) All right, happy full of breakfast, everybody? (cheering) - Yay! - Yay, good. (laughing) - We arrived to Nasir ol-Molk Mosque, which is also known as the Pink Mosque. This is one of the landmarks of Shiraz. (light ambient music) Entering here. Oh man, Persian architecture. Coming to the central courtyard, and it just opens up with a pool, which is an essential part and then the detailing and the design, the meaning, the symbolism, and the colors of the tile work is just unbelievable. (light ambient music) Another part of Shiraz is that there's a lot of earthquakes, and so that's why a lot of the ancient, ancient monuments haven't survived, but one of the ways that they combat the earthquakes is you can see within the bricks, there's pieces of wood, and so that gives some sway movement in order to combat earthquakes. (bright ambient music) Now stepping into the main hall and this is one of the most beautiful places, especially known for its stained glass windows, and color in here is just astounding, and the way the light moves off off the different patterns, moves off of the different domes, the different angles, and the colors, it's just, it's absolutely beautiful. (bright music) This style of design, which goes from square then with the sections and the little crevices that then lead to a dome, that's just genius the way you go from square to circular top in that motion, in that fluidity, it's spectacular. Actually right as we're about to head out, it looks like the sun is just poking above the clouds. Maybe we'll get a glimpse of the stained glass windows. Whoa, that was exciting and extraordinary. The sun just poked up from the clouds, illuminated the carpets, and then what's also beautiful is if you lift up the carpet because are mirrorish. They have a very clean mirror-like, and also they're turquoise, so that also reflects the different reflections. Maybe the sun is coming again, anyway that was just exciting. Oh, it's back, yes! We are seeing the best of, we are seeing the best of everything. Oh yes, I'm in the, I'm in it. I'm in it now. (bright ambient music) That was awesome to stick around and see the light at the very end just shining through the stained glass, and then so we saw both versions, equally spectacular. Oh yeah, that was unbelievable! The beauty. Next up on this Shiraz Food Tour, we're gonna eat, it's something that's legendary, and actually I've eaten it, it's called a faloodeh, and actually I've eaten it in many different locations throughout this entire region, throughout Asia, throughout India, the entire Indian subcontinent, but Shiraz is the home, the original, the first faloodeh and all other faloodehs are taken from this faloodeh, so the next thing that we're gonna eat is a faloodeh, Shirazi faloodeh. (smooth hiphop music) The shop has been here for 63 years, they've been serving faloodeh, and ice cream as a part of the faloodeh. He just scooped out some of the ice cream. The sticky consistency of that, you have to really wrap it around like it's elastic-y. (smooth hiphop music) So to make Shirazi faloodeh, he takes some of the ice cream, he puts it into the bowl, and then on top of that is that mix of vermicelli noodles. - You ready? - And then on top of that, you add fresh lemon juice, right? - Yeah. And orange blossom water. - Whoa! (laughing) - You can't find in anywhere in the world. - That's incredible, yeah. - Just in Shiraz. - Oh, that's cold! (laughing) And this is where faloodeh originates? - Yes. - Mm, thank you. - They call it Faloodeh Shirazi. - Faloodeh Shirazi. - This is orange blossom water. - Orange blossom water. - You ready? - Yeah. Mm! Oh, that's incredible. Okay, when it starts to melt, then you can drink it like a beverage too. I'm just, just totally way more flavorful and delicious than I was expecting. It's like a sorbet that's so fragrant. You taste the lemon, you taste the rose. Ice cream just kinda like melts, and is a little bit sticky at first, and then you really get that texture of the vermicelli. They're that soft, they give texture. They give like a crunch, crunchy noodle texture to it, mixed within this sweet, floral, lemony sorbet. That I've never had a faloodeh like that, and that's the original. That is a Faloodeh Shirazi, the original faloodeh of the world right here in Shiraz. (men speaking in foreign language) - We're gonna go inside? Okay yeah, we'll go inside to see more of the process. (upbeat funky music) Number one is the vermicelli, which is made from a wheat starch and they're almost like transparent little noodles, and then in the machine they have churning, it's butter and sugar, like white in color, and foamy, and cold. So that thing is also cold, like frozen. The butter sugar mixture falls out of the machine into the bucket and they kind of slosh it around. They add in the vermicelli, mix that around, and immediately as the frozen butter sugar mixture, it coats the soft little vermicelli in that butter sugar, and freezes them into the little vermicelli faloodeh noodles that then go onto the ice cream. (upbeat funky music) Yeah, the Shirazi faloodeh is something truly unique and special. I like it without the ice cream though, because you just taste the pureness of it, that crunchiness, but then it just at the same time, dissolves and melts in your mouth, it's amazing. (upbeat funky music) Wow, can I try it? Hello, yes. Thank you so much. (laughing) Nice to meet you! (upbeat funky music) We're in the van on our way to the next place, but one of the families we met, they brought us this entire bouquet of flowers. That's beautiful, the people. Oh, and they smell incredible too. (bright acoustic music) Next up, we are visiting the Mausoleum of Hafez, who was one of the main poets, lyric poets of Iran. This is the mausoleum and also sometimes Shiraz is known as the City of Poets, City of Poetry, and also the City of Gardens. (crowd chattering) A bird chooses a piece of paper, which then coordinates with a card that has a poetry reciting on it? - Yeah, it is just taking alms. The point of Hafez are very ritual, and then that's why we take it. - Ah. (bright pop music) So walking now towards the mausoleum, towards the tombstone, the gravestone, and the structure is actually made to represent the hat of a dervish and then the tombstone is at the bottom, but surrounded is, you can see the citrus trees, the small pools of water, the grass. (bright acoustic music) The gravestone is made from alabaster, and that's two of his poems written on the tombstone. We had a little rest at the hotel this afternoon, and then when we came down the elevator, I opened up. (speaking in foreign language) Very good. (laughs) When we came down, oh awesome. (speaks in foreign language) When we came down the elevator, there was just an amazing group of people who actually came to say hello, to take photos with Mr. Taster and I, and the love and the kindness of the Shirazi people is just blowing me away. So I want to just say thank you to everyone who came. (speaking in foreign language) (cheering) (clapping) - Awesome, thank you. That was incredible and great to meet every one of you. We now just came over to a small little snack restaurant. - Hi. - Hello. - Samosa, samosa or? - Sambose. We call it sambose in Farzi. - Sambose? - Sambose, yeah. - If you can eat the whole tray yourself. (laughs) (bright funky music) That is a massive deep fryer. Those are pretty good sized samboses. Look at all those pretty big triangular pockets just floating around. Perfect temperature for the oil. You can see them just transforming into their perfect golden state. Oh, those are gonna be good. (bright funky music) Hot sauce goes on and these are the potato and lentil with spices version, like the Indian style sambose. (crunching) Oh! Mm, mm. Oh, that's piping hot. Oh, that is wonderful. The coriander in there, the light spice. The potatoes melt. It's awesome. (crunching) A little more sauce. Yeah, that sauce is great. They are masters of deep frying, and the owner, he's so friendly. He's such a nice guy. That was tasty and the only reason I'm refraining from eating 10 of them is because we have a huge Shirazi Iranian meal coming up right now for dinner. (upbeat rock music) For dinner tonight, we are going to, it's a historic house right across the street actually, that way is the Pink Mosque where we were this morning, but we're right across the street, and it's a historic house down this alley, where dinner is gonna be held. (upbeat rock music) Towards the light. - Nice to meet you. - Parhami House. That's where we're going. Another turn down the alley, dinner is waiting for us. - Down, down there. (doorbell rings) (speaking in foreign language) - And step into the gate, into the home, and just the vines are overhead, welcoming into another alley. (speaking in foreign language) Okay, and then come down that next alleyway, vine covered alleyway, and immediately it opens up into a beautiful courtyard with a fountain in the center, plants all around. That's really beautifully spectacular. (bright music) (guests chattering) And then to begin with, as we walked in, you could actually smell the aroma of the turnips, fresh turnips on the stove. Mm! Oh, it's wonderful. So soft and juicy. (bright music) (guests chattering) And next up for some fruits, apple and persimmon. Ooh, that is sweet! I think we're, I think we're helping in the kitchen today. - Yeah! (laughing) - [Both] There's chef Ali. - Chef Ramba. (laughing) Yeah, I think that's what we should be, that's what we should do, and leave the cooking to the masters. It looks like we're gonna cook a little bit, help in the kitchen, but on the stove already is a tomato rice with green beans, as well as cabbage rice, which looks incredible, and then also in the back there is Ghormeh Sabzi, with just the aroma, I can't wait to try that. Okay, we're making a type of meatball koofteh. (bright funky music) There is minced meat, there's some turmeric. There's some chili powder, there's to mash it around. (laughing) It's too big! (bright funky music) Oh, she's making now another type of rice dish. Started by frying some raisins, and in went some walnuts, and fried onions, crispy onions. This dish is called Ghanbar Polo. Polo is rice, right? - Yes. - And ghanbar means taking the sadness? So, she added in pomegranate paste, just a bright red pomegranate paste from a certain area. Then she added also in grape syrup, which is like just pure grape sugar syrup, no sugar added. Wow! - It's sour. - It's sour and sweet, amazing. - Yeah. - That sauce goes together with rice with a little bit of tomato paste and a few of those koofteh, those small little koofteh that we made for 20 minutes. The rice is already cooked, then now all that spice, all of that flavor, the pomegranate and the grape syrup simmers down into the rice. (sizzling) Okay, so the next dish they they're gonna make, it's a type of bread on a hot griddle. - [Hamid] From Lar. - From Lar, Lar is the name of the city? - Name of the city. - Ah, okay. (women speaking in foreign language) - This type of bread is made pancake style, then all the toppings as well makes it exciting. The sesame seeds, herbal extract, and especially the dried fish. It has this amazing like ferment-y complexity to it. Mm, it is like pancake, like the fluffy pancake style. I love the saltiness of that dried fish though, the sesame seeds, and then she's making another one now with a Shiraz camomile mixture on tip. (bright funky music) So the next one, she's cut it up. This is chamomile. - Chamomile. (laughing) - Yeah, oh, you taste the chamomile! Mm, and normally chamomile, I mean, when I've had chamomile, it's like the flowers that you make into a tea, like sweetness. Mm, it's good. - Love it. - What they have is a koofteh sabzi. Sabzi is the herbs, koofteh are the meatballs. - Sabzi is vegetable. - Yeah, it smells amazing. (bright funky music) You can smell that sourness and you can smell the herbal aroma here, that's incredible. - It's because of the pomegranate. - Pomegranate sauce again. - Yeah. (bright funky music) - Wow, what a rice dish. The tomato rice with the little meatball koofteh. Then Persian carrots sauteed, and then a whole layer of that mixture that she made with the raisins, with the walnuts. The pomegranate paste and the grape sauce syrup, all of that on top of a rice platter. That is gorgeous, what a rice dish. Then finally, the Ghormeh Sabzi is being dished out. The aroma, that is just, oh, it's incredible! That sour lemon in there. (bright funky music) The sauce. - Yes. - I'm so glad I'm the kitchen when she's dishing out the dishes because I'm getting the full aromatherapy of everything before eating. Just the different variety of rice dishes that she cooked, and the aromas, the mint, the sour tomato, the pomegranate. The aromas are just like, protruding, and it's so good! (smooth hiphop music) (guests chattering) We're all in the dining room now. We're all sitting down for dinner. They're bringing the platters of food. What a beautiful setting in this historic home, and the food just smells unbelievable. I mean, it's a guest house, but it's purely home cooking, and beautiful aromatic food. Local Shirazi Iranian food. - This is start with the signature of Shiraz. - This is the signature dish. - Which is Kalam Polo Shirazi. It's cabbage and koofteh rizeh, which is meatball, and also rice, and we have to have it with salad Shirazi. - Ah, and the salad Shirazi is a mix of cucumber, tomato, onions in a lime juice? - Exactly. - And mint. - You ready? - Yes. - So, that's for you. - Thank you. - This is for me. (laughing) (speaking in foreign language) In Iran, bigger size for me, and smaller for you. No, I'm joking. (laughing) - Thank you! Oh man! Okay, put it on the rice like that? Or on the side? You can even seen the herbs in this rice. You can see the little meatballs and then with the Shirazi salad, one meatball on top. (guests chattering) Mm, so good! It's insane! (laughing) The aroma of the caramelized cabbage, the little meatballs, the herb in there and then I love that contrast, the sourness of the lime juice in the Shirazi salad, and the mint. - It's amazing. - Amazing. It's just so soft and fluffy, and it just melts in your mouth. Try it next with a little bit of the pomegranate syrup on top. Mm, it's unbelievably sweet and sour. The pomegranate syrupy taste is just incredible. (bright music) (guests chattering) - [Hamid] So next one would be a polo or polo tomato. Tomato rice. - [Mark] Okay, the rice, the green beans. - [Hamid] Yeah, with the greens beans. - And with a meat stew on top? - With the meat on top, yeah. - [Mark] Yeah, it's amazing. Oh, look at the tenderness of that. Oh, it just flakes apart, and then you try it. You eat it with the greens? - Yes. - [Mark] So you take a bite of this first and then eat it with the greens? - Yes, take some of the herbs. - And there's a mixture of like basil and parsley, and green onions and all sorts of things in there. - Let's go. (guests chattering) - Mm, mm, wow. What a combination. The tartness of the tomato rice, that beef is so tender, and I love the tasting move. That handful of freshness just overwhelms the mouth. The parsley basil, what a combination. Okay, next dish. - Yeah, let's go for Ghormeh Sabzi, which is the signature of Iran. - It's one of the most iconic dishes of Iranian cuisine, right? - I would say top three, maybe top one. (laughs) - It's well deserved as well. - Yeah. - Okay, and so for this one, it came with the saffron rice. She sprinkled on some saffron rice, fragrant, to make it. - [Hamid] Yeah, and the difference between this Ghormeh Sabzi in Shiraz, they use potato in it. - [Mark] Ah, so that's only in Shiraz? - [Hamid] Yeah, only in Shiraz. We never use it in Tehran or Mashhad, but they use it here. - All right. - So, this one if for you. - Thank you. The bone chunks, there's lamb in here. The beans, there's potato, and then just the way that the herbs, the parsley, no, the coriander, the mint, and the tarragon. - You ready? - Okay, yes. Mm, love, that is incredible. Like the smoky sourness of it. (chuckling) - So good! - That is so good. - It's the signature. - It's so healthy tasting too. I mean, it has the lamb in it, so herbaceously clean, and just like, disintegrating herbs. The sourness from that lime and the starchiness of the beans, what a hearty like herb stew. Okay, I want to add a little bit more of just that herb gravy, add some of the Shirazi salad on top, of that with the cucumbers with the tomato. - Give me a hug! (laughing) - It will just leave you emotional how good it is. (laughing) Sourness on top of sourness. Oh, that's insane. It's so good. - Mm, it's good. - Whoa, that is spectacular. (laughing) (bright funky music) (guests chattering) That is, that aroma. - Well, next one we go for ghanbar polo. - Ghanbar polo. - And this is like, the impressive layering of rice and koofteh, and the Persian carrots, and that mixture of walnuts, raisins and crispy onions, and the pomegranate paste, and grape syrup. - [Hamid] And topped with the saffron rice as well. - Nice, oh, what a rice dish, yes. I'm gonna try to maximize everything in this bite, and the Persian carrots on top. Mm! Oh, that fruity sweet and sourness, and tartness. - Raisin, pomegranate paste. - Caramelized onions. - Meatballs. - Persian carrots. (laughing) - Koofteh rizeh. - We're just naming out the ingredients. The contrast of flavors is remarkable. From like, you go from sour to sweet, to fruity, (laughing) to onion-y, to meaty, to fluffy rice, to slightly bitter carrot. Then back to sour and tart again, and then just keep on repeating that in every single bite. - And the saffron. - And the saffron. - Yeah. - It's, like, crazily aromatic. (bright funky music) We're trying next the peach koofteh, but it actually is not a peach inside of it, it's an apricot on the inside of it. There's rice inside of it, so it's like a complete dish. - Yeah. - In one. Without adding it on top of rice, because there's rice and it already. - Ready? - Yes. (guests chattering) Mm! Oh, like again, the contrast of sour, sweet, and minty. - Mm, it's good. - And the meat just melts in your mouth. It's so tender. - I love the juice as well. - [Mark] The pomegranate that is unbelievable. - It makes it sour and sweet. - Unbelievable, yeah, yeah. Wow, and the apricot. That is incredible. (bright funky music) The final koofteh vegetable and again I think, oh, that one has a much denser texture to it. Whoa, totally different texture. It's not even the same at all. Oh wow, look at that. - It's made with onions. - Ah, chickpeas, meat, and rice, but that is dense, maybe from the chickpeas. Mm, oh yeah. Then Shiraz is very well known for their pickles, cauliflower pickles. Mm, whoa, that is like an amazing herbaceous flavor again. It's so dense, yeah, you can feel the chickpeas. It's like, crumbly. You taste the walnuts in there, the onions, and then that herb, tarragon in there. Dill, parsley, tarragon. Wow, what an herbal blend, that's incredible. (bright funky music) (guests chattering) That cabbage rice with the Shirazi salad, what a combination. Really it's like that cabbage has a mushroom umami to it somehow. It's that meaty and flavorful and complex. (bright funky music) So, three different drink choices. A saffron, lemon, orange blossom, right? - Orange blossom water. - Orange blossom. Ah, yeah. (laughing) You taste the orange blossom so, but it almost has an orange peel flavor to it with that slight bitterness, that floral-y aroma, and yeah, sweet. Lemon. Oh, but it's even, I think there's orange blossom in this one too because you taste that, yeah, you taste the orange blossom. Oh, it's so good. Then finally is the saffron. Oh yeah, that's very saffron-y, and just again, floral with the rosewater in there. All of them good, all of them sweet and refreshing. Then final one is again, saffron with mustard. Mm, oh, this one is great. The saffron, the little, they feel like little basil seeds, kind of like, slimy, and then also the mustards. I think two different seeds in here. (bright funky music) We finished with dinner, that was an incredible meal. A huge thank you to Mr. Taster. I'll have his link in the description box. Go follow him, go check him out. He's just an amazing guy who loves to eat, and he's so much fun to eat with. I want to say a big thank you to Ali as well for guiding us around and finally to (speaks in foreign language) for organizing my trip to Iran and supporting my trip to Iran. Thank you very much, and if you haven't already seen this entire Iran Food and Travel series, I'll have the playlist in the description box. You can watch all the videos. Thank you so much for watching and see you on the next video. Goodnight from Shiraz, Iran.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,771,557
Rating: 4.8483367 out of 5
Keywords: Iran, Iranian food, Persia, Persian food, Mark Wiens, Iranian street food, steet food, Shiraz, Shiraz food tour, things to do in Shiraz, travel guide Shiraz, Shirazi Faloodeh, faluda, Nasir-ol-molk Mosque, pink mosque, Iran travel guide, Iran food tour, Iran food guide, food videos, street food videos, Mr Taster, Mr. Taster
Id: epgwOHJBpNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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