Street Food in Brazil - RIO DE JANEIRO Brazilian Food + Attractions in Rio, Brazil!

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Fantastic video!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/originalunclegare 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Hey, everyone, hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens, I'm in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is a city I have wanted to visit my entire life. I still can hardly believe that I'm here. I'm thrilled and locally, they actually say, Hio de Janeiro, which is the real way to say the name. Today, we are gonna go on an ultimate Brazilian street food tour of Rio. We are gonna eat some incredible food. We're gonna go to some of the most famous attractions, see some of the iconic sites of Rio. It's gonna be an incredible, unbelievable day. And I'm gonna share all the food, all the attractions, everything with you in this video. (upbeat music) - How you doin' here? (speaking in foreign language) - We called, good morning, Champion's breakfast again. - [Mark] (laughing) Champion's breakfast. (laughing) - [Guilherme] Oh, we have like a, a champion, - Thank you, thank you. - [Guilherme] Well, we call him as Mineiro. - [Mark] Mineiro. - [Guilherme] Mineiro, it's like when someone's born in the Minas Gerais state. - So he's from Minas Gerais state which is the, - He's from Minas Gerais. - The state next to Rio de Janeiro. - Exactly. - Actually, he has a bicycle cart with an amazing, double, oh yes, he brought his chili sauce. - [Guilherme] He brought his chili sauce for us. - [Mark] Muito obrigado. (laughing) - But his double, his like bunk bed grill design is amazing. The double layers, he has them grilling on the charcoal on the bottom. And then on the top, they're just kinda smoking so they get the smoke, so they get like slightly cooked until he moves them to the next level. That's a fresh batch. - Yeah! (laughing) - [Mark] It's so cool. He sets up in the morning, starting at about 7:00 AM, like on the edge of Copacabana, just corner, it's like an intersection where's there's like three or four roads coming together. You can smell the smoke just like protruding off the grill, like rising into the hills, and it smells incredible. His sausage, he makes this sausage sandwich, grabs a loaf of bread, adds in a duo, a twin of sausage to the bun. He squeezes in some of his homemade sauces which he keeps on ice so they're fresh all day long. Then adds in some cheese, a double sprinkle of cheese, finally followed by salad, this is what you wanna be eating for breakfast in Rio de Janeiro. - Yes, (laughing) oh yeah. (speaking in foreign language) - [Mark] Double. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (laughing) - Muito obrigado, and what's so cool is that it's like he's on the street food corner, and he's like part of the community, everybody knows him. Like, everybody that goes from all directions, they just yell, Mineiro, what a sausage specialist. - I like this aroma here, the perfume. - [Mark] You want that to soak into your clothes for the rest of the day. - I want the Mineiro's perfume. - [Mark] Yes. (speaking in foreign language) - [Mark] Mineiro's perfume. (speaking in foreign language) - [Guilherme] Okay. (speaking in foreign language) - [Mark] Okay. - Cool. (laughing) Beautiful. - [Mark] We're ready to go, man, let's go. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Oh, wow. Oh, as you keep on chewing, the garlicky-ness of the sauce, the garlicky-ness of the sausage. - We got addicted. - That is like, - That is addicting. - That is like immediate addiction. And another thing you can tell is how he just slow grills the sausages so they have this like really smoky but also this like grilled caramelized fatty layer skin around the sausage that's just like, that just snaps as you bite into it. (speaking in foreign language) - The atmosphere here, the friendliness of Mineiro. That salty sausage with that sauce and those chilis, that is truly an outstanding breakfast. We gotta move in for a little more chili and oil. This takes it to a whole new level as well. Oh yes, that is gonna be a bite. (speaking in foreign language) - Oh, man, there's literally nothing else you would wanna have for breakfast when you're in Rio de Janeiro, when you are here. The sausage smells amazing. - With the chili. - On my last bite, I got a little bit of the sauce on my shoe. I think I'm just gonna keep it there for a souvenir. - Would like it one more. (laughing) - Obrigado, obrigado. - [Guilherme] Oh, yeah. (laughing) - It's a double-decker. - This is one of those snacks, one of those sausages that's too good to stop at one. - That like Minas Gerais herb sauce that he makes goes so well with that sausage, with that bun, with that lettuce, with those chilis. I think I got a little paper on that bite. - Obrigado. - Muito obrigado. - Muito bueno, muito bueno. - Muito bueno. - Ciao. - Man, what a man of the community, what a special man, what a man representing Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, oh man, that was a superb way to start the day. We are now heading to what is easily is one of the most iconic, one of the most unbelievable, one of the representing sites of the city. Can you see it, right up there? That's where we're heading next. (upbeat music) One of the things that's so incredible about just driving, even being in Rio de Janeiro is the, the hills, the nature, the jungle. It's like a city like literally that could be overtaken by jungle, the hanging vines, the green cliffs. It's a spectacular, spectacular landscape. The beaches, which we'll be seeing later today. But the city is just unbelievably gorgeous. This is the Trem do Corcovado. And Corcovado is like a hump, like a camel's hump because the rock, the cliff, the mountain, that Christ the Redeemer is built upon looks like a hump. So I actually pre-booked tickets online at 65 Reais per person, we got our tickets now here at the booth. The cable cars, is it a, it's like a cable car, well kind of a tram, yeah, it's more of a tram. Oh, we get the next empty car. - You will get the better view, it's okay? - Okay, cool. It's gonna be a 20-minute ride, and we are literally just going up right there. We're going straight up the side of the mountain. Oh, man, we're going into the mist, into the clouds, it's gorgeous. Just to think that we're in the middle of the city, in the middle of Rio de Janeiro, the massive city. And this urban rainforest, thick jungle, on steep, up the camel's back, up the camel hump. We're, we're even starting to get into some of the clouds now. (upbeat music) The tram went up 700 meters onto the, the rock, onto the hump. And now, some flights of steps to get to the Christ. I think we just ran up those stairs. That is a beautiful morning workout. Wow, oh man, wow, that's my first time to gaze up. That's surreal, man. And then get to the end of the walk way and just that view over Rio. You can see the beaches, the unbelievable landscape. Some of the city is still covered in clouds. We're above the clouds on this massive pillar of rock. You can't even, I can't even describe it. Just to say a few words, like I've wanted to visit Rio de Janeiro, I wanted to visit Brazil since I learned about it way back when I was a kid. And this was one of the landmarks, one of the icons that I had seen. I said, "I have to go there in my life." And so to be here, this is a hugely special moment for me. It's way more spectacular in person than in photos. And just looking over the city, Jesus Christ is 30 meters high, made from a combination of sandstone and concrete, sitting on a massive pedestal on top of a 700-meter just like literal pillar of stone that just comes into the sky, blanketed in jungle, overlooking the bays, overlooking Rio de Janeiro. It's like a speechless site to see. And it is one of the new seven wonders of the world. Okay, final quick view, but we gotta move on. We have a lot more Brazilian food to eat today. But it is, it's beyond words. From here, we're gonna visit the Selaron Steps, which is another icon of Rio de Janeiro. Colorful ceramic tiles going up a staircase. It's a place I've wanted to visit as well. We're on our way there now very soon. I think Guilherme just jumped out of the car to go buy coffee. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Thank you. - You're welcome. - That is much better, now we're really on our way. Good stuff, man. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. (speaking in foreign language) - Love it, oh that's good coffee. One thing, as we're driving, I really wanna ask you is how do you explain the word valeu? - Valeu could be many ways like right on, thank you, no problem, how are you, I'm fine. - Guilherme was explaining to us, if you give a thumbs up and say, "valeu," like you're good to go. - That means like thank you, no problem. - Like you'll get smiles. - Excuse me. - You'll get smiles, you'll immediately have a connection. That's like one word that you have to know when you're in Rio. - By the way, it's like a slang from Rio. (fast-paced music) - Yeah, here, I bought this one at LAX Airport in Los Angeles. This one at Honolulu. - Hawaii, yes. - This one's from Hollywood and one from Hawaii. - You gave them to him 12 years ago? - 12 years ago. - So you met the artist, you knew the artist. That's just awesome. - Since 2005. - This is one of the most iconic, one of the most colorful, one of the most beautiful staircases in the world, featured in so many videos and depictions of Rio de Janeiro. And just the colorful tiles, the yellow tiles, the blue tiles, the red, red was the artist's favorite color. The artist, Selaron, he was Chilean, from Chile. But he loved Rio de Janeiro, he loved this community. He started building these steps. Just 20 years ago, the steps were empty. But he turned it into this just gorgeous, gorgeous space. Snoop Dogg's favorite tile? - Snoop Dogg's favorite tile, Alcatraz. - It's so bright, so vibrant, so colorful, so like such a, uh, like rejuvenating, happy staircase steps. So we are at Café Rex, or locally, it's called "Café Hex," cause R is normally almost pronounced like an H. But this place is known for all sorts of food, especially for their frango assado, which is roasted chicken which just roast over charcoal on a continuous rotation rotisserie spit. This is an amazing open-air environment they have, kind of a bar counter seating. You can sit right at the bar and they have some tables along the sidewalk on the outside. What's amazing about this place is that they still use charcoal over fire. That makes all the difference, they're pretty high, like a foot above the charcoal, so it's this very slow rotisserie roast over the charcoal. And you can just hear the hissing away as the juices, as the fat drips down from those rotating chickens, wooh that's hot. (speaking in foreign language) - I was just asking what's in these coconuts. And without like, I just wanted to know what's in them. Immediately, he grabs one of them, opens the cork and then just starts pouring. It's cachaca, which is the famous Brazilian cane sugar liquor. So I'm just gonna have a very small sip just to taste. Wow, that's actually like, it's really, it's sweet. You really taste the coconut. So what he does when you order the chicken, he takes it off the rotisserie, and then he gives it like a final scorch. So he puts it into a metal grill. He puts it like right above the charcoal to give it that final smoky, crispy edge. And he chops it up, and he does an amazing job at plating it He's done it many, many times so it's just like, the drumsticks are on either end. It's like repositioning a chicken. So we decided to have a bit of a meat feast for lunch today. Oh, whoa, there's so much meat. This is a whole plate of oxtail. We got an entire chicken, some sausage, and he just brought out an entire piece of juicy beef. That's like meat as far as the eye can see. - What a meal. - So much meat. - Obrigado. - Rex is the place to be. - Rex is the place to be. Gotta start with that chicken and just that skin, it literally, because he gave it that final roast, that skin is just so perfectly golden, so perfectly crispy. Like it doesn't even get that good when you deep fry it. That's like only the work of fire. (speaking in foreign language) - That's chicken, oh, wow, the skin is so crispy, and the meat inside is so tender and so oily perfect. - Let me assist you. - Some lime, an impressive bottle of chili sauce, which Brazil, they just like absolutely understand the importance of chili sauce in any meal, in every meal that you eat. Drizzle the chili oil, and I pick this guy up. That is a sausage, man, it's almost like what we had earlier this morning, but it's fatter. Cause every bite, the entire sausage is like juices in your mouth, that skin just kinda snaps. It's a beautiful sensation, meatiness. He's opening it up. - The boss is opening it up, - Taking the screw out for real chilis in there. - I like, look, - Nice, what an amazing man, he dumped out some of those chilis with that oil, the actual chilis. I'm gonna break up my bite here with some of the farofa, which is, it's all over Brazil, it's cassava powder starch, like a part of a staple that you can eat with meat, you can eat with anything. It's really good because it's kinda, it's heavy but it's light at the same time, and it has this kinda crispiness to it. So rich and then it has that smoky, like bubbly texture from being roasted over the fire. That's like eating a whole block of cheese. With that chili, it's really nice. Now we gotta move on to the oxtail. (speaking in foreign language) - One of the best in Rio. - This whole oxtail is so tender. Like butter, huh. You're gonna wanna lick everything, it's tasty. Just add a little chili oil to that. It's just like ultra tender melting in your mouth. That's stunning, follow that with some of the vegetable. I believe that's watercress. It has that crispness to it, has that green flavor. I love it, that breaks the richness of the oxtail. And it's also served with some potato on the side as well. And then finally the steak, the meat. Oh, wow, it almost tastes dry aged. It has like almost that complexity, cheesy flavorful, real quality meat. Add a little chili, chili to this. That meat is tender, really flavorful. (speaking in foreign language) - Valeu, man, these guys are so cool. Muito obrigado. Man, he saw that we, I mean the food was outstanding, but he saw we love the chili sauce. He gave us this entire bottle. Oh man, that is, that's from the heart. That is awesome, one of the coolest souvenirs ever. And like this is like the type of bottle that you'd wanna eat, but I'd want this to like sit next to my computer at my office while I edit videos. This is a trophy. Muito obrigado, man, muito obrigado. From here, we are going to Ipanema and Copacabana Beaches, two of the most famous beaches in Rio, probably in the world. We made it to world-famous Ipanema beach. This is just down the beach from Copacabana, which is we're gonna go afterwards. But the beach, it's such a long sandbake. It's so sunny, it's so iconic. This is also known as a very high-end neighborhood of Rio. And so there's a lot of trendy shops. There's a lot of condos, very high-end condos. The beach, the beach is beautiful. And we're meeting your friend on the beach. What does he serve? - He serve kinda like iced tea. - Awesome. - And in one keg it's just iced tea. The other ones, kinda like lime juice, lemon juice. - Awesome. - And you can mix. - And he just walks the beach. - He walks, there he is right there, Marcelo. - Marcelo. - He takes credit cards. - Ha ha, he takes credit cards. - Credit card and debit card. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Obrigado. This is iconic Rio drink, half tea, half lemonade, I love his set up. He takes credit card in the middle. What an awesome guy, he just like walks up and down the beach, there's nothing like a refreshing beverage. Oh yeah, wow, very good, muito bueno. That's so like refreshing, it is cold. You taste the tea, you taste the lemon freshness. It's sweet, this is a beach beverage. The beach is stunning, the sand is stunning, the water is clear and blue, the sand bank is huge. And just that view of the mountains, of the clouds, of the green jungle in the background, it's spectacular, like the beach is stunning. The, Rio is stunning. (speaking in foreign language) - So this is also something you have to eat on the beach. - You have to eat it. - It's iconic Rio, a beach snack. Globo, it's called Globo, right? - Globo, yeah. - Globo, and it's a cassava, tapioca, - Starch. - Starch, crunch, kinda like puffs. Yeah, you can feel they're like puffs. They're almost like onion ring puffs. - Cheers. - I like, but I like. - Oh yeah, you can taste the, the cassava, kind of has that sour taste to it. It's very, very airy, it's like one of those things where you bite down, and once it hits your saliva, it just kinda like collapses and like turns to nothing in your mouth. - That is good to eat with, while you're having the tea. - Those are kind of addictive. Let's see if I can fit a whole one these in my mouth. (speaking in foreign language) - The next step, one of the most iconic drinks to drink on the beach or throughout Rio is a caipirinha. A caipirinha, first he takes a lime. He like sliced up an entire lime, put it into a little bucket with some sugar, mash it, and he's mashing that up right now and then definitely some cachaca is gonna be involved. Just a couple of ice as well and mashes that in with the lime as well. (speaking in foreign language) - He puts like literally an entire cup of cachaca in there, shakes it in that Tupperware until it's like fully frothy. Brazil on the beach, that frothiness, those shaking skills. So it's just straight lime sugar cachaca. That is a beach drink right there. That's sour, that's frothy, that's strong, that's icy, refreshing citrus-y. That is really strong, I'm just gonna take a, a couple sips, I just wanted to taste it because it's such an iconic Brazilian drink, a Rio drink. But that is really strong. Ciao, obrigado. (speaking in foreign language) - Obrigado. - Obrigado. - From here, we are just going down the beach to the next beach, which is Copacabana. And this is such a long beach, it's so amazing how, I mean Rio de Janeiro, it's a massive, it's a huge city, but there're so many beaches and not just the coastline but yeah, the actual sand beaches that are clean and swimmable, it's impressive. Oh yeah, that is very refreshing, very cool. Just, there's nothing more pure. I say this every time I drink a coconut. Copacabana Beach, it's a four-kilometer stretch of sand. And behind, although it's like kind of blocked by buildings, you can just see the, the tip of it over there, is Sugar Loaf Mountain in Portuguese it's called Pao de Acucar, and it's called Sugar Loaf, whoa, take a few steps back. It is called Sugar Loaf because it resembles the sugar loaves, how they molded the sugar from Brazil. And on Copacabana Beach, Sugar Loaf was a little bit far so we just took a drive, this is called the Red Beach in an area called Urca, and this is another beautiful beach, just a small beach, a bay with rocks, massive rock pillars on either side. This is another stunning, another stunning beach right in the heart of Rio. (upbeat music) We're stopping real fast at a place called Bar Urca, which is a legendary corner restaurant since 1939. It's just kinda like a counter takeaway. You can stop in there, you can eat a snack, you can have a drink, but then a lot of people buy and then go across the street where they have a ledge overlooking the sea and sit on the wall. - The empanada de camarao. - Empanada de camarao which is a little, it's a little cake, little pie pastry stuffed with camarao, which are shrimp, almost like crumbles in your fingers as you pick it up and then it looks more crunchy on the top and then more soft on the bottom. That's just like the type of pastry that just sticks to your lips like lipstick when you take a bite. Oh, chilis, thank you, man. Yes, so unbelievably crumbly and buttery. If you're not careful, it's like you'll take a bite, and the entire thing will just like collapse in your finger because it's so soft, so incredibly crumbly. You got a little bit of shrimp in there, the olive. We're gonna go to another restaurant, kind of a buteco style, it is a buteco which is a, it's a bar but a restaurant with lots of food. It has very good food, and then we have more street food to cover as well, so we're on our way. I think I was saying buteco before, but it's actually boteco, and it is, yeah, it's a bar, it's a neighborhood restaurant. They have, they specialize in all sorts of food. - Oh, we have sambiquira here. - What is that? - Look, sambiquira crackling, can I, it's the chicken butt. - Yes. - Look. (speaking in foreign language) - Boteco is the type of place you can find all sorts of dishes, specially a lot of meaty dishes, a lot of like french fries, fried meat, and then typically with drinks as well. Okay, we're starting with bolinho de feijoada. And bolinho is, it's like a little snack but feijoada are the beans so there should be beans in here. Oh, that's like an entire feijoada experience, like wrapped into a little, a little, a little thing and then deep fried, oh that's awesome, there's kale in the middle, you can definitely taste the pork in it too and then that crispy edge. I'm gonna hot sauce it. How long has he had this place? - [Guilherme] 60 years, not this bar, but other bar. - Doing bars. - [Guilherme] But he runs boteco 60 years. - He's been running botecos for 60 years. He's 75 years now, so starting when he was 15 years. (speaking in foreign language) It's pork leg, but it looks like ham. It looks like it's been cured, looks like it's been salted and smoked, um, and then you squeeze on some lime and serve with onions and olives on top, and then you eat it with the mustard. Oh, wow, slices of ham with onions, that mustard is wonderful. Like the boteco culture, is it, is it for dinner or is it before dinner? - No, it's actually for the entire day, usually after lunch. But it's like entire day, usually on the weekends, holidays. - But it's like snack. - Yeah, kinda like tapa snacks. - Snacks or like a home meal? - No, no, not a home meal. It's just more snacks and drinks. - Like snacks with drinks. - But during lunch, some botecos, they serve meal. - And then next for this lick like fried fritter kind of vegetable with onions on top as well. It almost looks like a fluffy batter omelette. Oh, not like an omelette at all, more like a pancake, like a fluffy batter, okay we got one more dish. Some fried pork with the skin, so it's kinda like crackling and pork together. And then the fried chicken butts. - Sambiquira. - And kind of is like the entire chicken tail flap, fatty material fully deep fried to a crisp. But it's golden brown, that looks tasty. - Cheers. - Cheers. That is delicious, it is fried to a crisp. It's crunchy, kinda leathery something in there and kind of fatty and juicy and here's the pork. I'm gonna add a little bit of that sauce to it. Oh, that pork is just like completely fried to a crisp, meaty, leathery deliciousness to it. Yeah, that's a dangerously tasty porky snack. Okay, he just brought his little sampling bowl of fried eggplant. That's awesome as well, that is just like dangerously crunchy, like you could just crunch on that all afternoon-long. Okay, we're on our way out, but the owner really wanted us to stay to try his fried scarlet eggplant. Looks like it's battered and then covered in some garlic. Ooh, that's hot. Oh, that's amazing, oh that's, that is delicious, I love this scarlet eggplant, it has this bitterness to it, and then it just kinda like melts in your mouth with the crunchy batter. - I name him (speaking in foreign language) - Bueno obrigado. - Bueno obrigado. - Muito obrigado. (speaking in foreign language) - Such a nice man, such an amazing man. He wanted us to stay, like he just, he wanted us to stay, he says, "More food, more food, more food." Awesome, awesome guy, wow, what a legend. From here, we're driving back towards the center of town towards Copacabana where we're gonna finish with one last street food snack. It's another thing that you have to eat when you're in Rio. (speaking in foreign language) - Chicken butt. - The chicken butt kebab. - Chicken hearts, we're gonna have chicken hearts. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Yes. (speaking in foreign language) - We are actually like literally in the same spot as we began this morning, which was right there. Oh, I think we can see some of the drippings of the sausage down below here, but literally right next door 12 hours later. This is literally 12 hours later. He serves all sorts of different kebabs. There's meat kebabs, there's chicken butts. There's chicken, there's, there's a variety of many things. They're just like, oh, cool, they're kofta. Kofta kebabs, oh, I love how he kinda like triple stacks them so even the ones that are fully cooked get smoked until they're purchased, until they're bought. - His wife, Valeria, she cooks amazing food, so she's gonna serve some side dishes on the side. - Yes, awesome. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Obrigado. (speaking in foreign language) - Obrigado. It's pretty cool to make it a full complete meal on a stick is they take that kebab of meat, and then she dips it into a bucket a Tupperware of cassava powder. That way, you have your meat like coated in cassava powder so it's kind of like a, you got your starch. It's like the equivalent of a bun having some extra starch to go with your meat even though it's still mostly meat. Add some sauce, sweet. Oh and these are the chicken butts, right, an entire skewer of chicken butts. That is a lot of fattiness on a skewer. Oh, that one is amazing, oh that's so crunchy, so crispy, so fatty, you got that dry cassava powder on there, which gives it some body, some starch, some fillingness, and then with that vinegary, spicy sauce. Good, that is good, that is good. - Sambiquira, man. - Man, that's awesome. - Sambiquira right here. - It smells awesome. - Dude, and the tapioca's such a cool move. - You gotta sauce it, that one will just do it, man. (speaking in foreign language) - Just onto the street. Oh yeah, crunchy actually, nicely fatty. (speaking in foreign language) This is the kofta kebab, there's cheese inside as well. Man, he is a character, he just told me to turn off the camera and eat, so I will keep the camera on but I will eat. Oh man, uh-huh. That is way too hot to eat in one bite, but that is extraordinarily tasty. Oh, sauce it. Oh man, kofta kebabs are wonderful. (speaking in foreign language) - Let's have a take a photo of him, he's gonna do the, (speaking in foreign language) - Obrigado. And he gets a lot of business because of this intersection and then right behind me, that's like a motorcycle, motorcycle taxi station, so people wait in line to take a motorcycle up the hill. And so it's just too tempting for most people. They cannot resist the smell. The aroma just lures people in. And like they, you see lots of people just falling here in line, we are moving to her buffet line which is amazing home cooked food literally brought from their house down the road. Is there any meat in there or it's just beans? - Uh, yeah, sausage. - Oh, okay. (speaking in foreign language) - Kinda like Brazilian chicken salad? - You got it. (speaking in foreign language) - She adds some rice, she adds some pasta, she adds some of the feijao tropeiro, which is some of the beans with sausage. - Yeah, add in chicken hearts, chicken hearts. - And he put on chicken heart skewer kebab on top of that plus some more of the cassava powder. - Put the heart. (speaking in foreign language) - Alright, Guilherme this is the final dish of the day. Oh, wow, those hearts are amazing. Fresh off the grill, salty, bouncy, with those onions with that salad. That's like a to-go Rio styrofoam box of deliciousness. - Amazing. - I love it with those onions with that mix with the cassava with the chili sauce with those carrots, like the whole package, everything like, oh some of the feijao I got, feijao tropeiro. And it just tastes so good when you like mix everything. You might not even know what you get on your fork but it's amazing, home-cooked food on the streets of Rio. Loving it, loving the people, loving the food, loving the atmosphere. And what a perfect way to end this ultimate Brazilian street food tour of Rio. Okay, so we've come to the end of this incredible, ultimate Brazilian street food tour of Rio. I wanna say a huge thank you to Guilherme and Rafa, from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food, they offer tours. Guilherme is just amazing to hang out with. He loves to eat, he's knowledgeable, so knowledgeable about Rio. Thank you, Guilherme. - Thank you, thank you, Mark, it was a pleasure, man. It was an honor to have you here. - Thank you, man. - By the way, welcome to Rio. - Thank you, man. - What an honor to have you here in our town, in our country, welcome to Brazil. - From Rio de Janeiro, we are gonna be traveling all, there's gonna be few more videos in Rio. But then from Rio, we'll be traveling around Brazil, learning about Brazilian food, eating Brazilian food. It's gonna be an amazing time. We're gonna have some incredible food so make sure you subscribe, click the little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I publish. You're not gonna want to miss this entire Brazil series. But Rio, what a city, it's unbelievably gorgeous, like one of the most beautiful landscape, beaches, mountains, and jungle scenery you will see. The people we met have been incredibly friendly and hospitable and welcoming. I won't, like I mean, it is a city where you do need to be careful. You can't just walk around with a camera. You need to use, you need to be careful with things. You need to be careful. But then the people that you do come across are so welcoming, they're so awesome, they're so cool. It's such a cool city, I've wanted to visit this city for as long as I can remember, since I'm a kid, so I am just overly excited, ecstatic to be here. And today just sums it all up. This was an ultimate, ultimate day in Rio. Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now. I wanna say a big thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed and leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you. And if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now. Also click that little bell icon. Thanks again for watching, see you on the next video.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 6,278,553
Rating: 4.8845797 out of 5
Keywords: Brazil, Rio de janeiro, Brazilian food, street food brazil, brazilian street food, street food, Mark Wiens, things to do in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro attractions, Christ the Redeemer, best Brazilian food, Brazilian dishes, Brazil street food, Rio de Janeiro street food, street food in Rio, Rio street food, Brazilian meat, Brazilian steak, Caipirinha, Copacabana, Ipanema, Selaron Steps
Id: TlWDF3BfUdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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