Rio’s OYSTER MAN + Brazilian Seafood Claypot Fish in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens i'm in rio de janeiro brazil today we are going what's a bucket what's amazing about Rio is that it's a city that's like just packed with nature from beaches the mountains immediately as you arrive here you notice the landscapes and the jungle today we're gonna go to what is the largest urban rainforest it's still within Rio within the city in the world we're gonna do a little bit of hiking to the Telegraph Rock but mainly our mission is to eat seafood because around the park there is some famous there's a very famous well-known seafood restaurant it's about an hour drive from the center of the city but we're not leaving Rio at all or in Rio and we're on our way [Music] okay oh ouch we drove for about 45 minutes and the coast of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro it's unbelievably beautiful them like just kilometer after kilometer of pristine Beach and then we drove kind of into the mountain now we're getting pretty close to the destination into the forest now we just stopped there is a man that serves fresh oysters on the side of the road that gil headman has been coming to since he was a kid we're gonna have some oysters for breakfast first thing yeah bun yeah just a pile of fresh oysters that he gets from right here from right here from like possibly the brackish water from the lagoons right around here yeah Wow yeah really it's not about the size of the oyster sometimes the smaller oysters have the best flavor well that's wonderful it is salty not even that slimy with that squeeze of lime to balance the saltiness and you can just chuck them on the ground here he has a cat that will whip them up cheers Cheers mmm delicious really like amazing flavor food we are now starting the hike up to Telegraph Point because it's named after that because of a some kind of a military meaning when they used to call and telegraph but anyways we're on the hike it shouldn't take too long but the view is gonna be spectacular [Music] we need the exercise yeah it's so bad we've been eating so much food oh I love hiking follow Chioma feels so good to get a little exercise kind of scrambling up the side of the hill [Music] they're beginning to sweat just profusely says sign says one kilometer oh okay so no motorcycles get up yeah the views of the bay are just gorgeous oh this is a wonderful wonderful hike [Music] just made it to the very top I think the original telegraph is over there but the most well-known landmark because of photos is right down there I'm telling you that sweat that is no joke that is just dripping I could wring my shirt out right now okay let's go see that rock [Music] that view is absolutely spectacular the coast all the way facing Rio just the coastline the crashing waves the whitewater the greenery of the mountains and the peaks you can see giant like hawks just swooping in and let me just show you the most famous thing about this attraction and we're not even going to have a chance to do this because there's a line of like 100 people so check this out everybody's waiting in line there is a rock and you can see them right there if you take the photo in the right position it looks like you are just hanging off of a cliff but you can see the whole behind-the-scenes here they even have a light reflector for the serious photographers you get down there and you take the photo there take the person sitting on the rock ledge there and it looks just like you are on the cliff edge you people do all its it's like a hugely famous place where people do all sorts of trick photography where they hang off where they really look like they're on the edge of a cliff just over nothing but nevertheless it is absolutely like magnificently spectacular and worth every single step to get here [Music] go head ms over there like an official photographer yeah he's the man ow [Music] [Music] what is the name of this place the name of the place is go Gucci that's the restaurant that's addressed and then the city or the area they'll call washing grungy fashion kanji which is like the west side of Rio yeah we're still in Rio here but that was like a 30 minute drive from from The Telegraph Rock but it's beautiful here this is the seafood restaurant we're here eat seafood the grounds are gorgeous the place is gorgeous we're about to meet the owner and we're gonna have some seafood here love this style of a restaurant they have this expanded seat section where we're gonna sit but then this is like part of the property part of the house and then his own house is within this restaurant property as well we're gonna go back to the kitchen now and grounds pizza oven what up what a property is in the back into that cool and then we're going then we're gonna go check out the kitchen real fast [Music] along with seafood they're also very well known for their beef ribs and they have this amazing metal smoker grill the ribs cook for 16 hours they're just like ultra ultra tender just bubbling in their juices good job Mike whoa there go hold on when you're in Brazil pata that's like the best water I mean it's just water but it you can taste the difference and then Marcella has also what some so nice to meet you so Marcelo he is the man and we just saw the full kitchen but he really wanted to set a table outside so he's preparing to cook at this table right here outside it's gonna be very cool very soon he's got to start cooking but the main dish that he is going to be cooking is the mole cacao which is a stew can be made with other seafood but traditional is fish now there are two versions of moqueca in Brazil one version comes from a state called espírito Santo which is the version he's going to be making but then there's another version from the state of Bahia Salvador which we'll try later on in the trip it's kind of a dispute which one is the best one I'm pretty sure they're both delicious but we will find out we'll have later in this trip in Brazil will be visiting Bahia visiting Salvador but this one is going to be the espírito santo version and his father his family was from espírito santo it's a shiny shiny oh the best one fish - that's the one first goes on some lime juice to that fish that fish is very media white meat ocean fish that looks really really good [Music] very cool it's like our own private chef class learning to make em okay guys maybe it's like not totally sure what the English name is well look up the English name but it's kind of like a here goes into more he's adding in that like a red coloring orange red coloring not a lot of flavor not chilly but mostly for the color for the feel of the dish and that's just kind of like he's gonna simmer that in the oil for a little bit saute that in the oil like Williams well that guy's old but then he added in some onions then some tomatoes and some cilantro and then some of the house his own chilli sauce that he makes what's key about this dish is the method the process the way he adds the ingredients and then the fish goes directly on to that bed of tomatoes and onions and spices [Music] and then he adds on a whole nother layer of the same ingredients a whole layer over the fish the onions the tomatoes the cilantro down every telecine your wooden wine como el it don't go for a settlement [Music] well because the fish is so delicate you don't want to just flip the fish or turn the fish so he uses the towel and just kind of shakes everything so that that stirs the bottom that takes off everything stickable from the bottom we just looked up that red Caribbean added and it's called it's called Luca Buddha Luca Roku it's called Oroku it's a native like a little almost like a berry with a with a red pigment that's can also be used on the skin but also is used to color food I think I did have this in South America before cool thank you so the cover goes on now so that's gonna sort of bake steam and folding cook all the way through and this table has a lot of character to with the yellow at the painting color this meal is unbelievably spectacular and he just like mastered the milk a cow which is the main dish served in the clay pot and cooked in the clay pot yes what else do we have we have the ribs you have to get a close-up that's like that has to be like 10 kgs of ribs and I bet you could just pull out that entire bone and it was just like it would just jiggle and then also another dish that we got is the octopus rice octopus rice this mentioned what is it that is it um watercress I think it's water yes I don't even smell it simmer down with onions I believe that's watercress and then just chunk some chunks about smells so good but we have to begin with the main dish then what can't go just like that's just like straight tomatoes and onions and cilantro with that oil with the fish with the pigment I love how it still remains chunky I'm gonna get some of that some of that fish fish itself is just such a you can tell it's such a high quality such a fresh fish and he's a fisherman too by the internet you know don't poke a millionaire half this is what it comes down to the moqueca first it is it just looks like refreshing like that still with the tomatoes with the onions [Music] but what I love about it is it focuses so much on the fresh fish like the seasoning the tomatoes the onions of seasonings are light mm-hmm not like overly powerfully over strong you cannot cover up the freshness yes of that fish and that's what like stands out to me it is amazingly fresh amazingly delicious I will add a little more of their house chili sauce on here and I'm gonna add a little bit of the peepal which is another staple the p-value is it's a cassava piece but you see those little strands normally it's plain but this one they add the fish head they boil it with the fish head so you can see those little strands that's gonna have extra fish flavor and you typically eat this along with the rice as well as with the photo fo which is the dry fried cassava powder don't think you can get all the pho is delicious like it almost looks like pureed pumpkin but kind of has a sticky gummy texture flavorful from the fish broth and then there farofa here almost has like a a peanutty flavor to it that's delicious plus a little crunch to it [Music] the actual stew is superb but the freshness and like meatiness of that fish that's what it stands out to me that is incredibly delicious fried polenta which is another side a Volusia made from corn well that's really crush beef salty okay now I'm gonna try some of the octopus rice little pieces of octopus plus the watercress seasoned and I actually could smell the watercress I didn't even that you can smell the watercress its so distinct plus you can see onions in there plus all the all the rice let's try that octopus rice get a piece of the octopus get it some of that vegetable immediately I can tell that is watercress and I love the flavor of water because it has this like slight bitterness but this green tastes kind of like spinach of the leaves but then for me it has much more of a complexity of flavor than spinach and just a personal note it immediately reminds me of my grandmother in Hawaii because she used to cook watercress every single night I remember growing up eating watercress whenever we're at my grandmother's house in Hawaii she would cook it and literally from the smell from the taste I immediately think of my grandmother that rice is amazing though with the tender pieces of octopus the watercress the onions the rice just kind of like holds it together but the octopus rice is amazing still he's cooking one more dish more check out the banana that there huh awesome and we haven't even started on the ribs yet do you plan to Savannah and the bananas from here open Ana's from here is it a sweet banana banana yeah okay so one more dish that we just got that just came out of the kitchen hot and fresh bubbling away it's moqueca with banana so it's the same looks like the same recipe with the tomatoes with the onions with the cilantro and the layers but then with banana from this region from here this place is tons of bananas around here it's another another version it just smells so refreshing so fresh so so natural oh don't do what I just did take a boiling hot piece of banana in your mouth at once that just holds in the heat that's flaming hot but that's incredibly delicious I love the banana version because those are actually not like they're not like the starchy unsweet Minette those are sweet bananas so you've got that contrast of a sweet banana still a little bit starchy it's a banana then with the saltiness of the onions of those tomatoes the tartness of the tomatoes the cilantro and they're incredibly delicious I love the banana what you do not even a real nice let's take the lasagna Marcelo said that feeds for but that's like it literally has to be like a 10 kilo piece of beef ribs cooked for 16 hours and he just sliced it he gave me a piece [Music] oh wow that almost takes like for him to be so soft it's so fatty it's so jiggly it's still like like salted all the way through and then the skin outside is so crispy [Music] my entire players just still covered an entire plate of meat you can just eat the meat by the fistful and it tastes really like it's been salted all the way through almost as a ham smoked it does have a smoked k2 about like hammy add a few of these chilies to the next bite [Music] there's just so much meat oh wow this restaurant is amazing though Marcelo and his brother and his entire family they took care of us what I love about this restaurant is that it is it's really laid back but it's gourmet like highest-end seafood and ribs in a very nice location and it's still family completely family-run there's other cooks as well Marcelo isn't always cooking but it is family-run it is family operated yeah that was a lot of fun and it's it's amazing to me that we never left Rio de Janeiro I want to say a big thank you to Marcelo to everyone here at the restaurant for helping for taking care of us to give ahead of man but I faiello from Rio for fun and real for food I'll leave their links in the description box below and then also if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now we're gonna be traveling all around Brazil learning about the food learning about the culture the diversity of food in Brazil it's gonna be an amazing trip I'll have the link in the description box you can check out watch the entire playlist all the Brazil food and travel videos towards the end of our trip we're gonna be going to Bahia Salvador da Bahia where we're gonna try their version of moqueca which is the same name dish but a totally different style using coconut milk and then the oil which is palm oil so that's coming up but make sure you check out this entire series I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you but my arm got tired and if you're not already subscribed again click subscribe thanks again for watching goodbye from Rio de Janeiro Brazil thanks again for watching see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,412,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood, Brazilian food, Brazil food, Brazilian seafood, seafood in Brazil, seafood in Rio de janeiro, Mark Wiens, food videos, food travel, travel videos, Pedra Do Telégrafo, Telegraph rock Rio, things to do in rio, what to do in Rio, food blog, travel blog
Id: s-LKI5Z8VBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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