Eating With My DAD!

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Ah! So he’s half Chinese and half broadly European (French, German, Scandinavian...etc). Now I’m still trying to figure out why he grew up in Africa, such an interesting guy!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/extremeoak 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
good morning I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Accra Ghana and today it's actually gonna be a very very long day we're not really gonna sleep tonight and then it will be tomorrow morning we are gonna meet my dad in Kenya we're on our way to go eat breakfast now and we're gonna eat whether it's one of the most popular gunday and food full complete meals I'm very excited for breakfast and before this exciting story today unfolds I just want to make it clear this is a Father's Day special video it's sponsored and paid for by 23andme and it's a real honor to be invited to be a part of this project we're gonna eat some incredibly delicious food we're gonna learn about my dad and I'm gonna share everything with you in this video for breakfast this morning I'm moving a ghanaian dish it's called watch a but it's a mix of different dishes she has all the ingredients behind this glass cabinet he's mixing it all in in a leaf and it looks incredible and you can smell your room of the onions and the tomatoes and the chilies coming out of here I'm getting my order right now Oh No yes [Music] beautiful wow that's a that is a complete meal she piles everything and because we're sitting here eating she put in a leaf but then she put it in a bowl also that it kind of holds his shape if you remember a few months ago I took a DNA test with 23andme for the test all I had to do was spit into a tube and then send it off and I got my results back online and it was so fascinating to see my results I especially enjoyed looking at my ancestry and the different places where my parents and my grandparents had come from I then followed my ancestry and traveled to Germany the sausage was incredible and the pork leg I still have vivid memories that was a that was a really fun trip so my dad's side of the ancestry has roots in Germany and my dad was originally born in Kansas right in the center of the United States which is not exactly known as the most adventurous eating destination but I really think I I mean I know it's from my dad where I became so interested and so adventurous in eating my dad is willing to try and eat anything gotta get some of that a little bit of everything but but maybe some of the fish you can kind of mix everything okay I'll grab some of the some of the fish some of the beans and rice at the bottom some I got some some peppers some of that some of that sauce what a beautiful dish oh what a dish oh yeah you can taste that has some spice to it you can taste a little bit of fishiness like some dried fish maybe in that net sauce moving more into those beans a little bit of that pit bay it's hearty its building but it's really like ultimately flavorful with that that chili and that net tomatoes awesome oh it is awesome well it's just like it's just absorbed all of that flavor trim of the plantain mmm naturally sweet and a little bit sour final bite wow that was not a light meal no it's not like breakfast but it was it's incredibly delicious hey that's the it's really good very delicious [Music] we just arrived to muckle a market in our crowd this is the next place we're gonna explore today and the Sun is Boise hot I'm gonna wear a hat thank you she wants you to take a video up thank you garden eggs are nice welcome to McCullough market this yeah this is one of the biggest one of the most busy markets in all of Accra you can buy everything here yeah there's vegetables there's plantains there's fish there's clothes I think yeah I think you can even find automobile parts at this market there's everything here that you could possibly want it just amazes me at the incredible modes that they are able to carry and balance on their heads even things that are just like odd shapes a couple weeks ago for this father's they're special my dad was also invited to take a 23andme DNA test and I haven't seen the results yet but soon when we find out the results I think well it's gonna be very fascinating for me to compare with my dad especially our taste preferences and our ancestry and I I mean I already know my dad loves to eat he loves to try new foods he loves to eat spicy foods I'll have a link in the description box below but you can check out 23andme dot-com slash mark Wiens to see the father's they offer we are just emerging onto the street oh man it is colorful it's a little chaotic you don't really know what's going on there's a lot of conversations happening but yeah this is one like overdose of senses the aromas the sights you see the colors look at it all of those suitcases on top of her head Wow yeah this is this is a colorful sight we are heading out of the market but what an energetic action-packed market this is a market you have to visit just to experience the action when you're in Accra we are on our way to the Arts Centre we just arrived at the Art Center we're just gonna stop by here to buy a few quick things before we leave Ghana later today later this evening Michael where are we okay I got some pants we've got I was his address for Young's mom got oh yeah the shorts check out these shorts we had a rest this afternoon back at the hotel we're on our way now to the airport welcome to a croc polka International Airport we're flying on Kenya Airways oh wow you really push into these is bucket sofas we made it through the check-in our flight leaves at 8:40 p.m. but then we arrive sometime really early tomorrow morning and there's a three hour different difference Kenya's three hours ahead of Ghana loser chicken and then tomorrow morning when we land in Nairobi we're gonna go meet my dad who happens to be in Nairobi for a couple of days we're gonna meet my dad we're gonna eat with my dad oh that we're gonna we're gonna meet and be 80 my dad but anyway that's the plan thank you very much bye Ghana bye bye gonna it's gonna be a five hour and 35 minute flight I fell asleep for a little while before dinner but it's time for dinner now you can choose a chicken beef I decided to go for the beef maybe Java rice with beef looks like girl like it was like much MOBA like girl the meat it almost he's kind of fried and then the rice cookies tomato sauce on it and that completes dinner I'm now going to sleep and going to get as much sleep as possible for the next about four hours good morning welcome to Nairobi Kenya and it is about 5:30 a.m. here but it's that means it's 2:30 a.m. in Accra it's great to be here oh man that that cold high-elevation air feels it feels great after the like extreme humidity heat of Accra Kenya welcome to Kenya okay so I booked this hotel it's very close to the airport just for one night you might take a little rest or just hang out for a little while and then we are on our way to go meet my dad who's staying at a hotel or a guest house not not too far away from here Oh Kenyan tea is some of the best in the world [Music] [Music] we are in an area of Nairobi called South Sea and my dad is staying at a guest house just just up the road here well maybe it is stuck okay okay thank you very much have a good day thank you have a good day see oh there's the head hello good all right good to see you oh I could just fell asleep hey Mark I just just want to show you I'm a loyal guy [Laughter] thank you need another espresso but before we go out to eat lunch my dad and I are just gonna quickly check our DNA reports from 23andme I just kinda really quickly compare our ancestry and especially our taste preference I already know that I have a tendency to to enjoy caffeine but I definitely gotten it from my dad hey I'm missing my cup of coffee right okay but I I should have had another one with marks because he's got good taste when it comes to coffee my dad he's willing to taste or try anything around the world kind of kind of like me that is true it's usually paid off let's just quickly look at our ancestry I'd like that I'm gonna need to put my glasses on since I'm working off a small phone if you can remember mine previously I had almost exactly half Chinese which is as you can probably tell from my my dad he doesn't look very Chinese I don't think so that's all from from yeah mine says 51% east-asian wishes the Chinese and then 48.7% European so then let's see let's see what mark I have to tell you this really the DNA report really surprised me first of all I'm in general 99.3% North West European out of that 90 percent of North West European oh yeah I really thought I was nearly 100% German but wow what French German comes out as these strongest together about 30 percent Scandinavian 11 percent and that really surprises me you're really missing out on the coffee I'm sorry about that I'm actually kind of jealous upon the caffeine Oh even even there's interesting things like this asparagus odor detection because that some people can detect the aroma of digested how do we say yes likely at least a little uni bruh I don't have a unibrow yet mine says likely at least a little unibrow and likely something something any don't worry about well not from my side well here's the caffeine likely to consume more oh yeah okay the the caffeine consumption is under wellness based on your connects you're likely to drink slightly more caffeine than average okay we're on our way to go eat lunch with one of my dad's colleagues the market you started making videos for editing yeah I wanted to but not very much here we are at a little Plaza to eat lunch or that would suck that looks good okay what's what's looking good on the menu oh I'm looking at my log way which is beans oh yeah yeah potty but I think I want local Oh golly it's been all kind of a blur of a day a very long day without much sleep well actually it's been two days but yeah we had gone in food to start this off and now we're moving into Kenyan food with my dad all right and I'm enjoying it dad your first night oh yeah looking forward to get to eat oh this is called a galley which is made from corn ground corn and beans hmm now that's good food this is called buggabugga that's greens but it's probably similar a cucumber wiki probably some spinach inside means to Pat their city oh that's just that's just going back in Kenya now I am using the wrong hand here I'm left-handed I use that when you're introducing you to drop well yeah it's a great friend of ours and we're all sitting down for good luck again Blanka all kinds of choices it all this one is the beef fry thank you now you know why I love to eat so much and the way that I eat saucers we love it spicy we love the sauces we love yeah I just love it all we just love it all get some good Kenyan sauce - no yes from order it's called wet fish sauce on it so it's a fish fillet but they put a lot of sauce on it make it wet nice one of the dishes I got is the beef fry which is a dry beef cubes of beef there's some peppers in there with some Sukuma wiki which is one of the the the most popular of vegetables in Kenya and then I also got chopped up II which is it's a fried flatbread oh yeah that'd be fries Allah the beef is tender it's kind of a tomato weave oniony stew that it's in and then and then let's try some of the Sukuma wiki that in boga no vegetable the sauce here really took me by surprise it's oh yeah it's a hurry so I tried it so I've got a curry sauce this don't look it okay I got it I got to try that next bite mm-hmm why would that another thing you can do with the chop idea is just kind of roll it like that look at the way my dad loves sauces he's just oh booting you doesn't do love the sauces oh my that's like a curry sauce it is [Music] mmm oh yeah you can taste that mix of spices maybe a little bit of cumin turmeric in there mark I think you've got to try some of this ooh golly yes I do it's been a long time since you've had it yes if we leave it here it's almost gone probably the most popular of all Kenyan starches it's made from corn flour and then made into kind of a Mac ship oh yeah that's good isn't it it's really good you've got that you can taste the coarse texture of the corn it needs to go with the beans and the left hook of Mullaney that's what makes it my dad just said it correctly it's like home cooking here on home cooking very good set those beans are really nice too Sunday I think dad you will get to have your your coffee my coffee so we're at Java house this is a kenyan homegrown coffee shop I remember I must have been a long time ago maybe 12 or 15 years ago but I was living in that row b1 the first Java house opened and yeah they have great coffee they have a whole menu now they have lots and lots of locations throughout Kenya and we are in need for another refueling of coffee oh man now this is the first real coffee I've had since arriving in Kenya but I just came from Ethiopia where they have some amazing amazing coffee they have a real coffee culture in Ethiopia so I'm getting getting coffee again and I'm really excited about it it is good I think yes and you doesn't have a tendency to enjoy caffeine Oh that's great all right we just made it back to our hotel I down poured this afternoon and traffic was pretty intense but it's great to be back in that Roby it was fantastic to see and hang out with my dad and Bromwell to eat some Kenyan food and my daddy he's he's the person I look up to the most in the world he's taught me so many things I I've learned so much from my dad and I'm grateful to have had this opportunity to meet my dad and to also do the the DNA test and and compare our results and one of the reasons I was excited to do is because my dad was excited to do it and he was very interested to learn about his ancestry and then we I mean I think the most fun part was looking at our traits and comparing them and also our both of our love for for eating and trying different foods and caffeine and and good stuff like that and so again this is a Father's Day special video and I will have the links in the description box that you can check out but head over to 23andme dot-com slash mark Wiens for the full Father's Day offer and yeah check that out and thanks to my dad by the way his name is Merle for being in this video I I don't know if he's ever really been in a video i I've seen him many times throughout I mean throughout when I've been making videos but usually when I see my parents it's I'm kind of like taking time off and not filming so that's why you might not have ever see this might be the first time to ever see my dad in a video so yeah thanks to my dad thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed please click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon so that you get notified if the next video that I published thanks again for watching thanks again to 23andme and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,311,913
Rating: 4.8755255 out of 5
Keywords: 23andme, Dad, Fathers Day, Ghana, Kenya, Ghana food, Kenyan food, Ghanaian food, waakye, Accra, Nairobi, Mark Wiens, street food, local food, food travel, travel guide, food, chapati, DNA, dna report, ancestry
Id: DMlITdf3w-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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