5 KG. MONSTER SANDWICH - Brazilian Food Tour in Curitiba, Brazil!

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- Hey everyone, I hope you're having an amazing day, it's Mark Weins. We just arrived to Curitiba, which is in the south of Brazil in the state of Parana, and in this video we are gonna explore Curitiba, we are going to especially eat some of the southern Brazilian dishes and I'm gonna share all of the southern Brazilian food with you in this video. (upbeat music) Guilherme, how are you man? - [Guilherme] I'm doing fine man, I'm very excited for Curitiba. - [Mark] What's the name of the dish we're starting with first? - Carne de Onca. - [Mark] Carne de Onca. - [Guilherme] Yes. - [Mark] Which translates exactly to the meat of the jaguar. - Exactly. (people talking) - [Mark] Loving the atmosphere of this restaurant. It's classic, the wooden tables, the bar, the antiques, the Brazilian flag hanging from the rafter from the roof. Yeah this is a cool spot. This just has a classic, just like heritage feel to it. The owner was just explaining to us that this used to be a corner like convenience shop, so they would sell, you could come in here, you could get your small groceries, and then eventually it became a restaurant. But the house, the property itself dates back to 1953. (plates clinking on table) (mumbling) Oh that's the meat. - [Guilherme] That's the meat. - [Mark] Oh it's so smooth I didn't even. The meat is such a fine mince that it almost looked like a ball of like red pink dough, but that's actually the minced beef. Oh, the smoothness of it, it's so fine. (talking in background) What is this? (mumbling) (percussion music) (utensils scraping against plate) Okay, so then first he took that ball of meat, he flattened it out, he mixed in oh he sprinkled on some cognac, then some olive oil, salt, some pepper, some chili powder, there were some other spices, some green onions went on there, and the onions and garlic. He just mixed it perfectly and evenly with the two spoons and served it with bread and some mustards to go along with it. - Carne de Onca. - [Mark] This is the jaguar meat. Of course it's not really jaguar it's minced beef. Do you know the history of how it got that name? - [Guilherme] Raw meat, right? - [Mark] Yeah - [Guilherme] So when, you know the bad smell that comes out of the jaguar mouth after it eats like raw meat? - Uh-huh, meat breath. - So there's nothing relating to the jaguar but because after we eat it gets kind of like a bad (laughing) - So we'll have jaguar breath after we eat this - Breath, yes. - So we go bread. - [Guilherme] Yes. - [Mark] Butter, I'll use the knife. Butter goes down first. You want a good forkful onto the bread. (kid talking) You can see all the spices, you can see the oil, the cognac, oh and the mustard. Oh thank you. - [Guilherme] You're welcome - [Mark] And that's black mustard? - [Guilherme] Yes. - Cheer's man. - Cheer's man. - Oh wow, what you immediately notice is how fine the meat is. - [Guilherme] Yes. - [Mark] That's not like a grind, that's like a, it is a grind but it's so fine it's like smooth. It's absolutely awesome, you taste the it's not like very very spiced, but it really focuses on the meat. You taste that like hint of cognac I think. - Yes - You taste the green onions. - The sweet paprika. - Yes, the sweet paprika. The onions like make it juicy I think. - [Guilherme] Exactly. (upbeat music) - [Mark] And then I will add some of the hot sauce. And another thing I love is just how you one bite that entire thing. (upbeat music) it's so like neutral tasting actually. The beef just has like zero like overly meaty, irony taste to it at all. (customers talking) Oh man as we're leaving the restaurant has filled up, it's packed now. That was incredibly delicious, and we only had one dish because we're gonna eat a lot more food today in this southern Brazilian food tour, but (breathes) Success. (walking) From here, we're going to the next restaurant which is walking distance and they are known for their beef ribs and this entire region, this state of Brazil is known for their meat. Beef ribs coming up which is one of the greatest meat Okay, I can't wait. - They serve Costelao Do Gaucho. Costelao is like a big rack, a huge rack of beef ribs. I'm already just loving the atmosphere of this place. It's laid back, there's kind of like almost picnic table style dining. It's busy, it's a family restaurant, we're going back to the kitchen and the owner has said we can go back and see them making the ribs. 30 years. - [Guilherme] 30 years, yes. - [Mark] Oh I see him with the barbecue, and here comes another slab. (slapping) (mumbling) (talking) (saw squeaks) And you can even hear the crispiness of the skin. The skin so like crackling, crunchy skin. The owner has been making it for 30 years. He has this really unique slicing system. It literally is like a woodworking table saw, and he just takes that entire rack and slices it into pieces, removes the bone. You can hear again the crispy skin just like crackling under that saw and then just like slices it up expertly with that table saw. This is the most Brazilian meat of your dreams. - [Guilherme] We gonna order the whole thing which called the happiness combo. We're in Brazil baby, let's eat some real ribs. (laughing) (waiter speaking Portuguese) - [Mark] He just brought over some of the side dishes. The polenta, there's some yucca which is a tapioca. There's some salad, potato salad, looks like some pickled onions, some lettuce and some tomatoes and bread. That's all going to accompany the main meat. - [Guilherme] This is the orange, so keep this to drink with the orange. - [Mark] This is a local Brazilian soda. Guarana is a fruit from the Amazon. This is the soda version of it. It's almost like a cream soda, but like with a sour fruitiness. It's good, it's sweet, it is a soda. I'm like, I mean I would definitely prefer the real fruit but that's interesting and refreshing. (excited cheering) (upbeat music) I like how they serve it on a chopping board. You can just like chop it right on there. The ribs are glistening with fat and juices and you can see how crispy that skin is. Unbelievable, all the side dishes. - [Guilherme] Yeah, like this. (speaking in Portuguese) - [Mark] Just go for the whole thing. Oh man, the onions, the onions look amazing. Pickled red onions. Look at that skin, if you press it, if you press it like that you can see the juices actually like squirting. Oh, you've got to see that. (upbeat music) Okay I have to begin with that bite right there with the skin. With the fat, oh wow. That is the first bite. Oh wow, that is so flavorful, it's so smokey it's so tender. It's so salty, oh it is so good. All of the juices, the juices in your mouth, wow. I can't wait to try this onion either. It's like a pickled red onion. Just slightly vinegary and very crisp. It's really wonderful because it breaks up like the fattiness of that meat. They serve it with some polenta, which is like a cornmeal fritter. Oh it's excellent, it's like light, it's really crispy and kinda to get that semolina light and creaminess on the inside. With some yucca which is the, these are casaba. Very starchy, plain, but it's like a plainness that goes so well with everything else, I love it, I love yucca. Just watch this the meat is so tender you don't even need a knife, you can just literally put your fork in and just twirl. It's amazing. (upbeat music) Dude I like your style. I watched him over there as he was vlogging. He just picked up the entire piece. (laughs) This is the way to do it. - The lizard mouth way. That's my nickname here in Brazil. - Just like, (laughs) Very juicy, you can just pull it apart. This is like some chili oil. Let me add that half an onion. Okay a meat foundation bite. - There we go. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Break into the bread. Absolutely awesome, amazing food, amazing beef ribs. And I just love this restaurant, the owner, the like character of this restaurant. The food is just insane. Insanely good. (speaking Portuguese) (laughs) This man, he is a legend. Obrigado The owner did not charge us for that meal, he does that with passion, with love. What a restaurant, what a spot, what beef ribs. That was incredible. (upbeat music) Curitiba is located on the high elevation plateau, not too high elevation but high enough so the weather is cool, the air is so fresh. It's like 24, 23 degrees today. Yeah, it's beautiful weather. (radio music) (Cars driving past car window) We drove over to 4 Beans. This is a coffee shop. They're a roast coffee as well. They're one of the top roasters in Brazil, and we arrived here and they just said that they're gonna light up the roaster, they're gonna fire up the roaster. They're gonna roast some coffee fresh for us and then we're gonna have some coffee. (upbeat music) Completely unplanned coffee experience. - [Guilherme] Yes. - [Mark] The owners are so nice. We have a chem ex going with coffee brewing right here and then we have some preparing the green beans which she's gonna roast, which she's preheating the roaster over there. (upbeat music) - We should drink at the same time. Very acid. - [Mark] Acid, but now sour, and like sweet honey. That's like drinking fruit juice, it's incredible. - Stop so you can see the beans too, and then like - That would be awesome. (mumbling) (machine grinding) - Uh, fifteen minutes. - [Mark] You gotta keep tabs on everything to roast perfect coffee. Yeah we're just nerding out on coffee right now. - This is a critical moment - [Mark] A critical moment okay, no distractions. (machine pouring) So we just opened up this fresh tub of coffee. It just smells so fruity, it's like a patch of flowers. Whoa, that is amazing. Slightly bitter, chocolatey, crunchy. (upbeat music) Okay, next up on this Curitiba food tour. We've just arrived to a local little hole in the wall restaurant that's famous for serving a sandwich called a lombado. They have a five kilo lombado but after we had that lunch, those beef ribs, I don't know if we're up for a challenge for a five kilo sandwich. So we might just go for the regular size. But this is the spot, it looks very cool. (laughs) What? - Five kilos. Let's have the five kilos. Let's have the five kilos please. The other one is only 1.5 kilos. - [Mark] Oh, can we see them make it? Okay, on second thought, Guilherme has made the executive decision that we need to have the five kilo. - [Guilherme] Yeah, that's only five kilo man. - Yeah, let's go with the five kilo. - Yeah. - Let's go to the five kilo. - We're gonna do the five kilo. - [Guilherme] Five kilo man. - We're going in, we're going in. - If we're not at *, man lovely guy. (kitchen employees talking) (grill sizzling) - [Mark] I understand what he's saying. (chef talking in Portuguese) - He piled everything into the bun, starting with the hotdog then the burgers, then the chicken mixture, then that cheese mixture. There's a white cheese, there's a cheddar cheese. It almost looks like a squeezable hotdog that just like goes on top of it. Then, he puts on some tomatoes to balance out that protein, and then he adds on some fried eggs, then some lettuce. I forgot a key ingredient, half a bucket of mayonnaise goes onto your bun. Oh it closes. Oh my gosh it looks beautiful. And then he puts it like literally into a pizza box. This is not just like a food challenge, this is just like a family Saturday night dinner. The whole family can enjoy and he just slices it into like pie slices. (laughs) Wow. (server speaks Portuguese) Look at the cross section. There's so much chicken and meat in there. And cheese, there has to be like a kilo of cheese. - [Guilherme] Yeah and two kilos of chicken. - [Mark] There's a hotdog protruding out of this piece. You have to actually like put your palm underneath this. You have to support it. (laughs) Oh it's so hot. Oh I lost some at the front. Oh wow, that's. - Grab the top. - Grab the top, it's flaming hot, I'm gonna use that piece of lettuce to scrape out and stuff it back in. The cheese, the chicken, the hotdog, I have a protruding hotdog, the burgers, the egg. Oh wow, okay, cheers. - Cheers. (upbeat music) It's actually awesomely good. Just like so much cheese. You really taste the hotdog, you really taste the burger. (laughs) (Guilherme talking) It's stuck to my fingers. (talking) (laughing) No, like plastic bags of cheese, they're just completely melted into everything. The shredded chicken has like a crusty, crunchy edge. You get the saltiness of the hotdog. I know there's burger in there, but I haven't even tasted the burger yet. The edge is just like oozing around, and then all of a sudden you hit the refreshing taste of the lettuce and the tomato to balance everything of course. You can imagine yourself just lounging on the couch just finishing an entire 5 kg lombado. It's actually really good though. - [Guilherme] It's very good. - Let's explore the sauces, I think I'm going with the mustard. - Oh, that's like transparent yellow. I don't know if that's mustard or not. I think it's like a sweet mustard. Oh, the end of a hotdog. Oh, thank you. Oh, awesome. That is gonna be key. That is gonna be a key bite right there. And you can see in this bite there's gonna be all that chili, plus burger, plus hotdog, plus egg. So far in Brazil I've just been loving the different chili sauces. The actual food is not that spicy but they always have chili sauce which is just unbelievable. And this is an amazing one, the mix of chilis. This chili sauce, oh no I lost it. Okay let me put it back on there. This chili sauce really makes it though. Okay, I'm moving in for my second piece here of the lombado. This thing is mega-normous. It's beyond huge. - Good job. - This is like it's actually very very tasty, the mix of meats, the saltiness all combined with the chili sauce, this is like this will make you just stop for the rest of the evening. What a place, this is like a community hangout. Not only is it a restaurant, Yeah this is a community hangout. And man, I love the people, I love how he started as a street food cart outside of a speed bump and now this is what he has turned it into. A restaurant where literally like the five kilo family platter lombado. It's just like flying out of the kitchen. He's making one after another, after another, after another, after another, and just like boxing them and they're like going out the door. Oh yeah, there's one right there. (rain dripping) (cars driving through puddles) One more stop today to finish this food tour. It's called Uncle Dog. It's like a bit of a giant hotdog. (talking) Being able to stand here on the corner and making it it is really cool. They like pack in the ingredients, and there's like tomatoes, and corn and the little crispy shoestring fries. I mean, literally folds it in and packs it in with his spatula before flattening it down. It's a lot of things going on in that hotdog, that's for sure. (talking) He's using a trowel to make that, to fit everything in that bun. And we're gonna order one of the Philadelphia. I think it's one of their top sellers. (talking) Oh yeah look at that cross section. The squeezable cheese are all in there. The mayonnaise, the hotdog on both sides of the bread. The little shoestring fries and the tomato mixture. That ones pretty good. Like a sweet corn, the creamy like liquid cheese. The crunch of the fries and just the heat of it. This is a definitely a 2 A.M. food. (talking) - So what do you think about the taste? Pretty good? - Definitely good. - Nice. - Different and definitely good. - My grandpa starts this, all of this. - So it's part of your family. - Yeah. - Wow very cool. - Last bite. - [Mark] Nice. (cheering) - [Mark] The entire crew here at Tio Dog is so awesome, they're so friendly, they're having a good time out here making the tio dogs, making the Philadelphia. Yeah, what I love most about this is the atmosphere and just hanging out with this crew of guys. They are absolutely awesome and just like having so much fun. It has been a very interesting, very unique food day. A delicious, meaty food day. I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video and if you haven't seen all the videos in this entire Brazil series, I'm gonna be publishing a bunch of Brazil videos, so I'll have the link all in the description box that you can check out this Brazil and food travel series. And I want to say again a big thank you for watching this video and also Guilherme, I want to say a huge thank you to Guilherme and Raphaela for arranging everything. They're so much fun to hang out with and I'll have their links in the description box below. He also made a video today and yeah, thanks again for watching. Good night from Curitiba in Parana, Brazil. See you on the next video.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,705,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: huge food, Curitiba, Brazil, Brazilian food, Mark Wiens, sandwich, giant food, Mercearia Fantinato, Carne de onça, steak tartare, Costelão do Gaúcho, beef ribs, Brazilian bbq, 4 Beans Coffee Co, Lanchonete da Lombada, Tio Dog, Brazilian coffee, bbq, meat
Id: itmmqytRhT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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